Monday, July 29

Fiction: Skinny Dipper Exposed (MF/F)

I'm on a little mini-vacay at the cottage. We were all alone this weekend and we got up to some hanky-panky. We both went skinny dipping in the lake and sort of made out a bit in the warm water. Then we had wet naked love-making which is way better than the usual kind!

I did also just randomly get a spanking as I walked by him on the way between bedroom and bathroom, naked of course. He just pulled me across his knee and spanked me "for having the cutest little butt!" Afterwards I wanted to make more love, but we'd already fucked that day, and David is a one and done sort of guy that way. He told me to channel my horniness into writing a story for the blog. He suggested my favourite skinny dipping motif.

We've had a number of spankings, both ways, involving skinny dipping, and some semi-public run-ins. So I do find myself coming back again and again to my favourite topic. Our old neighbours still live next door, though they said they're likely selling soon.

At any rate, I sat down to write with my butt still sore/tingly from that spanking, which gave me my motivation!

This one is ChatGPT-4o aided with a bit of thrown in.

Skinny Dipper Exposed

At a picturesque cottage nestled by the lake, life seemed to flow at a leisurely pace. The cottage belonged to Laura’s parents, who had passed it down to her and her husband, Mike. Laura adored the serene environment, the gentle waves lapping at the shore, and the seclusion the cottage offered. One of her favorite activities was to skinny dip in the lake, feeling the cool water embrace her nude body.

She told herself it was about connecting with nature, feeling the freedom and purity that came with the natural surroundings. The sensation of the water on her bare skin made her feel alive, free from the constraints of everyday life. But if she was being completely honest with herself, there was the added sexual thrill of exhibitionism that drew her.

She knew Mike didn’t approve. His disapproving glances and stern words echoed in her mind. He worried about the neighbors, the elderly couple who often seemed scandalized by her behavior. But Laura couldn’t help the thrill she felt at the thought of being seen. There was a titillation in her exhibitionism, a secret excitement that came from knowing she might be caught.

The possibility of Mike finding out added an extra layer to her thrill. She knew how he would react, the way his eyes would darken with disapproval, the stern lecture he would give her. And then, the inevitable punishment. The thought of going over his knee, feeling the sting of his hand on her bare bottom, sent shivers down her spine. It was a strange mix of fear and anticipation, knowing she deserved it but also craving the attention and discipline he would provide.

One warm evening, when Mike had gone to town for some errands, Laura couldn’t help herself. She slipped out of her clothes and waded into the inviting waters, feeling an exhilarating sense of freedom. The cool water against her skin heightened her arousal, and she reveled in the naughtiness of her actions.

As she swam in the lake, she felt a tingling sense of arousal, her heart racing with each stroke. When she finally climbed out, dripping and refreshed, she couldn’t suppress the smile playing on her lips. She wrapped herself in a towel and took a moment to savor the adrenaline still coursing through her veins. She then made her way back to the cottage.

As fate would have it, Mr. Wilson happened to be out on his evening walk and saw her. Infuriated on his wife's behalf, he immediately called Mike. Mike’s phone buzzed, catching him as he was almost back, and seeing Mr. Wilson’s name, he knew trouble was brewing. After a brief and heated conversation, Mike arrived back to the cottage, his mind racing with thoughts of how to handle Laura’s defiance.

As she heard Mike's car arrive, she met him at the door, still lazily in her towel, her face a picture of innocence.

“Laura, we need to talk,” Mike said, his voice calm but with an edge that made her heart pound for a different reason.

“What is it, Mike?” she asked, feigning ignorance, though she suspected what this was about.

“You know what it’s about,” he replied, his gaze steady and unyielding. “Mr. Wilson called me again. You were skinny dipping, weren’t you?”

Laura bit her lip, trying to look remorseful. “I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. I just wanted a quick swim. It felt so good in the water.”

“That’s not the point, Laura. You have a swimsuit! You promised me you wouldn’t do it again. And don’t act like you didn’t know better,” Mike said, his voice firm. “I know you get a thrill from it. I know you think it’s naughty and exciting.”

Laura’s cheeks flushed, partly from embarrassment and partly from the lingering arousal. “Mike, I… I didn’t think anyone would see.”

“But someone did. And now, you’re going to face the consequences,” Mike said, taking her by the hand and leading her to the bedroom.

