Sunday, June 2

Fiction: Abuser Abused (MFF/M)

Many of you male sub spankos have a certain fascination with being spanked over Daddy's knee. My husband did, and we arranged for that to happen not so long ago.

I offer you an AI-assisted story along those lines...

Abuser Abused

Part 1

I never thought I'd see the day when my dad, Steve Wilson, would spank a grown man. But here I was, watching as Dad was giving David Smith, our neighbour, a good dose of his own medicine. My name is Emily. I've just turned twenty and live with my single Dad.

Julie, David's wife, had come to us in tears, telling us about the increasingly bad verbal abuse she had been enduring for months. But this time, things had escalated. David had slapped her across her clothed bottom in anger, a humiliating and infuriating act.

I remember the look on my dad's face when Julie told us about it. His eyes narrowed, and his jaw clenched. He was furious. As a single dad raising me, he had always been protective of women and staunchly against any form of abuse. I knew that David was in for it.

"I'll give him a dose of his own medicine," my dad had said, his voice cold and determined. "He'll never lay a hand on you again, Julie."

We went back to Julie's place. For some reason, Dad wanted me tagging along.  That was fine by me. I didn't know exactly what Dad intended, but whatever it was, I was up for it.

And so, we found ourselves in Julie and David's living room. David was sitting on the couch, looking pale and uneasy. When we came in the door, he knew he was in trouble, but I don't think he could have anticipated just how much trouble he was in.

"David," my dad said, his voice cold and hard, "you have been treating Julie horribly recently. And now, you've crossed a line. You've put your hands on her, and that's something I won't stand for."

David's face turned red, and he stood up, his fists clenched. "You can't tell me what to do," he spat. "This is none of your business!"

My dad took a step forward, towering over David. "It is my business when a man is hurting a woman," he growled. "And I'm going to make sure you learn your lesson."

David tried to back away, but my dad grabbed him by the arm, pulling him close. "You're going to get a dose of your own medicine. A double-dose, in fact. You're getting a good, hard, spanking," my dad said, his voice low and threatening. "And you're going to promise to never lay a hand on Julie again."

Wow! I knew Dad was serious but didn't think he would actually go there. This would be good.

David's face turned even redder, and he began to struggle. But my dad was too strong. He easily overpowered David, pulling him over his knee.

"No!" David screamed, his legs flailing. "You can't do this to me! I'm a grown man!"

My dad is a very large and very strong man. He's always been exceptionally gentle with me, but I've seen his angry side when anybody ever messed with me. Julie's husband is a slight man, slightly pudgy and weak-looking. Really infuriating that a wimp like him would dare to assault his wife.

My dad didn't say anything in response to David's protests. In fact, worse than that (for him), he just pulled down David's pants and underwear, exposing his bare bottom. I winced, feeling a pang of sympathy for David, even though I knew he deserved this. I could only imagine the humiliation, being treated like this by a stronger man in front of his wife and me. Honestly though, it was pretty hilarious seeing David's bare ass wriggling over my dad's knee, his bare legs kicking his pants and undies down towards his ankles.

The first smack echoed through the room, and David let out a loud yelp. His legs continued to flail, but my dad held him firmly in place, delivering a series of hard, stinging smacks to his bare bottom.

My dad's hand is huge compared to David's ass, and left literal red hand prints – fingers and everything – across his ass cheeks.

I glanced over at Julie, who was watching the scene with a mixture of relief and satisfaction. I could see the tears drying in her eyes, and I knew that this was a turning point for her. She had found someone who was willing to stand up for her, to put an end to the worsening abuse once and for all.

As my dad continued to spank David, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. My dad was a hero, a defender of the weak and the abused. And in that moment, I was incredibly proud of him. David was truly getting what's for.

As dad kept spanking, the handprints merged into a tapestry of red, then crimson. I've never seen or even imagined an ass could turn such a colour. That rotten abuser was absolutely frantic from his spanking. Justice served as he kicked and screamed as my dad painted that back porch crimson and blue!

David's cries turned to sobs, and my dad paused, rubbing his bare, red bottom. It was like he was treating him like a chick undergoing some sort of BDSM sort of spanking you hear about, 20 Shades and everything. He gave that ass a squeeze and even dropped his hand between his legs giving his balls a shake and squish.

"You're going to promise to never hurt Julie again," my dad said firmly, squeezing his balls mercilessly.

