Monday, July 8

Fiction: Kitchen Flood (MM/FF)

More fiction using ChatGPT-4o. I asked the AI to summarize this story in a way that entices spankos:

Claire’s attempt to fix a leaky faucet turns into a disaster, flooding the kitchen and setting the stage for an intense scene of domestic discipline. When her husband Mike arrives to find the mess, he takes charge, leading Claire through a stern but intimate punishment. Over his knee, Claire’s bare bottom receives a thorough, stinging spanking, igniting a mix of embarrassment and arousal. The scene intensifies when Mike’s brother Jake and his wife Lisa arrive unexpectedly, adding to Claire’s humiliation as she stands in the corner, bottom bared. The story delves deeper into the dynamics of power and submission, exploring the erotic tension and bonding that spanking brings to both couples. With vivid descriptions and a focus on the emotional and physical sensations, “Kitchen Flood” promises to captivate spanking fetishists, offering a blend of fantasy and reality that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.


Kitchen Flood

Plumbing Attempted

It was a hot and sunny Saturday morning when Claire decided she was going to fix the leaky faucet in the kitchen. She had watched a couple of DIY videos online and felt confident that she could handle it. For weeks, she and her husband, Mike, had been having an ongoing disagreement about the division of household chores. Claire believed that Mike should be doing more of her chores, and she more of his. Mike was dubious she could handle the things he deals with. She argued that she could handle anything a man could.

Mike was out running errands, and Claire wanted to make her point by fixing the faucet herself. She gathered Mike's tools and got to work, carefully following the steps she had seen. She turned off the water under the sink and began disassembling the faucet. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until, noticing some residual water coming through, she accidentally over-twisted the rusty shutoff valve. Suddenly, water started gushing out at an alarming rate.

Her heart raced as she fumbled with the tools, trying desperately to stop the flood. Water was pooling on the floor, spreading quickly and soaking everything in its path. She grabbed a towel, trying to contain the flow, but it was no use. The water kept coming, and she was at a loss for what to do.

Just then, Mike walked through the front door. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the chaos unfolding in the kitchen. Claire was on her knees, drenched, trying to stem the flow of water with her hands. He sprang into action, rushing down to the main water shutoff valve in the basement and turning it off. The water finally stopped gushing, but the damage was done. The kitchen was a mess.

"Claire, what the hell happened?" Mike asked, a mix of concern and frustration in his voice.

"I was trying to fix the faucet," Claire said, her voice trembling. "I thought I could do it myself, but the stupid thingy broke and then everything just got out of control!"

Mike took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "Alright, let's deal with this mess first. We'll talk about it later."

He fetched the wet vac from the garage and handed it to Claire. "Start sucking up the water while I set up the fans," he instructed.

Claire nodded, feeling a mix of relief and dread. She knew she was in trouble, but she was grateful that Mike was taking charge. She worked diligently, moving the wet vac around the kitchen and sucking up the standing water while Mike set up large blowing fans to help dry out the room.

Once the immediate crisis was under control, Mike turned his attention to the broken valve. He replaced it with a new one and fixed the leaky faucet, ensuring there would be no more unexpected floods. He then turned the water back on and checked for any remaining issues. Satisfied that everything was in working order, he turned to Claire.

"Come here," he said, his voice stern but calm.

Claire approached him, her heart pounding. She knew what was coming and she braced herself for it.


"Do you realize how dumb that was?" Mike asked. "You could have caused a lot more damage if I hadn't arrived when I did."

"I'm sorry," Claire said softly. "I just wanted to show you."

"I know, but it's better to ask for help rather than trying to do everything on your own," he replied. "I could have taught you how to do it if that's what you wanted. Now, let's deal with this properly."

He led her to a chair and sat down, pulling her over his knee. Claire's face flushed with embarrassment and anticipation as Mike lifted her wet skirt and pulled down her wet panties. He didn't waste any time, delivering a series of firm, stinging spanks to her damp bare bottom.

Claire yelped and squirmed, feeling the heat and sting of each smack. Mike's hand was strong and unyielding, and he made sure she felt every bit of her punishment. After a thorough spanking, he finally let her up.

"Now, go stand in the corner," he said, pointing to a spot in the kitchen. "Right in that puddle, you naughty girl."

Claire's face burned with shame, but she knew better than to argue. She walked over to the corner, her hands clasped in front of her, and stood with her nose to the wall. Her panties were still around her ankles, in the puddle, but at least her skirt had fallen back down to cover her.

