Friday, July 12

Fiction: The Humiliation of Mr. Lawrence (F/M, witnesses)

I'm working on a little project whereby I feed ChatGPT-4o images such as the one below and ask it to describe the scene and imagine a backstory. I'll post that one next (I have over 100 images with brief backstories - still working on it). In the meantime, I'll post this more extended story inspired by ChatGPT's  backstory. Very humiliating involving a punishment fitting the crime for repeatedly leaving skid marks in his underpants for the maid to clean up! Enjoy.

The Humiliation of Mr. Lawrence


The clock chimed two as Mrs. Lawrence prepared to leave for her weekly tea with friends. She turned to Rebecca, the maid, and said, “I'll be gone for a couple of hours, Rebecca, and will return with some friends for a club meeting. I trust you to keep everything in order here.” Rebecca acknowledged her and went about her tasks as her Mistress left.

The Lawrence household was renowned among their social circle for its impeccable order and high standards. From the outside, it seemed like a perfect family, with Mr. Lawrence a wealthy and early-retired homebody, having inherited the family fortune at a relatively young age; and Mrs. Lawrence known for her elegant poise in society and efficient management of their home. Yet, beneath this veneer of perfection lay a stringent disciplinary regime that ensured the household’s standards were maintained at all times.

The origins of this regime dated back several years. Mrs. Lawrence, raised in a strict household herself, had always believed in the importance of discipline and order. When she married Mr. Lawrence, she brought these principles into their home, insisting on maintaining the same high standards she had grown up with. Initially, he had struggled to adjust, his laid-back attitude often clashing with his wife’s expectations.

Despite his best efforts, Mr. Lawrence's casual approach often fell short of Mrs. Lawrence’s exacting standards. Minor lapses, such as leaving clothes strewn about or neglecting basic cleanliness, became points of contention. Over time, Mrs. Lawrence realized that mere verbal warnings were insufficient to bring about the change she desired. She decided that a more structured and consistent approach was necessary to instill the discipline she valued so highly. She implemented a strict disciplinary regime, borrowing from the practices of her own upbringing. This regime included clear rules and consequences for any infractions, with the severity of the punishment matching the severity of the lapse.

Rebecca, their maid, was brought into this regime with full authority to enforce the rules. Rebecca, a stern and no-nonsense woman, had no qualms about administering discipline when necessary. Mrs. Lawrence trusted her implicitly, knowing that Rebecca shared her views on maintaining order and discipline.

The first time Mr. Lawrence found himself over Rebecca’s knee he had been lounging in his favorite armchair, a well-worn testament to his sedentary lifestyle. He was reading the morning newspaper when Mrs. Lawrence walked into the room, her footsteps sharp and purposeful. Her eyes narrowed as she surveyed the mess he had left in his wake — discarded clothes, empty snack wrappers, and a general air of disarray that had become all too common.

“We need to have a discussion,” she said crisply, her voice cutting through the silence.

Mr. Lawrence looked up from his newspaper, a sense of unease creeping into his gut. His wife was dressed impeccably as always, her demeanor exuding authority. He had learned over the years that when she used that tone, it was best to listen.

“Yes, dear?” he replied cautiously.

Mrs. Lawrence folded her arms, standing tall and unyielding. “I’ve had a discussion with Rebecca. She has noticed, as have I, your persistent untidiness and laziness. It’s clear that my efforts alone are insufficient to instill the discipline you so sorely need.”

Mr. Lawrence’s eyes widened. “What are you suggesting?”

“I’m suggesting,” Mrs. Lawrence continued, “that Rebecca be given the authority to enforce the household rules upon you. This includes the administration of discipline when necessary.”

Mr. Lawrence’s face flushed a deep red. “You can’t be serious, darling. She’s our maid! I won’t be humiliated by a servant.”

Mrs. Lawrence raised an eyebrow. “You certainly will be if you don’t shape up. This is not up for debate.”

At that moment, Rebecca entered the room, her posture straight and her eyes glinting with a mixture of resolve and amusement. She had overheard the conversation, and she knew her role in what was to come.

“Good morning, Mr. Lawrence,” she said politely, though her tone carried an undercurrent of authority.

Mr. Lawrence stood up, his embarrassment turning to indignation. “This is absurd, Rebecca. You have no right to—”

“Sit down,” Mrs. Lawrence commanded. “Rebecca will explain the new arrangement.”

Rebecca stepped forward, her expression calm yet firm. “Mr. Lawrence, your wife has entrusted me with the responsibility of ensuring you adhere to the household standards. This includes the authority to discipline you as needed.”