Laura’s heart raced as she followed him, a mixture of dread and anticipation swirling inside her. She knew she was in for a spanking, and the thought of it both excited and scared her. Mike sat on the edge of the bed, taking her towel off and pulling her close.

“Laura, you need to learn a lesson. You need to understand that there are consequences for your actions,” Mike said, his voice stern.

“Please, Mike, I’m really sorry. It won’t happen again,” Laura pleaded, though her heart pounded with a conflicting mix of fear and excitement.

“I believe you, but you still need to be punished,” Mike replied, his expression resolute.

Laura’s heart pounded as Mike positioned her over his lap, her bare bottom exposed and vulnerable. The anticipation sent a thrill through her entire body, mingling with the lingering excitement from her skinny dipping. She could barely suppress the shiver of arousal that ran down her spine as she felt Mike’s firm grip on her waist, holding her securely in place.

Mike, meanwhile, was focused on the task at hand. He saw this spanking as a necessary discipline, a way to correct his wife’s naughty behavior in a manner he believed was for her own good. In his mind, this was a simple, straightforward punishment, akin to how a parent might discipline a disobedient child. He wanted Laura to understand the seriousness of her actions and to respect the boundaries they had set.

The first sharp smack of his hand against her bare skin made Laura gasp, not just from the sting but from the electric thrill that surged through her. Each subsequent spank only heightened her excitement, the pain blending seamlessly with a deep-seated arousal. She knew she was being naughty, and she reveled in the sensation of being mastered by Mike. The authority in his voice, the firmness of his hand—it all sent her into a heady mix of submission and pleasure.

Mike continued to deliver the spanking with methodical precision, his hand coming down in a rhythm that left Laura’s bottom increasingly red and sore. He believed he was teaching her a valuable lesson, ensuring she would think twice before disobeying him again. His focus was on the discipline, on correcting her behavior, completely unaware of the complex emotions stirring within Laura.

“Do you understand why you’re being spanked, Laura?” Mike asked, pausing for a moment to let his words sink in.

“Yes, Mike. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again,” Laura sobbed, her voice choked with genuine tears. But even as she spoke, the thrill of the spanking remained, a secret she kept hidden from him.

Mike resumed the spanking, his hand firm and unyielding. Laura’s mind was a whirlwind of sensations—each spank igniting a fire that spread through her entire body. The vulnerability of her position, the authority of Mike’s punishment, the sting and the heat—all of it combined to create an intoxicating mix of pain and pleasure.

As the spanking continued, Mike felt a sense of satisfaction. He was doing what he thought was right, correcting Laura’s behavior in a way he believed was effective. He was firm but caring, ensuring she understood the consequences of her actions without realizing the underlying excitement she derived from it.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Mike stopped. He gently rubbed her sore bottom, his touch now soft and comforting. “Alright, Laura. It’s over now. I hope you understand why this had to happen,” he said, his voice softer.

Laura nodded, tears streaming down her face. “I do, Mike. I’m really sorry,” she said, her voice sincere. Yet, beneath the genuine remorse, the thrill of the spanking lingered, a secret she held close.

Mike helped her up and hugged her, holding her close. “I love you, Laura. I just want you to be safe and to respect the boundaries we’ve set.”

“I love you too, Mike. And I promise I’ll never do it again,” Laura said, her voice sounding sincere. But she knew the spanking had done little to deter her from repeating her actions. The soreness in her bottom was a secret thrill, and the excitement of being caught and punished was too enticing to resist.

As the couple spent the rest of the evening in quiet reflection, Laura’s mind wandered to the next time she might find herself in the lake, feeling the cool water on her bare skin and anticipating the inevitable consequences with a mix of fear and excitement.

A few days had passed since the incident, and Laura stood by the window, gazing at the shimmering lake that had always called to her. The serene beauty of the water, the way the sunlight danced on its surface, and the refreshing coolness it offered were all too tempting to resist. Her husband had been clear in his warnings, especially after the last incident with the Wilsons, but the allure of skinny dipping was something she found hard to ignore.

She bit her lip, contemplating her next move. Her husband had just left on an errand. She knew the Wilsons were likely watching from their cottage. They were always so prudish and quick to complain. Yet, there was a big part of her that relished the defiance. There was an undeniable thrill in knowing that the elderly couple could see her, their disapproval almost tangible.

