As I wrote in my last couple of posts (
A New Project! and
Framing david), earlier today my friend Chloe came over to install Website monitoring software, ostensibly so that I could control david's pornography habit and have him become a more attentive husband in the sack.Well she came over earlier today and it was an intense experience. Not kinky in any overt way, but deeply embarrassing for david. I got a very nervous and serious reaction from Chloe, which I was not expecting, but I am 100% sure she believed it was all "for real". I'm quite sure she will never develop into a playmate for david and I, regrettably, but this experience, as I said, was very intense.
When Chloe rang the doorbell right on time, david was at home and I had him answer the door. He had not seen Chloe for years, and they awkwardly said hello to one another. I am sure it was all made much more awkward given her mission.
I came a few seconds later to rescue the situation. I greeted Chloe, thanked her for coming, and told david that Chloe was going to help me with some computer matters. He asked if there was anything wrong with the computer, and I said not to worry about it, we’ll take care of it. I also told him he should wait downstairs for us to finish up and then we would call him up.
I was already acting a bit dominant for Chloe's benefit, ordering david around, telling him what to do and where to be. Given what Chloe and I were there to do, I thought it appropriate. Certainly Chloe made no comment.
I took Chloe up to the study where the computer is. It's a Windows computer and we have it set up with a separate user account for david and for I. Chloe had me login as myself. She then went to a web site selling a software product called "Net Nanny" (Ha Ha!).
Don't you love their little logo?
What is that she is holding anyways????
A little whip you think? An enema hose? |
She had me use my credit card to buy it, and she downloaded and installed it for me. As she set it up, I had to type a password that is used to access the reports. Chloe asked if I wanted to just monitor him, or if I wanted to stop him from going to sites the software considers to be inappropriate sites?
It was so funny talking about david as if he was a misbehaving child! Chloe was completely deadpan and "professional" about the whole thing. It was all I could do to keep a straight face, but I succeeded. I told her that he had told me he was going to stop, and I wanted to put him to the test, so just monitoring was what I wanted. How humiliating for him, and he wasn't even in the room yet. I felt empowered!
Chloe surfed to a few sites, then she showed me how to bring up the software and get reports on web activity. First you have to access the software using the special password I setup (so david can't snoop on me!).
In the report you can look for specific people and specific categories, such as "pornography". When you click on an entry in the report, it brings up the browser right to that site so that you can see what your naughty little boy is looking at, and punish accordingly.
I asked Chloe if there was any way around the software and if I was safe from him snooping on me?
She warned me that nothing is perfectly safe that way, but that there are some additional precautions that one can take. She went to the "Users" in Windows and pointed out that david is an "Administrator" and therefore it was a fairly straightforward thing for him to be able to get into my account and/or mess with the Net Nanny. Can’t have that!
She also pointed out that david's account had no password set, and that was very insecure. It meant anybody can get into the computer and snoop on me! Let that be a warning to all of you. And I thought that at least I was safe because I have a password on my account. Guess not. Stupid Windows. And I was so proud of myself that I knew my way around computers and was just "playing dumb" for Chloe's sake. Not so much!
She said she could set a password on his account right then and there and that if I wanted she could change his account to a less powerful account where it would be harder for him to snoop on me. She said the downside was that if he wanted to install anything on the computer he would have to call me to type in my password. That sounded just fine! I like control wherever I can get it.
So I insisted she change him to the more subby kind of user, which she did. Then she suggested we add a password to his account. I agreed, and she asked me what the password should be. What an opportunity. Heaven sent! I thought a bit and then told her to set it to "masturbator". She guffawed (the first crack in her professional demeanour so far) and asked me how to spell that. Perfect!
I asked Chloe if it was ok if we called david up and she explained to him the changes she made to the computer. She looked a little dubious, so I just hurried up and called him up from downstairs with a big shout. I'm not sure she was expecting this.
When he came into the study I explained that Chloe had made some changes to the computer to make it more secure, and that she had added a program that gives me a report of all the web sites that he visits. david blushed and looked awkward and said "you don't need that, honey".
