Sunday, October 27

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 21 (FM/F)

[Continued from Part 20]

Chapter 32: Rude Again

It had only been a few days since Rebecca’s tearful apology, but the tension between her and Stephanie still lingered in the air. At first, Rebecca had been cautious, clearly shaken by her punishment and determined to make amends. But, as time passed, the sharpness in her tone began to creep back in, old habits resurfacing despite her promises to change.

It had been a nice morning, and the house was quiet as Rebecca got lunch preparations underway. She stood at the kitchen counter when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Her heart sank as she spotted the cast iron skillet sitting in the dish rack, still wet from earlier in the day. Water droplets glistened on the surface, the telltale sign of neglect, and Rebecca’s stomach twisted in frustration.

“Stephanie!” Rebecca called sharply, her voice cutting through the silence of the house.

Stephanie, lounging in the living room with John, looked up in confusion at the sharp tone. She exchanged a quick glance with John before rising to her feet and walking into the kitchen, her brow furrowed.

“What is it now?” Stephanie asked, her voice already tinged with irritation.

Rebecca held up the skillet, her expression stern. “You know better than this, Stephanie! You can’t leave the cast iron skillet wet like this—it’s going to rust! I keep telling you that you need to dry it off immediately after washing it!”

Stephanie blinked in surprise, her confusion quickly turning into frustration. “What? I didn’t even use the skillet today! I haven’t touched it!”

“Don’t lie, Stephanie,” Rebecca snapped, her voice harsh. “You’re the only one other than me who’s been in the kitchen today, and now you’re leaving things wet and careless. I don’t understand why you can’t just follow basic kitchen rules!”

Stephanie opened her mouth to protest further, but before she could, John’s voice interrupted the argument from the doorway and thundered, “Rebecca, that’s enough!”

Both women turned to face John, who stood with his arms crossed, a stern look on his face. He had been watching the interaction unfold from the other room, and now he stepped into the kitchen, his expression firm.

“John, you don’t understand—” Rebecca began, but John cut her off, his tone even but resolute.

“No, you don’t understand, Rebecca,” John said, stepping forward. He took the skillet from Rebecca’s hand, inspecting it briefly and drying it quickly before looking back at her. “Stephanie didn’t use the skillet today. I did.”

Rebecca’s eyes widened in surprise, her face flushing as the realization hit her. “What? You never…”

“I used the skillet earlier to make a surprise dessert for us,” John continued, his voice calm but firm. “I washed it, but clearly, I forgot to dry it properly. This isn’t Stephanie’s fault.”

Rebecca stood frozen for a moment, embarrassment washing over her as she realized her mistake. She glanced over at Stephanie, who now stood with her arms crossed, a look of vindication on her face. The weight of her own impulsiveness settled heavily on her shoulders.

“You’ve been doing this a lot lately,” John said, his voice cutting through Rebecca’s thoughts. “Blaming Stephanie for every little thing, assuming she’s at fault without even taking a moment to consider the facts. It’s becoming a pattern with you, and I’m not going to tolerate it anymore.”

Rebecca’s heart sank, guilt mixing with the lingering embarrassment. She opened her mouth to apologize, but the words wouldn’t come.

John shook his head, his expression stern. “I’ve had enough of this, Rebecca. It ends today.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted with anxiety as she realized where this was heading. “John, I… I didn’t mean to—”

But John wasn’t listening. His eyes flicked to Stephanie, who was still standing nearby, watching the scene unfold. “Stephanie,” John said, his voice steady, “you’ve been on the receiving end of this long enough. You’re going to handle it this time.”

Rebecca’s heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening in panic as she turned to John. “No, John, please! You can’t let her—”

John’s expression didn’t waver. “Yes, I can. And I will.” He turned to Stephanie, nodding firmly. “She’s getting a spanking, and you’re going to give it to her.”

Rebecca felt a wave of humiliation wash over her, her face burning as she stared at John in disbelief. “John, please! You can’t be serious!” she protested, her voice trembling.

But John was unmoved. “I’m very serious, Rebecca,” he said firmly. “You need to learn that there are consequences for your actions, and it’s only fair that Stephanie be the one to deliver them, since you’ve been blaming her for everything lately.”

Stephanie’s lips curved into a small, satisfied smile as she stepped forward. “Don’t worry, Dad,” she said, her voice calm but with an edge of amusement. “I’ll make sure she understands.”

For a moment, the room was eerily silent. Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening as she glanced at Stephanie, who stood just a few feet away. Her stepdaughter’s expression was unreadable, but beneath the surface, Rebecca could see the slightest glimmer of something—a knowing look that made her stomach twist in both fear and humiliation.

John, of course, knew what had transpired between the two women in the past, the spanking session Rebecca had endured at Stephanie’s hands. But he didn’t fully appreciate how punitive it had been. But both women knew it all too well. They both remembered every stinging smack, every firm scolding, every humiliating position Rebecca had found herself in as Stephanie had punished her—severely.

Now, standing in the kitchen, with John’s stern voice filling the space, Rebecca could feel the weight of that history pressing down on her. She swallowed hard, trying to gather her thoughts, trying to find some way to protest without revealing too much.

“John, please,” she began, her voice trembling, but Stephanie’s presence behind her, steady and unyielding, silenced any further words.

“No, Rebecca,” John said firmly. “This is happening. You’ve been blaming Stephanie for things that weren’t her fault, and it’s become a pattern. You need to learn that there are consequences for your actions.”

