As you read in the previous post, Sandy's Story, I am coaching a young lady named Sandy and her boyfriend Tom on how Tom can spank Sandy properly. Sandy shared with us in the last post her "origin story" that involved the French Comic "Barbarella" by Jean Claude Forest first published in 1964.
Sandy's Mom is French and they had in their house a 1994 reprint of the collected Barbarella comics in French. When she was thirteen years old, and her Mom was encouraging her to improve her French, she took down Barbarella from the shelf and gave it to the young Sandy to read.
Barbarella is generally considered to be one of the first examples of the empowered female heroine in comics. As Wikipedia puts it:
For her creator, the character embodied the modern, emancipated woman in the era of sexual liberation, and as a result, this literary work has come to be associated with the mid-20th century sexual revolution.
There was a campy movie version of Barbarella starring a young Jane Fonda and directed by her then-husband, Roger Vadim.
Jane is made to wear very skimpy outfits throughout the film. There are some surviving photos of her costume fitting.
Look at her poor blank eyes.
In the opening credits, Roger insists that Jane be completely nude. She didn't want to be. She said she was very uncomfortable with this, and had body image issues, but Roger insisted. She had to have a few drinks before she could loosen up enough to see it through.
There he is about to write his name across her reluctantly naked body. She was completely bare naked for this scene. Bare as a little bunny, in front of all those cameramen, lighting guys, sound guys, production assistants, and so so, with her husband gleefully directing the action, showing everybody he can do with her what he wants, shame her to her very core even. "Have a look everybody. Look but don't touch. That's what I'm bringing home with me and fucking tonight."
Am I a terribly bad girl to find that sexy? Yes. Yes I am! Sorry about that! Sexual exploitation is bad. Very bad.
Leaving poor Jane, Sandy had just entered puberty a year earlier and was also shy about her body and a bit ashamed of it. Perhaps her Mom was sensing this and was trying to kill two birds with one stone?
Here is Sandy's answer to my question "When did you first know you were into spanking?" from the last post:
I can tell you exactly when. 13 years old. There was a graphic novel on one of the bookshelves at home called "Barbarella" by Jean Claude Forest. Do you know it? It was all in French. My Mom is French, and I went to French immersion school, so I could sort of read it. My Mom was always trying to get me to improve my French and she actually gave it to me to read. She said it's a little "adult" and I should ask her if I have any questions. I remember being so embarrassed for some reason.
The main character is a beautiful blonde spacegirl who always seems to be getting into adventures and losing her clothes and being rescued by hot guys and sleeping with them. It was actually pretty exciting for a thirteen year old girl. I took it and hid it in my room and would only read it when my door was closed. I didn't want anybody to catch me reading it. And I never took Mom up on asking her any questions about it.
At one point Barbarella gets rescued from two teen brat princesses, and then they get spanked by their father the King. It was only the one panel in the entire book. That was literally the moment for me. I got what you describe as a "tingle in my pussy" the moment I saw that. There's lots of other sexy stuff, but I didn't care about any of it. I obsessed over the tiny amount of spanking. It was the first time I masturbated, on my tummy, imagining i was the brat princess getting spanked.
Isn't it wonderful that you can date your entire spanko origin to glancing at one frame of one comic at age 13? I wonder if Sandy's Mom would be pleased or horrified at what she brought about?
Sandy sent me some scans of the comic, and some additional context.
I've attached scans of parts of the Barbarella comic. You read French I know. I have the cover and 3 parts.
The first part that intrigued me at thirteen was an almost naked Barbarella getting smacked across the face by the big brute guy when she took his gun. And then she's writhing on the ground in the next frame. I remember my heart beating faster seeing that and I didn't know why. It wasn't fear. I imagined myself being slapped like that.
Here is the scan of that page that Sandy sent:
I'll enlarge the two frames she was writing about.
This is the preamble. the brute holding Barbarella captive finds his gun missing and runs out asking "Where is my gun?" Barbarella responds from out of frame "Here it is!". Then she holds the gun to him and says "Follow me nicely. My friends are waiting for you outside to have a little party! (I hope they're there)". He slaps her across the face declaring her "Gamine!" or "little street urchin!"
Poor Barbarella winds up on the ground, face down, her legs spread akimbo, her delightful almost bare butt sticking up, her ass crack visible. The brute, however, finds out that "the little pest busted my gun!"
So that part did something for Sandy, but she was not really sure what. This happened in her book before the first spanking scene.
There was another part, further along, after the key spanking scene that also caught her fancy.
The third part was the one-eyed ruler agreeing to her spanking from Barbarella if she misbehaved. That excited me also.
I found a coloured English translation of that scene online.
I love the use of the "..." in the writing to indicate hesitancy and embarrassment. I use that a lot myself. This frame shows Barbarella can be a take-charge sort of gal. That's probably what Sandy's Mom had in mind for Sandy when she gave her the book. Too bad she did nothing but obsess over the poor spanking victims!
As the dialog talks about the spanking, we are presented with a beautiful view of the prospective spankee's backside. Her well-delineated bubble-butt just aching to be spanked. Her breasts would no doubt spill out over the top if she was taken across Barbarella's knee.
