Friday, October 25

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 19 (M/F)

[Continued from Part 18]

“Well, I guess we’ll see soon enough,” John said, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and amusement. “I’m still a bit teed off that she tried to actually spank you. I’ll go lay down the law for her now on that.”

Stephanie gave him a reassuring pat on the back. “You go, Dad!”

Chapter 27: Confrontation

John left Stephanie, his mind made up. His preeminent thought as he made his way back was the idea that yesterday Rebecca had tried spanking Stephanie again, as an adult. The absurdity of the situation left him baffled, and he felt a surge of frustration as he headed back into the house.

Rebecca, still on edge after overhearing the conversation, was trying to calm herself down in the kitchen when she heard John’s footsteps approach. Her heart sank as she realized that he was coming straight for her. She had hoped to avoid this confrontation, at least for now, but it seemed fate had other plans.

John found her standing by the counter, her body stiff with tension. Without a word, he gestured for her to follow him, and Rebecca, feeling the weight of her guilt, obeyed without hesitation. Am I going to be spanked? Already? He led her to the relative privacy of their bedroom, closing the door behind them with a soft click. The room felt suddenly small, the air thick with unspoken words.

John turned to face her, his expression serious but not angry. Yet. “Stephanie told me about the beach,” he said, his voice even. “About the spanking she gave you.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted painfully, and she bit her lip, looking down at her hands. There was no use denying it now. “It’s true,” she admitted quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

John let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. “What I can’t wrap my head around,” he said, “is why you thought it was a good idea to try and spank her again at her age. What were you thinking, Rebecca? You tried that with her when she was a little kid, and I wasn’t happy about it then and told you so. But now? What did you expect would happen?”

Rebecca’s cheeks flushed with shame, her eyes still downcast. She hadn’t wanted to revisit that part of her past, especially not with John. “I don’t know what I was thinking,” she mumbled, her voice shaky. “I just… I thought I could get control back. She was being so disrespectful, and I thought… I thought maybe if I put her in her place, like before, it would help.”

John shook his head, his frustration evident. “Rebecca, she’s an adult now. She wasn’t being disrespectful, she was asserting her womanhood. You can’t just go around trying to discipline her like she’s still a little girl. And honestly, I don’t know what you expected would happen. You had to know Stephanie wasn’t going to take that from you, not at her age.”

Rebecca swallowed hard, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. “I was wrong,” she whispered. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

John’s voice softened slightly, though the sternness remained. “Well, it backfired, didn’t it? Instead of you taking control, she turned the tables on you. And now you’re asking me to step in, to give you the same kind of discipline.” He paused, his eyes searching her face. “Is that what you really want, Rebecca? Because if that’s what you’re asking for, I’ll give it to you. But if you’re serious about this, you’d better shape up. There’s no going back once you’ve asked me to enforce that kind of discipline.”

Rebecca felt her heart race, the weight of his words pressing down on her. She had not asked him for this entirely of her free will, but still, she had asked him, hadn’t she? The idea of John taking control, of being the one to impose discipline, after everything she had gone through, had felt somehow… right. But now, standing in front of him, the reality of what she had requested felt daunting. Still, a big part of her knew it was what she needed—what she had been craving.

She nodded slowly, her voice barely audible. “I do. I need you to take control. I’ll do better. I’ll listen. I won’t make the same mistakes again.”

John’s expression softened further, though he still looked at her with a mixture of disappointment and concern. “Then that’s exactly what I’m going to do. You need boundaries, Rebecca, and I’m going to make sure you know them. But you’d better start living up to it. Because if you don’t, you’ll be over my knee the next time you act out.”

Rebecca’s face burned with both shame and an odd sense of relief. Next time. He isn’t going to spank me this time. She knew that her life was about to change in ways she hadn’t fully anticipated, but in that moment, she felt a strange comfort in John’s stern vow.

John’s serious demeanor softened a little as he sat down on the edge of the bed, giving Rebecca a look that was a mix of curiosity and amusement. He had clearly processed the heavier part of their conversation, but now he seemed more intrigued by the details of the beach incident.

“So,” he said, a lightness creeping into his tone, “I’ve got to ask—how exactly did that spanking go? I mean, Stephanie’s pretty athletic. I can’t imagine she let you get off easily.” He raised an eyebrow, clearly trying to picture the scene.

Rebecca blushed, the memory of that humiliating event flashing vividly in her mind. “It wasn’t… I didn’t stand a chance,” she admitted, her voice low and filled with embarrassment. “She’s stronger than I expected.”

