Saturday, April 16

The Rona Got Me!

Yikes. What a miserable week that was. The Rona finally caught up to me. Happy to say I'm out the other end of it and feeling my old friskiness returning!

I'm pretty sure I caught it while travelling. I had to go away for 2 nights to the states on a very stupid and totally avoidable business trip (but not optional for me). Five days later (last Monday night) feeling mild symptoms. Got worse overnight. Tested myself with a rapid antigen Tuesday morning and popped positive. David was out so I texted him to let him know. Worked most of the day from home and called it quits at around 3pm and went to bed. I set up in the guest room where I could quarantine myself a bit better and went to sleep.

That night was the worst. Splitting headache and terrible body aches. I did a lot of extra strength acitaminophen and was in and out of a hot bath, both of which eased things.

Wednesday was no picnic either but it felt like it was improving though I still had body aches and was super, super tired. At no point did I have a temperature.

Every day I was sick I forced myself to dress and go out for a walk regardless of how I felt. I think being bedridden often makes you sicker.

I thought it was going to be done by Thursday morning, but it just entered a new phase where I got one of the nastier sore throats of my life (had similar once before). So bad it was super painful to swallow. But I forced myself through the pain to drink water to keep hydrated. Still had mild headache, body aches, and tiredness as well. Plus started up with a cough and phlegmy throat. Daddy always told me to cough it up and spit it out to get it out of my system, so I did that into a spitty cup. Filled a full 8oz cup every couple of hours (gross!).

David went out to the pharmacy and got me a variety of sore throat medecines. Lozenges were lemony-tasty but pretty short-lived on the sore throat relief. The spray down the throat did a better job of numbing it, but only gave about 5 minutes of real relief. The best was the extra strength Benylin syrup. So disgusting tasting I almost cried every time I went for a dose (which was two teaspoon fulls). It has this menthol which really coated and numbed my throat for a good half hour which allowed me to rehydrate entire cups at once. Plus it has a cough expectorant, guaifenesin, which seemed to loosen up the phlegm and made it less painful and easier to cough it up, which was really beneficial.

Friday morning was a bit better, but Thursday night I barely got any sleep so I was super sleepy all day.

Friday evening I was finally starting to feel better. Mild sore throat, body aches were gone, headache was gone, mild occasional cough, much less phlegm. I actually felt hungry for the first time since Tuesday and David ordered us my favourite pizza pie. I only had one slice. It tasted great, but I did not want to overdo it. I had lost 5 pounds from the not eating and the dehydration along the way.

Friday night I got some decent sleep. Went to bed pretty early and woke up at 3am. Felt like I now had more of a head cold. Sinus stuff. Took more Benylin (yuck!) and felt better and went back to sleep.

Woke up this morning (Saturday) feeling very much myself again. Actually got dressed and started doing productive things.

While I was ill and in bed I tried to distract myself by making up scenarios in my head for my new book, but that was pointless. I had zero interest in anything kinky at all. It was all I could do to even hit publish on my blog comments, much less reply. It was the first time since forever that I had no interest in kink at all. That was scary!

This morning I finally felt well enough to respond to long languishing comments (sorry!). As I did I started feeling that familiar tingling in miss puss puss. She's back! Yay! Yay! Hurray!

David was great throughout my illness. I kept telling him to keep his distance but he ignored. He tucked me in and gave me kisses and cuddles. He rubbed my back and my bum to make me feel better. I love having my bum rubbed. Even when there was absolutely zero kinky/sexual interest, I still loved having my bare bum rubbed by him. He got me anything and everything I wanted (which was not much, I admit). Fingers crossed, he's still healthy as a horse!

So, that was my experience with the Rona so far. The tiredness is gone and the cold symptoms are fading fast.

It's likely the Omicron BA2 that I caught, as it's going around a lot. If this is the mild one, thank goodness I did not experience the Delta! This one was on par with the worst cold/flu I got as an adult (though not worse). I can easily see that if an old, or weak, or medically compromised person were to get what I got, it could be a really bad outcome. I also understand that if you're overweight, with a lot of excess fat cells, your own immune system can overreact and cause real damage. I keep myself in good shape, am not that old, have been taking supplements for my immune system, and have a positive outlook, so I think I was well prepared.

Throughout, it was in the back of my mind that it could get into my lungs and damage them and potentially kill me. But objectively, the infection fatality rate for people my age has been estimated to be around 0.008% (reference). To put that in perspective, put 12,500 people in a big stadium with me all around my age (some sickly, some fat, whatever), give them all Omicron, ONE of us will die of it. I felt I had a pretty good chance of coming out ok.

