Tuesday, May 21

Fiction: The Balmoral (FFFMM/M)

I love the "hotel maid" genre of spanking stories. David and I, unbelievably, have played with maids in the past. Here's a fictional offering along those lines. Not only do the maids walk in and assist, the hotel manager and the groundskeeper both wind up helping as well, teaching the unfortunate husband about true Scottish discipline!

The Balmoral

1. Ogling

David and Julie Hargrove were vacationing in Edinburgh, staying at the iconic 5-star Balmoral Hotel in the heart of the city.

The well-to-do middle-aged couple stepped into the bustling streets of Edinburgh, the crisp Scottish air invigorating them as they took in the historic city. Their suite at The Balmoral was a luxurious retreat, but today was for exploring.

They wandered through the winding streets, marvelling at the architecture and the vibrant culture around them.

As they strolled along the Royal Mile, a group of young Scotsmen and women passed by, their laughter and camaraderie infectious. One girl, in particular, caught David's eye. She was wearing a short kilt that accentuated her long legs and shapely figure.

As they strolled along, David's gaze lingered far too long on the lass's shapely bottom. The young woman, catching his leering eyes, turned and gave him a withering look.

Julie caught the exchange and turned to David with a glare. "David! How dare you stare at that young woman like that! Have you no shame?" she scolded, her voice rising.

David's face turned crimson as he felt the eyes of the girl's friends on him, some snickering, others shaking their heads in disapproval.

A woman bystander, clearly enjoying the scene, said, "Aye, scold him until he learns his lesson, missus. Don't go easy on him."

Julie, her face stern, replied loudly, "Oh, I'll be doing more than just scolding him. As soon as we get back to the hotel room, he'll get such a spanking he won't be sitting for a week!"

Everybody within earshot laughed, and the girl who had initially caught David's eye called out, "Make sure you give it to him good for me!"

David wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole. The humiliation was unbearable. With his head hanging low, he followed Julie back to The Balmoral.

They reached their suite, a haven of luxury that now felt like a prison cell to David.

Julie, still seething, flung open the closet, her eyes lighting up as she found what she was looking for, an old-fashioned, long-handled clothes brush that is usually present in such hotel rooms.

She took the brush then turned to David, her expression a mix of anger and determination.

"Strip. Now." Her voice was cold, brooking no argument.

David hesitated, his face a mask of shame and apprehension. "Julie, please, can we talk about this?"

"There's nothing to talk about, David. You embarrassed me out there. Now, strip." Julie’s tone left no room for negotiation.

Reluctantly, David removed his clothes, each piece discarded with a growing sense of dread. He stood naked before Julie, his discomfort palpable.

"Over the arm of the sofa," Julie commanded, pointing to the elegant piece of furniture that now seemed like an executioner's block.

David bent over, the plush fabric pressing against his bare skin. Julie positioned herself, the clothes brush gripped firmly in her hand. The first strike of the brush landed with a sharp crack, and he yelped in pain.

"Julie, please! I'm sorry!" he pleaded, but Julie was relentless. She brought the brush down again and again, each strike punctuated by his cries of pain.

"You will learn to respect women, David," she lectured between blows. "I won't have you humiliating me or yourself in public."

David's bottom was on fire, and he howled with each strike, tears streaming down his face. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Julie stopped.

"Stand in the corner," she instructed. "Hands on your head."

David, sniffling and thoroughly chastised, obeyed and shuffled to the corner, his bottom throbbing, and assumed the humiliating position. Julie placed the brush onto a nearby chair, ready at hand, it's work done for the time being.

"The brush stays out"

David heard Julie moving about the suite, but he dared not turn around.

He had been standing there for a good fifteen minutes naked, humiliated, and sore, when a knock came at the door. Julie got up, intending to send whomever it was away. She opened it to find two young Scottish hotel maids, their faces fresh and cheerful. "Good evening, ma'am. We're here for the turndown service."

2. The Maids Assist

Julie smiled, an idea forming. "Well, you're free not to, but do come in if you don't mind my naked husband standing in timeout. He's being punished for leering at a young woman in the street earlier."


The maids exchanged amused glances. "Och, is that so?" one of them said, her eyes twinkling. "Well, serves him right, doesn't it?"

The other maid nodded in agreement. "Aye, nothing worse than a middle-aged man ogling young lasses. It's disgusting."

They entered, their eyes widening at the sight of the naked man with his nose to the corner, his buns blazing from the recent spanking.

"Good job, missus!" one of the maids said, referring to his well-spanked behind.

David's face burned with shame as the maids set about their duties, their light-hearted scolding adding to his humiliation.

"Ye should be ashamed," one maid said as she fluffed a pillow. "Acting like a wee boy who can't control himself."