Mike watched her for a moment then said, "No, that's not going to do."

He walked over and lifted her skirt, folding it up neatly so it stayed above her waist, fully exposing her red bottom. "There," he said. "You stay like that until I say you can come out."

Claire's face burned even more with embarrassment, but she nodded, understanding her place. Her bum was bare, the cool air a stark contrast to the heat and sting of her spanking.

Unexpected Visitors

She stood there, reflecting on her mistake and the consequences, as Mike continued the cleanup job behind her. The minutes felt like hours, but she understood why Mike had sent her to the corner.

Just then, the front door swung open, and Claire's heart sank as she heard the familiar voices of Mike's brother, Jake, and his wife, Lisa.

"Hi, Mike! Hi, Claire!" they called out as they walked in, not waiting for an invitation as usual.

In a panic, Claire instinctively began pulling up her panties, desperate to cover her bare, reddened bottom, and started to move from her corner. "Stay," Mike commanded, his voice firm and authoritative, stopping her in her tracks. "Back in the corner. Skirt and panties just like that."

“But Mike, it’s too embarrassing with them here!” Claire pleaded, her cheeks burning with humiliation

“Would you prefer a second spanking in front of them?” Mike asked, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Claire’s face flushed an even deeper shade of red. “No,” she whispered, submissively returning to her spot, her wet panties now at her knees, her skirt tucked up, her red bum still bare.

Jake and Lisa stepped into the kitchen and immediately noticed the soaked floor, the fans running, and Claire standing in the corner as she was. Lisa's eyes widened in surprise, and a smirk appeared on Jake's face.

"Well, well, looks like we've walked in on something interesting," Jake said, chuckling.

"I take it Claire tried her hand at plumbing?" Lisa asked, her amusement evident, looking at Mike.

"Yeah," Mike replied, shaking his head. "She tried to fix the faucet and ended up flooding the kitchen."

"Oh dear," Lisa said, trying to suppress her laughter. "I can see she's payed the price for it. Just look at that red bum."

Claire's face burned with humiliation, and she wished the floor would swallow her up. She stayed perfectly still, knowing she had to endure this added embarrassment.

"Yes, she is paying the price," Mike said, looking sternly at Claire. "She'll be standing there a while longer to think about what she did."

Lending a Hand

Jake and Lisa exchanged amused glances before Jake spoke up. "Hey, why don't we help you clean up? We can grab some mops and rags and get this place back in order in no time."

Mike nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, that would be great."

Jake and Lisa quickly grabbed mops and rags from the closet and began soaking up the remnants of the flood. Claire stood in the corner, feeling horribly embarrassed as they worked around her.

At one point, Lisa had to mop right where Claire was standing. "Excuse me, Claire," she said with a mischievous smile. "Could you move your tush for a moment?"

Claire's face burned as she shifted slightly, allowing Lisa to mop the area. "Thanks," Lisa said cheerfully. "Now, you better get right back into place. We wouldn't want your hubby to think you were disobeying him, would we? Your little bum doesn't look like it could take much more just now."

Claire's heart sank at the implication, and she quickly resumed her position, her bottom still exposed. Lisa gave her a knowing look and continued mopping, clearly enjoying Claire's discomfort.

After a while, the kitchen was finally clean. Jake and Lisa put away the cleaning supplies and turned to Mike. "All done," Jake said. "That was a workout! But you know what they say, many hands make light work."

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate your help. How about a cool drink on the patio?"

"Sounds great," Jake and Lisa both agreed.

Mike then turned to his wife and said, "Claire, you may leave the corner now. Please serve us some drinks and join us on the patio. You'll be fine dressed as is."

The three of them left for the patio leaving Claire to collect herself and follow with the drinks.

Drinks on the Patio

After they left, Claire’s face flushed as she reluctantly pulled her wet panties up over her hot, red bottom, feeling the unpleasant combination of moisture and heat against her sensitive skin, and restored her skirt. The soaking wet fabric of her panty clung to her intimately, pressing against her most sensitive areas. Each step she took made the material shift slightly, rubbing against her sore, spanked bottom and her pussy, creating a sensation that was both uncomfortable and deeply embarrassing. She would have wanted to change, but Mike's words on the subject had been clear and she didn't want to risk more punishment.

Carrying a tray of drinks, Claire made her way to the patio, every step a reminder of her discomfort. The fabric of her panties clung to her, exacerbating her squirming as she approached the table. She could feel their eyes on her, adding to her sense of mortification. Lisa’s perceptive gaze seemed to take in every nuance of Claire’s discomfort.