If you're older or otherwise compromised, please stay extra vigilant until this things blows over!


  1. Sounds like a miserable experience. It sounds like you are on the upswing now. Hopefully you will be feeling well again soon. I know of some people (one in my family) that took many weeks to get better. Take care.

    1. Nothing lingering, thank goodness. Feeling great!

    2. I am late to this blog posting but am glad to hear you are now better. It would have been a total disaster for the spanko world if you had succumbed! I believe it is critically important to get enough sun (on skin without sunscreen). Certainly, don't get sunburned, but aim for near full-body exposure so you can spend less time in the sun but still a lot of benefit. People indigenous to northern areas of the globe evolved light-colored skin for a reason. And these were people who were living outside all the time. But despite all that sun exposure, they still needed to evolve light skin. People point to Vitamin D, but maybe sun exposure does beneficial things for you that science doesn't know about yet. So popping a lot of Vitamin D tablets may be only a partial solution. All I know is that ever since I made it a habit to get 30 minutes of sun twice a week, I have almost never gotten sick. Before that, I was sick with colds and sore throats much more frequently.

    3. I agree vit D is important, and I suspect you are right that actual sun is superior.

  2. I’ve had it twice now. The first time I was pregnant and scared to death it was going to kill me and my baby. (This was a little over a year ago) but I’m 28 and I’m great shape so I was fine. You’re right about it turning off all sexual desires. I got really bored and gave my vibrator a go and I felt nothing.

    -Grace Marie

  3. Good to hear that you are doing better following your vivid infection.

    At least the omicron variants are not as severe as the original virus or the delta variant was when I first posted my cautionary concerns to you, wow, 2 years ago.! I remember you getting a completely different type of bum rubbing then ;-)

    1. It was always bad for the old and sick, and it was never that bad for the young and healthy, from the data I see. It was a nasty flu for sure.

  4. I'm glad to hear you are better. It was most likely Ba2. Be vigilant. Getting over the acute symptoms is excellent, but there can be longer-term issues.

    It's good to have you back! I missed you.

    1. If there is one thing I wish we as a society could stop it's the comment "there could be longer term symptoms" the same could be true for the vaccine. Also many others diseases we have all had as well (like chicken poxs) Once you have had it which is large percentage of the population at this point you are just going to have to live with those issues

    2. That is true. Apparently "long whatever" has always been a thing with the flu, just never talked about as much as now. Hard to get any real data on if COVID is worse than other flus of comparable severity in this regard. If anybody has any, please drop it here.

    3. Please stop making this political. This isn't flu. It's a SARS virus which is a class that has been worrying people for a long time. It's plan silly to say that there is no hard data that COVID is worse than other "flu". COVID has killed more people than even the influenza of 1919. You don't have to become a Democrat to acknowledge that this disease is a killer.

    4. I think it's the long COVID that is in question. All viruses can linger and we're wondering if this is statistically different in that regard.

      Yes, it's definitely worse than the flu for the old and those with certain comorbidities. But for folks <50 and healthy, it's comparable to the flu, statistically speaking.

    5. as long as you are vaccinated

    6. This is political it's keeping things in perspective. The political side is using things like long term effects to keep people scared once the morbidity rate dropped below other viruses

    7. It's always political here. This is what Julie does: she is a political blogger masking as a spanko

    8. The number of articles on topic don't bear out your hypothesis. I blog whatever I feel like blogging. Deal with it.

  5. Julie, so glad you are feeling better. Taking immune supplements and being in good shape makes a big advantage to avoid the rona or getting over it fairly quickly as you did.

    Just curious, have you lost sense of taste or smell?

    1. No. Taste and smell was intact throughout.

  6. Rogering here.Glad to hear your hopefully out the other side of it. Stay healthy!

  7. Try gargling with salted water (1 tea spoon salt in half glass of water). Better if you gargle with salty tea (half glass of tea with 1 tea spoon of salt).
    You gargle every couple of hours till you feel better.

    1. My mom had packed Dispirin when I came back from my visit in India. Dispirin is dissolvable aspirin. It works great for a sore throat.

    2. Like when you gargle with it

  8. David should give you a welcome back spanking

  9. Got the delta, it was very hard two weeks with fever.

  10. If you're gonna get it, you best off with the newer variants. They are a lot less problematic. I was hit with the original COVID19 back in November 2020. Two months off work because I was so sick, libido fell to basically zero and remains there to this day (my wife got sick at the same time; worked the same for her). Another fun symptom is my A1C now says I am pre-diabetic; never been an issue in the past for me, and this is becoming a rather common symptom of long-COVID.

