Wednesday, May 22

Fiction: Julie's Cornertime Humiliation (F/M)

If you've been a long time reader of my blog, you'll know I went through a particularly submissive phase where I entered into a Domestic Discipline Contract with my husband. I admit, I was over enthusiastic, and I do tend to take things too far. I really obsessed about my parents being in on it also, and we told them and even involved them. I'm not allowed to play like that any more, but I still fondly recall elements of all that, and still fantasize about it. Here is one such fantasy, aided and abetted by ChatGPT-4o, based on a couple of actual events that I will never, ever, forget!

Julie's Cornertime Humiliation

Chapter 1: Dinner Begins

Julie sat at the dinner table, surrounded by her husband David and her parents, Doug and Mary. The aroma of roasted chicken and freshly baked bread filled the air, and the clinking of silverware against plates provided a pleasant, rhythmic backdrop to their conversation. Julie loved family dinners. They were a chance to reconnect, share stories, and enjoy each other's company. However, there was one thing that always seemed to ruin their dinners: politics! 

Julie had always been passionate about her political views. She followed the news religiously and was not shy about expressing her support for former and future President Trump. Unfortunately, her parents despised discussing politics and were particularly averse to Trump. They had made it clear on multiple occasions that they wanted to keep family dinners free of political discourse, especially if it involved "that man".

"Can you believe what they're doing to Trump now?" Julie blurted out, unable to contain herself. She launched into a detailed account of the latest baseless (in her opinion) legal case she had read online, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

David, seeing the annoyance in her parents' faces, something Julie seemed oblivious to, shot her a warning glance. "Julie, we've talked about this. Let's keep politics out of dinner conversation."

Julie flushed slightly but couldn't help herself. "But it's so important! People need to know the truth."

Doug sighed and exchanged a weary look with Mary. They had heard it all before, and they were tired of the arguments that inevitably followed. Mary reached for her wine glass, hoping to soothe the rising tension.

"Julie, honey, we've had this conversation. Let's just enjoy our meal," Mary said gently.

Julie huffed but fell silent, poking at her mashed potatoes with a fork. She felt misunderstood and unappreciated. Why couldn't they see how important these issues were? Why couldn't they see they were all brainwashed lemmings!?!

Chapter 2:  Cornertime

Dinner continued uneventfully for a few minutes, but the peace was short-lived. Julie hated being shut-up and couldn't resist the urge to share another piece of news she had found particularly shocking.

"And did you hear about the new evidence they found about election rigging? It completely proves Trump won in 2020!" she exclaimed.

David's jaw tightened. "Julie, this is your last warning. No more politics at the table. That is final!"

Julie glared at him, feeling a mix of frustration and defiance. She didn't like being silenced, especially not about something she was so passionate about.

Doug and Mary watched the exchange with a mixture of relief and approval. They appreciated David's effort to keep the conversation civil and were grateful for his intervention.

Julie felt a knot of resentment in her chest. She hated being told what to do, especially in front of her parents. It made her feel small and insignificant.

"Yeah, but Trump..."

David put down his fork and looked Julie straight in the eyes, interrupting her mid-sentence. "That's it, Julie! Go stand in the corner!"

Julie stared at him in shock. "What? You can't be serious."

"I am serious. Go to the corner, now," David said firmly.

"You can't treat me like a child!" Julie said petulantly. She felt her face heat up with embarrassment. She couldn't believe he was doing this in front of her parents. She glanced at Doug and Mary, hoping for some support, but they were watching with approving looks. They clearly thought this was the right move.

David pushed his chair back and stood up. He took Julie by the arm and bodily lifted her right to her feet.

"David! No!"

David walked her to the corner and pushed her nose into it.

"Do not test me, young lady!" David said firmly.

With a huff of frustration and indignation and a stamp of her foot, Julie acquiesced, her face burning with humiliation. She felt like a child being punished, and it stung. But there was also a strange excitement bubbling up inside her. She had always admired David's strength and assertiveness, and there was something undeniably thrilling about him taking control like this.

Chapter 3: Reflections

As she stood with her nose in the corner, she could hear the conversation at the table resume. Her parents were clearly relieved to be able to enjoy their meal without the intrusion of political arguments. Julie felt a pang of resentment, but it was mixed with a growing sense of something else. She was embarrassed, yes, but she couldn't deny the thrill of being disciplined by her husband.

She felt a whirlwind of emotions – humiliation, anger, and a strange sense of arousal that she couldn't quite understand. She had never been in this situation before, and it was both mortifying and exhilarating.

