Saturday, October 26

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 20 (M/F)

[Continued from Part 19]

“I guess I’ll have to stay tuned,” Stephanie quipped, giving them  both a playful look before turning to leave the kitchen, leaving Rebecca blushing furiously and John chuckling behind her.

Chapter 28: Discipline Enforced

The days that followed Rebecca’s humiliating ordeal was marked by a slow return to normalcy. At first, she had been careful, walking on eggshells around both John and Stephanie, knowing the delicate balance they now had over her. But as the days passed, and the sting of that little humiliation faded into the background, Rebecca found herself slipping back into old habits thinking herself beyond Stephanie’s reach now that her dad was back, and thinking that John wasn't really serious about actually enforcing her forced “request”.

Almost unconsciously, and true to form, she had begun to speak more sharply again, her words becoming curt and critical. At first, it was subtle—an annoyed comment here, a pointed remark there—but before long, Rebecca was almost back to her old self. Her tone became bossy, dismissive, and not just toward Stephanie but toward John as well. The careful, obedient wife Stephanie had tried to mold her into had all but disappeared, replaced once again by the cold, distant woman who had been pushing everyone away for months.

Stephanie had tried talking to her father, but he seemed slow to really take charge, thinking it was just a bit of moodiness and didn’t justify a punishment, a concept he had apparently embraced in theory but not in practice, having a bit of a case of “cold feet”. This attitude allowed Rebecca to slowly slide back into past behaviors that she herself saw no problem in.

One afternoon, as the three of them sat together in the living room, the tension came to a head. Stephanie had mentioned something offhand about a recent decision she’d made regarding her career—a choice that, to Rebecca, seemed impulsive and poorly thought out. Without even thinking, Rebecca shot back a demeaning comment, her voice dripping with condescension.

“Well, that’s a typical choice for you, Stephanie,” Rebecca said coldly, her eyes narrowing as she looked at her stepdaughter. “It’s no wonder you’re always in some kind of mess.”

The room went silent. Stephanie’s expression darkened, but before she could even respond, John spoke up.

“Rebecca,” he said sharply, his voice cutting through the room like a knife. “That’s enough.”

Rebecca blinked, surprised by the firmness in his voice. She opened her mouth to say something, to brush it off as she always did, but John wasn’t finished.

“I’m tired of this,” John continued, standing up from his chair and fixing her with a look that made her stomach twist. “You’ve been bossy, dismissive, and disrespectful to both me and Stephanie, and it’s going to stop now.”

Rebecca’s heart began to race as she realized that John wasn’t joking. There was a hardness in his expression, a resolve she hadn’t seen before. It was one thing going after him, but going after his daughter so blatantly, so dismissively, made him see red. Rebecca stood up, crossing her arms defensively. “John, I didn’t mean—”

But John cut her off, his voice firm and unwavering. “No, you did mean it, Rebecca. And we talked about this, didn’t we? You asked me to step in when you misbehaved. Well, you’ve been nothing but disrespectful, and now you’re going to get exactly what you asked for. A good spanking.”

Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat, her stomach turning to ice. “John, wait—” she stammered, taking a step back, her face flushing with panic. “I wasn’t serious when I said that! You can’t possibly think—”

But John wasn’t listening. He stepped forward, his eyes hard with determination, and before Rebecca could retreat any further, he reached out, scooping her up as easily as if she were a child. Rebecca gasped, her hands flying to his shoulders as he hoisted her into the air, throwing her over his shoulder in one swift motion.

“John! No! Put me down!” Rebecca shrieked, wriggling in his grip as her feet kicked uselessly in front of him. But John was having none of it. His grip was firm, unyielding, and despite her struggles, she couldn’t break free.

He started toward the hallway, heading straight for their bedroom, his steps purposeful and unwavering. Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest as she squirmed against his shoulder, panic rising with each passing second.

“John! I didn’t mean it! Please, let me down! This is ridiculous!” she cried, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Her heart raced faster as she realized that John was serious—dead serious.

Rebecca’s cheeks flamed with a humiliation so intense it made her dizzy. She couldn’t believe this was happening—she was actually being taken for a spanking, and, worst of all, Stephanie was right there, watching every second of her shame unfold. The memory of that afternoon a few weeks ago came flooding back, when Stephanie herself had pulled her over her knee, reducing her to tears with a relentless spanking that left Rebecca sobbing and broken. And now, her own husband was about to do the same, with Stephanie as an audience to witness her defeat once more.

Each step John took toward the bedroom felt like a march of humiliation. Rebecca could feel Stephanie’s gaze on her, burning into her with that smug, triumphant satisfaction she wore so well. Stephanie had been pushing for this, encouraging her father to take charge, to handle her like a naughty, misbehaving child. And now, here she was, helpless, slung over his shoulder, her dignity stripped away as her stepdaughter looked on.

Rebecca’s heart hammered painfully, a wild mix of dread and mortification. She had wanted so desperately to believe that she was beyond Stephanie’s reach, that her position effectively put her above such humiliations. But here she was, being carried off like a petulant child who had finally pushed too far. The thought of Stephanie smirking, likely savoring every moment of Rebecca’s disgrace, made her face burn hotter than ever.

Despite her furious protests, Rebecca knew, deep down, that this would not be quick or easy. John had made it clear by his actions he was through tolerating her attitude, and there would be no mercy this time. She could already picture herself draped across his lap, feeling the hard crack of his hand, the sting building until she could no longer hold back her tears. She knew she would be spanked until her defiance broke, until she was sobbing openly and begging for forgiveness. And Stephanie would know. She’d know that Rebecca had been disciplined as thoroughly and humiliatingly as she herself had done weeks before.

