Saturday, July 6

Fiction: Embracing Maternal Discipline (F/M)

I was over reading Dan's blog, his article, The "Ideal" Domestic Discipline or FLR Relationship, where he gives several attributes of what he considers to be ideal in a female led DD relationship. I plugged his blog post into ChatGPT-4o and asked it to write a story featuring those elements. I reproduce it below, almost entirely unedited.

I think you will agree that AI's understanding of the required dynamic is quite spot on. I invite you to picture a not too distant future when we will have realistic looking robots powered by such AI, ready to administer firm spankings if that is what it's owner requests...

Title: Embracing Maternal Discipline

Chapter 1: Establishing Authority

Dan had always known that his desires were unconventional. His fantasies about discipline and authority had never fully aligned with the reality of his relationships until he met Anne. Anne was strong, assertive, and exuded a natural maternal authority that both fascinated and intimidated him. Over the years, their relationship had evolved, but it wasn’t until recently that they began to explore the dynamic that Dan had longed for.

Anne had taken to her role with an ease that surprised Dan. She established her authority quickly and decisively, adopting a “my house, my rules” attitude that left little room for negotiation. It started with small things—setting a strict bedtime, monitoring Dan’s screen time, and enforcing household chores with military precision.

One evening, after Dan had come home late from work for the third time that week, Anne decided it was time to enforce her rules more strictly.

“Dan, we need to talk,” Anne said, her voice calm but firm.

Dan knew what was coming. He had seen the disappointment in her eyes as he walked in the door.

“I’m sorry, Anne. Work was—”

“Work is not an excuse,” she interrupted. “We agreed on a schedule, and you’ve been ignoring it. This is my house, and these are my rules. You will respect them.”

Dan felt a familiar mix of fear and excitement as he nodded, unable to meet her gaze. Anne continued, her tone leaving no room for argument.

“You will be punished for your disobedience. Go to our room and wait for me.”

Chapter 2: The Maternal Dynamic

In the bedroom, Dan sat on the edge of the bed, his heart racing. He heard Anne moving around downstairs, the sounds of her preparing for what was to come. When she finally entered the room, she was carrying a hairbrush—a simple, domestic object that now took on a much more significant meaning

“Stand up,” Anne commanded.

Dan obeyed, feeling the shift in their dynamic. He was no longer a partner in this moment; he was a naughty child about to be disciplined by a strict, loving mother.

Anne sat down on the bed and looked up at him, her expression stern.

“Do you understand why you are being punished?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Dan replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Good. Then you know this is for your own good. Over my knee, now.”

Dan’s heart pounded as he draped himself over her lap. The position was humiliating, but it was exactly what he craved. Anne wasted no time, pulling down his pants and underwear, baring his bottom for the spanking.

“This is going to hurt, Dan, but it’s necessary. You need to learn to respect my authority and follow the rules.”

With that, she began to spank him with the hairbrush. The sharp crack of wood on flesh filled the room, and Dan gasped at the sting. Anne’s strokes were measured and deliberate, each one emphasizing her control and his submission.

“Do you understand now, Dan?” she asked, not pausing in her rhythm.

“Yes, ma’am!” Dan cried out, tears springing to his eyes.

“Good. Then let this be a lesson to you. I expect better behavior from now on.”

This was not an isolated incident. Anne began implementing more rules and regulations in their household, reinforcing her authority at every turn. She demanded that Dan call her by respectful titles like “ma’am” or “Mrs. Anne” at all times. Dan had to request permission for things he previously took for granted, such as going out with friends or making large purchases.

Chapter 3: Consistency and Frequency

In the weeks that followed, Anne’s authority became a constant presence in Dan’s life. She monitored his behavior closely, and any infractions were swiftly dealt with. The spankings became more frequent, a regular reminder of the rules he was expected to follow.

One Saturday afternoon, after a particularly strict session, Anne held Dan close, her tone softening.

“Do I need to spank you more often, Dan?” she asked, her voice gentle but firm.

Dan hesitated, knowing the answer but finding it difficult to admit. “Yes, ma’am. I think you do.”

Anne nodded, understanding. “Then that’s what we’ll do. From now on, I will be even more vigilant. You need this structure, and I will provide it.”

Dan felt a strange sense of relief. The consistency and frequency of Anne’s discipline made him feel secure, grounded in a way he had never experienced before.

Anne also incorporated additional disciplinary measures to ensure Dan’s compliance. Each morning, she reviewed his daily schedule and set clear expectations for his behavior. If Dan failed to meet these expectations, he knew that he would face consequences.