“It’s just a bit of fun,” she whispered to herself, trying to justify her actions. “It’s not like I’m hurting anyone.”

Of course, Laura knew there was more to it. She couldn’t deny that part of her enjoyed the thought of Mr. Wilson seeing her. The idea that he might be watching, his eyes following her every move, gave her a rush.

“He’s probably pretending to be disgusted,” she mused, a sly smile playing on her lips. “But I bet he feels something else entirely.”

The thought of Mr. Wilson’s reaction, the possibility that he might be secretly thrilled by the sight of her, made her shiver with excitement. Laura knew she was pushing boundaries, not just with Mike, but with the neighbors as well. Yet, the risk only added to the allure.

She took a deep breath, her decision made. She would go for a quick dip to satisfy that nagging urge. She knew she was risking another spanking, and even secretly hoped for it despite the pain she knew it would entail. She stripped off her clothes, feeling the adrenaline surge through her veins. With one last glance at the Wilsons’ cottage, she stepped out onto the dock and slipped into the cool, inviting water.

The thrill of the forbidden act washed over her, mixing with the pleasure of the water against her skin. She swam out a bit, enjoying the sensation and the possibility that she was being watched. The thought of Mr. Wilson’s eyes on her, his possible arousal, sent a jolt of excitement through her.

Laura floated on her back, letting the sun warm her face, her body tingling with a mix of fear and exhilaration. She knew she was playing a dangerous game, but for now, she was content to indulge in the forbidden pleasure, savoring every moment of her defiant skinny dip.

Laura glanced over to the Wilsons’ cottage. She saw them looking at her through their window! They appeared scandalized, shaking their heads disapprovingly. Feeling a rebellious streak, Laura stuck her tongue out at them, reveling in her defiance.

However, what Laura didn’t know was that Mike had forgotten his wallet and needed to come back. As he pulled up to the cottage, he saw Laura’s bare figure in the water and the Wilsons’ horrified faces as she stuck out her tongue at them. Fury surged through him as he marched down to the dock.

“Laura, get out of the water right now!” Mike’s voice boomed, startling Laura. She turned to see him standing on the dock, his expression a mix of anger and disappointment.

“M-Mike! I-I didn’t think you’d be back so soon,” Laura stammered, her face paling as she realized the gravity of the situation.

“Out. Now.” Mike’s tone left no room for argument. Laura slowly waded to the shore, the cool water now doing little to soothe the growing anxiety inside her.

As soon as she stepped onto the dock, Mike grabbed her arm, sat on a deck chair, and hauled her dripping wet form over his lap. “You just don’t learn, do you?” he said through gritted teeth.

Laura’s heart pounded as she realized they were in full view of the Wilsons. Before she could protest, Mike’s hand came down on her wet bottom with a loud smack. The combination of water and force made each spank sting more intensely.

“Mike, please,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “Not here. Not in front of them.”

But Mike was resolute. “It’s fitting, Laura. Maybe this will finally teach you a lesson.”

“Mike, please!” she begged, her voice rising with each spank. “Not here! They’ll see everything!”

“And maybe they’ll see that you’re finally learning to behave,” Mike retorted, his hand continuing its relentless assault on her backside.

“Mike, please!” Laura cried out, but he was determined to make this punishment memorable.

“You not only disobeyed me but also deliberately taunted the neighbors,” Mike said, his hand continuing its relentless assault on her backside. “This stops now.”

Each spank echoed across the lake, and Laura couldn’t help but kick and squirm, her cries growing louder. The Wilsons watched from their window, their expressions a mix of shock and amusement at the strict discipline being administered.

Mr. Wilson chuckled as he watched. “Well, well, she’s really getting it this time, isn’t she?”

Mrs. Wilson nodded, a satisfied smile on her face. “About time someone taught her a proper lesson. That little hussy knows exactly what she's doing. She's probably even enjoying her spanking. Look at her squirm!”

Mr. Wilson seemed incredulous. “I can't imagine she's much enjoying that!”

Mike continued the spanking until Laura’s bottom was a deep, angry red, and tears streamed down her face. “Will you ever disobey me again?” he demanded, pausing to let his words sink in.

“N-no, Mike. I promise. I’m so sorry,” Laura sobbed, the pain and humiliation – and the strong, secret arousal that went with it – overwhelming her.

