Thursday, May 16

Fiction: Counting to Ten Remixed (Fff/m)

Some new fiction today. Only the second half was AI-assisted (from the teasing dialog - AI is good at that!). I wrote the first part myself. The genesis for this story was me recalling a story I once read called "Counting to Ten". I'll give a link to the original at the bottom. I did a full "remix" of that story from scratch, retaining only the "counting to ten" part.

In my story, it's a fed up single Mom disciplining her 17-year-old boy with a grounding first, then when he violated that, a spanking, cornertime, and a much more humiliating grounding. He has two younger sister who witness the whole thing, glad their mean big brother is getting his comeuppance. His youngest sister has a few friends over who get to witness big brother's second grounding and an embarrassing spanking. At the end, the boy comes under the power of his sisters.


There is no overt sexual activity in my story, just embarrassing punitive activity that I've sexualized in my mind. And, just to be 100% clear, I do not advocate sexualized punishments for teens! That's for us grownups imagining we are teens. I present the following as an age regression mindplay, inviting you to imagine yourself at that age.

Counting to Ten Remixed

Chapter 1: A Spanking Narrowly Averted

In a small suburban home, Mark, a 17-year-old boy, lived with his single mother, Ann, and his two younger sisters, Emily 15 and Olivia 13. Mark had grown increasingly disrespectful towards his mother and sisters, and it was a constant source of frustration for Ann. One day, after a particularly nasty outburst from Mark directed at the girls and her, Ann decided that enough was enough. She would give him a strict grounding, and teach him a lesson he wouldn't forget.

"Mark, that's it! I've had enough of your disrespect! You're grounded for a week. No going out, no video games, no phone, you're to stay in your room except for meals, bathroom, and doing chores around the house," Ann declared firmly.

Emily and Olivia smirked with delight. Finally their nasty big brother was going to be punished!

"Mom! You can't do that!" Mark declared, stamping his foot angrily.

"You heard me, young man. Go to your room. Now!"

"No! It's summer! I can't be in my room for a fucking week!"

Ann reacted sharply to the swear word. "Fine. In that case, you're grounded for TWO weeks," Ann said calmly.

"I'm grounded for NO WEEKS!" Mark cried out.

"Young man, you are one word away from going across my knee!"

The girls couldn't believe this! Was Mom threatening... a spanking? For their big grown-up seventeen year old brother?

Mark's head exploded. He hadn't been spanked since he was eight years old! Mom couldn't be serious.

"Don't be STUPID!" Mark said.

"Oh, stupid, am I? We'll see about that!" said Ann.

She grabbed the front of Mark's pant, her hand around the front of his belt, and pulled him over to a kitchen chair where she sat. The girls watched wide-eyed.

She unbuckled his belt.

"Mom! No!" Mark said and tried to struggle away. Mark was a scrawny boy and his Mom's grasp was strong.

She undid the clasp of his pants then unzipped his fly. At this point, Mark realized his mom was serious.

"Mommy! No! No! Please!"

She slid her hands around to the sides and began tugging his pants down. Mark tried desperately to keep them up.

"Okay! Okay!" he said. "I'll do it! I'll do it!"

"Do what?" Ann asked pointedly, her hands momentarily pausing the descent of his pants, the fronts of his white underpants on humiliating display to his Mom and two sisters.

"I'll be grounded. Whatever!" Mark said, the tears now starting to flow.

"TWO full weeks, young man, starting immediately. Don't think I'll let you off even one day sooner."

"Okay..." Mark said pathetically, snivelling.

His sisters had seen it all. Seen how close he had been to actually having his pants pulled down for a spanking over Mom's knee! Seen him crying like a baby and accepting their Mom's authority. He was such a "big man" before. They were glad he was taken down a peg or two. It was about time.

Ann released her grip on his pants and Mark blushingly hiked them back up, did up the zipper, did up the clasp, and did up his belt.

He looked pleadingly at Ann who extended her arm and pointed in the direction of his room.

Mark, utterly defeated, turned on his heels and began moving. Ann stood up behind him and gave him a prodigious open-handed SLAP across the seat of his pants that made him jump and stumble.

"Mom!" Mark yelled, embarrassed, looking back at her, his right hand clutching his slapped bumcheek.

Ann just smirked at him and reminded him of the rules. "In your room, no screens. I'll be coming up to take them all away after I make a list of chores for you. Girls, you both get a chore holiday for the next two weeks. Mark will have plenty of time to get your chores done in addition to his, plus a few extras that need doing."

"Yes!" both girls shouted with glee, pumping their fists. Mom always made them do all the girly chores, and they were delighted that those would go to Mark for the next two weeks.

Mark just groaned and started trudging up the stairs, his right ass cheek still stinging, to begin his "sentence".

Chapter 2: The Grounding

Mark was miserable, but adhered to his grounding. He kicked himself for arguing with his Mom and getting it extended to two weeks. One would have been bad enough. Two was impossible. And in the summer!

His heart fluttered every time he thought about how close he had been to getting a spanking from Mom in front of his two younger bratty sisters. His pants were almost down! Would his undies have followed? The thought of being spanked like that, like a baby, on his bare bum, haunted him.

He found, after a time, he didn't actually mind his exile to his room. Mom allowed him to read books, and without the screens and video games to distract him, he really got into some classic sci-fi from his Dad's old collection: Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein. Mom didn't really know any of those books and allowed him to choose.

She had a long list of chores for him. It included setting the table, clearing it afterwards, and loading and unloading the dishwasher. All things his sisters used to have to do. He had to do the laundry including his mom's and sisters' underthings. It was humiliating. His sisters teased him whenever they caught him doing any of their former chores. They teased him saying he better fold their panties nicely or they'll tell Mom. They teased him that if he didn't do a good job, Mommy will spank him like a baby. 

It was only a few days into his summer grounding that Mark made a fateful error of judgment. Some of his buddies came to his window and threw pebbles up. Mark cracked his window. The guys asked where he had been?

"Grounded," Mark replied miserably, deciding that the truth, as humiliating as it was, was better than any alternative.

"Come on. Sneak out for a few minutes. We're going to get Slurpees at the 7-11."

The allure of the summer slushy slurpee was powerful! He so wanted one just then, just to get out to be with his buds, just even for a few minutes. Suck back a brain-freezing slushy while sitting on the grassy hill. Just a little break from his unrelenting, no-end-in-sight grounding.

Mark knew that his Mom had left not long ago on an errand. She wouldn't be back for at least an hour, he had the time. His pesky sisters were around, however, and they would surely tell.

"I can't," he said.

"Come on! What, are you afraid? You afraid of your Mommy?" they teased.

He actually was, but couldn't admit it.

"No. Okay. Give me a sec."

Mark left his room and tiptoed down the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked Olivia, the 13-year-old, snarkily. "You're grounded!"

"Shut up!" said Mark. "If you tell Mom, I'll beat the snot out of you, you whiny little four-eyes!"

Olivia got up and went running to her big sister Emily with tears in her eyes.

"What do you think you're doing Mark?! Mom said you're grounded!" said fifteen-year-old Emily

"Shut your fucking bitch face, Emily. Are you 'gonna tattle? Tattle like a little bitch?"

"No. But if Mom finds out, you're going to be in soooo much trouble."

"Well she's not 'gonna find out if you two keep your traps shut."

With that, Mark slipped out the front door to meet his friends and go to the 7-11.

Chapter 3: The Discovery

Mark and his buddies procured their delicious slushy slurpee drinks and went to sit on their favourite grassy knoll overlooking Edward St.

They chatted and bantered, and Mark lost track of the time.

"Shit!" said Mark. "I gotta go guys! If Mom gets home before me, my ass is grass!"

His buddies laughed at him as he set off on a trot.

When he approached his house his tummy dropped: his Mom's car was back in the driveway!

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Mark said to himself. His first thought was, he was 'gonna get spanked! He briefly considered running away, but knew that was even more foolish than facing his Mom's wrath. He held out a small hope that she might not yet have noticed his absence and he could still sneak back into his room without her noticing.