I answered him that "Oh, I think I do. Knowing I'm watching might help cure you of some bad habits, wouldn’t you say?"
Chloe sat there at the computer saying nothing, not moving at all, and not making eye contact. Probably wishing she was anywhere but there. I think she was more embarrassed than david was! I actually enjoyed that. I am sooo bad!
"Chloe," I said, "why don’t you explain to david the changes you've made to the computer."
She went into "professional mode" and explained about the less powerful type of user david now was and what that meant, and that she had set a password on his account (for security reasons) and that he should ask me for it later (Ha Ha!). She also said that she put a program on the computer to monitor website usage, and that I could show him how it worked (why should I do that???).
I asked Chloe, "What was the name of that program we bought again?"
"Net Nanny" she said, totally deadpan again.
"Of yes," I said, "Net Nanny. Very appropriate, don’t you think, david?"
It was all great so far. Very mortifying for poor david. But I was not nearly done with him yet!
"You were up quite late last night, weren't you, david?" I asked him. "You certainly weren't in bed with me, anyways. What were you up to exactly?"
"Just reading, sweetie." He said.
"Yes, but reading what? Or was it looking at pictures or videos?" I asked him. Then I turned to Chloe. "Chloe," I said, "can Net Nanny tell me if he was on the computer last night, and what he may have been doing if he was?"
"No," she said, still looking very uncomfortable, "It only records things starting from now."
"Too bad. Is there no way to tell what he was up to last night?" I asked, hoping she would bring up browser history. "No way at all?" I wheedled her.
I think Chloe's geekiness got the best of her, and she finally blurted out "well, if he didn’t clear his browser history…"
"Browser history," I said, "that's very interesting. Will that show me what he may have been up to last night."
She said it might, and gave some additional computery caveats.
"Can you show me his Browser History?" I asked.
She said she first needed to login as him.
I told david to go the keyboard and login.
"He doesn’t know his password." Chloe reminded me.
"I'll tell him what it is." I said.
Chloe and david changed places, and david used the mouse to point at his name on the start screen, clicked, and was then faced with the password box.
"We really don't need to do this, honey," david said. "I think I do remember going on the computer a bit last night."
"So your story is changing, now is it?" I said. "I think we definitely need to see what you were up to last night. Log in. Now!"
"Please…" said david.
"Now! Not another word from you. And if Chloe and I see what I think we're going to see. And after you promised you wouldn't, and even LIED to me just now about using the computer at all, well you will be in BIG TROUBLE, mister! Now login!"
"I need the password…" david said meakly.
Your password is "MASTURBATOR" I said, very distinctly, "M - A - S - T - U - R - B - A - T - O - R".
Chloe just stood there, trying to disappear. david also. Even though we all do it, it is still very embarrassing to be "called out" as a masturbator in polite society. david was definitely being called out for that today, and in front of a woman he barely knows.
If the humiliation of having his computer use curtailed by his wife and monitored using something called Net Nanny was his first punishment, logging in with that password in front of Chloe was definitely a step up. There was now no doubt he was being punished, and being punished in front of Chloe.
Once david was logged in, I asked Chloe to take over again to show us this Browser History, so they changed places again.
"What browser do you use?" she asked.
"That one," said david, pointing at the blue 'e' at the bottom of the screen.
Chloe clicked on it, pushed a few buttons, and brought up the vaunted browser history.
"Here's everything from midnight on, said Chloe.
david actually had no clue what was going to come up, but suspected the worst. As I mentioned on my last post, I had surfed "as him" last night, and seeded his history with these choice little pre-selected and very incriminating and humiliating sites!
"Oh My God!" I said. "Anal Sex? Teen Panties? XXX Teens Pussy? I don’t think there's any need for you to open those, Chloe, I think I have a pretty good idea what they are. Teenagers, david? How old are these teenagers you look at?"
"They're all legal. 19 at least…" said david.
"Oh well. Nineteen years old. I suppose that's just fine then for you to be looking at them naked, performing God knows what sex acts!" I said very sarcastically.