Mike gave her a few final, firm spanks before stopping. “I hope this time you’ve learned your lesson,” he said, helping her up and wrapping a towel around her shivering form.

But Mike wasn’t done. Taking Laura firmly by the arm, he marched her across the lawn to the Wilsons’ cottage. Laura’s heart sank as she realized what was about to happen.

“Mike, please, not this,” she pleaded, but he was resolute.

 “You need to apologize to the Wilsons,” he said firmly.

When they reached the porch, Mike knocked on the door. Mr. Wilson opened it, his stern expression softening slightly at the sight of Laura’s tear-streaked face and Mike’s determined stance.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson,” Mike began. “Laura has something she needs to say to you.”

Laura swallowed hard, her face burning with embarrassment. “I’m really sorry for skinny dipping and for sticking my tongue out at you. I was disrespectful and rude, and I promise it won’t happen again,” she said, her voice shaking.

Mrs. Wilson nodded approvingly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Apology accepted, Laura. We certainly saw the consequences of your actions.”

Mr. Wilson chimed in, “We could see and hear every spank from here. Quite the performance you gave, young lady. The way you kicked and cried—well, I bet you’ll think twice before skinny dipping again.”

Laura’s face turned an even deeper shade of red as Mrs. Wilson added, “Your bottom looked quite sore, dear. I hope you learned your lesson.”

“I did,” Laura whispered, barely able to meet their eyes.

Just then, Mrs. Wilson smiled warmly and said, “You know, Laura, I have some cold cream that would help with the sting. Would you like some?”

Laura, desperate for any relief, nodded. “Yes, please. That would be very kind.”

Mrs. Wilson disappeared into the house for a moment and returned with a jar of cold cream. Laura reached out to take it, but to her horror, Mrs. Wilson shook her head gently.

“Oh, no, dear. I’ll apply it for you. It’s the least I can do.”

Laura’s eyes widened in shock. “H-here? Right now?” she stammered.

“Yes, right here,” Mrs. Wilson said, her tone leaving no room for argument. “Now, let’s remove this towel.”

Before Laura could protest further, Mrs. Wilson deftly removed the towel, leaving Laura completely exposed. Laura felt a fresh wave of embarrassment as Mr. Wilson stood nearby, getting a close-up view of all her charms.

“Mike!” Laura pleaded, hoping her husband would stop this humiliating public display.

Mike just grinned. “You seem to like showing yourself off, honey pie, now you take your medicine like a good girl.”

“Come on, dear. Over my lap,” Mrs. Wilson instructed, sitting down on a nearby chair.

Mortified, Laura reluctantly bent over Mrs. Wilson’s lap, her reddened bottom fully on display, her pussy and bottom hole jutting out behind. Mrs. Wilson began to gently apply the cold cream, her hands surprisingly tender.

“See? This isn’t so bad,” Mrs. Wilson said with a smile as she worked the cream into Laura’s skin. “Just remember this the next time you think about causing trouble.”

Mr. Wilson watched with amusement. “Quite the sight, isn’t it? I bet she’ll remember this for a long time.”

As Mrs. Wilson continued applying the cream, her hands moved lower, rubbing some of the cream between Laura’s thighs. Laura gasped, feeling an involuntary twinge of arousal that she couldn’t control. Her body betrayed her, and she felt mortified as her arousal became evident.

“Oh my, look at that,” Mr. Wilson said with a chuckle, noticing Laura’s reaction. “Seems like someone is enjoying this more than she should.”

"Laura! Control yourself," said Mike with a chuckle.

Mrs. Wilson laughed heartily. “Well, well, isn’t that something? Is this why you skinny dip in front of my husband? Are you over-sexed? Is that it?"

Laura’s face burned with embarrassment, and she couldn’t bring herself to look up. The sensation of the cold cream combined with the humiliation of the situation made her feel utterly exposed.

“Looks like we’ve found another way to keep you from skinny dipping,” Mrs. Wilson said with a smirk. She continued to rub the cream, her touch becoming more deliberate and focused, bringing Laura closer and closer to the point of no return.

Laura’s breath quickened, and she could feel herself losing control. She tried to hold back, but Mrs. Wilson’s hands were relentless. “Please, Mrs. Wilson, don’t,” she begged, her voice trembling.

