Friday, September 6

Fiction: Spanked at Nineteen (F/M)

A shorter little vignette this time, ably assisted by ChatGPT-4o with a touch of gptease thrown in when dealing with his genitals.

I hope you enjoy this one. I like it!

Spanked at Nineteen

Chapter 1: Pushing the Limits

Nineteen-year-old Ethan slammed his bedroom door, frustration bubbling over. He had just finished a heated argument with his mom, Carla, about his laziness around the house. It wasn’t the first time they had clashed over chores. Ethan had grown accustomed to ignoring his responsibilities, knowing his mother’s bark was usually worse than her bite. But this time, Carla had had enough. She grounded him for a full month, something she hadn’t done since he was much younger. No friends, no going out, and no phone except for emergencies.

Ethan didn’t take the punishment seriously. He was, after all, practically an adult. Being grounded felt childish, something you’d do to a ten-year-old, not someone about to start college. His mother’s rules felt like an overreach, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. How could she treat him like a little kid?

Later that afternoon, as he lounged on his bed, staring at the ceiling, a rebellious thought crept into his mind. Why not just sneak out? His mom had gone out with her friend, Mrs. Reynolds, and probably wouldn’t be back for hours. He could easily meet up with his friends at the usual spot and be back before she noticed. The thrill of defying her was too tempting to resist.

Ethan slipped on his sneakers, grabbed his jacket, and quietly tiptoed down the stairs. He hesitated for a moment at the front door, listening for any signs of his mother’s return, but the house was silent. With a smirk, he slipped outside.

Chapter 2: A Miscalculation

The day was crisp and cool, the kind that made you feel alive with possibilities. Ethan met up with his friends at the park, where they hung out, joked around, and did everything he knew he wasn’t supposed to be doing while grounded. Time flew by, and before he knew it, it was nearing six o'clock.

The sense of freedom he had felt earlier was beginning to fade, replaced by a nagging worry in the pit of his stomach. He knew he had to get home before his mom returned. But when he checked his watch and saw how late it was, that worry turned into full-blown panic. He quickly made his excuses and headed back, walking briskly and then breaking into a jog as he neared his street.

As Ethan rounded the corner to his house, he noticed something that made his heart drop. His mom's car was in the driveway. His mom was home. His pace slowed as dread took over. How was he going to explain this? Maybe she had just gotten back and hadn’t noticed he was gone. Maybe he could sneak in through the backdoor and pretend he had been home all along.

But as soon as he shut the backdoor, his mother’s voice rang out through the house. “Ethan! Where do you think you’re coming from?”

She was standing at the kitchen doorway, arms crossed, with Mrs. Reynolds beside her. Both women were looking at him with expressions that could only be described as severe disappointment.

Ethan froze. He hadn’t counted on them getting back this early. His mind raced, trying to think of an excuse, but nothing came to him. He was caught red-handed.

“Answer me, Ethan!” Carla demanded, her voice sharp and unforgiving.

“I, uh… I just went for a walk,” he stammered, hoping to downplay the situation.

Carla’s eyes narrowed. “A walk? You expect me to believe that? Do you think I’m stupid?”

Mrs. Reynolds stood beside her, watching the exchange with an almost amused look on her face, her eyebrows raised slightly, but she said nothing.

Ethan looked at the ground, ashamed. He could feel the weight of his mother’s gaze, and the realization hit him hard: he was in deep trouble.

“Come to the living room,” Carla ordered, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Ethan obeyed, his heart pounding in his chest. He walked past his mother and Mrs. Reynolds, feeling their eyes on him the entire time. He wanted to disappear, to be anywhere but there, but he had no choice but to face the consequences of his actions.

Chapter 3: Facing the Consequences

Carla stood in the middle of the living room, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, her expression one of stern resolve. Ethan, still trying to catch his breath from the hurried walk home, stood before her with a sinking feeling in his stomach. The living room felt unnervingly quiet, the ticking of the wall clock the only sound in the room. Mrs. Reynolds watched from the armchair, her eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

“Ethan,” Carla began, her voice calm but with an edge that made Ethan’s heart skip a beat, “I’ve been patient with you. Too patient, it seems. I grounded you, expecting you to respect the rules of this house, but you’ve chosen to defy me instead.”

Ethan opened his mouth to speak, to plead, but the icy look in his mother’s eyes silenced him immediately.

“I’m done with the excuses,” Carla continued, her tone firm and unwavering. “You think you can do whatever you want, that my rules don’t apply to you. Well, that ends today.”

Ethan swallowed hard, a cold dread settling in the pit of his stomach. There was something in his mother’s voice that he hadn’t heard in years—a resolve that left no room for negotiation.

“You’re not a child anymore, Ethan, but you’ve been acting like one,” Carla said, stepping closer to him. “And since you want to behave like a child, I’m going to treat you like one.”

Ethan’s eyes widened in realization, and he shook his head, taking a step back. “Mom, no… you can’t mean—”

Carla didn’t let him finish. “Oh, I do mean,” she interrupted, her voice cutting through his protests. “You’re getting a spanking, Ethan. Right here, right now.”

Ethan felt his legs go weak. It had been over a decade since his mother had last spanked him, and he had thought those days were long behind him. The mere thought of being spanked now, at his age, was mortifying beyond belief, especially with Mrs. Reynolds there.

“Mom, please,” he begged, his voice trembling. “I’m too old for that. Please, just ground me longer, take away my phone, anything but this.”

Carla’s expression didn’t soften. “You’ve already proven that grounding you isn’t enough. If you won’t respect my rules, then I’ll have to make sure you understand the consequences of disobedience.”

Ethan glanced over at Mrs. Reynolds, who was watching the exchange with a slight smile, clearly finding the situation more than a little entertaining. His face burned with shame at the thought of being spanked in front of her.

“Mom, not in front of her,” Ethan pleaded desperately, his voice cracking. “Please, I’m begging you.”

Carla’s eyes narrowed. “You should have thought about that before you decided to sneak out. You’ve made your bed, Ethan, and now you’re going to lie in it.”

Ethan’s heart raced, and he felt panic rising in his chest. “I’ll do anything, Mom. I’m sorry. Just please, not this. Please don’t spank me.”

But Carla’s mind was made up. “If you can’t handle the consequences of your actions, Ethan, then maybe you should consider how you’re going to behave in the future. But for now, you’re going to take your punishment or you can find someplace else to live.”

Ethan’s stomach dropped, and he stared at her in disbelief. “What? No, Mom, please!”

“Now, Ethan,” Carla ordered, her voice leaving no room for argument.

Ethan’s hands trembled as he stood frozen in place, his mind reeling. This couldn’t be happening. It was too humiliating, too degrading. But the look on his mother’s face told him that this wasn’t up for debate. The humiliation, the thought of being spanked like a little kid in front of Mrs. Reynolds—it was too much to bear. But what choice did he have? He couldn’t just leave home. He had nowhere to go, no job, no money.