However, all his hopes were dashed the moment he cracked open the door.

His Mom immediately cried out, "Mark Philip Montgomery! What in the world were you thinking?"

The tears immediately started flowing.

"I'm sorry, Mommy!"

"Where were you?"

"Out with some friends. Getting a slushy..."

"What part of being GROUNDED don't you understand? GROUNDED means GROUNDED!"

"I know, but, my friends were teasing me, and I just wanted to be outside, just for a few minutes. It's summertime, Mommy! Please!?!"

"And I had to practically force out of the girls the fact you were gone and what vile things you said to them!"

The girls stood there, looking sheepish. They weren't tattlers, but Mom had a way of extracting the truth.

"For that stunt you've earned another week of grounding!"

"Yes, Mommy..." At least it wasn't a spanking, he thought. His mom had been bluffing.


"No, no, no, no, no..." Mark said anticipating his Mom's next words.

"AND, a good old-fashioned SPANKING right across my knee!"

"Nooooooo!" Mark wailed.

The sisters' faces broke out with glee.

"And since you were so vile to your sisters, they will be allowed to watch!"

Emily and Olivia's eyes lit up with this news. THIS would be great!

"Noooo! Mom! Please no! Not that! Please!!!" He begged, backing up, holding his hands across his belt buckle and the clasp of his pants.

Ann decided she did not want to wrestle with her seventeen year old boy.

"Take your pants down and lie across my knee," Ann said.

"No, Mom, please. I'm too old for this. Please!"

"I am going to count to ten, young man, and if those pants aren't around your ankles by the time I get there you'll get your spanking on the front porch!"

Chapter 4: Counting to Ten

Mark's eyes went wide. It was bad enough getting a spanking in front of his little sisters! Getting it on the front porch where not only they would see, but the whole neighbourhood, and possibly his friends, and even girls in his grade, would see as well was incomprehensible!

"Okay, okay, no, Mom, listen..."

"One. Two."

"Okay, look, please, just stop counting, I..."

 "Three. Four." Ann kept up an even count, one per second.

Ann stood up, took Mark by his arm, and started dragging him towards the front door.

"Mom, please! I just want to talk! Just for a second, okay?!?"

"Five. Six." she started opening the door.

Mark knew she was serious, he quickly undid his belt, clasp, and zipper, all with one hand and then quickly dropped his pants to his ankles.

"Seven. Eight," she said, pulling the door open.

"They're down! They're down!" said Mark, desperately trying to draw his Mom's attention to the fact his trousers were now pooled around his ankles. He could see the entire street through the doorway, meaning the entire street could see him!

"I don't see those undies down yet, young man," Ann said.

"Nine." She began stepping outside, dragging the stumbling Mark behind her.

Mark quickly "did the math". If he pulled them down his Mom and sisters would see all there was to see of him! If he didn't, he was sure his Mom would drag him out on the porch, take them down herself, and then spank him in front of everybody, his friends included, which was way worse.

"Okay! Okay, Mommy! I'll do it!" he pleaded. "Just close the door, please!"

"And I still don't see those undies down," Ann said, as she went out and dragged him a step further to the stoop of the wide open front door.

Mark furiously pulled his underpants all the way down to his ankles to join his pants, mooning his sisters behind and flashing the street in front.

"They're down! They're down!" he cried out as he put a hand on the doorframe to prevent himself from being dragged fully onto the porch. He looked desperately around for any sign of anybody seeing him. His penis and testicles were completely bare, facing outwards, right in the stoop of his front door!

Ann relaxed her pull and gave her son the once over. She hadn't seen his penis since he was eight-years-old. She kept him there a moment longer, deciding what to do.

"By all rights, Mark Philip Montgomery, you should be getting your spanking on the front porch. But if you promise to behave and obey me, we can do it in the living room. Your choice."

"I'll behave, Mommy! I'll obey you! Please! Please close the door!!!"

She kept the desperately blushing boy there for a beat more.

"Fine," Ann said, and went back inside, closing the door and pulling Mark stumbling behind her to the living room sofa.

Meanwhile, the sisters were having a field day! They couldn't believe it when Mark pulled his pants down of his own volition like that, and then they were even more surprised when Mom told him that included his undies as well! He was practically halfway out the door before he pulled them down too, desperately pleading for his Mom to look. From where they were they saw his bare ass, which was already amazing, but even more amazing was that they knew Mom was looking at everything, and that everything was visible to anybody who chose to walk past the house just then! When Mom turned and pulled him back inside leading him to the couch, they got to see everything also. He had a sparse little tuft of pubic hair just above, and a small limp dangly little penis underneath, looking like a tiny elephant's trunk, with two walnut-sized balls in a tight shrivelled sack underneath it all. The girls had never seen their brother's cock before, and it was way cool!

"Mommmmmy nooooo!" Mark wailed as she pulled him towards the couch, acutely aware of the bare penis show he was putting on for all the females in his house.

Ann released his arm as she sat in the middle of the couch. Regaining his balance, Mark was finally able to bring his two hands desperately to his crotch to hide his genitals.

"Hands on your head, Mark Philip!" Ann ordered.

Mark quickly complied, bending slightly at the knees, pushing them together, and squirming under the gaze of his Mom and sisters.

Ann knew exactly what she was doing. She knew how desperately self-conscious boys his age could be of their still developing genitals. She knew from past experience how desperate he had been to hide his nudity if she ever even approached seeing him in that state.  By giving him a bare penis scolding in front of her and his sisters, she was teaching him a lesson he would literally never forget.

"You DELIBERATELY and WILLFULLY broke your grounding!" said Ann angrily.

"I'm sorry, Mommy," Mark said, blushing from his forehead down.

"And on top of that the VILE LANGUAGE and the THREATS, of physical violence no less, that you directed at your own SISTERS?"

"I'm sorrrry!" he wailed, wanting nothing more than to lay across his Mom's lap and hide his cock from everyone's view.

"It's not ME you should be apologizing to. Look your sisters in the eye and apologize to THEM!"

"Sorry..." Mark said, glancing in their direction, his eyes at their midriffs.

"Our eyes are up here, Mark," Emily said snidely.

Mark looked up at their two smirking faces. Their eyes were looking directly at his cock! "Sorry," he repeated again.

"Over my knee," Ann said, snapping her fingers and pointing across her lap.

Mark waddled the few remaining steps over and gingerly lowered himself across his Mom's lap. He winced as his penis contacted her dress. He bent over until his head and arms rested on the couch, and his feet rested still on the floor on a bit of a diagonal. Mom hiked him higher over her lap and his feet left the floor. She reached down and pulled off his pants and underpants that had become tangled around his ankles, leaving him in only his white socks beneath the waist. She then raised the back of his T-shirt high up his back, exposing a naked expanse of flesh from ankles to shoulder blades.

As Mark lay draped while his Mom prepared him, he couldn't believe the mess he had gotten himself into. Here he was, bare across his mother's lap, his sisters watching, about to be spanked like a little baby.

Chapter 5: The Spanking

Ann brought her hand down resoundingly across Mark's bare bottom cheek. Mark gasped at the first spank, much harder than he had expected. His sisters giggled nervously. Ann took up a steady rhythm, spanking cheek to cheek, pinkening his bare bottom, and then redenning it. All this time Mark took his humiliating spanking stoically, gritting his teeth and taking it. The last thing he wanted was to cry from his already hyper-embarrassing spanking and give his sisters even more to tease him about.

Ann paused and looked at her own palm, which was already a bit red and sore. That will not do. "Emily, please fetch me down my hairbrush from my dresser. The big wooden one."

Emily darted to get the hairbrush as Ann flexed her sore hand. Emily was back in a flash with the heavy wooden hairbrush, handed it to her mom, and resumed her observation post beside her sister, both sharing the big chair that had a 3/4 view onto Mark's bared backside.