Mr. Lawrence’s mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. His protest died on his lips as he saw the unwavering determination in both women’s eyes.

“I refuse,” he finally managed to sputter. “I won’t allow it.”

Rebecca moved swiftly, grabbing his arm with a strength that surprised him. “Come here, Mr. Lawrence,” she said, her voice brooking no argument. Before he knew it, Rebecca had pulled him over to a chair and positioned herself. With a deft motion, she tugged down his trousers, exposing his underpanted bottom.

“Rebecca, please,” he pleaded, but his voice was weak, lacking the conviction it once held.

Mrs. Lawrence watched, her arms still folded, a look of approval on her face. “You will learn, husband. One way or another.”

Rebecca smoothed the underpants over his bottom, making sure the fabric was tight. Her hand then came down hard on Mr. Lawrence’s covered flesh, the sound echoing in the room. He yelped, the sting surprising him even through the thin fabric. She continued, each smack firm and deliberate, leaving no doubt about her control over the situation.

After a few smacks,  She pulled the leg openings higher, baring his lower cheeks. The fresh exposure made Mr. Lawrence whimper in embarrassment.

As Rebecca resumed the spanking, she periodically adjusted the leg openings, each time revealing more of his reddening flesh. His protests turned to whimpers and then to silent tears. He kicked his legs in distress, but Rebecca’s grip was unyielding.

Finally, Rebecca grabbed the waistband of his underpants and pulled up sharply, wedging the fabric deeply into his cleft. His bare cheeks were now fully exposed and vulnerable. She pulled up even tighter, the material cutting into his bottom hole and squeezing his testicles painfully. Each smack now landed directly on his bare skin, the sting far more intense.

“Rebecca, please,” he cried, but his voice was barely a whisper. The spanking continued, each smack a firm reminder of his new reality.

When Rebecca finally stopped, she released him, allowing him to stand. His face was a deep shade of red, both from the spanking and the intense humiliation. Rebecca stood up and, with a small nod from Mrs. Lawrence, stepped back to allow him to adjust himself.

“You may fix your underpants and pull up your trousers,” Mrs. Lawrence said, her tone almost dismissive.

With trembling fingers, Mr. Lawrence reached back and began to painfully and humiliatingly pick the deeply wedged underpants out of his bottom cleft. The material had cut deeply, and the sensation was intensely uncomfortable as he extracted it from between his cheeks. Both women watched him with stern expressions, and some smirking amusement. He then pulled his trousers back up, covering his underpanted shame.

“Thank you, Rebecca,” Mrs. Lawrence said, her voice softening slightly. “I trust this won’t be necessary too often, will it, husband?”

Mr. Lawrence shook his head, his voice barely above a whisper. “No, dear. It won’t.”

“Good,” Mrs. Lawrence replied. “Now, clean up this mess and make yourself presentable. Rebecca, ensure he does so. And rest assured, dear husband, if Rebecca has cause to discipline you again, I can assure you it will not be with your underpants up next time.”

Rebecca nodded, her eyes meeting Mr. Lawrence’s with a look that promised there would be no leniency in the future. Mr. Lawrence blushed profusely.

As Mr. Lawrence began tidying the room, the sting of Rebecca’s spanking still fresh on his bottom, he knew that his life had irrevocably changed. The strict regime imposed by his wife now had an enforcer in the form of their maid, and there was no escaping the consequences of his actions.

And so, Mr. Lawrence learned to live under the dual authority of the two women, his days of leisure and untidiness firmly behind him. The presence of Rebecca, ever watchful and ready to discipline, ensured that he remained in line, the threat of another humiliating spanking never far from his mind.

A Humiliating Misdeed

Gradually, Mr. Lawrence's behavior improved, and his spankings had thus become less frequent.

Unfortunately, in recent weeks, there had been an ongoing issue with one aspect of Mr. Lawrence's basic hygiene. Rebecca had ignored it the first time, hoping it a one-off, but as the issue recurred, she had embarrassingly brought it to his attention along with a dire warning which she had hoped would resolve it. However, as she was gathering laundry in the master bedroom, sure enough, there it was again – another pair of soiled underpants in the laundry basket. Rebecca’s eyes narrowed. Today, she decided, would be different. Today, Mr. Lawrence would learn his lesson in a manner he wouldn’t soon forget. She placed a pack of wet wipes into her apron pocket and marched to the study where Mr. Lawrence was reading.

“Mr. Lawrence, a word,” she said sternly, holding the offending underpant in her hand.

As she approached, he looked up, his eyes widening in alarm when he saw what she was holding.

