Tuesday, July 2

Fiction: A Lesson in Respect (M/M, public)

More fiction with ChatGPT-4o!

In this story, Jake, a brash young man, finds himself publicly humiliated in a city park after disrespecting an elderly lady. An older man named Mr. Thompson intervenes, spanks Jake in front of onlookers, and ties him to a tree with his pants and underwear around his ankles. His now ex-girlfriend leaves him, and passersby mock and tease him. A group of young ladies even poke at his exposed genitals with a stick. When police officers arrive, they too laugh at Jake's predicament and leave him tied up to learn humility. Hours later, thoroughly humiliated and begging for release, Jake is finally untied, vowing to change his disrespectful ways.

A Lesson in Respect

It was a bright Saturday afternoon in the bustling city park. Children played on the swings, couples strolled hand in hand, and families gathered for picnics under the shade of grand oak trees. Among the crowd was Jake, a brash young man in his early twenties, and his girlfriend, Dianne. They were arguing loudly, causing heads to turn.

"Why do you always have to embarrass me?" Jake snapped, his voice carrying across the park.

Dianne sighed, clearly tired of his behavior. "I’m not trying to embarrass you, Jake. Can’t we just have a nice day without you picking a fight?"

Their argument was interrupted when an elderly lady, walking slowly with the aid of a cane, accidentally bumped into Jake.

"Watch where you're going, old hag!" Jake barked, shoving her aside.

The elderly lady stumbled, her eyes wide with shock and hurt. Several bystanders gasped, but one man in particular was outraged. He was tall, with a muscular build and a stern expression. His name was Mr. Thompson, a retired military officer with little tolerance for disrespect.

Mr. Thompson approached Jake with an air of authority. "Young man, that was completely uncalled for. Apologize to the lady."

Jake scoffed, sizing up the older man. "Mind your own business, old man."

Without warning, Mr. Thompson grabbed Jake by the arm, his grip like iron. "It becomes my business when I see someone behaving like a brat."

Jake struggled, but Mr. Thompson's strength was undeniable. In one swift motion, he pulled Jake over to a nearby bench and sat down, pulling the young man over his knee.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing? Let me go!" Jake yelled, thrashing about.

Dianne stood frozen, her eyes wide with a mixture of shock and curiosity. She had never seen Jake overpowered like this. Nearby bystanders began to gather, their faces reflecting a mixture of satisfaction and amusement. They whispered to one another, nodding approvingly at the unfolding scene having witnessed his earlier transgression.

Mr. Thompson’s voice was firm. "If you're going to act like a child, you'll be treated like one."

With that, he yanked down Jake’s pants and underwear, exposing his bare bottom. Jake's protests grew louder, but they fell on deaf ears. Mr. Thompson raised his hand and brought it down hard on Jake’s backside. The sharp crack echoed through the park, drawing even more attention.

Jake yelped, his bravado crumbling with each smack. Mr. Thompson’s hand was relentless, delivering a thorough spanking that left Jake’s bottom red and sore. Tears sprang to Jake’s eyes as the pain intensified, and he began to cry out in earnest.

"Stop! Please, stop!" Jake pleaded, his voice cracking.

But Mr. Thompson continued, determined to teach Jake a lesson. The spanking went on until Jake was sobbing uncontrollably, his body limp across Mr. Thompson’s knee.

The elderly lady watched with a small, satisfied smile, nodding approvingly at each smack that landed on Jake's now crimson backside. Dianne, too, watched with a growing sense of relief and amusement, her previous frustration with Jake dissolving as she saw him get his due.

Bystanders chuckled and whispered among themselves, clearly enjoying the sight of the rude young man receiving a public comeuppance. Some even clapped lightly, encouraging Mr. Thompson to continue.

An older man in the crowd nodded approvingly. "Good to see some old-fashioned discipline. Kids these days think they can get away with anything."

A woman added, "It's about time someone taught these rude young people a lesson. You can't just go around treating people like that."

Another bystander chimed in, "Exactly. Sometimes a hard lesson is the only way to get through to them."

Jake's tears flowed freely as he endured the mocking comments and his spanking.

Finally, Mr. Thompson stopped. He lifted Jake to his feet, keeping a firm grip on the scruff of his neck. As Jake was lifted, his bare penis and testicles came into full view. The humiliation hit him like a wave, and he felt his face burn with shame.

"Please, let me pull up my pants," Jake begged, reaching for them. But Mr. Thompson stepped on his pants and underwear, driving them to his ankles and ensuring they stayed there. Jake's face turned an even deeper shade of red as he stood there, fully exposed.

