Monday, July 15

Fiction: Sequel to Embracing Maternal Discipline - The Grounding (F/M, public)

A commenter on my Embracing Maternal Discipline post asked if I could write a sequel where grounding was added to spanking with the added embarrassment of public exposure. I set the AI to work for us and we came up with the following. Please enjoy!

Embracing Maternal Discipline: The Grounding

Establishing New Rules

Anne's authority over Dan had grown steadily stronger since she had taken on the maternal role in their relationship. Her strict rules and consistent enforcement had provided Dan with the structure and discipline he craved. However, Anne felt there was still more she could do to reinforce her control and ensure Dan's behavior remained impeccable. 

One evening, after Dan had once again returned home late without informing her, Anne decided it was time to introduce a new form of discipline.

"Dan, we need to talk," Anne said firmly, meeting him at the door.

Dan sighed, knowing what was coming. "I'm sorry, Anne. I lost track of time."

"That's not an excuse," Anne replied. "We have talked about this before. From now on, there will be consequences beyond just spankings. I'm introducing a new rule: if you disobey or break any rules, you will be grounded."

Dan's eyes widened. "Grounded? Like a teenager?"

"Exactly," Anne said. "You will be grounded, and I will dictate what that entails. Additionally, you will have to inform your friends that you are grounded and explain why."

Dan felt a mix of dread and humiliation wash over him. "Anne, please, that's too much."

"No, Dan," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument. "This is necessary. You need to understand the seriousness of your actions. Now, follow me to the bedroom. We have some unfinished business."

The First Grounding

After a thorough spanking that left Dan's bottom red and sore, Anne instructed him to sit on the bed. "Now, for your grounding. You will not be allowed to go out with your friends for two weeks. During this time, you will focus on your responsibilities here at home."

Dan nodded, his head hanging low. "Yes, ma'am."

"There's more," Anne continued. "You will call each of your friends and tell them you are grounded. You will also tell them why—and you will add that you were spanked for disobeying me."

Dan's face flushed with embarrassment. "Anne, do I really have to?"

"Yes, you do," she said firmly. "This is part of your punishment. It will reinforce the consequences of your actions and remind you to be more mindful in the future."

With a heavy heart, Dan took his phone and began dialing his friends, one by one. Anne sat beside him, ensuring he followed through.

Dan took a deep breath and dialed his friend Mike. The phone rang twice before Mike picked up.

“Hey, Dan! What’s up?” Mike’s cheerful voice came through the speaker.

“Hi, Mike,” Dan started hesitantly. “I, uh, I need to tell you something.”

“Sure, man. What is it?” Mike asked.

“I’m grounded,” Dan said, his voice barely above a whisper.

There was a pause on the other end. “Grounded? Are you serious?”

“Yes,” Dan replied, glancing at Anne, who nodded encouragingly. “Anne grounded me because I disobeyed her. I came home late without telling her.”

Mike chuckled. “Wow, that’s… different. So, you’re grounded like a teenager?”

“Yes,” Dan admitted, feeling the weight of the situation. “And there’s more. Anne is insisting that I tell you something else as well.”

Mike’s curiosity was piqued. “What is it?”

Dan took a deep breath. “I also got a spanking for it.”

There was another pause. “You got spanked? By Anne? Bare butt and everything?” Mike’s tone was a mix of surprise and amusement.

“Yes, Mike. She spanked me,” Dan said, his face burning with humiliation.

“Was it bad?” Mike asked, still sounding incredulous.

“Yes, it was,” Dan admitted, feeling the sting of both the spanking and the embarrassment.

Mike laughed. “Man, you’re totally pussy whipped! Well, thanks for letting me know. I guess I’ll see you when you’re… ungrounded?”

“Yeah,” Dan said, his voice barely audible. “Thanks, Mike.”

They ended the call, and Dan looked at Anne, who nodded approvingly, telling him to make the next call.

Golf Goes On

That weekend it was a sunny Saturday morning, and Mike, James, and Tom, who had all received a call from Dan, were heading to the golf course. As they arrived at the clubhouse, they noticed a stranger looking for a group to join.

“Hey, are you guys a threesome today?” the stranger asked, a friendly smile on his face.

“Yeah, we are,” Mike replied. “Wanna join us? We need a fourth.”

“Sure, sounds great. I’m Steve,” the stranger introduced himself, shaking hands with each of them.