The other maid, tidying the room, added, "Aye, it's no wonder yer wife had to take matters into her own hands. Ye deserved every bit 'o that red bum."

As the maids finished their tasks and were preparing to leave, one of them turned to Julie. “You know, ma’am, we wanted to thank you for takin' your husband to task like that. We always feel threatened and offended when middle-aged men ogle us on the streets. It’s all too regular an occurrence.”

Julie nodded sympathetically. “I understand completely. It’s unacceptable behavior, and they need to be taught a lesson.”

Then, suddenly another idea seemed to dawn on Julie. “Say, just asking, but would either of you like to help me teach him that lesson?” she asked, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

The maids looked surprised but intrigued. “What do you mean?” one of them asked.

Julie smiled. “Well, I don't think he's done yet. How about each of you give him a good spanking? He certainly deserves it, and it might be cathartic for you as well.”

The maids exchanged excited glances. “We’d love to,” one of them said eagerly.

Julie gestured to the sofa. “Go ahead, then. Take turns. He won’t give you any trouble.”

David turned, his face a mask of horror. "Julie, please..."

"Silence. These young ladies will assist with further punishment. You'll do as they say."

The first maid, a lithe brunette, sat down and patted her lap. "Over here, laddie."

David, trembling with embarrassment, left his corner, his hands covering his genitals, and approached the maid. He draped himself over her knees, fully exposing himself in the process to her apparent complete indifference.

The maid's hand was surprisingly strong as it came down on his already sore bottom. Smack after smack, she scolded him.

"Ye think it's alright to leer at young women, do ye? How'd ye like it if someone treated yer wife that way, eh?"

David's responses were choked sobs and mumbled apologies.

"Ye need to learn some manners," she scolded as she continued the spanking. "This is for all the women you've ogled."

David squirmed and yelped, but the maid showed no mercy. After a thorough spanking, she handed David over to her colleague, who was equally eager.

The second maid, a fiery redhead, took her turn next. She took her place on the sofa, pulling David over her lap. Her hand was just as powerful, if not more, delivering stinging slaps that left David gasping and squirming, her small frame belied the power behind her spanks.

"Maybe this will teach you not to ogle young women," the maid scolded, her voice firm. "You're a grown man, for heaven’s sake. Behave like one."

David's cries filled the room as the maid continued the punishment.

"Disrespectful, that's what ye are! Men like ye need to learn some manners."

David's howls echoed in the suite as the maid spanked him. Julie watched, feeling a mixture of satisfaction and pity for her husband.

"Maybe next time ye'll keep yer eyes to yerself," she said sternly. "Or else ye'll find yerself right back here."

After what seemed like an eternity, the redheaded maid finally stopped.

By the time both maids were done, David's bottom was a fiery red, and he was a sobbing mess. The maids stood, brushing off their skirts, and smiled at Julie.

The brunette maid said. "He'll think twice before acting like that again."

Julie nodded. "Thank you both. I appreciate your help."

The maids waved off her thanks. "It's our pleasure. We always feel very offended when men ogle us in the streets. This was a bit of justice for all those times."

As they left, they turned to David one last time. "Remember, keep yer eyes to yerself," they warned.

Julie closed the door behind them and turned to David, who stood miserably in the middle of the room.

"Have you learned your lesson?" she asked, her voice softening slightly.

David nodded, unable to meet her eyes. "Yes, Julie. I'm so sorry."

She sighed and pulled him into a hug. "Alright. Let's put this behind us. But remember, I won't tolerate that kind of behavior. Ever."

David hugged her back, grateful for her forgiveness despite his humiliation. As they settled in for the night, the lesson lingered, a painful reminder of the respect and boundaries that must be upheld.

3. An Unexpected Visit

The following evening, as the sun dipped below the Edinburgh skyline and cast a warm glow over the historic city, David and Julie again settled into their suite at The Balmoral. The air was thick with tension from the previous day's events, and though David had done his best to stay out of trouble, the memory of his punishment loomed large.

A knock at the door interrupted their quiet evening. Julie answered it to find the same two young Scottish maids from the night before, now holding implements that made David's heart sink. One held a thick senior girl's cane,

while the other brandished a heavy Lochgelly tawse.

"Good evening, ma'am," the redhead maid greeted Julie with a respectful nod. "We were thinking more about yer husband's indiscretion and how things like that make us and other women feel threatened. And also how lookin' leads to touchin' then other tings. We thought a greater punishment than just a nursery spankin' fit fer a toddler might be in order."

Julie raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. "Oh? And what do you have in mind?"