John chuckled, clearly enjoying the thought. “I figured as much. But seriously, you were truly buck naked? You weren’t worried someone might see? I mean, it was on the beach.”

Rebecca squirmed under his playful questioning, her cheeks flushing even deeper. Stephanie hadn’t mentioned the dock spanking with Jake and all the boaters, and she certainly wasn’t going to bring it up.  “It was a private stretch of the beach,” she muttered, “but I was still terrified someone might walk by. I didn’t have much of a choice, though… she pulled my swimsuit off before I could stop her.”

John couldn’t help but laugh at the image that came to mind. “So you were there, bare as the day you were born, getting your butt handed to you—literally—by your stepdaughter. That’s… something.”

Rebecca’s humiliation deepened, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. John’s tone was teasing, but it didn’t carry the same weight of judgment as before. In fact, he almost seemed entertained by the absurdity of it all.

“And after all that,” John continued, leaning back on the bed, “what did your bum look like afterwards?”

Rebecca shifted awkwardly, remembering the sting and the reddened skin she had seen in the mirror. “It was definitely very, very red,” she admitted, feeling mortified by the conversation but knowing there was no escaping it now. “She didn’t hold back.”

John laughed again, shaking his head. “I’ll bet. Stephanie’s got quite the arm. I’m surprised you sat down at all after that.”

Rebecca winced at the memory, the lingering sting of that day still fresh in her mind. But despite the embarrassment, there was something almost comforting about John’s lighthearted reaction. He wasn’t angry, and in a strange way, he seemed more amused by the whole thing than anything else.

John’s playful grin lingered as he leaned in closer to Rebecca, his curiosity clearly piqued. “You know,” he said with a teasing lilt, “I think I’d better see for myself just how much damage Stephanie did. Turn around, let me take a look.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted with a mix of embarrassment and dread. Her face flushed deep red at the thought, but there was no escaping now. Reluctantly, she nodded, turning slowly to face away from him. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest, a wave of vulnerability washing over her as she reached down and hesitantly lowered her pants and panties, exposing her bare bottom.

John leaned in, chuckling softly as his fingers lightly grazed the blush and the marks still visible on her skin from her earlier spankings. “Well, well,” he said, amusement clear in his voice, “looks like Stephanie didn’t hold back after all. I can still see redness and marks—she really gave it to you, huh?”

Rebecca bit her lip, trying to keep her breath steady as she stood there, feeling utterly exposed. “Yeah,” she whispered, “she did.”

John’s chuckle deepened as he traced one of the redder marks, shaking his head in disbelief. “You weren’t kidding, she’s got a good arm.”

But as his eyes moved over her skin, Rebecca’s heart raced with a different kind of fear. There, faint but still present she was sure, would be the marks left by Jake’s belt from the day before—crisscrossing under the ones Stephanie had left at lunch. She prayed silently, desperately, that John wouldn’t notice the difference. That he wouldn’t recognize the significance of the harsher lines, the distinct pattern that Jake’s belt had left when it had struck her.

John, still grinning, seemed oblivious for now. “You’ve definitely learned your lesson, I hope,” he said, his tone still lighthearted, giving her a playful tap on her bottom. “Because I don’t think you’ll be sitting comfortably anytime soon if you keep ending up in these kinds of situations.”

Rebecca forced a smile, her heart pounding with both relief and anxiety as she quickly pulled her clothes back up, praying that he wouldn’t inspect any closer. “Yeah,” she mumbled, “lesson learned.”

“Well,” John said, grinning, “I guess it’s karma. But next time, if there’s any more acting out, it won’t be Stephanie doing the spanking—you’ll have me to answer to.”

“Yes, John,” Rebecca said softly, keeping her pants and panties down, and going to her knees in front of him as he remained seated on the edge of the bed. The tension between them was thick, the promise of discipline hanging in the air, but underneath it all, another feeling had taken root—one she couldn’t ignore any longer.

Her mind raced back to the humiliation of being forced by Stephanie to service Jake with her mouth, the rough, degrading way it had unfolded, doing things to him she had never done in her life before then. But now, that same experience was stirring something inside her, a need she hadn’t anticipated. She had never been so eager, so bold with John, but right now, she craved him in a way that surprised even her.

As Rebecca knelt in front of John, her hands trembling slightly as she unbuckled his belt, a flood of thoughts rushed through her mind. This was so different from what she had been forced to do with Jake just days ago. The memory of that degrading moment, of being made to service him, still clung to her, but now, with John in front of her, something began to shift.