Anne implemented a weekly review of Dan’s performance and behavior. Every Sunday evening, they sat down together, and Anne assessed how well Dan had adhered to the rules. If he had been diligent and obedient, he received praise and encouragement. However, any shortcomings were met with firm reprimands and, often, a session over Anne’s knee.

Chapter 4: Openness and Authority

Anne’s authority wasn’t confined to the privacy of their home. She began to assert her control more openly, subtly at first, but increasingly bold as she grew more comfortable in her role.

At a dinner party with friends, Anne noticed Dan slipping back into his old habits, interrupting conversations and drinking too much. She decided to make a point.

“Dan, a word, please,” she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

In the hallway, she confronted him. “You’re embarrassing yourself and me. This behavior is unacceptable, and you will be punished for it when we get home.”

Dan’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but he felt a thrill at the public display of her authority. When they returned to the party, he behaved impeccably, the knowledge of what awaited him at home keeping him in check.

That night, after everyone had left, Anne made good on her promise. The spanking was harsh, but it left Dan feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. He knew that Anne’s control over him was not just a fantasy—it was real, and it was exactly what he needed.

Anne began to exhibit her authority in other public settings as well. During a shopping trip, Dan tried to argue about purchasing an item they didn’t need. Anne swiftly ended the discussion.

“Dan, I said no. If you continue to argue, you will receive a spanking when we get home,” she stated firmly.

Dan, frustrated, didn’t heed her warning. “But Anne, we really need this,” he insisted, raising his voice slightly.

Anne turned to him, her eyes narrowing. “Dan, that’s enough. You’ve just earned yourself a spanking. As soon as we get home, you will go over my knee with your pants down.”

A young salesgirl nearby overheard the exchange. She glanced up, her eyes widening with surprise. Unable to suppress a giggle, she quickly turned away, trying to hide her amusement.

Dan’s face turned crimson with embarrassment. The public nature of Anne’s declaration and the salesgirl’s reaction left him feeling humiliated yet strangely exhilarated. He knew better than to push Anne any further.

The promise was enough to silence Dan, who knew that any further defiance would result in even more immediate consequences. Anne’s assertiveness in public reinforced her dominance and left Dan feeling both humbled and secure.

As they continued shopping, Dan noticed the salesgirl sneaking glances at him, a knowing smile on her face. Dan could feel his cheeks burning with embarrassment, but he also felt a deep sense of respect for Anne’s unwavering authority. The public display of discipline made him realize just how serious Anne was about maintaining control.

That night, after returning home, Anne didn’t forget her promise. She called Dan into the bedroom and closed the door behind them.

“Do you remember what I said at the store, Dan?” she asked, her voice firm.

“Yes, ma’am,” Dan replied, his heart racing.

“Good. Then you know what’s coming. Over my knee, now.”

Dan complied, feeling both dread and excitement. Anne wasted no time, pulling down his pants and underwear, baring his bottom for the spanking. Her strokes were firm and deliberate, each one emphasizing her control and his submission.

“This is for arguing with me in public and trying to undermine my authority,” Anne said, her voice steady. “You will learn to respect my rules, Dan.”

Dan gasped at the sting of each stroke, tears springing to his eyes. Anne’s spanking was thorough and uncompromising, driving home the lesson that he was expected to follow her rules without question.

As the sting of the spanking faded, Dan felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Anne’s control over him was not just a fantasy—it was real, and it was exactly what he needed.

Anne also introduced new routines to reinforce her maternal dominance. Every evening, she would tuck Dan into bed, ensuring he adhered to his strict bedtime. She read him a chapter from a book, a ritual that soothed him and reinforced the maternal dynamic.

Dan found himself thriving under Anne’s firm but loving guidance. He felt a sense of purpose and clarity in his daily life, knowing that he was accountable to someone who cared deeply for him. Anne’s unwavering authority provided the structure and security he had always craved.

Their relationship flourished as they embraced this unique dynamic. Anne’s maternal discipline became an integral part of their lives, strengthening their bond and deepening their connection. Dan knew that he was truly fortunate to have a partner who understood his needs and was willing to fulfill them with such unwavering commitment.

Bonus Content: Dan's Dream

In the comments to the above blog, Dan writes:

I also had a dream in which I was at some kind of office social function but my wife and both parents where there. For reasons I don't recall, I was to be taken out of the room and spanked by our office manager. I tried to get Ane and my family to advocate for me. Anne very cavalierly told me to go with the office manager. My dad told me to go take my medicine, while my mom nodded along in agreement.

I asked ChatGPT to write that as well.