"This will do," said Ann as she felt the heft in her solid wooden hairbrush. She raised it, paddle-side down, and gave Mark a prodigious whack on the right sit spot.

"Argghhh!" Mark cried out for the first time, his legs kicking and his head rising.

WHACK! A second stroke came down equally hard on his left sit spot.

"Ooooowwww! No, Mommy! No!" begged Mark, putting his right hand back to block the blows.

Ann calmly took his right wrist and pinned it to his side with her left arm that also securely wrapped him. His left arm was trapped on the couch in front of him. She raised the hairbrush again and began a steady tattoo on the unfortunate boy's bare bum cheeks.

"Ah! No! Oh! Mommy! Please! No! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he wailed as the hairbrush punished, all thoughts of "grownup" comportment out the window at the unrelenting assault on his bare backside. He wriggled and writhed and squirmed to the extent his hips could move, which was not a lot, and kicked his legs freely, scissoring them and spreading them, and kicking like a little froggy as he received his punishment.

"THIS is more like it," Ann thought as she continued belabouring his bottom.

The girls were treated to QUITE the show as their brother bucked, kicked, and writhed, his penis and balls flopped madly around, dancing on their mother's lap. Even his bumhole was on full parade as he spread and kicked in a desperate and futile attempt to escape his just deserts.

His wild kicking getting in the way of her strokes, Ann paused to readjust his position, putting him directly across her left thigh and moving his head to the carpet, then throwing her right leg across the backs of both of his legs and clamping down, and then continued his punishment.

In his new position, jackknifed acutely across her high-heeled elevated left leg, more of his lower butt and high thighs became available targets, and Ann continued his spanking there.

"Waaaaahhhhhhh!" Mark began crying continuously, snot pouring from his nose as his Mom spanked him soundly.

The girls saw his ass go from red, to deep red, to now blistered red around his two spank spots, the centers almost white again, but not in a good way! Jackknifed over as he was, his bumhole was now on continuous display, winking and dancing in a fascinating way as their mom's hairbrush continued to connect unrelentingly. His balls were trapped between his legs, looking ridiculous.

The spanking went on and on and on as Mark begged, pleaded, and cried.

Finally, judging her son had gotten the message, Ann ended the spanking and released Mark to stand. His T-shirt was up around his shoulders so his Mom simple removed it, rendering him fully naked other that his short white socks.

Mark clutched at his punished bottom with two hands, the sobs racking him still, his eyes and face wet with snot and tears. He no longer had any awareness of his sisters there, his genitals on display to them as he rubbed his dreadfully punished rear end.

Ann fetched a handful of tissues from the kitchen counter and returned to wipe the worst of the tears and snot from his face, and made him blow his nose into the tissues several times as she held them for him. She then walked him over to the bare expanse of living room wall, placed his hands on his head, and gently pushed him until his nose touched the wall.

Chapter 6: First Timeout

"You're to stay here, just like that, Mark, for the next hour and think about your behaviour today. If your nose leaves the wall for any reason, or your hands leave your head, we'll try again with the hairbrush and then start your hour over from the beginning. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Mommy," Mark sniffled.

"Girls, please take turns supervising your brother. If he violates his corner time, you let me know."

The girls were delighted to help discipline their brother like this.

Ann walked back to the kitchen, quite aware that Mark would be in for a major dose of teasing from his little sisters. After his recent behaviour towards them, she didn't begrudge it at all.

EMILY (to Olivia, grinning) I can't believe Mom actually spanked him like a baby! And with a hairbrush too!

OLIVIA (laughing) I know, right? It's like he's finally getting what he deserves!

Mark clenched his fists on top of his head, his face flushed with embarrassment and anger.

MARK (through gritted teeth) You two better watch your mouths. I'll make you pay for this when I'm done with my timeout.

Emily and Olivia exchanged amused glances, unfazed by their brother's threats.

EMILY (mockingly) Oh no, we're so scared! What are you going to do, cry at us?

OLIVIA (smiling) Yeah, Mark, we're shaking in our boots.

Time passed, and Mark remained in the corner, his body growing more and more uncomfortable as he struggled to maintain his position. Emily and Olivia continued to taunt him.

EMILY (teasingly) You know, Mark, your butt looks so red and sore. I bet it hurts a lot.

OLIVIA (amused) Yeah, I've never seen anyone's butt that shade of red before. It's almost artistic.

Mark gritted his teeth, his face growing even redder with shame.

MARK (harshly) Shut up, both of you! You don't know anything about it!

EMILY (smirking) Oh, we know plenty, Mark. Especially about how much you cried during your spanking. You're such a baby.

Olivia giggled, and Mark's face contorted with anger and humiliation.

EMILY And you know we saw everything, Mark. Your tiny little cock and balls...

OLIVIA ...even your BUMHOLE!

Both sisters laughed uproariously and went to either side of Mark, gluing the sides of their heads to the wall.

EMILY Oh, Mark! We can even see your tiny little junk right now.

OLIVIA Look! He's trying to smoosh them against the wall to hide them!

EMILY  That won't work Marky!

The girls laughed again at their desperately squirming brother and went to take a seat as his nose-to-wall punishment continued.

As the minutes ticked by, Mark's resolve weakened. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, trying to find some relief from the discomfort of standing in one position for so long. Even his nose was sore, and now sniffly as well. As he wriggled, for one brief second, his nose left the wall. Emily and Olivia noticed this and exchanged a mischievous glance.

EMILY (slyly) Did I see your nose leave the wall, Marky? I think our brother is getting a little restless, Olivia. What should we do about that?

OLIVIA (grinning) Well, we know what Mom said to do if he takes his nose off the wall. Maybe we should call her over.

Emily and Olivia laughed as Mark's face paled with fear. He knew that if they told their mother, he'd be in for another round of punishment.

MARK (desperately) No, please don't tell Mom! I'll be good, I promise!

EMILY (mockingly) Oh, poor Mark. You're not in a position to make promises right now, are you?

OLIVIA (amused) Yeah, you're just a little boy with a red bottom and a big timeout. What could you possibly do to stop us telling Mom?

Mark's shoulders slumped in defeat as he realized the truth in their words. He had no control over the situation, and his sisters knew it.

The tension in the room was palpable as Emily and Olivia continued to torment their brother. Mark's resolve crumbled, and he could no longer hold his nose against the wall. As soon as he briefly moved his nose away from the wall a second time, the girls seized the opportunity.

EMILY (excitedly) Olivia, did you see that? He moved his nose away from the wall again!

OLIVIA (grinning) I sure did! That's twice, Mark. Time to tell Mom!

They rushed out of the room, leaving Mark alone. He knew what was coming next and dreaded it with every fibre of his being.

Chapter 7: Second Spanking

Ann entered the room, her face a mix of disappointment and determination. She saw her son standing in timeout, his nose pressed hard against the wall again.

ANN (sternly) Mark, I told you to keep your nose against the wall. What happened?

Mark briefly considered saying his sisters were lying, but knew he would not be believed and, as bad as things were, things would only get worse.

MARK (ashamed) I-I'm sorry, Mom. I just couldn't stand it anymore. It was just for a second. Less than a second!

Ann shook her head, her expression firm.

ANN And I specifically told you that nose stays glued to that wall. Is that a difficult concept, Mark?

MARK No... I'm sorryyy. It's too much...

ANN Well, you should have thought about that before you violated your grounding and earned yourself this timeout. Now, what did I say would happen if that nose left that wall?

Mark wailed, his eyes filling with tears. He knew that another round of punishment was inevitable.

Ann retrieved the hairbrush and began to lecture him.

ANN (firmly) Mark, I'm very disappointed in. That's not how a responsible young man behaves. Now, I'm going to have to spank you again to remind you of that.

Mark whimpered, his body tensing in anticipation of the pain to come. Ann pulled him away from the wall, and into the center of the room, warning him to keep his hands on his head. Holding his forearm with one hand she raised the hairbrush with her other and brought it back sharply on his already sore bottom. Mark cried out, his hands tightening on top of his head. Ann continued spanking Mark in the upright position as he danced from foot to foot, hips thrust forward, his hands on his head. The girls giggled as they plainly saw his penis and balls dancing and jumping and even twirling with stroke after stroke.