Tears welled up in his eyes, more from shame than anything else. “Please, Mom, don’t do this. I’m sorry. I’ll do better, I promise.”

Carla’s expression didn’t soften. “You’ve had your chances, Ethan. This is happening whether you like it or not. Now, take your pants down.”

Ethan’s heart pounded in his chest as the words hit him like a ton of bricks. He couldn’t believe she was really going to make him do this. Not in front of Mrs. Reynolds. The humiliation was unbearable.

“Mom, please… not in front of her,” he pleaded, glancing at Mrs. Reynolds, who was watching the whole scene unfold with a bemused smile.

Carla’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t get to make demands, Ethan. If you’re so concerned about being embarrassed, maybe you should have thought about that before sneaking out. Now, take your pants down, or I’ll do it for you.”

Ethan’s face flushed with shame as he realized there was no way out of this. With trembling hands, he reached for the waistband of his jeans. He hesitated, looking one last time at his mother, hoping for some sign of mercy, but there was none. She was resolute. Slowly, painfully, he unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down to his ankles.

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest, his face flushed with a deep, burning shame. He couldn’t believe he had been forced into this position, not only in front of his mother but with Mrs. Reynolds sitting there, watching the whole humiliating scene unfold.

The soft fabric of his boxers clung to his legs, offering the barest sense of modesty, but it did nothing to ease the intense embarrassment he felt. He could barely bring himself to look at either woman, but he could feel their eyes on him, could sense the judgment, the disappointment, and in Mrs. Reynolds’s case, the barely hidden amusement.

Ethan couldn’t hold back the tears that welled up in his eyes, his throat tightening. The humiliation of standing there, waiting for the inevitable, was almost too much to bear. Being spanked across the seat of his boxers in front of Mrs. Reynolds was already the worst thing he could imagine. He felt like a small child again, stripped of any dignity, forced to submit to a punishment that made him feel utterly powerless.

But as mortifying as this was, he took some small, pitiful solace in the fact that his boxers remained on, that at least he wasn’t completely exposed. Surely, his mother wouldn’t go further, not with Mrs. Reynolds there, watching everything. It was already unbearable enough as it was.

Carla moved closer, and Ethan flinched involuntarily, his breath hitching as he tried to mentally prepare himself for what was coming. But instead of taking him over her knee, she reached out and tugged at the waistband of his boxers.

Ethan’s eyes widened in horror, and he instinctively jerked back, his hands shooting down to try to keep his boxers in place. “No! Mom, please! Not that! Not with her here!”

Carla’s expression hardened even further, a determined look settling into her features. “Ethan, you’ve already been told—if you’re going to behave like a child, you’re going to be treated like one. And that means you don’t get to decide how you’re punished.”

Ethan’s hands shook as he clung to the waistband of his boxers, his mind reeling. The idea of having his boxers lowered, of being fully revealed, and of being spanked bare-bottomed, especially in front of Mrs. Reynolds, was unthinkable. It was the final shred of his dignity, the one thing he thought she wouldn’t take from him. But the resolve in his mother’s eyes told him that she was fully prepared to strip him of that, too.

“Let go,” Carla commanded, her voice firm and unyielding. “Now, Ethan.”

Tears spilled down Ethan’s cheeks as he realized he had no choice. Slowly, his grip on his boxers loosened, his hands trembling as he released the fabric. He was shaking all over, feeling utterly defeated, as his mother took hold of his boxers and, with one swift motion, tugged them down to join his jeans around his ankles.

Ethan’s breath caught in his throat as the cool air hit his bare skin, his face burning with a shame so intense it made him dizzy. He tried to cover himself, but Carla slapped his hands away.

“Don’t even think about it, hands at your sides” she warned. “You’re going to stand there and take this like the spoiled, irresponsible boy you’ve been acting like.”

He stood there, completely exposed, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as he fought the overwhelming urge to cover himself.

Mrs. Reynolds didn’t say a word, but the look in her eyes said it all. She was thoroughly enjoying the spectacle, watching with a kind of detached amusement as Ethan’s last vestige of dignity was stripped away. The smirk on her lips made it clear she found the entire situation entertaining, and Ethan felt his heart sink even further.

“There,” Carla said, her voice almost calm as she took a step back to appraise him. “Now you’re ready to be punished properly.”

Ethan squeezed his eyes shut, unable to bear the sight of Mrs. Reynolds’s smirk any longer. His mother’s words echoed in his ears, filling him with a sense of hopelessness. He couldn’t believe this was

Mrs. Reynolds chuckled softly, clearly enjoying the spectacle. “He certainly won’t forget this anytime soon.”

He stood before her, his pants and underwear around his ankles, his face red with shame and embarrassment. His penis, uncircumcised and flaccid, hung limp and lifeless, surrounded by a thatch of untrimmed pubic hair. The foreskin, slightly retracted, revealed a hint of the red glans beneath, a subtle reminder of the boy's vulnerability. His testicles, pale and soft, seemed to shrink away from their gaze, as if trying to hide from the humiliation.

Ethan’s humiliation was complete. He was mortified. He had never felt so small, so powerless. He knew that no amount of begging or pleading would get him out of this now.

Chapter 4: The Spanking

Carla’s grip on Ethan’s arm was firm as she guided him toward the living room couch. Every step felt like a slow march toward his inevitable humiliation, and Ethan’s mind raced with desperate thoughts. He couldn’t believe this was happening. It was like a bad dream he couldn’t wake up from, but the sharp sting of reality was all too clear.

Mrs. Reynolds remained in the armchair, crossing her legs and settling in as if she were preparing to watch a show. Her amusement was palpable, and it only deepened Ethan’s sense of dread. He knew she would be talking about this for a long time to come, perhaps even sharing the story with her friends. The thought made him want to curl up in a ball and disappear.

Carla went a few steps to the front hall and came back with a clothesbrush that was lying on the small table there. It was a solid wooden brush, the kind that could deliver a sharp, painful sting with each strike. Ethan had forgotten it was even there, but the sight of it now sent a fresh wave of terror through him.

Carla sat down on the couch, her demeanor stern and authoritative. She pulled Ethan closer, and despite his attempts to resist, she easily positioned him over her lap. His face burned with shame as he realized just how powerless he was in this situation. The fact that he was nineteen years old, practically an adult, only made the situation more humiliating.

“Mom, please,” Ethan whispered, his voice trembling with fear and embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I’ll do anything. Just please don’t do this.”

Carla’s expression didn’t soften. “Ethan, you need to learn that actions have consequences. You’ve been pushing the limits for too long, and now you’re going to face the consequences. Maybe this will finally make you understand.”

Ethan tried to squirm out of his mother’s grip, but Carla held him firmly in place. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his breath coming in short, panicked gasps. The anticipation was almost worse than the spanking itself. He knew what was coming, but that didn’t make it any easier to bear.