“Mr. Lawrence,” Rebecca began, her voice cold and measured, “do you remember our conversation from last week? The one where I told you that this would not be tolerated again?”

Mr. Lawrence’s face paled, his eyes darting nervously between Rebecca and the soiled underpants in her hand. “Rebecca, I… I can explain,” he stammered.

“Explain?” Rebecca’s voice rose slightly, her frustration evident. “You promised me this wouldn’t happen again. You said you would be more mindful, but clearly, that promise meant nothing.”

He held up his hands, desperation creeping into his voice. “Please, Rebecca, it was an accident. I was in a rush yesterday morning, and I didn’t have time to… to clean properly. It won’t happen again, I swear.”

Rebecca shook her head, her resolve hardening. “No, Mr. Lawrence. You had your warning. You knew the consequences, and yet here we are. Excuses will not be tolerated this time.”

He took another step back, his voice trembling. “Rebecca, please, just give me one more chance. I’ll do better, I promise. Just don’t… don’t punish me, please!”

Rebecca’s expression turned to one of sheer outrage. “Do you have any idea how disgusting it is to handle your soiled underpants? It’s not just about the mess, it’s about your complete lack of consideration and basic self-respect. You leave this filth for me to deal with, as if you have no respect for me and the work I do around here. If you can’t manage something as basic as this, then you need to be taught a lesson. A very severe lesson.”

His eyes filled with tears as he realized she was serious. “Rebecca, I’m begging you,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “Please, don’t do this.”

“No,” she replied, her tone brooking no argument. “This is the third time in as many weeks, and I have had enough. Stand up.”


Mr. Lawrence hesitated but the look in Rebecca’s eyes left no room for defiance. Slowly, he rose to his feet.

Rebecca moved a chair to the center of the room and sat down, fixing him with a stern gaze. “Stand in front of me,” she instructed.

Mr. Lawrence complied, standing nervously before her, his hands trembling slightly, a mix of humiliation and fear coursing through him. Rebecca, seated comfortably on the spanking chair, looked up at him with a knowing, almost patronizing smile. She reached out and unfastened his belt, the metallic clink echoing in the otherwise silent room. With deliberate slowness, she undid the clasp and pulled down the zipper, allowing his pants to fall to his ankles in a crumpled heap.

Mr. Lawrence’s heart pounded in his chest as the maid’s fingers moved to his underpants. She gently hooked her thumbs into the waistband, first at the back, and slowly peeled them down to just beneath his jutting buttocks. His bare skin felt the cool air, and he shivered slightly from the exposure.

Next, Rebecca shifted her attention to the front, making sure to prolong every second of his embarrassment. She tugged his underpants down just enough to hook them under his genitals, leaving his penis and testicles fully exposed. Mr. Lawrence’s face flushed with shame as his eyes met hers, the elastic waistband of his underpants cruelly holding his genitals up and out at her eye level.

Rebecca took her time, ensuring that Mr. Lawrence felt the full weight of his humiliation. She looked at him with a calm, composed demeanor, her eyes betraying a hint of amusement at his predicament. Mr. Lawrence’s breathing grew shallow as he stood there, fully exposed and vulnerable, awaiting the inevitable punishment that would follow.

Rebecca believed in the power of humiliation as a disciplinary tool, and she was only getting started. By exposing her employer's genitals so prominently, she aimed to instill humility and obedience. This method reinforced the power dynamic, reminding him of his subordinate position, and ensured he internalized the lesson deeply. The embarrassment and vulnerability he felt would make him think twice before any future misbehavior, fostering genuine change through a potent mix of shame and submission.

Rebecca’s eyes met his, a hint of stern amusement in her gaze. “This is what happens when you can’t keep yourself clean,” she said.

She allowed him to stand there, fully aware of his humiliation, before finally directing him. “Come to my side,” she ordered.


Mr. Lawrence shuffled to her side, his trousers still around his ankles. Rebecca guided him over her knee, positioning him so that his bare bottom was raised and vulnerable.

“You have been warned repeatedly, Mr. Lawrence,” she said. “Yet you continue to disregard basic hygiene. This is to ensure you remember.”

Before beginning the spanking, she parted his cheeks and examined his anus. “If you behave like an infant, I will treat you like one,” she stated.

Mr. Lawrence squirmed in embarrassment as she noted the dirty state of his bum. “This is unacceptable,” she said, reaching into her apron pocket and pulling out the pack of wet wipes.

“Let’s clean you up properly,” Rebecca said, her tone both stern and maternal. She began to thoroughly clean the area, wiping his anus, cleft, and buttocks as she would an infant’s. She even wet wiped the backs of his testicles. Mr. Lawrence’s humiliation deepened with each wipe, tears of shame welling in his eyes.