The redheaded maid stepped forward, lifting the tawse slightly. "Our 'Das used these on us when we were growing up. We thought it only fair that yer husband be thrashed the same way."

The maid holding the cane stepped forward. "This is how our 'Das punished us growing up. A caning for serious offenses, and the tawse for particularly bad behavior."

Julie looked at David, who was standing frozen in the middle of the room. "What do you think, David? Do you think you need a greater punishment to understand the gravity of your actions?"

David's eyes widened with fear. "Julie, please... I've learned my lesson. There's no need for this."

Julie shook her head, a smirk forming on her lips. "I think the maids have a point. Maybe this will ensure you remember to respect women. Strip, David," Julie ordered, her tone leaving no room for defiance.

David hesitated, looking at the maids. The one with the tawse stepped forward, her eyes cold. "Do as you’re told, or it’ll be worse for you."

With a resigned sigh, David undressed, his face burning with shame.

The brunette maid with the cane, named Isla, tapped the armrest of the sofa with the tip of her cane. "Over here, lad. Time ye learned a real lesson."

David hesitated but complied, draping himself over the arm of the sofa. Isla tested the cane in her hand, giving it a few practice swishes through the air.

"Yer behavior yesterday was unacceptable," she said, tapping the cane against his bum. "You need to understand the fear and discomfort you cause with such actions."

David whimpered audibly as the heavy senior girls' cane swished.

"Ye think ye're a big man, do ye?" she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Leering at young lasses in the street. Well, let's make sure ye remember this," Isla said, her voice cold and stern. She positioned herself and brought the cane down with a sharp crack. David cried out, the pain searing through his body.

"Count it!" Isla ordered.

"One," David gasped, his voice shaking.

The cane struck again, each stroke more painful than the last. "Two," he choked out, tears forming in his eyes.

Isla's scolding continued with each stroke. "Ye should be ashamed of yerself, leering at young women. Have ye no respect for yer wife or any woman?"

"Three," David cried, his voice breaking.

As the caning continued, Isla’s words cut just as deeply as the cane. "Yer nothing but a disgrace, unable to control yerself like a proper man."

By the time Isla finished, David's bottom was a mess of welted stripes, and he was sobbing uncontrollably. "Thirty," he whimpered, collapsing over the sofa arm.

The second maid, named Fiona, stepped forward, the tawse heavy in her hand.

"Now it’s my turn," she said with a grim smile."You need to learn respect," she said, raising the tawse. "This is for every woman who’s ever felt threatened by men like you."

The tawse came down hard, the heavy leather biting into David’s tender flesh. He screamed, but the maid continued, her strikes unyielding.

"Do you think we enjoy being ogled?" she demanded, her voice rising. "Do you think it’s flattering?"

David could barely form words through his sobs. "N-no, I... I’m sorry!"

"You’re sorry now, but will you remember this lesson?" she retorted, bringing the tawse down again. "Will you think twice before you stare at another woman like that?"

Julie watched, her smirk never fading. She felt a twisted satisfaction in seeing her husband reduced to this state, knowing he was learning a lesson he wouldn't soon forget.

The maid with the cane stepped forward again, taking over from her companion. "You’re a grown man, yet you can’t behave with the decency of a wee lad," she said scornfully. "Even young lads know better than you."

David’s cries turned into desperate, babbling pleas for mercy, but the maids were unsympathetic. They continued to thrash him, their scolding relentless.

"Yer nothing but a bully," the maid with the tawse said, delivering another vicious strike. "Using your eyes to make women feel small."

"And you think you’re so strong," the maid with the cane added, her strikes landing with perfect accuracy. "But look at you now, crying like a baby. Pathetic."

By the time they finished, David was a sobbing, incoherent mess, his bottom a vivid tapestry of pain. The maids stepped back, looking satisfied with their work.

Julie walked over to David, who was still bent over the sofa, his body trembling. She lifted his chin, forcing him to look at her. "I hope this taught you a lesson, David. Women deserve respect. Every single one of them."

David nodded, his voice hoarse from crying. "Y-yes, Julie. I’m so sorry. I’ll never do it again."

Julie looked at the maids, her expression softening slightly. "Thank you for helping me teach him this lesson."

The maid with the cane nodded. "It’s our pleasure, ma'am. Men like him need to understand the consequences of their actions."

The maid with the tawse smiled. "And we’re always here to help if you need us."

As the maids left, they gave David one last scornful look. "Mind yer manners from now on, lad. Or next time, it might be worse."

David, still trembling and tearful, nodded vigorously. "Yes, ma'ams," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

The maids left the suite, leaving David and Julie alone once more. Julie looked at David, who was still standing, his face streaked with tears.

"Go stand in the corner," she said quietly. "And think about what you’ve learned."

