A couple of days ago I posted a story, Tyler’s Trash. Usually, after a few proofreads I post it. Then I revisit it myself in the days following to assess it more objectively, fix any remaining minor issues, and give myself a grade. I think this one is a masterpiece if I do say so myself! (up to and including his first spanking - after that, it’s just good).
It’s in the M/M genre. A powerfully built single working class father and his only child, a more slightly built 18-year-old son (the photo of the spankee does not do the written description justice, but it was the best I could find). The boy breaks a fairly serious law on a childish lark and is caught by the police. Before court, his dad spanks him, the first time in 10 years, severely. The judge is apprised of the punishment, sees the contrition, and sentences him lightly: picking up trash as part of a juvenile work crew despite his age. I encourage you to read it if you have not done so already. A couple of F/M guys have told me they were turned on despite themselves.
As you know, I’ve been increasingly on a fiction writing binge since I discovered ChatGPT two years ago. This coincided with a steep drop off of my personal anecdotes due to my husband’s work schedule, our age increasing, and our slackening desire to act out our kinky fantasies. And, honestly, there’s not much new and exciting that we haven’t done anymore in that area - it was feeling repetitive to blog it.
However, my fantasy life remains high, confined now more to imagination and masturbation (thank you, Mr. Hitachi!), especially as I’m alone for longer stretches as David travels with no job of my own outside some light charity work.
I’ve really become addicted to working through my fantasies on ChatGPT and producing these stories. It’s my main sexual outlet. When I think of a rough concept and throw it at ChatGPT, I’m always very titillated with what it comes back with, especially as I can subsequently nudge it to elaborate on the bits that most “inspire” me.
I also think AI will be very important to all our futures, and learning to use it and being able to try each new thing keeps me very relevant. I’m probably (?) the most prolific and highest quality writer of AI-assisted spanking fiction out there, if not any type of fiction — I’ve written a lot of words with AI! Everyone should be good at something!
It’s too bad my reach is so limited. Ever since blogger put on age restrictions and then started marking the blog as not only adult, but also sensitive content, the views have been way down. And that on top of written-word blog consumption being way down overall and all these blogging platforms slowly dying. Plus, I did myself no favours by putting out my political views which got me blacklisted by a bunch of other spanking blogs that used to link to me, but oh well, I helped save the free world, so I’m cool with that trade off. All these things basically mean that anything new I put out is not indexed by the search engines and does not pop up in search results, so growing the audience is tough. But I still have about 60K annual visitors and 5K new ones each month, so it’s not that bad. But do spread the word!
For Tyler’s Trash, I issued about 100 prompts to ChatGPT-4o and stitched the responses together into a coherent narrative. As a result, I “wrote”, edited, proofread, and published 22K words in 4 hours, all on my iPad. That’s stunning writer productivity (average is about 1000/day for fiction).
The spanking in this one had tremendous anticipation built up, and then was very drawn out. I was 3600 words in before the spanking started, and then the spanking itself was 1600 words. By contrast, in The School Suspension, which also had a lot of anticipation, it was only 1000 words until the start of the spanking.
I was worried I had dragged it out for too long, but as I re-read it, I thought it was perfect. That anticipation kept building and building and building, driving the reader forward. The rich descriptions indicated the spanking would be worse and worse.
I went with M/M as it’s a genre that excites me a lot, but I don’t do too much of it as I know most of my audience prefers F/M, and I like that plenty fine also, or M/F, ditto.
To me, the strong, steady, working class, Alpha male is the most archetypal spanker. Others are reflections of this. I personally think (without proof) that a lot of you F/M types are closet bi, unwilling to admit it even to yourself. My hubby was one, but his reaction to being spanked by a strong man for the first time was amazing (David’s Man Spanking).
While I think the most archetypical spankee is female, I’ve been really socialized to think girl abuse is bad, so I generally keep those spankings on the lighter side (with a few exceptions!). But with a male spankee, go to town! Plus there’s the extra embarrassment of the humiliated male playing the archetypical female role.
And when I spank, I put myself into the role of the archetypical male. Using a strap-on dildo on a man is a great way to understand that role. Very empowering! It’s a feeling I bring with me to the scenes where I top.
The story continues with a healthy dose of courtroom humiliation, again, slow and drawn out, but very compelling IMO. By the end, everybody knows he’s been spanked!
The judge sentences him to ten weeks community service on an orange-jumpered juvenile work crew picking up trash by the roadside. In my world, half the kids are walking funny when they arrive for their community service, including our Tyler, where the judge suggested a strap to Tyler’s backside before each Saturday shift would have a salutary effect on the boy.