ANN (continuing) This is what happens when you disobey, Mark. You get a red, sore bottom and a longer timeout! Are you going to learn your lesson this time?

Mark nodded frantically, tears streaming down his face. Ann continued to spank him with the hairbrush, each stroke landing with a resounding smack on his tender flesh.

As the punishment continued, Emily and Olivia watched, their expressions a mix of fascination and amusement. They subtly shifted towards the back to take in the sight of their brother's red, swollen bottom. They then shifted more towards the front to see his dancing genitals and the tears streaming down his face. They exchanged knowing glances, enjoying the show.

EMILY (whispering) I can't believe Mom's doing this to him. It's so embarrassing!

OLIVIA (smiling) I know, right? But he deserves it. He's been so mean to us lately.

Emily nodded in agreement, her eyes never leaving the scene unfolding before them.

Finally, Ann deemed the punishment complete and put the hairbrush away. She turned to her son, still standing in the middle of the room, his face streaked with tears and his bottom a deep shade of red.

ANN (sympathetically) I know that was hard, Mark, but I hope you've learned your lesson. Now, I want you to go back to stand facing the wall for another hour, with your nose pressed tightly against the wall this time, the whole time, and your hands on your head. If you move again, you'll be punished even more severely. Do you understand?

Mark nodded, his voice barely a whisper.

MARK (quietly) Yes, Mom. I understand.

Ann saw him to the wall and then exited the room once more, leaving Mark to the tender mercies of Emily and Olivia.

Chapter 8: Second Timeout

Emily and Olivia went quickly back to their teasing ways.

EMILY Well, well, well, look who's in timeout yet again, like a little baby. Right from the very beginning, another whole hour.

OLIVIA Yeah, and still completely naked, too. How embarrassing for you, Mark.

Mark's face turned crimson, but he remained silent, knowing that any response would only make the situation worse.

EMILY So, Mark, how does it feel to have your bare butt spanked like that? Does it hurt?

OLIVIA Yeah, you were crying like a baby and begging "mommy". You know, for someone so much older than us, you sure are acting like a toddler.

Mark clenched his fists, trying to hold back his anger and humiliation. He knew that reacting will only lead to more punishment.

EMILY And look at your poor, red little bottom. I bet it's so sore right now. You know, before today, I've never seen you without clothes. It's quite the sight.

OLIVIA Yeah, it's interesting to see what boys look like when they're not wearing anything. I never realized how small your... you know... is.

Mark's face turned an even deeper shade of red, but he remained silent, his nose pressed firmly against the wall.

MARK (crying softly) Please... just don't.

EMILY You know, Mark, if you move your nose away even an inch again, we'll tell Mom, and she'll come back to spank you again. So, you might as well just stand there and let us make fun of you.

OLIVIA Yeah, there's no escaping this. So you might as well just accept your punishment like a good little boy.

Mark's hands began to tremble on his head, but he managed to keep them in place, his eyes fixed on the wall in front of him.

EMILY You know, Mark, I think it's only fair that we get to enjoy this moment. After all, you've been so mean to us lately. Teasing us, taking our things, and just generally being a jerk.

OLIVIA Yeah, we deserve to have a little fun at your expense. So, just stand there and take it like a little boy.

Mark's breathing became more rapid, his humiliation reaching new heights. But he knew that he had no choice but to endure his sisters' taunts.

EMILY So, Mark, do you think you'll learn your lesson this time? Or will you continue to be a big bully to us?

OLIVIA Yeah, maybe this will finally teach you to treat us with respect. Or maybe you'll just keep getting spanked and put in timeout like a baby.

Mark's eyes filled with tears, but he refused to let them fall, not wanting to give his sisters the satisfaction of seeing him cry again.

EMILY Oh, look, Olivia. I think Mark's about to really cry. You know, for someone who's always so tough and mean, it's kind of funny to see him like this.

OLIVIA Yeah, it's like he's not so tough after all. Just a big baby who needs to be spanked and put in timeout.

Mark's hands began to shake even more, his resolve starting to falter. He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment.

EMILY You know, Mark, if you're going to cry, you might as well just let it out. It's not like it'll make this any less embarrassing for you.

OLIVIA Yeah, we're already seeing you naked, with your red butt and little junk and all. And we've already seen you crying like a baby during your spanking, and even before. What's a few more tears going to change?

Mark's tears finally spilled over, running down his cheeks as he sobbed quietly, his hands still on his head.

EMILY Oh, look, Olivia. He's crying now. I guess he really is just a big baby.

OLIVIA Yeah, maybe next time he'll think twice before being mean to us.

Mark continued to cry, his humiliation and shame reaching unbearable levels. But he knew that he had no choice but to endure his punishment and his sisters' taunts.

EMILY You know, Mark, I think you should thank us for this. We're doing you a favor by teaching you a lesson about treating your family with respect.

OLIVIA Yeah, if we don't put you in your place, who will? You definitely need someone to show you how to behave.

Mark's sobs became louder, his entire body shaking with the force of his humiliation and despair.

EMILY Oh, look, Olivia. He's really losing it now. I guess he's finally realizing just how much of a baby he is.

OLIVIA Yeah, maybe now he'll finally learn his lesson and start treating us better.

Mark's hands finally slip from his head, his resolve completely broken. He turns to face his sisters, his face a mess of tears and humiliation.

MARK (sobbing) Please, just stop. I've learned my lesson. I'll be better, I promise.

EMILY (smiling) Oh, Mark, I think it's a little too late for that. You've been so mean to us, and now you're getting what you deserve.

OLIVIA Yeah, you should have thought about this before you decided to be such a bully.

Mark's face contorted with despair as he realized that there was no escaping his punishment. He turned back to face the wall, his nose pressing against it once more.

EMILY Good boy, Marky-Mark, back to your timeout. We'll let baby off this time, but if you move again, we'll tell Mom, and she'll come back to spank you again.

OLIVIA Yeah, and you'll have to start your timeout all over again.

Mark's hands returned to his head, his eyes closed as he tried to block out the world around him. He knew that he had no choice but to endure his punishment and his sisters' taunts.

EMILY Well, Olivia, I think we've done a good job of supervising Mark's timeout. He's definitely learned his lesson now.

OLIVIA Yeah, and I think we've earned some respect from him. Maybe now he'll finally start treating us better.

MARK (whispering, still crying) Please, just let me finish my timeout. I'll be better, I promise.

EMILY (smiling) Oh, Mark, we'll believe it when we see it. But for now, just stand there and take your punishment like a good little boy.

The girls continued to watch Mark, their faces filled with satisfaction as they enjoyed their brother's humiliation and despair. Mark remained in timeout, his nose pressed against the wall and his hands on his head, his entire body shaking with the force of his tears.

Chapter 9: Monkey in a Cage

As Mark's second timeout was coming to an end, Ann re-entered the living room. She took out a roll of masking tape and began to outline a square, six feet on each side, in the empty carpeted living room corner. 

ANN Alright, Mark, your timeout is up. But don't think you're off the hook. Since you can't be trusted to be grounded to your room, you'll be grounded to this square until further notice.

Mark looked at her, pleading with his eyes.

MARK Mom, please. Can I at least put on some clothes?

ANN No, Mark. You'll have to earn that privilege back. And if you step out of this square, I'll give you another round of that hairbrush and you'll be spending the rest of the evening nose against wall. Understand?

Mark nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. He went to his little square, sat his bruised bum on the carpet, and curled up to hide his genitalia

ANN (turning to Emily and Olivia) Girls, I'm leaving Mark in your care again. Make sure he stays in that square. If he steps out, you know what to do.

Emily and Olivia nodded, wicked grins again spreading across their faces. Ann exited the room, leaving the three siblings alone.

MARK (sighing) This is so unfair.

