Thursday, July 4

Is Biden Toast?

I watched the presidential candidate debate last Thursday evening. My expectations were already so low that I actually thought Biden did ok (for Biden), and expected the CNN panel to do their usual gaslighting saying how brilliant he was. To my surprise, the word seems to have come down from on high, and to a person these hypocritical dogs did as their masters wished, and declared it a disaster for Biden and that he is mentally unfit.

Here is his first Dementia Joe moment only minutes in.

I guess they figured the gaslighting about Biden was no longer sustainable in light of Trump's measured performance, him increasingly ahead in the polls, and the lawfare all backfiring, so now they need to scramble. Apparently Jill does not want to step down as Regent, and so there's an internal battle.

Apparently only Kamala can use the Biden war chest for the campaign, so there's that. You know Kamala. She's the one who got her start in politics sucking off Willie Brown.

She's one of the most deeply unpopular candidates ever. When she ran for the nomination she was one the first kicked out with <1% support. Embarrassing. They picked her up as their DEI VP hire and now that's (predictably) backfiring.

If you were in the Democrat news bubble, you were probably completely unaware of Biden's obvious deterioration (diagnosed from afar as Lewy Body Dementia), and either did not see all the numerous examples on video, or believed it when you were told they were all out of context and he was just fine. Now you're waking up to the obvious, and may feel a bit betrayed that all your news sources and politicians covered for him for 4 years. You may also wonder what else you were lied to about. Or your cognitive dissonance will set in and you'll not question anything.

By contrast, Trump has been running a pitch-perfect campaign. He's been doing long form podcasts where he comes off as perfectly reasonable and talks clearly about his policies. A good recent example was his appearance on the All-In podcast, worth a listen.

Various Supreme Court cases have also broken in his favour, dismantling the obviously partisan lawfare engaged in by Democrats.

There's the ruling that a SOX law against destroying documents cannot be used to magically transform trespassing on J6 into a 20 year federal crime (duh!).

There's another that codifies under what conditions Presidential immunity applies, just making clear what everyone already understood was in the Constitution.

There's also another great ruling that says that unless Congress has specifically empowered a govt agency to interpret their own regulations, then their interpretation may be challenged in court.

Of course, short-sighted leftists decry all these reasonable and expected takes because they are favourable to Trump and/or limit govt overreach.

As a result of the first two cases, the prosecutions against Trump seem ever more unlikely. Even the rigged one where he was found guilty by the jury will likely have to be re-tried, the sentencing already having been delayed as a result.

I'll leave you with this:

Hold your hats, it should be a fun political season!


  1. You are my favorite Canadian! Wemedge

  2. Looking at it from outside the US, it is a total embarrassment that neither US party finds a candidate within the last 4 years that is with integrity, mentally fit, truthful, and ideally has the people's best interests in mind, not his own. Someone who can bring the country forward in the 21st century and not backwards and can serve as a role model for the world, and not join the likes of Putin, Kim Yong and the rest. When I grew up in the 80s people still looked up to the US as a land of the free where dreams can come true. These time are long gone.

    1. I disagree re Trump. That certainly has been the media narrative, but if you subtract all the Democrat-pushed hoaxes, look at what he actually accomplished during his first term (list here), ignore the constant barrage of mainstream media slander, and then listen to him with an open mind (such as in the podcast above), he actually comes off very well.

      As well, he was democratically selected as the Republican candidate in the primary by informed voters in a very competitive race, arguably coming from behind. Contrast with Biden where they allowed nobody else to run and hid his condition from the public.

  3. Short answer? I don't know. Longer answer? It's looking increasingly likely. For one this refuses to go away. I thought it would be resolved quickly, esp had their been some sort of 'coup' or this been part of some long-standing plan. But while it didn't happen right away, it also never died down and seems to be picking up momentum. The real question is if Joe steps down will Kamila Harris, a woman primarily known for being an evil corrupt Prosecutor and sleeping her way to the top be any better than Joe's wife and whoever else (almost certainly former members of the Obama Admin) is puppeteering Joe, as the job of Vice President already seems to be 'above her paygrade'.