David obeyed, limping to the corner and facing the wall. Julie sat down on the sofa, her expression contemplative. She hoped this punishment would have a lasting impact on David, making him more aware of his actions and the effect they had on others.

4. The Hotel Manager

As David stood in the corner, his sore, bare bottom on display, Julie got an evil smile and decided that the two maids deserved recognition for their exemplary work. She picked up the phone and called the front desk, asking for the hotel manager to be sent up to their suite.

"Julie... no..." David squeaked from the corner. Julie ignored him.

Within a few minutes, there was a knock at the door. Julie opened it to reveal a dignified man in a tailored suit, his demeanor professional and composed. 

He stepped into the suite, his eyes briefly flickering to David in the corner before focusing on Julie. His professional demeanor remained intact as he turned his attention to Julie.

"Good evening, Mrs. Hargrove. I'm Frank McCallan, the hotel manager. How may I assist you tonight?" he asked politely.

"Good evening. I wanted to commend your maids, Isla and Fiona, for their exemplary work and their initiative," Julie began, gesturing to David's wrecked bottom, visibly crimson, cane and strap marked. "They handled a delicate situation with remarkable skill and provided a solution that was highly effective. I asked them yesterday to assist with my husband's discipline, and they were exemplary. Then, just now, out of their own initiative, they delighted me by dropping by with a cane and a tawse, which I approved for use on my husband due to his earlier inappropriate behaviour."

The manager's expression remained neutral, though a flicker of surprise might have crossed his eyes. "I see. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Our goal is to exceed our customers' expectation, which seems to have occurred. I will ensure that they each receive a healthy bonus for their initiative and dedication."

Julie smiled, pleased. "I'm glad to hear that. They truly went above and beyond."

The manager nodded and then, after a moment of consideration, asked, "Mrs. Hargrove, if I may be so bold, may I ask what your husband did?"

"Certainly. He ogled a young woman on the street, staring at her lecherously so intently that she noticed."

"Unacceptable," said the manager. "that a guest of ours should behave in such a manner! As effective as my maids no doubt were, would you like me to lend a hand as well? Perhaps a certain male authority is called for, given the nature of his indiscretion?"

Julie's eyes lit up with delight. "Oh, that would be wonderful. David could certainly benefit from a more extended lesson."

"Oh... no... please! Not a... man..."

The manager walked over to David, who shivered with a mix of fear and humiliation as he felt the man's presence behind him.

"Come here, David," the manager ordered, his voice firm and authoritative.

David turned slowly, his face flushed with shame. "Please, no more," he whispered, but the manager was unmoved.

"Over my knee, bad boy," he commanded, taking a seat on the sofa and patting his lap.

With no other choice, David complied, draping his bare bottom over the manager's knee.

The manager chuckled and adjusted David's position perfectly: nose to carpet, feet dangling. His hand then came down hard and fast on David's bare bum, each slap echoing through the suite.

"Do you understand why you are being punished, boy?" the manager asked, his voice calm but stern.

"Y-yes, sir," David stammered, his voice choked with tears.

"Because you behaved like a lecherous fool, didn't you?" the manager continued, his hand never pausing in its relentless assault on David's already sore bottom.

"Yes, sir!" David cried out, the pain becoming unbearable.

"You disrespected your wife and made young women feel uncomfortable. That kind of behavior is unacceptable, and it will not be tolerated, not at this hotel!" the manager lectured, punctuating each word with a sharp slap.

David's pleas and cries grew louder, but the manager showed no mercy. "You're a bad boy, David. A very bad boy who needs to learn his place."

Julie watched, her satisfaction growing as the manager continued the punishment. His hand seemed never to tire, and the spanking went on and on, each slap a testament to the manager's resolve.

"Do you think you can ogle women and get away with it?" the manager scolded. "Do you think that's acceptable behavior for a grown man?"

"No, sir! I'm sorry! Please, stop!" David begged, his voice hoarse from crying, the manager's hand feeling like iron!

"Sorry isn't good enough," the manager replied, his hand landing with a particularly hard slap that made David yelp. "You need to change your behavior, and this is the only way you'll learn."

The spanking continued, seemingly never-ending. David's bottom was a fiery red, each new slap adding to the burning pain. He was a sobbing, pleading mess, his cries echoing off the walls of the luxurious suite.

"You will respect women," the manager said, his voice unwavering. "You will keep your eyes to yourself, and you will treat your wife with the respect she deserves."

"Yes, sir! I will! I promise!" David sobbed, his body shaking with the effort of trying to endure the relentless spanking.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the manager slowed his pace. He gave a few final, firm slaps, then paused, his hand resting on David's trembling bottom.