As she set the drinks down, Lisa’s question cut through the air, laden with implication: “Claire, are your panties wet?” The question was ostensibly innocent, but the double entendre was clear. The chuckles from Mike and Jake only deepened Claire’s sense of shame. She stammered a response, her face burning as she tried to ignore the teasing. The wet panties continued to cling to her, pressing uncomfortably against her pussy and making her acutely aware of every movement.

Claire handed out the drinks, her face still red with embarrassment. "Thank you," Lisa said with a wink. "You've been such a good sport."

Finally, she was able to sit down with them, although sitting was almost as uncomfortable as standing. Her tender, recently spanked bottom protested against the hard patio chair, and she shifted repeatedly, trying to find a position that was less painful. Every movement was a reminder of her punishment and her current, ongoing embarrassment. The conversation around the table continued, but Claire found it hard to focus, her thoughts consumed by her own situation and the teasing that she had endured.

The hot summer air did little to soothe her discomfort, both physical and emotional. As the drinks were consumed and laughter filled the patio, Claire’s squirming became more noticeable, each shift of her weight a subtle reminder of her earlier punishment. The wet fabric continued to cling to her intimately, making her hyper-aware of every sensation. Lisa’s eyes occasionally flicked over to Claire, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her mouth, while Jake and Mike engaged in casual conversation, seemingly oblivious to Claire’s plight. 

"So, Claire," Jake said, leaning back in his chair, "what made you decide to tackle the faucet today?"

Claire sighed, knowing she had to explain. "Mike and I have been arguing about the division of chores. I thought he should do some of my chores, and I wanted to show him that I could handle his."

Lisa chuckled. "Well, I guess you learned the hard way that some things are best left to the men."

"There's nothing wrong with sticking to what you're good at," Jake added.

Claire blushed and said, "Yeah. I sure learned my lesson."

Lisa grinned mischievously. "Speaking of lessons, Claire, how's your bottom feeling? Still sore?"

Claire blushed deeply. "Yes, it's still quite sore."

Jake laughed. "I never would have guessed that Mike would be the type to give you a good spanking. How often do you catch it?"

Claire squirmed in her seat, feeling even more embarrassed. "More often than I'd like to admit," she confessed.

Jake turned to Mike with a grin. “You know, Mike, you’ve got quite the cute tush on your hands. I’m surprised you can resist keeping her in line more often.”

Mike laughed, pulling Claire closer to him. “It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.”

Lisa’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Well, it looks like Mike knows how to keep a girl in line. Maybe that’s what more of us girls need sometimes.”

Jake chuckled, giving Lisa a playful nudge. “Oh, is that so? You saying you need a good spanking from time to time?”

Lisa blushed. “Maybe,” she admitted softly, looking down at her drink.

Jake raised an eyebrow. “Maybe we should discuss this further, Lisa,” he said with a grin.

Lisa’s blush deepened, but she didn’t protest. “Maybe we should,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mike wrapped an arm around Claire, pulling her close. “Well, it looks like we might have started something here,” he said with a chuckle.

The four of them continued to chat and laugh, the earlier tension now completely dissipated. As the sun began to set, Jake and Lisa finally decided it was time to head home.

“Thanks for the drinks and the company,” Jake said, standing up and stretching. “We’ll see you guys soon.”

"Yeah, thanks a lot," said Lisa, standing.

Jake put his hand on Lisa's bottom, fondling it softly. "Weren't there some unpaid bills you've been neglecting, little lady?"

"Yes, sir," Lisa said softly, blushing furiously in front of Mike and Claire.

"Well, we'll just have to have a good long talk about that once I get you home," Jake said, and then gave her bum a prodigious whack.

"Ohhh!" Lisa said, jumping in surprise as Mike and Claire laughed.

“Thanks, you two,” Mike said, walking them to the door. “We’ll see you soon.”

"Have fun!" Claire called after them.


As Jake and Lisa drove off, Mike closed the door and turned to Claire, a grin spreading across his face. “Well, that was interesting,” he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Claire laughed, still feeling the warmth of her own spanking and the blush of her embarrassment. “I can’t believe how frisky they got,” she said, shaking her head. “I never would have thought they’d be into that."

Mike chuckled, pulling Claire into his arms. “Yeah, who'd ever have thought that? You never know what people might be into behind closed doors,” he said ironically, grinning, kissing the top of her head.