David nodded, his sobs turning to whimpers. "I promise," he gasped, in a high-pitched voice. "I promise I'll never hurt Julie again."

"Let's make sure of that," Dad said.

"Noooo! Please!" David begged to no avail as the squeeze intensified.

My dad released his balls and continued to spank him, making him repeat his promise over and over again. David's cries turned to pleas, and he continued to beg my dad. But my dad was relentless.

"Please! Steve! Please! Stop!"

"You'll call me 'Daddy' from now on," my dad said, his voice cold and hard, smacking his ass even harder. "You'll show me the respect I deserve, and you'll remember this lesson for the rest of your life."

David nodded, his face a mess of tears and snot. "Yes, Daddy!" he gasped. "Yes, Daddy, I'll remember!"

My dad continued to spank him, pausing every now and then to rub his little bare, red bottom and his cock and balls. He was fully emasculating David, treating him like a little chick who needed to be taught a lesson.

Dad ended with a vicious flurry of spanks that had David jumping all over Dad's lap. Finally, when David was reduced to a blubbering mess, my dad stopped the spanking. "You're going to stand in the corner and think about what you've done," he said firmly. "And you're not going to move until I say so."

David nodded, his face red and swollen from crying. My dad pulled him up off his knee and led him to the corner.

David stooped to try to raise his pants. Dad stepped on them and said, "The pants stay down. Hands on your head," he said roughly, pulling David's hands to his head and slapping his ass. What a little bitch.

As David stood in the corner, his bare bottom on display, his hands on his head, sobbing like a baby, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had been put in his place, and he had learned his lesson. He would never hurt Julie again.

After a few minutes of increasingly loud crying, I guess it all got too much for him. David began to plead with my dad. "Please, Daddy," he begged, his voice hoarse from crying. "Can I pull my pants up now?"

My dad shook his head. "Hell no. You're staying there for at least the next hour and you think about what you've done. And if you move an inch I'll be taking off my belt."

David only whimpered in reply.

Julie served tea with sandwiches as David was kept in his corner, his red buns blazing. I couldn't believe my dad had turned his ass so red! A naughty spanked little red-bottomed boy crying in his corner.

After tea, David's hour was up by a few minutes, my dad released him from his corner.

"All right, David, you can come out of the corner and pull up your pants, but not until after you apologize to Julie and Emily," he said firmly. "You're going to turn around, and you're going to apologize to them. You keep those pants down and your hands firmly on your head."

Oh my God. I couldn't believe this. How totally humiliating for him!

David nodded, tears streaming down his face. He turned around, his small cock and balls on full display. "I'm sorry, Julie," he whispered. "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you."

Julie nodded, her eyes still filled with tears. "Thank you, David," she said softly. "I forgive you."

David turned to me, his face red with shame. "I'm sorry, Emily," he whispered. "I'm sorry for being such a terrible person."

It was all I could do to keep from laughing as he stood there, all bare, shaking like a leaf. His penis was so small! I hoped for Julie's sake he's a "grower".

I nodded, feeling a pang of sympathy for him. "It's okay, David," I said softly. "Just make sure you learn from this."

"Before pulling your pants up, ask me for permission again," my dad said.

"Please, Daddy. Please may I pull up my pants now?"

"Why are your pants down right now?" my dad asked.

"Because I was abusive towards Julie."

"That's right. Now ask again."

"Please, Daddy. Please may I pull up my pants now?"

"You may."

David nodded, his face still red and swollen from crying, and pulled his pants back up to cover his embarrassing little "manhood".

As we left Julie and David's house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. My dad had stood up for a woman in need, and he had made sure that justice was served. And even though the scene had been humiliating and emasculating for David, I knew that it was necessary. He had learned his lesson, and he would never hurt Julie again.

As we walked back to our house, my dad put his arm around me, pulling me close. "You know, Emily," he said softly, "I'm proud of you for standing by me today. You're a strong, brave young woman, and I'm honored to be your dad."

I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. "Thanks, Dad," I said softly. "I'm proud of you, too."

And in that moment, I knew that no matter what happened in the future, my dad and I would always be there for each other. We were a team, a family, and nothing could ever change that.

Part 2

Imagine my surprise next morning when I hear a knock on the door, I open it, and see a very red-faced David standing there with a mop and a bucket filled with cleaning supplies in hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as my dad walked up behind me with a smirk on his face.