But let's get to the good stuff!
In the part Sandy is writing about, Barbarella lands in a strange country. She's immediately captured by two teenage princess brats who tie her up and take her away to play with as their new toy. Barbarella is rescued by their older brother and set free and "entertained" by him. The brats are sore that their toy was taken away, and they manage to recapture Barbarella and drag her to a remote location. Here they tie her up and in front of all their friends they unleash their little mechanical dolls to rip her to shreds (clothes first of course)!
Fortunately, the brother and their father the king show up in the nick of time to rescue Barbarella. The twins were not punished the first time they captured Barbarella, but this time will be different!
But it's the part where the brat princess is seen being given a spanking across her Daddy's knee that really got to me. I obsessed over that frame, going back to it over and over again. Imagining myself over his knee, being spanked publicly like that. You can see her panties are still up, and it didn't occur to me that they ought to come down or anything. It was perfectly exciting to me just the way it was at the time.
The valet standing by. All the soldiers in the background. The Prince comforting Barbarella. The brat with her dress raised, hiked well up over her father the king's knee, kicking her little legs as she is given what appears to be a very sound spanking. The above is the very image that young Sandy obsessed over.
Sandy explains to us why even the panties up were an important element.
In school prior to that, a boy had flipped up my skirt from behind, just for a second, and everybody laughed at me, girls and boys. I had already entered puberty and was very self conscious about everything down there. I was wearing simple white panties my Mom bought for me. That was not sexual at the time, it was just pure cheek burning embarrassment. So having my skirt raised in public like I saw in the frame, was already about the worst, most embarrassing thing possible, in my mind. And then to be given a public spanking like that?
If you're a girl, and you recently entered puberty, and perhaps you have a bit of spotting between periods, then your worst nightmare is having your white panties exposed, and that there may be a little spot of period blood staining your panties. We've all felt that!
I had my first orgasm looking at that frame. At the time I did not have a name for what happened to me. But at bedtime I propped up the book, put a pillow under my midsection and between my knees, lay face down over it, and then lifted my nightgown from behind. I was bare bum. I then looked at the frame and imagined it was me getting the spanking. I felt a big tingle down between my legs and I put my hand down there. I was a little damp, but I knew it wasn't pee, and I rubbed and rubbed, and then I had this amazing funny feeling just course through my whole body, centered down there.
Ah yes, one's first orgasm. I had mine around that same age (though I don't remember exactly what age, there was lots of pre-orgasmic humping in my case) with a stuffed doggy down between my legs, humping him crazily, while I was imagining kissing a boy.
I was so embarrassed and ashamed at what I had done. I just knew it was wrong. I would try not to do it again for a while, but then I would do it again. It was wrong, but so right. I was careful to make sure my door was closed and not to make any noise at all. I used a flashlight pointed at the book so it looked like I was asleep from outside my door.
Oh yes, the shame of masturbation. I think that is a shame shared by both boys and girls.
Once when I was doing it my Mom spoke from the other side of my door, in French, saying "Sandy, stop reading now and go to sleep." I was on top of the covers, bare bum up over a pillow, fingering myself, staring at Barbarella. I immediately froze and said "Oui Maman" and turned off the flashlight. I heard her standing outside my door for a few seconds, and then heard her walk away. Had she opened my door right then, or walked in rather than speaking out, I would have died of shame.
I can only imagine Sandy's heart beating so hard out of her chest, thinking her Mom on the other side of the door would surely hear it and barge in. You don't want to move a muscle, but you're stuck over your covers with your bare bum high, humping a pillow stuffed between your legs.
Your Mom was one tiny action away from seeing you like that, in all your shame. And she was considering it for a couple of seconds, considering whether or not to just come in and make sure you were tucked in. Only one small unlocked door away. She probably would not have punished you for it, but there would be no avoiding a highly embarrassing talking to.
"That's ok sweetheart, it's perfectly normal for a girl your age." |
I didn't do it for a while after that, but then I did it again, and was super careful to cover the flashlight and the book under a little tent. After that, an added element of my excitement was fantasizing about my Mom or Dad walking in on me, scolding me, and giving me a spanking like the girl in the book.
And thus a fetish becomes sexualized. What a perfectly lovely and clear-cut case-study of a very, very naughty girl.
Sandy, had I been your Mom in a situation like that, I would have been so upset, abusing the book I gave you. I'd have hauled you straight out of bed, put you across my knee, and spanked your bare bottom rosy, young lady! And you can be sure your father will hear about it as well. ;-)
As Sandy was scanning these images, her boyfriend Tom asked what was up. By this time they had already had the initial talk.
P.s. Tom saw what I was doing as I was scanning and asked me about it. I told him everything above. He declared me a "precocious" child, but admitted to jerking off to naked girls at that age himself. Double standard or what?
P.p.s. I got a little worked up doing all that scanning and stuff, and we had great sex that night. I came being fucked doggy style and fingering myself, and then he nutted a moment later into me. Because it was top of mind, I imagined he was Roderick from Ellen's Story and I was Ellen. But per your instructions, Tom was banned from spanking me. I think he may have wanted to, though.