Chapter 1: The Office Social Function

Dan adjusted his tie nervously as he entered the lavish ballroom where his company’s annual social function was being held. The room was filled with his colleagues, their spouses, and even some of their family members. As he scanned the room, he spotted his wife, Anne, chatting with a few of his coworkers. Nearby, his parents were mingling with other guests.

Dan had always felt a bit out of place at these events, but tonight felt different—there was an underlying tension that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He made his way over to Anne, who greeted him with a warm smile.

“Dan, there you are! I was wondering when you’d show up,” Anne said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Hi, Anne. Have you seen my parents?” Dan asked, trying to mask his unease.

“Yes, they’re over there talking to Mr. Stevens,” she replied, pointing towards a group of people in the corner.

Just as Dan was about to join them, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Ms. Stevens, the stern office manager, standing behind him with a serious expression on her face.

“Dan, I need to speak with you,” she said, her voice loud enough to be heard by those nearby. “Your poor work performance has left me with no choice but to discipline you.”

Dan’s heart sank. He had no idea what he had done wrong, but he knew that tone all too well. He swallowed hard and turned back to Ms. Stevens. “What do you mean by ‘disciplining me’?”

Ms. Stevens’ expression remained stern. “A good paddling. This is necessary to ensure you understand the gravity of your actions and improve your performance.”

Dan glanced at Anne, hoping she would intervene. “Anne, please, can you talk to her? Explain that this isn’t necessary?”

Anne looked at him with a mixture of sympathy and firmness. “Dan, you need to go with Ms. Stevens. It’s for your own good.”

Dan turned to his father, hoping for support. “Dad, can’t you say something?”

His father shook his head. “Take your medicine, son. It’s time you learned to behave.”

His mother, standing beside his father, nodded in agreement. “You need this, Dan. You’ve earned a paddling.”

With a sense of resignation, Dan followed Ms. Stevens out of the ballroom and down a quiet hallway to her office. The weight of his parents’ and Anne’s approval of this disciplinary action pressed heavily on his mind.

Chapter 2: The Office Manager’s Authority

Ms. Stevens closed the door behind them and directed Dan to stand in front of her desk. The room was dimly lit, adding to the sense of foreboding that Dan felt. Ms. Stevens walked around to the other side of the desk and sat down, fixing Dan with a stern gaze.

“Dan, do you know why you’re here?” she asked.

Dan shook his head, feeling a lump form in his throat. “No, ma’am.”

“You’ve been consistently underperforming at work, missing deadlines, and not following company policies. This behavior is unacceptable, and it’s time you faced the consequences,” she explained.

Dan felt a wave of shame wash over him. He had been struggling at work, but he didn’t realize it had come to this.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Stevens. I’ll do better, I promise,” Dan said, his voice trembling.

“I’m sure you will, but first, you need to be disciplined. Lower your pants and underpants and bend over the desk,” she instructed.

Dan’s heart raced as he slowly complied, feeling the cold air against his bare skin. Ms. Stevens stood up and walked around the desk, pulling a wooden paddle from a drawer. The sight of it made Dan’s stomach churn with anxiety.

“Your wife and parents believe this is necessary, and so do I. You need to learn to follow the rules and meet expectations,” Ms. Stevens said firmly.

With that, she raised the paddle and brought it down hard on Dan’s bare backside. The sharp sting made him gasp, and he clenched his teeth to hold back a cry. Ms. Stevens continued, delivering a series of measured, deliberate swats that left Dan’s bottom burning.

Chapter 3: Seeking Support

As the spanking continued, Dan’s thoughts turned to Anne and his parents. He couldn’t believe they had all agreed to this. The sense of betrayal mixed with the pain he was feeling made the experience even more humiliating.

“Please, Ms. Stevens, I’ve learned my lesson. Can we stop?” Dan begged, tears forming in his eyes.

Ms. Stevens paused for a moment, looking at Dan with a hint of compassion. “Not yet, Dan. You need to fully understand the consequences of your actions.”

She resumed the spanking, each swat reinforcing her authority and Dan’s submission. The sound of the paddle striking his flesh filled the room, and Dan could no longer hold back his cries. He was acutely aware of the sound carrying through the thin walls, knowing that everyone outside could hear what was happening.

After what felt like an eternity, Ms. Stevens finally stopped. She placed the paddle back in the drawer and walked over to Dan, helping him stand up.

“You’ve taken your punishment well, Dan. I hope this serves as a reminder to follow the rules and perform your duties,” she said, her tone softening slightly.

Dan nodded, wiping away his tears. “Yes, ma’am. I understand.”