"I... um... Julie said I needed to come over here once a week to clean until further notice."

My dad laughed aloud. "How very thoughtful of Julie! We were thinking of hiring a cleaning lady, weren't we, Em?"

"Looks like we won't need to now," I said, pretty delighted. We had been thinking about it, but money was tight, so I was resisting it. Most of the housework had fallen to me because of Dad's work and all the guy things that needed doing.  He had been talking about a cleaning lady as mainly a help for me given my schoolwork.

I chuckled as well. "You don't look too happy about it, David."

"No..." David said despondently and in a bit of a surly manner.

"No, Mistress!" my dad corrected him sternly. "Emily is mistress of this household and you will address her accordingly. Understood?"


"Yes, what?" Dad prompted him.

"Yes, Sir."

"No, no, no, no," I said. "Didn't Daddy teach you last time how to address him?" I asked with a smirk.

David blushed three shades of red. "Yes, Daddy," he corrected himself as my dad let out a hearty belly laugh.

"And if you don't do a good job on your cleaning, what will Daddy do to you?" I asked mischievously.

"I 'dunno," said David, then looking at Dad, added, "Mistress."

"Oh, I think you do. Now tell us, very clearly, what will Daddy do to you if you don't do a good job with the cleaning?"

"S... s... spanking, Mistress."

"Oh yes! And after yesterday, you don't want that again, do you?"

"No, Mistress."

"Ok, get in here. I'll show you the ropes and supervise."

Before David could move, Dad reached out and held his chin in his hand, tilting it up to make him look into his eyes. "Emily's in charge. You do as you're told. If you disobey, or fuck up, or don't work hard enough, or show any attitude whatsoever, Emily will let me know, and then you'll get it from me, no questions asked. You got that, boy?"

Dad kept his face tilted up as tears formed in David's eyes. "Yes, Daddy!" he cried out.

"Good," Dad said, releasing him. "How's that ass this morning?"

"Still sore... Daddy."

"Ha ha! Good! Now show us."


"Show us. Turn around, drop 'em, bend over, and show us the damage."

"Please... Daddy..."

Dad reached for his belt and began unbuckling it.

David instantly turned, dropped his pants and undies, and bent wayyyy over, totally mooning us! Ha ha!

Dad looked pleased, buckling his belt back up again.

"Dusky red!" I said. "Still! Good job, Dad!" I high-fived Dad.

He stayed bent over, apparently afraid to do anything without Dad's say-so. He was so bent over that I could see his balls between his legs and his tight little asshole winking out at us.

"Stand up and pull your pants back up. I think Em's seen quite enough of that ass over the past couple of days."

David quickly stood and pulled his pants up and turned around, his face still red with embarrassment. I gestured for him to follow me into the house, and I set him to his cleaning duties. As he worked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that David was being held accountable for his actions. I made sure to keep a close eye on him and encourage him to work harder whenever he slacked off.

As the day wore on, David began to slack off more and more. His attitude grew increasingly surly, and I could tell he was starting to get fed up with the cleaning. I tried to be patient with him, but my patience was wearing thin.

"David, you need to pick up the pace," I scolded him. "You still have a lot of work to do, and you're not going to get it done today."

David glared at me and muttered something under his breath.

"What was that?" I demanded.

"I said, 'I'm doing the best I can,'" David said through gritted teeth.

"Well, it's not good enough," I snapped back. "If you don't start working harder, I'm going to have to tell Dad."

David rolled his eyes. "Fine, whatever," he said dismissively. I'd been too nice. Too patient. I didn't think he thought I was serious.

I shook my head in frustration and decided to call my dad. I told him about David's attitude and lack of effort, and he was not pleased.

When my dad arrived, he took one look at David's half-hearted effort and shook his head. "I thought I made myself clear about the consequences of not doing a good job," he said sternly.

David looked up at him, his eyes wide with fear. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I'll do better, I promise." Oh boy, his attitude was changing now!

"Sorry isn't good enough," my dad said, pulling his belt off. "You need to be punished for your attitude and lack of effort."

David began to panic. "Please, Daddy, don't spank me again. Not with the belt! I'll do better, I swear!"

My dad glared at him. "You had your chance, and you blew it. Now, drop 'em and bend over the table."