On work crew, he meets a pretty girl whose dad also spanked her, and they commiserate. But their chatting during work earned them a reprimand, and another spanking back home.
When they are caught repeating the offence during week 8, they get a side-by-side paddling from their dads as the female probation officer looks on.
The story ends after both their sentences are complete, and she turns Sweet 16. After her party they kiss and become boyfriend-girlfriend - Awwwwww!
I used a device in this story that I’ve come to like. I divide the story into relatively small sections (much less than chapter length), with a few word header before each. I find this helps drive the story forward, prevents reader fatigue, and gives handy bookmarks for stopping and starting. It also helps because ChatGPT likes setting the scene on each new response, and it minimizes my editing to allow a bit of that through (not all), and it doesn’t seem so out of place after a section break. At least all of that is my theory. I’d love to read your thoughts as well.
Let me know in the comments what you thought of the story and the mechanics I describe above. Any feedback is appreciated!
P.s. I’ve noticed some browsers have become more strict about so-called “cross-site scripting”, so if the comments seem broken, try switching to Chrome or adjust your browser settings (somehow!).
I, for one, prefer F/M, but I have also read a lot including F/M, M/M, M/F. There are a lot of good M/M authors out there. I think Tyler's Trash came out very well. So, please continue doing both. I keep checking for updates and continuations for your current F/M, but also wish you continued or added on to some of the ones in the past. Keep it up, you're doing great!
ReplyDeleteThank you! And more parts coming soon!
DeleteGlad you added this. I'd love to see a sequel to David's Man Spanking where he gets the full M/M experience.
ReplyDeleteMe too!
DeleteI’m posting this without having read your last story. I’m watching football, trying to hang on to some threads of my fragile masculinity. I’m sorry for your trouble expanding your reach. I feel so fortunate to have discovered you when I did. Maybe I wouldn’t be so lucky today. You are a gifted kink fiction writer and a persuasive political writer. M/M fiction is difficult for me. But I try to dive in, given what I still hope happens in my life. I do understand things change as years go by, but I do miss your vivid descriptions of your real life experiences. I feel like you and a night with your Hitachi would be something special to experience. I hope this post doesn’t foreshadow your exit from this space. I need you to be here until I make my exit! Sorry for the alcohol influenced ramble. I promise to be more coherent next time. - david
ReplyDeleteI’ll hang around until blogger dies!
DeleteHappy to hear that. I check this routinely.
DeleteThe length of the stories you write now and their frequency require an effort (most often a pleasure!) that is not that of your other readers (I am not a native English speaker).
ReplyDeleteSo I have developed an "economical" reading mode: I read the beginning. Often,from the first page, I know if I will like it or not. I read the end (to see what state the protagonist is in :)). Then I return to my reading. Two things count: the writing, its seduction, and the novelties (creativity)
Concerning Tyler, right away the portrait of the father is both well written but not very exciting.
The introduction is long but without being exciting and indeed the spanking, realistic, does not bring any new element.
When we realize that the letter is going to be read by the judge, we perceive the possibilities of humiliation, but unfortunately it will not work, I don't know why.
The time and place where the story takes place (no phones :a small town in the fifties?) are surprisingly not exciting. Maybe because we think of John Ford's films, films that, although they are funny and can be called masterpieces, are not particularly erotic.
The court, the belt, the forced labor do not succeed in triggering anything. The character of the lawyer is not used. The great meticulousness in the description of the belt does not lead to anything. The labor camp is not a source of any humiliation.
We arrive at the sentimental end without having been aroused
PS: David's spanking by a man, so expected, had been (for me) a disappointment.
PS2: I love (and more) almost all your other stories.
Keep going.
To each their own!
DeletePersonally I think the fact that you include all forms of spanking a good thing. M/m is a stigmitized role in the spanking community. You mentioned being softer in yourapproach to M/f and F/f spankings, yet if feels like you lean into the more sexualized aspects in those scenerios except when it is F/m where men are far more objectified. Not a bad thing, just a mention. As far as your blow back on your political posts...I don't agree with your representations and your takes have been highly racist, but as I have said to you before the one thing I do appreciate is that you at least do your homework based on your beliefs and often find a take that at least provides an reasoned argument. Your break down with headers going into the story progression is a technique that is being taught in screenwriting classes to create treatments. It's much easier to edit in small pieces than an entire piece. You actuall see the story coming together much quicker. as for this story it was well written. I liked that you really showed the probation officer as an overt antangonist with an agenda. It opened it up the possibility that she could turn the tables and end up taking both of the fathers over her own knee holding them responsible for thier kids misbehavour. Just a thought,
ReplyDeleteInteresting about the screenwriter thing.
