Monday, May 27

Fiction: The Rude Wife (MF*/F)

Another bit of fiction along somewhat the same lines as the last.  In this story a nouveau riche wife is rude to a waitress and her husband punishes her. She's then sent back to the restaurant for the waitress to complete the job. One of the themes is the wife gets all her money from her husband, and is therefore compared to a whore.

I, personally, would never ever be rude to a server! So in my mind it justifies a lot of punishment for someone who is.

I have recently stopped working, and now live entirely off the avails of my husband. Am feeling a bit trophy wife / whoreish!

The Rude Wife

Dinner Out

David and Julie had been married several years. David was an heir to a family fortune and a wealthy business owner/operator in his own right. Julie, many years his younger, was what some might call a "trophy wife". Julie was no dumb blonde, however. She had graduated University, done an MBA, and had worked for the high-powered consulting firm of McKinsey when she met and married David. She had retired from her job and was now on the board of several charities and arts organizations, a world of the rich and powerful she had by no means been brought up in. However, whereas David seemed to effortlessly handle his global responsibilities, Julie always seemed stressed out and bitchy about her much lesser ones.

David had learned to take some of Julie's foibles in stride. However, he had been losing patience with her increasingly rude behaviour towards staff lately. Julie seemed unable to strike the effortlessly right balance that David had mastered in how to relate with those who provided them service. David had an inborn understanding of it, while Julie struggled, not even realizing herself how gauche and insecure she came off.

Once, after needlessly berating one of their maids, David had even told her she needed a damned good spanking, but had not yet followed through on that threat. Julie had been outraged. Other wives in her circle bragged that they kept their men in line by threatening divorce and taking half if they even looked at them the wrong way. However, the iron clad prenup David's family's lawyers had made her sign precluded that. So there was little she could do when he got to be that way with her.

David had made clear, and their marriage vows had confirmed it, that he was meant to provide, and she was meant to obey. There was an unquestionable power imbalance in their relationship. She knew what she had signed up for, and in fact wanted it. She wanted to be provided for. To eventually bear his children. If he said she was to be spanked, she would get spanked. She was only grateful he had only threatened it, and not yet gone there. Although there was a part of her who was, perhaps, a touch disappointed that when she pushed boundaries she skated.

The evening in question had started pleasantly enough. They had decided to go out for a nice meal. They had both dressed up for the occasion, Julie in a form-fitting red dress and sky-high heels that accentuated her long legs,

and David in a crisp white shirt and black trousers.

As they walked into the warmly lit restaurant, Julie felt a sense of anticipation. She was hoping for a perfect evening, a break from the everyday stresses that had been weighing on her.

They were greeted by a cheerful hostess and shown to a cozy table by the window. The ambiance was just right – soft music playing in the background, the hum of conversations, and the clinking of glasses. It was the kind of place where one could relax and forget about the outside world.

As they settled into their seats their server approached with a bright smile. She was in her mid-twenties, with a warm demeanour and an efficient, professional manner. She handed them the menus and introduced herself as Maggie, promising to take good care of them.

David smiled back, appreciating her friendly attitude, but Julie barely acknowledged her, already flipping through the menu with a critical eye.

David and Julie ordered their drinks – wine for Julie, a craft beer for David – and took a few moments to decide on their meals. Julie was meticulous, scrutinizing every item on the menu, asking David for his opinion, then disregarding it as she made her own decision. David watched her with a mix of amusement and exasperation, knowing how particular she could be.

Finally, Julie settled on the grilled salmon with a side of asparagus, and David chose the steak with garlic mashed potatoes. Maggie took their order and then disappeared into the kitchen.

As they waited, David tried to engage Julie in light conversation, but she seemed distracted, her mind elsewhere. He reached across the table to take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Everything okay, Jules?" he asked, using his affectionate nickname for her.

She glanced at him, her expression softening for a moment. "Yeah, just a bit stressed, I guess."

David nodded, understanding that her charity work had been stressful for her lately. "Well, let's just enjoy the evening. No need to think about anything else tonight."

Julie smiled, a genuine smile this time, and for a moment, it seemed like the evening would be as perfect as they had hoped.

The Mix-Up

Their drinks arrived, and they toasted to their night out, clinking glasses and sharing a quiet moment of togetherness. Maggie returned shortly after with their meals, but as she placed the plates on the table, Julie's expression darkened.

"This isn't what I ordered," Julie said sharply, looking at the dish in front of her. Instead of the grilled salmon, there was a plate of pasta.