"Now, boy," he said, his voice calm once more, "I hope this has made it clear to you how serious your behavior was."

"Yes, sir," David whispered, his voice broken and defeated.

The manager helped him stand, and David wobbled on shaky legs, his face streaked with tears, his bottom a vivid, angry red.

Julie approached, her expression softening slightly. "Thank you, sir. I hope David has finally learned his lesson."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that, ma'am. To make sure, I would suggest that tomorrow I send up our groundsman," he said. "He’s a strong, experienced man who knows how to handle misbehavior with a firm hand. He'll bring a nice length of leather to strap his bottom. That will complete the job, I'll wager."

Julie’s eyes widened with interest, a smile playing at her lips. "Thank you. I appreciate your thoroughness. I accept. Is 10am good?"

David’s heart sank at the thought of another severe punishment, but he knew better than to protest. The manager agreed on the time, nodded and left, leaving David to reflect on what awaited him.

That night a card was slipped under the door, confirming a 10am appointment with one Angus McFee, groundskeeper of The Balmoral, for "discipline".

5. Waiting

The morning sun streamed through the hotel room's window, casting a warm glow over the plush furnishings. For David, the brightness did nothing to alleviate the growing dread that gnawed at him. Every tick of the clock brought him closer to the appointed time when the groundsman would arrive to continue his punishment. The anticipation was almost unbearable.

Julie moved gracefully around the room, preparing for the day with an air of calm efficiency. She seemed untroubled by the impending visit, her demeanor cool and collected. David, on the other hand, felt as though he were walking towards his doom. The memories of the previous day’s thrashing haunted him, and the thought of enduring another round, especially one as severe as had been promised, with a strap wielded by a no doubt large and coarse man, made his stomach churn with anxiety.

“Julie, please,” David finally spoke, his voice trembling. He had been trying to find the right moment to plead his case, hoping for some leniency. “Can we talk about this?”

Julie paused, turning to look at him. Her expression was one of mild curiosity, with a hint of impatience. “What is it, David?”

David took a deep breath, his hands shaking. “I’m really sorry for everything. I understand that I’ve been disrespectful and I deserve to be punished, but please, not like this. I can’t go through it again. Please, Julie, can’t you just let me off this time?”

Julie’s eyes hardened slightly as she listened to his plea. “David, you knew not to stare, and you chose to do it anyways. Actions have consequences. You need to learn that lesson thoroughly.”

“I know, I know,” David replied desperately, his voice breaking. “But yesterday was already so intense, and I’ve been thinking about it all night. I promise I’ve learned my lesson. I won’t ever be disrespectful again. Please, Julie, I’m begging you.”

Julie crossed her arms, her expression unmoved. "David, the hotel manager and I both agree that this additional punishment is necessary to ensure the lesson sticks."

David’s eyes filled with tears as he dropped to his knees in front of her, a position that only added to his humiliation but seemed appropriate given his desperation. “Julie, please. I’ll do anything. I’ll prove to you that I’ve changed. Just don’t do this. I’m so scared.”

Julie sighed, a hint of softness entering her eyes for a moment. She knelt down to be at eye level with David, placing a hand on his shoulder. “David, I understand that you’re scared. This isn’t easy for me either, but it’s something that needs to be done. You need to face the consequences of your actions so that you won’t repeat them in the future.”

David’s tears flowed freely now, his fear palpable. “Julie, I’m begging you. I’ll be the perfect husband. I’ll never step out of line again. Just please, please don’t let him hurt me like that.”

Julie’s face hardened again as she stood up, the moment of softness gone. “David, how you carry on. It's only a little spanking. I'm sure Mr. McFee has doled out plenty. Besides, it’s precisely because I care about you and our relationship that this has to happen. You need to understand the gravity of your behavior and the impact it has on us.”

David remained on his knees, his sobs quieting but his fear no less intense. “Julie, I love you so much. Please, show me some mercy.”

Julie glanced at the clock, noting that the groundsman would arrive soon. She took a deep breath and turned back to David. “David, my decision is final. You will face your punishment, and I expect you to do so with as much dignity as you can muster. Now, get undressed, stand in the corner, and prepare yourself.

David’s heart sank further as he realized that no amount of begging would change her mind. He stood up slowly, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand. “Yes, Julie,” he whispered, his voice filled with resignation and a lingering hope that perhaps, in the moment, the groundsman might show some unexpected mercy.

Julie watched him for a moment before turning back to her preparations, a look of determination on her face. “David, remember, this is for your own good. You will thank me for this one day.”

David doubted that very much, but he knew better than to argue further. The fear of what was to come consumed him, but he had no choice but to face it head-on. As the clock ticked closer to the dreaded hour, he stood nude in the corner, struggling against the growing knot of fear in his stomach.