Chapter 4: Facing the Family

Ms. Stevens led Dan back to the ballroom, where the party was still in full swing. As they entered the room, Dan felt every eye turn towards him. His face burned with embarrassment, knowing that everyone was aware of what had just happened. His face was red, and his eyes were puffy from crying.

Anne approached him, her expression a mixture of sympathy and approval. “Are you okay, Dan?”

Dan nodded, feeling a lump in his throat. “Yes, Anne. I’m okay.”

His father walked over and clapped him on the shoulder. “You did well, son. It’s important to learn these lessons.”

His mother hugged him gently. “We’re proud of you, Dan. This will help you become a better person.”

Dan felt a strange mix of emotions. He was embarrassed, humbled, but also grateful for the support of his family. They believed in the necessity of this discipline, and he knew it was out of love and concern for his well-being.

Chapter 5: Embracing the Lesson

The days following the office function were challenging for Dan. The memory of the spanking and the public acknowledgment of his punishment weighed heavily on his mind. However, he also felt a newfound sense of determination to improve.

Anne’s support was unwavering. She helped Dan create a plan to stay on top of his work responsibilities and held him accountable for his actions. Dan’s parents continued to encourage him, reminding him of the importance of discipline and structure.

One evening, as Dan and Anne were sitting together on the couch, he turned to her with a serious expression.

“Anne, I want to thank you for supporting Ms. Stevens’ decision to discipline me. It was humiliating, but it made me realize how much I need to improve,” Dan said sincerely.

Anne smiled and took his hand. “I’m proud of you, Dan. It takes courage to face your mistakes and learn from them. We’re in this together, and I’ll always be here to support you.”

Dan felt a sense of relief and gratitude. He knew that the spanking had been a harsh lesson, but it had also brought him closer to his family and strengthened his resolve to be better.

Their relationship flourished as they continued to embrace the principles of discipline and accountability. Dan felt more focused and motivated, knowing that he had the support and love of his wife and parents.

As the months passed, the memory of the spanking became a reminder of the importance of discipline and the value of having a supportive network. Dan knew that he was truly fortunate to have a family that cared enough to help him learn and grow.

And so, Dan’s dream of discipline became a reality, guiding him towards a better, more fulfilling life.


  1. One question: I thought Chat GPT censored adult content. How do you get around that?

    1. It seems to tilt back and forth with each update. They recently added "memory" across conversations for paid subscribers, and I think that has made it better. The trick for me used to be to coax in by starting very mild and adding elements. Now that I've done that a bit, I think the coaxing has been absorbed as a personal preference.

  2. If I could flip a switch and turn my wife into a disciplinarian like Anne, I would in a heartbeat. I think it would be good for both of us. I know i could do so much better at so many things. - david

    1. Just to be clear, the real life version of Anne did take to the spanking part surprisingly quickly, but really taking over and asserting herself as a disciplinarian has been a twenty-year work in progress.

  3. Off topic but why are your spankings from your parents off the table now?

    1. It was a discussion I was not involved in. Some nonsense about "boundaries".

    2. Your parents had the conversation?

    3. Them and Sue and David. I was informed after the fact, as if I was a child.

    4. How did that conversation go? Did they all sit you down and talk about it? A full post about this topic from your perspective as well as any comments from the others they give or you remember would be interesting to read

    5. Im curious if your dad was against it especially

    6. I actually don't know any details of what was said. David just told me they all discussed it, that it had all been fine up to then but it was enough, and this is how it needs to be. Fine.

    7. Shame, but glad you can still remember your one spanking fondly :)

    8. Do they still get to hear about your spankings or is the entire subject off limits completely?

    9. Not exactly off limits, but not really raised anymore either.

    10. I may have linked it wrong, sorry!

  4. Love this! The whole strict but loving mommy figure is 100% my kink. That sense of security and being loved even as I'm receiving a long, hard spanking, the cuddling and nurturing after. Sigh.

  5. Nailed it, my wife/mommy knows that a correction is needed not later but at the present time. The first time I was spanked in front of another was my mother-in-law, my wife/mommy scolded me, bare my bottom and the hairbrush landed hard and fast and my mother-in-law enjoyed it. Once a man gives into his wife to be in charge, no matter if that is what he wanted, be prepared for more than you ask for and cannot get out of. Jack

    1. As my wife/mommy tells her mother and best friend, the spanking brings out the little boy, and once that happens the naughty little boy will do as Mommy saids. It is amazing she reminds others that me calling her Mommy, have to wear pajamas during the day, knowing I best do as told or the next spanking will be worse. Jack

    2. My wife used to deal with my squirming about spanking by threatening to send me to a male friend of hers. Soon shut me up and I learned to take it.