Rebecca’s breath quickened, panic rising in her chest. She glanced at Stephanie again, her eyes pleading for some kind of reprieve, some kind of unspoken mercy. But Stephanie simply raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into the faintest hint of a smile.

“Go ahead, Stephanie,” John said, stepping aside to give her space. “She’s all yours.”

 Chapter 33: Spanked by Stepdaughter 

“Come here, Rebecca,” Stephanie said softly, her voice steady, almost gentle. But Rebecca knew better. That gentleness wouldn’t last.

The memories of the first spanking on the beach flashed in her mind: the way Stephanie’s hand had come down again and again on her bare bottom, the sting of each smack searing through her skin, the helplessness she had felt as she had squirmed beneath her hard hand. She remembered how Stephanie had made her feel so small, so utterly powerless, how she had taunted her throughout the punishment, mocking her tiny frame, her inability to take what Stephanie so easily delivered.

And now, it was going to happen again. Only this time, John was there, watching, completely unaware of the cruel reality of what was about to unfold.

Rebecca swallowed hard, her throat tight, her legs weak beneath her. Her tiny, delicate bum—already so sore from the memories—wouldn’t stand a chance against Stephanie’s powerful hands. Even just with her hand, Stephanie would unleash a punishment so severe, so overwhelming, that Rebecca wasn’t sure she could take it. She knew, with a sickening certainty, that this would be worse than even her husband’s spanking.

Her skin tingled with the phantom pain of what was to come, her bottom already aching at the thought of it. She could picture it now: Stephanie’s strong hand rising high before coming down hard, again and again, with no mercy. Her cheeks would redden instantly, the heat and sting spreading across her exposed flesh with every brutal slap. And there would be no escape—no way to lessen the pain, no way to stop the onslaught. She was completely defenseless.

Rebecca’s eyes welled with tears, her body trembling uncontrollably as John stood there, oblivious to the real reason for her reaction. He thought she was overreacting, that the tears pooling in her eyes were nothing more than crocodile tears, but he couldn’t possibly understand. He didn’t know the fear that gripped her now, the terror of what Stephanie could—and undoubtedly would—do to her bare bum.

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest as she stood in front of Stephanie, trying to steady her trembling hands. Her mind raced back to the time John had spanked her; while his hand was firm, she felt him holding back just enough, a semblance of mercy in every measured smack. Even though he was angry, he’d kept his strength in check, leaving her sore but not truly broken.

But Stephanie—Rebecca knew she’d offer no such mercy. She knew that when Stephanie had taken matters into her own hands, that ruthless punishment had left her aching for days. There was a frightening intensity in the way Stephanie spanked, a determination to inflict not just pain but complete, unyielding submission. No restraint, no sympathy, just raw, deliberate force behind every strike.

Now, with John standing by, convinced this was merely a corrective measure, Rebecca felt a rising panic. He didn’t understand the difference. He couldn’t know that while his spankings had stung, Stephanie’s cut deeper, leaving not just physical marks but a lingering shame, an indelible reminder of her helplessness.

Rebecca’s voice trembled as she tried to protest, “John, you don’t understand… Stephanie—she won’t hold back. Please, let’s just—”

John’s face remained impassive. “That’s exactly the point, Rebecca. It’s time you learned there are real consequences.”

Rebecca swallowed, her mouth dry as she met Stephanie’s gaze. The glint in Stephanie’s eyes told her everything—there would be no holding back, no pulling punches. This would be far more than just a punishment. And as Stephanie motioned for her to step closer, Rebecca knew that whatever small mercy John had afforded her in his spanking was gone. All that awaited her now was Stephanie’s unrestrained hand and the knowledge that every smack would drive her deeper into pain and humiliation, her last shreds of dignity crumbling with each merciless slap.

Stephanie’s smile grew wider, a silent acknowledgement that she knew exactly what was going through Rebecca’s mind. She would enjoy this—Rebecca knew that. She would savor every moment of it, knowing full well the pain she would inflict, knowing that Rebecca was completely powerless to stop her. And Rebecca, for all her dread, for all her fear, would have to submit.

With trembling hands, Rebecca took a step toward Stephanie, her body betraying her fear and dread. Her heart pounded in her chest as Stephanie took her by the arm, guiding her toward the living room couch. It was all too familiar—the way Stephanie’s grip was firm but not harsh, the way she maneuvered Rebecca into position with practiced ease.

John, unaware of the full story, simply watched with a stern, approving look. He had no idea what this moment truly meant. But Rebecca knew. And so did Stephanie.

Rebecca looked over at her husband, hoping for some last minute reprieve.“No! John, please!” Rebecca begged, but John’s expression remained resolute.

“Stop resisting, Rebecca,” John said sharply. “You brought this on yourself.”

As soon as Rebecca felt herself being guided over Stephanie’s lap, the weight of the situation began to settle in, but the real panic surged when Stephanie reached for the hem of her skirt.

“No… no, please,” Rebecca whimpered, instinctively trying to reach back to stop Stephanie, but a firm grip from her stepdaughter kept her in place.

John stood nearby, watching with a stern, resolute expression. “Rebecca, you’re in no position to make demands,” he said sharply. “You’ve been disrespectful to Steph for long enough. Now you’re going to face the consequences, and you’ll face them properly.”

