Saturday, July 23

Punished for Spanking Ass

So, finally got around to punishing david for having spanked his trainer's ass. You can refresh your memory regarding that incident in David Spanks his Trainer!

I had actually approved his giving her a birthday spanking, but he did get away with murder in retrospect. So, as a consequence, we role played me pretending he had misbehaved during the spanking and that I had received the following text message from her:
hi! thx for letting david give me my b'day paddy whacks! was fun. just btw, and no biggie, let him know grope between legs was not cool. mags
How much trouble would he have been in had she really sent me that text?!? You're about to find out! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

No time to write now... Summer awaits, but will write soonest. Suffice to say, he will be very bashful appearing in his Speedo at the lake!


  1. do you think guy who wear speedo it hot
    do you think guys who wear speedo cute
    do you think naughty boys should be spanked on there speedo
    how would you go about spanking a naughty boy on only his speedo

    1. If the boy has the right body for it then I do think a Speedo is hot. Not too muscular. Tall. Sleek. If a bit overweight, better the board shorts! I'd love to pull that Speedo up into the crack of his ass and whack his bared buns that way while he dances!

    2. idont think i have right body for anything iam very out of shape i need trainer like meg i dont own speedo dont think will anytime i may had own or worn board shorts few time female do think speedo is h0t on right person maybe if i buy speedo or board short u will get pic

      love see you pull up david or some guy speedo whacks spank them hard untill dance and red face and naughty butt

    3. Well get in shape, mike!
      Watch that food and exercise, young man.

  2. i have been waiting with much anticipation for a follow up on this subject, i am sure that all of us that faithfully follow Your blog knew it was coming! Can't wait until You have time to write!

  3. You're such a tease, Miss Julie!

    Had myself all worked up to read something steamy...

  4. Isn't a little touching between the legs in such a situation the only way to really understand the effect of such a spanking? If she's particularly wet, it's because she knows she's been naughty and is getting what she's deserved. In such cases, a little fingering or better yet licking is warranted, followed by more spanking. Keeping such a brat on the edge of orgasm for an extended time is appropriate punishment. She only gets to come when she's truly contrite.

    But what do I know. I'm the one getting spanked these days. My only experiences dishing it out are far n the past.


    1. NOT when it's your trainer, rosco!

    2. You're right of course, Ms. SJ

      My only experiences with spanking have been as part of the sex thing.


  5. Pfft, we all know your predilections for serving girls getting groped against their will, so I'm sure you'd have been perfectly happy to receive that text :P

    1. Hmmpf! Him groping the private parts of a young lady practically young enough to be his daughter???

  6. Hi, I love feet, one day at the mall, my wife was shopping and I awaited on the bench outside the clothes shop as I got bored. Then came a lady with very yummy feet sat next to me in her flip flops, typically I was starring at her feet and was awakened only by my wife when she came out of the shop angry that she has been waving to me as her credit card didn't work and she needed mine. As soon as we got home she scolded me for starring at the lady feet saying she doesn't mind a look but to look the way I did and chatting with the lady to the extent of not responding to my wife is very bad, and she accused me of trying to fix a date with the lady. Then she had me over her knees took off her leather sandals, bared my bottom and gave me a long hard spanking. Then she had me lie on the bed, as she pulled the cord extention from the plugs folded it into two then whipped my bottom 10 times, I literally screamed from the first whack, when she finished there was some blood on the cord, she disinfected my bottom and the cord but prevented me from soothing my bottom and had me standing in the corner.

  7. don't forget his brallet two piece


  8. "...let him know grope between legs was not cool."

    I think that was an auto-correct problem and she actually meant to write that it WAS cool. After all, what girl doesn't like a little tickle 'down there' during a spanking? :)


  9. You should get one of these sissy socks to go over his chastity device when worn.