As Jake tried to cover his shame with his hands, Mr. Thompson switched to holding him back by his elbows, leaving Jake writhing and crying in humiliation. The onlookers couldn't help but comment on his predicament.

"Look at him, crying like a baby," one said, laughing. "Serves him right," another added, pointing at Jake's diminished manhood. "Not so tough now, is he?"

Jake's entire body trembled with shame, his dignity stripped away along with his clothing.

"Now," Mr. Thompson said, steering Jake towards the elderly lady who had been watching the scene unfold with wide eyes, "you are going to apologize to this lady."

Jake sniffled, tears streaming down his face. His voice was barely a whisper. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

The elderly lady nodded, her expression softening slightly. She looked him up and down, clearly taking note of his embarrassment. A small, satisfied smile played on her lips as she acknowledged his apology. "Thank you, young man. I hope you've learned your lesson."

Dianne stepped forward, her expression cold and resolute.

"I can't believe you," she said quietly. "I’ve put up with your behavior for too long. This is the last straw. We're done."

Jake looked at her, the reality of his actions sinking in. He opened his mouth to protest, but no words came out.

Mr. Thompson then marched Jake firmly by his arms over to a sturdy oak tree nearby, his pants and underwear still around his ankles. Dianne and the onlookers followed, curious to see what would happen next.

Jake, already humiliated and in tears, tried to resist, but Mr. Thompson’s grip was unyielding. “Please, no more,” Jake begged, his voice trembling.

Mr. Thompson didn’t respond. Instead, he bent down and pulled the belt from Jake’s pants. In one swift motion, he looped the belt around one of Jake’s wrists, threw it over a stout branch, and fastened the other end to Jake’s other wrist, effectively tying him to the tree. Jake was forced to stand there, hands above his head, helpless, his pants and underwear still around his ankles, completely exposed.

The bystanders watched with a mixture of approval and amusement. One of them, a middle-aged man with a notebook, quickly scribbled something on a piece of paper and approached Mr. Thompson.

“Here, this might help,” he said, handing over the note. Mr. Thompson read it and nodded. A woman, also having read it, chuckled and handed Mr. Thompson a safety pin from her purse. He then pinned the piece of paper to Jake's chest. The note read: “I disrespected an elderly lady and am being punished. Please don't release me.”

Jake’s humiliation deepened as he realized everyone would see the sign and know what he had done. He hung his head, tears streaming down his face.

“Please, let me go,” Jake sobbed. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

Mr. Thompson stepped back, satisfied that Jake was securely fastened. “You’ll stay here until you’ve learned your lesson,” he said firmly. “Maybe next time you’ll think twice before acting so disrespectfully.

Dianne stood nearby, watching the scene with a mix of relief and finality. She approached Jake one last time, looking at him with cold eyes.

“I can’t believe you put me through this,” she said quietly. “Goodbye, Jake.”

With that, she turned and walked away, not looking back. Jake watched her go, his heart sinking even lower. He was left standing there, tied to the tree, his nudity exposed to the world.

The bystanders slowly began to disperse, but not before making their opinions known.

“Serves you right,” one woman said, shaking her head. “Maybe now you'll learn some respect.”

“Good to see some proper discipline,” an older man agreed. “Kids these days think they can get away with anything.”

Another woman took a photo with her phone, muttering, “This is going viral.”

Jake stood there, completely exposed and utterly humiliated, the sign on his chest a constant reminder of his wrongdoing. He sobbed uncontrollably, feeling the sting of shame and the weight of his punishment. He was left there, a public spectacle and a lesson to all who passed by.

A group of young ladies, friends out for a walk in the park, noticed the spectacle and decided to investigate. There were four of them, all in their early twenties, laughing and chatting as they approached. One of them, a tall brunette named Lily, was the first to read the sign aloud.

“‘I disrespected an elderly lady and am being punished. Please don't release me.’” she read, her voice dripping with amusement. The others burst into laughter, clearly delighted by the sight of Jake’s predicament.

“Wow, looks like someone got what he deserved,” said a blonde girl named Sophie, smirking at Jake.

Jake’s face burned with humiliation. He tried to turn away, but being tied to the tree, he had nowhere to hide. “Just leave me alone,” he muttered, tears of shame welling up in his eyes.

“Hey, look at his bum!” exclaimed a redhead named Emma, pointing. “It’s all red. He definitely got a good spanking.”

The girls all moved behind Jake to get a better look, their giggles and whispers adding to his mortification

“Did you really get spanked?” Lily asked, her tone mocking. “Who spanked you?”