Just before John carried her through the bedroom door, Rebecca caught a glimpse of Stephanie standing in the living room, watching the entire scene unfold with a smug, triumphant smirk on her face. Stephanie didn’t say a word, but the satisfaction in her eyes was unmistakable.

The sight of Stephanie’s expression made Rebecca’s cheeks burn even hotter. She turned her face away, humiliated beyond words as she was carried into the bedroom like a child about to be punished.

John kicked the door shut behind them, his grip on Rebecca still firm, as Stephanie grinned and curled up on the living room couch, waiting for the fireworks to begin.

It didn’t take long. The first sharp crack of her dad’s hand meeting Rebecca’s bare skin echoed down the hallway, followed by a startled yelp. Stephanie’s smirk deepened. There it is, she thought, her first real spanking from him. She could hear the muffled protests—Rebecca’s voice rising in indignation, the disbelief still clear in her tone, as if she couldn’t fathom what was happening. But her dad wasn’t stopping.

Each smack came down hard, deliberate, the sound of flesh meeting flesh carrying through the house in steady, rhythmic beats. Rebecca’s protests quickly turned to desperate pleading, her voice shaking with panic as she wriggled and squirmed over John’s lap. Stephanie chuckled softly to herself, imagining Rebecca’s shocked face, realizing that this wasn’t a quick slap on the wrist—this was real, and daddy wasn’t going easy on her.

“John! Please! Stop!” Rebecca’s voice rang out, the desperation becoming more pronounced with each passing minute. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it!”

But her dad’s response was the same—his hand continuing to deliver a firm, unrelenting punishment, his voice low and calm, though Stephanie couldn’t make out his words from where she sat. She didn’t need to. The sounds of the spanking told the entire story, the smacks growing louder, more deliberate, and Rebecca’s yelps turning into tearful sobs.

Stephanie remained curled up on the couch, her arms crossed comfortably over her chest, savoring every moment. The spanking seemed to go on forever, long and drawn out, as though John was finally unleashing years of pent-up frustration. Rebecca’s cries grew louder, more pitiful, her pleas shifting from anger to genuine remorse.

“Please, John! I’m sorry! I’ll be better, I promise! Please stop!” Rebecca’s voice cracked, her sobs now uncontrollable.

But the spanking continued, the smacks ringing out in steady rhythm, interspersed with Rebecca’s desperate promises to behave, to be a better wife, to treat him and Stephanie with respect. The weight of her punishment was finally sinking in, and Stephanie could hear the resignation in Rebecca’s voice—the breaking point she had finally reached after so many long minutes of enduring the consequences of her behavior.

As Stephanie continued listening to the unmistakable sounds of Rebecca’s spanking unfolding, a thrill shot through her. Each sharp smack brought her satisfaction, knowing her stepmother was getting exactly what she deserved. But as the discipline continued, Stephanie’s mind began to wander, imagining herself in Rebecca’s place, draped over her father’s knee, unable to control the outcome.

The thought made her heart race. She pictured his stern expression, the strength in his arms, and how powerless she’d be against him—nothing like when she’d easily overpowered Rebecca. If he ever decided to punish her, she’d be utterly at his mercy, unable to stop the inevitable, just as helpless and humiliated.

The idea sent an unexpected tingle down her spine.

Eventually, the sounds began to taper off. The smacks became softer, slower, and Rebecca’s sobs became quieter, more resigned. Stephanie listened as the final blows were delivered, the room falling into an almost eerie silence afterward, save for Rebecca’s soft, tearful whimpering.

Stephanie knew her father well enough to know that he wouldn’t let Rebecca off the hook just yet. He would make sure she understood the full weight of her actions before letting her up, ensuring that the lesson had truly sunk in. And judging by the tearful apologies that had echoed through the house, Stephanie had no doubt that Rebecca had learned her lesson well.

Several minutes passed before the door to the bedroom creaked open. Stephanie looked up, her expression calm but knowing as she watched them emerge. John came out first, his face set in a calm but firm expression, his hand resting at his side as he glanced over at Stephanie with a nod.

Rebecca followed close behind, her face tear-streaked and flushed, her eyes red from crying. She looked utterly defeated, her hands instinctively reaching back to hold her sore bottom as she walked, her entire demeanor one of shame and regret.

Rebecca’s eyes flicked up to meet Stephanie’s, and there was no longer any trace of the sharp, cutting tone she had used just a twenty minutes earlier. Her voice was soft, choked with tears, as she spoke what was no doubt a forced apology.

“I’m… I’m so sorry, Stephanie,” Rebecca said, her voice trembling. Her hands were still clutching her bottom, her body stiff with the pain and humiliation of the spanking she had just endured. “I shouldn’t have said those things. I’ve been… awful to you, and I promise, I’ll do better. I’m really, really sorry.”

Stephanie watched her for a moment, her eyes scanning Rebecca’s tearful face, before finally giving a slow, deliberate nod. “I appreciate the apology, Rebecca,” she said, her tone measured but firm. “I hope this means things will change between us. Because if they don’t, well…” She glanced at her father, raising an eyebrow, “I’m sure Dad will know what to do next time.”

Rebecca’s face flushed an even deeper shade of red, and she nodded quickly, her eyes still brimming with tears. “I understand,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.

John stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Rebecca’s shoulder. “I think it’s time you rest, Rebecca,” he said softly. “You’ve had a long day. We’ll talk more later.”

Rebecca nodded again, too exhausted and humiliated to argue, and with a final tearful glance at Stephanie, she shuffled off toward the bedroom, her hands still protectively holding her sore bottom.

As Rebecca disappeared down the hallway, the faint sound of her door closing behind her, Stephanie remained relaxed on the couch, crossing her legs casually. The tension in the room had dissipated, leaving a strange sense of calm between her and her father. John stood for a moment, watching the empty space where Rebecca had just been, his brow furrowed in thought.