"I can't believe he's doing this," she thought to herself. "In front of my parents, no less. This is so humiliating."

But even as she felt the heat of embarrassment, there was a part of her that reveled in David's assertiveness. She had always been attracted to his strong, decisive nature, and this was just another display of that. She couldn't help but feel a thrill at the thought of him taking control, even if it meant she was the one being disciplined.

"This is so unfair," she fumed silently. "But... why do I feel so excited? What's wrong with me?"

Her thoughts continued to swirl as she stood there, trying to make sense of her conflicting emotions. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that she liked the way David was handling the situation. It made her feel safe, in a strange way, knowing that he was willing to take charge and enforce boundaries.

Halfway through her timeout, as if he had been fuming about it ever since, David's voice cut through her thoughts. "Julie, if there's a repeat of this behavior, today or any day, I'll give you a spanking right in front of your parents."

Julie's eyes widened, and she felt a jolt of excitement mixed with fear. The idea of being spanked in front of her parents was mortifying, but it also sent a shiver of arousal down her spine. She stomped her foot in frustration once again, trying to mask her feelings.

"David, this is ridiculous," she said, her voice tinged with desperation.

"Stand still," David commanded. "Or I'll add more time to your punishment."

Julie clenched her fists, trying to contain her frustration. But as she stood there, she couldn't help but imagine how the spanking would unfold. Would it be across his knee, like a child? Would he pull down her pants and panties, and spank her bare bottom? The thought made her squirm with a mixture of embarrassment and arousal.

She tried to shake off the thoughts, but they kept creeping back. She imagined the look on her parents' faces, the sting of the spanking, and the way David's strong hands would feel against her skin. It was humiliating, but it was also incredibly exciting.

She imagined what her Dad might see of her if she was bare bottomed and bent across David's knee, her legs kicking up a storm. If he was seated behind, forget about just her bare bum, as if that wasn't already bad enough, he'd likely see everything there was to see of her, like a gynaecologist at a check-up.

Julie couldn't resist the temptation to see if David would follow through on his threat. She was curious, despite her embarrassment, and she wanted to know just how far he would go. With a racing heart, she made a comment from the corner, her voice dripping with defiance.

"Well, at least Trump isn't a senile old crook like Biden...," she muttered.

"That's it!" David roared as Julie cringed.

Chapter 4: Spanking

She heard him push back from the table and approach, and her heart raced with a mix of fear and excitement. Every step he took toward her heightened her anticipation and embarrassment. When he finally reached her, she felt his firm grip on her arm, guiding her away from the corner.

Julie felt the eyes of her parents on her, making the situation even more mortifying. She glanced briefly at their faces – Doug and Mary wore expressions of stern approval, clearly in agreement with David's disciplinary measures. This only added to Julie's feeling of being treated like a misbehaving child, but she couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through her veins.

David led her to a dining room chair, and Julie's heart beat even faster. She knew what was coming, but the reality of it still felt surreal. "You're going to learn to listen," David said firmly. He sat down and pulled Julie over his knee, positioning her so that her bottom was raised.

He reached under and undid the clasp of her pants and unzipped them. Then, with one motion he pulled both pants and panties down to her knees. Julie tried to stop their descent, but it was futile.

Julie felt a wave of intense humiliation. Here she was, a grown woman, bared, about to be spanked like a naughty child in front of her parents! But amidst the embarrassment, there was an undeniable current of arousal. She felt her cheeks flush, not just from the shame but also from the anticipation of what was to come.

David's hand rested on her bottom for a moment, the warmth of his touch sending shivers through her body. Then, without warning, he brought his hand down with a sharp smack. The sound of the slap echoed in the room, and Julie gasped, more from the shock of the situation than from the pain. The spanking continued, each smack firm and decisive. David's hand connected with her skin in a rhythm that left her breathless.

With each slap, Julie's mind swirled with conflicting emotions. The stinging pain in her bottom was real, but so was the growing heat of arousal. She felt humiliated and vulnerable, yet there was something undeniably thrilling about the way David was taking control. She couldn't help but squirm, her body reacting instinctively to the sensations coursing through her.

"Stay still," David commanded, his voice firm and unyielding. Julie bit her lip, trying to comply, but the mix of pain and excitement made it difficult. Each smack seemed to heighten her arousal, making it harder to remain still. She felt her body betraying her, responding to the spanking in ways she couldn't control.