6. The Groundsman

At precisely 10am there was a knock at the door. Julie opened it to reveal a coarse, burly man with a thick Scottish brogue, his rough hands and weathered face speaking of years of hard work.

"Good day, ma'am," he said. "I'm Angus, the groundsman. Hotel manager sent me up. Said there's a lad what needs a proper strappin'."

Julie nodded, stepping aside to let Angus in. "Yes, indeed. David needs to learn his lesson thoroughly."

Angus’s eyes fell on David, who was standing naked in the corner. "Right then, boy. All ready for me I see. Go on then, come over here and get over me knee."

David’s trembled as he walked bare naked towards Angus, the humiliation washing over him anew. He glanced at Julie, but found no mercy in her eyes.

Angus sat on the edge of a chair and patted his knee. "Come on, boy. Over ye go."

David complied, lying across Angus’s knee. The rough fabric of the groundsman's trousers was abrasive against his skin. Angus wasted no time, bringing the heavy leather strap down with a resounding crack across David’s already sore bottom. David cried out, the pain immediate and intense.

"Manager done told me what you done. Ye think ye can act like a disrespectful whelp, do ye?" Angus scolded, his voice booming. "I'll teach ye proper respect for women."

The strapping continued, each blow landing with precision and force. Angus’s strength was formidable, and his experience evident. "I’ve got six girls at home, boy. I’ve no qualms thrashin' their bottoms when they misbehave, and I’ll do the same to ye."

David’s sobs grew louder, the pain unbearable. Angus showed no mercy, the strap striking not just his bottom but also his thighs, leaving welts and bruises in its wake.

"Ye’re nothin' but a wailin' toddler," Angus mocked, his tone dripping with disdain. "Look at ye, cryin' like a bairn."

Midway through, Angus adjusted his grip, forcing David to straddle one of his thighs. David’s legs were spread wide apart, increasing his vulnerability. Angus then reached around and roughly grabbed David’s buttocks, pulling them apart to expose his most private area. The cold air against his exposed anus made David’s humiliation even deeper.

"There we go," Angus said, his voice dripping with cruel satisfaction. "Now ye’re truly exposed."

The strap came down hard, right up the cleft and near David's anus. David’s screams intensified, the pain excruciating and the shame unbearable. Angus's scolding continued, each word a dagger to David’s pride. "Ye’re a disgrace, boy. Can’t even take a strappin' like a wee girl."

Angus grabbed David’s hair, pulling his head back to make him look up. "Ye think this is bad? I'm goin' easy on ya. Me wee little lasses have taken worse for less. This is nothin' compared to what ye deserve."

David's vision blurred with tears as he tried to endure the relentless punishment. He felt utterly humiliated and powerless, his dignity stripped away with each strike of the strap.

Angus continued to strap David with methodical precision, each strike landing with unerring accuracy on the most sensitive areas. David's sobs turned into desperate wails as the pain became overwhelming, his body shaking with the force of his cries.

"Ye’re a disappointment, boy," Angus growled. "A grown man, cryin' like a bairn over a few lashes. Ye need to learn some proper discipline."

As Angus continued to punish David, he kept spreading his legs wider, ensuring the strap could reach every vulnerable spot. The blows to his inner thighs were especially brutal, the leather snapping dangerously close to his genitals. David's fear of being struck in such a sensitive area only added to his agony.

"Lift yerself up," Angus ordered harshly, grabbing David by the hips and hoisting him slightly. David’s face burned with shame as Angus’s rough hands manhandled his genitals, pushing them up his belly out of the way of the strap. The intimate, humiliating touch made David feel exposed and utterly degraded.

"There, now we won't have any accidents," Angus said with a cruel smile.

"Please! No more!" begged David.

"You'll take 'yer strappin', little lassie. Every last stroke."

The leather cracked against David’s upper thighs, the pain unbearable. Angus’s words were humiliating, treating David as if he were one of his misbehaving daughters. The shame of being manhandled in such a way added a new layer to his humiliation.

The strapping seemed to go on forever, each blow a reminder of David's punishment and humiliation. By the time Angus finally stopped, David was a sobbing, broken mess, barely able to stand.

"Back to the corner with ye," Angus ordered, his voice cold and unforgiving. "And ye’d better remember this next time ye think about disrespectin' a woman."

David stood unsteadily. Angus gave him a prodigious open palm whack to his backside that propelled him forward. David stumbled to the corner, his body shaking with sobs. His bottom and thighs were a mass of bruises and welts, the pain overwhelming. He pressed his face against the wall, wishing he could disappear.