David hesitated for a moment, but then complied, tears streaming down his face. My dad proceeded to give him a hard, bare-bottomed whipping with his belt, leaving David's ass a deep shade of red once again with raised rectangular welts wrapping around towards his hip. It was not a short whipping. He really caught it from Dad!

David was much more respectful towards me after that, but I nevertheless decided to no longer shirk on his discipline as I had been doing before. Over the next few weeks, I continued to supervise David's cleaning duties, and each time he slacked off or showed any attitude, my dad was there to enforce the consequences. As the weeks went by and he became more and more submissive, I couldn't resist teasing him about it. "David, you're starting to act more and more like a submissive little girl every day," I said with a smirk.

David blushed and looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about, Mistress," he muttered.

"Sure you don't," I said, grinning. "But you know what? I think we should dress you as a maid. You'd make a great little maid. What do you think, Dad?"

My dad, overhearing, chuckled. "I think that's a fantastic idea. What do you say, David? Would you like to be our little maid?"

David looked horrified. "No, please, Daddy, I don't want to be a maid," he pleaded.

My dad raised an eyebrow. "Well, that's too bad, because if Em wants to dress you as our maid, you'll dress as our God-damned maid."

Over the next few weeks, I began the process of transforming David. I started with makeup, carefully applying foundation, blush, lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner to enhance his features. Ever-present was the threat of my father's belt to keep him in line. I also experimented with hairstyles, trying out different wigs and hair extensions and hair styles to create the perfect look.

Next, I moved on to lingerie. Oh, he didn't like that one bit, and Dad's belt had to come out again. After we had reached agreement in this way, I began dressing David in frilly bras and panties under his clothes. At first, I dressed him myself as soon as he arrived. That is, until he started developing little stiffies when I pulled his panties on and decided Julie ought to tend to his dressing up from then on before he left home. (And, no, he wasn't much of a "grower" either, tee hee!)

I then introduced him to high heels, teaching him how to walk and move gracefully in them.

As David's transformation progressed, I began to dress him in more feminine clothing, including skirts, dresses, and blouses. I also started to experiment with breast forms, using silicone inserts to create the illusion of big DD breasts. They were a real sight to behold. They were large, firm, and perfectly shaped, and they jiggled enticingly whenever he walked. My dad and I couldn't help but admire them, and we often joked about how much fun it would be to play with them.

The dressing up and the big breasts seemed to be very helpful in setting David's attitude, and with that, combined with a frequent dose of dad's hard hand to his soft behind, he soon became the most efficient and obedient maid we could have hoped for.

At a certain point, Dad decided that I should participate in our little maid's discipline as well, and gave me full spanking privileges.

I didn't need to use my newfound powers much, as he had learned pretty well to obey by then, but there were still times when his attitude would slip and he would need a reminder of his place.

One such occasion occurred when David was cleaning the living room. He was carelessly dusting around some antiques and when I scolded him for it he gave me some very disrespectful attitude. I decided that it was time for him to be punished.

"David, come here," I said sternly, gesturing for him to come to me.

David looked up at me, his eyes suddenly wide with fear. "I'm sorry, Mistress. I didn't mean it!" he said realizing what he had done and what was therefore now in store for him.

I silenced him with a stern look. "No more arguments. It's time for your punishment."

I pulled out a chair and sat down, gesturing for him to come to me. David hesitated for a moment, but then complied, teetering over to me on his high heels, tears streaming down his face already, his makeup beginning to run. He was hoping he was beyond spankings by now. Apparently not.

I took him across my lap, his big breasts dangling over the far side of my knees. I reached for his skirt and began to raise it, exposing his frilly panties. I then reached for his panties and began to lower them, revealing his bare bottom.

David began to squirm and protest, but I ignored him, focusing on the task at hand. I reached for my hairbrush, which I had left nearby for just such an occasion, and began to spank him with it.

The first few swats were hard, and David cried out in pain. But I didn't let up, determined to teach him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget. I spanked him hard and fast, covering his entire bottom with welts and bruises. I wanted Dad to be proud of his little girl, after all. 

David began to cry in earnest, his big breasts bouncing with each swat. I could feel his body shaking with sobs as I continued to punish him.

As I continued to spank David, I could hear my dad approaching from the other room. He sauntered over, a sly grin on his face, and leaned against the wall, watching with interest.

"Looks like someone's been naughty," he said, his voice dripping with amusement.

David's face turned bright red, and he tried to cover his exposed bottom with his hands. "Please, Daddy, don't watch," he pleaded.