Stephanie observed him, a faint smile still tugging at the corners of her lips. She could tell that John was processing what had just happened—the long overdue confrontation, the release of frustration, and Rebecca’s tearful apology. It had been intense, drawn out, and emotionally draining for everyone, but Stephanie knew that it had also been necessary. Something had shifted between them, something long buried finally exposed.

John let out a slow breath and turned to his daughter, his eyes softening. “Well, I guess I did it now, Steph,” he said quietly, shaking his head. “I didn’t think I’d actually do it. For real, I mean. I thought after I got home and we had those discussions, and she seemed so changed, well, I thought that might be it.”

Stephanie’s smile widened slightly, but there was a warmth in her tone as she responded. “Oh no, Dad. She’s a boundary pusher. It’s what she does. She needed that spanking. You both did. She’s been pushing your buttons for months, and you’ve been letting her. Now, finally, she’s been shown that she can’t get away with treating us like that. She knows where the line is, and that you won’t let her cross it anymore.”

John sighed, running a hand through his hair, still looking somewhat conflicted. “I suppose you’re right. It’s just… I spanked her so hard. I don’t want her to feel like I don’t love her, you know? It’s not easy to do something like that.”

Stephanie nodded understandingly. “Of course you love her, Dad. And believe me, she knows that. That’s exactly why she needed you to step in. She’s been lost, trying to find where the boundaries are. And now that you’ve given her that… you’ll see. Things will change for the better. But I guarantee that won’t be the last spanking you give her. For the next little while, though, she’ll be an absolute peach. You saw how contrite she was.”

John glanced down the hallway again, the weight of everything still hanging on him. “I hope so.”

Stephanie leaned in closer to her dad, her voice soft but laced with pride. “And Dad,” she added with a knowing smile, “that was one for the books. I could hear everything from here, and trust me, you left no doubt in her mind. She knows now that there’s a limit, and you made sure she felt it.”

John looked slightly embarrassed, his cheeks flushing, but Stephanie continued, her tone both warm and slightly teasing. “I think she needed that more than she’d admit. She pushed and tested you, seeing just how far she could go, and it’s only now that she’s starting to see you mean business.”

She paused, studying his face before adding, “I’m proud of you, Dad. Really. I know it wasn’t easy, but you’ve given her what she asked for and what she needed. And I think it was a bit of a reminder for her that you’re the one in charge.”

John chuckled, running a hand through his hair, looking both relieved and humbled. “Well, if it helps keep some peace around here, I suppose I can live with that.” His eyes softened, and he gave Stephanie a grateful nod. “Thanks for being there to push me when I needed it, Steph. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Stephanie leaned forward, a mischievous glint in her eye as she gave her father a knowing look. “You know, you shouldn’t leave her alone for too long.”

John frowned, confused. “What do you mean?”

Stephanie raised an eyebrow, her smirk returning. “You gave her a good, firm spanking, Dad. She’s emotional, vulnerable, and let’s not forget—sexually receptive.” She paused, letting her words sink in. “I think you should go to her.”

John blinked, caught off guard by Stephanie’s suggestion. “Go to her? Now?”

Stephanie waved a hand dismissively. “Dad, trust me. I’m a woman. I know. Rebecca’s not going to resent you for this. Quite the opposite. She’ll appreciate that you followed through, that you were firm when she needed you to be. And now, after everything, she’ll want to reconnect with you. To show you that she’s sorry in a more… intimate way.”

John gave his daughter a wary glance, still clearly conflicted, but there was a part of him that knew she was right. Rebecca’s tearful apology, the vulnerability she had shown after the spanking, all pointed to a woman who needed more than just a lecture and a punishment. She needed comfort, closeness—and maybe something deeper.

“Look, Dad,” Stephanie continued, leaning back into the couch again, “after a spanking like that, any woman would be more open to the man she loves. You’ve established your role as the one in control, and now, it’s time to reinforce that in the bedroom. She’s probably waiting for you right now.”

John exhaled slowly, the tension in his shoulders easing as he mulled over Stephanie’s words. It had been an emotional rollercoaster for him as well—taking control, delivering the spanking, hearing Rebecca’s tearful promises to be better. He had felt her surrender, her vulnerability, and now… perhaps it was time to assert himself in the bedroom.

He nodded slowly, his mind made up. “Maybe you’re right.”

Stephanie grinned, giving him an encouraging nod. “Of course I’m right. Now go, Dad. She’s waiting for you.”

John smiled faintly, his earlier hesitation melting away. With one last glance at his daughter, he turned and made his way down the hallway back toward their bedroom.

Chapter 29: Lovemaking Overheard

In the living room, Stephanie sat curled up on the couch, her ears tuned to the sounds coming from her father's bedroom. And soon, the unmistakable noises of passion seeped through, painting vivid images in her mind.

At first, Stephanie heard the low, authoritative rumble of her father's voice, commanding and assertive. She heard the rhythmic creaking of the bed. Then came the soft, pleading tones of Rebecca, her words a mix of desperation and desire.

"Please, John... Fuck me! I need you. Harder, deeper... Make me feel it," Rebecca begged, her voice trembling with need.

Oh my God, thought Rebecca, she’s hearing her dad fuck.

Stephanie's cheeks flushed as she listened, her own body responding to the erotic symphony unfolding down the hall. She could hear the wet slap of skin on skin, the creaking of the bed under their fervent movements, and the escalating cries of ecstasy that signaled their approaching climax.

The dynamic between her father and stepmother was clear—Rebecca's earlier submission had not been a one-time event. It was a reaffirmation of their roles, a reminder that John was the undisputed head of the household, and Rebecca, his willing and obedient partner.