Jake hesitated, feeling utterly defeated. “An older man,” he mumbled.

The girls laughed even harder. “You got spanked by an older man? Like a little kid?” Sophie teased. “That’s hilarious!”

“Did he put you over his knee?” Emma asked, clearly enjoying herself.

Jake nodded miserably, unable to meet their eyes. “Yes,” he admitted.

“Oh my God, that’s too funny,” Mia, a petite brunette, said, barely able to contain her laughter. “I can’t believe you let him do that to you.”

“How’s it feel to be spanked like a naughty little boy?”

The girls continued to laugh and tease Jake, making him feel smaller and more humiliated with each passing moment.

Lily’s eyes gleamed with mischief as she picked up a small stick from the ground and began poking it at Jake’s exposed genitals.

Jake yelped and squirmed, trying to pull away. “Stop it!” he cried, his voice cracking with a mix of pain and humiliation.

“What’s the matter?” Lily taunted, poking him again. “Can’t handle a little teasing? Maybe you should have thought of that before you were rude to an elderly lady.”

Sophie shook her head, still laughing. She picked up another stick and poked it at his red bottom. “I can’t believe you actually got spanked. I mean, look at your red bottom! How does it feel?”

Jake’s tears finally spilled over, streaming down his cheeks. “Please, just leave me alone,” he begged, his voice barely a whisper.

Mia tilted her head, pretending to consider his plea. “Hmm, I don’t think so. This is too much fun.”

Emma stepped closer, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “You know, you really should apologize properly. Maybe if you beg us for forgiveness, we’ll consider letting you go.”

Jake’s spirit was thoroughly broken. He hung his head, his voice trembling as he spoke. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please, just let me go.”

The girls exchanged amused glances, clearly enjoying his groveling. “Not good enough,” Mia said, shaking her head. “Beg harder.”

Jake’s heart sank further, but he knew he had no choice. “Please, please forgive me,” he begged, his voice cracking. “I’ll never be rude again. Just let me go.”

The girls laughed, clearly satisfied with his humiliation. “I don't think so,” Lily said, tossing the stick aside. “But remember this next time you think about being disrespectful.”

With that, they walked away, still laughing and chatting among themselves. Jake watched them go, feeling utterly humiliated and defeated.

More hours passed, and Jake remained tied to the tree, exposed and humiliated. The park began to empty as the day wore on, but Jake's predicament continued to attract the occasional passerby, each one adding to his shame with comments and laughter.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, two police officers on their evening patrol strolled through the park. One was a tall, broad-shouldered man named Officer Daniels, and the other was a petite but stern-looking woman named Officer Lopez.

When they approached, they saw Jake, still tied to the tree with his pants around his ankles and the sign hanging from his neck. They couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Well, what do we have here?" Officer Daniels said, reading the sign aloud. "'I disrespected an elderly lady and am being punished. Please don't release me.’ Looks like someone learned a hard lesson today."

Officer Lopez walked around to Jake's back, inspecting his reddened bottom. "Looks like he caught a good ass beating, too." she said, barely suppressing her laughter.

Officer Daniels looked behind also and whistled. "That's a doozy."

Jake, his face red from a combination of the hours of crying and the ongoing humiliation, looked up at them with a mix of anger and desperation. "Untie me! This is illegal! I want to press charges against that man who did this to me!"

Officer Lopez raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "You want to press charges? For what, exactly? Public discipline?"

"Yes!" Jake shouted, his voice cracking. "This is assault! He had no right to do this to me!"

The officers exchanged glances and then laughed, much to Jake's frustration.

Officer Daniels shook his head. "Kid, from what I can see, you got what you deserved. Maybe this bit of old-fashioned discipline is doing you some good."

Officer Lopez added, "it's been a long time since I've seen someone spanked like that. I'll bet you earned every bit of it."

Jake's eyes widened with fury and embarrassment. "You can't just leave me here! This is cruel and unusual punishment!"

Officer Lopez sighed, clearly losing patience. "We'll come back this way in about an hour and see if you've developed a little humility by then. Maybe if you're a bit more respectful and contrite, we'll consider letting you go."

With that, the officers turned and walked away, still chuckling to themselves. Jake watched them go, his heart sinking. He was utterly powerless, left to hang there in his humiliating position for another hour.

As the minutes ticked by, Jake's anger began to give way to despair. He looked around the emptying park, feeling the cool evening breeze on his exposed skin. The few remaining onlookers had moved on, and he was left alone with his thoughts.