My dad chuckled. "Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world," he said, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're going to learn a lesson today, little girl."

I continued to spank David, ignoring my dad's presence. But I could feel his eyes on me, watching my every move.

"Looks like you're doing a good job there, Emily," he said, nodding approvingly. "Keep it up."

David's sobs grew louder, and he began to plead with me. "Please, Mistress, I'm sorry," he cried. "I'll be good, I promise."

My dad laughed. "Too late for that, girl," he said, shaking his head. "If I know my Emmy, you've earned this punishment, and you're going to take it like a good little maid."

David's face crumpled, and he began to cry in earnest. I could feel his body shaking with sobs as I continued to spank him.

My dad leaned in closer, his eyes fixed on David's exposed bottom. "Looks like you're doing a good job, Emily," he said again, his voice low and approving. "Just a few more swats, and I think she'll get the message."

I nodded, my arm aching from the effort. But I was determined to see this punishment through to the end.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I stopped, my arm aching and my heart happy. David was a mess, his bottom bright red and his face streaked with tears and running makeup.

My dad nodded approvingly. "Well done, Emily," he said, clapping me on the back. "I think our little maid has learned her lesson."

David nodded, his eyes still filled with tears. "I'm sorry," he said through his sobs. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," I said softly, pulling him close. "You're going to be okay. But you need to remember your place and show me the respect I deserve."

David nodded, his eyes still filled with tears. "I will, Mistress," he promised. "I'll be better, I swear."

And so, with David's punishment complete, we settled back into our routine, our little maid once again obedient and submissive. I didn't let him clean up his makeup, and that day sent him back home to Julie with his mascara streaked down his face. She would know the reason why.

The memory of that punishment lingered with David. I think that before that spanking he didn't really respect my ability to discipline him, but I proved him very wrong. That hairbrush spanking stayed as a powerful reminder of the consequences of disobedience and the importance of understanding one's place.

Part 3

At one point Julie, Dad and I decided to host a party for the entire neighborhood.

"We're going to need a little help with this one," I said, looking at David. "We're going to need you to serve as our little maid for the party. And I have just the outfit for you."

David did not seem too happy. "Oh, please no, Mistress, please!" he said, his eyes beginning to fill with tears, but he knew better than to disobey us.

On the day of the party, I led David to my room and pulled out a short, frilly French maid's uniform. David's eyes widened in surprise.

I helped him into the outfit. First thing I did was strip him to nude while Dad looked on. I used masking tape to tuck his cock and balls hard against his leg. That would be a real bitch to get off. Ha ha! For giggles, I used black and red magic markers to draw a vagina on his totally shaved smooth abdomen (part of his transformation). Dad loved that one! I then put him into his frilly white lingerie with the breast forms. Next I put him into a waist cincher, tightening it hard! I then adjusted the skirt and blouse until everything was just right. Next came the thigh highs and the stiletto heels. Finally. I added a frilly white apron and a lace headband, completing the look.

David looked adorable, his low ass cheeks poking out the bottom of his dress, his frilly white panties on view as he bent over. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him, especially from behind. I even made him pose for a couple of saucy pics!

"We're going to have a little sign for you," I said, pulling out a piece of poster board. "It's going to say that you're being punished for spousal abuse and that anyone is welcome to give your ass a spank or a pinch."

David blushed bright red, but he didn't argue. He knew better than to question my decisions. I posted the sign on the wall. Any confusion about the dolled up "man" serving the guests drinks was quickly cleared up as they saw the sign.

The party was a huge success, with everyone enjoying the food, drinks, and conversation. But the real star of the show was David, who served as our little maid with grace and poise.

As David was serving a tray of drinks to two couples standing talking to one another, one of the men asked, "Spousal abuse, eh? What did you do, exactly?"

I observed all this from a distance.

David gulped and said "I was verbally abusive to my wife and then I, um, smacked her bottom angrily, but just once!"

"Oh, just once, eh?" the man said as he took the drinks tray from him, handed it to his wife, then turned David  around, bent him over so his skirt rode up high showing off his cheeky white panties, and gave him one prodigious whack to his essentially bare bottom. David was propelled forward from the force of the blow and immediately grasped his punished ass cheek and danced, grimacing in pain.

"My turn," said his wife, handing off the tray to her friend and doing the same. All four took their turns, and that started a real trend.