    3. My wife/mommy was spanking me when her Mother walked in, I was squirming kicking, my mother-in-law told her daughter she was not in control. This was the first time my mother-in-law saw me being spanked. My wife/mommy, stopped, had me stand up, show me mother, and I was soon across my mother-in-law lap, my feet secured with hers, and my hand pinned to my back, and she asked her daughter to get the hairbrush from her purse. It landed hard, fast, and unable to squirm or kick I was soon pleading for it to stop.
      I was told to get off her lap, I did, rubbing, now dear your turn and soon over my wife/mommy lap, unable to squirm or kick.
      My bottom was on fire, I danced around the room, until told to stand before each, I was limp, was asked if I was going to be a good little boy and I said yes Mommy, and my mother-in-law said to call her Mother Jackson, I said yes Mother Jackson. My wife/mommy insures I can't squirm or kick and instead of the hairbrush, the bathbrush is used, longer handle. Jack

  6. The AI ​​has the gift of putting the kinkiest desires into a most exciting legal, rational and logical perspective.
    One of my favorite moments is found in Dan's dream.
    I am in the crowd of guests which gradually becomes silent. I hear the screams and cries that follow each stroke of the paddle echoing behind the thin wall of the manager's office.
    I imagine the humiliation Dan will feel when he reappears in front of us, his eyes puffy from crying, deprived of pants and underwear.

    1. Yes! Waddled to the corner, bare penis and balls flopping with each waddling step, his red bum waddling.

    2. In the dream, I actually woke up after being taken out of the room and before the spanking happened. But, I vividly recall the embarrassment of being taken out of the room, knowing everyone knew what was about to happen.

  7. Niece update. She bought a new suit (jacket, blouse, pencil suit and heels) and modelled it in front of us to my wife’s approval. My niece has a great body and looked very hot and sexy. Then there was this conversation;
    “Ha look at uncle. His eyes are wide open looking me up and down.”
    “What?!”, said my wife, “Are you looking at your niece inappropriately again?”
    “He is”, said my niece, “He’s undressing me with his eyes!”
    “Hey”, I said, “I haven’t said one word, but it’s a very nice outfit”.
    “You’re practically drooling”, said my wife, “Go and get the hairbrush straight away.”
    I got a pants around ankles spanking while my niece stood by in her new suit and watched me beg, squirm and kick. She saw everything. Humiliated.

    1. I love your niece updates. I certainly am guilty of inappropriate behavior towards my niece. I feel guilty about it but can’t stop. It hard to believe both my wife and niece either don’t notice or don’t care. I know I deserve some consequences like yours. - david

    2. Thank you. My niece has certainly been an interesting addition to the household.

  8. Is there anyway you'd consider writing a sequel to this story where Anne decides to start grounding Dan in addition to spanking as a method of discipline in her FLR, please?

    1. Sure! Any other elements to include?

    2. Thank you so much! That's awesome of you. Maybe she outs him and their FLR after she does it? Like make him call his friends and tell them he won't be able to hang out with them for a while because his wife grounded him. Way for her to flex her authority publicly and also humble him in the process.

    3. I can't wait to see it! I'm sure you'll make it awesome!

  9. It's a cute story. I'm starting to see a pattern in the generative AI content. There is always a fairly unnecessary explanation of why something is happening. Stating the character's feelings even though the action makes them clear. It's as though chatGPT has a need to explain why things are happening. It doesn't have consciousness (yet) and the story develops with inserted explaations of motivation. This makes sense to me. When it stops doing that, I would start worr ying. It would mean that it "knows" how to manipulate human emotions.

    On a totally different topic, my marriage has included discipline for about fifteen years. Spanking was the easy part. The very difficult component for us is getting Mrs. Lion to actually punish me. That's where the story misses. I imagine that very few women just dive in and becom discipoinarians.

    1. Yes, the generated stories are pretty predictable. This one is more "uncut" than most of the ones I've published, because I wanted to demonstrate what it would do just from dan's input.

      With my other stories I've been making it generate bits and pieces, I edit them and fit them together. Trying to develop those skills for speed and quality.

      I've found it natural to discipline. I mean, that's the whole point isn't it? Honestly, and meaning no disrespect, I wouldn't write this on your blog, I've always thought your wife has been lazy in this sphere. There's no evidence she put in the work to know what really pushes your buttons, and then put in the effort to engineer a fulfilling experience for you. She seems to be complacently thinking that just because she spanks you she's already gone above and beyond, and feigns confusion when she says she doesn't understand you. But I think she's missed the point.