As the intensity of their lovemaking grew, Stephanie's curiosity transformed into arousal. She imagined her father, powerful and dominant, taking control of Rebecca's body, claiming her in the most primal way. The thought of such raw, unrestrained sex was both thrilling and a little intimidating.

Stephanie shifted uncomfortably on the couch, her panties growing damp as she pictured herself in Rebecca's position, under her father's command, surrendering to his every whim. The idea was taboo, forbidden, yet it sent shivers of excitement down her spine.

Stephanie’s heart raced, a mixture of amusement and thrill sparking through her as she listened to the sounds coming from her father’s bedroom. She could barely contain her smirk as John’s voice took on an authoritative edge she hadn’t heard before, each command filled with intention.

“Rebecca,” she heard him say, his voice low and commanding, “get up on your hands and knees.” Stephanie bit her lip, imagining the scene unfolding as Rebecca, who had once lorded her authority over the house, was now meekly complying, shifting on the bed at John’s firm instruction.

“Good,” John continued, a hint of satisfaction in his tone. “Now, look back at me. I want you to tell me exactly what you need.” His words were a blend of command and provocation, each syllable making Stephanie’s pulse quicken.

She could just picture the look on Rebecca’s face, flushed and embarrassed, as her voice came through, soft and pleading. “Please, John… I want you.”

Stephanie chuckled to herself, finding a strange satisfaction in how thoroughly Rebecca had been humbled, reduced to begging. But John wasn’t letting her off that easily.

“I want to hear you say it properly. Tell me exactly what you need from me, Rebecca,” he insisted, each word brimming with control.

Stephanie’s grin widened, and she leaned back, savoring every word. Rebecca’s voice was barely above a whisper, trembling with submission as she finally murmured, “please, John, fuck me. Hard… and deep, please.”

The sharp, unmistakable sound of a slap rang through the air, and Stephanie’s eyebrows shot up, her amusement only deepening as Rebecca gasped in response. John was setting a deliberate pace, demanding Rebecca’s full compliance with each slap, and Stephanie could practically feel the dynamic shifting completely. It thrilled her, knowing that Rebecca was now vulnerable and obedient under her father’s guiding hand.

Stephanie couldn’t help but imagine herself in such a position, and the thought sent a shiver down her spine.

“Oh, God! Yes, John, please!” Rebecca cried, her voice raw and unrestrained. The woman who once held herself with such icy composure was now fully undone, her cries spilling out without a care who might hear.

Stephanie’s smirk widened as Rebecca’s voice reached a fevered pitch. “Oh, God, I’m cumming! Don’t stop, John! Please!” The words tumbled out, each one drenched in desperation and need, her voice breaking as she surrendered entirely.

Stephanie shook her head, thoroughly entertained and almost in disbelief at the spectacle unfolding behind the closed door. Rebecca was now laid bare, reduced to fervent, pleading cries under her father’s control.

With each gasping cry of “Oh, God!” and “I’m cumming!” Stephanie felt a thrill of satisfaction, knowing the power dynamics in the house had shifted completely. She leaned back, relishing the unmistakable proof of Rebecca’s surrender. The change she’d long hoped for had finally come, and she was thoroughly pleased with the outcome.

The sounds from the bedroom reached a crescendo as Rebecca's cries became frantic, her pleas for release merging with the deep, guttural grunts of her father. Stephanie knew they were both close, the evidence of their climax imminent.

“Oh God! Go God! Ahhhhhhh! Eeeeeeeeeee! I’m cumming! I’m cumming! Oh God, John, please, ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Aieeeeeeeeee!”

Intermixed with this was a deep grunt from her Dad as he clearly nutted deep inside of her as Rebecca struggled belly down on the bed with Daddy on top of her, no doubt sperming her cunt very thoroughly.

It was all Stephanie could do to keep from laughing out loud as she heard their violent orgasms.

And then, silence, save for the ragged breaths that slowly evened out as they basked in the afterglow of their union. Stephanie sat in the stillness of the living room, her heart pounding, her mind racing with thoughts she dared not speak aloud.

Chapter 30: Pussy Teased

Rebecca could feel the heat rising in her cheeks the moment she and John stepped back into the living room, but nothing could have prepared her for what came next. She could barely lift her eyes from the floor, her heart still pounding from the intimacy of the moments she had just shared with John. Everything felt too raw, too exposed, and the last thing she wanted was to face Stephanie’s knowing smirk again, her teasing eyes already glinting with amusement as they rejoined her on the couch.

John, still looking thoroughly pleased with himself, sat down with a relaxed sigh, pulling Rebecca close to him as they settled back into the familiar setting. Rebecca, however, couldn’t shake the burning shame that clung to her like a second skin. The memory of everything that had just happened—John’s firm hand on her, the spanking, the rough sex that had followed—was still so fresh, and now, here she was, back in front of Stephanie, feeling more vulnerable than ever.

Stephanie glanced up at them, her lips curling into a mischievous smile as she took in Rebecca’s flushed face, her posture stiff with embarrassment. The teasing twinkle in Stephanie’s eyes was unmistakable, and Rebecca could already feel her heart sinking with dread, knowing that her stepdaughter wasn’t going to let this go without a few jabs.

“Well,” Stephanie began, her tone light but dripping with playful condescension, “you two certainly got busy, didn’t you?”

Rebecca’s face burned even hotter, her body tensing as she bit her lip, trying to ignore the remark. She leaned a little closer to John, hoping that maybe, just maybe, Stephanie would ease up and leave her be.

But of course, Stephanie had no intention of stopping.