Once she was satisfied with the cleanliness, she put the wet wipes aside and resumed her position. “Now, for your punishment,” she said.

As Mr. Lawrence lay draped over Rebecca’s lap, he felt the cold air on his dampened skin. Rebecca’s grip was firm, ensuring he wouldn’t wriggle free.

“Mr. Lawrence,” Rebecca began, her tone a mix of frustration and authority, “I have had enough of finding your underpants soiled with skid marks. It’s utterly disgusting and childish.” She raised her hand high, pausing for a moment as if to let her words sink in.


With a swift motion, her hand came down with a sharp smack against his bare bottom. Mr. Lawrence yelped in surprise and pain, his body jerking instinctively. Rebecca continued, her hand rising and falling in a steady rhythm, each slap echoing through the room.

Mr. Lawrence squirmed and yelped, but Rebecca held him firmly in place. She continued the spanking, making sure each strike was felt and remembered. His protests turned to sobs as the spanking went on, his humiliation growing with each passing second.

“An adult man behaving like an infant,” she scolded between smacks. “Do you know how humiliating it is for me to clean up after you? It’s like you’ve never learned how to wipe properly.” Her words stung almost as much as the spanking, adding layers of embarrassment to Mr. Lawrence’s ordeal.

He squirmed and kicked, trying to escape the relentless spanking, but Rebecca’s hold was unyielding. “Please, Rebecca, I’m sorry!” he pleaded, his voice breaking with desperation.

Rebecca didn’t relent. “Sorry isn’t enough, Mr. Lawrence. You need to learn to take responsibility for your actions. Perhaps this will teach you to be more mindful.” She emphasized her point with a particularly hard slap that made Mr. Lawrence gasp.

Tears welled in his eyes, both from the pain and the mortification. He felt utterly powerless and humiliated, his face burning with shame. Rebecca’s scolding continued, her voice stern and unwavering. “From now on, if I find your underpants dirty again, you will face this same punishment and much more. You are an adult, and it’s time you started acting like one.”

She paused for a moment, letting her words sink in before continuing, “And to drive the lesson home, after I am done with your spanking, you will strip completely naked. Then, you will go to the living room corner for timeout, wearing your soiled underpants inside out on your head as a symbol of your shame.”

Mr. Lawrence’s eyes widened in horror at the prospect. The thought of standing there, like that, where others might see him, was almost too much to bear. “Please, Rebecca, anything but that,” he begged, his voice trembling.

Rebecca’s hand came down harder, her determination unwavering. “You need to learn your lesson, Mr. Lawrence. Maybe this will finally get through to you. Words and even spankings alone seem to have no effect.”

Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Mr. Lawrence, Rebecca paused, her hand resting on his reddened skin. “Do you understand, Mr. Lawrence?” she asked, her tone softer but still firm.

“Yes, Rebecca,” he replied meekly, his voice choked with sobs.

Once she was satisfied that this phase of his lesson had been driven home, she stopped. “Stand up and strip completely,” she ordered.


Mr. Lawrence, his face tear-streaked, did as he was told. He stood naked before her, trembling with shame and pain.

“Now,” Rebecca said, turning the soiled underpants inside out, “you will wear these on your head and stand in the corner. It seems fitting, considering your behavior.”

She placed the underpants on his head, ensuring the stains were visible. Then, she led him to the living room corner, the most public location in the house. “Stay here and do not move until I say so,” she instructed.

Mr. Lawrence stood in the corner of the living room, his bare skin prickling with a mix of shame and the cool air against his exposed flesh. His heart raced as he felt the soiled underpants on his head, the inside of the fabric brushing uncomfortably against his scalp and face. He felt utterly ridiculous, reduced to this humiliating state by his own actions and Rebecca’s unyielding discipline.

He understood why Rebecca had chosen the living room for his timeout. The most exposed part of the house, it was a place where anyone could walk in and see him at any moment. His wife, her friends, neighbors—even the delivery person. The fear of such a scenario played on a loop in his mind, his anxiety growing with each passing second.

Every creak of the floorboards, every distant murmur of conversation seemed to amplify his terror. He could hear the faint hum of the refrigerator, the ticking of the clock on the wall, each sound a reminder of the endless minutes ticking by as he stood there, vulnerable and exposed.

He couldn’t shake the image of someone walking in, seeing him in all his shameful glory. The soiled underpants on his head were a stark symbol of his childish crime and the punishment that followed. Worse than his nudity was the knowledge that anyone who saw him would immediately understand why he was being punished. The thought of someone realizing he lacked basic toilet hygiene was mortifying beyond words.