Claire snuggled into his embrace, feeling the comfort of his warmth. “Do you think Jake will really spank Lisa when they get home?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Mike replied, his tone playful. “Lisa seemed pretty open to the idea, and Jake didn’t look like he was just joking.”

Claire’s mind wandered, imagining the scene unfolding at Jake and Lisa’s house. “I wonder how Lisa will handle it,” she mused. “She seemed a bit shy about it, but also kind of excited.”

Mike smiled, lifting her chin to meet his gaze. “Well, if she handles it anything like you do, I’m sure she’ll be just fine.”

Claire blushed, feeling a mix of pride and embarrassment. “You think I handle it well?” she asked softly

“Absolutely,” Mike said, his voice sincere. “You take it like a champ, and it brings us closer. I think it might do the same for Jake and Lisa.”

Claire nodded, feeling a sense of contentment. “I hope it does. They seem like they’re really good together.”

Mike kissed her gently, his lips lingering on hers. “They are,” he agreed. “And so are we.”

Claire smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Yes, we are.”

As they snuggled up, Mike’s hand found its way to Claire’s still-warm bottom, giving it a gentle squeeze. “How’s your tush feeling?” he asked with a grin.

Claire giggled, feeling the sting and the warmth from his touch. “Still sore, but in a good way,” she replied.

Mike’s eyes darkened with desire as he leaned in to kiss her deeply. “Good,” he murmured against her lips. “Because I can’t get the image of you standing there, your cute red bottom on display, out of my head.”

Claire’s heart raced as she felt the heat of his words. She pressed closer to him, her hands exploring his chest and shoulders. “Show me,” she whispered, her voice husky with anticipation.

Mike didn’t need any more encouragement. He scooped her up and carried her to their bedroom, laying her gently on the bed. He kissed her hungrily, his hands roaming over her body, sending shivers of pleasure through her.

Claire responded eagerly, her own hands working to undress him. She wanted to feel his skin against hers, to lose herself in the passion they shared. As their clothes fell away, they came together in a tangle of limbs and desire.

Mike’s hands caressed her sore bottom, the sting only heightening her arousal. “You look so beautiful,” he murmured, his voice thick with need. “I want you, Claire.”

“I want you too,” she breathed, pulling him closer.

Their lovemaking was intense and passionate, fueled by the emotions and experiences of the day. They moved together in perfect harmony, their connection deepening with every touch and kiss. Claire felt herself surrender completely to the sensations, her body and soul entwined with Mike’s.

Afterward, they lay tangled together, their breathing slowing as they basked in the afterglow. Mike’s hand traced gentle patterns on her back, his touch soothing and loving.

“I love you, Claire,” he said softly, his voice filled with emotion.

“I love you too, Mike,” she whispered, feeling a profound sense of closeness and fulfillment.

As they drifted off to sleep, Claire couldn’t help but wonder how things were going at Jake and Lisa’s house. She smiled to herself, imagining Lisa’s blush and Jake’s firm hand. It seemed that their playful encounter had sparked something new and exciting, not just for them, but for their friends as well.

Jake and Lisa

Jake and Lisa left Mike and Claire’s house, a charged energy between them as they walked to their car. Jake’s playful teasing had ignited something in both of them, and they could feel the anticipation building. The drive home was filled with a charged silence, punctuated by stolen glances and shy smiles.

As soon as they arrived home, Jake closed the door behind them and turned to Lisa, his eyes serious yet playful. “Alright, little lady,” he said, echoing his earlier words, “let’s have that talk.”

Lisa’s heart raced, her earlier blush returning in full force. “Yes, sir,” she whispered, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Jake led her to the living room and sat down on the couch, pulling her gently to stand in front of him. “You know,” he began, his voice low, “I’ve never really thought about spanking you before. But seeing Claire’s red bottom today… it got me thinking.”

Lisa swallowed hard, her pulse quickening. “What did it make you think?”

Jake smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “It made me think that maybe you could use a little reminder of who’s in charge here.”

Lisa felt a thrill run through her. “Maybe I do,” she admitted, her voice barely audible.

“Then let’s not waste any more time,” Jake said, his voice firm. “Come here.”

Lisa stepped closer, and Jake gently pulled her over his knee. The position felt both strange and exhilarating. She felt the cool air against her skin as Jake pulled down her shorts and panties, exposing her bare bottom.

“Now,” Jake said, his voice stern but loving, “let’s see if we can make you as red as Claire was.”