Maggie looked genuinely surprised. "I'm so sorry, ma'am. Let me fix that right away."

But Julie was already upset. "How hard is it to get an order right?" she snapped. "This is unacceptable. I ordered salmon, not this."

David could see Maggie's face flush with embarrassment and could sense her discomfort. He knew mistakes happened, and he felt sympathy for the server.

"Maggie, it's okay," David interjected calmly. "Mistakes happen. Just bring the salmon when you can."

But Julie wasn't done. "It's not okay! We're paying good money for this meal, and I expect to get what I ordered. Is that too much to ask?"

Maggie apologized profusely, promising to bring the correct order as quickly as possible. She took the plate away and hurried back to the kitchen, clearly flustered.

David turned to Julie, his expression serious. "Julie, that was uncalled for. She made a mistake. There's no need to be rude."

Julie huffed, crossing her arms. "She should do her job properly."

David shook his head, disappointed by her attitude. He knew that Julie's pride often got in the way of her better judgment, but this was a new level of rudeness that he hadn't seen before.

A Plea for Apology

They sat in silence for a few minutes, the tension between them palpable. Julie sipped her wine, her irritation evident, while David stared out the window, trying to find a way to salvage the evening.

Maggie returned with the correct order, her hands slightly trembling as she placed the salmon in front of Julie. "I am very sorry for the mix-up, ma'am. I hope you enjoy your meal."

Julie didn't even look at her. "I very much doubt that, seeing as you've ruined it already," she muttered, her tone still icy.

Maggie left, visibly shaken.

David sighed, feeling the need to address the situation. "Julie," he said quietly but firmly, "you owe that girl an apology."

Julie looked at him in disbelief. "What? Why should I apologize? She messed up."

"Everyone makes mistakes, Julie. But treating someone like that is unacceptable. You need to apologize."

Julie stared at him, her pride warring with a flicker of guilt. "I'm not apologizing for something that wasn't my fault."

David's eyes hardened. "Fine. But know this, Julie – this time there will be consequences for your behaviour."

Julie felt a chill run down her spine at his words. She knew David wasn't one to make idle threats, but she couldn't bring herself to apologize. Her pride wouldn't allow it.

An Embarrassing Hint of Consequences

The rest of the meal was consumed in uncomfortable silence. David ate his steak, though his appetite had waned, while Julie picked at her salmon, her mood dark and sullen. Maggie continued to serve them, albeit more cautiously, ensuring everything was perfect from that point onward.

When it came time for the check, David signaled for Maggie. She approached with a hesitant smile, handing him the bill. David looked it over, then pulled out his wallet. He placed several bills on the table, far more than the total amount due.

"Keep the change," he said, his voice gentle but firm.

Maggie's eyes widened. "Thank you, sir. That's very generous."

"You're giving that incompetent a tip?" Julie asked incredulously.

David nodded, then leaned in slightly, his voice dropping so that only Maggie and Julie could hear. "I apologize for my wife's behaviour tonight. I can assure you, though, Maggie, if it's any consolation, my rude wife is going to have some trouble sitting for the next few days."

"David! What the..."


Maggie blinked in surprise, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red. She glanced at Julie, who was staring at the table, her face pale. Despite her pride, Julie's embarrassment was clear.

Maggie, though still upset by the earlier incident, couldn't help but feel a sense of vindication. She gave David a small, grateful smile, and with just a hint of vindictiveness coming through, said, "Thank you, sir. I would very much appreciate that."

David stood up, helping Julie out of her chair. She wobbled slightly in her high heels, and he steadied her with a firm grip on her arm. He guided her towards the door, his grip unyielding, his expression stern.

As they exited the restaurant, Julie struggled to keep up with David's determined pace. Her heels clicked loudly on the pavement, her bottom wiggling in her tight red dress as she blushed and tried to maintain her balance.

The Walk to the Car

The walk to their car was silent, the tension between them thick in the night air. Julie's mind raced, a mix of anger, embarrassment, and a gnawing sense of guilt swirling within her. She knew she had overreacted, but her pride wouldn't let her admit it.

David, on the other hand, was seething. He loved Julie deeply, but her behavior tonight had been unacceptable. He was determined to address it, to ensure she understood the importance of treating others with respect.

They reached their car, and David opened the door for Julie. She slid into the passenger seat, her dress riding up slightly as she settled in. David closed the door firmly, then walked around to the driver's side.