Mike and Mr. Wilson watched it all, amazed and unwilling to interfere with the lesson Mrs. Wilson was imparting on Laura.

Mrs. Wilson ignored Laura's pleas, her hands continuing their methodical movements. Finally, Laura reached the point of no return, her body trembling with the intensity of her arousal.

Mrs. Wilson stopped abruptly and sat back, watching smugly. “There you go, dear. I think you’re learning your lesson now.”

Laura’s body had been pushed too far. She continued to buck and writhe, unable to control herself. Her climax hit her hard, causing her to squirt, her fluids splashing onto the floor as Mrs. Wilson hastily spread her own legs. Mr. Wilson’s laughter grew louder, clearly enjoying the show. “Well, that was unexpected! Quite the display, young lady.”

She continued to buck and writhe as the aftershocks hit her, putting on a very fine wet pussy show for them all.

"Absolutely shameless," Mike said with a grin, enjoying his wife's comeuppance in getting considerably more "exhibitionism" than she had counted on.

Mrs. Wilson kept her across her lap and continued applying the cold cream. Laura, still bent over Mrs. Wilson’s lap, was mortified and felt even more embarrassed as she sensed the lingering hands and the eyes on her.

“Mike, I think there’s something you should know,” Mrs. Wilson began, her tone matter-of-fact. “Your wife seems to get a certain thrill from your spankings.”

Mike looked puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s quite obvious,” Mrs. Wilson said, her hand now back to rubbing the cream in more deliberately. “The way she reacted to my touch while in this embarrassing position, it’s clear that she gets some kind of satisfaction from this. That’s why she keeps defying you.”

Laura’s face burned with humiliation. “Mrs. Wilson, please,” she pleaded softly.

Mrs. Wilson ignored her plea. “Isn’t that right, Laura? Tell your husband the truth.”

Tears of embarrassment welled up in Laura’s eyes as she nodded reluctantly. “It’s true, Mike,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “I…I get a thrill from the spankings. It's sometimes why I'm naughty.”

Mike was taken aback, processing this new information. “I had no idea,” he said, his tone a mix of surprise and concern. “If that’s the case, maybe I should stop spanking her.”

“Oh no, dear,” Mrs. Wilson interjected. “That’s not the solution. You see, if she enjoys the spankings, you just need to change your approach. Give her ‘good girl’ spankings for minor things, so she still gets what she craves. But when you really need to make a point, give her a more severe ‘bad girl’ spanking—something she won’t want repeated.”

Laura’s face turned an even deeper shade of red, mortified by the entire conversation. “Mike, please, this is so embarrassing,” she whispered.

Mike looked thoughtful. “So, you’re saying I should give her spankings she enjoys when she’s being mostly good, but reserve the harsh ones for when she truly needs to be disciplined?”

“Exactly,” Mrs. Wilson confirmed. “That way, she’ll still get her spankings even when she’s mostly behaving, don't go too easy on her for those all the same; and she’ll learn to avoid the truly severe ones.”

Mike nodded slowly. “I see. Well, if that’s what needs to be done, I suppose we can try it.”

Mrs. Wilson smiled, patting Laura’s now thoroughly creamed bottom. “There you go, dear. All done.”

Laura stood up, quickly wrapping the towel back around herself to hide her shame, her face a mix of relief and deep embarrassment. “Thank you,” she whispered, barely able to meet anyone’s eyes.

As they began to walk back to their cottage, Mike turned back to the Wilsons. “One last thing. Do you think skinny dipping should result in a ‘good girl’ spanking or a ‘bad girl’ spanking?”

Mr. Wilson, with a lecherous grin, answered, “Definitely a good girl spanking.”

Mrs. Wilson, amused, nodded in agreement. “I think Mr. Wilson is right. Let it be a good girl spanking. After all, it’s quite the sight to behold.”

Laura’s face turned crimson at their words, but she remained silent, knowing better than to protest.

Mike smiled and nodded. “All right then. Laura,” he said with a wink, “if you decide to skinny dip again, you can expect another spanking.”

Laura’s blush deepened, her mind racing as she realized what that meant. Knowing it would be a good girl spanking, her cheeks flushed even hotter. She stole a glance at the Wilsons, who were watching with amused expressions.

“Right on the dock again,” Mike added, his voice low but firm. “So everyone can see.”