As they started their round, the conversation naturally turned to the most recent events in their group. Mike couldn’t resist bringing up Dan’s situation.

“So, did you guys get the same call from Dan that I did?” Mike asked, lining up his shot.

James chuckled. “You mean the one where he had to tell us he’s grounded and got a spanking from Anne? Yeah, I got that call.”

Tom nodded, smirking. “Same here. I couldn’t believe it at first. I thought he was joking.”

Steve, curious about the conversation, raised an eyebrow. “Wait, you guys are talking about a grown man getting grounded and spanked by his wife?”

“Yep,” Mike confirmed, hitting his ball down the fairway. “Dan’s wife, Anne, runs a tight ship. She grounded him for two weeks and made him call all of us to tell us and confess he got spanked.”

James laughed, shaking his head. “Can you imagine? Having to call your buddies and tell them you got your ass whipped by your wife? That’s next-level humiliation.”

"Was it bare-ass you think?" asked Tom.

"Sure sounded like it," said Mike. "The guy was practically pissing himself as he told me."

Tom joined in the laughter. “Dan’s totally pussy whipped. Anne’s got him on a short leash. I bet if we tried to sneak him out for a beer, he’d be too scared to come.”

Mike grinned. “Yup. Anne’s not messing around. She’d probably give him the strap and ground him for a year.”

James nodded in agreement. “Yeah, Dan would probably end up with a blistered backside and even stricter rules. He’s stuck under Anne’s thumb, and there’s no way he’s risking more punishment.”

Steve chuckled, lining up his shot. “Well, it’s definitely a unique dynamic. I’ve never heard of anything like it. But hey, if it works for them, more power to them.”

Mike laughed as he recalled a previous conversation with Dan. “You know, he once told me he liked Anne being a bit strict. Guess he got more than he bargained for.”

James grinned. “Yeah, now he’s got a full-time disciplinarian. I bet he’s regretting those little fantasies now.”

Tom added, “Imagine having to go home and get punished by your wife? No thanks, I’ll stick to my own rules.”

Steve, though a stranger to Dan, couldn’t help but join in. “Sounds like Dan’s living a real-life version of ‘My wife is my mom.’ Poor guy.”

By the time they finished their round of golf, they had thoroughly dissected Dan’s situation from every angle. The camaraderie and banter made for a memorable outing, but it was clear that Dan’s absence was felt, if only as the subject of their relentless teasing.

As they headed back to the clubhouse, Mike turned to the others. “Well, at least we got a good laugh out of it. Wonder how Dan’s doing right now?”

James shrugged. “Probably at home, doing chores with a bare red ass and trying to stay out of trouble. Better him than us.”

Tom chuckled. “Yeah, let’s just hope he doesn’t step out of line again. Otherwise, we might not see him for a long time.”

They all laughed, enjoying the camaraderie and the shared amusement at Dan’s expense. It was a day of bonding and teasing, one that they’d likely remember every time they hit the golf course, especially if Dan ever managed to join them again.

Public Display of Authority

Anne was pleased with the results of the grounding and having to tell his friends. Dan's behavior improved significantly, and he seemed more attentive to her rules. However, it was working so well that she decided why stop there?

One weekend, Anne decided to have a few of her friends over for a casual get-together. Among the guests were some of Dan's friends whom he had called during his grounding. Anne saw this as the perfect opportunity to reinforce her authority publicly, and informed the miserable Dan about her intentions and his role.

As the party got going, the living room buzzed with conversation and laughter as everyone settled in. Anne stood up, commanding attention with her authoritative presence.

“Everyone, may I have your attention, please?” she called out, immediately quieting the room.

Dan looked up, nervous about what she was going to say, but knowing she was going to say it.

"As some of you know, recently, Dan and I have introduced new rules in our relationship to help him stay on track. One of these rules involves grounding for any misbehavior."

There were murmurs of surprise and curiosity from the guests. Anne continued, "Dan has certain rules he must follow while he is grounded,” Anne announced.

Dan’s stomach tightened with dread as he felt all eyes turn toward him. His face flushed with embarrassment, knowing what was about to happen.

Anne continued. “To ensure he fully understands and commits to these rules, I’ve asked him to recite them to you all.”

Dan stepped forward, feeling the weight of the moment. His hands trembled, and his knees felt weak as he stood before the crowd. Anne looked at him expectantly.

“Go ahead, Dan,” Anne prompted, her voice firm but not unkind.