DeleteRe. being racist, I believe we should treat all people equally, ignoring race and skin colour. If that is “racist” according to today’s “woke” definition, then I embrace it.
I agree with the idea that all people are treated equally. As a Black Man with Jewish and Puerto Rican ancestory I can tell you that being treated equitably is not my life experience. And to fight to see that come to fruition isn't about being "woke" (a term I have never liked no matter which side is using it) but intentional. And trust me the one thing White people will never understand is the color of my skin is never ignored. and PSA...didin't you get spanked for these kind of retorts? LOL.
DeleteAs far as the screenwriter thing, I have writer friends who use the same process for their books. I do the same thing when putting together my outlines. And as far as your writing goes I like that you are utilizing your current format it makes following the story and reading so much easier.
“Affirmative action’s” day has come and gone. There may have been a time and a place for it, but for sure by this point it’s just descended into blatant racism and is doing more harm than good for all concerned.
DeleteFunny thing about the accusations of racism. They don’t work anymore. They once did, because real racism is so repugnant (and rare) that people were deathly afraid of the label. So it became easy to use without evidence. And it was. Disagree with me? You’re a racist! And for a long time, the unsubstantiated charge was enough to shut up the opposition, make them go away, even cancel them. Not any more. Now the racism bomb almost always explodes in the face of the accuser, because we all know it’s fake news coming from someone who can’t make a legitimate argument. The final irony is that real, rare racism now mostly flies under the radar. And real, rare victims of racism won’t be helped. Good job, accusers! Thanks to those who made everything racist, now nothing is. - david
ReplyDeleteI think the new “woke” definition is that if you don’t discriminate against white males, you're “racist”. I think that whole thing has jumped the shark by now, and people are waking up.
DeleteThank you for posting this! I thirst for windows into you and this was quenching.
ReplyDeleteI am continually blown away by the incredible resource of cum spilling material you have and continue to be. For years I’ve checked in with excited anticipation every morning. And oh my goodness lately your prolificness has been incredible!!
I was initially disappointed with the transition from you sharing real experiences to you generating mostly fiction. I LOVE the real stuff, however repetitive!! But the fiction you create is wonderfully compelling!
I’m gobsmacked to learn that there’s not millions of readers.
Soon AI will be able to turn your brilliant masterpieces into videos?
Actually…big step, but how incredible if you were to get into directing/producing videos of your material!!
I’m squeamish about M/M material, though your indications that it titillates you gives it appeal from a femdom forced bi perspective. A little fantasy popped in my head of you directing me to read it, with added duties that would be triggering for you….perhaps that i self spank during the spanking parts or stroke myself to cum at the part that most riles you up or slurp up my cum while gazing at one of the story illustrations….but of course those ideas are mine and would only feel compelling coming genuinely from you!
NOT asking for your direction…just providing feedback that might be shared.
I find the M/M spanking material appealing when in the context of a femdom scene, ie when it’s directed by a woman. In that context I’m drawn like a moth to a flame.
I have so much appreciation for you!!
peter peter
What a great idea! I can easily imagine within a few years AI that can create movies of my little scenes! How delicious.
DeleteAlthough I do prefer F/m scenes for the most part, I also like M/m scenarios. For me, the M/m scenarios work only if there is big power and strength differential between the two, but if the spankee is portrayed as slight, small, or wimpy, it turns me off. It's more about the spanker being big and powerful enough, or having some kind of authority or leverage, that overpowers an otherwise normal, or even dominant, male. Am I closet bi? In college, I was pretty open mentally to anything but, alas, I was wimpier when it came to actual experimentation. I married soon after college, and that experimental window closed, except in fantasy. In terms of having a real, ongoing relationship, I'm hetero. But, in terms of experimentation and one-off encounters, absent the marital constraints, I'm sure I'd be way more open, including to the real-life possibility of M/m spankings.
ReplyDeleteGoogle really is a pain on the adult-content moderation. It seems like some manager at Blogger has a bug up their ass about adult content, and every few years they get emboldened to try to clamp down. Often a user revolt ensues and they reverse course in a week or two, but they keep trying. I've started double-posting my new posts to Wordpress, but I had continued directing all commenting to the original Blogger site. That may change soon. I'm getting a ton of complaints from long-term readers about the new blocking mechanisms.