He started with light, playful spanks, testing her reaction. Lisa gasped softly at each smack, feeling the heat build in her cheeks. As Jake’s hand came down harder, she began to squirm, her body responding to the sting and the intimate closeness.

“How are you doing?” Jake asked, pausing to rub her reddening skin.

“It’s… it’s different,” Lisa admitted. “But I think I like it.”

Jake smiled, continuing the spanking, alternating between firm smacks and gentle caresses. Lisa’s gasps turned to soft moans as she felt the heat and sting mix with a growing arousal.

After a thorough spanking, Jake let her up and pulled her into his arms. “How’s that, little lady?” he asked, kissing her forehead.

Lisa smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of emotions. “I think I needed that,” she admitted. “Thank you.”

Jake chuckled, lifting her chin to look into her eyes. “Anytime, my love. Now, let’s see what else we can do to keep you in line.”

Their playful encounter turned into an intense and passionate evening, the spanking serving as a prelude to their most intimate lovemaking yet. The connection between them deepened, their trust and understanding growing stronger.

Jake kissed her gently, his hand tracing soothing patterns on her back. “I’m glad we tried this,” he said. “I love you, Lisa.”

“I love you too,” Lisa whispered, feeling a profound sense of closeness and fulfillment. She knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship, one where they could explore and grow together, keeping each other in line in the most loving and intimate way.


The next time Mike and Claire saw Jake and Lisa was a few days later for a barbecue at Mike and Claire’s house. The couples had laughed and joked about their last encounter, but the memory of the frisky discussions and the implications lingered.

As they sat around the fire pit after dinner, the conversation inevitably turned to their last meeting.

“So, did you have that talk with Lisa?” Mike asked Jake, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Jake grinned, pulling Lisa closer. “Oh, we had a very thorough talk,” he said. Lisa blushed deeply but didn’t protest, her eyes meeting Claire’s with a knowing look.

Lisa, feeling emboldened by the wine and the company, spoke up. “And I learned my lesson,” she said, her tone both playful and sincere.

Claire giggled, feeling a thrill at the shared secret. “I’m sure you did,” she said, winking at Lisa.

Jake looked at Mike, a spark of an idea forming. “You know, Mike, maybe we should give our girls a reminder tonight. Just to keep them in line.”

Mike’s eyebrows raised, and he glanced at Claire, who looked both excited and nervous. “What do you think, Claire?” he asked, his voice gentle but firm.

Claire’s heart raced, but she nodded. “I think it might be a good idea,” she said softly, feeling a mix of anticipation and excitement.

Lisa nodded as well, her blush deepening. “I agree,” she whispered.

Mike and Jake exchanged a look, their decision made. “Alright then,” Mike said, standing up and reaching for Claire’s hand. “Let’s do this.”

The brothers led their wives into the living room, where they arranged two chairs opposite one another, creating a mirrored setup. Mike sat down in one chair and Jake in the other, positioning their wives in front of them. Each one pulled down their wife's shorts and panties.

“Over my knee, Claire,” Mike instructed, his voice firm but loving. Claire complied, feeling the familiar mix of embarrassment and excitement as she draped herself over his lap.

“Same goes for you, Lisa,” Jake said, guiding his wife into position over his knee.

As the spankings began, Claire and Lisa reached out and held hands, their eyes meeting across the small space between them. The connection between them sparked with intense sexual tension.

The room was filled with the sound of spanks and soft gasps as Mike and Jake delivered firm, yet loving spankings to their wives. Claire and Lisa squirmed and yelped, their bottoms reddening under the firm hands of their husbands. Mike and Jake exchanged glances, watching each other’s wives being spanked, appreciating the view and the shared experience.

“Look at how cute Lisa’s bottom is turning,” Mike commented, his eyes on the deepening redness.

Jake grinned, giving Lisa an extra firm spank. “And Claire’s is such a lovely shade of red already. You’ve done a good job, Mike.”

Claire and Lisa blushed deeply, their embarrassment compounded by the men’s comments, but they held each other’s gaze, finding strength in their shared situation. The growing heat between their legs was undeniable, their arousal building with each spank.

After several minutes, Mike and Jake paused, allowing their wives a moment to catch their breath. “Alright, stand up,” Mike instructed.

Claire and Lisa stood up, their shorts and panties still around their ankles, exposing more than just their reddened bottoms. Mike and Jake couldn’t help but notice the differences in their grooming.

“Looks like Claire prefers to keep things completely smooth,” Jake remarked, his eyes lingering on Claire’s neatly shaved pubic area.