As the night wore on, David continued to serve as our little maid, his bottom bright red from the attention it was receiving. But there were several partygoers, both male and female, who felt strongly about spousal abuse and decided to take matters into their own hands.

"David, come here, you little shit," one of the women said, gesturing for him to come to her. "I think you need a real spanking."

David hesitated for a moment, but then complied, his eyes wide with fear. The woman took him across her lap, his skirt flipping up by itself, her hand coming down hard on his bare little cheeks, his panties offering no protection whatsoever.

David cried out in pain, his body shaking with sobs. But the woman didn't let up, determined to teach him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget. She spanked him hard and fast, covering his entire bottom.

Later on, emboldened by a few drinks, one of the men at the party approached David with a determined look on his face. "David, come here," he said sternly. The man took him across his lap. He then reached for his panties and took them first down then all the way off his protesting, kicking little feet. The man tossed the panties, landing them high up on the chandelier. Then his hand started coming down hard on David's bare bottom.

"Can't keep your hands to yourself, eh?" he said as he punished. "Well now you know what it feels like."

When he was finished, he pushed David off his lap. David landed in a heap on his ass with legs splayed. Instantly everyone pointed and laughed. His tuck job and painted on vagina was completely on display!

David stood up quickly, tugging his micro dress down to the extent he could.

"My panties..." he begged, seeing them high on the chandelier, beyond his reach. He tried jumping for them, but that only prompted more laughs as each time he did he showed off his bright red ass and painted on vagina to all and sundry.

David had to serve fesses-nues (pantyless) for the remainder of the party. His high up dangling panties decorating the chandelier to add to his shame.

At a certain point, one of the ladies even went so far as to roll his dress up at the waistband, shortening it considerably so his bare red ass was basically out for all to see for the duration of the party.

I can tell you, it didn't get any less slapped and pinched for all that!

The irony of an abusive husband who had smacked his wife's bottom, walking around with the worst smacked bottom on display was lost on nobody.


Eventually David's sentence of being our unpaid housemaid came to an end. But we really still needed a maid, so we cut a deal with Julie and got him for a pretty decent price.

And as you can well imagine, he never, ever spoke an abusive word or laid a hand on Julie, ever again. Backed up by the ever-present threat of my dad's discipline, the same could not be said the other way around...


  1. Hot story! I miss the Wife Spanks lady, she roasted her hubby's cute little tush so well. Although in that last picture it appears he enjoyed it a little too much, the disgraceful slut.

  2. I don't get turned on by the "Daddy" dynamic per se or by feminization, but the prospect of getting taken in non-consensually by someone too strong to resist definitely pushes some buttons.

    1. If you get turned on by guys, you're bi or gay.

      If you enjoy dressing in women's clothes, you're an X-dresser or trans.

      If you're a straight male, and if you get aroused by the thought having a man spank you and force you into women's clothes, you may just be into humiliation.

      If you're those other things, it's not humiliating.

      I think that's the point. I think you share that with others who enjoy this content.

    2. I keep telling myself it’s about the humiliation, but the lines are getting blurry. It’s been a long time since anyone “forced” me to shop for lingerie, but I keep doing it. - david

    3. You never know till you try!

  3. As much as I’ve been thinking about being overpowered, spanked, humiliated and emasculated by Daddy, if the price is abuse of my wife or any woman, i couldn’t go there. It’s difficult for good, decent people to comprehend domestic abuse and how often it happens. Before i was banned from Facebook for posting “conspiracy theories” that all eventually were proven true, i followed a private security and self defense instructor. He talked a lot about domestic violence. He would say things like: If you don’t believe that women frequently abuse men, you’ve never lived in a trailer park. Also: Women hit more often. Men hit harder. Reality sucks. Back to fantasy. Yes, please take me to kangaroo court, make up a crime i did, convict me and have Daddy and his daughter carry out my sentence. - david

    1. I kept my "abuse" pretty gentle deliberately. A well-placed smack on the ass was the extent of it. The AI kept wanting more, but I said no way!

      It's one of the ironies of this story. I've been "abused" so many times by my husband I've lost track. I mean, literally, out of nowhere, SMACK! I have to watch my backside walking around this house, and it's not even about my spanking fetish. It's him pissing on his territory: me! Sometimes he does it in public even, and I ALWAYS blush at being painted as his chattel this way.