Doug and Mary watched the scene unfold with a mixture of approval and relief. They were glad that David was taking charge and setting boundaries, even if it meant their daughter was being disciplined in front of them. For them, it was a necessary step to restore peace and order to their family gatherings.

As the spanking continued, Julie's mind became a whirlwind of thoughts and sensations. She couldn't believe this was happening, but she couldn't deny the thrill it brought. The pain in her bottom was intense, each smack leaving a burning sting, but the arousal that accompanied it was even more powerful. She felt herself getting wetter with each slap, her body responding in ways that left her both embarrassed and excited.

As David spanked, she lowered her elbows to the floor, bent more acutely over his knee, exaggerated the arch in her back and the lift in her bottom. She spread her legs as much as her banded pants and panties allowed. She wriggled and wiggled, praying that everybody would see it just as her genuine, albeit humiliating, reaction to her spanking. However, inwardly, she thrilled at putting on this bare wet pussy show for her Daddy who was seated clearly behind the action.

Feeling the utter thrill of humiliation, Julie turned on the warterworks and began begging, and pleading, and promising to be "a good girl!"

When David finally stopped, Julie's bottom was on fire. She was breathless, her body trembling with the mix of pain and arousal. David stood her up and looked her in the eyes, his expression serious but caring. "Now, back to the corner," he said, "pants and panties stay down."

Chapter 5: Panties Down

Julie obeyed, her legs feeling weak as she shuffled back to her place in the corner. Her bottom was bare, and she could feel the cool air against her hot skin. The humiliation of standing there, her punishment visible to everyone, was intense. But so was the excitement. She stood with her nose against the wall, her mind replaying the spanking over and over.

The sting in her bottom was a constant reminder of her punishment, but it was the arousal that surprised her the most. She had never experienced anything like this before – the mix of humiliation and excitement was intoxicating.

Julie tried to focus on the sounds of the dinner table behind her. She could hear the clinking of silverware and the murmur of conversation as her parents and David resumed their meal. She felt a pang of isolation, standing there with her back to them, her bottom exposed and burning. But even this sense of exclusion added to her arousal. She was the center of attention, even if in a shameful way, and it made her feel alive in a way she couldn't quite explain.

As she stood there, her mind wandered back to the spanking. She couldn't stop thinking about the way David's hand had felt, the firm, controlled power in each stroke. She imagined what it would have looked like from her parents' perspective – their daughter being spanked like a naughty child. Daddy seeing everything.

The thought made her squirm with embarrassment, but it also sent another wave of arousal through her body.

Her thoughts became more vivid, imagining what might happen if she continued to push David's buttons. Would he spank her again, right there in front of her parents? Would he make her strip completely, leaving her even more exposed and vulnerable? Would he bend her over and use his belt in front of Daddy? Would Daddy get to use the belt on her? The fantasies swirled in her mind, each one more thrilling and humiliating than the last.

Julie bit her lip, trying to keep still as David had commanded, but her mind was betraying her. The more she thought about it, the more she felt her arousal growing. She could feel the wetness between her legs, a stark contrast to the sting in her bottom. It was as if her body was at war with itself, the pain and pleasure mingling in a way that left her breathless. She squeezed her thighs together and wriggled.

"Stand still, Julie," David's voice cut through her thoughts, making her jump slightly. "Don't make me come over there again."

Julie nodded, her face burning with embarrassment. "Yes, Sir," she whispered, her voice barely audible. She tried to focus on standing still.

Mary, in touch with a woman's feelings, ventured, "I think she might have enjoyed that spanking a little too much..."

Julie gasped. Fortunately the men argued Mary, pointing out how red her bum was and all the wriggling and even the... discharge... was a natural reaction to such a severe spanking. Mary did not seem to buy it, but didn't pursue it either.

"Oh no," thought Julie. "Mom knows... And Daddy saw her... wet pussy!"

She could again hear her parents’ voices at the table, back to being engaged in a conversation with David. Their tone was relaxed, almost as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. But Julie knew better. She knew they were aware of her every squirm, her every movement. This knowledge only deepened her embarrassment.

For Julie, each attempt to focus on the present was interrupted by the memory of David’s firm hand on her bare bottom and the overwhelming mix of emotions it had produced. She couldn’t shake off the paradoxical blend of humiliation and arousal that now seemed to define her very being.

Doug’s voice broke through her thoughts. "David, we appreciate you taking control of the situation. Julie’s political outbursts have been getting out of hand, and it’s good to see you setting some boundaries. Goodness knows you've given her ample warnings. Maybe now she’ll finally learn."