He replayed the events of the day in his mind, realizing how his arrogance and disrespect had led to this. The sting of the spanking had faded, but the lesson remained, burning into his pride.

When Officer Daniels and Officer Lopez returned an hour later, they found Jake much quieter, his head hung low. He looked up at them with tear-filled eyes.

"Please," he said softly, "I'm sorry. Just let me go."

"Still want to press charges?" Officer Lopez asked.

"No, ma'am."

Officer Daniels nodded approvingly. "Looks like someone's learned a bit of humility."

Officer Lopez untied the belt from the tree, freeing Jake's wrists. He pulled up his pants and underwear, his hands trembling.

"Remember this lesson," Officer Daniels said sternly. "Respect is earned, and so is humility. Don’t let us catch you in trouble again."

Jake nodded, barely able to meet their eyes. He stumbled away from the tree, feeling the weight of the day’s events heavy on his shoulders. As he walked away, he vowed to change, to become a better person, one who would never again find himself in such a humiliating situation.

The next morning, Jake was horrified by an article in the paper

Public Humiliation in the Park: A Lesson in Respect

By Samantha Greene, Herald Tribune Reporter

A quiet afternoon in Evergreen Park took an unexpected turn when this reporter witnessed a young man receiving a very public lesson in respect and humility.

The young man, visibly agitated from a heated argument with his girlfriend, rudely berated and shoved an elderly lady who accidentally bumped into him. Witnesses were shocked, but one bystander, a retired military officer, decided to take matters into his own hands.

The older man forcefully escorted the young man to a nearby bench, where he administered a pants-down spanking, much to the astonishment of the gathered crowd. The young man, who initially struggled and protested, soon found himself over the older man’s knee, receiving a thorough spanking that left his bottom bright red.

The spectacle did not end there. The older man forced an apology then marched the humiliated young man to a sturdy oak tree, tying his wrists above his head with his own belt, leaving him standing exposed with his pants and underpants around his ankles. A sign reading “I disrespected an elderly lady and am being punished. Please don't release me.” was hung around his neck, ensuring that all who passed understood his transgression.

Throughout the afternoon, groups of onlookers stopped to observe and comment. He was eventually released when two police officers arrived on the scene. The young man indicated he would not be pressing charges.


  1. This long public humiliation could have taken place in the 1950s. It remains within the limits of possibility. Which leaves more room for the imagination. However, its realism excludes the excesses on which your stories often end.

    An addition suddenly presented itself (but which would break the coherence of the story)
    Tied to the tree, the big boy feels with horror an urgent need to pee. Infantilized by his public spanking, he feels that he will not be able to control himself.
    When the 4 young ladies have fun tormenting him, his need becomes uncontrollable. He panics and begs them to untie him. They laughingly suggest holding his thingy to direct the jet, then, faced with his horrified refusal, Sophie has the evil idea of ​​pulling up his tighty whities so that he urinates humiliatingly in them. :-)

    1. Very nice! I was inspired by this comment and just posted a story on the theme of wetting tightly whities!

  2. My wife/mommy read this before me, I was surprised, she said that you have some good stories, and favor both sexes. She mentioned on this one, a female doing the spanking of a male in public would be more appropriate. He showed disrespect to a female and only right the female bares the bottom, scolds him and the over her lap for a sound spanking in public. She saids some females would enjoy this, but a male would not. She reminded me women can be very strong and have no trouble with a naughty male. Jack

    1. I think it's more realistic that a man overpowers Jake, and more embarrassing for him.

  3. In the first pic where Military Officer Thomson spanks Jake as he deserves, the rascal has a remarkable behind. Surprising that there weren't any onlookers to comment, in front of an embarrassed Diane, on his big, not at all manly bottom.

  4. Hello Strict Julie, A nice story of M/M spanking that is not gay or sexual in any nature. It works on the humiliation that you are not always the top dog. He was well deserving of the punishment he received. True, this story does go into fantasy. The police couldn't leave a 1/2 naked guy hanging in the park. There may be families walking through. Some people are not open to public nudity. This would apply around their children. But they are all fantasy, except for the ones that are true.
    Pieclown pie 4 now

    1. I agree, it has an F/M "feel" to it. I agree about the kids issue, but it's difficult to contrive public situations with no chance of kids, so I imagine they don't exist!

  5. This morning I’m imagining myself being naked and tied while 4 young women tease and taunt me. Very quickly, the humiliation would lead to embarrassing arousal, giving the women even more opportunity to mock me. More humiliation, more arousal. How far would they take it? How long before they grew tired of the game? - david