Emily and Olivia giggled, exchanging mischievous glances.

EMILY Oh, poor baby Mark. Did you think you could get away with violating your grounding? Now you're learning!

OLIVIA Yeah, maybe next time you'll think twice before doing something stupid.

MARK (defeated) I just... I just wanted to get a slushy, okay? I didn't think it was a big deal.

EMILY Well, it was a big enough deal for Mom to give you a nice, red-hot spank on your bare bottom and then timeout. And now, you're stuck in this square until she says otherwise.

MARK (tearfully) I hate you both.

EMILY (laughing) Oh, we know you do. But you're going to have to deal with it. Now, let's have some fun.

Olivia and Emily stood up, walking towards Mark, still trying to cover himself as much as he could.

OLIVIA Oh, come on, Mark. We've seen it all before. No need to be shy.

EMILY Yeah, and if you don't want us telling Mom you stepped out of your square, you'll do as we say.

OLIVIA Yeah, unless you want Mom to come back and give you another round of spankings, you'll do as we say.

MARK (voice trembling) But I'm not stepping out of the square!

EMILY (smirking) Yeah? Who do you think she'd believe?

Mark knew he was checkmated. Mom would definitely believe his two evil little sisters no matter how much he protested.

MARK (voice trembling) What do you want me to do?

EMILY (smiling cruelly) Well, first, let's see you stand up, turn around, bend way over, and touch your toes. We want to get a good look at that red butt of yours.

Mark hesitated, then slowly did as he was told, only keeping his hands on his genitals, his face turning crimson as his sisters laughed and pointed.

OLIVIA Oh, it's so red! And look, you're trying to hide your little willy! No! Bad! Touch your toes like Emily told you to, little boy!

MARK (sobbing and complying) Please, stop. This is humiliating.

EMILY (laughing) Oh, we're just getting started, Mark. Now spread your legs, nice and wide, we want to see your junk hanging there.

Mark groaned in embarrassment but did as he was told. The girls laughed uproariously as his cock and balls dangled loosely between his legs.

EMILY Now, let's see you pull your cheeks apart. We want to see everything.

Mark, tears streaming down his face, reluctantly reached back and spread his cheeks, exposing himself fully to his sisters' cruel laughter.

EMILY (laughing) Oh, look at him! What a sight!

OLIVIA Look at his hole!

EMILY It's so dirty! Have you been wiping properly, Mark?

MARK (pleading) Please, just let me sit down.

OLIVIA (smiling wickedly) Alright, you can sit down in a minute. But first, turn back this way and let's see you rub your little penis. We hear you doing it every night anyways.

Mark turned, his face turning crimson, his hands covering his genitals.

MARK No! It's too much!

EMILY Oh, Olivia, did you see that? Mark threatened us and took a step out of his little square.

OLIVIA I did! I saw it all. Naughty boy, Mark! Do you want to tell Mom, Emily, or should I?

MARK Ok, ok. You win.

Mark began reluctantly to stroke himself, his sisters laughing uproariously. But not much was happening. His cock stayed limp as a little noodle.

EMILY Hey, Olivia. Did you know he keeps lotion in his bedside drawer, to jerk off to?

OLIVIA He does?

EMILY Yeah. I snoop. Go get it!

Olivia bolted up the stairs and then came back down again, two at a time, holding a pump bottle of Jergen's lotion.

Emily took the bottle and went up to his box.

EMILY Put out your hand, Mark

Mark, looking absolutely miserable, put his hand out and Emily squirted a big dollop into his hand.

EMILY Go on then, rub it.

Mark reluctantly slathered his hand over his cock. The all-too-familiar feel of his jerk-off-Jergens immediately had an effect on him, and his penis began to stiffen.

OLIVIA Oh, look at him go! He's making it all hard and red!

MARK (voice shaking) Please, stop. I can't take this anymore.

EMILY Oh, Mark, you're such a good little performer! Maybe we should put on a show for Mom.

MARK (tearfully) Please, I'll do anything you want. Just let me stop rubbing and sit down.

EMILY Okay, but first put your hands at your sides. We want to see.

Mark dropped his hands to his side. His hard penis was now several times the size it had been. It curled up towards the ceiling, glistening with the lotion. It's bulbous head was almost purple. Both the girls held their bellies and fell to the floor laughing at the site of big brother's erection.

EMILY (smiling) Alright, you can sit down. But first, you have to say "I'm a naughty boy, and I deserve to be punished."

Mark hesitated, then whispered the words, his voice barely audible.

MARK I'm a naughty boy, and I deserve to be punished.

EMILY (laughing) Oh, that's so cute! Okay, you can sit down now.

Mark sank to the floor, his back to the girls, curled up, his face buried in his hands as his sisters continued to taunt and tease him.

As the time passed, Mark's behaviour became more subdued, his humiliation complete. Emily and Olivia, satisfied with their torture, allowed him to sit quietly in his square.

ANN (entering the room) Has he been behaving himself girls? You weren't too cruel to him I hope.

EMILY He was good as gold, Mom.

ANN Well, it seems you've been behaving yourself, Mark. I suppose I can give you your underpants back.

She handed him a pair of white briefs, and Mark quickly pulled them on, grateful for the small amount of modesty they provide.

ANN Now, I've brought you a cold plate for dinner. You'll have to eat it in your square.

She set a plate of cold, unappetizing food on the floor in front of him, and Mark ate it quietly, his face still red with shame.

Chapter 10: Bedtime

After dinner, Ann lead Mark to the bathroom, where his sisters supervised his bath. They watched as he removed his underpants and stepped into the tub, his body still red and sore from the earlier punishment.

EMILY You know, Mark, you really should learn to listen to Mom. This could have all been avoided if you had just behaved yourself.

OLIVIA Yeah, maybe next time you'll think twice before disobeying.

Mark remained silent, his head hung low in shame as his sisters continued to torment him while he washed. They directed him to wash behind his ears, and to really scrub at all his private parts and especially his dirty bumhole, inspecting gleefully after. After his bath, they allowed him to dry off and put his underpants back on and sent him back to his square.

Once there, Ann informed him he's to sleep there, on the floor, without coverings, in his underpants. Mark asked pitifully when he would be allowed out of the square? His Mom told him he'll be there until such a time as she considers he's learned his lesson about respecting his grounding.

As the night wore on, Mark layed in his square, his mind filled with thoughts of the humiliation he had suffered at the hands of his mom and sisters. He vowed to never disobey his mother again, knowing that the price he had paid was far too high.

Chapter 11: Breakfast Time

The next morning, Ann and the girls descended for breakfast. They saw Mark standing there in only his tightly-whitey underpants, his eyes pleading.

MARK (pleadingly) Mommy...

ANN Yes, Mark, you have something to say?

MARK Yes, Mommy. I'm really, really sorry I went out while I was grounded. I promise to never ever do that again. Please, Mommy!

ANN (pondering) What do you girls think? Has he learned his lesson?

EMILY Well, not quite yet, Mom. He's only been there for a half-day and last night. He needs more..

OLIVIA I agree with Em, Mom. I think you really need to teach him a lesson.

ANN The girls have spoken, Mark. You'll stay in the square in your underpants until further notice.

MARK Ohhhhh! Can I at least have my book, Mom?

ANN No, sweetheart. Books are for little boys who respect their groundings. Some more time in your little square will give you plenty of opportunity to reflect on that.

EMILY Hey Mom, who's going to set the table?

ANN You and Olivia are sweetheart. You'll have to pickup your chores again while Mark is in his square.


ANN (chuckling) You're the ones who wanted to see Mark punished for longer. Chores would be a distraction for him.

The girls look peaved. They didn't know that was part of the deal!

MARK Mom... I 'gotta... go...

ANN (smiling) That's fine Mark, whenever you need to go you may ask any of the three of us and we'll take you by the hand, you'll do your business with no wasting of time, and then we'll bring you right back. You may not go without permission. The bathroom door will stay open so we know you're not getting up to anything teenage boys often do in bathrooms. Girls, you take him while I get breakfast on the table.