He imagined the looks of disgust, the laughter, the whispered comments about his complete lack of self-respect. “Can you believe he can’t even clean himself properly?” “What kind of man needs to be punished like this?” The imagined voices filled his head, each one cutting deeper into his pride.

His face burned with the thought of it, the sheer embarrassment almost too much to bear. He clenched and unclenched his fists, trying to steady his breathing and focus his mind, but the fear was overwhelming. He felt trapped, like a child caught doing something naughty, awaiting the inevitable scolding and ridicule.

Rebecca’s footsteps approached, and his heart skipped a beat. She entered the living room, her presence a reminder of his current predicament.

Rebecca watched Mr. Lawrence standing in the corner, his naked body trembling, his face flushed with the shame of his punishment. The sight of him, with the soiled underpants perched humiliatingly on his head, filled her with a mixture of satisfaction and stern resolve. She knew that this display, as harsh as it was, was necessary to drive the lesson home.

She had been patient with him, offering warnings and admonishments, but he had failed to heed her advice. Handling his soiled underpants was not just a chore; it was an affront to her dignity and a clear sign of his lack of respect. Rebecca had reached her limit. It was time for a stronger message.

As she moved about the living room, tidying up and occasionally glancing at him, Rebecca’s mind wandered to the possible scenarios that might unfold. She knew his wife would be home soon, and she often entertained friends. The idea of them walking in and seeing Mr. Lawrence in such a state was both mortifying and necessary.

His wife would be shocked, of course, and her friends might find it amusing. But Rebecca believed it was the ultimate form of tough love. She hoped that the sight of him, exposed and humiliated, would imprint the seriousness of his actions into his memory.

The thought of his teenage daughter and her friends possibly witnessing his shame crossed her mind as well. Rebecca felt a pang of sympathy for him, but she steeled herself. If they saw him like this, it would undoubtedly be a powerful deterrent against any future lapses. The embarrassment would be intense, but it would serve a potent disciplinary purpose. 

“Remember, Mr. Lawrence,” she said calmly, “this is for your own good. And if anyone does come into this room, you are not to move. If they do see you, it will only serve to reinforce the lesson you need to learn.”

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the humiliation, but it was no use. The reality of his situation was impossible to escape. He could only hope that this moment would pass quickly, and that the fear of being seen would remain just that—a fear, and not a reality.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly as he stood there, each second feeling like an eternity. The weight of the underpants on his head, the sting of his freshly spanked bottom, and the knowledge of his utter exposure combined to create a perfect storm of shame and regret. All he could do was endure it, praying that it would get no worse and he would be able to avoid such humiliation in the future.

First Exposure

Mr. Lawrence stood in the corner of the living room for what seemed a very long time, every inch of his skin burning with a mixture of pain and shame. His soiled underpants, turned inside out and perched atop his head were like a humiliating crown. His bottom throbbed with the sting of Rebecca’s spanking, a constant reminder of his punishment.

Suddenly, he heard the unmistakable sound of the front door opening. His heart skipped a beat as he recognized his wife’s voice, cheerful and chatting animatedly with her friends. Panic surged through him. His wife had no idea what had transpired, and the thought of her and her friends seeing him like this filled him with dread.

He shifted nervously, his mind racing. What should he do? Run and hide? But he knew that would only make things worse. He couldn’t risk angering Rebecca or Mrs. Lawrence further.

He heard footsteps approaching, the voices growing louder as they moved from the foyer towards the living room. His breathing became shallow and rapid, his pulse pounding in his ears. The moment of exposure was imminent, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

His wife’s laughter rang out, followed by the voices of her friends. “Come on in, ladies! Let’s have some coffee in the living room,” she said, her tone bright and welcoming.

Mr. Lawrence’s knees felt weak, and he struggled to remain standing. His entire body was tense with fear and humiliation. As the group stepped into the living room, their cheerful chatter abruptly halted, replaced by a stunned silence.

He could feel their eyes on him, taking in every humiliating detail: his nudity, the soiled underpants on his head, and his well-spanked bottom. The room seemed to close in around him, the weight of their judgment pressing down on him like a physical force.

“Oh my God,” one of his wife’s friends gasped, breaking the silence.

His wife stood frozen, her eyes wide with shock and confusion. “Lawrence, what on earth…?” she began, her voice trailing off as she struggled to process the scene before her.