Julie cringed inwardly at her father’s words. It was bad enough to be punished, but to have her parents commend David for it added another layer of humiliation. Yet, she couldn't deny the thrill that came with it. She wanted to be good, to be obedient, and to please her husband and parents, even if it meant enduring such shame. Julie’s cheeks burned as she heard their words. She felt like a child being discussed by adults, her behaviour critiqued and her punishment validated. But there was also a part of her that reveled in the attention, in the fact that she was the focal point of such a significant moment.

David’s voice was calm and firm. “Julie needs to understand that there are consequences for her actions. I’m sure this will be a lesson she won’t soon forget.”

Julie’s mind was a whirlpool of emotions. She wanted to rebel, to shout that this was unfair. But the sternness in David’s voice and the approving tones of her parents silenced her. The mixture of authority and approval from the people she loved most was intoxicating.

As dessert was served, Julie remained in the corner, her bottom still bare and stinging from the spanking. The smell of sweet treats wafted through the air, but she could only think about the feelings coursing through her. The arousal had not diminished; if anything, it had intensified. She felt the heat between her legs growing, a stark contrast to the cool air. The embarrassment of being disciplined so publicly mingled with an undeniable arousal that she struggled to comprehend. She felt vulnerable and exposed, yet also strangely empowered by the attention and the strict control David was exerting over her.

She tried to focus on the sounds behind her – the clinking of spoons against dessert dishes, the low murmur of conversation, the occasional laugh from her parents. But every sound seemed to amplify her sense of isolation and humiliation. She could hear David's voice, calm and authoritative, discussing everyday topics with her parents as if nothing unusual was happening. It was surreal and added to the intensity of her emotions.

Julie's thoughts drifted again back to the spanking. The memory of David's firm hand on her bare bottom, the sharp sting of each smack, and the way he had taken control of the situation filled her mind. She imagined his expression – a mix of determination and care – and it sent another wave of arousal through her body. She squeezed her thighs together, trying to alleviate the growing ache, but it only intensified the sensation.

Chapter 6: Reprieve

"Julie, you can come out now," David's voice broke through her thoughts, making her jump slightly. "Join us for dessert."

"May I... p...p...pull up my p...p...pants and panties, Sir?"

David chuckled at his newly obedient wife and responded, "you may."

Julie quickly bent and pulled everything back into place. She rubbed her eyes, took a deep breath, then turned slowly, her face still flushed with embarrassment. She walked back to the table with as much dignity as she could muster, acutely aware of her parents' eyes on her. She felt small and exposed, but also strangely exhilarated. She took her seat, her bottom still stinging from the spanking, a constant reminder of her punishment.

The dessert – a delicious-looking chocolate cake – was already on her plate. Julie picked up her fork and took a small bite, the sweetness contrasting with the bitter emotions swirling inside her. She glanced at David, who gave her a reassuring smile, and then at her parents, who looked relieved and satisfied.

David broke the silence. "Julie, I hope you understand why this had to happen?"

Doug added, "Yes, we've had quite enough of your political arguments. We just want to have a peaceful family dinner."

"Hear, hear," Mary added.

Julie nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I understand, Mom, Dad. I'm sorry."

Mary reached over and patted her hand. "It's for your own good, honey. Sometimes we need a firm hand to guide us. And it's not so bad now, is it? It has its perks."

The men looked confused. Julie blushed powerfully.

"We'll discuss it later, young lady. Maybe a little conversation about appropriate and inappropriate behaviour in public. Just the two of us?"

"Yes, Mama," Julie said, not able to meet her gaze. She asked herself, "Is Mama 'gonna spank me, for putting on a show for Daddy?" She didn't doubt it.

As the conversation shifted back to more mundane topics, Julie tried to focus on her dessert, but her mind kept returning to the spanking and the feelings it had stirred within her. She couldn't shake off the arousal, the way her body had responded to the discipline. She knew her Mom had noticed, but wondered if David had noticed, if he understood the effect his actions had on her.

When the meal finally ended, Julie felt a sense of relief but also a lingering excitement. As they said their goodbyes and got into the car, Julie, humiliated, wet, and hot-bottomed, had never craved a good fucking as much as she did just then.


  1. Well I sympathise with Doug and Mary. I come to this site in good faith and what do I get? Political nonsense that’s what. It’s even woven into this post which from the title was ostensibly about spanking.
    From now on every political post should lead to a severely spanking from your husband just like this. And appropriately revealing pictures should be posted for all the online daddy’s to see. Grumpy Daddy.