    Sucks you got sick; thank goodness it was mild!

    1. Thanks. Sorry to hear about your troubles 😞

  11. What’s on your favourite pizza pie?

  12. Tried slipper spanking, and ever since I focus on the slipper bottom sole rather than how it looks like.
    I picture each sole as a paddle (plastic, rubbed, leather,...etc..) based on the sole type and shape.

    1. Yes, I can see that. My rattiest slippers are my most effective because of the sole.

  13. The same large manly hand that rubbed and gently caressed your bare bum to soothe you is the same one that will spank your bare heinie shortly :) Did he submit you to a wet check, despite everything?
    Wish you a speedy recovery.

  14. Glad to hear you are on the mend

  15. Hi Julie, I am glad you are feeling better. The 'Rona sucks. I cannot wait til your new book comes out! - Ed Brock

  16. Sorry to hear this, Julie, but I’m glad you’re feeling better. I do the math also and am not too worried but I’m also a bit older and maybe 15 kg overweight.

    I’m getting my fourth vaccine tomorrow.


  17. A neti pot is a huge help dealing with the ear/nose/throat issues. I had it three times (10/20 - 4/21 and 10/22). The headaches were really strange and quite unique. SUPER tired each time but no fever. Only last smell this last time and came back after a few weeks. I'm positive the neti pot mitigated much of the effects. It really does wonders for the sinuses for allergies, colds etc.

    Most importantly, I'm really glad you're ok. As a faithful reader of many years, I do actually care about you as an "internet friend" in a big brother sense of the word. I'm glad you have someone as terrific as David to be there for you! Lc

  18. Look like naiughty Miss Julie cute buut is not safe from Rona look like Rona gave you a good spankings as well guess every one want to spank you Miss Julie your popluar lol well i dont want spank you i WANT A SPANKING FROM YOU i know you know accept that by now

  19. It would be great to read in the book something along those lines developed by you and your keyboard :
    In homes where patriarchy still reigns, women's buttocks are attracting a great deal of attention from the HoH or its sons. They are commented on, tapped, affectionately or viciously, violently slammed over the skirt or above the bare thigh. It would be fun that once a month a "Smacking day" be dedicated to young david's rump.
    That day, his keister, highlighted in a very short and very fitted garment, would be the object of multiple attentions, comments on his bulging butt, prolonged tapping on the fabric, resounding slaps on the upper bare thighs, and this by all the guests of the day, men or women.

    1. Yes, David will need some sensitivity training re. womens' issues right along those lines!

  20. So down for 4 days? That's what most friends with breakthrough cases experienced.
    Any loss of taste or other lingering? One friend, who is quite active, felt lethargic for an additional week.
    Unrelated, Blogger did not allow me to post under my Google Account/ID.

    1. No loss of taste and feeling energetic today!

  21. Bummer to have something interfere with spanking. I hope you are back in swinging action soon!

  22. Interesting read on a tragic tale while you convalesce. A sorry look into our human conscious where fantasy meets reality

  23. You don’t have to publish it. I’m so freaky it would make the dog turn into a cat but that’s fun times you know I hate seeing where it travels over to the other side I love your blog and everything you do keep it up

  24. These were my exact symptoms. Except for me I lost smell for 4 weeks. And my sore throat wasn't that bad and the body aches were mild too. Losing smell was so annoying though as I could taste spice, sour, sweet and salty. But couldn't differentiate anything.


  25. Uncle Stern's tricky wedgies
    Put the boy in underpants. It must be panties or briefs of very elastic fabric (spandex or lycra)
    Then, it's very simple: you grab the panty crotch and pull it towards you to completely bare the penis and the testicles. You use the crotch fabric like a string and wrap it around both testicles, at the very top of the bag.
    You pull the panties well up in the boy's crack and you amuse yourself to make his package jiggle, visibly growing.
    NB1 : To go around the base of the testicles it is preferable that he is not erect otherwise it is more difficult to succeed.
    NB2 :To experience this wedgie, you, unfortunately, will have to ask your husband for help.

    PS1 : avoid to put 1 layer of peppermint oil on his testicles.
    PS2 : if you have any difficulties, do not hesitate to ask me for precisions.