Mr. Lawrence’s face burned with shame, his cheeks hot and flushed. He wanted to disappear, to vanish into thin air, but he knew there was no escape. He was trapped in this moment of utter humiliation, forced to face the consequences of his actions.

Rebecca appeared in the doorway, her expression calm and unyielding. “Mr. Lawrence is learning a very important lesson,” she said, her voice firm. “And I trust he won’t forget it anytime soon.”

His wife’s friends exchanged bewildered glances, their shock slowly giving way to awkward amusement. Some of them stifled giggles, while others whispered to each other in disbelief.

“Mr. Lawrence needs to understand the consequences of his actions. And now, everyone here will help ensure he does.”

Mr. Lawrence stood there, exposed and humiliated, as his wife and her friends settled in around him, their eyes never leaving his shameful display. The weight of their judgment was almost unbearable, but he knew he had no choice but to endure it.

“Oh my,” one of them said, “keeping standards high, I see.”

“Indeed,” Rebecca replied, crossing her arms. “Mr. Lawrence has trouble with his hygiene. This is to ensure he remembers.”

The women laughed and scolded Mr. Lawrence, pointing and shaking their heads. “At your age, it’s disgraceful!” one of them said.

Second Exposure

Mr. Lawrence’s heart pounded in his chest as he stood in the corner, every nerve ending on edge. The mortification of being seen by his wife and her friends had been bad enough, but now, as he heard the familiar sound of the front door opening again, a fresh wave of panic surged through him.

This time, the voices were younger, more energetic. He recognized his teenage daughter’s voice, chatting and laughing with a group of her friends. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut: they were heading straight for the living room.

His breathing became shallow again, his mind racing with fear and humiliation. The thought of his daughter seeing him like this—naked, his bottom reddened from the spanking, with his soiled underpants perched humiliatingly on his head—was almost too much to bear. And worse, her friends would be there too, witnessing his complete degradation.

He again felt his legs weaken, his knees threatening to buckle under the weight of his shame. The voices grew louder, the girls’ laughter and chatter filling the hallway as they approached. He could hear snippets of their conversation, lighthearted and oblivious to the sight awaiting them.

“Oh my God, can you imagine?” one of the girls said, giggling.

“No way, that would be hilarious!” another replied, her voice bright with amusement.

Mr. Lawrence squeezed his eyes shut, wishing he could disappear, melt into the wall and escape the impending disaster. He knew there was no escape, though. Running would only make things worse, drawing more attention to his already exposed and humiliated state.

His daughter’s voice was getting closer. “Come on, let’s go to the living room. I’ve got the new game set up on the TV.”

The seconds stretched into an eternity as he heard their footsteps approach. His mind was a whirl of desperate thoughts, each more frantic than the last. What would she think of him? How would she ever look at him the same way again? And what about her friends? The teasing and whispers that would follow him, not just within his family, but possibly even spreading through the community.

The door swung open, and the room was filled with the sound of giggles and excited chatter. Then, suddenly, a stunned silence as the group took in the sight before them.

Mr. Lawrence’s daughter Emily stood frozen, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief. Her friends were similarly struck, their expressions ranging from confusion to awkward amusement. The room felt suffocatingly quiet, the weight of their stares pressing down on him like a physical force.

“Dad?” Emily finally whispered, her voice barely audible, a mix of embarrassment and disbelief.

Mr. Lawrence’s cheeks burned with shame, tears of humiliation welling in his eyes. He couldn’t bring himself to look at her, couldn’t bear to see the look of mortification and pity on her face. The silence stretched on, broken only by the awkward shuffling of feet and the occasional whispered comment.

Mrs. Lawrence this time took the lead. She addressed Emily and her friends, her voice steady and composed. “Girls, I apologize for you having to see this, but it’s important for you to understand the context of what’s happening here. Mr. Lawrence has repeatedly failed to take care of himself in a very basic way, despite numerous warnings. He left his underpants in a very unhygienic state, and it was left to Rebecca to handle them. This behavior is not only disrespectful to those who have to clean up after him but also shows a lack of self-respect.”

Rebecca, who had been quietly standing by, stepped forward. “And it’s important to understand that Mr. Lawrence was given multiple warnings. This is a last resort, not a first step. We hope that this will be a turning point for him, and that he will take better care of himself and show more respect for those around him.”

One of Emily’s friends, a girl named Jenna with a mischievous glint in her eye, stepped forward.

“Mr. Lawrence, you do this over and over? It’s pretty clear you need some basic hygiene lessons,” Jenna said, her tone dripping with condescension. “Let me help you out.”

Mr. Lawrence’s heart sank. He wanted nothing more than to disappear, but there was no escaping this public shaming.