Stephanie tugged the skirt up, pulling it high over Rebecca’s hips, exposing her to the room. Rebecca’s face burned with humiliation as the cool air hit her thighs. Her hands gripped the edge of the couch, her knuckles turning white with the force of her grip, but she couldn’t stop what was coming.

John stepped closer, his arms crossed as he watched with a hard gaze. “You’ve had this coming, Rebecca,” he said, his voice full of authority. “You should have known better than to think you could continue to treat people like this. Now, you’re going to learn a lesson you won’t soon forget.”

Stephanie paused for a moment, her eyes flicking up to meet John’s. Her voice, when it came, was soft, respectful even, but there was a glint of something darker in her eyes, a knowing look that only Rebecca could fully understand.

“Dad,” Stephanie said calmly, her hand still resting on Rebecca’s back, “should the spanking be with her panties up… or down?”

The words hung in the air for a moment, sending a fresh wave of dread through Rebecca. She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping—praying—that John would choose mercy, that he would let her keep the one shred of dignity she had left. This one meager barrier to the unrelenting hell she knew Stephanie would unleash. But deep down, she already knew the answer. John had no idea what this really was. To him, it was a simple punishment, a lesson to be learned. He couldn’t see the cruel undercurrent behind Stephanie’s question, the twisted pleasure she was taking in asking for permission to strip Rebecca of even the smallest defense.

John sighed, as if weighing the decision for a brief moment. Rebecca’s heart pounded, each second stretching out like an eternity as she lay there, exposed, waiting for her fate. Finally, his voice cut through the silence, calm and decisive.

“Panties down,” John said. “Make sure she really learns her lesson.”

Rebecca’s heart sank, her body stiffening as a fresh wave of humiliation crashed over her. She could feel Stephanie’s smile without even looking—could sense the satisfaction radiating from her as her hands moved to the waistband of her panties. Slowly, deliberately, Stephanie began to pull them down, the cool air of the room now fully hitting Rebecca’s bare skin as her panties were peeled away, inch by inch, until they rested just below her bum.

The exposure was complete. Rebecca lay there, draped across Stephanie’s lap, her bare bottom fully on display. The cool air felt harsh against her skin, but it was the burning shame that stung the most. She squeezed her eyes shut, biting her lip to hold back the sobs that threatened to escape. This wasn’t just a spanking. It was a public display of her complete helplessness, of the power Stephanie now held over her.

“No, Stephanie, please—” Rebecca’s voice cracked as she tried to plead, but her words were cut off as Stephanie firmly lowered her panties further, pulling them the rest of the way down to her knees in one swift motion. The shame washed over Rebecca in waves as she realized how exposed she was now—completely bare from the waist down, her most intimate parts on full display.

Her face burned hot with embarrassment, and she squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she could disappear, wishing the floor would swallow her whole. But there was no escaping the reality of her situation.

Her panties, bunched around her knees, felt like a final betrayal of the adult she had once been, a woman with dignity, authority, and control. But here she was, face down across her stepdaughter’s knee, completely exposed and powerless, just as a misbehaving little girl might be. She bit her lip hard, trying to hold back the sobs that still choked her, though they spilled out in quiet whimpers despite her best efforts.

The shame of it all cut deep. The way she was positioned—her bottom bare, her face pressed against the fabric of the couch, legs dangling off the side—felt like an unbearable reduction of everything she had once stood for. She was a grown woman, and yet, she was being treated as if she was no more than a naughty child deserving of a punishment. It was dehumanizing. Humiliating.

But worse, far worse, was the fact that her husband was watching. John, the man she had once stood beside as his equal, had reduced her to this, too. He stood by, his calm, approving gaze on the scene, as if it were completely normal for his wife to be bared and spanked over her stepdaughter’s knee. He thought he was delivering a lesson, enforcing discipline, but what he didn’t see—what he couldn’t see—was the humiliation.

Rebecca felt small. She felt like she had been stripped of everything that made her a woman, an adult. She wasn’t just a wife, lying here, exposed and spanked in front of her husband. She was being treated like a child—his child. John had placed her in this role, treating her as if she were incapable of making her own decisions, as if she needed this humiliation, this punishment, to learn how to behave. He had become a distant, paternal figure, one who thought it was his duty to keep her in line.

“Now you understand how serious this is, don’t you?” John said, his voice low but firm. “With your bottom bared and ready to be spanked. This isn’t just a slap on the wrist, Rebecca. You’re going to feel every bit of the disrespect you’ve shown Stephanie, and you’re going to be reminded of it every time you sit down for the next few days.”

Rebecca’s voice cracked as she fought against the knot in her throat, the hot flush of shame spreading across her cheeks. “John, please, don’t do this… not like this. I’m not a child! I shouldn’t be treated this way. You can’t just… let her… humiliate me!” Her voice wavered between desperation and defiance, her gaze darting back and forth between John’s dispassionate face and Stephanie’s unyielding, almost eager expression.

But John was unmoved, his arms crossed tightly across his chest, every inch of him radiating disappointment. “Enough, Rebecca. You’ve earned this. Maybe a little humility is exactly what you need to understand the way you’ve treated others—especially Stephanie.”

Rebecca’s eyes filled with fresh tears, her mouth opening as if to argue, but John didn’t give her the chance. “Stephanie,” he continued, his voice cold, “seeing as your stepmother is still complaining, don’t spare her thighs. She needs to remember this lesson well.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded at his words, a panicked breath escaping her as she felt Stephanie’s hand grip her firmly, locking her down against the couch. Stephanie’s fingers pressed into her lower back, unyielding, her control complete. Rebecca’s final resistance broke as she felt the stinging, merciless slap land across the tender skin of her upper thighs, her gasp turning quickly into a strangled cry.