With a giggle, the girls went over to Mark, Olivia put out her hand and Mark reluctantly took it. She escorted him with Emily to the bathroom where they both stood in the doorway watching Mark pee and poo. They reminded him to wipe properly and inspected the toilet paper on a last swipe once he said he was done. They took him back by the hand and put him back in his square.

Chapter 12: Houseguests

All day long Mark stayed in his little square, deeply regretting violating his grounding. He knew he shouldn't have, but he stupidly did it anyways. Throughout the day his mom fed and watered him, and the girls and she took him by the hand to the bathroom whenever he needed to go. Other than that, his time was unrelenting, unmitigated boredom.

However, in the afternoon, things were to liven up, but not in a good way for Mark.

OLIVIA and her four friends, AMANDA, JESSICA, KELLY, and LISA, ran into the living room.

OLIVIA (Laughing) Hey, guys! Check out my brother Mark!

The girls gathered around Mark, who looked humiliated in his bare corner dressed in nothing but his tighty-whitey briefs.

AMANDA (Curious) What's going on?

OLIVIA (Explaining) Mark got in trouble, so Mom grounded him. Then he snuck out to buy a slurpee while he was grounded, so then he got two spankings and timeout, and now he's grounded to that little square in his underpants instead!

JESSICA (Giggling) Wow, that's so embarrassing!

KELLY (Teasing) Hey, Mark! What's it like being a naughty boy?

LISA (Joking) Your butt must be really red from all those spankings!

MARK (Upset) Shut up! Leave me alone!

ANN (from the kitchen) Mark!

Mark jumps at the sound of his mother's voice.

ANN (still from the kitchen) Watch your language and manners, young man!

MARK (Sulkily) Sorry, Mom. But c'mon! Olivia brought friends! Girls!

ANN (with a dish cloth in hand, speaking from the kitchen doorway) I'm sorry, Mark, but you're the one being punished, not Olivia and her friends. They have every right to come visit, like normal. It's not their fault you're grounded to your square. Whose fault is that, Mark? Who broke their grounding?

MARK (despondent) I did Mom.

ANN So whose fault is it that you're in your underpants in your square?

MARK Mine...

Satisfied, Ann returned to the kitchen as the girls continued to tease Mark, who became increasingly agitated.

JESSICA (Taunting) Did Mommy spank you on your bare bottom?

AMANDA (Mocking) Did you cry like a baby?

KELLY (Joking) Maybe we should give you a little demonstration of what a real punishment looks like!

LISA (Giggling) Yeah, Mark! We could all take turns spanking you!

MARK (Angry, but under his voice) Shut up you little bitches! Leave me the hell alone!

Ann stormed into the living room, looking furious.

ANN (Firmly) That's quite enough, Mark. You know better than to use that kind of language! And I just warned you not five minutes ago!

MARK (Sullenly) Sorry, Mom.

ANN (Sternly) I don't think you are sorry, Mark. You clearly need another lesson in respect!

Ann took Mark by his ear, pulling him out of the square. She sat on the arm of the couch and put Mark across her knee.

ANN (Firmly) This is what happens when you use foul language, Mark.

Ann pulled Mark's underpants down to just below his bare bottom, exposing his cheeks to the girls who watched wide-eyed.

MARK (Pleading) No, Mom! Please!

ANN (Smacking) This is for swearing at your sister and her friends!

Ann began to spank Mark, causing him to cry out in pain and embarrassment.

JESSICA (Surprised) Wow, she's really going to town on him!

KELLY (Whispering) I can't believe we're watching this!

LISA (Giggling) Look at his butt! It's turning so red!

AMANDA (Taunting) Say you're sorry, Mark!

JESSICA (Joyful) I've never seen a kid get a spanking like this before!

MARK (Crying) I'm sorry, Mom! Please stop!

ANN (Smacking) This is for being a naughty boy, Mark.

Ann continued to spank Mark for what seemed like an eternity, until his cries turned to sobs.

ANN (Gently) Alright, Mark. That's enough for now.

Ann pulled Mark's underpants back up and helped him stand, his face red with tears and embarrassment.

ANN (Softly) Now, go back to your grounding square and think about what you've done.

Mark ran back into his square, his eyes downcast as Ann returned to the kitchen.

The girls continued to taunt and tease Mark, who remained in his grounding square, his face red with shame.

JESSICA (Taunting) Did that hurt, Mark? Did Mommy give you a good, hard spanking?

KELLY (Mocking) You're lucky she didn't use a hairbrush or a wooden spoon!

LISA Or a belt!

AMANDA (Giggling) You should have seen your face, Mark! It was priceless!

OLIVIA (Smiling) I knew this was going to be fun!

MARK (Whimpering) Please, just leave me alone.

JESSICA (Teasing) Aw, poor baby Mark! Did you cry like a little girl?

KELLY (Mocking) Maybe you need a pacifier and a diaper to go with your embarrassing underpants!

LISA (Giggling) Or maybe you just need a good, hard hug from Mommy!

AMANDA (Taunting) Say you're sorry, Mark! Say you're sorry for being a naughty boy!

MARK (Crying) I'm sorry.

The girls continued to tease Mark, their laughter filling the living room as Mark's humiliation reached new heights.

Chapter 13: Deliberations

Mark spent the remainder of the day and night confined to his little square, eating his cold meals on the floor, taken by the hand to the bathroom as required. He was again made to sleep in his square.

The next morning Mark stood there in the morning, squeezing his legs together, his hands on his crotch, waiting for his mom or one his little sisters to come by to take him to the bathroom.

Ann and the girls came down.

MARK (desperately) Please Mommy, I 'gotta go!

ANN (chuckling) I can see that. Emily, take your brother to the bathroom. Olivia, set the table while I prepare breakfast.

EMILY (holding out her hand) Come on little boy, time to go potty.

Mark took Emily's hand and allowed himself to be lead to the bathroom, his other hand clutching his penis. Emily had a broad grin as she told Mark to face the toilet and pulled his undies to his knees. Then she opened the lid and seat and said, "go ahead, keep it in the bowl." Afterwards she made him wipe his penis tip and the top of the toilet bowl and flush, and led him back to his square.

Mark stood there looking piteously at his mom

MARK Please, Mom. I've learned my lesson. I'll follow all the rules. I won't ever sneak out again, I promise! Please?!?

ANN Alright, Mark, I'll discuss it with the girls over breakfast. 

Ann layed down a plate with a slice of bread and a glass of water for Mark's breakfast.

Over breakfast, Ann and the girls talked out of Mark's earshot.

ANN So, what do you think, girls? Should I let Mark out of his little square?

EMILY Please do! I want him back doing our chores!

OLIVIA I don't know. What if he's mean to us again?

ANN Well, I'll keep him on a very short leash. He'll get more spankings for any misbehaviour at all.

EMILY Yeah, but you don't know what it's like, Mom. When you're not around, he really tees off on poor Olivia, especially.

ANN Okay then, tell you what. While he's still grounded, if either of you tells me he needs a spanking, he'll get one. No questions asked.

OLIVIA No questions?

ANN None.

EMILY So we can basically get him spanked by you, for any reason at all?

ANN That's right. I trust you girls. He needs to learn to respect you both, not only to behave when I'm around.


OLIVIA Yeah, cool.

Chapter 14: Released

Ann and the girls finished their breakfast. She told the girls to leave the plates. The three went to Mark.

ANN Okay, Mark. The girls and I have decided we'll give you one more chance. You can go back to your regular grounding. Remember, you're grounded to your room, no screens, other than for meals, bathroom, and chores. You'll do all your chores and the girls's chores and a few more.

MARK (looking relieved) Oh, thank you, Mom! Thank you!

ANN But... I'm keeping that masking tape down, and if you violate any part of your grounding, in the slightest, you'll be right back in your square for the duration, and you'll be lucky if I let you keep your underpants next time.

EMILY And Olivia and I will be sure to invite all our friends over, over and over again.