Jenna continued, “First, when you’re done using the toilet, you need to take a good amount of toilet paper. Don’t be stingy. Fold it neatly, like this.” She mimed the action in front of him, holding an imaginary piece of toilet paper.

All the girls and women laughed as the precocious teen further humiliated Mr. Lawrence.

“You start by wiping from front to back. It’s important to always go in that direction to avoid spreading bacteria to your more sensitive areas,” she explained. “You should wipe gently but thoroughly. Make sure you’re getting everything.”

Another friend chimed in, “Yeah, and don’t just do one wipe and think you’re done. Check the paper. If it’s dirty, fold it again and wipe some more. Keep going until the paper comes back clean. This isn’t a one-and-done situation, Mr. Lawrence.”

Jenna nodded, “Exactly. And if you need to, use more toilet paper. It’s better to use a bit extra than to leave yourself dirty. Once you’re clean, it’s a good idea to use a wet wipe to make sure everything is really clean. Those are a lifesaver.”

The girls burst into laughter, and Mr. Lawrence felt tears of shame welling in his eyes. He couldn’t meet their eyes, knowing how utterly degrading this situation was. The reality of being instructed on such a basic and private matter, particularly by a group of teenage girls, was too much to bear. The humiliation of having his faults laid bare, and in such excruciating detail, made him feel like a child, not the head of the household. He was painfully aware of every giggle, every condescending glance, and every word that underscored his humiliation. The room felt smaller, the walls closing in as he stood there, exposed and vulnerable.

“See, Mr. Lawrence,” Jenna said, her voice tinged with both amusement and pity, “it’s not that difficult. It just takes a bit of care and attention. Maybe if you followed these steps, you wouldn’t be standing here with a spanked bum and dirty underpants on your head, getting a lesson from a teenager.”

Emily’s other friends joined in with their comments, each one feeling like a dagger to Mr. Lawrence’s pride. “And don’t forget to wash your hands,” one girl added, “because it’s pretty gross if you don’t.”

The words swirled around him, each one driving home the humiliation of his situation. He could do nothing but stand there, face burning, knowing that this moment would haunt him for a long time. The image of him, reduced to this state, was seared into the memory of everyone present, and he knew it would be the subject of gossip and laughter for weeks to come.


After what felt like an eternity, the guests finally departed. Their laughter and mocking comments lingered in the air, a constant reminder of Mr. Lawrence’s utter humiliation. However, he remained in his corner interminably, the inside-out underpants still perched on his head, his body aching from the prolonged exposure and the harsh spanking.

After her day was over, Rebecca finally returned. She stood, arms crossed, her expression a mix of stern disapproval and satisfaction at having administered what she considered a necessary lesson. Mrs. Lawrence and Emily both came in to observe the scene, their presence a stark reminder of the authority and order they maintained in the household.

“Mr. Lawrence,” Rebecca finally said, her voice cutting through the silence, “you may come out of the corner now.”

Mr. Lawrence remained in place. He was nude! Rebecca approached and removed the underpants from his head, tossing them aside with a look of disgust. “Face me,” she commanded.

He turned to face her, crouching with his hands instinctively moving to cover his genitals. His attempt at modesty seemed pitiful and only added to his humiliation. Rebecca’s stern gaze bore into him, leaving him feeling even smaller and more exposed.

“Stand up straight and don't touch yourself,” she ordered, and Mr. Lawrence reluctantly obeyed, his hands dropping to his sides, leaving him fully exposed.

Mr. Lawrence was acutely aware of every gaze upon him. Rebecca’s eyes bore into him with a mixture of stern authority and mild satisfaction. Mrs. Lawrence’s expression was one of cold disapproval, a reminder of the high standards he had failed to meet. But it was Emily’s presence that struck him the hardest.

Knowing his teenage daughter was watching, seeing him in such a vulnerable and disgraceful state, filled him with a profound sense of shame. The fact that Emily, someone he was supposed to protect and set an example for, was now witnessing his complete degradation, was a blow to his pride and self-respect.

Emily’s eyes, filled with a mix of pity and disdain, seemed to pierce through him. He could almost feel her judgment, her disappointment, and her embarrassment on his behalf. The knowledge that she would carry this memory, possibly even share it with her future friends, made the humiliation even more intense.

His heart pounded in his chest, and his cheeks burned with a deep, unrelenting blush. The silence in the room was deafening, every second stretching into an eternity. He felt exposed, not just physically, but emotionally, his flaws laid bare for all to see.