“And Lisa has a cute little racing stripe,” Mike added, admiring the neatly trimmed strip of pussy hair on Lisa.

Claire and Lisa blushed even deeper, their embarrassment mingled with a strange sense of pride. The men shared appreciative looks before Mike spoke again. “Alright, time to switch,” he said, nodding to Jake.

Claire and Lisa exchanged nervous glances as they moved to the other brother’s lap. Claire felt a new wave of embarrassment as she positioned herself over Jake’s knee, while Lisa did the same with Mike.

Jake’s hand was just as firm as Mike’s, and Claire found herself squirming and gasping under his spanking. She felt a strange mix of familiarity and newness, the sensation different but still effective. Meanwhile, Lisa was experiencing the same with Mike, her bottom already tender from Jake’s earlier spanking.

The novelty of Jake’s firm hand on her bare skin sent waves of unexpected arousal through Claire. She couldn’t help but notice the subtle differences in his technique, each smack sending a tingle of sensation through her body. She glanced at Lisa, who seemed to be experiencing similar feelings under Mike’s hand, her eyes half-closed in a mix of pain and pleasure. The room was thick with sexual tension, every touch and sound heightening their arousal.

“Lisa’s got such a perfect shape,” Mike remarked, admiring the way her bottom responded to his spanks

“And Claire’s skin turns such a lovely color,” Jake added, his hand pausing to rub Claire’s reddened cheeks. “It’s really quite something.”

Claire and Lisa held hands tightly, their shared experience bringing them closer. They exchanged supportive looks, knowing that they were in this together. The sexual tension in the room was palpable, the air thick with a charged energy.

After several more minutes, Mike and Jake nodded to each other again. “Switch back,” Mike instructed, his voice still gentle but commanding. "Gotta remind them to whom they belong."

Claire and Lisa returned to their own husbands’ laps, their bottoms already sore and red. Mike and Jake delivered a final round of spanks, thoroughly reminding their wives to whom they each belonged. The continued spanks only fueled their arousal, their bodies responding eagerly to the firm but loving hands of their husbands.

As the spankings proceeded, Mike and Jake shared a mischievous look. “Let’s see how wet our girls have gotten from all this excitement,” Mike said, his voice teasing.

Both men gently parted their wives’ legs, running their fingers between their folds. Claire and Lisa gasped at the intimate touch, their bodies betraying their arousal.

“Claire, you’re soaking wet,” Mike scolded playfully, his finger coming away glistening. “You got this excited from being over another man’s knee?”

“Lisa, you’re just as wet,” Jake chimed in, his voice equally teasing. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

Claire and Lisa were too embarrassed to respond, their faces flushed with shame and arousal. Mike and Jake exchanged satisfied smiles.

“I think they need a bit more discipline for that,” Mike said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

“Agreed,” Jake replied.

The men resumed spanking their wives with renewed vigor, the smacks echoing through the room. Claire and Lisa kicked and cried out, their bodies trembling from the intense sensations. The combination of pain and pleasure heightened their arousal, their cries becoming more desperate as the spanking continued.

Mike and Jake smiled at one another, enjoying the sight of their wives’ reddened, bouncing bottoms and the shared experience of disciplining them.

When the spankings finally ended, both Claire and Lisa were breathless, their bodies tingling from the overwhelming sensations. Mike and Jake pulled their wives into comforting embraces, their hands gently soothing the tender skin.


After the double spanking, Mike and Jake shared a victorious high-five. “Let’s go check out the new lawnmower,” Mike suggested, grinning. They left the living room, leaving their wives to recover from their ordeal.

Claire and Lisa, their bottoms still throbbing, gingerly settled on the couch.

The pain from the spankings mingled with an undeniable arousal, leaving both women feeling an odd mix of embarrassment and excitement.

Lisa broke the silence first. “I can’t believe how turned on I get when Jake spanks me,” she admitted, her voice hushed. “Even when it hurts, there’s just something about the way he takes control.”

Claire nodded, her face flushed. “I know what you mean. Mike’s firm hand, the way he looks at me, it’s like he sees right through me. It’s humiliating but also incredibly arousing.”

They sat in silence for a moment, each lost in their thoughts. Then Claire spoke up again. “I couldn’t believe it when they decided to switch us. I was shocked at first, but now… I can’t stop thinking about it. It was so sexy.”