She raised an eyebrow, her eyes narrowing slightly as her grin widened. “Rebecca,” she said, her voice mockingly sweet, “I have to ask… After everything, your poor pussy must be really sore after such a workout, huh?”

Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat, and her entire body went rigid. The word hung in the air like a thunderclap, and the heat in her cheeks spread all the way down her neck, her skin tingling with embarrassment. Her heart pounded so hard she thought it might burst out of her chest. Stephanie’s words felt like a punch to the gut, hitting directly at the deepest, most private part of her experience with John.

And the worst part?

It was true.

She was sore. Incredibly so. Her body still ached from the intensity of their time together, the mix of the spanking and their lovemaking leaving her tender in ways that only deepened her vulnerability. But to have Stephanie say it out loud, to name it in front of John, made Rebecca’s skin crawl with mortification.

Rebecca’s lips parted as if to say something, but no words came. She couldn’t respond—she was too humiliated, too caught in the moment of being utterly exposed. Instead, she sat there frozen, her hands nervously fidgeting in her lap as her eyes darted anywhere but at Stephanie or John.

John, to his credit, seemed to sense Rebecca’s overwhelming discomfort. He gave Stephanie a gentle but firm look, his voice low and slightly scolding. “Stephanie, come on now. That’s enough. Let’s ease up on the teasing.”

Stephanie laughed lightly, shrugging as if to say, Who, me? But she didn’t push it further, instead leaning back into the couch with a smirk. “Alright, alright. I’ll behave. But honestly, Dad, from what I heard from way out here, I’m sure you gave her quite the workout.” Her eyes darted toward Rebecca once more, amusement still dancing in them. “I bet she’ll be walking a little funny tomorrow. Like a little cowboy in chaps.”

John shook his head, clearly exasperated with his daughter’s teasing, but he still couldn’t entirely hide the pleased look on his face. He wasn’t upset with Stephanie’s comments, not really. In fact, there was a certain pride in his expression, as if he was satisfied with how everything had unfolded, from the discipline to the intimacy that had followed.

Rebecca, on the other hand, could hardly contain her embarrassment. The idea that her stepdaughter had heard everything that had happened, that she could tease her so openly, made her stomach twist painfully. She wanted to melt into the couch, to disappear entirely. The shame was unbearable, and her body betrayed her even more by confirming what Stephanie had implied—she was sore, she was tender, and now everyone in the room seemed to know it.

Her eyes stung with unshed tears as she sat there, unable to meet anyone’s gaze, her entire body rigid with the weight of her humiliation. To have her most private, intimate moment laid bare like this, turned into a joke, was more than Rebecca could handle.

John squeezed her shoulder gently, as if to reassure her, but it did little to ease the crushing embarrassment. She could feel the heat in her body, the soreness between her legs, and the deep, aching humiliation of knowing that it was all on display, thanks to Stephanie’s teasing.

“Rebecca,” Stephanie started again in that falsely sweet tone, her voice cutting through the awkward silence, “I was just thinking… with how sore you must be, do you need any healing cream? I mean, for your poor, aching bum or… elsewhere?”

Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat, and her eyes widened in horror. The mortification that had already settled in her chest seemed to explode, spreading like wildfire through her entire body. She could feel her pulse racing, her cheeks burning even hotter as the implication of Stephanie’s words hit her full force. Her body was aching, yes—her backside tender from the firm spanking, and elsewhere, well… she could feel the lingering soreness from the intensity of what had passed between her and John.

John gently squeezed Rebecca’s shoulder, his touch warm and comforting, though it did little to ease the deep humiliation she felt. “Don’t worry about it, honey,” he said softly, his voice reassuring. “You don’t have to answer that.”

But Rebecca’s mind was racing, her heart still pounding in her chest. She felt trapped, cornered by her own emotions and the intensity of the situation. The truth was, she did need something to soothe her aching body, her well-fucked pussy, her well-spanked bum, but the idea of admitting it out loud, especially in front of Stephanie, was too much to bear.

Stephanie, meanwhile, seemed perfectly content with the effect her words had had on Rebecca. She leaned back into the couch, crossing her legs casually, her smirk fading into a more amused, knowing smile. “Well, if you change your mind,” she said lightly, “you know where to find me. I have plenty of cream if you need it.” She gave Rebecca a wink, as if to say, You’ll thank me later.

Rebecca’s hands clenched tightly in her lap, her breath coming in shallow, shaky bursts as she tried to compose herself. Her mind was a whirlwind of shame and embarrassment, and the last thing she wanted was for this conversation to go on any longer.

“I’m fine,” she finally managed to choke out, her voice barely above a whisper. Her face was still flushed, her entire body trembling with the weight of her humiliation, but she forced the words out, hoping that would put an end to the teasing.

Stephanie shrugged, still smiling. “If you say so.”

Rebecca sat stiffly on the couch, trying—and failing—to hide her discomfort. Her body ached, her skin still tender from the firm spanking and hard fucking she had endured earlier, and each movement sent a fresh wave of soreness radiating through her. She shifted in her seat, wincing as she adjusted her position, her hands fidgeting nervously in her lap. Her body betrayed her—she couldn’t stop wriggling, trying to find a position that didn’t hurt so much. Each subtle shift only served to remind her of the throbbing pain between her legs and the sting of her sore bottom. She knew both John and Stephanie were watching her, and the weight of their attention only made her feel more exposed.

Stephanie’s smirk hadn’t faded, and she continued to watch Rebecca with an amused expression, her eyes flicking from Rebecca’s flushed face to her fidgeting movements. “You sure, Rebecca?” Stephanie teased lightly, her voice dripping with faux concern. “You don’t look fine. You look like you’re sitting on hot coals.”