Carla raised the clothesbrush and brought it down sharply on Ethan’s bare bottom. The sound of the smack echoed through the room, and Ethan yelped in pain. The sting was immediate and intense, and he couldn’t help but kick his legs in an instinctive attempt to escape.

But Carla was unrelenting. She brought the brush down again and again, each strike harder than the last. Ethan’s yelps quickly turned into cries of pain, and tears welled up in his eyes. He hadn’t been spanked in over a decade, and he had forgotten just how painful it could be.

“Maybe this will teach you to think before you act,” Carla said, her voice firm but not unkind. “You need to understand that there are consequences for your behavior, and I won’t tolerate any more of your disrespect.”

Ethan could hardly believe what was happening. His mom was really doing this. She was really spanking him like he was a little kid, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. The pain was overwhelming, but the humiliation was even worse. Every strike of the clothesbrush felt like a blow to his pride, a reminder of just how powerless he was in this situation.

Mrs. Reynolds watched the entire scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction. She didn’t say anything, but the look on her face said it all. She clearly enjoyed seeing Ethan being taken down a peg, and she wasn’t shy about showing it.

As the spanking continued, Ethan’s cries grew louder and more desperate. He couldn’t believe how much it hurt, how helpless he felt. He was kicking and squirming, trying to escape the relentless blows, but Carla held him firmly in place. He was completely at her mercy, and she wasn’t about to let him off easy.

“Please, Mom! Stop! I’m sorry!” Ethan begged, tears streaming down his face. “I’ll do anything you want! Just please stop!”

But Carla wasn’t done yet. She continued the spanking, determined to make sure the lesson stuck. Ethan’s cries and pleas only spurred her on, knowing that he needed to fully understand the consequences of his actions. The brush came down again and again, leaving red, angry welts on his bare bottom.

As the spanking progressed, his body tensed, his legs parted reflexively, and he began to kick wildly, his feet flailing in a desperate attempt to escape the relentless barrage of brush strokes raining down on his defenseless flesh.

With each smack of the clothesbrush, his body jolted, his cries growing louder and more anguished. His face contorted with pain and humiliation, tears streaming down his flushed cheeks. His buttocks, already a deep shade of red, throbbed with each harsh impact, the sting of the brush radiating throughout his entire body.

As he kicked and squirmed, the young man's genitals were exposed to the room, his flaccid penis swinging wildly between his legs. His testicles, drawn up tightly in response to the pain, were barely visible amidst the chaotic dance of his body. And behind, the puckered entrance of his anus was briefly revealed with each kick, a sight that only heightened the intensity of his embarrassment.

Mrs. Reynolds, who had been watching the punishment with a mixture of fascination and amusement, could not help but wince at the sight of the young man's exposed and vulnerable body. Despite the harshness of his punishment, she could not look away, her gaze riveted to the spectacle of the young man's humiliation and suffering.

Meanwhile, his mother, relentless and implacable, continued to administer the spanking, her face a mask of stern disapproval. She was determined to teach her son a lesson he would not soon forget, to show him that his actions had consequences, and that she was still very much in charge.

Ethan’s resistance began to weaken as the pain became too much to bear. His legs kicked less, and his pleas became more desperate and pitiful. He was sobbing openly now, his voice cracking as he begged for mercy. He had never felt so vulnerable, so utterly defeated. The pain was bad enough, but the humiliation was unbearable. He could feel Mrs. Reynolds’s eyes on him, watching his every move, and it made him want to sink into the floor and disappear.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Carla paused. She rested the clothesbrush on her lap and looked down at her sobbing son. His bottom was bright red, covered in angry welts, and his entire body shook with the force of his sobs. But Carla wasn’t finished just yet.

Chapter 5: Over-the knee Timeout

“You’re going to stay here, Ethan,” she said firmly. “You’re going to lie here across my lap and think about what you’ve done, and you’re going to understand that this is what happens when you break the rules.”

Ethan was too exhausted and broken to resist. He lay limp over his mother’s lap, his body racked with sobs. The pain in his bottom was unbearable, and the humiliation was overwhelming. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He couldn’t believe his mom had really spanked him like that, right in front of Mrs. Reynolds. He felt like a child, powerless and defeated, and there was nothing he could do to change that.

Ethan’s world had shrunk to a narrow tunnel of pain and humiliation. The sharp sting in his bottom was a constant reminder of his mother’s relentless punishment, but even as the spanking ended, his ordeal was far from over. His mother kept him draped over her lap, his bare genitals pressed against her firm thighs, and he could feel every rise and fall of her breathing as she held him in place.

He was utterly trapped, positioned in the most vulnerable position possible, with his dignity stripped away as thoroughly as his clothing had been. The cool air of the room contrasted sharply with the heat radiating from his freshly spanked bottom, and the discomfort only deepened his sense of shame. He could barely catch his breath between sobs, his body trembling uncontrollably with the force of his crying. The humiliating sound of his own broken sobs filled the room, echoing in the space and reminding him of just how thoroughly he had been reduced to a state of helplessness.

As he lay there, draped over his mother’s lap, Ethan’s mind raced with a mix of emotions—anger, shame, despair, and an overwhelming desire for this nightmare to end. But his mother showed no sign of releasing him. She kept him there, forcing him to remain in that degrading position, his legs dangling off the edge of her lap, his face nearly touching the floor, his bare bottom on display for Mrs. Reynolds to see. He could feel her eyes on him, that ever-present, piercing gaze that seemed to strip away whatever was left of his pride.

Every second that passed felt like an eternity. His tears continued to flow, and he tried to stifle his sobs, but his body betrayed him. The shaking of his shoulders, the ragged breaths that escaped his lips, all served as evidence of his complete and total defeat. He was no longer a nineteen-year-old young man; he was a chastised, sobbing child, held in place by the very person he had defied.

What made it worse was the silence. His mother didn’t speak, didn’t offer any comforting words, didn’t allow him even a shred of dignity to cling to. She simply held him there, her hand resting firmly on his back, reminding him that she was still in control. He was powerless to move, powerless to escape the situation, and that knowledge twisted in his gut like a knife.

Ethan’s face burned with shame, not just from the physical pain but from the realization that his mother was letting him sob openly, making no effort to help him up, to cover him, or to shield him from the humiliating gaze of Mrs. Reynolds. She was making sure he fully absorbed the lesson, that he understood the gravity of his actions and the consequences that came with them. His punishment wasn’t just physical—it was emotional, a deep cut to his pride that he knew would take a long time to heal.

And then there was Mrs. Reynolds. She had witnessed everything. Every tear, every sob, every humiliating detail of his punishment had been laid bare before her, and now she sat there, watching him cry over his mother’s knee like a child. Ethan could only imagine what she must be thinking, how she must see him now—not as the nearly-grown man he was, but as a disobedient boy who had been put in his place.