Ooooh! Sex with an eggplant and a gush. Must have been good!
We'll cover "Ellen's Story" in a following post.
il y avait un doublon
ReplyDeleteOui il est évident que lorsque on ressent du plaisir étant enfant dans la puberté, cela reste gravé à jamais.
La fessée c’est pareil ceux et celles qui ont aimé jeunes, il est certain que plus tard étant adulte nous aimons reproduire le même plaisir …
Avec mon expérience sur le sujet, adulte on ressent aussi ce plaisir, mais pas le même, on le recherche, ensuite surement en plus, le coté orgasme à obtenir avec rapport sexuel…
Je trouve que lorsque on est jeune, ce plaisir est différant, je ne pourrais le décrire exactement, comme ce sont les premiers émois, ils sont très forts, très culpabilisant, et honteux, surtout lorsque des adultes nous surprennent, ou s’en rendent compte…
Même adulte ce sentiment de honte, on le recherche pour augmenter le plaisir, par tous les moyens, exhibes, voyeurisme, ect, pour essayer de retrouver la saveur de nos premières masturbations, et ce plaisir si puissant qui nous submergés, c’est pourquoi aussi pourtant adulte on recherche les fessées familiales …
Moi-même je l’ai vécu, mon ex-femme et mes filles aussi, et le répétons sans cesse, dans ce plaisir d’adulte, avec nos souvenirs d’enfants dans la puberté en essayant de retrouver nos premières fois ….
Yes it is obvious that when we feel pleasure as a child in puberty, it remains engraved forever.
DeleteSpanking is the same for those who loved young, it is certain that later on as adults we like to reproduce the same pleasure...
With my experience on the subject, adult we also feel this pleasure, but not the same, we seek it, then surely in addition, the orgasm side to obtain with sexual intercourse...
I find that when you are young, this pleasure is different, I could not describe it exactly, as these are the first emotions, they are very strong, very guilty, and shameful, especially when adults surprise us, or surrender account…
Even adults this feeling of shame, we seek it to increase pleasure, by all means, strut your stuff, voyeurism, etc., to try to find the flavor of our first masturbations, and this so powerful pleasure that overwhelms us, that's why as yet an adult, we are looking for family spankings...
I experienced it myself, my ex-wife and my daughters too, and we repeat it constantly, in this adult pleasure, with our memories of children in puberty trying to find our first times again….
Very insightful, sir. I think those with the spanking kink are really trying hard to recreate those feelings.
DeleteI’m not sure how I never watched Barbarella. I had quite a crush on Jane Fonda as a youth. Not so much now, and it’s not because of her age. Attractiveness changes based on much more than physical appearance. For example, boots add, crazy subtracts (see the hot/crazy matrix). Writing a hot blog definitely adds! Jane lost her appeal when she betrayed American POWs and later campaigned against gun ownership (except for her and people like her). But back to the topic, I do wonder how much certain visual images early in life twisted my wiring. I know I was effected by Catwoman in her dominatrix suit tying up Batman. There must have been other things too, if I cared to dig for them. I don’t. Some things are better experienced and enjoyed rather than analyzed. - david
ReplyDeleteWell, if you travel back to that time, it was before all that, so perhaps that would make it possible to watch her?
DeleteThere was one scene where they put her in the "orgasmatron" to kill her, but Barbarella broke the machine. The proud evil scientist who built the machine is running around freaked out as the machine bursts into flames. Barbarella has that after orgasm look. He says "What kind of girl are you?"
I like how you imagined being punished for pleasuring yourself to spanking material and used that as further material to pleasure yourself to! It's like a buy-one-get-one-free deal! And probably more discrete and effective than stripping to your panties and climbing on to your father at sixteen years old! 😹
ReplyDeleteTHat was enlightening. I'd never heard of barbarella but I feel slightly more educated now.
ReplyDeleteIt's a fun, spanko-adjacent read.
DeleteWhat a contrast between the artistically rendered cover of the original book and the sexploitation feel of the movie poster. Your mention of Roger Vadim in this context reminds me of leafing through a bio of his in the remainders bin once where I read he had been married earlier to Brigit Bardot (And God Created Woman) and Catherine Deneuve (Belle de Jour). So he'd had a lot of practice dealing with budding actresses by the time he got to Jane Fonda. It really seems that making her do those nude scenes in the film was some sort of dominance game for him. One more thing, are we waiting with "bated" breath for the next episode in this riveting saga, or with "baited" breath? - Frank
ReplyDeleteAnd here's a link to a review of that bio of Roger Vadim's that I was referring to: - Frank
DeleteOops! "Bated", Sir. I looked it up:
Delete"Using a shortened form of abated, which means "stopped or reduced," the phrase refers to people holding their breath in excitement or fear as they wait to see what happens next. Bait refers to small pieces of food used to catch fish or lure animals into traps. So it's not possible to have baited breath, even if you eat a ton of minnows. The association of bait with a trap ready to spring may lead people to misuse this expression, even in national publications."