She had never been eager to do this for John before—never with this kind of intensity. But now, as her fingers worked to free him, the realization hit her hard: This was what she should have been doing all along. John was her husband, the one who had always been there for her, and he was the one she should have been giving herself to with this kind of desire. Doing it for Jake had been humiliating, degrading—but for John, it felt right. It felt good.

John looked up at her, sensing the shift in her energy. “Rebecca?” he asked, his voice cautious but curious, unsure of what was going through her mind.

Rebecca didn’t answer. Instead, she slowly unbuckled his belt with a confidence that took him by surprise.

“Rebecca, what are you—” he started, but she cut him off with a firm look, her fingers deftly working the button on his pants, pulling them down in one smooth motion. John’s confusion quickly turned to arousal as he felt her fingers brush against him, freeing him from his boxers. His body reacted instantly, but his mind struggled to keep up.

She was never like this. Never this forward, this assertive. But before he could even process it, Rebecca leaned in, taking him into her mouth with a hunger he hadn’t seen before. John gasped, his hands instinctively gripping the bedsheets as she moved with an intensity that left him breathless.

Rebecca took him deeper than she ever had before, her mouth and tongue working him with a roughness that mirrored what she had been forced to do with Jake. The memory of that moment, of her complete lack of control then, now fueled her desire to take control here. She pushed herself further, her throat tightening around him as she swallowed him whole. With each movement of her lips and tongue, she understood more clearly that this was where she belonged—at John’s feet, giving him everything she had. She had wasted so much time, holding back, denying him this part of herself. All those times she had spat or avoided it, she realized now that she had been holding back from the one person who deserved her all.

John’s eyes widened in shock, his body trembling at the sheer force of her actions. “Rebecca…” he groaned, his voice strained with both pleasure and confusion. This was so unlike her—so bold, so intense—and he couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the shift.

She didn’t slow down, her pace relentless as she took him deeper and deeper, her hands gripping his thighs for support. John’s hands found their way to her hair, gently pulling as he tried to make sense of what was happening. The pleasure was almost too much to bear, and he felt himself teetering on the edge.

Rebecca, spurred on by his reactions, kept going, her movements rough and fast, her head bobbing up and down, her throat tightening around him as she pushed herself further than she ever had before. The raw need that consumed her in that moment was undeniable, and she wanted him to feel it—every bit of it.

John’s breathing grew ragged, his body tense with the build-up of pleasure. And then, with a final thrust, he couldn’t hold back any longer. His release came in waves, and to his shock, Rebecca swallowed every bit of him, not pulling away until she was sure she had taken it all, her heart swelling with the knowledge that this was for him. This was what she had owed him all along, and it had never felt more right.

As she lifted her head, wiping her lips with the back of her hand, John stared down at her, utterly spent and completely stunned. “Rebecca… what the hell just happened?” he asked, his voice hoarse, still trying to catch his breath.

Rebecca smiled softly, feeling a warmth spread through her that had nothing to do with the act itself. It was the realization that she had given John something she should have long ago—her full self, her desire, her submission. “I should have been doing that for you all along,” she whispered, her voice filled with both regret and determination.

John’s eyes softened, his hand reaching out to cup her cheek gently. “You didn’t have to,” he said, but there was no denying the gratitude in his voice. He was clearly moved by her actions, by the change he had witnessed in her.

“No,” she said, shaking her head slightly, “I wanted to. I’ve been holding back for so long, John, and I’m sorry. But from now on… things are going to be different. I want to be better—for you.”

John’s expression softened even more, and he pulled her up onto the bed beside him, wrapping his arms around her. “You’ve always been enough,” he whispered into her hair, but Rebecca knew that things had changed between them. This was the beginning of something new—something better.

John held Rebecca close, feeling the warmth of her body against his as the moment lingered between them. As he reflected on the sudden change in her, a realization began to take shape in his mind. This transformation, this surge of passion, wasn’t just about the act itself. It was tied to something deeper—the power dynamics they had recently discussed, the promise of discipline. Her newfound desire was linked to the sense of surrender, of letting go of control.

He thought back to their earlier conversation about discipline, about how she had asked him to take control, to guide her; and his subsequent conversation with Stephanie, about the relationship between discipline and sex; and it all started to make sense. This was what she had been craving all along, and it wasn’t just the physical connection—it was the balance of authority and submission, the structure she had been missing. Her sexuality had been awakened, not just by the intimacy, but by the knowledge that he was the one in control now.