“Oh! No, please! Not there!” she whimpered, her hands scrabbling at the edge of the couch, her legs instinctively kicking out in a desperate attempt to shield herself, but Stephanie’s grip kept her pinned firmly in place.

The second smack followed quickly to the other thigh, even harder than the first, and Rebecca whimpered, her face buried in the couch cushions, her humiliation growing with each passing second.

“Stephanie, don’t hold back,” John instructed, his voice stern as he watched from beside them. “She needs to feel this. She needs to understand that this behavior won’t be tolerated anymore.”

Stephanie didn’t need to be told twice. Her hand came down again, harder this time directly to her bum cheek, the sharp crack of the smack ringing out through the room. Rebecca cried out, her body wriggling in a desperate attempt to escape, but there was no escaping the punishment she had brought on herself.

With each smack, the sting grew more intense, the pain radiating through her skin, but what burned more than the pain was the sheer humiliation of the situation. She was over her stepdaughter’s knee, her bare bottom exposed, while her husband stood watching, delivering stern comments with every slap that landed.

“This is what happens when you forget your place, Rebecca,” John said, his voice steady as the spanking continued. “You’ve been selfish, you’ve been rude, and you’ve treated people as if they don’t matter. Now, you’re going to pay for that.”

Another sharp smack, this time even harder, and Rebecca let out a sob, the tears spilling over. “I’m sorry! Please, I’m sorry!” she cried, her voice shaking as the spanking continued.

But her apologies didn’t stop the punishment. Stephanie’s hand came down with relentless force, her athleticism and strength evident in every sharp slap. Rebecca’s skin was on fire, the pain almost unbearable, but what hurt more was the shame of being so thoroughly disciplined in front of John.

Stephanie’s rhythm was merciless, alternating between swift, sharp slaps to Rebecca’s tender bottom and punishing strikes to her bare thighs. Each smack on her bum ignited a searing heat, but it was the strikes to her thighs that sent Rebecca over the edge, making her legs kick involuntarily as she gasped and whimpered in pain.

“Ah! Please, Stephanie! Not there!” Rebecca’s voice came out in panicked, tearful pleas, her body writhing over Stephanie’s lap. She tried to twist away, but Stephanie’s hold was ironclad, keeping her pinned exactly where she wanted her, allowing no escape from the stinging onslaught.

“Enough with your whining, Rebecca,” Stephanie chided, her voice cold and measured. “You’ll take every single smack, exactly where I decide you need it most.” She delivered another swift smack to the upper thigh, where the skin was most sensitive, drawing a sharp yelp from Rebecca.

Rebecca’s hands gripped the edge of the couch, her knuckles white as she fought against the urge to beg, to plead. But the relentless alternation between her flaming bottom and the tender skin of her thighs was driving her frantic. She felt her dignity slipping with every desperate cry, every futile kick.

John watched on, arms crossed, a look of firm resolve in his eyes as Rebecca squirmed and writhed under Stephanie’s strict hand. He showed no hint of softening, no sign of stepping in. His voice was calm but resolute. “This is what happens, Rebecca, when you lose control of yourself. You’re learning this now the hard way.”

Stephanie seemed to take his words as encouragement, her hand landing even harder, her strikes echoing through the room. “Oh, Rebecca, don’t act surprised. This is exactly what happens when you behave like a spoiled, defiant little girl. Now, keep those legs still, or I’ll make this even worse for you.”

Rebecca’s sobs became louder, her body betraying her as she failed to keep her legs from flinching, her thighs unable to endure the steady, searing slaps. The heat radiated across her skin, and she felt herself spiraling into helplessness, each smack stripping her of any remaining pride.

Stephanie’s hand struck her again, a perfectly timed blow that landed right on the crease between her bottom and thigh, sending a shock of pain through her. “Are we starting to understand now, Rebecca?” Stephanie taunted, a smug satisfaction in her voice.

“Yes! Yes, please! I understand!” Rebecca choked out, her voice broken, barely more than a whisper.

But her pleas only seemed to spur Stephanie on. She continued the unyielding rhythm, each alternating slap to Rebecca’s bare bottom and sensitive thighs driving her further into desperation. The shame of her position—helplessly bared, her intimate vulnerability fully on display, her bottom and thighs burning with a punishment she had no control over—left Rebecca shattered.

“Are you learning your lesson, Rebecca?” John asked, his tone stern but almost satisfied as he watched her squirm under Stephanie’s hand.

“Yes! Yes, I am!” Rebecca sobbed, her voice breaking. “Please, I’ll be better, I promise!”

John crossed his arms, nodding approvingly. “You’d better be. Because if this ever happens again, Rebecca, you’ll be spanked each and every time. By either me or Steph.”

Rebecca’s heart raced at the thought, her body trembling with fear and humiliation as she continued to endure the spanking. Every smack seemed to echo John’s words, reinforcing the idea that she had no control now, that her behavior would be monitored and punished if necessary.