  26. Glad to hear you are recovering well.
    1. When you went for the walk, did you wear a mask and avoid people?
    2. Do you wear a mask when indoors where there are many people around?
    3. did you continue to wear a mask when they dropped the mask mandate?
    4. Do you think they dropped the mask mandate too soon, the timing was right, or they never should have had a mask mandate?
    Hope you get spanked soon!
    bottoms up

    1. Of course, when I was ill I avoided all people. I know exactly who I caught it from at work. We were in very direct contact. I minimised wearing the mask to only where strictly required and I think they left the mask mandate in for too long. I do not believe there is good science behind masking for Omicron. You tend to catch it from direct exposure in confined places, where mask or not you are getting a viral load.

    2. fyi

      many (most?) actual scientists seem to disagree with you

    3. Here:

      "In sum, of the 14 RCTs that have tested the effectiveness of masks in preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, three suggest, but do not provide any statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis, that masks might be useful. The other eleven suggest that masks are either useless — whether compared with no masks or because they appear not to add to good hand hygiene alone — or actually counterproductive. Of the three studies that provided statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis that was not contradicted within the same study, one found that the combination of surgical masks and hand hygiene was less effective than hand hygiene alone, one found that the combination of surgical masks and hand hygiene was less effective than nothing, and one found that cloth masks were less effective than surgical masks.

      This is important because an honest conversation about masks requires taking a hard look at the scientific evidence backing them. And if Anderson is right and the CDC's observational studies are as sloppy and inconclusive as they appear to be, that's a problem. Millions of people have been led to believe that the only way they can protect themselves against this virus, besides getting vaccinated, is by strapping a piece of cloth around their noses and mouths. Social media giants and everyday busybody scolds have shamed and punished anyone who questions this guidance.

      But the data cited by Anderson suggests that not only was this guidance wrong but that public health officials knew it was wrong and rolled it out anyway."

    4. I truly disagree with the source of the opinion you are using. It is a strongly right conservative opinion paper, that chooses what it calls facts.
      In a close environment, wearing a certified mask properly will limit the amount of particles of infection coming your way. This pandemic is airborne, and ignoring that is foolhardy. Fortunately you are young, and survived, but who knows who you might have passed it to before you became aware of being infected. Did they bring it home to a house where seniors live, who might not survive the illness?
      You have to be a good neighbor, and in close environments, protect those that you may never meet.

    5. maybe read the stuff in Nature, posted above? That argues pretty strongly that masks are indeed useful

      By scientists, in one the very top science journals. Not an opinion piece in a news paper.

    6. great argument style

      I don't think that the Washington Examiner opinion column offers a "more comprehensive take" than scientists from Nature. The Nature articles are far more balanced. And contrary to your insinuation, they don't say that anyone is 100% sure about the effectiveness of masks. They say that it is likely that masks are effective.

    7. The lack of oxygen to your brain seems to be making Julie a tad
      grumpy. Very few things in life or science are 100% effective,
      but if it potentially stops transmission to us weaker people,
      what is the terrible hardship in wearing a mask in closed rooms?
      I may be an idiot, but at least I am not an egotistical, self-
      righteous "smartest person in the room". David is the bravest
      person I have ever heard of - - spending his life with such a
      know-it-all shrill harridan.

    8. It was more comprehensive because it literally referenced more studies. Follow the links. On balance the evidence seems to be masks are minimally effective if at all practically speaking, and therefore do not pass the bar for something to be mandated. You're free to wear one to protect yourself if that's what you believe. Don't foist your I'll-conceived views on the rest of us, and especially not on developing children, which is truly monstrous.

      You seem like a coward. It's not enough for you to get your quadruple shots, triple mask with N95s, you insist on forcibly curtailing the rights of others. If those measures are so effective, you should feel confident. I'm not going to stop driving because there's a chance you might get run over.

    9. I am not the anonymous people (person?) above, but I don't read any of the mean-spiritedness that you attribute to them.

      You sound like you need a hug, Julie. Is everything ok?

    10. Yu go gurl!!! Calling one snowflake an idiot and another a
      coward - - That's the Julie we know & love - - You must be
      feeling better. I don't know why you don't move down here to
      the great state of Florida. We have a true leaader in the
      great Ron DeSantis who stares down all of the commie wimps
      who want to bubble-wrap everybody. NOt like your preciuos
      Justin who never saw a restrictive law he didn't like!

    11. I think it's mean-spirited to support policies that put masks on small children throughout the day, when the kids are not at risk at all, and healthy adults are at the same risk as seasonal flu. If you're older or have co-morbidities, or are scared, by all means protect yourself. Don't foist your views on others and use the power of the state to enforce your own paranoia.