A knowing smile spread across John’s face as he gently stroked her hair, his mind formulating the attitude he knew she needed to see in him. He wouldn’t make it obvious, wouldn’t call out her need directly, but he could guide her down this path, offering the structure and dominance she seemed to respond to.

He chuckled softly, breaking the comfortable silence. “You know, Rebecca,” he began, his tone teasing but laced with authority, “doing things like this isn’t going to get you off any spankings you’ll earn in the future. In fact, it might just make me more determined to see that you’re properly disciplined when you deserve it.”

Rebecca’s face flushed a soft pink at his words, the combination of his teasing tone and the subtle but unmistakable assertion of his control sending a shiver down her spine. She looked down, embarrassed but undeniably excited by the shift in their dynamic. Her voice was quiet but firm when she responded. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

John’s grin widened, pleased with her response. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against her ear as he spoke. “Good, because after your discipline,” he whispered, his voice low and commanding, “I’ll be expecting repeat performances like the one you just gave me. And more. Much more.”

“Yes, John.”

John’s smile widened as he saw the effect his words had on Rebecca. He pulled her up and onto his lap, letting her settle there, her pants and panties still bunched at her ankles. The vulnerability of her position was not lost on either of them, and the air between them seemed to thicken with tension. He rested one hand on her bare thigh, the other softly tracing her lower back, teasing but commanding.

“Let me explain how things are going to work from now on,” John said, his voice low, each word deliberate. His fingers slowly trailed upward, grazing Rebecca’s inner thigh, making her breath catch. “When you’re naughty, and you will be, you’re going over my knee. I’ll pull down your pants and panties, just like this,” he continued, his hand dipping lower, “and you’ll take every single swat I give you.”

Rebecca gasped softly, her body tensing as his words sank in. She could already feel a deep need pooling within her, spurred on by his promises of discipline. His hand moved slowly, torturously, and her arousal began to build.

“And I won’t be gentle, Rebecca,” John warned, his hand finding its way between her legs, brushing her softly. “I’ll spank you hard. Long. Until you’re crying, begging me to stop. But I won’t, not until I know you’ve learned your lesson. Do you understand?”

Rebecca’s breath hitched, her thighs trembling as his fingers teased her. “Y-yes,” she whispered, her voice thick with need. She could feel herself growing wetter by the second, the promise of punishment driving her closer and closer to the edge.

“You’ll be sore,” he continued, his voice growing darker, more commanding. “Your bottom will be red, bruised even. You’ll think about your spanking every time you sit down for days afterward. And when you cry, Rebecca, because you will cry, you’ll still thank me. Do you understand that too?”

Her mind was spinning, her body shivering with anticipation. Every word he spoke brought her closer to the brink, her arousal climbing higher with each syllable. “Yes,” she breathed, her voice trembling with a mix of desire and fear.

John’s hand moved more purposefully now, his fingers finding her slick and ready. He chuckled darkly. “After your spanking, no matter how many tears you’ve shed, you’ll come back to the bedroom like this—bare, obedient, and ready to serve me. Just like you did today and more. No questions asked. Do you understand, Rebecca?”

She was barely holding on, her body arching against him, craving release. “Yes, John,” she moaned softly, teetering on the edge.

His fingers pressed harder, and with one final, stern whisper, he pushed her over. “Good girl.”

Rebecca’s body shuddered as the wave of pleasure crashed through her, the intensity of the moment leaving her breathless. John held her tight, letting her ride out the aftershocks, knowing full well that this was just the beginning of their new dynamic.

Meanwhile, in the quiet living room just outside John and Rebecca’s bedroom, Stephanie paused as faint sounds began to drift through the thin walls. At first, she wasn’t sure what she was hearing, but as the noises became more distinct—the soft, wet rhythm of lips moving, the occasional muffled moan—an amused smirk spread across her face.

She leaned casually against the wall, arms crossed, listening as Rebecca’s eager, lustful ministrations became more obvious. Stephanie had planted the seed, and now it was growing exactly as she’d hoped. She had turned the tables, forced Rebecca to confront her own desires in the most humiliating way possible, and now Rebecca was unleashing everything on John.

Stephanie stifled a laugh as she imagined the look on Rebecca’s face, completely consumed by her newfound need to please her husband in a way she had always withheld before. She knew from the experience with Jake that Rebecca rarely gave Daddy head, never even went deep for her dad, or even swallowed, and now look at her, Stephanie thought, the satisfaction of her plan coming to fruition sending a surge of delight through her.