Dan took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, but his voice was shaky and hesitant.

“R-Rule number one: I must inform Anne of my whereabouts at all times and seek her permission before making any plans.”

There were a few stifled giggles from the crowd, heightening Dan’s embarrassment.

“Rule number two,” he stammered, “I am not allowed to go out with friends or engage in any social activities without Anne’s explicit permission, which is unlikely to be given.”

He could feel his face burning as he continued.

“Rule number three: I must complete all assigned chores and household duties to Anne’s satisfaction before I am allowed any personal time.”

Dan hesitated, his voice faltering. “Anne, p-please, do I really have to do this?”

Anne’s expression hardened slightly. “Yes, Dan. Continue, unless you want me to give a public demonstration of rule number four right now.”

Dan’s face burned even hotter, knowing he had no choice. “R-Rule number four,” he hesitated, “Any sign of disrespect or disobedience will result in an immediate spanking on the spot, regardless of where it is or who may be watching.”

The guests murmured with amusement and surprise, making Dan’s heart race. His hands shook visibly now, and he glanced at Anne, pleading with his eyes.

Anne’s expression hardened slightly. “Continue.”

“Rule number five,” he stammered again, “I must stand in the corner for a minimum of one hour each day as a reminder of my punishment and to reflect on my behavior.”

He paused, feeling the weight of the humiliation, and Anne prompted him to continue. “And?”

Dan swallowed hard, feeling his throat tighten. “And the specific corner is the living room corner. I must stand there regardless of who comes and goes.”

Anne, losing patience, prompted him again. “And?”

Dan’s face burned with embarrassment. “And I must serve my corner time with my pants and underpants around my ankles.”

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. His knees were shaking visibly now.

Just then, a voice rang out. “Standing in the corner with your pants down? That’s so childish,” a guest said, laughing.

He paused, glancing at Anne, who nodded for him to continue.

“R-Rule number six,” he stammered once more, “I must write a daily journal entry reflecting on my behavior and what I have learned from my discipline, which Anne will review.”

With the final rule recited, Dan lowered his gaze, feeling utterly exposed. His cheeks were hot, and his heart pounded in his chest.

Anne nodded approvingly. “Thank you, Dan. Now, do you understand the importance of these rules and the consequences of failing to follow them?”

“Y-Yes, ma’am,” Dan replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Anne looked at him expectantly. “Louder, Dan.”

Dan’s face burned even hotter. “Yes, ma’am,” he said, louder this time. The public recitation had been humiliating, but it also solidified the seriousness of his situation and his commitment to change. He could feel the sweat on his forehead and the knot in his stomach tighten.

Anne turned to their guests, a smile on her face. “I appreciate your patience. Dan is learning the importance of discipline and respect, and your support means a lot.”

The guests nodded, some with sympathetic smiles, others with knowing glances. Anne had successfully asserted her authority and humbled Dan in front of their friends.

Publicly Grounded

While the atmosphere remained relaxed after the revelation, people mingling and chatting in the living room and kitchen, Dan was feeling increasingly sulky and humiliated, knowing that everyone, even the women, were aware of his situation.

As the evening progressed, Dan’s mood did not go unnoticed. Anne approached him, her eyes narrowing slightly as she saw the discontent written on his face.

“Dan, what’s with the attitude?” she asked quietly but firmly.

Dan glanced around, noticing that some of their friends were watching. “It’s just… everyone knows, Anne. Even the women. It’s humiliating.”

Anne’s expression softened slightly but remained resolute. “We’ve talked about this, Dan. You need to accept the consequences of your actions. Now, drop that tone, or there will be further consequences.”

Dan muttered something under his breath, something disrespectful that Anne couldn’t quite catch but understood the tone well enough.

“Excuse me?” Anne said, her voice louder now, catching the attention of several guests.

Dan, feeling cornered and embarrassed, looked away. “I said it’s not fair,” he grumbled.

Anne’s eyes flashed with anger. “That’s it, Dan. You’re grounded for a week.”

Dan’s face flushed with both anger and embarrassment. “But, Anne, this is so unfair!”

Anne’s tone grew even sterner, her voice ringing with authority. “Make that two weeks, Dan. And if you keep up this disrespectful attitude, there will be more consequences.”

Dan couldn’t hold back his frustration. “This is ridiculous!”