Rebecca’s face burned, and she bit down on her lip, trying to keep her composure. She didn’t want to give Stephanie the satisfaction of admitting how sore she really was, but the constant wriggling wasn’t helping her case.

John, who had been watching the whole exchange with a calm but knowing expression, finally sighed. He had clearly reached the end of his patience, and the playful amusement that had been present earlier in the evening was now gone. He turned to Rebecca, his tone firm but not unkind.

“Rebecca, enough,” he said, his voice carrying a note of finality. “You’re clearly not fine, and all this fidgeting isn’t helping anyone. If you’re in pain, you need to do something about it.”

Rebecca’s heart skipped a beat at the firmness in his tone, and she glanced up at him, her cheeks flushing even deeper. She didn’t want to admit it, didn’t want to give in to the humiliation of asking for help, but the soreness was becoming unbearable, and John’s patience was clearly wearing thin.

“John, I… I just…” she stammered, trying to find an excuse, but her voice trailed off as she shifted again, wincing at the sharp sting that shot through her bottom.

John’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he crossed his arms over his chest, his voice growing even more authoritative. “You know what you need to do,” he said firmly. “Stephanie offered to help, and you should swallow your pride and take her up on it.”

Rebecca’s heart sank at the suggestion, her stomach twisting painfully with embarrassment. The idea of Stephanie applying the cream—of having her stepdaughter so intimately involved in her humiliation—was too much to bear. She shook her head quickly, her voice trembling. “I can’t… I can’t ask her to do that. It’s too—”

“Too what?” John interrupted, his tone sharp. “Too embarrassing? Too uncomfortable? Rebecca, you’re not doing yourself any favors by being stubborn about this. You’re in pain, and Stephanie is offering to help. Now, I’m not going to sit here and watch you squirm all night. Either you ask Stephanie to help you, or—”

Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat as she realized where this was going. Her eyes widened, and her stomach lurched with dread as John continued.

“—or I’ll take you right back into that bedroom and give you another spanking. One that’ll make sure you’re sore for a lot longer.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest, the threat of another spanking hanging heavily in the air. She couldn’t handle more. Her body was already aching, and the thought of being taken back over John’s knee, of enduring even more pain, made her stomach twist with fear. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, trying to think of a way out, but there was no escape. John’s tone was final—he wasn’t going to let this go.

Rebecca swallowed hard, her hands trembling in her lap as she glanced nervously at Stephanie, who was still lounging casually on the couch, her eyes glinting with amusement. Stephanie hadn’t said a word, but the look on her face made it clear that she was more than happy to let Rebecca squirm a little longer.

The room was silent, the tension thick in the air as Rebecca sat frozen in place, her mind racing with panic. She knew she had no choice—John wasn’t going to back down, and the threat of another spanking loomed large in her mind.

“I…” Rebecca’s voice came out in a shaky whisper, barely audible. She could feel the heat of her embarrassment burning in her cheeks, her entire body trembling with the weight of the moment. “I’ll ask her.”

John nodded, his expression softening slightly, though his voice remained firm. “Good. Now, go ahead.”

Rebecca’s throat tightened, and she could barely bring herself to look at Stephanie as she forced the words out. “Stephanie,” she said quietly, her voice trembling with humiliation, “I… I need help. Could you… could you apply some cream?”

Stephanie raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying every moment of Rebecca’s discomfort. “Of course,” she said lightly, her voice still tinged with amusement. “I’d be happy to help.”

Rebecca bit her lip hard, feeling her body tense even further as she waited for the inevitable. She had never felt so small, so utterly humiliated, as she did in that moment. The idea of Stephanie, her stepdaughter, being the one to soothe the very pain she had teased her about, made her stomach churn with embarrassment.

John leaned back in his seat, satisfied with Rebecca’s compliance, and gave her a reassuring nod. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” he said gently, though the firmness in his tone remained.

But for Rebecca, the real difficulty was just beginning. She felt as though she were about to crawl out of her own skin with the weight of the humiliation, and as Stephanie stood up to retrieve the cream, Rebecca could only sit there, her heart racing, knowing that this was far from over.

Stephanie returned a moment later, the cream in hand, her eyes glinting with amusement as she looked at Rebecca. There was a playful but commanding edge to her gaze, one that made Rebecca’s face flush even hotter. She felt completely exposed, even though she hadn’t moved yet, the situation growing more unbearable by the second.

“Alright, Rebecca,” Stephanie said lightly, as if this were the most ordinary request in the world, “where do you need the cream applied?”

The words hung in the air like a challenge, and Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat. The question had been delivered so casually, but the weight of it crashed over her like a wave. Her body stiffened, every inch of her skin burning with the shame of having to answer, especially with John sitting right there, watching her every move.

She dared a glance at John, hoping for some kind of reprieve, some sign that maybe he would tell Stephanie to stop. But instead, his eyes were fixed on her, his expression stern, as if he was waiting for her to do what was expected of her. His silence was a command in itself, and Rebecca knew there was no escaping this.

“Rebecca,” John said, his voice firm, “answer her.”

Rebecca’s breath hitched, and her hands fidgeted nervously in her lap as she tried to muster the courage to respond. The soreness in her body was undeniable, and as much as she wanted to avoid this humiliating situation, there was no way around it. She did need the cream, and John had made it clear that she was going to accept Stephanie’s help—whether she liked it or not.

“I…” Rebecca’s voice trembled, barely audible as she forced the words out. She felt like her entire body was on fire with embarrassment, the heat of it radiating from her flushed cheeks all the way down to her core. “I… need it on my… bottom,” she whispered, her voice so soft that she wasn’t sure if they had even heard her.

But John did hear her, and his stern expression softened just slightly, though he nodded with a look of expectation. “And?” he prompted, clearly not letting her off the hook so easily.