"And keep hands on head. Ye rub yer ass and we start afresh."

Julie watched with a satisfied smirk, feeling a sense of justice and order restored. Angus turned to her, his expression serious. "If ye need any more help, ma’am, ye know how to contact me."

"Thank you, Angus," Julie said, her voice filled with gratitude. "You’ve been a tremendous help."

As Angus left, Julie turned her attention back to David. "I hope you’ve learned your lesson, David," she said, her tone firm. "This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

David nodded weakly, his voice barely a whisper. "Yes, Julie. I understand."

7. Aftermath

The suite at The Balmoral was steeped in an uneasy calm as the day began to wind down. David sat gingerly on the edge of the bed, his body still aching from the punishments he had endured at the hands of Angus, the hotel manager, the maids, and his wife. His mind was a tumult of emotions—shame, regret, fear, and a desperate hope that he could somehow make things right. Julie knew it was time to ensure that the lessons learned were firmly embedded in David’s mind.

“David,” Julie said, her voice steady, “we need to have a talk.”

David looked up at her, his eyes filled with apprehension. “Yes, Julie?”

Julie sat down beside him, her demeanor softer but still authoritative. “I think it’s important that we go over everything that’s happened since that day on the Royal Mile. I want to make sure you understand why all of this was necessary and why you can never repeat that behavior again.”

David nodded, a lump forming in his throat. “I understand, Julie.”

“Let’s start with that day,” Julie began, her tone measured. “Do you remember what happened when we were walking down the street?”

David swallowed hard, the memory fresh and painful. “Yes, I remember. I was looking at a young woman… in a kilt.”

Julie’s eyes hardened slightly as she recalled the incident. “You weren’t just looking, David. You were ogling her. Your eyes lingered far too long, and she noticed. Do you remember the look she gave you?

David nodded, his face flushing with shame.

Julie’s voice grew firmer. “And what did I do when I saw that?”

“You… you scolded me,” David replied, his voice barely above a whisper. “You told me that I was going to get such a spanking that I wouldn’t be able to sit for a week.”

Julie nodded. “Exactly. I wanted to make sure that you, and everyone around us, knew that such behavior was completely unacceptable. The young woman and her friends were laughing at you, David. Do you remember how humiliating that was?”

David’s face burned with the memory. “Yes, I remember. It was awful.”

“And that was just the beginning,” Julie continued, her tone unwavering. “When we got back to the room, I found the clothes-brush in the closet. Do you remember what happened next?”

David winced at the memory. “Yes, you made me strip and bend over the arm of the sofa. You spanked me with the brush until I was howling in pain.”

Julie’s expression remained stern. “And then I made you stand in the corner, didn’t I? Do you remember what happened after that?”

David nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. “Yes, the maids came in for the turndown service. You invited them in and told them what I had done. They scolded me and then… they each spanked me too.”

Julie’s eyes softened slightly, but her resolve was clear. “Those young women were offended by your behavior, David. They saw an opportunity to teach you a lesson, and they took it. Do you remember how humiliated you felt?”

David’s voice trembled as he replied, “Yes, Julie. I was so embarrassed. They treated me like a child.”

Julie nodded. “Good. That’s exactly what I wanted. You needed to understand how your actions made others feel. And how did they see you, David? In what state were you in?"


"Yes. Bare naked, weren't you. Did the hotel maids see your little penis, David?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Did they seem turned on by that, or did they hardly notice?"

"They... hardly noticed."

"That's right, David, they hardly noticed. Because at that moment you weren't a man to them. You were  a misbehaving child. And women see children's penises all the time. But that wasn’t the end of it, was it?

David shook his head, his tears spilling over. “No, it wasn’t. They came back the next evening with a cane and a tawse.”

Julie’s tone grew firmer. "Yes, they did. Isla and Fiona showed initiative by bringing those implements, and I allowed them to use them on you. Do you remember what happened during that punishment?"

David’s sobs grew louder as he recounted the ordeal. “Yes, Julie. They caned me, and I had to count each stroke. The pain was unbearable, and I felt so humiliated. Then Fiona used the tawse on me, and it was even worse. They said they wanted to make sure I understood how much my behavior hurt women.”

Julie’s eyes were stern but filled with a sense of justice. “And then the hotel manager came up. What did he do, David?”

David’s voice was barely a whisper. “He spanked me too, calling me a bad boy and making me beg for mercy."

"Was that very embarrassing, David, to be spanked across a man's knee?"

"Yes, ma'am. Very embarrassing,"

"And then what, David?"

"He said he would send the groundsman up to continue the punishment next day.”

Julie’s expression grew more serious. “And his name was Angus. What did Angus do, David?”