Anne’s eyes bore into him, her voice cold and controlled. “Alright, we'll make it a full month in that case. And a strapping as soon as everyone has left. Do you understand me?”

The room had gone quiet, all eyes on the unfolding scene. Dan’s face went fully white at the news of the strapping.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.

“And in case anybody is wondering why Dan has turned so white, I'll describe what a strapping entails. Dan will be taken to our bedroom immediately after you all leave,” Anne began, her tone matter-of-fact. “He will be required to strip completely naked.”

The guests exchanged glances, some trying to hide their amusement, others clearly intrigued.

“Once he's undressed, he will lie face down on the bed draped over three pillows, his hands gripping the headboard to keep himself steady. I will then retrieve the leather strap that we use for serious infractions. It’s a heavy, sturdy strap designed to deliver a deep, lasting sting.”

Anne paused for a moment, letting her words sink in before continuing. “Dan will receive twenty hard strokes. With each stroke, he will be required to count out loud. Any failure to do so will result in the stroke being repeated.”

She looked around the room, making eye contact with several guests. “The first few strokes will be aimed to cover the full expanse of his bottom, ensuring an even distribution of the sting. As the punishment progresses, the skin will redden and start to swell, each subsequent stroke landing on already tender flesh.”

Dan’s face burned with humiliation as Anne described the punishment in such explicit detail, but he couldn’t deny the strange sense of anticipation that accompanied it.

“Dan’s likely reactions will include gasping, wincing, and perhaps even crying out. This is expected and part of the process. By the tenth stroke, his bottom will be a deep, angry red. By the fifteenth, there will likely be bruising, and he will be squirming to stay in position.”

Anne’s voice remained calm and authoritative as she continued. “The final strokes will be the hardest, delivered with extra force to drive home the lesson. By the time we reach the last few strokes, Dan will be crying, begging for mercy, and promising to behave, the lesson fully internalized.”

She paused, allowing the room to absorb the gravity of what she was saying. “After the twentieth stroke, Dan’s bottom will be thoroughly punished, with deep red welts and significant swelling.”

Sarah nodded. “Poor Dan. He really is in for it.”

Anne nodded, her authority clear. “Indeed he is. Now, Dan, apologize to our guests for the disruption.”

Dan swallowed hard, looking around at the faces of their friends, some of whom were barely suppressing smiles or outright grins. “I’m sorry for the disruption,” he muttered.

Anne nodded in approval. “Thank you. Now, go to the kitchen and help with the drinks.”

As Dan moved to comply, the room slowly returned to its previous buzz of conversation, but the tension lingered in the air. Anne’s display of authority had been unequivocal, and the respect she commanded was palpable.

One of the women, Jenny, leaned over to her friend Sarah and whispered, “Wow, Anne doesn’t mess around, does she?”

The men, meanwhile, exchanged knowing glances. Mike chuckled softly, nudging James. “Told you Dan wouldn’t be able to keep it together.”

James grinned. “Yeah, he’s definitely learning his lesson the hard way.”

As the evening continued, the topic of Dan’s discipline became a point of whispered conversation and occasional teasing among the guests. Dan, meanwhile, did his best to comply with Anne’s orders, knowing that any further misstep would only worsen his situation.

By the time the guests began to leave, the atmosphere had shifted. There was a newfound respect for Anne’s authority and a clear understanding of the dynamics in their relationship. Dan felt the weight of his grounding and the impending strap punishment, but he also knew that Anne’s discipline, though strict and sometimes humiliating, was exactly what he needed.


As the last guests said their goodbyes and the door closed behind them, Anne turned to Dan, her expression stern but not unkind.

“Go to the bedroom and wait for me,” she ordered.

Dan nodded, feeling a mix of dread and acceptance. “Yes, ma’am,” he replied, heading to the bedroom as instructed.

Anne followed a few minutes later, closing the door behind her. “Do you understand why you’re being punished, Dan?” she asked, her voice calm but firm.

“Yes, ma’am,” Dan replied, his head hanging low. “For being disrespectful and not accepting my punishment.”

“That’s right,” Anne said. “And what happens now?”

Dan’s voice trembled slightly. “I get strapped, ma’am.”

Anne nodded, fetching the strap from the dresser drawer where she kept it. “Undress, Dan. Let’s get this over with.”

Dan complied, feeling both the sting of humiliation and the strange comfort of knowing Anne’s discipline was ultimately for his own good. As Anne’s strap descended, delivering the promised punishment, Dan resolved to be more respectful and mindful of her authority in the future.