Lisa’s eyes widened in agreement. “I felt the same way. Being across Mike’s knee, feeling his hand on me, and knowing Jake was watching… it was so intense. And seeing you over Jake’s knee, your bare bottom getting spanked… it was incredibly erotic.”

Claire bit her lip, a shiver running down her spine. “Do you think they’ll do it again?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lisa’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. “I don’t know, but part of me hopes they do. It was such a rush.”

They exchanged knowing glances, their minds racing with the possibilities. “What if they decide to exchange us for more than just spanking?” Claire wondered aloud, her cheeks flushing deeper.

Lisa’s breath caught in her throat. “You mean like… oral, or something?” she asked, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and excitement.

“Or worse,” Claire replied with a giggle, the absurdity of their conversation making her laugh nervously.

"What do you mean worse? Like... sex sex?" Lisa asks.

"Yeah. Or, you know, like... maybe... up the bum..."

"Claire! No! You let Mike do that?"

Claire blushes. "It's not so much let, LisaMike's 'kinda... demanding in that way."

"Claire! Fuck. I mean.Fuck, girl, that's hot. Does it hurt?"

"Yeah, a little. But I'm such his little slut when he does that!"

“Would we have to, like, take that in front of each other you think?” Lisa asks.

The idea sent a thrill through both women. They imagined the scenario, their minds painting vivid pictures of what could happen. The thought of such intimate acts, performed not just for the other's husband, but in front of each other, was both terrifying and tantalizing.

Lisa leaned in closer, her voice barely a whisper. “If they did decide to do that, would you… would you be okay with it?”

Claire took a deep breath, her heart pounding. “I think so,” she admitted. “I mean, if it’s what they wanted, and if it turns them on… I think I could do it.”

Lisa nodded slowly, her own heart racing. “Me too,” she said softly. “As long as we’re together, and it’s what they want, I think I could handle it.”

They sat back, their minds spinning with the possibilities. The idea of being so completely submissive, of surrendering to their husbands’ desires and the potential for new experiences, was both daunting and exciting. The thought that their husbands might push the boundaries further was a thrilling prospect.

For now, though, they were content to sit and talk, sharing their feelings and fantasies, wondering what the future might hold. The connection between them grew stronger, bonded by their shared experiences and their mutual desire to please their husbands.

Meanwhile, outside, Mike and Jake were deep in conversation, oblivious to the thoughts racing through their wives’ minds. They talked about the lawnmower, but their thoughts kept drifting back to the events in the living room. The sight of their wives, bare and reddened, had ignited something in them, and they both wondered to themselves where this new dynamic might lead.

As the sun began to set, they finished their discussion and headed back inside, eager to see how their wives were faring. They found Claire and Lisa still on the couch, their faces flushed and their eyes bright with excitement.

“How are you girls holding up?” Mike asked, his voice teasing.

Claire and Lisa exchanged a glance, their earlier conversation still fresh in their minds. “We’re good,” Claire replied, her voice steady. “We were just talking about how… intense that was.”

Jake raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. “Oh? And what else were you talking about?”

Lisa blushed, but she held his gaze. “We were wondering if you’d ever… switch us again. Or maybe even take things further.”

The room went silent as the men considered their wives’ words. Mike and Jake exchanged a look, a silent agreement passing between them.

“Well,” Mike said slowly, a smile spreading across his face. “I think that’s definitely something we can discuss.”

Jake nodded in agreement, his eyes glinting with excitement. “We’ll see how things go. But for now, why don’t we all relax and enjoy the rest of the evening?”

The couples settled in together, the air still charged with the possibilities of what might come next. As they chatted and laughed, each one of them knew that this was only the beginning of a new chapter in their relationships, one filled with exploration, intimacy, and a deeper understanding of each other.


  1. A classic Ms Julie post. As you suggest, stepford wives like these two need a couple of hard cocks after their mutual spanking.

  2. Spanking swingers yay!

  3. Would it be better that they have to lay down on the bed side by side to be fucked in their bottoms or lean over the table in front of one another looking in each others eyes as their husbands fuck the other girl in the ass?

  4. Yes. When a lady gets out of line a good, hard spanking followed up with appropriate aftercare and an orgasm thrown in for good measure fixes most issues in my experience. MrD

  5. Autobiographical Ms J? Bet you’d love to be spanked and displayed like this. Swap out the brother in law for daddy though.

    1. Oh, definitely. Would love to have a sister in crime like this for bottoming.

  6. The beginning of the story had me thinking about how my wife is definitely more handy than I. When I tackle “manly” chores, the results are often substandard if not disastrous and she needs to fix it. But my consequences are limited to demeaning scolding. I wonder if her anger will ever push her into taking the next step of marital discipline.