Rebecca’s sobs echoed softly in the room, her body shuddering with each breath as she lay helpless across Stephanie’s knee. Her bare bottom and high thighs were already burning, the skin hot and red from the relentless spanking she had already endured. But Stephanie wasn’t done—not by a long shot. Rebecca could feel it in the way her stepdaughter’s hand rested for just a moment on her lower back, holding her steady, as if preparing for the next round. The brief pause was nothing but a warning—a cruel reminder of the power Stephanie now wielded over her.

Stephanie’s hand rose high again, her muscles tensing with effortless control, before coming down hard on Rebecca’s tender, defenseless flesh. The sharp crack of skin meeting skin filled the room, and Rebecca let out a cry of pain, her body jolting forward with the force of the blow. But Stephanie didn’t slow. She didn’t relent. Each spank was delivered with the same intense precision, each one harder than the last, as if she were determined to break Rebecca down completely.

Stephanie’s eyes glinted with satisfaction as she noted Rebecca’s desperate, unrestrained kicks. “Oh, can’t keep those legs still, can you?” she murmured, almost too softly, her voice laced with mockery. “Then I’ll just have to make sure every inch of you learns its lesson.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Stephanie shifted her angle, directing her next slap to the delicate, untouched skin on the insides of Rebecca’s thighs. The instant the strike landed, Rebecca’s entire body tensed, her head jerking up with a strangled gasp, the unexpected sting taking her by surprise.

“Ah! No—please, not there!” she cried out, her voice panicked, barely able to keep her words coherent as her legs instinctively tried to close against the fresh, burning pain. But Stephanie was relentless, wedging her arm between Rebecca’s thighs to keep them parted, leaving her no chance to shield herself.

“Keep those legs open, Rebecca,” Stephanie instructed with a cruel smile. “You want to kick and carry on? Fine. But you’ll feel the consequences where it’s most tender.”

Another spank landed high on her inner thigh, searing into that sensitive skin, sending a deep flush through Rebecca’s entire body. The humiliation of it was unbearable—her thighs parted, fully exposed, vulnerable to Stephanie’s unyielding hand as John stood watching, unmoved.

“Stop kicking, and I’ll consider moving back to your bottom,” Stephanie taunted, her hand poised to strike again. But as Rebecca tried and failed to still her trembling legs, Stephanie took it as an invitation, her strikes landing again and again on the insides of Rebecca’s thighs, nearest her exposed sex, each one driving her frantic with shame and helpless pain.

Rebecca’s voice broke, her pleas falling to desperate sobs. “Please… please, Stephanie… no more…” she whimpered, barely able to catch her breath between cries, her body quivering from the relentless, targeted punishment.

Stephanie paused, running a mocking hand over the reddened skin of Rebecca’s inner thighs. “Oh, I think we’re just getting started, Rebecca. When I’m done, you won’t forget this lesson any time soon.”

Stephanie continued, targeting her twin globes. Rebecca’s sobs turned frantic, her legs kicking weakly in a desperate, futile attempt to escape the unrelenting punishment. Her bottom was on fire now, each smack sending waves of unbearable heat through her, but no matter how much she cried, no matter how much she begged silently for it to stop, Stephanie’s hand kept coming down, harder and faster.

John stood a few feet away, watching the scene unfold with a mixture of detachment and approval. He had expected Rebecca to be upset, of course—spankings were meant to teach lessons, after all—but even he hadn’t anticipated how quickly his wife would break under Stephanie’s hand. Her sobs had started almost immediately, and now, as she kicked and squirmed over her stepdaughter’s knee, her bare bottom and thighs bright red and visibly shaking from the intensity of the blows, John couldn’t help but be impressed by Stephanie’s resolve.

She wasn’t holding back. In fact, John realized, she seemed almost methodical in the way she delivered each spank, ensuring that every inch of Rebecca’s bottom and thighs felt the full force of her hand. There was something unsettlingly composed about the way Stephanie approached the punishment—calm, focused, as if this were just another task to be completed. But at the same time, her strength was undeniable. Each strike landed with an intensity that left no doubt in John’s mind that Stephanie was in control.

He could see Rebecca’s frantic desperation growing, the way her body jerked and writhed with each smack, her cries becoming more frantic with every passing second. Her legs kicked, her hands clutched the cushion of the couch as she tried in vain to escape from the onslaught. But there was no escaping it. Stephanie had her pinned, and she was at the mercy of her stepdaughter’s relentless hand.

John was impressed, even admiring, as he watched his daughter. Her athletic prowess and endurance were on full display—her ability to maintain such a steady, relentless rhythm, never once faltering in her resolve. Stephanie’s strength wasn’t just in her physicality; it was in her dominance, in the way she so thoroughly commanded this punishment. It was clear to John that Rebecca was learning her lesson the hard way. Perhaps harsher than he had expected, but effective nonetheless.

But as the minutes dragged on, and Rebecca’s sobs grew more desperate, her frantic pleas for mercy now barely coherent through her tears, and Stephanie showing no signs whatsoever of even lightening up, John began to think she had enough. She was a trembling, crying mess, her bare bottom and thighs both an angry shade of red that bordered on bruised. The punishment had gone far beyond what John had anticipated, and a sense of protectiveness stirred within him. His wife had had enough. Surely, she had learned her lesson by now.

“Alright, that’s enough,” John said, his voice firm but measured as he stepped forward, his eyes still on Rebecca’s tear-streaked face.