"I should go now." Chloe said, standing up from the computer.
"Wait just a minute, Chloe, I'll see you out." I needed Chloe to stay just another minute. It helped that I was between her and the door so there was no easy exit for her!
Then turning back to david, "You lied to me! You were in here jerking off instead of coming to bed with me. Again! And after you promised you wouldn't."
"I'm sorry, honey," said david, "it won’t happen again, I promise."
"Damned right it won’t happen again!" I said. "Sit down. Take a pad of paper and a pen. Now write down what I say."
david sat and got the pad and pen that were sitting on the desk already (wasn't that convenient!)
"I really should go now," repeated Chloe.
"Please," I said turning to her, "I really need somebody to talk to just now. I won’t be another minute taking care of HIM."
Yikes. I couldn’t hold her here much longer. I needed to do this quickly.
Turning back to david, "Write this down." I dictated: "I am a liar and a cheater who looks at Internet pornography and rubs my penis until it spurts. If I am caught doing it again, my marriage will be over."
I had to repeat certain phrases a couple of times before he got it all down correctly.
"Please honey!" begged david.
"I am dead serious. If you lie to me about this again, it's over." I told him. "Now write that out 500 times so that the message will sink in, and don’t you dare stop until you've finished every last line. And then you better crawl to me on your hands and knees and beg my forgiveness, and then I'll decide whether or not we still have a marriage."
"Come on Chloe," I said, "I need a drink."
We left david, in shock and in the study, carefully writing out his punishment lines.
So that was my planned punishment: Line Writing. I thought it would be safest with Chloe there. Sorry if I disappointed any readers by not baring him and spanking him, or making him jerk off in front of Chloe, but I didn't think those things would be practical, alas. As it was, I barely got her to stay for the line writing punishment!
In case you are wondering, yes I was inspired by my pervy little pen pal daniel who gets off on writing lines - I got off on giving him lines to write - you can read all about it in my Lines from daniel post.
How humiliating is it to be sentenced to lines by your wife in front of another woman? And how humiliating that his lines include the words "who looks at Internet pornography and rubs my penis until it spurts", which by the way he actually does do in real life, the naughty little masturbator. And 500 of that whopper is a punishment! He would be at it for hours if I weren't to stop him.
And just so you guys know, I am not serious about any of that. I love david and would never leave him over his masturbation. I don't actually care if he surfs porn. I WRITE porn after all on this blog! I was acting so furious, and really got so much into my part, that I scared him and Chloe both. In point of fact, I really did need that drink to calm down.
But even though it's not a bare butt spanking, it's still pretty humiliating, don't you think? Can you think of anything much more humiliating for a grown man than that? Part of his humiliation was that he was being forced to do it under penalty of being kicked out of the house. A "real man" would likely say "fuck you!" to his bossy woman and storm out. My little man meekly sat down to write lines. Ha Ha!
Chloe and I descended the stairs and I immediately apologized to her for having to witness that. I explained that when I saw that porn I just lost it, because we had discussed it several times in the past already and he consistently lied to me on the issue, and this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Then I managed to conjure up some real tears (a skill I acquired as a teenager!), and said "and we haven’t made love for a month!"
Chloe looked very awkward at all that.
I dried my tears and asked her if she thought I got carried away? She said that yeah, I was a bit over the top.
I thought for a bit and said, "I guess you're right. But he's still going to write out those lines. I mean, I am sick of him acting like a child, promising one thing and then cheating like that. If he wants to act like a child, then I'll treat him like one. And if his hand is sore afterwards, well, I guess the punishment fits the crime."
Chloe was thinking something else. "Maybe you guys need some help? Like a marriage counsellor maybe?" she volunteered.
Oops! I guess I was a bit too convincing. That was like a bucket of cold water in the face. I thought I better back off and close things down. Thoughts of nudity, and forced masturbation, and spankings instantly left my mind.
"You’re right." I said, feeling the need to salvage the situation. "We should do something like that. Thank you for that. Thank you for caring."