    12. And Florida Man, would rather bring that sort of government up here. Will stay and fight!

    13. well fwiw, you are the only one that sounds mean-spirited

      not smart or rational, as you like to project

    14. I think Julie would be like Marjorie Taylor Greene on the stand if asked about her opinions:

      "I don't remember"

    15. Well, fwiw, that's because you fail to understand the real long term psychological harms of masking children. And you don't understand the concept of civil rights very well either. To override them, you need a compelling case. None such has been made. This way lies tyranny.

      MTG is great. Typical Dem/media collusion smear job going on now. Ho hum. You guys really need a new playbook. This one is going to get you thoroughly trounced in the midterms.

    16. wow, you thing MTG is great?

      I guess there is no limit to your apologism

    17. Heard a long form interview with her on Timcast. If you are getting your info on her from left-wing media sources, you are being mislead.

    18. The readers who follow your blog come from a variety of socio-
      economic backgrounds, geographical regions, age-groups, etc.
      The one common interest we share is a taste for the kinkier
      side of life - - either in our fantasy worlds, or real life.
      As long as all activities are consensual and all participants
      are of legal age - - It's all good.
      You Julie have have been turning out interesting copy since
      2011 - - I've never been sure how much of your kink-writing
      is based on real events or is part of your own imagination.
      When you started to venture into political discourse it was
      obvious you wanted to present a right-wing viewpoint based on
      the output of Fox, The Washington Examiner, Steve Bannon's
      podcast, etc. It's your blog so write what you want!
      I really thought though, deep down, you were simply playing
      the role of a grumpy contrarian or weird aunt who will say
      things at family gatherings for the sole purpose of agitating
      people - - 'Stirring the pot' to get people involved in the
      discussion. Dissent drives clicks on your website, so I
      thought it was a clever ploy to rile people up and draw traffic to your blog - - Took it all with a 'grain of salt'
      as my Grandma would say - - Julie playing the role of the
      curmudgeon who really has a heart of gold. But now, I know
      I was wrong. You really, truly are a mean-spirited, cruel
      woman who idolizes dictators like Putin, fascist wannabees
      like Trump and half-witted, steroid-addled morons like
      Marjorie Taylor Greene. You need to do some serious self-
      evaluation about your life's direction. You are on the
      wrong side of history - - You can watch some idiotic YouTube
      video, read a reactionary piece by fraudulent scientist, listen to an Alex Jones broadcast and feel superior to the libs. This does not make you right - - I don't belong to any
      organized religion, but I do believe that we one day have to
      answer for our actions, good or bad. You are really, really
      going down a bad path.

    19. Wow. You should check your righteousness, buddy. You seem to have fallen for the official narrative hook, line, and sinker. How about arguing facts instead of feelings. Take any of my positions and give me a fact-based argument against it. Based on this rant, I doubt you're capable of defending your assigned views. It's people like you who are the true evil in our world.

    20. “Wow,” is right! Miss a day and you can miss a lot around here. There are people that want everyone to have agency to make his/her own decisions. And there are people who want to control everyone’s choices. It doesn’t take a very careful reading of history to determine which of those two are on the right side of it. Also, calling someone like MTG “steroid-addled “ is an enormous tell for, “I am a very weak person who doesn’t train and it shows.” My casual observation shows a strong correlation between physical weakness and desire to control others. - david

    21. you are losing it, Julie

      take a break

    22. Thank you, david - agreed.

      For mister "take a break" - yet another criticism without content. Pathetic.

    23. ALL OF YOU, bend over the sofa back bare bottom for Sue's cane.

    24. What's to like about MTG?

      I know her most because of her abuse of David Hogg (the kid who was at the school where there was a mass shooting, who has done activism for stricter gun laws)

      how is she a good person? Watch the videos of her harassing Hogg.

      btw, I am a conservative. I voted for Trump.

      I don't like the pro-gun part of the Republican platform though. I like less government, but not machine guns for regular citizens.

      (And Julie, some friendly advice: you would be more convincing if you dropped the name calling.)

    25. Just the FACTS Mam........
      May 17/21 Julie wrote about the Jan.6 insurrection - - "In fact, no cops were injured as a result of that crowd"

      Dec. 7/20 - - Julie wrote about Covid "Is there a Second Wave?
      I do not believe the rhetoric that there is a "second wave"

      Sept.18/21 -Encourage the use of proven safe potential prophylaxis such as Zinc (a known antiviral agent) and zinc ionophores (that speed the zinc into the cells) such as Quercetin, Ivermectin, Hydroxichloriquine.