Stephanie’s hand hovered in mid-air for just a moment before she paused, turning to look at John with a calm, almost unreadable expression. There was no defiance in her gaze, no objection to his authority. But there was something there—something that only Rebecca could sense, lying face down over her stepdaughter’s lap. Stephanie would have gone much longer. That much was clear.

Rebecca felt the tension in Stephanie’s hand, the way she held back just a fraction, as if considering whether or not to stop. But she did, lowering her hand slowly and resting it on Rebecca’s burning, red-hot bottom. The relief was immediate, but it was overshadowed by the knowledge that Stephanie had wanted to continue—wanted to spank her even further, to break her down completely. If John hadn’t stepped in, Rebecca knew, she would still be there, enduring more of Stephanie’s cruel strength.

John gave a small nod, stepping closer to Rebecca and placing a hand on her back, his tone softening slightly. “You’ve had your punishment, Rebecca. I’m sure you’ve learned your lesson.”

But Rebecca’s sobs continued, her body shaking with exhaustion and the weight of what had just happened. She couldn’t respond. She couldn’t bring herself to look up, to meet John’s gaze, or to acknowledge the brief reprieve he had granted her. All she could think about was the pain—the searing, unbearable pain in her bottom and legs—and the way Stephanie’s hand had lingered, so calm, so composed, even as Rebecca had fallen apart completely.

Rebecca couldn’t move, couldn’t think, couldn’t even process the fact that John had finally stopped it.

Because deep down, she knew—if John hadn’t been there, Stephanie would have gone on much longer. And next time, if there even was a next time, Rebecca wasn’t sure if she’d be so lucky.

John stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, but his voice remained stern. “Now, do you have anything to say, Rebecca?”

Rebecca sniffled, her hands instinctively reaching up to wipe away her tears. Her voice was weak, barely above a whisper, as she choked out the words. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… I’ll be better, I swear.”

“Good,” John replied, his tone softening slightly, though his authority remained clear. “I expect you to mean it this time.”

Stephanie released her grip on Rebecca, allowing her to stand up shakily, her hands in front clinging to her burning inner thighs as she tried to compose herself. The embarrassment was overwhelming, her face flushed and tear-streaked as she stood there, completely exposed in front of John and Stephanie.

“Pull your panties back up,” John said, his voice calm but commanding.

Rebecca obeyed, her hands trembling as she gingerly pulled her panties back over her sore, reddened skin, the fabric sticking uncomfortably to her. She tugged her skirt back down, covering herself as best she could, but the damage was done. The shame of what had just happened lingered heavily in the air.

John stepped forward, his eyes locked on Rebecca. “Now, I hope this will serve as a reminder, Rebecca. Your behavior needs to change. No more disrespect, no more sharp words. You’re going to treat Stephanie—and me—with the respect we deserve.”

Rebecca nodded tearfully, her voice trembling. “Yes, I promise.”

Then John cleared his throat, his tone turning more formal, a sense of finality in his words as he addressed Rebecca. “From this day forward, Stephanie will have complete disciplinary authority over you, Rebecca. She is free to correct you as she sees fit, with or without my presence. I trust her judgment implicitly and have every confidence that she will act in both of our best interests.”

Rebecca’s eyes widened, and she took a shaky step forward, her voice desperate. “Please, John… you can’t be serious. You don’t understand what this means… Stephanie… she’s—”

But John held up a hand, silencing her protests with a firm shake of his head. “Enough, Rebecca. You’ve proven, time and again, that you can’t be trusted to manage yourself. Stephanie has shown nothing but responsibility and maturity in dealing with your behavior, and I have no doubt she will continue to do so.” His voice softened just a fraction, but his resolve remained unbreakable. “I believe this is for your own good. You need this structure. You need someone who won’t hesitate to keep you in line.”

Rebecca’s face flushed, and she tried again, her voice catching. “John, please… I’ll be better, I promise. You don’t have to give her that power over me.”

But John was unmoved. “Your promises have lost their weight, Rebecca. This isn’t a decision I’ve made lightly, but it’s final. You’ll answer to Stephanie now. And if she decides a punishment is in order, I expect you to accept it with the same respect and obedience you would give me.”

Rebecca looked over at Stephanie, who was watching her with an unreadable expression—something between satisfaction and determination. Her stepdaughter’s eyes held a quiet confidence, a reminder that there would be no room for negotiation, no softening of her approach.

Rebecca’s heart pounded, a feeling of helplessness washing over her as she turned back to John one last time, her voice barely a whisper. “Please, don’t… I can’t…”

John’s gaze remained steady, unwavering. “This is happening, Rebecca. And I suggest you accept it sooner rather than later. Stephanie has every right to enforce discipline as she deems fit, and she doesn’t need my approval to do so. From this moment on, she has full authority over you, and you will respect that, whether you like it or not.”

Rebecca’s voice wavered as she tried to find the courage to speak up, her hands still gingerly rubbing her sore bottom. “John… you don’t understand. The way she spanked me—it was too much. She was too strong, too harsh. I… I don’t think I can handle that again.”

John raised an eyebrow, his expression a mixture of calm and authority. “Is that so? Well, Rebecca, if that’s truly how you feel, then perhaps you’d best make sure not to earn yourself another spanking from Stephanie.”

Rebecca’s eyes widened, a mix of frustration and desperation in her expression. “But, John, she didn’t hold back. She… she didn’t show any restraint at all! if you hadn’t been there to stop it… I can’t go through that again.”