As Rebecca began to scold him, her words were like daggers, each one driving home the severity of his situation. “You have embarrassed yourself and this household with your behavior,” she said. “Leaving skid marks in your underpants like a careless child is unacceptable. You have been warned multiple times, and yet you continue to disregard basic hygiene.”

The words stung, but what hurt more was the knowledge that his wife and daughter were silent witnesses to his chastisement. He could feel the weight of their judgment, their disappointment, and it crushed him.

“Today, you were treated like an infant because you behaved like one. If you ever repeat this behavior, the consequences will be far worse. A severe caning is not out of the question. Not just six or even twelve strokes, but a full thirty-six stroke caning with my dragon cane.”

The mention of caning sent a shiver down his spine. He knew Rebecca meant every word, and the thought of such a punishment was terrifying.

“Do you understand me?” Rebecca asked, her tone demanding an answer.

“Y-yes, Rebecca,” Mr. Lawrence stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Rebecca’s eyes narrowed. “I expect this to be the last time we have this conversation. If it happens again, I will personally ensure that your punishment is considerably more humiliating and painful than today.”

She turned to Mrs. Lawrence and Emily, nodding slightly. “I believe Mr. Lawrence has learned his lesson for now. He may dress and clean up.”

Mrs. Lawrence stepped forward, her gaze hard. “You heard Rebecca. Gather your soiled underpants and leave this room,” she said coldly.

Mr. Lawrence’s hands shook as he bent down to pick up the soiled underpants from where Rebecca had tossed them. The action felt like an eternity, his bare bottom exposed and vulnerable, a stark reminder of his recent punishment. He could feel the eyes of his wife and daughter on him, their judgment heavy in the air.

As he straightened up, clutching the soiled underpants in his hands, Rebecca’s final words echoed in his ears. “Let this be a lesson, Mr. Lawrence. Remember that any repeat of this behavior will result in very severe consequences.”

With that, he turned to leave the room, his spanked red bottom the last thing to disappear from their sight. The sting of the spanking was still fresh, each step a painful reminder of his humiliation. He walked quickly, desperate to escape their judgmental eyes.


  1. There is so much i deserve to be humiliated for. Imagining young women, my niece and her friends, seeing me completely exposed, makes me weak, makes me leak, and makes me want it to happen! - david

    1. Well, soil your underpants, leave them for your wife to find, and let the humiliation begin.

  2. Any civilized human uses a bidet.

  3. This one strikes close to home. Irene, long ago frustrated by my persistent need for discipline (for failure to adhere to her unrealistic expectations), empowered our maid Suzanne to spank and otherwise embarrass me when needed, or just whenever. Just last week Suzanne dressed me up in petticoats and maid me serve tea to the ladies, It’s not fair!

    Does anyone ever wonder about the etymology of the word “embarrass” - or is it just a coincidence?


  4. I showed this to my wife/mommy and the first thing she said, when it comes to young girls seeing this, it is just a part of growing up. Raising a girl is so much harder than a boy, the sexual teachings. So this they may laugh at, but understand they know in their future this could be. Jack

    1. That's a bit confusing!

    2. I was trying to say the way the female is taught sex is different from the male. More is expected of the female and so being aware of such is important. Jack

  5. Niece update. My niece borrowed my car and damaged the paint while parking. For consequences, I suggested to my niece I’d talk to my dominant wife about either a small financial contribution or, if my niece preferred, a spanking.
    “Let’s leave my aunt out of it uncle. You can give me a little spank right now if you wish, but I’m leaving my jeans on”, she said coyly as she turned her firm, young bottom towards me.
    Well that’s hardly a spanking”, I said, “besides you might report back to my wife that I’d taken advantage of the situation. No, we will discuss this with your aunt.”
    Could this lead to a shift in the niece/uncle power dynamic? Hope so.

    1. It sounds like your niece has earned at least a spanking for her carelessness. Or maybe the tables will be turned against you yet again. Whatever happens, I will love to hear about it! - david

    2. You are the only person who would "prefer" a spanking. Your niece knows this. She manipulates you. As soon as you denounce her to your wife, she will deny everything and accuse you of having scratched the paint of the car yourself to accuse her.
      You'll find yourself taking them for a ride in the car with a spiral plug up your ass and your butt burning on the seat.

    3. You’re probably right. However I suspect my niece, who has now seen several spankings, might be spanking curious herself and I’m willing to take a risk to see that happen. Thanks

  6. i gotta tell you i have been your big fan for years. love your attitude and imagination but this tale left me empty i didn't care for the dirty underwear motif

    1. To each their own, I guess. I hope you liked some of the others. Cant please everyone all the time!