      Feb.24/22 - - Regarding Ottawa trucker protests - -
      "The protests were completely peaceful."

      - - Multiple news sources say over 140 police officers
      injured during the capitol riot. Four police suicides followed
      the insurrection.
      - - Now looking at wave 5 or 6? (don't know - - lost count)
      - - Alternative therapies? Completely debunked, except by
      quacks like Dr. Oz or Scott Atlas.
      - - Protesters urinated and danced on the National War Memorial and the tomb of the unknown soldier -- They also
      desecrated the Terry Fox statue.

    26. Watch the long form interview on timcast. You'll get a much better sense for the woman than out of context clips edited and played for you by leftists. As do David Hogg, he seems like a pretty garbage human being, making an activist career out of a terrible situation.

      Re Jan 6. There was some violence, but no serious injuries except to Trump supporters.

      Re COVID. Yup, there sure did appear to be multiple waves. I read that one wrong.

      Re. Zinc and the ionophores, there's good research there, I stand by that.

      Re. truckers. They were completely peaceful.

      Do better.

    27. To the Trump-voting anti-gunner: If you think machine guns are in any practically way available to private citizens, you need to improve your knowledge on this topic before we can have a serious discussion. Side note: Until 1968, anyone could mail order an actual machine gun by sending in a check and having it delivered to your house. Any guesses about gun crime rates now vs. then? Hogg is an advocate for the elimination of the big-R Right of self defense and defense against tyranny that private gun ownership conveys. Hogg wants to play in the arena of ideas, but all he brings is emotion. He’s an adult and doesn’t get protection from getting called out. Last point: Did you notice that China recently locked down a city with a population of 25 million because they felt like it without providing food or water to survive? Do you know where that kind of thing can’t happen? Here. Why? Because we have guns. - david

    28. Julie, I love the way you don't take any crap from these people who make mean comments about you ("harridan", "take a break", etc.) and come right back at them. That's the spirit!

    29. Dear David:

      Automatic rifles are easily available to private citizens.
      (btw: no need for insults)

      I disagree with your take on guns, as would most citizens of all civilized countries except the USA (e.g.,Julie's great country, Canada).

      Regarding Hogg: I made no evaluation of him. But MTG is clearly abusive of him, calling him an actor. He was emotionally scarred from a mass shooting at his school.

      Julie: I watched the video that MTG posted. It is very unflattering to her. (I tend not to watch CNN / NBC: I vote Republican.)

      thank you for avoiding the abuse of your readers in your last post. But maybe avoid the abuse of Hogg. ("a pretty garbage human being"? geez)

    30. Well said, brother! If Hogg and the other students had
      carried weapons, none of that so-called Sandy Hook
      incident would have happened - - What stops a bad guy
      with a gun? A good guy with a gun!!!
      The great Alex Jones has been persecuted for using his
      first amendment right to state his truth that the whole
      incident was staged by the government in order to bring
      in even more restrictive gun law. God Bless Julie for
      giving us right-thinking people a refuge from the endless
      fake news from the Lamestream Media!
      Tommy from Tampa

    31. "Re Jan 6. There was some violence, but no serious injuries except to Trump supporters."

      Umm... the cops who died protecting the capitol?

    32. Please name such a cop and the circumstances of his death.

    33. "What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain I’m giving up on arguing here. From now on I’ll just state my case including verifiable facts and move on. If anyone is insulted by facts, I’m just not gonna care.

    34. Your inability to bring to bear any concrete facts is noted. Your surrender is graciously accepted.

    35. wow, Julie, do you agree with Alex Jones that the Sandy Hook mass shooting was a staged hoax?

      if so, incredible.

    36. Not even Alex Jones agrees with Alex Jones on that. Of the many, many hours of Sandy Hook coverage by him and Infowars, it was entertained once as a speculation in response to some skeptics who pointed out all sorts of cover-ups related to Sandy Hook. He has since said that he tends to see lots of things as conspiracies and is wrong about lots of these, including Sandy Hook. This is all coming out in the lawsuits if you would care to pay attention. Don't believe everything you are told re Alex Jones, it makes you seem gullible.

      I do believe that the cover ups revolving around Sandy Hook were cynical Democrat efforts to push gun control while ignoring issues of mental health care, school safety protocols that were violated, Hollywood violence we are feeding our kids, and the effects of big pharma mood changing drugs on our youths.