MARK I promise, Mom. I promise! I won't violate my grounding at all. I promise!

ANN Plus Mark, while you're grounded, you're on probation. No warnings. Zero tolerance for any laziness or bad behaviour. It's a spanking the first time. Understood?

MARK Yes, Mommy

ANN And you know very well you'll get that spanking no matter who is here to see it.

MARK Yes, Mommy.

ANN And there's one more thing...

OLIVIA This is the best part.

ANN If either of the girls tell me you need a spanking, you'll get one, no questions asked.

MARK What? But Mom! That's not fair! They'll make me do all sorts of things!

ANN I trust the girls, Mark, much more than I do you at this point. I'm sure they won't abuse their positions of authority, will you girls?

OLIVIA No, Mama.

EMILY Of course not, Mom. Only if he's legit mean to us.

ANN You may leave your square, young man. Go get some clothes on and tidy up that kitchen. Then there's laundry and vacuuming after that.

MARK Yes, Mommy! Thank you, Mommy!

Chapter 15: Good as Gold

Mark was very relieved to be out of his little square. He did all his chores quickly and well, not wanting to give his Mom any reason to spank him or, worse still, put him back in the grounding square. He did his chores, went back to his room. He ate his meals, went back to his room. He used the bathroom, went back to his room. There was no way he was going back into the square in his underpants (or worse).

He generally tried to avoid his little sisters. When he saw them while going about his chores, it was eyes down and hurry by, politely saying "excuse me" and "thank you".

At one point, Mark had no choice but to enter their room to put their laundry away. The girls were in there.

"I'll just leave your stuff here," Mark said from the doorway, pushing the laundry basket.

"No, Mark," said Emily. "Come in and put it all away properly. You've done it before. You know where it goes."

"Yeah," added Olivia, "and don't drool all over our panties this time."

Mark bit his tongue. The girls had the power to have him spanked now. He shuffled in and started putting their clothes away.

"My bras don't go there, idiot!" said Emily, as Mark started putting them into her panty drawer. "Next drawer down, with my other bras, duh?"

Mark again bit his tongue and moved the bras into the lower drawer.

"No, you idiot! You give it one twist and nest the cups."

"For fuck's sake, Emily! How am I supposed to know?!?" Mark exploded, instantly regretting it.

"WHAT did you say to me?" Emily asked incredulously.

MARK (trembling) Nothing... sorry....

EMILY No. What did you say to me. Say it again.

MARK (still trembling) I asked how I was supposed to know that.

EMILY No, Mark. Right before that. What did you say right before that?

MARK Please, Emily. I'm sorry..

EMILY (insistently) WHAT did you say before that?

MARK I said... a bad word.

EMILY You sure as shit did and I'm telling Mom.

MARK no! No, please, Emily! Don't! Please!

Emily stormed out of the room leaving Mark and Olivia together.

OLIVIA (singsong) Mark's 'gonna get a spankin'. Mark's 'gonna get a spanking'. Mark's 'gonna get a spankin'. 

Mark kept working, hoping Emily was just messing with him.

Chapter 16: Spanked Again

Emily went downstairs to find her mom sitting in the living room reading a book.

EMILY Mom, Mark needs a spanking. He...

ANN No need to go on, Emily. It's no questions asked.

ANN (shouting upstairs) Mark Philip, go get my hairbrush from my dresser and bring it down here along with that naughty little bottom of yours.

Mark heard his mother's instructions and wailed in despair. He trudged to Mom's bedroom, picked up the wicked hairbrush with a shudder, and trudged down the stairs.

OLIVIA (following Mark) You're 'gonna get another hairbrush spanking! Your bum's 'gonna be sooo red afterwards! Ha ha ha!

Mark arrived in the living room where he saw his Mom already seated, with Emily standing next to her. He hands his mom the hairbrush reluctantly. Emily stands strictly, her arms crossed over her chest. 

MARK Mom, it's not fair, I didn't even...

ANN Hush! You knew the rules. If Emily says you need a spanking, it's no questions asked. Olivia also. You need to learn to respect and obey your sisters, who seem to be a lot more mature than you are, young man. Now, you know the drill. Hands on your head.

Mark put his hands on his head as his mom reached for his shorts and underpants, and in one motion took them both down to his knees. Then she rolled up his T-shirt, exposing his belly and back to nipples and shoulder blades respectively.

ANN (shaking her hairbrush at Mark) I will not have you being impolite to the girls. Not anymore. Not even once. That is finished with, young man. Do you understand me?

MARK (visibly shaking) y...y...yes Mommy

ANN Everytime that happens, everytime, you will find yourself right here like you are now. I am completely fed up. This has to end Mark. You will learn to be respectful to girls and women. Am I making myself clear?

MARK Yes, Mommy.

ANN now bend over my knee. You have a doozie coming.

Ann sat on the edge of the seat and spread her legs, offering her left thigh for Mark to bend over. As soon as he did, she clamped her right leg across the backs of both of his. She reached for his right arm and pulled it up behind his back. She raised her hairbrush and immediately started in.



ANN (pausing his spanking, flushed and out of breath) What do you say, Emily? Sufficient?

EMILY He used a really bad word, Mom. Same again?

MARK Nooooooo! Pleassse!

ANN You need to learn, Mark, your sisters are in charge.



Ann paused again. Mark's bare globes were very red with elements of purple and white on both cheeks.

ANN Sufficient?

EMILY I think that will do, Mom.

ANN Up, young man, Your sister thinks you've been spanked enough. Now pull up your pants and get back to your chores!

Mark stood, pulled up his underpants and shorts, wincing as he did so, then untangled his shirt from up around his armpits where his mom had left it, and sniffled away, limping painfully, off for his chores.

Chapter 17: TLC

Marks butt was sore all day long as he finished his chores, sat for dinner (on a pillow Olivia thoughtfully provided), and then went to his room.

Suddenly, the door opened and it was Emily standing there.

MARK Whatever it is, I'm sorry! Please don't have me spanked again! Please, Emily!

EMILY I'm not here to get you spanked, Mark. Not unless you don't obey me. Lie tummy down on your bed and drop your shorts and panties.

Mark dared not disobey and did as he was told, turning on his tummy, then elevating his hips and slipping down his shorts and his underpants.

Emily sat next to him on his bed. She opened a jar of cold cream and began applying it to Mark's cheeks.

EMILY (gently rubbing in the cold cream) I'm sorry I had to have you spanked earlier today, Mark. But you need to learn. Even small little disrespectful things like you said today mount up. And we need to nip that in the bud. It's not about what you said. It's about your attitude towards me and Olivia, and Mom too. You need to not only show respect, but feel respect. And until you learn that, there's going to be an awful lot of sore bottoms like this one in your future, 'cause in case you haven't noticed, Mom is not messing around anymore, and neither will I or Olivia. I tested you today, Mark, by teasing you, and you failed miserably and that's why you have such a sore bottom now. You get that, right?

MARK (crying and sniffling) yeah...

EMILY (still rubbing) Olivia and I are going to keep testing you. Some of our girlfriends too. And if you can't control yourself, and you don't feel respect for us, deep down, you're going to keep getting sore bottoms. One after another until you learn. And think how embarrassing it will be if I have you spanked in front of my girlfriends, in front of Lucy Taylor even? I know you have a crush on her.

Emily started rubbing the cold cream deeper between his cheeks and into his inner thighs. Mark moaned and started subtly humping his bed.

EMILY Did Mom's hairbrush get in here too? Hmmm?

As Emily rubbed the cold cream into his inner thighs, she carelessly brushed his balls which made him jump.

EMILY (giggling) Oh, Mark, behave yourself! Stop humping your bed. I'm not giving you a hand job you little perv.

MARK Sorry, Emily.

EMILY That's okay. Now tell me, are you going to be our good little respectful boy from now on? Polite and courteous? Hmmmm?

MARK Yes, Emily. I promise I'll try!

EMILY (laughing) You better do better than try, or your butt's 'gonna suffer, bad boy.