Laura squirmed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and arousal at the thought. The idea of being spanked once again on the dock, in full view of the Wilsons, remained both mortifying and thrilling.

Mr. Wilson chuckled, clearly enjoying Laura’s discomfort. “We’ll be looking forward to it, then,” he said, giving Mike a knowing nod.

Mrs. Wilson smiled warmly. “Remember, Laura, good behavior means good girl spankings. Keep that in mind.”

Laura could only nod, her face burning with a mix of emotions. As they walked back to their cottage the Wilsons’ laughter echoed behind them, a reminder of the public nature of her discipline. But as Mike pulled her into a loving embrace, Laura felt a sense of comfort and security. Despite the humiliation, she knew she was loved and cherished.

The next afternoon, the sun was shining brightly over the lake, casting a golden glow over the serene water. Laura and Mike were relaxing on the porch of their cottage, the memory of the previous day’s events still fresh in Laura’s mind. She couldn’t shake the mixture of embarrassment and excitement that had taken hold of her.

Mike, noticing her restless demeanor, decided to take matters into his own hands. He glanced over at the Wilsons’ cottage and saw them lounging on their own dock. With a mischievous smile, he turned to Laura.

“Laura,” he said softly, “I think now would be a good time for a skinny dip.”

Laura’s eyes widened in surprise and a mix of excitement and dread. “Mike, really?” she whispered, her voice trembling slightly.

“Yes, really,” he replied with a wink. “I’ll be out in a few minutes to ‘catch’ you. It’ll be just what you need.”

Laura’s face flushed as she shook her head. “I can’t possibly, Mike. The Wilsons are right there!”

Mike’s smile didn’t waver. “That’s part of the fun, isn’t it? Besides, we already know how they feel about it. Go on, Laura. You know you want to.”

Laura’s inner excitement warred with her embarrassment. “But Mike, it’s so humiliating. I just can’t.”

Mike’s expression turned a bit more serious. “Laura, you know the rules. If you don’t obey me, it won’t be a good girl spanking later. It’ll be a bad girl spanking.”

Laura’s heart pounded at his words. The thought of a bad girl spanking was terrifying and she knew she didn’t want to experience that kind of punishment. Her inner excitement grew, and despite her outward protestations, she found herself relenting.

“Alright, Mike,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I’ll do it.”

“Good girl,” Mike said, his smile returning. “Now, go on. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

With a deep breath, Laura stood up and made her way down to the dock. She glanced over at the Wilsons, who were already watching with amused expressions. With her heart pounding, she began to undress, feeling the cool breeze against her skin.

As she waded into the water, the Wilsons called out to her. “Well, well, look who’s at it again,” Mr. Wilson said, his tone mockingly stern.

“Naughty girl,” Mrs. Wilson added with a laugh. “Didn’t you learn your lesson yesterday?”

Laura’s face burned with embarrassment as she tried to ignore their comments. She swam out a little farther, feeling the cool water envelop her and soothe her nerves. But she knew what was coming, and the anticipation was almost too much to bear.

A few minutes later, Mike appeared on the dock, his expression both stern and playful. “Laura, what are you doing?” he called out, his voice carrying over the water.

Laura turned to see him standing there, and despite her embarrassment, she felt a thrill of excitement. “Just… just taking a swim,” she replied, trying to sound casual.

“Didn’t we talk about this?” Mike said, shaking his head. “You know what happens when you’re a naughty girl.”

The Wilsons chuckled, clearly enjoying the show. “Looks like someone’s in trouble again,” Mr. Wilson said, leaning back to get a better view.

Mrs. Wilson nodded, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Oh, Laura, when will you ever learn?”

With her heart pounding, Laura swam back to the dock, where Mike was waiting for her. He reached out a hand and helped her up, pulling her dripping wet form onto the dock. “I told you what would happen, didn’t I?” he said, his voice firm but kind.

Laura nodded, her face flushed with a mix of emotions. “Yes, Mike,” she whispered.

Mike sat down on the edge of the dock and pulled Laura over his lap. “Then let’s make sure you remember this time,” he said, his hand coming down with a sharp smack on her wet bottom.

Laura gasped at the sting, her embarrassment heightened by the Wilsons’ amused expressions. But despite the public nature of her spanking, she felt a strange sense of satisfaction. Mike’s hand continued its relentless rhythm, each spank echoing across the lake.