    37. Crap! Forgot to sign my last post! It wasn’t directed towards you, of course, but surrendering to you is always rewarding! - david

    38. And for the fellow above who believes automatic weapons are readily available in the states, they are not. What is readily available are "semi-automatics", where one trigger pull equates to one bullet being shot. Which is functionally equivalent to almost all such weapons since the musket. Democrats seek to confuse the terms "fully automatic" (machine guns) and "semi automatic". The fact that you fall for such nonsense makes you ineligible to participate in the conversation. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

    39. Not to parse your words too finely, but technically you
      DO make the rules - - Your blog, your rules!
      Keep stompin' the libtards girl!
      LOL - Tommy from Tampa

    40. Hi Julie:

      Thanks for the information on the guns. Useful! (Another vote to drop the constant stream of insults for people with different perspectives than you though.)

      So why are there so many more mass shootings in the US than Canada, given that the guns that are available are the same?

      it seems like the federal laws seem to be the main reason. It would be great to get those in the US.

      (or maybe you don't think that the mass shootings here are a problem? I never know with you, tbh)


    41. that's a weird take on Alex Jones: here's what he said:

      "Yeah, so, Sandy Hook is a synthetic completely fake with actors, in my view, manufactured. I couldn’t believe it at first. I knew they had actors there, clearly, but I thought they killed some real kids. And it just shows how bold they are, that they clearly used actors. I mean they even ended up using photos of kids killed in mass shootings here in a fake mass shooting in Turkey -- so yeah, or Pakistan. The sky is now the limit. I appreciate your call."

      (I guess you are saying he changed his mind? maybe)

      So I infer from your response that you don't agree with him there. So maybe it's not a good idea for MTG to call mass shootings "false flag planned shootings"?

      "One comment on Greene's post read, "It's called a pay off to keep his mouth shut since it was a false flag planned shooting."
      "Exactly," Greene wrote in response, per MMFA's screenshots. "

    42. jeez julie! such a know-it-all

      I used to love you and your writing.

      I gotta say, your political know-it-all style is such a turn off. Argh.

      I love your country though! Go Canada!!

    43. Ken - it's just that if one supports a policy of banning "automatic weapons" and don't know what they are, that person is 'kinda disqualified from the conversation - don't you agree?

      As to mass shootings, I looked up the relative number of deaths per 1M population, and US is 11th on the list behind countries such as Norway, Switzerland, France, Belgium, ... I think reducing the problem of mass shootings to a uni-focus on gun control, as Dems tend to do, is a major disservice to the issue.

    44. Jones and MTG, regardless of whatever they once upon a time speculated, have both stated that Sandy Hook was an actual mass shooting, and that there are cover ups to cynically keep the focus 100% on Democrat gun control rather than address actual issues.

      Contrary to you, I don't mind people who speculate about stuff and evolve their opinions over time.

    45. Posting one's opinion, on an opinion blog, is not "know it all", it's an opinion.

    46. I am a Republican who voted for Trump in 2016, but believe
      the numbers you quoted were from the CPAC - - "Crime
      Prevention Research Center". There seems to be some
      confusion as to what actually defines a "mass shooting"
      Please refer to - -
      Also refer to Snopes - -
      Respectfully, Bill Taylor

    47. Wow - - What a day yesterday !!!
      Three things happened that warm my crusty old heart.
      1. Elon Musk has successfully taken over Twitter. This
      will pave the way for Donald Trump to return and spread
      his good words.
      2. Tucker Carlson will headline the FAMiLY Leadership
      Summit in Iowa this July. This is widely seen as an
      indicator that he may be planning a run for president.
      (Perhaps DJT with Tucker as his VP candidate?)
      3. Sen. Rand Paul from my great state of Kentucky states
      the obvious truth that Ukraine is really part of Russia.
      He does not condone the slaughter of civilians, but he
      helps us to understand Putin's motivation in taking back
      what is rightfully his.
      As I said, a really good day - - Pete - - Lexington KY

    48. 1. I like Elon's acquisition of Twitter very much. It seems to be already un-shadow-banning prominent conservative voices based on the massive jump in follower counts for those accounts. Shows what a biased political cesspit it has become. Musk promises more transparency in content moderation, and a bias towards free speech principles.