John’s gaze remained steady, unyielding. “Then I suggest you avoid giving her any reason to correct you. Stephanie will discipline you as she sees fit, and I trust her to do what’s necessary to help you improve your behavior.”

Rebecca’s face was flushed with frustration and humiliation, her hands still rubbing her throbbing, reddened bottom as she struggled to maintain her composure. She looked at John, a mix of pleading and anger in her eyes. “This isn’t fair!” she exclaimed, her voice trembling with indignation. “You don’t understand—Stephanie went too far. She was too harsh, and if you hadn’t stepped in, she would have kept going until… until…” She trailed off, unable to finish the thought, her voice cracking with the memory of the intensity she had endured.

John’s expression remained unyielding, his gaze steady as he regarded her with a hint of disappointment. “Rebecca, the fact that you’re still complaining only proves that Stephanie’s judgment was better than mine. If you had truly learned your lesson, you would be accepting your punishment with humility, not defiance.”

Rebecca opened her mouth to protest further, but John raised his hand, silencing her. “No, I’m done listening to excuses. You’ve demonstrated time and time again that you struggle to manage your behavior, and I’ve made a decision. Stephanie has shown herself to be capable and responsible, and I trust her judgment completely.”

Rebecca’s face crumpled, a fresh wave of tears spilling down her cheeks. “Please, John… I’ll be better, I promise. Just don’t leave me under her authority. You don’t know what it’s like… she doesn’t hold back. She… she enjoys it.”

Stephanie, who had remained silent until now, finally spoke, her tone calm but resolute. “Rebecca, I don’t enjoy punishing you—I take no pleasure in seeing you suffer. But I do believe in teaching you the lessons you clearly need to learn, even if that means pushing you past your comfort zone. I won’t go easy on you just because you find it unpleasant. It’s meant to be punishment, after all.”

John nodded in agreement, his voice firm. “And that’s exactly why I’m giving Steph spanking rights. You’ve had countless chances to prove you can change without strict oversight, but you’ve failed each time. From now on, you will answer to both Stephanie and myself, and you will respect her authority. If that means you have to endure a harsher punishment, then so be it. This is for your own good, Rebecca.”

“But, John…”

John stepped closer, placing a hand on her shoulder in a final gesture of authority. “This is settled, Rebecca. The next time you step out of line, Stephanie won’t have to wait for my permission to discipline you. And I won’t be interfering. So, I suggest you reflect on your behavior and think very carefully before you give her any reason to take you over her knee again.”


John’s eyes narrowed. “Careful, Rebecca. Are you really trying to earn yourself another spanking so soon after what Stephanie just gave you?”

Rebecca froze, the words hitting her like a splash of cold water. The memories of the spanking—Stephanie’s relentless hand, her own helpless cries—flashed vividly in her mind. The soreness she still felt only added to the realization of what another punishment might mean. Instantly, her defiance crumbled, replaced by a meek, almost childlike obedience. She looked down, her shoulders hunching as her voice softened to a whisper.

“No… no, I don’t want that,” she murmured, her cheeks turning pink with shame. Her bravado was gone, replaced by a deep-seated fear of testing either of them any further. She glanced hesitantly between John and Stephanie, her mind racing as she struggled to regain control of her emotions.

John nodded approvingly, clearly satisfied with her sudden shift in demeanor. “Good. Then I suggest you remember this moment and start behaving accordingly. I don’t want to hear any more complaints or tantrums, understood?”

Rebecca swallowed hard, nodding quickly. “Yes, I understand.”

“Very well,” John replied, his tone carrying a finality that made it clear he expected no more protests. He glanced at Stephanie, giving her a small nod of acknowledgment before turning back to Rebecca. “You’ll thank Stephanie for disciplining you and for putting you back on the right path. A little gratitude might help you remember the lesson.”

Rebecca’s face burned with shame as she stood before Stephanie, feeling the weight of John’s expectant gaze on her back. Her cheeks were still tear-streaked, her eyes puffy, and her bottom and legs throbbed with the aftermath of the punishment that had left her utterly exposed and powerless. But the sting of the spanking was nothing compared to the humiliation she felt now, being forced to stand there, humbled like a naughty little girl, and actually thank her stepdaughter for disciplining her.

The words caught in her throat, but she knew she had no choice. Her hands trembled as she clasped them in front of her, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, feeling every inch of her exposed vulnerability. It was as if her entire sense of dignity had been stripped away, leaving her bare not just physically, but emotionally, as well.

Swallowing hard, she forced herself to look up at Stephanie, though her gaze quickly dropped, unable to hold the younger woman’s cool, steady stare. “Th-thank you, Stephanie… for… for spanking me,” she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, as though saying it any louder would shatter what little pride she had left.

But John’s sharp, expectant look told her that wouldn’t be enough. He cleared his throat, his arms crossed, his stance unyielding. “Louder, Rebecca. Say it like you mean it. I want to hear gratitude.”

Rebecca’s face turned an even deeper shade of red, her humiliation cresting as she realized she’d have to fully surrender to this degrading ritual. She bit her lip, her voice shaking as she forced herself to speak up, her words painfully clear and almost childlike. “Thank you, Stephanie, for… for spanking me. I know I needed it.”

The admission was agonizing, every word feeling like a fresh layer of shame being added to her already fragile pride. Her eyes watered as she heard herself sounding so defeated, so small, as if she were a child being taught a lesson she had no choice but to accept. She hated the way her voice trembled, the way her hands fidgeted nervously, the way Stephanie’s calm, slightly satisfied smile seemed to drive the point home even further.