    1. I thought you'd appreciate me weaving it in. I wrote it for folks like you!

  2. Such a wanton lack of propriety. Frankly, I’m surprised a bolshy, shameless little slut like you was even wearing panties when daddy came round to visit.

    1. I always wear panties, Sir. The better to take them down!

  3. Now THIS is the kind of quality we've come to expect from you! Well written, a measured pace as events unfold, the buildup, the spanking, the arousal. And the way you've left it open for more; will Julie be fucked by David, roughly, from behind, the way she desires? Will her Mom invite her over the next day for that 'discussion' (my personal choice)? Will her Dad participate the next time Julie crosses the line?

    Well done indeed, Julie. Thank you.

  4. Bonjour julie
    Pourquoi cette analyse, et se sentiment de culpabilité : (J'étais vraiment obsédé par le fait que mes parents étaient également impliqués, et nous leur en avons parlé et même les avons impliqués. Je n'ai plus le droit de jouer comme ça, ...)

    Si vos parents ne sont pas d'accord je comprends, car la fessée dois être avec consentement des 2 parties, par contre si vos parents ont les mêmes désirs , les mêmes plaisirs, que vous, pourquoi pas , il n'y a pas de raisons à ne pas se faire plaisir, lorsque tout le monde a ce même désir...
    De plus ce Plaisir de la fessée familiale et quadruplé du fait des interdits ou tabous de la société...

    Mais d’êtres adultes, nous font choisir nos droits aux choix , et de par cela aux plaisirs que cela procure en osmose, consentement, et en parfaite harmonie familiale ….

    1. It was decided between my parents, my sister, and my husband. I had no say.

  5. Fiction: Julie's Cornertime Humiliation (F/M) !!
    Juliet's(!)Cornertime Humiliation

    All it takes is for you to be put in the corner with your pants down for you to lose your mind!

    1. It still seems to me that in the title (F/M) is not appropriate and should be replaced by (MMF/F).
      What do you think ?

    2. Always wonder how to deal with "witnesses".

  6. I don’t know why. I’m more than OK with including nieces, sisters-in-law, and other family members in fantasy. But I get squeamish when moms and dads are involved. Also upsetting was the unconstitutional, anti-First Amendment gag order enforced on Julie by her kangaroo court family. Despite all this, I connected with Julie’s feelings during her ordeal. I don’t make my panties wet in the same way as a woman, but I have felt the shame and humiliation of involuntary arousal. It hits hard! I’m still hoping to experience those impossibly intertwined feelings of pain, humiliation and arousal delivered by a man.

    Finally, a serious question: Why are the two most important topics, politics and faith/religion, forbidden in “polite” conversation? They only determine everything about how we are going to live now and in the hereafter. And we can’t talk about that? - david

    1. Totally agree! It's because lefty brainwashed losers can't handle debate.

  7. Speaking of gag orders that’s what should happen here. Julie should be gagged so there is no chance of her parroting more trumpish nonsense. She’ll drool of course but the little slut is dripping already so some more moisture will be no never mind for daddy. MrD

    1. Gagging might have been appropriate...

    2. Yes, please Stifel free speech !!! If you don't agree with someone, shout them down !! heaven forbid you might actually open your mind.
      No really concerned about a U.S president, they are all batshit crazy. Small county, beautiful people, worked there for months at a time. Never felt so welcome, co-workers invited me home for dinner with there families, kindness.
      People are good, governments are... Evil. Fat blotted civil (servants) although they make more that the rest of us. Feed of the trough of hard working people. Can't wait to retire... 16 months and counting and get the fuck out of Canada.

    3. Whole world is fucked.

  8. Julie can’t keep her mouth closed even after her spanking. So it should be under the table with her and she can put her tongue to good use on her husband and daddy (and maybe mom) while they have their post dinner port and cigars. “No talking with your mouth full young lady” says daddy.

  9. Still one of the best storylines to come out of you, Julie. The real spankings, humiliations and cornertime from and in front of your family! Your butterflies and the knots in your stomach must have been indescribable!

  10. Niece staying with us update. I’ve been spanked by my wife for “staring too long” at my conspiratorial niece topless sunbathing and modelling her new clothes. Now she’s tattletaled to my wife about when I walked into her bedroom to pick up the laundry while she was undressing. I got another spanking for it. “You know you love it uncle,” she said afterwards. Little minx. Like a young Julie.