    Then I started thinking about being spanked and exposed to another couple. Having another woman, and especially a man witness my punishment and the aftermath would have me blushing redder than my bottom.

    I really thought Lisa and Claire would end up doing much more than just talk when they were left alone. When their shared imaginations got more steamy and graphic, I thought it would lead to wandering hands. And lips and tongues.

    Finally, when I imagined watching my wife use a strap on on another man while his wife did the honors on me, the angle of my erection was more vertical than it’s been in a long time. I came hard. Yes, I cleaned up my mess in the way Julie requires.

    Thank you for this story, Julie. It stimulated my imagination and fantasies in ways that really surprised me. - david

    1. Oh, david! And I thought you were so butch.

      Next time you have a handyman task, really, really screw it up in really stupid and irresponsible ways, and then go to her for help.

      After the long hard scolding, tell her "sometimes I'd wish you'd just beat my ass with a belt or something instead of being so angry with me..."

    2. Oh, Julie! If I was “butch”, I would be telling you what to do. And in person, your panties would be at half-mast and you would be getting a for-real spanking before a good bottom hole fucking. And if you laughed at my penis size, I would use a strap on that would NOT have you laughing.

      But as it is, I’m hard again, thinking about my wife giving me a harsh belt whipping. It’s the high-risk suggestions/assignments you give me: Tell my niece how amazing her breasts or ass looks. Ask my wife to beat my ass with a belt. These kinds of things could go very wrong…but I can’t stop thinking about doing them! - david

    3. I imagine scenarios and practice my lines in my head every day, anticipating when the next opportunity might be. I feel like I’m moving from “if” to “when”, albeit very slowly. - david

  7. As usual, a very hot story.
    Q for you, Julie. What do you think would be a suitable punishment for an accomplished, intelligent writer who publishes something with a glaring spelling mistake? Payed instead of paid? Really?
    Personally, I think a long, hard spanking followed by corner time balancing a dictionary on her head would be appropriate. With photos published to prove it took place, of course. How about you?

    1. Oops. Apparently "payed" is a word with some nautical meaning, hence spell-check missed it. The AI got it right and I edited it to wrong!

      I think I get MOST of my words right...

    2. You are a wonderful writer and a diligent one. Yes, you almost never make an error, so when you do, it provides a terrific excuse for you to get that cute bottom of yours smacked. That's all I was aiming for.

  8. Great story Julie!
    I always thought that spanked wives would lead to wife swapping .

    1. Well, yes, guys are dogs, and if they can get strange pussy they will! - The Bitch

    2. and gals love to get some strange cock so it works out well for all !

  9. "It was a hot and sunny Saturday morning when Claire decided she was going to fix the leaky faucet in the kitchen."

    Sometimes the first sentence contains all the developments to come, so it is particularly exciting. Each of its words (because they are the first and it is a beginning, like the first words of Genesis), each of its words is like a fruit to savor.
    It's about a woman, and repairing a faucet (!)
    We feel the catastrophe coming.
    And in fact, a few lines later the faucet finds its “thingy” name.
    "I thought I could do it myself, but the stupid thingy broke and then everything just got out of control!" Claire said, her voice trembling.

    1. Yes! Nice foreshadow from the AI! I think thingy refers to the valve, not the faucet?

    2. Indeed, my tempting misogynistic interpretation (a faucet = a thingy for a girl) clashes with your knowledge of plumbing :-(
      Nevertheless, the damage is there and Mike - stern and calm - repaired the thingy (rusty shutoff valve) :-)

  10. Here’s a quote out of my daughter’s university textbook;
    “Another form of misogyny is the strong belief and enforcement of traditional sex roles. Does that mean most people from the Gen X era and older are misogynistic? The short answer is Yes.”
    So in a woke world we’re all misogynists apparently. Nonetheless I for one enjoyed your story.

    1. I'm on the cusp of Gen X and Mils, and I still enjoy trad sex roles. Without having them, wouldn't be able to mess with them! I mean, what fun is there in panty training a Gen Z?

    2. So much agree. It can’t be “OK” for a male to wear panties. It needs to be wrong, embarrassing, and humiliating. Shopping at Victoria’s Secret and having a woke, understanding saleswoman assist me makes it less than it could be. - david

  11. I liked the shaved (total sluts shave) v landing strip (slut) inspection.