Regarding political posts, there's no doubt they have a negative impact on total readership. People on your side of the fence love accusing the other team of cancel culture, but my anti-MAGA posts during the pandemic and after January 6th definitely resulted in a big drop-off in readership. This election cycle, I did step away from most of the political posts but, honestly, it didn't have anything to do with the declining readership numbers. It was just boring and pointless. Those posts drew right-wing trolls, most of which were just stupid rightwing slogans slung around by imbeciles, and to the anti-MAGA folks I was just preaching to the choir. So, what was the point? I think you have to decide how important readership levels are to you, and how important expressing your political views publicly is. To me, the readership levels are more or less irrelevant, because my blog isn't commercial, and I'm not using it to sell anything. So, to some extent, who cares? And, while politics and policy is core to who I am, 99% of the political comments were pretty mindless, and engaging with that level of commenter just isn't worth the time.
What I do care about are quality conversations, and it takes some degree of popularity to attract good contributors. I figure I have to generate a few hundred readers to get one good commenter. I've tried posting DD and spanking content on a couple of other platforms, notably Medium. I actually get way more viewership there than I do on the blog. But, because most people on the platform are using a "real life" profile, comments are few and far between, because 99% of readers don't want to out themselves as spanking, DD, or FLR enthusiasts.
I liked this particular story. My only critique would be that AI does get awfully wordy, and some of it gets very repetitive. I've noticed that in almost every story, after the "top" declares or starts signaling that a spanking is happening, there is a long, long, long series of "Dad, don't do this . . ." or "Mom, please don't" exchanges. One or two of those makes perfect sense, but AI tends to do it over and over.
Perhaps you can ask your wife to indulge you by supervising a man spanking of you?
DeleteYes, blogger is a bit schizo that way. Annoying.
In this polarized world, stating either side will lose roughly half the audience, I imagine. But I’m with you, I care more about self-expression than readership. I’ve always valued that you and I can argue these things and still stay connected. Than you!
The example of wordiness you gave is really more me than the AI. I love the persistent and repeated (and ignored) cries. You should hear me when I’m being spanked!
Same to you!
DeleteMy wife used to tease me about getting a man to spank me. She also loved that gif of a huge black guy taking a white guy's ass from a year ago. She really enjoys the idea of me being the smaller white guy. Love this story, too.
ReplyDeleteAh yes, I remember it!
DeleteI am probably not representative of your readership, not being a native English speaker.
ReplyDeleteI mean that the length of the stories you write now and their frequency require an effort from me that is not theirs.
Also I have developed an "economical" reading mode: I read the beginning, often from the first page I know if I will like it or not. I read the end (to see what state the protagonist is in :)). Then I come back to my reading. Two things count: the writing, its seduction, and the new things (creativity)
Concerning Tyler, right away the portrait of the father is both well written but not very exciting.
The introduction is long and indeed the spanking, realistic, does not bring any new element.
When we realize that the letter is going to be read by the judge, we perceive the possibilities of humiliation, but unfortunately it will not work.
The time and place where the story takes place (No phones: a small town in the fifties?) are surprisingly not exciting. Maybe because we think of John Ford films, films which if they are funny and can be called "masterpieces", are not particularly erotic.
The court, the belt, the forced labor do not succeed in triggering anything. The character of the lawyer is not used. The great meticulousness in the description of the belt leads to nothing. The labor camp is not a source of any humiliation.
We arrive at the sentimental end without having been aroused
PS: David's spanking by a man, so long awaited, had been a disappointment.
PS2: I love recently: The dominant stepdaughter / School spanking/The skirt flipping incident/Short pants and so on... I hope this will help you..
a fan
Thank you for your feedback!
DeleteI understand that as I work across multiple genres, some will like some things, others will like other things. I was SO excited by David’s spanking! I guess my excitement level on that versus yours correlates with our likes/dislikes on this genre.
Thank you for following, even when I don’t hit it just right for you!
A story with these words would be nice :
DeletePE teacher, shorts, climbing gym rope, knotted rope,
running, starting blocks, stadium, public teasing, stark naked.
I’ll feed the words to my pet AI and see what comes out!
DeleteWhat's come out ?
There was a little story that popped out, but I didn’t think it was good enough for publication. Here’s a repeat of the experiment:
A Lesson in Discipline
The stadium was buzzing with the sound of sneakers pounding the track, the rhythmic breathing of students pushing themselves to their limits, and the occasional barked instruction from Mr. Hardwick, the school’s PE teacher. He was a strict man, known for his high expectations and merciless approach to fitness training. The students, a mix of boys and girls in their gym shorts, knew better than to slack off in his class.