Rebecca’s heart raced even faster, her throat tightening with dread. She knew what he wanted her to say, but the humiliation of it was almost too much to bear. Her entire body trembled as she shifted uncomfortably, the soreness between her legs reminding her of exactly why this was happening.

“And…” she continued, her voice cracking slightly as tears pricked the corners of her eyes. “And… between my legs.”

“Where?” John asked, amused.

“Between my legs… on my… p…p…pussy.”

“Just on it, or in it too?” John asked.


There. The words were out, but they felt like a stone dropping into the pit of her stomach, leaving her hollow and aching with shame. She couldn’t bring herself to look at either John or Stephanie, her eyes fixed firmly on the floor as her entire body trembled with humiliation.

Stephanie’s smirk deepened, though there was a glint of something more—satisfaction, perhaps, or the thrill of having Rebecca so utterly vulnerable. She didn’t say anything right away, letting the silence linger for a moment, letting Rebecca’s discomfort grow.

Finally, she spoke, her tone light and almost teasing. “Well, it’s a good thing I’m here to help, isn’t it?”

Rebecca bit down hard on her lip, tears threatening to spill as she nodded weakly, her face burning hotter with every passing second. She felt completely and utterly exposed, her body betraying her with its soreness, and now she had no choice but to endure the help that was being forced upon her.

John, satisfied that Rebecca had answered, leaned back in his seat, though his eyes remained on her, making it clear that he expected her to follow through. “Go ahead, Rebecca,” he said calmly. “Let Stephanie help you.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded painfully in her chest as she slowly stood up, her legs trembling beneath her. Every instinct screamed at her to run, to hide, to do anything but face what was about to happen. But John’s firm gaze and the weight of his command kept her rooted in place.

Stephanie, still holding the cream, gave her a small, encouraging smile, though the amusement in her eyes hadn’t faded. “Come on, then,” she said softly, her voice gentle but still tinged with that playful edge. “Let’s get this over with.”

Chapter 31: Creamed

Rebecca nodded shakily, her hands trembling as she slowly turned, her body stiff with humiliation. She could feel John’s eyes on her the whole time, and the weight of the moment pressed down on her like a suffocating blanket. She wanted to disappear, to melt into the floor, but there was no escape.

“Come along, Rebecca,” Stephanie said quietly, though the teasing lilt in her voice was unmistakable. “We’ll take care of this behind closed doors.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted painfully as she allowed Stephanie to lead her away from John. Her legs felt weak beneath her, and the pit of embarrassment in her stomach seemed to grow with every step they took. She could feel John’s eyes on her, and the knowledge that he was watching—expecting her to comply—made it all the more unbearable. She wanted to disappear, to crawl into a hole and never come out, but there was no escaping this.

The door to the bathroom clicked shut behind them, and the moment it did, Rebecca let out a shaky breath, her heart still racing from the overwhelming humiliation of the situation. She couldn’t bring herself to meet Stephanie’s gaze, her face still burning hot with shame.

Stephanie’s lips curled into a satisfied smile, her voice low and almost teasing. “You did well today, Rebecca,” she said softly, her tone dripping with amusement. “Finally submitting to Dad like you were told to.”

Rebecca winced at the words, the praise feeling hollow and mocking. She didn’t turn to face Stephanie, still too humiliated to meet her stepdaughter’s eyes.

“It must’ve been hard for you,” Stephanie continued, her voice taking on a more patronizing edge. “Finally giving in. But, I have to say, I’m impressed. You did what you were told. You apologized. And you took your spanking like a good little girl. And then you were a proper little slut in the sack afterwards.” She paused, letting her words sink in before adding, “It’s nice to see you finally learning your place.”

Rebecca bit her lip, her fingers gripping the sheets beneath her as she fought back the urge to respond. There was nothing she could say that wouldn’t make things worse.

Stephanie continued. “You remember, don’t you?” she asked, her voice turning softer, almost conspiratorial. “When Jake and I had a little fun with you?”

Rebecca’s body tensed at the memory, her heart sinking into her stomach. She didn’t want to remember. The shame of that night still lingered, the way they had both toyed with her, teased her, made her submit in ways she had never imagined. She could still hear Jake’s mocking voice, feel Stephanie’s controlling hand on her as they had broken her down together.

“I know you haven’t forgotten,” Stephanie continued, her voice barely a whisper now. “You did everything we told you to that weekend. Just like you did today with Daddy.”

A cruel smirk played on Stephanie’s lips as she leaned in slightly, her voice low and intimate. “You know,” she mused, “Dad’s going to be away on business again soon. And when he’s gone, I think I’ll invite Jake over. He said he enjoyed seeing you put in your proper place.”

Rebecca’s breath hitched in her throat, her heart racing with a fresh wave of panic. The idea of enduring another visit from Jake, of being caught between both him and Stephanie again, was terrifying. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the memories, trying to ignore the cold dread that settled deep in her chest.

Stephanie chuckled softly, clearly enjoying Rebecca’s reaction. “Don’t worry, Rebecca,” she said with a mocking tone of false reassurance. “We’ll make sure to keep things interesting. You wouldn’t want to get bored while Dad’s away, would you?”

Rebecca remained silent, her entire body trembling with a mixture of fear and shame. She had thought that by submitting to John, by doing everything she had been told, that things would return to some semblance of normalcy. But clearly not.

“Alright,” Stephanie said softly, holding up the cold cream, though the amusement in her voice hadn’t entirely faded. “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”

Rebecca nodded weakly, her hands trembling as she awkwardly turned to face the wall, her breath catching in her throat as she lowered her pants and panties, exposing her still-red and sore bottom. The cool air against her skin only heightened her sense of vulnerability, and the anticipation of what was to come sent another wave of embarrassment washing over her.