The muffled sounds from the room grew more intense, and Stephanie could barely contain her amusement. She shook her head, biting her lip to keep from laughing out loud. Rebecca must be so desperate to prove herself now, so eager to show John what she can do. Stephanie had seen it in her stepmother’s eyes, the conflict, the humiliation, and ultimately, the desire to regain some semblance of control by giving in completely. And Stephanie had orchestrated it all perfectly.

Soon, the unmistakable sound of her dad’s climax could be heard—a low, guttural groan, followed by a strained, shuddering breath as he released into what was presumably Rebecca’s mouth. Stephanie’s eyes widened in delight, a grin spreading across her face as she realized what was happening. She’s actually doing it, Stephanie thought, barely able to contain her amusement.

Rebecca didn’t stop, the slick, rhythmic sounds of her mouth continuing despite the sudden rush. Stephanie could hear the soft, muffled gag as her stepmother adjusted, struggling to manage the thick mouthful. What followed was even better—Rebecca’s quiet, hesitant gulps as she forced herself to swallow. The sounds of her swallowing were unmistakable, strained and reluctant, each gulp separated by a brief, uncomfortable pause.

Stephanie’s delight only grew as she heard her stepmom struggling through it, forcing down what she had always refused to do for Daddy before. The strained breaths, the soft choking sounds as Rebecca worked to swallow every last bit, filled Stephanie with satisfaction.

Rebecca’s final gulp was the most strained, a quiet, choked sound as she took in a shaky breath afterward. It was clear she had struggled, but she had done it. Stephanie could hear the soft gasp Rebecca let out as she finally finished, the tension releasing as she swallowed the last of it. The room fell silent for a moment, only the sound of Rebecca’s uneven breathing breaking through.

Stephanie, still listening through the thin wall, couldn’t help but smirk. So, she finally did it. The thought was more than amusing—it was downright delightful. The satisfaction in knowing that Rebecca had caved, that she was doing exactly what her dad wanted, made Stephanie’s amusement grow even further.

Stephanie continued listening. She could hear Dad’s voice, though dim and indistinct through the wall. He thought she heard him include words such as “naughty” and “spanking”. And as he spoke, she began to hear Rebecca moan.

Then a sudden thought hit Stephanie. Dad’s diddling her!

Stephanie leaned in again, putting an empty water glass to the wall, eager to hear more. Her father’s voice was steady, firm, and dripping with control. Though she couldn’t catch every word, the tone was unmistakable—he was laying out the terms, explaining exactly what would happen when Rebecca misbehaved. The words “spanking” and “red bum” were spoken with authority, followed by “tears,” as if the punishment was inevitable, and Rebecca would have no choice but to accept it.

Rebecca’s moans were growing louder now, each one a little more desperate, a little more needy. There was no denying it—her father had full control, and Rebecca was completely at his mercy. The sounds of her stepmom’s pleasure filled the space, and Stephanie had to suppress a grin, imagining Rebecca’s face flushed with both embarrassment and desire as her dad brought her closer to the edge.

He’s really working her over, Stephanie thought, both amused and oddly fascinated. The shift in power was so palpable, and hearing Rebecca—who had always held herself above Daddy—reduced to a moaning, obedient mess, largely due to her, was more satisfying than she could have imagined.

Through the wall, her father’s voice remained steady, though Stephanie thought she heard a chuckle, a hint of amusement at Rebecca’s obvious surrender. And with each word about future discipline, each promise of a “sore bottom” and “punishment,” Rebecca’s moans grew more urgent.

Soon her moans turned into short, gasping cries, each one louder than the last. Stephanie could practically hear the desperation in them—the need, the helplessness. Her father’s voice became more commanding, though she couldn’t make out every word now over the sound of Rebecca’s mounting pleasure. But she knew exactly what was happening. He was pushing her, his hands and voice driving her to the point of no return.

Rebecca’s cries grew louder, more frantic. Her breath was coming in ragged gasps, the sound of her pleasure filling the room, echoing through the thin wall. It was building—Stephanie could feel it in the air, that tension, that moment just before everything snapped. And then, with one final, shuddering moan, Rebecca let out a loud, uncontrollable cry as her orgasm overtook her.