The humiliation of knowing he was being watched, of being kept in that undignified position long after the spanking had ended, made his chest tighten with a fresh wave of tears. He wanted to crawl away, to hide from the world, to do anything to escape the eyes on him, but he was held firmly in place, his mother’s grip unyielding. He was completely at her mercy, and she wasn’t ready to let him go.

The minutes dragged on, each one stretching into what felt like an hour, until finally, his mother spoke. Her voice was calm, almost gentle, but it carried an unmistakable note of authority. “You’re staying right here until you’ve calmed down, Ethan. I want you to remember this moment, to think about why you’re in this position.”

Ethan could barely muster a response, his sobs still choking him. All he could do was nod weakly, the movement barely noticeable as he remained draped over her lap. He hated that he couldn’t even speak, that he couldn’t plead for mercy or ask for release. His body was spent, his spirit crushed, and all he could do was lay there, his face wet with tears, and endure the overwhelming shame that filled every corner of his mind.

The minutes that followed felt like an eternity. Ethan could feel the coolness of the room on his tear-streaked face, a stark contrast to the fiery heat in his bottom. His tears had slowed, but the sobs still came, quieter now, more resigned. His mother’s hand remained on his back, a constant reminder of her presence, her control.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Carla let out a long sigh. “You’ve had enough time, Ethan. You can get up now.”

Chapter 6: Cornertime

Ethan stood shakily, his hands instinctively moving to soothe his sore, exposed bottom. His face was wet with tears, and he couldn’t meet his mother’s or Mrs. Reynolds’s eyes. All he wanted to do was crawl into a hole and never come out.

“Go stand in the corner, Ethan,” his mother ordered. “And don’t you dare move until I tell you. You’re going to stand there and think about what you’ve done, and you’re going to understand that this is the price you pay for disobedience.”

Ethan hesitated for a moment, but the look on his mother’s face told him she wasn’t in the mood for any more disobedience. Defeated, he slowly made his way to the corner of the room, taking small shuffling steps, his pants and boxers at his ankles still, his hands still rubbing his bare bottom.

“Hands at your sides,” Carla instructed sharply.

Reluctantly, Ethan obeyed, letting his hands drop to his sides. He could feel the cool air on his burning skin, a stark contrast to the fiery pain in his bottom. He stood there, facing the corner, feeling utterly humiliated and defeated.

Mrs. Reynolds finally spoke up, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “I think that was exactly what he needed, Carla. Maybe now he’ll start acting his age.”

Carla nodded, though her expression softened slightly. “I hope so, Susan. I really do. But if he doesn’t, I won’t hesitate to do this again. He needs to learn that I’m serious about discipline, and that I won’t tolerate this kind of behavior any longer.”

Ethan listened to their conversation, his face burning with shame. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He couldn’t believe his mother had really spanked him like that, right in front of Mrs. Reynolds, and then put him in the corner like a naughty child. The humiliation was unbearable, and he knew it would be a long time before he could look either of them in the eye again.

He didn’t dare move from the corner. He stood there, his bare bottom on full display, the stinging pain a constant reminder of his punishment. He knew he had messed up, and he knew he deserved to be punished, but he hadn’t expected it to be like this. He hadn’t expected to be treated like a child, to be spanked and humiliated in front of a guest.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as Ethan stood in the corner, his thoughts a whirlwind of shame and regret. He could hear his mother and Mrs. Reynolds talking quietly behind him, but he couldn’t make out the words. All he could focus on was the burning pain in his bottom and the overwhelming sense of humiliation that came with it.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Carla spoke up again. “Ethan, come here.”

Ethan hesitated for a moment, then slowly turned around. His face was still wet with tears, and he couldn’t bring himself to look at his mother or Mrs. Reynolds. He shuffled over to where they were sitting, his hands moving to cover his bare genitals.

Carla’s expression was stern, but there was a hint of concern in her eyes as well. “Have you learned your lesson, Ethan?”

Ethan nodded miserably, unable to find his voice. He just wanted this nightmare to be over.

Carla studied him for a moment, then nodded. “Good. Now, you’re still grounded, and I expect you to follow the rules from now on. No more sneaking out, no more disobedience. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mom,” Ethan mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Good,” Carla repeated. “You may pull up your pants and you can go to your room now. But remember, if you break the rules again, I won’t hesitate to do this again. And next time, it will be even worse.”

Chapter 7: In His Room

Ethan didn’t need to be told twice. He quickly pulled up his pants and practically fled to his room as quickly as his sore bottom would allow, his face burning with a mixture of humiliation and relief.

Ethan closed the door to his room with trembling hands, the wood cool against his flushed skin. His breath came in shallow, uneven gasps as he leaned his back against the door, sinking slowly to the floor. The pain in his bottom was still fresh, a throbbing reminder of what had just happened. But it wasn’t just the physical pain that overwhelmed him; it was the suffocating weight of humiliation that seemed to press down on his chest, making it hard to breathe.

He couldn’t stop the flood of memories that replayed in his mind, each one more unbearable than the last. It was as if his thoughts were stuck on a loop, forcing him to relive every agonizing detail over and over again.

He saw his mother’s stern face, her eyes blazing with anger and disappointment. The way she had commanded him to take down his pants in front of Mrs. Reynolds, her voice leaving no room for argument. The shame he had felt as he stood there, exposed and vulnerable, while his mother lectured him with cold, precise words. He could still hear the tone of her voice, the way each word cut into him like a knife, stripping away any sense of dignity he had left.

But what had truly shattered him, what had made his humiliation complete, was when his mother reached for the waistband of his boxers. The moment her fingers hooked into the elastic, a new wave of panic surged through him. He remembered the desperate plea that had escaped his lips, the way he had tried to cover himself, anything to stop what was about to happen.

The memory of that moment, of standing there with his most private parts on full display, was almost too much to bear. Ethan squeezed his eyes shut, willing the memories to go away, but they only grew more vivid. He remembered the way his face had burned with shame, the tears that had welled up in his eyes as he stood there, powerless and humiliated, while his mother continued to lecture him.

He couldn’t forget the way Mrs. Reynolds had looked at him, her gaze fixed on his exposed body with an air of detached amusement. Ethan could feel her eyes on him, could sense her judgment and the twisted satisfaction she seemed to derive from his humiliation. He had never felt so small, so utterly defeated.

The humiliation of being positioned over her lap, of feeling her strong grip holding him in place as if he were a disobedient child, not a nineteen-year-old. The sound of the first smack, sharp and loud, echoing in his ears, followed by the sting that had taken his breath away. He had tried to stay strong, to resist the urge to cry out, but each blow from the vicious clothesbrush had broken him down further until he was sobbing, pleading for it to stop.

Ethan squeezed his eyes shut, willing the memories to go away, but they only grew more vivid. He remembered how his legs had kicked involuntarily, how he had struggled against her grip in a futile attempt to escape the relentless spanking. The more he squirmed, the more intense the punishment had become, until his body was wracked with pain, his mind clouded with despair.