I apologized again for dragging her into my problems, and asked her to please, please not repeat anything she saw today to anybody. She promised she wouldn’t. I thanked her again for coming and asked if she wanted to stay for that drink.
"No," Chloe said, "You better take care of things here. Maybe talk things out a bit with your husband? I'll speak to you later. I have to go anyway. Another thing I have to do..." And she wasted no time making herself scarce.
Poor dear. Sorry Chloe!
After she left I went up to see david, who was still scribbling out his lines. He looked up at me, put down the pen when he saw I was alone and smiling, and said "holy shit." Literally!
I decided I couldn’t let Chloe's super vanilla reaction dampen the experience for him, so I didn’t mention what the conversation was downstairs about the marriage counsellor and her reaction. Instead, I said, "I want you to tell me how you felt about that, but I want you to tell me over my knee." I took him over to the couch, pulled down his pants and undies, and lay him across my lap. Then I started hand-spanking him gently and quizzing him on his reactions. I needed to think about repairing the damage with Chloe, but I would do that later, right now I wanted him (and me) to have a proper end to this amazing scene.
He said it was incredibly scary and incredibly humiliating, especially because Chloe was so embarrassed by the whole thing as well. He said I am very, very scary when I get like that, and he promised to never, ever cross me. Ha Ha!
I asked him if it turned him on? He admitted that it was incredibly exciting to be humiliated by me like that in front of another woman. What a shame artist he is!
"Go get the baby oil." I told him. He ran off to do that, and came back starkers with a big grin, as I wanted him to be. I made him lie back down on the couch, face up across my lap. I rubbed the baby oil on his cock and balls and continued by squeezing his balls and pumping his cock.
As I hand-jobbed him, I looked him in the eye and reminded him that Chloe now knows what a naughty masturbator he is. I also reminded him that she now knows what a pussy-whipped little bitch he is, and how he is subject to his wife's strict discipline or else being thrown out on his ass. As he started to moan and tense I backed off the speed.
I told him we would be having Chloe over for dinner soon, and we would announce that we solved our little marital problem. When temptation got the best of him, Net Nanny would tell me, and he would have to take his pants down and bend over the back of the sofa for a hard dose of the strap on his bare bottom. Maybe I'll even let her watch you get the strap, or strap you herself if she wants (not likely, I know, but david didn’t know that at the time.) He started getting close again, and again I backed off. He's so easy!
Then I told him that I would tell Chloe that furthermore, whatever sex acts Net Nanny told me he was watching, he would have to receive those same sex acts from me. If he liked watching teens in panties, he would be put in panties. If he likes watching them get face fucked, he would get face fucked. If he liked watching those teen sluts take it up the ass, then he would have to take it hard up the ass as I admired the strap-marks on his well-beaten bum. I would make sure Chloe knew all about that, and see if maybe she's always wanted the chance to do that to a man herself.
My man could take no more, and he positively geysered a stream of cum all up and down his chest as I milked every last drop out of him as he thought about his humiliation in front of Chloe, and what more might still come.
Then I stripped, put him on his back on the couch, and mounted his head, pushing my pussy into his mouth. "Lick!" I ordered him. He had to lick me all limp-dicked and cum covered, with my pussy grinding into his face, which I know he finds extra humiliating and I find extra hot. I came about three times in a row because I can really control the pace while riding on top like that.
A wonderful experience, though I will have to nurture my friendship with Chloe a little bit back into good shape. From her reactions I doubt she will ever be a candidate playmate, but who knows?
As for the Net Nanny, I think I will keep her around as a faithful companion, and make a rule for david that he must always ask my permission on each occasion he wishes to look at porn. If he forgets and Net Nanny and I catch him, or if he looks at something I think he might need to be punished for, then that will be grounds for a strapping, and perhaps even an embarrassing red-bottomed, cum swallowing, masturbation show in front of my sister and I (as Mark and Cleo are intending to do, see their
Truth And Consequences series of posts).
Anyways, it was fun, and I don't feel that bad about Chloe. She needs to loosen up big time!