Stephanie tilted her head, her eyes glinting with quiet authority as she nodded. “You’re welcome, Rebecca. I’m glad you understand it was for your own good.”

Rebecca could barely breathe as she forced herself to nod, feeling like she’d been stripped down to her very core. The ritual of expressing gratitude only deepened the sense of her own helplessness, the understanding that she had no control now, that she was expected to be grateful for a punishment that left her utterly humiliated. Her shame was total, consuming, leaving her feeling as if she were nothing more than a naughty girl grateful for the strict hand of her disciplinarian. And deep down, as she whispered a tearful “Thank you,” she knew that both John and Stephanie had made sure she would never forget it.

John continued, his tone colder, unwavering, “I want you to remember this feeling, Rebecca. And, to ensure there is no misunderstanding about the severity of future consequences, you will now explicitly request a harsher punishment from Stephanie for next time. If you ever find yourself in need of correction again, ask her to go longer, harder, and to focus on those tender thighs of yours as well. Make it clear that you understand the need for escalation if you disappoint us again.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded at the thought, her cheeks growing impossibly hotter. She felt cornered, trapped between her shame and the expectation John had set out before her. Every nerve ending screamed in resistance, but she knew better than to argue. She’d already learned the hard way what further defiance would bring.

Swallowing her pride—and with it, the last remnants of her dignity—Rebecca looked up at Stephanie, struggling to maintain eye contact even as she felt her insides twist with dread. Her voice quivered, barely holding steady as she spoke, each word deliberate, like she was navigating a minefield. “Stephanie… if I misbehave again… I request… I mean, I want… a longer, harder spanking. And… I understand… that my thighs should be included.”

Her voice wavered as she finished, the weight of her submission pressing down on her with crushing finality. The very idea of Stephanie’s unrelenting hand punishing her more thoroughly next time was nearly unbearable to contemplate, but there was a disturbing clarity in acknowledging it, almost as if she were sealing her own fate.

Stephanie’s face softened just a fraction, but her eyes remained unwavering. She nodded, a faint smile crossing her lips—a smile that conveyed both satisfaction and a solemn promise. “I appreciate your understanding, Rebecca. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, though I’ll be ready if it does. And remember, the next time, there will be no stopping until I believe you’ve fully learned your lesson. You’re asking for a strict hand, and that’s exactly what you’ll get if you give me cause.”

John nodded once, satisfied. “Good. Now, go to your room and reflect on what just happened. I don’t want to see hide nor hair of that naughty little bottom of yours for the rest of the evening.”

But before she could even take a step toward the door, Stephanie’s voice cut through the air, calm but filled with authority.

“Au contraire, Dad,” Stephanie interjected smoothly, her gaze locked on Rebecca with an air of complete control. “Don’t you think Rebecca would benefit more from us seeing her naughty little bottom in corner time right here in the living room—for the rest of the evening. Let her really reflect on the consequences of her behavior.”

Rebecca’s eyes widened in horror, her heart racing as the full weight of Stephanie’s suggestion hit her. Her face, already flushed, turned a deeper shade of crimson, and she instinctively took a step back, her hands reaching behind to cover her still-throbbing bottom.

“Please, no…” she whispered, her voice trembling. “Haven’t I been humiliated enough?”

But Stephanie’s expression didn’t soften. “It’s precisely because you find it humiliating that this will be effective. If I have my way, you’ll stand there, hands at your sides, skirt tucked into your collar, panties at your ankles, and you’ll think about what you did—and what it felt like to be put over my knee, and what it will feel like if either of us has to do it again.”

Rebecca glanced desperately at John, hoping he might intervene…

[Continued in Part 22]


  1. Too bad you are not in fetichism and not interested in panties humiliations

    1. I’m a spanking fetishist (and a few other things). My fetishes not good enough for ya? 😉

  2. Wow “full disciplinary authority”. That goes beyond spanking. Could be all sorts of interesting punishments and activities …

  3. Where’s the aftercare Stephanie recommended to her dad? She should’ve had Becky hump herself to orgasm in her knee.

  4. What a nightmare. I know I could not endure a fraction of Rebecca’s ordeal so far. But I want to be taken past my limits, for some reason. - david

    1. Sure you could! After you’ve been bound ankles and wrists. I mean, what choice would you have?

  5. Stephanie should get Becky to sit on her knee legs apart and face daddy so that she can masturbate herself for daddy looking into his eyes. That’s what little girls wish for.

  6. Very good liked the tip to make sure that the legs stay apart for the whole spanking for maximum exposure. Important to keep that pussy on show throughout!

  7. We fully agree with Stephanie. With people like Rebecca (husbands or wives), it is the only way. Spanking must be real and punitive.
    Letting anything go must be immediately punished.
    A daily spanking, at least, greatly improves their behavior.
    Dark red must be the color of their bottoms at the slightest misconduct.
    Rebeccas behave much better when their asses are dark red.
    They must not be allowed to get away easily, and the punishment must be immediate and without indulgence. They are never too old to be spanked.
    A good correction must leave their arses very sore and very marked for a very long time.
    Their bottoms must never be allowed to whiten again, the marks must be refreshed as soon as they fade. It's more than their egos that will be bruised.
    John is right. Always include their tender thighs as part of their lesson. They have to be thoroughly taught with real severity and no mercy.