      2. Tucker's a very smart guy - the US could do (is doing!) far worse for a President.

      3. I would dispute the "rightfully his" part. This is the business of countries and realpolitik. The disputed regions have changed hands many times in history. I do think the public has a simplistic childlike view fed by media propaganda "it's not fair, he's breaking the law!", when Ukraine was already one of the most corrupt countries with a horrible human rights record itself and neo-Nazi bullies of the Azov regiment acting as "muscle" for the regime that took power in an illegitimate coup.

    49. Thanks for the links re CPRC, they do make a good case that the stats I quoted paint a false picture.

      So if we accept that the US has the highest rate of mass shootings in the developed world, the next question is "why?" and what do we validly compare it against? Like any complex question, there will be multiple variables involved, and I dislike the Democrat "uni response" of "more gun control!" as being the only and definitive answer without further argument. Legally owned firearms also prevent death, and I can imagine that a stronger focus on solving mental health issues would be a better response that would have many other benefits as well and not abridge the human rights of the mentally healthy.

  27. My sister in law used to finger my ass every time she sees me, then fondle my ass cheeks commenting this naughty ass got what is deserves and asks my wife if the new hairbrush or slipper did a good job.
    Now she is asking to toe fuck me, I said OK this will bring comfort to my ass after you roast it with your leather sandal.
    She said no, Let your wife do the spanking, I don't spank, I play with the ass.
    I refused, so I was punished with a tough wooden scholls spanking (my wife hit with the heel part) that bruised my ass.
    That night I was forced to ask my sister in law for a toe funking.

    1. Ouch, that heel part is 2 inches thick.

    2. Yeah, I shrieked right from the first swats.

  28. Girl spanking her friend. It is reversed as the smaller girls is spanking the bigger one.

    1. Very nice! Love the dynamic between them.

  29. Hoping that you are feeling 100%. Take care!
    Jean Marie

  30. Glad you are better

  31. I just wonder how far you will go in embarrassing David. My wife knows that being seen after a spanking I hate the most. If asked the number one on my list, is when my mother-in-law is present, my wife takes her time scolding me, pulling down my pants, underpants, and once over her lap, I feel she spanks harder so I will react more. My mother-in-law enjoys watching and only a couple of times I have made a comment and was over her lap after a short time facing the wall. Jack

  32. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery. I certainly miss your sexy stories. I hope David is taking your temperature rectally (for accuracy of course) regularly, and is taking lots of pictures.

    1. Darn, you're right, missed opportunity on the rectal temps, though I was not feeling very playful at the time. I am feeling 100% now, thank you!

  33. Modern day liberals are the most arrogant, self righteous group of people on the planet. Every time common sense is expressed on this blog the knives come out. They have a huge problem with ANYTHING that contradicts the programming coming from the "information machine" (tv) in their living room. Rather than think, they react with insults.
    Fact, Respiratory viruses travel in aerosols. Fact, Cloth masks don't contain aerosols. Fact, glasses fog up while wearing masks because aerosols are condensing on them. The only thing being protected by wearing a mask is the mask wearers fragile and easily manipulated feelings.
    I feel sorry for anyone that has fallen for any of this COVID story. Those people can be made to believe anything, just shout it from the TV long enough and they will think it is the truth.
    But don't worry, the USA government has started a "disinformation council" to protect us from the kinds of "lies" that Julie and other thinkers promote, just like China and Cuba set up in their countries to "protect the people".
    If you feel triggered after reading this please call me names, wish for my death, and tell yourself how smart and wonderful you are. That will fix everything.

    1. The powers that be wish to convince us that it's "left vs right". That's a false dichotomy set up to distract us. The true distinction is authoritarians versus free thinkers. Many people with views traditionally considered liberal have found themselves allied with thinkers on the other end of the political spectrum around issues such as censorship, free speech. Such as Dave Rubin, Tim Poole, Joe Rogan, Glenn Greenwald, Scott Adams, Tulsi Gabard, and so on, all self-described liberals. The authoritarians seem very "media-brainwashed" to me, accepting a uni-view spoon fed to them (and, in a massive case of projection, claiming the free thinkers are the ones mislead by right wing media), as they do react so violently with so little basis to any hint of free thinking and intellectual exploration.

  34. I have had zero experimental "vaccines" injected into my body. I had Rona, Delta no less, none of this pussy Omicron crap people are crying about now, and I am likely immune life (see Washington state school of medicine), which is allot more than any vaxed person can say. While all you smart liberals are standing in line for your fourth, fifth, or sixth "vaccine" just take solace in the fact that you are following the science.

    1. I think the unknown risks of the vaccine versus the benefit for the young and healthy was always a toss up.