Reinforcing the New Dynamic

In the days that followed, the public display of Anne's authority had a profound effect on Dan. He felt more committed to following her rules, knowing that any misstep would not only result in personal consequences but also public humiliation.

Anne continued to enforce her rules strictly. Whenever Dan misbehaved, he faced immediate consequences—whether it was a spanking, grounding, or another form of discipline. The consistency of her approach left no room for doubt about who was in charge.

One evening, after another minor infraction, Anne called Dan into the living room where she was waiting with the hairbrush.

"Dan, it's time for your punishment," she said calmly. "You know the drill."

Dan obediently positioned himself over her knee, his pants down, feeling the familiar mix of dread and acceptance. Anne's spanking was firm and deliberate, each stroke a reminder of her unwavering authority.

Afterward, as Dan stood in the corner with his reddened bottom on display, Anne addressed him. "Remember, Dan, this is for your own good. I expect you to follow my rules without question. You are also grounded for an additional week."

Dan nodded, his face flushed with shame. He knew that Anne's discipline, though strict and sometimes humiliating, was exactly what he needed to stay on the right path.

Embracing the Maternal Ideal

As the weeks passed, the new dynamic in their relationship became more deeply ingrained. Anne's authority was unquestioned, and Dan's behavior improved significantly. He felt a sense of purpose and clarity in his daily life, knowing that he was accountable to someone who cared deeply for him.

One evening, as they sat together on the couch, Dan looked at Anne with gratitude. "Thank you for everything, Anne. For understanding what I need and being willing to give it to me."

Anne smiled, her maternal warmth evident. "It's my pleasure, Dan. I love you, and I want what's best for you. And sometimes, that means being strict and demanding."

Dan nodded, feeling a deep sense of contentment. He knew that their relationship was unconventional, but it was exactly what he had always wanted. With Anne's unwavering authority and loving discipline, he felt more fulfilled than ever before.

Anne also introduced new routines to reinforce her maternal dominance. Every evening, she would tuck Dan into bed, ensuring he adhered to his strict bedtime. She read him a chapter from a book, a ritual that soothed him and reinforced the maternal dynamic.

Dan found himself thriving under Anne’s firm but loving guidance. He felt a sense of purpose and clarity in his daily life, knowing that he was accountable to someone who cared deeply for him. Anne’s unwavering authority provided the structure and security he had always craved.

Their relationship flourished as they embraced this unique dynamic. Anne’s maternal discipline became an integral part of their lives, strengthening their bond and deepening their connection. Dan knew that he was truly fortunate to have a partner who understood his needs and was willing to fulfill them with such unwavering commitment.


  1. Julie your on a roll, grounding know so well, don't wish this to happen to me, it's bad enough. Maternal is the key, I've said it many times, the female knows that being a wife means also being a Mommy. Our marriage is strong thank's to my wife/mommy. Grounded, pajamas, being seen facing the wall, a very red spanked bottom on display, having to address her as Mommy no matter who maybe present, early bedtime. As I said you are on a roll and the stories are fun to read, keep it going, Thank's Jack

    1. Thanks!
      I have an upcoming story featuring "Jack" you will enjoy.

  2. Oh, Julie, as much as I’m excited by the thought of public humiliation, I don’t know if I could handle something like this! But I guess “what I could handle” wouldn’t be up to me, would it? I do think I would be a much better person is so many ways with this kind of relationship. If only… - david

    1. Indeed. If you're under the thumb, may as well let everyone know it.

  3. Did the AI forget rule number 4? I really expected that Dan was going to be spanked in front of everyone at the party. - david

    1. She took mercy on him ;-) But just the once!

  4. That one pushes a lot of buttons, for sure. We experimented with grounding a few times years ago, early on in our disciplinary relationship. It proved unworkable at that time, because I was constantly traveling and/or going to social obligations for work. But, these days, post-retirement? There's really nowhere I need to be.

  5. Julie,

    if you will,would you describe or characterize the extent to which you edited/rewrote the AI content? I imagine you used some follow-up probes, but beyond that how much of the narrative is "you"?



    1. Not much at all. 99% of the text came from AI. I did guide it with prompts and made it drill down on details in some sections, then I stitched it together. The main arc was created by AI by feeding it my previous story and then the commenter's request for more.

  6. I wonder who this Steve is and if he has a future in this story.
