Friday, September 20

Lion is Gone

I was so, so, sorry to read that Lion of malechastityjournal has passed on.

My great condolences to Mrs. Lion for her loss. His health was in decline and he rather suddenly succumbed. Mrs. Lion describes what happens in the blog. I’ve copied the text below.

It’s hard to believe someone can go from well to gone in so short a time. He was feeling okay on Saturday morning. He even seemed okay after his first two falls. He was unsteady, but that was sort of his normal. Once he got to the hospital, he was joking around with the nurses. He went from being in and out of it all day Sunday and most of Monday. Toward the afternoon on Monday, he was having more trouble. They started dialysis and he seemed to do better. Monday into Tuesday, they needed to intubate him. He seemed to be stable most of the day Tuesday. Then things went downhill fast. Dialysis wasn’t working anymore. He was maxed out on his medications. He was technically alive, but he wasn’t the Lion I knew and loved. I asked them to stop the machines and he slowly stopped breathing. I was assured he wasn’t in any pain. He was not grimacing. He just wasn’t there anymore.

I know he wanted this page to continue on, but I never bothered to learn how to do that. Come back, Lion, and I promise I’ll pay attention to whatever you want me to learn. The site will continue until I can no longer pay for it or it crashes. I want to thank everyone for their support over the years. I know Lion appreciated it as well.

Unfortunately, comments are broken on their blog. I tried reaching out to Mrs. Lion on Lion’s email but have no response as of this writing. In lieu of being able to leave a comment there, perhaps you can write your own thoughts and condolences here in case Mrs. Lion ever visits.

Lion started his blog in Feb of 2014. We first started corresponding when he reached out in Jan 2017 with a lovely note:

Hi Julie,

I discovered your blog a couple of months ago. While I can't use it for masturbation, I'm locked in a chastity device, I have learned a lot about domestic discipline from you. My wife and I publish It documents our three year journey into enforced chastity and domestically discipline. We each write a post a day.

We've added your blog to our list of blogs we read. We are currently the most popular blog on chastity, spanking, and domestic discipline.

Neither of us was spanked or given other punishments as kids. That makes spanking and other punishments things my wife has had to learn on her own. Even though I had no childhood experience, the idea of being spanked turned me on. The Same is true of enforced chastity. I asked my wife to do these things for me.

I know your spankings are scenes that you both enjoy. Before meeting my wife, I was a practicing dominant in New York City. I taught spanking, flogging, caning and other impact play for many years. I try not to teach Mrs. Lion. But she has no other resources.

She isn't very social. I think we would both benefit by making friends with others who share our interests. I'm reaching out to you because we appear to share a practical interface in these activities. Many of my readers use what they read to feed fantasies. Neither of us is interested in that.

If you have a chance, please take a look at our blog. Everything we write is completely true. The fact we both write every day assures we stay honest.

Caged Lion

We became great “blog friends” and commented on and referenced one another’s blogs.

When Lion started writing, I was pleased to help proofread his books, and he mine.

We had many debates over politics, being on “opposite sides”, but despite the ferocity we maintained our friendship, as it should be, and he always kept a link to my blog even when others were boycotting it due to my conservative political views.

We once did a public “story exchange”. I’ve gone back a number of times and re-read the story he wrote for me: BBQ at Mom’s House. It was sooooo hot! He took great pains to hit all my hot buttons. He was clearly the spanker character in the story, so I’ve had a bit of a crush ever since. I must confess that I’ve fantasized about going across Mr. Lion’s knee! (Sorry, Mrs. Lion!).

A wonderful man and a loyal friend.

I shall miss him.


  1. Thank you for doing this, Julie. I looked around, and admittedly I didn't read all the comments sections to see if anyone noted but in your blogroll I don't see a single post acknowledging his death. Leave it to you, My Heroine.


  2. this made me cry. I am so sad to read Mrs Lion's pain.