    1. I will be seeing my niece this weekend and several times throughout the summer. How I wish my niece and wife were more like yours! It’s a storyline I will be writing in my head all swimsuit season! - david

  11. I wonder if Julie will have to bring the hairbrush? Will her father stand in the doorway and watch? I cant wait for more!

  12. Bringing the hairbrush for your discussion with Mom and handing it over - Humiliating! Maybe you should have to hold it in yhe corner, between your cheeks. 15 minutes to yhink about it!

    1. Yes! Handle up my bum, cheeks clenching around the bristles!

  13. Fun fact daddy fantasies have a name. The Elktra complex. The Greeks were the first to refer to it. Kinky devils those Greeks. Bet they liked a good spanking too.

    1. Wasn't that Freud or Jung who called it that, referring to the play?

    2. Yes both. The poem by Sylvia Plath called “Daddy” is an interesting read.

  14. Your Julie reminds me of our daughter in the 1970s. She was infatuated with a left-wing activist and made scandals about our way of life at every Sunday family meal.
    We were wasteful, we were colonial profiteers because we had worked in Africa.
    When we had enough, if she brought up one of these political subjects at the table, she would go to the corner just wrapped in a burlap bag and with a chili suppository: it was one of the punishments we had discovered in Africa and we teased her by telling her that, doing so, we respected African customs.
    His revolt did not last long.
    An old "papa"

    1. How tall was the bag? Was it pulled down over her head or pulled up from her feet? I must know this!

    2. There was a hole in the burlap bag and we lowered it over her head. She was naked underneath. I remember she was often sweating profusely, her nipples were irritated by the fabric. It was part of the punishment. She was quite blessed in the bottom department. The bag was folded at mid-thighs.

    3. Excellent! Was she seen nude as the bag was lowered, or was it put on her in relative privacy by her or her mother?

    4. As far as I remember, I fully undressed my daughter in the living room and my wife administered the kanigban to her. She was stripped naked in front of my sister and her husband and in front of her grandparents several times. My wife put her burlap punishment bag on her until she apologized.

    5. Wow. Thanks for sharing. I've never heard about this punishment before. How did the chili suppository look like? A whole chili? Who put it in?
      I wonder how long she got to stand in the corner? I guess her bottom was bare and on display. Very memorable.

    6. Thanks for sharing. Did she not apologize immediately to avoid the chili suppository? How long did she get to stand in the corner with her bottom on display?
      I've never heard of this punishment before, very memorable.

    7. Her rump was not visible. The punishment was the embarrassment of being naked under the itchy and scratchy burlap bag.
      The  kanigban, I think it still exists, is composed of ginger, dry chili pepper and African pepper crushed and left to dry in the form of a suppository. When it was completely dry, it was coated with shea butter or another fatty material and inserted deep into the anus. It was also believed to cure all kinds of ailments through the anal route.

    8. Was the kanigban inserted in full view of the others?
      What was her reaction standing there? Was she still? Was she crying? Was she squirming in place? Was she shimmying violently? Enquiring minds want to know!

    9. It happened only five or six times in one year. She could have refused. Go live with her future in-laws. But she preferred to live with us.
      Her mother was making her lie down on the table. She was rolling up the bag and pushing the kanigban straight to his rectum. After a few minutes in the corner, she was beginning to wiggle her rump and squeeze her thighs. Tears were coming as she was hopping from one foot to the other. She was begging to go to the bathroom.
      I was putting her in front of me and vigorously rubbed her chest and buttocks through the burlap so that the skin was irritated on the outside as well and I let her run away.
      She was crying out in anger and shame when we mockingly commented on the noises coming from the toilets.

  15. Hi Julie,
    The pencil sketch is fabulous. I'm interested in the artwork. If you have it available Please tell me/us who the artist is.

    1. I have no more info other than the signature on it, which I think says "Patty". It is great, though, isn't it?

  16. A punishment for disruptive behaviour like this often overlooked these days is the dunce’s cap. Quite effective for humiliation when paired with spanking and corner time. Here’s a link.

  17. I was thinking that during your panties down corner time you should be made to wear a pink protest pussy hat as an anti trump statement. But guess what? Apparently the left now regards their own pink pussy hats as offensive to transgenders who don’t have female genitalia and to people of color because their genitals are more likely to be brown than pink. Hoist on their own pussy petard. Too funny.

  18. Can you explain to me the pun on
    “Hear, hear,” Mary added. (chapter 6)

    Sometimes you say ""

    Thank you

    1. Not a pun, just expressing agreement. Both forms can be used, but "hear" is more correct, short for "hear him".

  19. Next time use a heavy silicone water hose