    1. Spot on. I knew I kept you around for a reason 😉.

  4. Julie, Julie, Julie, there is no doubt that Biden's perfornance was horrid. You said Trump's delivery was "measured." It wasn't the completely insane rants of his last debate performance. However, CNN and others found 34 lies in his debate. For example, he said the illegal aliens get Social Security and Medicare. They don't.

    Both candidates showed a remarkable loss of grip on reality. One was demented, the other lied as usual. I hope Biden steps down and lets a younder, more aware Democrat run. I continue to hope Donald Trump disappears from teh planet. I suspect that neither will happn.

    1. As usual, though, those things classified as "lies" for Trump are his usual simplifications and hyperbole, but are directionally accurate. Many illegal immigrants are getting health care and some form of welfare including free housing.

      Biden's lies are highly divisive and damaging and often take the form of gaslighting. He repeated the "fine people" hoax which has been repeatedly debunked. He claimed credit for post-COVID bounce back jobs, he claimed inflation was already high when he took office.

      The untruths between the two are of a different character.

    2. That's laughable. Trump's lies are "hyperbole" and essitially innocent. Sheesh. We can go down the list of 34 out and out lies. Biden also lied, but not even a small fraction as much as your boy Donald. Trumps lies are serious. He is tring to convince voters that foreigners are stealing their jobs, healthcare, and retirement. They aren't. Working illegals have to pay Social Security tax and Medicare tax, but are not eligible for bnefits. Do they get somepubic help? They do in some states, but by and arge are left to their own devices.

    3. So you're saying illegal immigrants should not be eligible for health care and welfare, and that Democrat policies in place now for more than 3 years provide none of that? Really?

      The point of LEGAL migration is to vet and select the immigrants such that they are net positives. That is not true of illegal immigrants where there is no such check or assurance they won't be a drain. That is Trump's larger point, obvi.

    4. "Directionally accurate" . . . I'm going to have to remember that one.

    5. I didn't think I'd need to explain it, sigh.

      As in "I bought so many Big Macs if I stacked them one on top of the other it'd be a mile high" - translation "I bought a lot of Big Macs". Is it a lie? Sure. Is it damaging? No. Is it directionally accurate? Yes.

      If you think the way you assess somebody is counting their untruths and comparing counts versus assessing which ones are most egregious and most damaging (e.g. dividing and gaslighting the country by persistently claiming Trump called neo-Nazis very fine people, or claiming Biden is fit for office when he has Lewy Body Dementia), we'll, that's just dumb.

    6. I didn't need or ask for an explanation. The meaning was clear from the context. I just thought it was a neat way to rationalize lying and one I may steal the next time someone challenges an instance of my hyperbole. I mean, why not? You stole it from Scott Adams.

    7. Yes, Scott Adams articulated well my pre-existing feelings on why I care much much less about Trump's hyperbole than I care about others' blatant lies, and it convinced me that counting untruths is not a good measure. You also need to weigh them. Do you disagree?

  5. Our government, not knowing how well your government is doing, is lost, the people don't read, not informed about the political climate, listening to those promoting their views. The United States is Screwed. Jack

    1. I think it's salvageable if Trump is restored to office.

    2. Trump needs House and Senate majorities or he’s impeached on day one. The desperation of the Democrats betrays that they have much more at stake than political power. Comment sections are always interesting. Brainwashing is real, powerful, and near impossible to undo. You really can fool some of the people all of the time. - david

    3. I think you need a 2/3 vote in the Senate to remove from office? And even if so, then the VP kicks in.

      I think the debate was a big blow to the brainwashing.

    4. Yes, they’ll never get the 2/3 to convict unless the deep state uses Epstein Island leverage. That’s why Trump needs to declassify almost everything on day 1. Still, without majorities, Trump will only be able to make America Pretty Good Again.

  6. I notice a lot less of the usual pushback. Even the usual Lion and Dan rants are really weak this time. I think "they" may be catching on?

    1. Yes, I agree. I think we're beating them back. It's no longer cool to support Biden or to continue pushing the debunked Trump hoaxes lest you be (justly) painted with the disinformation brush. They're embarrassed by the lies and un-Democratic behaviour of their own team.

      Dan's mystifying best response to this post seems to be that counting the number of untruths on both sides and comparing the numbers while ignoring the gravity of the untruths is somehow valid. Seems like arguing for the sake of it.