“Laura, you need to behave,” Mike said, his voice firm. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mike,” Laura replied, her voice choked with a mix of tears and relief.

The Wilsons watched with approval, their laughter and comments adding to Laura’s embarrassment. “She’s really getting it this time,” Mr. Wilson said, nodding in approval.

“Good girl spankings do seem to suit her,” Mrs. Wilson added with a smile. “Maybe this will help her behave better.”

“Somehow I doubt it,” Mr. Wilson said with a laugh in his voice.

Mike continued the spanking for a few more minutes, ensuring Laura’s bottom was thoroughly reddened and sore. Finally, he stopped and gently helped her up, wrapping a towel around her shivering form.

“Alright, Laura,” he said softly. “I hope that satisfies you.”

Laura nodded, her face still burning with embarrassment but also feeling a sense of relief and love. “It does, Mike. I promise.”

Mr. Wilson leaned back in his chair, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. “You know, after getting so worked up from that spanking, I think the girl needs a good bedding to calm her down.”

Mrs. Wilson chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Quite right, Mr. Wilson. She looks like she could use a thorough one, if you ask me.”

Laura’s face turned an even deeper shade of red at their ribald comments, but before she could say anything, Mike gave a reassuring smile and a playful wink. “Oh, don’t worry about that,” he said. “I assure you, she’ll get a thorough one as soon as we get back to our cottage.”

The Wilsons laughed, clearly enjoying the exchange. “Good to hear, Mike,” Mr. Wilson said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Make sure you take care of her properly.”

Mrs. Wilson nodded approvingly. “And remember, Laura, good behavior means good girl spankings. But it sounds like you have something else to look forward to now.”

Laura squirmed with a mix of embarrassment and arousal at the entire conversation. She knew Mike would keep his promise, and the thought of what awaited her back at the cottage sent an extreme tingling together with a wet gush down to her needy pussy. Her face flushed a deep crimson as she pressed her thighs together, trying to suppress the growing excitement that was impossible to hide.

Mr. Wilson noticed her reaction and couldn’t help but chuckle. “Look at her, pressing her thighs together like that. Seems like she’s already looking forward to it.”

Mrs. Wilson smiled knowingly. “And wiggling so wantonly, too. My, my, Laura, you are quite the naughty girl, aren’t you?”

Laura’s embarrassment grew as she tried to maintain her composure, but the teasing only made her squirm more. “P-please,” she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mike, sensing her turmoil, gently guided her closer. “It’s alright, Laura,” he said softly. “We’ll take care of everything once we’re inside.”

The Wilsons continued to watch with amusement, their laughter following Laura and Mike as they made their way back to the cottage. “Don’t keep her waiting too long, Mike,” Mr. Wilson called out with a laugh.

Mrs. Wilson added, “Yes, she looks like she needs it sooner rather than later.”

As Laura and Mike disappeared into their cottage, the Wilsons remained on their dock, the laughter and teasing still fresh in the air. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the lake and the surrounding cottages.

Mr. Wilson leaned back in his chair, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. “Well, I bet that young lady has quite the evening ahead of her.”

Mrs. Wilson chuckled, shaking her head slightly. “Oh, absolutely. You saw how she was squirming and pressing her thighs together. She’s practically desperate for it.”

Mr. Wilson nodded, his grin widening. “I can just imagine what Mike has in store for her. I bet he’ll have her on her knees in no time.”

Mrs. Wilson’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “Gagging, no doubt, and looking up at him with those big, pleading eyes. She’ll be so eager to please, especially after the way she was behaving today.”

They both shared a laugh, clearly enjoying their playful speculation. “And later,” Mr. Wilson continued, “I can picture her on the bed, ankles over her ears, begging him for more.”

Mrs. Wilson smiled knowingly. “Oh, she’ll be begging all right. After the way she was wiggling and blushing, she won’t be able to help herself. She’ll be practically screaming for it.”

Mr. Wilson leaned in closer, lowering his voice conspiratorially. “Do you think she’ll be able to sit down tomorrow?”

Mrs. Wilson laughed. “Not likely. Between the spanking and what’s about to happen, I imagine she’ll be quite sore for a while. But I think she enjoys it that way.”

Mr. Wilson nodded in agreement. “Well, I suppose we’ll find out soon enough. They do seem to enjoy putting on a show for us.”