And then there was Mrs. Reynolds, sitting calmly on the armchair, watching the entire ordeal with that look of detached amusement. Ethan couldn’t bear the thought of what she must have thought of him—seeing him reduced to a crying, pleading mess, completely stripped of his pride. He had wanted so desperately to cover himself, to hide from her gaze, but his mother hadn’t allowed it. She had made sure he was fully exposed, his vulnerability on display for both women to see.

He could still feel his mother’s firm grip as she kept him draped over her lap even after the spanking ended, forcing him to stay there, sobbing uncontrollably. Every second that passed felt like an eternity. The pain in his bottom was unbearable, but the emotional agony of being held in that degrading position, fully exposed to Mrs. Reynolds’s gaze, was far worse. He had never felt so small, so utterly defeated.

Even after his sobs began to quiet, his mother kept him there, her hand resting firmly on his back, a reminder that she was in control. Ethan’s face burned with shame, knowing he was being watched, judged, and completely stripped of any dignity. The silence that followed was crushing, every second spent draped over her lap a reminder of his utter helplessness.

The humiliation of being placed in the corner afterward had only compounded his shame. Standing there with his pants around his ankles, his hands at his sides, the cool air brushing against his sore, bare skin—it had been the longest hour of his life. He had been forced to stand still, to face the wall and think about his actions, while his mother and Mrs. Reynolds continued their conversation as if nothing unusual had happened. The worst part had been the knowledge that they were watching him, that they could see every tremble of his body, every tear that fell from his eyes.

Ethan let out a shaky breath, feeling a fresh wave of tears well up. He hated himself for being so weak, for letting himself be humiliated like that. But what choice had he had? His mother had given him an ultimatum: take the punishment or leave. And he knew he couldn’t survive on his own, not yet. He was stuck, powerless to change his situation.

He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, feeling the sting of the tears as they mingled with the shame burning inside him. The memory of his mother’s final words echoed in his mind: “If you break the rules again, I won’t hesitate to do this again. And next time, it will be even worse.” The thought made his stomach churn with fear. He couldn’t go through that again. He wouldn’t survive it.

But the fear of another punishment wasn’t the only thing gnawing at him. There was a deeper, more unsettling feeling lurking beneath the surface, one he couldn’t quite put into words. It was the realization that something had shifted between him and his mother—that their relationship had changed in a way he didn’t fully understand. She had always been strict, but this… this was different. It was as if she had stripped away any pretense of treating him like an adult, reducing him to a child in the most degrading way possible. And the worst part was that he had let it happen.

He sat there on the floor for what felt like hours, his mind racing, his emotions in turmoil. He wanted to forget, to push the memories away and pretend it had never happened, but he knew that was impossible. The spanking had left more than just physical marks on his body; it had left deep, painful scars on his pride, on his sense of self. And he had no idea how to heal them.

Eventually, exhaustion began to take over, and Ethan dragged himself to his bed, curling up under the covers. He hoped that sleep would offer some escape from the torment in his mind, but even as he closed his eyes, the memories continued to haunt him, replaying over and over in the darkness.

Chapter 8: At Breakfast

The next morning, Ethan dragged himself out of bed, his body still aching from the previous night’s ordeal. The memory of the spanking was fresh, the humiliation still burning in his chest, and the soreness in his bottom was a constant reminder of his mother’s punishment. He dressed slowly, opting for loose-fitting clothes to avoid aggravating the welts on his skin. As much as he wanted to avoid his mother, he knew he couldn’t stay in his room forever.

When he finally made his way to the kitchen, Carla was already there, sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in hand. She looked up as he entered, her expression calm and unreadable. Ethan hesitated in the doorway, feeling a wave of resentment rise within him. He still couldn’t believe she had spanked him like that, in front of Mrs. Reynolds no less. The embarrassment and anger simmered just beneath the surface, but he tried to push it down as he sat at the table.

For a few minutes, they ate in silence, the tension thick in the air. Ethan could feel his mother’s eyes on him, but he refused to look up, keeping his gaze fixed on his plate. The resentment he felt was too strong to ignore, and finally, it spilled over.

“I can’t believe you spanked me in front of Mrs. Reynolds,” he muttered, his voice laced with bitterness. “That was so unfair, Mom. I’m nineteen. You had no right to do that.”

Carla’s response was instant and unwavering. She set her coffee down with a firm clink and looked directly at Ethan, her expression hardening into one of strict authority.

“Unfair?” she repeated, her voice low and controlled, but with a sharp edge that made Ethan flinch. “You think I was unfair, Ethan? After you deliberately broke the rules, disobeyed me, and showed complete disregard for your responsibilities? You’re lucky I didn’t do worse.”

Ethan swallowed, feeling a lump form in his throat. He had expected some pushback, but the intensity of her response took him by surprise. He tried to muster a defense, but Carla didn’t give him the chance.

“Let me make something very clear,” she continued, her tone growing even firmer. “You live under my roof, you follow my rules. And if you break those rules, there will be consequences. I don’t care how old you are—you’ll be treated according to your behavior. And if that means putting you over my knee again, I will do it without hesitation.”

Ethan’s face flushed with a mix of shame and anger, but he remained silent, his earlier bravado quickly crumbling under his mother’s stern gaze. He could see that she meant every word, and the realization that he had no power in this situation hit him hard.

“And another thing,” Carla added, her eyes narrowing slightly. “As of now, there’s a zero tolerance policy in this house. That means no more sulking, no more attitude, and no more disrespect. If I see you sulking, dragging your feet, or giving me any kind of attitude, you will be spanked on the spot. Do you understand me?”

Ethan’s heart sank at her words. He had been hoping to get away with at least some silent resentment, but now even that was off the table. He could see there was no room for negotiation. His mother’s patience had run out, and she was making it clear that any hint of defiance would be dealt with swiftly and severely.

“I’m sorry,” he muttered, barely above a whisper. The fight had gone out of him, and he couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eye.

Carla nodded, her expression softening slightly. “I hope you are, Ethan. I really do. But understand this: I’m not here to be your friend. I’m your mother, and it’s my job to make sure you grow into a responsible adult. Sometimes that means making hard decisions and enforcing rules you don’t like. But it’s for your own good, and you need to accept that.”

Ethan nodded again, still staring down at his plate, his appetite gone. The bitterness he’d felt earlier was replaced by a heavy sense of defeat. His mother’s words had cut through his anger, leaving him feeling small and powerless once again.

“Finish your breakfast,” Carla said, her tone now more gentle but still carrying that undercurrent of authority. “And remember, you’re still grounded. I expect you to start showing some respect around here. And don’t forget—one wrong move, and you’ll be back over my knee before you know it. And next time it will be twice as long and twice as hard.”

Ethan didn’t argue. He knew better than to push his luck any further. Instead, he quietly picked up his fork and forced himself to eat, the food tasteless in his mouth. The pain in his bottom had dulled to a low throb, but the humiliation and the knowledge that he was firmly under his mother’s control weighed heavily on his mind.