It was a sound of pure release, a long, drawn-out wail of pleasure that echoed through the wall and into Stephanie’s ears. Rebecca’s body trembled as she rode the waves of her orgasm, her cries mixing with ragged, breathless gasps, as if she couldn’t control herself any longer. Stephanie’s smirk widened as she leaned back, amused and pleased by the entire scene.

Pretty soon after, the door to the bedroom creaked open as Stephanie remained lounging casually on the couch, her smirk growing as she anticipated the scene about to unfold. Rebecca stepped out first, adjusting her clothes as she walked, her face flushed from what had just happened in the bedroom. At first, she seemed unaware of Stephanie’s presence, her head slightly down, focused on smoothing her hair.

But as she looked up and saw Stephanie sitting right there—smirking knowingly—Rebecca froze mid-step, her eyes widening in shock. She hadn’t expected anyone to be there. For a split second, she stood there, staring in stunned silence, and then the full weight of what had just transpired behind the thin walls hit her like a wave.

Her cheeks, already flushed, turned a deep shade of crimson as the realization sank in. Stephanie had heard everything! Rebecca’s hands moved instinctively to her face, but there was no hiding her embarrassment now. She blushed furiously, her expression a mixture of surprise and mortification as she hurriedly glanced away, scurrying past the living room as quickly as she could manage without completely running.

Stephanie’s grin widened as she watched Rebecca’s flustered retreat, thoroughly amused by how caught off-guard she was. The look on Rebecca’s face when she realized Stephanie had been right there the whole time was priceless.

A moment later, her dad stepped out, looking as pleased as could be. His shirt was still slightly rumpled, but the smug grin on his face was impossible to miss. He scanned the room and immediately spotted Stephanie lounging on the couch, the smirk still plastered on her face. Without missing a beat, he gave her a broad, exaggerated wink—the kind that said he knew exactly how much she had heard and was reveling in it.

Stephanie bit back a laugh, shaking her head as her dad strutted after Rebecca, looking every bit the cat that had eaten the canary. She watched him disappear down the hallway, still grinning from ear to ear, clearly satisfied with both what had transpired and the fact that his daughter had gotten an earful of it.

Stephanie couldn’t resist. After Rebecca had scurried off in her embarrassed rush and her dad had given that cheeky wink, she felt compelled to follow them into the kitchen. Her curiosity piqued and her sense of humor fully activated, she quietly padded down the hallway after them, still grinning at the scene that had just played out.

As she entered the kitchen, she found Rebecca standing by the counter, clearly trying to busy herself by preparing a snack for John. The tension in Rebecca’s shoulders and the deep flush still lingering on her cheeks told Stephanie that her stepmom was still reeling from the realization that she had been overheard. John, on the other hand, was leaning back against the counter, watching Rebecca with that same smug, satisfied grin.

Stephanie leaned against the doorframe, her arms crossed, and couldn’t help herself. “So, Dad,” she started, her voice dripping with amusement, “was that your idea of discipline?”

John chuckled, clearly unbothered by the teasing. “Discipline comes in all forms, doesn’t it, Rebecca?” he quipped, shooting a playful glance at Rebecca, who was still avoiding eye contact.

Rebecca froze, her hand halting mid-reach for something in the cupboard. Her face, already flushed, turned a deeper shade of red as she quickly glanced at Stephanie, then away, clearly trying to keep her composure. She opened her mouth to respond, but no words seemed to come out. Instead, she fumbled with the snack, her hands slightly shaky as she tried to recover.

Stephanie’s grin widened, and she gave a little shrug. “I mean, I didn’t hear any spanking, but I did hear a lot of… other noises.” She let the words hang in the air, watching as Rebecca’s embarrassment deepened. Rebecca’s fingers fumbled with the plate she was arranging, nearly dropping it as she tried to maintain her composure.

John, clearly enjoying the teasing, leaned in and said with a wink, “Well, maybe next time you’ll hear more than just that.”

Rebecca shot him a quick, mortified glance, her blush now creeping all the way down her neck. Stephanie stifled a laugh, enjoying how flustered Rebecca had become. It was rare to see her stepmom so undone in front of Daddy, and the sight of it was almost as amusing as the sounds she had heard earlier.

“I guess I’ll have to stay tuned,” Stephanie quipped, giving them both a playful look before turning to leave the kitchen, leaving Rebecca blushing furiously and John chuckling behind her.

[To be continued…] 


  1. What a great series this is! I literally refresh every day on my lunch break looking for today’s story!

  2. Next time Stephanie won’t just be listening - she’ll be participating. Like you Ms J she’s already daydreaming about daddy’s cock.