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the water, the Wilsons continued to chat and speculate, their conversation filled with amused and playful banter. It was clear they found the whole situation highly entertaining, and they were eager to see what the future would hold for their young neighbors.


  1. Sounds like you had quite the fun trip :)

    1. Nice summer cottage extra long weekend!

  2. For her penance she should’ve also been made to suck Mr Wilson’s shrivelled old cock!

  3. Niece update. I spied on wife and niece through binoculars (didn’t get caught this time) sunbathing topless at our private pool. Niece’s bikini so tiny she’s obviously smooth shaved. Wife gave niece a very long massage indeed. Some intimate touching. Aroused.

    1. So exciting! I wish I could see it! - david

    2. By intimate touching, do you mean your wife is playing with the outside of your niece's folds and lets the tip of her fingers slide between them? Or does she make little circles over your niece's clit and down her slit with her tongue? Does she push her fingers inside of her dripping cunt?

  4. My wife/mommy said that when Mrs. Wilson had her over her lap, along with applying cream, knowing why she skinny dipped, would have spanked her and then ask her husband to bring her hairbrush. Having myself been spanked on a wet bottom, her bottom covered with cream the spanking would truly hurt and like a male would climax. Jack

  5. Spanking a trollop for excessive exhibition reminds me of a neighborhood party a few years ago (the first part is true). It took place around the corner from my girlfriend Mary’s house, but she was out of town. Some of her friends were there, however, including a tall bossy blond named Susan who never seemed to like me very much and probably thought Mary could do better.

    The large house had a game room with a pool table where a woman I’d never met was playing. Vicky was a gorgeous woman of Italian descent with strong legs and a round bottom - she was wearing a fun and jaunty pork pie type hat and a very short slinky purple dress. When she bent over the table, Vicky’s pink and red polka dot panties were on full display.

    Watching Vicky play pool was about the best upskirt I’d ever encountered, feeding my fetish for both pretty panties and fleshy bottoms. Was anyone else as obsessed as I was? I noticed Susan and Tara glowering at me, but paid little attention.

    Then when Vicky leaned over the table again, Susan suddenly reached across, grabbed Vicky firmly by the wrists and held tight. Vicky resisted but Susan was stronger. On the other side of the table, Tara started spanking Vicky with a ping pong paddle over her exposed panties.

    Vicky squirmed but they didn’t let go. Susan told her to hold still, “you hussy”. Vicky whimpered but complied. Susan took the paddle and her turn spanking Vicky with it, working her bottom over harder and longer than Tara had. By this time, pretty much everyone at the party had crowded into the game room.

    When Susan let up, she instructed Vicky to go home and change into pants before returning. To my surprise Vicky did in fact return as she was told. She behaved that night, but soon after returned to her lascivious ways.


    1. In my "second part" those panties would have come down since she seems to like showing off so much!

    2. Julie, you’re right that Vicky deserved the indignity and embarrassment of having her panties lowered in front of the crowd.

      Somehow that wasn’t part of my fantasy (except for the spanking, the rest is pretty much true - including Vicky being sent away to put in a pair of pants.

      My panty fetish (for nylon, not cotton) at the time was so powerful that I worried may have liked them more than was underneath. That trepidation went away when I got into pussy licking, but I still love panties.

      Vicky came to see me out of the blue a couple of weeks later. We had a couple of hot and heavy dates without intercourse as she wanted to remain a virgin. Fine with me, I didn’t want the responsibility of pressuring her into sex. We went our separate ways, but then lost her virginity to an acquaintance and made a point of telling me. Go figure, maybe she wanted me to try harder.

      Two years later, I bumped into Susan at a party. She was stunning - dressed mostly in black with boots and red lipstick, out of place at the casual affair. I wondered if she might take me home and dominate me, but sadly I had a commitment for later that night. I think I might have missed out.

      Funny how your story jostled my memory.


  6. My wife/mommy told me she enjoyed skinny dipping, it was just a big bathtub and getting caught by her mother, soundly spanked, did not stop her. Girls are not all sugar and spice all the time. Jack

    1. I am obsessed with skinny dipper spanked stories!

  7. This really put me in the mood for a good girl spanking! I’m such a pain wimp, the thought of a real, bad girl spanking scares me to death. - david