As he ate, he couldn’t help but think about what his mother had said. The thought of being punished again for something as simple as sulking was almost too much to bear, but he  knew she meant every word. The rules were clear now, and there was no room for negotiation. He would have to tread carefully, or face even worse consequences—consequences he had no intention of experiencing again.

Chapter 9: Yardwork

Later that day, Carla stood by the kitchen window, a cup of tea in her hands, watching Ethan as he raked leaves in the yard. She had given him the task just after lunch, telling him to make sure the leaves were all bagged up and set neatly on the curb. To her surprise, he had gone outside without a word of complaint, grabbing the rake and getting straight to work.

As she watched him now, she noticed the speed and efficiency with which he was moving. There was no sign of the usual lethargy or half-hearted effort he typically displayed when it came to household chores. Instead, he raked the leaves into neat piles, moving quickly but carefully, as if determined to do the job right the first time.

Carla took a slow sip of her tea, her eyes never leaving her son as he worked. She had expected some resistance, maybe even a bit of sulking or a sullen attitude after their conversation that morning, but Ethan had been surprisingly compliant. He seemed almost eager to prove himself, to show that he could follow her instructions without any fuss.

As she observed him, her gaze drifted over to the clothesbrush sitting on the hall table. The same brush she had used the night before to deliver the spanking that had clearly left an impact on Ethan in more ways than one. She couldn’t help but feel a pang of regret as she looked at it now. Regret that she hadn’t taken such decisive action sooner.

For years, she had been lenient with Ethan, letting him get away with more than he should have. Ethan’s attitude had grown more dismissive, his behavior more careless, and it was only when she finally took a firm stand that he had begun to show signs of change. Perhaps if she had enforced the rules more firmly, if she had shown him the consequences of his actions sooner, he wouldn’t have needed such a harsh lesson at nineteen years old.

Still, as she watched him finish raking the last of the leaves and begin bagging them up with the same surprising diligence, she felt a sense of relief. The clothesbrush had done its job, and it had done it well. Ethan was learning, and he was learning fast. The change in his behavior was undeniable, and while it had taken a drastic measure to get here, Carla couldn’t deny that it seemed to be working.

She took another sip of her tea, her gaze softening as she watched Ethan tie up the garden bags and carry them to the curb, setting them neatly in a row. There was a determination in his movements, a focus she hadn’t seen in him for a long time. Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something better for both of them.

As Ethan finished his task and stood back to survey his work, Carla turned away from the window, placing her cup on the counter. She reached for the clothesbrush and held it in her hand for a moment, feeling the weight of it, the solidness of the wood. She had used it out of necessity, and though she regretted not having done so sooner, she was glad that she had finally taken that step.

Maybe it was late, but it wasn’t too late. There was still time to help Ethan grow into the responsible, respectful adult she knew he could be. And if that meant keeping the clothesbrush close at hand as a reminder of the consequences, then so be it. She was prepared to do whatever it took to ensure he stayed on the right path.

With that thought in mind, Carla set the clothesbrush back down on the table, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. She would continue to guide Ethan, to help him learn and grow, but she wouldn’t hesitate to enforce the rules when necessary. And judging by the way he had tackled the leaves that afternoon, Ethan understood that as well.

Ethan finished setting the last garden bag neatly on the curb, standing back to make sure everything was in order. His hands were dirty, and there was a faint sheen of sweat on his forehead, but he was more focused on the knot of emotions twisting in his stomach. The task had taken him longer than he expected, but he had put in the effort, knowing that any slip-up could lead to consequences he was desperate to avoid.

Taking a deep breath, he wiped his hands on his pants and headed back inside. The cool air of the house was a relief after the effort in the yard, but it did little to calm the anxiety that had been building up inside him all day. The memory of the clothesbrush, and the pain it had inflicted, was still fresh in his mind, a constant, gnawing reminder of what awaited him if he slipped up again.

As he stepped into the kitchen, Carla looked up from the counter, where she had been rinsing out her cup. Her expression was neutral, but there was a hint of expectation in her eyes, as if she was waiting to see how he would report back to her.

“I’m done,” Ethan said, his voice quieter than he intended. He cleared his throat and tried again, forcing more confidence into his words. “I finished raking the leaves and put all the bags on the curb, just like you asked.”

Carla nodded, setting the cup aside and drying her hands on a towel. “Good job, Ethan,” she said, her tone calm but with a trace of approval that made his heart flutter with a mix of relief and something else he couldn’t quite name. “You did that quickly and efficiently. I’m glad to see you’re taking your responsibilities seriously.”

Ethan nodded, unsure of what to say. He could feel the tension in the air between them, a silent acknowledgment of the clothesbrush that neither of them wanted to bring up. It hung over them like an unspoken understanding, shaping their words and actions without ever needing to be mentioned. He hated how obedient he had been, hated that he had jumped to do the chore not out of any desire to be helpful, but out of fear of the consequences. The memory of the clothesbrush, of being held over his mother’s lap and spanked like a child, was seared into his mind, and every movement he made in the yard had been driven by a desperate need to avoid that pain and humiliation again.

Sanding there in the kitchen, hearing his mother’s calm praise, he couldn’t shake the intense embarrassment that came with knowing he had no choice but to obey. He was nineteen, but the power dynamic between them had been made crystal clear, and it was deeply unsettling. The fact that he had been so easily controlled, that his actions were now dictated by the threat of a spanking, filled him with a sense of shame that he couldn’t fully express.

“Thank you,” he mumbled, avoiding her gaze as he shifted awkwardly from foot to foot. He wanted to leave, to escape the kitchen and the heavy silence that was filled with everything they weren’t saying, but he didn’t want to seem like he was running away either.

Carla gave him a small, knowing smile, sensing his discomfort but not acknowledging it directly. “I appreciate your hard work, Ethan,” she said. “Keep this up, and we won’t have any more problems.”

The words were simple, but Ethan heard the underlying message loud and clear. There was no need to mention the clothesbrush, no need to threaten or remind him explicitly—he knew exactly what she meant. The rules had been set, and he was expected to follow them without question.

“Yes, Mom,” he replied, his voice subdued. He turned to leave, but hesitated for just a moment, his hand on the doorframe, before glancing back at her. “I… I’ll keep doing what you ask.”

Carla nodded, pleased but also aware of the lingering tension in his posture. “Good,” she said, her tone final. “Now go clean up, and take the rest of the afternoon to relax. You’ve earned it.”

Ethan gave a brief nod and walked out of the kitchen, the relief of being dismissed mingled with the persistent sense of unease that seemed to follow him everywhere now. As he made his way to the bathroom to wash up, his mind was a whirl of conflicting emotions. The praise he’d received, though genuine, felt hollow in the face of the underlying power dynamic that had been so starkly enforced.