Today’s lesson was about explosive starts in sprinting. The starting blocks were lined up at the edge of the track, and Mr. Hardwick stood with his hands on his hips, observing with a critical eye.
“Alright! Next up, Claire!” he called.
Claire, a headstrong senior with a bit of an attitude, sauntered up to the starting position. She was athletic, but she had a tendency to test authority.
“Feet in the blocks,” Mr. Hardwick instructed. “On my whistle—”
Before he could finish, Claire smirked and muttered under her breath, “What’s the worst that could happen?”
Mr. Hardwick’s sharp ears caught it, and his gaze hardened. “Oh? You think there are no consequences for slacking off and mouthing off in my class?”
Claire’s smirk faltered slightly.
He turned to the class. “I think it’s time we all learned a lesson in discipline.”
A murmur rippled through the students. Claire’s eyes flickered with unease.
“To the climbing gym rope, now,” he ordered.
The climbing rope hung from a sturdy metal frame near the stadium bleachers. It was a knotted rope, designed for upper-body strength training. The entire class jogged over, whispering among themselves.
Claire hesitated, but Mr. Hardwick gave her a firm stare. “Climb.”
She grabbed the rope and began hoisting herself up. The knots made it easier, but she still struggled slightly, her shorts riding up with every pull. The class watched, intrigued.
“Now hold there,” he instructed when she reached the middle.
Claire dangled awkwardly.
“Since you want to act smart, let’s add some public teasing into the mix,” he said. “Drop your shorts.”
Her eyes widened. “What?! No way!”
Mr. Hardwick arched a brow. “You want to get down? Then you do it my way.”
The class erupted in whispers, some students giggling. Claire’s face turned crimson.
“You have five seconds. Five… four…”
With a gulp, she hesitated, then—realizing she had no choice—let go of her gym shorts, leaving her in just her underwear. The class chuckled, some even whistled.
“Not done yet,” Mr. Hardwick said, crossing his arms. “Underwear too.”
Claire gasped. “No way, that’s—”
“One second left.”
Tears pricked at her eyes. Her fingers trembled as they hooked the waistband of her panties. She squeezed her eyes shut and slid them down.
The laughter and whispers exploded around her as she dangled there, stark naked for all to see. Her entire body burned with humiliation, her legs kicking slightly in the air.
“Now, hold that position. You’re going to remember this next time you think about slacking off in my class,” Mr. Hardwick said sternly.
Claire whimpered but clung to the rope, her exposed body on full display in the open stadium.
“Let’s see if you can hold yourself there for another minute,” Mr. Hardwick said, tapping his stopwatch. “Everyone else, keep watching—this is what happens when you challenge my authority.”
And with that, Claire learned a lesson in discipline she’d never forget.
You were right. It's not enough to throw a handful of words into the AI to make your readers enjoy...
DeleteThanks for trying.
As a result, you become even more indispensable. :-)
Hi, Julie, it's been about a month since I was last here, but I'll catch up this week. Personal issues and a time crunch and a bunch of other things. It had nothing to do with you, your political posts or lack of them or a post like this which isn't usually my cup of tea but unlike many of your stories in the m/m genre I can take a caring father disciplining his son much easier than an 'alpha male' brute spanking some other man, who , half the time in your stories doesn't really deserve all that pain and humiliation. I did say I liked that one description of a M/M spanking in one of your stories a month or two ago, it was just sad that such a great description wasn't also given to one or more of the F/M spankings is what I said. But I didn't feel turned on by that description , though I probably would have had it been M/F or F/M
ReplyDeleteAs for being a 'closet bi', all I can say is my dick has never gotten hard thinking of another man in any capacity my entire life, and , as I told you I did allow myself to be spanked by other men twice, both times to please a different female friend. I had to fight through fear and great humiliation but I managed to do so. And there is nothing in my memories of those times that I find erotic, so I think I can pretty easily say that no, I am not a secret bisexual.
Anyway, I look forward to enjoying your stories and your thoughts and even your political posts as I always have in the past and if you noticed I was gone and missed me even a little, I'm sorry. It had nothing to do with this blog or you at all.
I’m of the (utterly unproven) persuasion that we are all bi, but some of us bury it completely.
DeleteBut I accept you’ve never had an erotic thought about men despite trying. So there’s not any functional difference between the two positions!