“Step out of them. Hands against the wall. Spread your legs,” Stephanie commanded. Rebecca submissively complied.

Behind her, she could hear the faint sound of the cream being opened, the lid twisting off with a soft click. Stephanie’s movements were efficient, almost clinical, but Rebecca could feel the weight of her stepdaughter’s gaze as she waited, her heart pounding in her chest.

The first touch of the cream was cool against her burning skin, and despite herself, Rebecca let out a small, involuntary squeak. The sensation was both soothing and intensely embarrassing, and she felt her entire body tense as Stephanie’s hand moved gently across her sore bottom, applying the cream with careful precision.

From down the hallway, the sound of John’s quiet chuckle reached Rebecca’s ears, and her face flushed even deeper. He had heard her little squeak. The thought that John was still sitting there, listening to every sound, knowing exactly what was happening, made her stomach twist painfully with humiliation.

“Hold still,” Stephanie said gently, though her voice was laced with amusement. “You’ll feel better once this is done.”

Rebecca nodded, biting down on her lip as she forced herself to stay still. Her body trembled slightly, the coolness of the cream a stark contrast to the heat of her embarrassment. She could hear her own breath coming in short, shaky bursts, each moment of contact reminding her of just how exposed and vulnerable she was.

Stephanie took a moment to survey the damage, her eyes widening at the sight of Rebecca's reddened skin. "Wow, Daddy really let you have it, didn't he?" she remarked, her fingers lightly tracing the redness that suffused Rebecca's buttocks.

Rebecca winced at the touch, her body tense with humiliation and discomfort. Stephanie squeezed another generous amount of cold cream onto her palm and began to gently rub it into Rebecca's sore cheeks. The cool sensation was a relief, but it did little to ease the sting of her punishment.

"You're going to need a lot of this," Stephanie said, her voice filled with mock sympathy. "Your ass is so red, it's practically glowing."

As Stephanie's hands worked their way lower, Rebecca's breath hitched. The young woman's fingers were deft and thorough, ensuring every inch of Rebecca's sensitive skin was coated with the soothing cream.

When Stephanie's fingers reached Rebecca's pussy, the older woman couldn't help but flinch. The area was indeed sore, a testament to the vigorous lovemaking that had followed her spanking.

"Easy now," Stephanie cooed, her touch becoming even more gentle. "Daddy really did a number on you, didn't he? Judging by your reaction, you poor cunt must have gone through the wringer. I’m proud of Daddy."

Rebecca's cheeks burned with shame as Stephanie continued her ministrations, her fingers sliding over Rebecca's swollen lips, applying the cream with a clinical detachment that only served to heighten Rebecca's embarrassment.

"You know, Stepmother," Stephanie said, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I think you need more practice taking Daddy’s cock. Maybe then you won't be so sore after he fucks you."

The words hung in the air, a blatant reminder of Rebecca's submission and her failure to satisfy her husband without consequence. Stephanie's laughter filled the room as she finished applying the cream, leaving Rebecca to lean against the wall, her body throbbing with a mix of pain and arousal.

As Stephanie stepped back to admire her work, Rebecca remained still, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She was humiliated, yes, but there was also a strange sense of gratitude for the young woman's attentions. And beneath it all, the undeniable truth that Stephanie was right—she did need more practice. She needed to be better, to take John's cock with the eagerness and skill that would leave them both satisfied and spare her the sting of his discipline.

With a final pat on Rebecca's bottom, Stephanie declared the treatment complete. "There you go, little girl. Good as new—or at least, as good as you can be after a good spanking and a proper fucking from Daddy."

Rebecca pulled her pants and panties back on, her hands still shaking as she tried to compose herself. She couldn’t bring herself to look at Stephanie, her body trembling with the weight of the day’s humiliation. She wanted to thank her, to say something, but the words stuck in her throat.

Stephanie, sensing Rebecca’s discomfort, smiled softly, though the playful glint in her eyes remained. “Come on,” she said gently. “Let’s get back out there. I’m sure Dad’s waiting to see how you’re doing.”

Rebecca’s stomach dropped at the thought of facing John again, but she nodded weakly, following Stephanie out of the bathroom and back down the hallway.

As they re-entered the living room, John glanced up, a small, amused smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His eyes flicked to Rebecca, taking in her still-flushed face and awkward posture.

“Feeling better?” John asked, his voice warm but laced with that same amusement that had been present earlier.

Rebecca nodded quickly, her eyes downcast as she shuffled back to the couch, still too embarrassed to meet his gaze. “Yes,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.

John chuckled softly again, clearly pleased with how everything had played out. “Good,” he said simply, leaning back in his seat. “Now, hopefully, we won’t have to go through this again.”

Rebecca nodded, her face still burning as she settled back into her seat, her mind swirling with the overwhelming mix of emotions from the day. She could still feel the coolness of the cream soothing her skin, but the sting of her embarrassment remained.

[Continued in Part 21]


  1. Well, that was hot, but Stephanie was a little mean, and I'd like to see her 'get it' to keep that overbearing ego of hers under check.


  2. You should take my suggestion , Julie. Then have Stephanie spank Rebecca again (maybe Rebecca was giving some of the shit back and crossed the line) with Dad's approval and him watching and maybe boyfriend too to re-establish the hierarchy, and then this book can end totally upholding the title in a very sexy, artistic way.

    Clarencespeare, Connoisseur of Fine Spanking Fiction

  3. Oh dear Stephanie is getting a little jealous. She wants daddy to take her - just like you do Ms J

  4. Rebecca cums! I really needed that! If only I could get the hard spanking and fucking I need. - david