He hated that he was being forced to obey, hated that the fear of the clothesbrush was what drove his actions now. But even as he scrubbed the dirt from his hands, he knew he had no choice. The line had been drawn, and he knew better than to cross it again.

In the kitchen, Carla returned to her tasks, her mind still on Ethan and the surprising change in his attitude. She couldn’t deny that the clothesbrush had been effective, perhaps more so than she had ever imagined. But as she finished cleaning up, she resolved to remain vigilant. The changes in Ethan were still fresh, and she knew it would take time to see if they would truly last.

For now, though, she was satisfied. The clothesbrush might not need to make an appearance again soon, but she would keep it close, just in case.

Chapter 10: Poor Grades

Ethan stood outside the school building, staring down at the report card in his hands. His heart pounded in his chest as he scanned the grades, knowing full well they weren’t what his mother would expect—or accept. The sinking feeling in his stomach grew heavier with each passing moment, and he knew he couldn’t avoid what was coming.

A copy of the report card had already been sent home, and by the time he trudged through the front door, his mother would have seen it. There was no point in trying to delay the inevitable, but the thought of facing her, especially with the recent shift in their relationship, filled him with dread.

He walked home slowly, his feet dragging with every step. The weight of the report card in his backpack felt like a lead anchor, pulling him down with each passing block. The memory of the clothesbrush was still vivid in his mind, and as he imagined what awaited him at home, his anxiety grew unbearable.

When he finally reached the front door, he paused, taking a deep breath in a futile attempt to steady his nerves. He turned the knob and pushed the door open, stepping inside with the reluctance of a man heading to the gallows. The house was quiet, the only sound the soft ticking of the clock in the hallway. Ethan’s heart raced as he made his way into the living room.

There she was—his mother, sitting calmly on the couch, her posture straight and her expression unreadable. The report card was on one side of her, lying neatly on the cushion. On the other side, resting on the armrest of the couch, was the clothesbrush. The sight of it sent a cold shiver down Ethan’s spine, and the last remnants of hope he’d clung to evaporated in an instant.

His mouth went dry, and his legs felt weak as he approached her, his eyes darting between the report card and the clothesbrush. He didn’t need to ask if she’d seen his grades; the answer was clear in the way she sat there, waiting for him to explain himself.

“Mom, please,” Ethan began, his voice trembling with panic. “I—I can explain. I’ll do better next time, I swear. Just please don’t—”

Carla’s eyes locked onto his, silencing him with a single look. Her expression was calm, but there was a steely determination in her gaze that made Ethan’s heart skip a beat. She didn’t need to say anything; the message was clear. The rules had been set, the expectations made explicit, and he had failed to meet them.

Ethan’s mind raced, trying to find the words, any words, that might make a difference. But all he could manage was a desperate plea, his voice cracking under the weight of his fear.

“Please, Mom, don’t do this,” he begged, his eyes flicking to the clothesbrush again, the memory of the last time he’d felt its sting still fresh and painful. “I’ll work harder. I’ll fix my grades. Just… just give me another chance.”

Carla remained silent, her gaze steady and unwavering. The silence stretched on, thick with tension and unspoken understanding. Ethan knew there was no escaping what was to come. The clothesbrush sat there, a silent promise of the consequences he had earned, and his mother’s calm demeanor only reinforced the inevitability of it all.

As the reality of the situation sank in, Ethan felt the last bit of resistance crumble inside him. He knew what was coming, knew there was no way out, and the dread that filled him was all-consuming. He could already imagine the pain, the humiliation, and the powerlessness that would soon follow.

But even as he stood there, trembling with fear and regret, there was a strange sense of acceptance creeping in. He had made his choices, he had slacked off at school, and now he would have to face the consequences—no matter how much he wished he could avoid them.


  1. I don’t know. It’s a basic my house my rule’s punishment. Not much eroticism here. Maybe if he had fancied Ms Reynolds in the past and there was a thrill in being naked in front of her? Or maybe if Mrs Reynolds enjoyed seeing a young man’s cock and thought about it being inside her? But she just watched in silence. It’s too simple. Just punishment and humiliation. The characters lack any kinky complexity. I blame the chat gpt draft. Not even a great writer like Ms Julie can make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

    1. I intended this one more as a vignette. An episode pulled from their lives. We are left to fill in the details ourselves.

  2. Niece update. Was watching a silly reality TV show “The Batchelor” with wife and niece.
    I was warned to be quiet but couldn’t help one last comment, “For fucks sake just choose one already - they’re all sluts anyway”. Got a no pants timeout in corner until the end of the show for interrupting.
    Then niece fetched soap and the hairbrush and watched gleefully while my wife put the soap in my mouth and spanked me.
    Very sore now and banned from watching sports for a month. Niece is mercilessly teasing me.

    1. Ha ha! You got what you deserved. Watch that language and that misogyny, young man.

  3. Fuuuuuck! Possibly your best yet, at least to my twisted little mind. Honestly, I got hard early and stayed that way to the end. It's exactly the kind of thing I crave. And I love how it leaves room for more instalments (hint, hint). Minor quibble, who's Mrs. Henderson? Her name appears once, then no further mention. Error?

    1. Than you for saying that! I loved it also. Feels like a "classic".

      Mrs Henderson was imported over from gptease accidentally! I fixed it, thank you.

  4. Reading this one cannot help to think that Mrs. Reynolds the best friend, knowing what was happening was the one who suggested the spanking and stayed to insure that it was carried out. My wife/mommy when I mentioned this, said that could be the case, women share more than men. Laying across the lap after the spanking, all on display, glad that has never happened to me. Jack

    1. Yes, that's quite possible! Good catch, jack.

    2. My wife/mommy reminds me also after that first spanking is given, either the mother's choice or a suggestion from a friend, the next time will be a spanking he will not want, harder, longer, reason is, she realizes she was too easy the first time, and will care less about how much squirming occurs, he did not learn the first time, this time he will and will know the spankings are now a part of his life. Jack

  5. Question would you listen to your friend is she suggest a spanking was needed? Would you suggest such to a friend? Finally would you take him to the bedroom to give the spanking and then bring him back, naked, to show your work? Jack

  6. Thanks. I liked that one. Everything was fair, proportionate, there was some decent amount of humiliation but not something that would cause Ethan trouble later down the road, his mother, while strict, isn't an ogre looking for excuses (or worse, outright causing or inventing some) to spank him , and the emotional progression from initial resistance to acceptance was believable. This one didn't go wild into Loony Tunes land but rather was a very believable account of older domestic discipline by a 'pushed - to - the -limit' mother, and the young man reacted just about as I'd expect someone his age to react.

    8.5/10, needed more spankings, and maybe more dialogues (indicating various character growth and the progression of the discipline) between mom and son, but otherwise I got no gripes.