As Emily said that, she finished with the lotion and gave his cheek a firm spank.

MARK Thank you, Emily. I will do it. I will be a good boy.

EMILY Okay, Mark. I believe you're sincere. Now roll over, let me see what you've got going on under there.

Mark groaned, but he was not about to disobey Emily. Not now. He rolled over and Emily could see his erection throbbing. 

EMILY (giggling) Oh, Mark. It's just a little cold cream on your butt! But it obvi got you all excited. Are you thinking of Lucy Taylor?  You have your tissues and your little bottle of Jerk-off-Jergens. At least Mom didn't confiscate those. I'll leave and close the door behind me, and you fantasize about whatever sick shit boys like you fantasize about. But don't make a mess. Everything into the tissue, and you flush it down afterwards. Deal?

MARK (blushing strongly) Yes, Emily.

EMILY (winking, on her way out) Bad boy! Have fun!

------ FIN

There you have it! The saga of Mark. I didn't know where it was all headed until we got there. My but I'm a kinky little sister. Definitely imagining myself as Emily! Would love to have lived in a household where I had a big brother who was spanked on the regular, and even better, spanked on my say so!

The original counting to ten inspiration story is a real classic. More psychological, I love the skill. I don't know where it is on the internet anymore, but I saved it and copied it to here: Counting to Ten

Let me know which style of story you prefer in the comments!


  1. AI assisted or not, this is another masterwork, Julie! “I’m sorry Mommy!” “tiny cock and balls” I felt the helplessness of the relentless humiliation. And the spanking. I’m such a wimp. A spanking on my bottom quickly has me in safeword territory. And thighs! 10x! Thinking about no safeword available…Mommy doesn’t do safewords…I know it would quickly and completely become more than I could bear, reduced to a sobbing, quivering puddle of tears and snot. To have two sisters with a score to settle as my police and Mommy as judge, jury and executioner would have me petrified. And yet, here I am, my little boy penis rigid. Thinking of my cruel sister Julie rubbing cream on my abused behind. “Accidentally” touching my balls. I think I need to masturbate now Julie. Please don’t tell Mommy! - david

    1. Thank you, david. You're my biggest fan!

  2. Thank-You, very good, a spanking story to be proud of. My wife/mommy insures I feel like a little boy when getting a spanking, my bottom has been just as red if not redder and sore, times a pillow would not help. How far my wife/mommy will go when I'm naughty I do not know, one thing for sure, others knowing, seeing, is the worse. Jack

  3. To the question of which style I prefer, both! A copout answer, but let me explain. My frame of reference is the moms. In the latest story, Mom physically has the upper hand against her slightly built son. I am very attracted to strong women and the idea of being physically overpowered and forced to submit is very arousing to me. I spend many hours in my gym thinking about a beautiful and physically powerful woman who appears to be more than a match for me. What could she make me do??? The previous story features a mom who forces her son to submit by shear force of will, rather than physical force. This reminds me of your power over me, Julie. Unless you have been secretly becoming an advanced ju jutsu practitioner, I don’t think you could physically overpower me and the distance between us prevents us anyway. But over the years, you have demonstrated the ability to control and manipulate me and push me to experiences I would not have otherwise had. You make me want to obey. Both stories and both Mommies are very exciting to me. But you have been the Mommy in my story. And for that I am extremely grateful. Thank you, Mommy! - david

    1. I think a little bit of physicality from a woman is good. Of course in a no-holds-barred fight even physically smaller men/adolescents would beat almost any woman IMO, but it's not about that. Properly raised boys must NEVER raise a hand to a woman. So when I start pushing you around you're going to hit me, really? Yeah, right to jail!

      But in general, a sharply raised voice will make most men cower. It is the "mommy" effect. We can INSTANTLY turn you into little boys just with our tone of voice. It's a shame most women have not perfected that.

  4. If Mark has a spanking fetish, this time he's been through enough. This "no question asked" is truly a find.

    1. Yes! The "no questions asked" was an original inspiration!

  5. I particularly like the teasing in your version but the original is by one of my favorite erotica authors. His stories can be found in the Kilahara library of spanking fiction under the name 'etbyrd'. He does the most intense confrontation and scolding scenes that I've come across. Those scenes are for me the best part of any spanking story, the depiction of the disciplinary dynamic in that moment both expresses dominance and exposes vulnerability far beyond the description of the actual spanking. For me it's at the core of the fetish.

  6. Long time fan Julie , great story but only one photo not even one of mom spanking Mark OTK with hairbrush . Your still the Best though

    1. 🙏
      I'll try for more photos next time!

  7. You had me at 'Mommy' and 'spanking' .
    OK, serious critique:
    Love the scenario, the dynamic between Mark and Mom. Right up my alley, so to speak.
    Not crazy about the younger sisters. At all. First, I'm not comfortable reading about children in this context, disclaimers aside. Yes, I know Mark is 17 and not legally an adult, but close enough. If he were 15 or 13, like his sisters, I wouldn't care for it either. Personal opinion.
    Wa-a-a-y too much dialogue with the sisters and Mark during cornertime. Honestly, I skipped over those passages after reading the first one. The girls are annoying little snot noses and the format reads like a script, not a story.
    It would definitely benefit from a proofreader. A number of silly little errors, very uncharacteristic of your work. You're normally very diligent and present extremely well-edited pieces.
    I don't mean to be harsh or overly critical. You asked for opinions and I just feel this story is not up to your usual very high standards.

    1. My favourite part is Emily! That's the character I'm identifying with!

      Yes, I made the AI literally write a screenplay, and then combined multiple attempts. Too much of a good thing, though. I get it.

      Sorry about the errors (blush!) I did proofread, of course, but was wrestling with the different AIs writing in different tenses. I shall request a spanking from hubby...

  8. Beaucoup trop de chapitres et pas assez de photos !! Dommage.

  9. I really like the second spanking (in the upright position).
    The culprit is brought to the center of the room to be the center of attention when you would so much like to stay in your corner.
    Wrists imprisoned in one hand by his mother.
    Mother's other hand rises and hits sharply each butt cheek alternately.
    Tears flowing and hands twitching in rhythm with anticipation and pain.
    The need to control the hands that would so much like to protect one's bum cheeks but which I absolutely must keep on my head, otherwise...
    The hopping from one foot to the other and the twisting of the hip to try to avoid the blow. Mother's application to aim for my butt, harder and harder.
    The movement of the pelvis forward and the dance of the small derriere which cannot escape the painful blows, lead to the humiliating consciousness, for what remains of it, of the "twirling junk"?

    One question: how is this possible: Ann holds both of Mark's forearms with one hand and at the same time Mark keeps his hands on his head?

    1. I'm imagining his hands on his head and Mom holding one of his arms near the elbow.

  10. I liked the growing incestuous sexual tension between the apparently quite kinky Emily (young Julie) and the increasingly subby Mark at the end. Soon he’ll be jerking off to the thought of his sisters pussy. I bet he ends up in panty laundry trouble next. Or maybe he try’s peeping. Thank you.

    1. Yes, she'll wrap him around her little finger!

  11. Thanks for the excellent story!! I would have loved to live in a household where I as a boy get spanked in my naughty teenage years with sisters in the house witnessing it, or even controlling it like in the story. Favorite fantasy!!! Thanks a lot for that, want to move in there.
    (My mental age is 15-17 when i regress)

    1. I regress to that same age when I'm across "Daddy's" knee!

    2. Same for me when I'm over "Mommy's" knee. We switch too, like you do.
      Would have been perfect to grow up in such a house together. So embarrassing if my sister saw, but I might see your spankings too. I wonder if Emily in your story would ever earn a spanking herself.

    3. Oh yes. Let's create a fantasy house where that happens! But you'd have to be spanked by Daddy just like me.

    4. Or there could be Mommy and Daddy doing the spanking. Like in your story Mark only got spanked by Mommy but Emily would get it by Daddy because both parents agree it's most effective that way.