David’s sobs intensified as he recounted the experience. “I was naked and he made me bend over his knee. He used a heavy leather strap, and he didn’t show any mercy. He called me a wailing toddler and a disgrace. He made me straddle his thigh and... and he pulled my cheeks apart to strap me there too. It was so humiliating, Julie. I felt so ashamed.”

"Did Angus handle your little penis and balls, David?" Julie asked with a smirk.

"Yes!" David wailed.

Julie placed a hand on David’s shoulder, her tone softer but still firm. “David, all of this was to teach you a lesson. Do you understand why it was necessary?”

David nodded, his voice choked with emotion. “Yes, Julie. I understand. I’ll never do anything like that again. I promise.”

Julie’s eyes softened as she looked at him. “I hope you mean that, David. This wasn’t just about punishing you. It was about making sure you understand the impact of your actions and the importance of respecting others. You need to carry this lesson with you always.”

David wiped his tears away, his heart heavy with the weight of the past few days. “I do, Julie. I promise I’ll never forget.”

Julie nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. “Good. Now, let’s move forward from this. We’ll put these events behind us, but the lessons learned must stay with you. Agreed?”

David nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. “Agreed.”

As they sat together in the quiet room, the weight of the past few days began to lift, leaving behind a renewed sense of understanding and commitment. The lessons learned were painful, but they were necessary, and David knew that he had to carry them with him always to avoid ever repeating his mistakes.


  1. Very good, how many males are reading this and masturbating, I bet many. To be seen after a spanking, naked, facing the wall is something one must experience, but know that you will have no say. To be spanked by someone else, well that is worse than being seen after a spanking. I've been seen facing the wall, a very red bare bottom on display. I've been not only my wife/mommy lap, but my mother-in-law. What does happen is one feels very much like a little boy, who has been naughty and reacts the same to a spanking as to when they were a child. Your stories are very good, the question is how many males will be able to handle such a situation. Your David can, my wife/mommy I'm thankful will only go so far. Jack

  2. The services of the Hotel manager and of the groundsman are persuasive. Between the two beatings, the short and precise notation of the expressions and movements of the "Waiting" is a little gem.
    Six spankings are indeed a minimum.

    1. Thank you! Yes I thought I needed the entreact there.

  3. Another well-crafted story that has me feeling guilty and convicted. I know I have several behaviors in need of correction and discipline, not the least of which is ogling. Leering at women, strangers, gym members, family members, without their permission. Using them for my visual and fantasy pleasure. Sexual pleasure. It’s a very serious offense. If I even try to resist the impulse, as soon as I see a well-formed bottom, I am lost. If only I had someone to spank these behaviors away. Or, failing that, at least transform some of my guilt into shame. - david

    1. Yes, it's an infinitely punishable offense. Regardless of the punishment, you will reoffend!

  4. Great story as usual I have been spanked by women and men women use the cane men paddle/strap but never both at the same time which is a fantasy of mine!!..Soreassboy

  5. I liked the two Scottish maids. I’ve got this fantasy where you and Megan Kelly (two hot blondes) turn up to whip the woke out of me. Hot.

  6. Have you recounted play with maids previously on site? That sounds like an exciting read.

    1. Yes, about 12 years ago now, on a Paris vacay - see https://strictjuliespanks.blogspot.com/2012/06/husband-bare-bottomed-in-corner-in.html

  7. I like the way this guy thinks! I was just inspired to ogle some photos of Megyn online. I’m not woke, but I’m willing to fake it if that would get me a re-education session with Julie and Megyn. Trump is Hitler! - david

    1. Megan is VERY hot, and looks like she could be strict!

    2. Strict Ladies, oh, they are so amazing!

  8. Another hot AF male sub spanking story, with both genders turning the naughty young man's cheeks cherry red. You are so freaking good at these, thank you Miss Julie!
    Yes I know it was AI assisted and obviously your stories written 100% from scratch are better, but I really enjoy the quantity of content lately. This story was more than long enough, and I know this is greedy but I was really hoping the hotel maids would come back at the end with matching strapons and double team David, spitroasting his crimson ass, punishing his blistered buns and bruised thighs with every thrust.
    While you whisper in his ear reminders of his humiliating spankings, especially the men, and stroke him til he's close and then stop and let him cum only from the dildo pounding his prostate. 😈

    1. Thank you so much for your kind review!

      I'm trying to successfully integrate the AI into my storytelling to get both quality and speed. It's an ongoing process!

      I think the final punishment you describe would be highly suitable. I mean, you KNOW what's in David's mind when he leers at young women. Let the punishment fit the mental crime!

  9. I think you're process is going very well. I love "let the punishment fit the mental crime"...you read my mind 😉