  4. What a wonderful story you got out of AI. I loved that you got the forced fem involved. This David surly learned a lesson. And I think some at the party may have as well. You never know when some spouse beater might be in the group. The idea of David getting hard while the neighbor's daughter was dressing him. That could have lead to a long session with the belt. It is good it was stopped. Keep up the fine work. Some of us need a break of BS of the world.

    1. Oh yes! We can't have him getting hard as the twenty-year-old daughter is abusing him!

  5. David's sanction is justified if you want to nip these bad habits in the bud.
    I like to think that David is not known to all the guests at the party
    They were only told that a certain "David" behaved violently towards his wife. When they spot him they feel entitled to call him by his first name to spank him (like you would call a dog)
    “David, come here, you little shit,” one of the women said.
    “David, come here,” [one of the men] said sternly.

    1. The erotic charge of the expression "sans culotte" (only one "l" and no "s") used when speaking of a woman who does not wear "panties" is lessened by its historical acceptance:
      The term "sans-culottes" designated in the 18th century any man who did not wear short pants with stockings, which was the ordinary costume of the nobles and the bourgeoisie.
      “Pantyless” would perhaps be better translated as “bare bottom”
      A woman who does not wear panties under her skirt leaves open (without the shield of panties) the possibility of a stiff cock penetrating her.
      Furthermore, is the idea, crude but sexually exciting, of sending David's panties on the chandelier an invention of AI?

  6. Oh Julie you get my little grower stiff and drippy thinking about a strong dude you're into over powering me.

    I love the group humiliation too, you as the attractive daughter watching and then bringing me to serve a party.

    These never go far enough except when you have the subby sexually serving the male even though Ive never been with a guy and only have interest within a forced capacity under view of females.

    As I’ve mentioned previously after you had me tampon my boi pussy long ago, with my hot young fit fiance now my fantasy I wish I could realize one day would be you owning me/us in a domestic service owned puppy/feminized capacity.

    I’d love to give up my sexuality and service serving you and any alphas you say.

    In my head you say I haven't earned my own sexual orientation or appearance control and I’m increasingly humbled and made bi and begging for sexual relief that is hard earned while I stay in my doggie cage while not cleaning or pleasing with my holes.

    I’m cucked and shown what a real man is as I beg to be filled up to save my lady from hard fuckings.

    I know you’d have fun exhibiting me for parties as a progressed cock hungry maid as your friends peg me too.

    Maybe I’m allowed to cum in front of everyone after they spit on me and I’m being made to suck and take cock anally while humping my new inflatable girlfriend.

    -yours in service

  7. I am certainly aroused by the humiliation. I would just have loved for Emily and Julie to have used David sexually to complete the story.

    1. What do you think, I'm some kind of perv? Get a grip.

    2. Well yes !! In the best possible way.
      Kindness Chris

  8. Just curious, Ma'am, but do either you or David have a fetish for French-maid uniforms? I don't recall them being mentioned before on your blog.

    *Curtsies respectfully*

    1. I'd love to be dressed in one!

    2. You should look into that for whenever it's your turn to be submissive. I'm sure David would love it!

    3. Admittedly, I would also love reading here about your experience with one, haha. That would make my day.

      Say, a session of domestic service on your part (cleaning, serving food, etc.) , with David spanking you for any infractions, or just for the fun of it at the end of the day.

      Given your eye for detail, keen memory, and storytelling skills, it would probably make for one of my favorite entries on this site.

  9. Hear...hear
    The erotic charge of the expression "sans culotte" (only one "l" and no "s") used when speaking of a woman who does not wear any "panties" is lessened by its historical acceptance:
    The term "sans-culottes" designated in the 18th century any man who did not wear short pants with stockings, which was the ordinary costume of the nobles and the bourgeoisie.
    “Pantyless” would perhaps be better translated as “fesses nues”
    A woman who does not wear panties under her skirt leaves open (without the shield of panties) the possibility of a stiff cock penetrating her.
    Furthermore, is the idea, gross but sexually exciting, of sending David's panties on the chandelier an invention of the AI?

    1. Thank you. Correction accepted!

      The panties on the chandelier was all me, 'natch.

    2. You say you accept the correction but the error has not been corrected, which could earn you a week "sans culotte" (or "fesses nues"). That would teach you!

    3. It's been corrected now!

    4. Your choice. So, it will be two weeks "fesses nues".

  10. Please more m/m in front of women!