    1. See? I must have internalized some of your critiques, Clarence.

    2. LOL. I don't know if I'll ever believe that, Julia. I am glad you left sexiness out of this particular one though because unless it was a stepmom there'd be incest and plus to be fair, spankings given strictly for discipline shouldn't be mixed up with sexy spankings or other 'funishments'. That's not to say a book or a story can't have BOTH in it, it just depends on the situationin the book or story as to which is appropriate. This story took all his spankings seriously (because that is what his mother intended in her frustration and fear for his future) and got into the minds and feelings of all 3 characters pretty well which I really appreciated.

  7. I really liked that. You mentioned using different AI platforms, and it's interesting how much the style changed in the brief sections with the description of his genitals. Those had a more literary feel.

    I love this section:

    "There was a deeper, more unsettling feeling lurking beneath the surface, one he couldn’t quite put into words. It was the realization that something had shifted between him and his mother—that their relationship had changed in a way he didn’t fully understand. She had always been strict, but this… this was different. It was as if she had stripped away any pretense of treating him like an adult, reducing him to a child in the most degrading way possible. And the worst part was that he had let it happen."

    “And another thing,” Carla added, her eyes narrowing slightly. “As of now, there’s a zero tolerance policy in this house. That means no more sulking, no more attitude, and no more disrespect. If I see you sulking, dragging your feet, or giving me any kind of attitude, you will be spanked on the spot. Do you understand me?”

    Also the part where she warns him that he'll be spanked for sulking, when that was exactly what he was hoping to get away with. That was what got "John" the belting from the father in your last story. Is that a "thing" for you, being punished for sulking?

    1. Re. sulking, no, not really. It came to me in that last story and got sort of embedded in my brain. In this story I wanted to show the abject humiliation of having your behaviour affected by the threat of a spanking. That's a bit of a thing for me: the embarrassment of "behaving" after a spanking cause you know if you don't another one is comin' and it's 'gonna be worse! And then the most embarrassing thing is having to pretend to be a happy girl - you're not even allowed to sulk!

    2. I totally get that. Even though it's all going on in your own head, there really is a lot of embarrassment (for me anyway) in knowing I'm behaving not because I want to behave, but because of the consequences I know she might impose if I don't. It's humbling, in a way that I do find challenging.

  8. Yes I don’t mind being spanked of course but in private and NOT in front of others. Oh the humiliation!

    1. Well, we don't always get what we want, do we?

  9. Recevoir une fessée devant sa Petite Amie aurait été plus excitante avec la participation de celle-ci. 🍑
    Autre thème pour la prochaine histoire : un jeune couple d'étudiants reçoivent une fessée devant toutes leurs classes et une deuxième fessée a la maison de la part de la mère de la jeune fille !! Vous en pensez quoi ?

  10. Mrs Reynold who had clearly enjoyed the show, could come back for the second spanking

    "Carla’s eyes locked onto his, silencing him with a single look. Her expression was calm, but there was a steely determination in her gaze that made Ethan’s heart skip a beat. She didn’t need to say anything; the message was clear. The rules had been set, the expectations made explicit, and he had failed to meet them.
    Carla continued, her tone firm and unwavering. “Mrs Reynold is going to be a little late, I’ll expect her any moment. She kept an excellent memory of your last beating. Mrs. Reynold suggested, Clara continued, her tone growing even firmer, that you be punished stark naked to maximize your humiliation. I fully approve of it."
    Ethan’s mind raced, trying to find the words, any words, that might make a difference. But all he could manage was a desperate plea, his voice cracking under the weight of his fear."

  11. This was actually a pretty decent story. Different people like different things, and I prefer stories that are more realistic in nature. The problem (for me) with most of your stories is that they are absurd and couldn't possibly happen in our reality. That may appeal to many others, but not to me. What's good about this one is that it could almost happen. I think it would be more plausible as a period piece, where spanking was more common in the past, but I get the desire to make things current.

    Anyway, well done. I really appreciate the understated qualities here. No need to have a big erection and shoot his load etc. That wouldn't fit at all.

    1. Indeed. Bit our realities differ somewhat. If you read back into the pages of my blog, we've had so many r/l public experiences that my reality is somewhat expanded! In some cases, truth is stranger than fiction.

  12. I love your stories about young men spanked by their mothers. The feelings of shame of Ethan are well described.

    Since he has been punished for not having done his chores, perhaps he should have done them after his spanking but without pants and underwear, exposing his red bare bottom, as an additional punishment.

  13. I would have added that the friend watching the spanking and felt it should be harder would make this comment and to let her show how the spankings should be given. The mother would agree and have her son get over her friends lap. The spanking would then have him kicking, squirming, the mother would smile, and afterwards while facing the wall with a very red bottom, the two would admire their work. Jack

    1. This passage made me think of you, Jack, and the importance you attach to this particular implement

      "And perhaps a lengthy session with the bath brush on those
      fat bare cheeks of yours will help prepare you for the strap and
      get you crying properly.�

      The following "Y ... yes Mummy" was intoned with a little more
      alarm, as he knew her Mother usually turned such a statement
      into a full shaming for him, but more importantly despite some of
      his leather straps being quite severe, he was really terrified of the
      bath brush.  It was long, hard and heavy and it impacted so "perfectly"
      with his bare bottom as her Mother put it. But it also stung something terrible and her Mother seemed to like using it with exceptional length.
      So what may have been a straightforward bedtime strapping of a
      dozen wallops could now turn into a full-blown disciplinary session
      that terrified him.

      He hated the bath brush and more so as it always played a
      big part at his twice or thrice weekly bath times. It always made him think about how his Mother could be so stern and how methodically she went about gathering two fresh towels, one of his leather straps, a paddle and taking the bath brush down from its
      hook on bath nights. 

    2. My wife/mommy like the bathbrush because of the long handle. A bath from my Mommy is not a fun bath, she reminds me that I've been a very naughty little boy. I recall the first time, mother-in-law visiting, I can't recall what I did, but was taken to the bedroom, my wife/mommy gave me such a spanking and then had me put on my pajamas, it was noon, first time this was done. With the bathbrush still in her hand taken back to the frontroom, my mother-in-law had a smile, I was told to face the wall, my pajamas bottoms were pulled down, and I stood there while they talked. My mother-in-law suggested early bedtime, and bath before bed, and grounding me for a week. Which was done, and when put to bed early, my wife/mommy sternly told me to call her Mommy, and to do as Mommy saids. Jack

  14. This is indeed the basic spanking for a 19-year-old boy.
    As you suggest, we can indeed add episodes or fantasies while keeping the mother/son/witness base
    Carla has the idea of ​​a very unpleasant, degrading and extremely humiliating punishment supplement for her son.
    The spanking given in front of Mrs. Reynold had the effect of making Ethan sweat profusely. Carla sends him to get a basin of fresh water. She makes him undress completely and she begins to wash him standing up in the living room, but only the hairy places for a boy of this age. The armpits, between the buttocks, the testicles and the pubis. She sends him, wet hairs, to do penance in the corner.