As he started the car, he glanced at Julie, his expression unreadable. "We'll deal with this at home."

Julie nodded, her throat tight. She knew what that meant. David had never spanked her before, but he had made it clear that there would be consequences for certain behaviors. Tonight, it seemed, she had crossed that line.

A Waitress's Tale

Maggie watched as the couple walked out of the restaurant, Julie's heels clicking sharply against the floor as she struggled to keep up with her husband's brisk pace. She took a deep breath, trying to shake off the tension from the encounter. Her hands still trembled slightly as she cleared the table, collecting the now-empty plates and glasses.

"What a fucking bitch," Maggie thought to herself. She'd been thinking it all evening, but her professionalism precluded her from saying or doing anything other than being excruciatingly polite. In fact, she had wanted to gouge that selfish bitch's eyes out. Rich assholes like her didn't realize how hard a girl like herself had to work to make ends meet. She had been given nothing in life. She had earned every meagre thing on the back of her own hard work and sacrifice. "Who does that bitch think she is, being rude to me," she thought. "At least she's going to get hers. Spousal abuse or not, it's justified, and I hope she can't fucking sit for a fucking week!"

"Everything okay, Maggie?" asked Karen, one of her fellow servers, as she passed by carrying a tray of drinks. "You look a bit shaken."

Maggie forced a smile, trying to appear nonchalant. "Yeah, just had a bit of a rough table."

Karen frowned in concern. "What happened?"

Maggie glanced around the bustling restaurant, making sure no one was within earshot. "Let me just finish clearing this, and I'll tell you in the back."

Karen nodded, giving her a supportive pat on the shoulder. Maggie appreciated the gesture; working in a restaurant, the camaraderie among staff was often the only thing that got them through the tough shifts.

Once she finished tidying up, Maggie headed to the break room, where, the workload having lightened up, a few of her colleagues were already taking a breather. Karen was there, along with Tom, one of the bartenders, and Lisa, another server.

"So, spill," Karen said, looking expectantly at Maggie.

Maggie sighed, sitting down and running a hand through her hair. "I had the rudest customer tonight. This rich bitch threw a tantrum because of a simple mix-up with her order."

Tom raised an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"I accidentally brought her the wrong dish. It happens, right? But she just went off on me, berating me like I was incompetent or something. I apologized and fixed it right away, but she was relentless."

Lisa shook her head, her expression sympathetic. "Some people just don't understand that mistakes happen. It's part of life, especially in this line of work."

"Exactly," Maggie agreed. "I felt like strangling that bitch. But here's the thing – her husband was amazing. He apologized for her behavior, left a huge tip, and then... he hinted that she was going to be in big trouble when they got home."

Karen's eyes widened. "Trouble? Like, what kind of trouble?"

Maggie smiled evilly, remembering the husband's words. "He said something about her having trouble sitting for the next few days. I think he meant he was going to spank her."

Tom let out a low whistle. "Wow, that's intense. But honestly, it sounds like she deserves it."

Lisa giggled. "Can you imagine? Getting a spanking as an adult? She must have been really out of line for him to say something like that."

The group shared a collective laugh, the tension from Maggie's earlier encounter dissipating as they joked and commiserated. Maggie felt a sense of relief; talking about it with her colleagues made her feel less alone in dealing with difficult customers.

Karen leaned in, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "So, tell us more about this husband. Was he cute? Is he going to really do it?"

Maggie chuckled, feeling her cheeks heat up. "He was handsome, yeah. In great shape. Rugged like. Very polite and respectful, too. It's a shame he has to deal with someone like her. But yeah, the way he spoke and the way he walked her to the car, I'm pretty sure she's in for it. He was a bit older. Looks like the kind of guy who doesn't take any shit, you know? Old fashioned like."

Tom nodded. "Sounds like a good guy. Maybe she'll learn her lesson after this."

"I hope so," Maggie said, feeling a bit more lighthearted. "She definitely needs to be put in her place."

Around midnight, as the restaurant was winding down and the last few customers were finishing up, Maggie and Karen sat at the bar, chatting with Tom as he cleaned up.

Tom set down the glass he was polishing and leaned on the bar. "You handled it well, Maggie. Better than most. I probably would have lost my cool."

Maggie laughed. "Trust me, I was close. But you can't let them get to you. Besides, it sounds like she'll be getting at least part of what she deserves."

Karen raised her glass. "Here's to some rich bitch who hopefully had her back porch painted red tonight!"

They clinked their glasses together, a small moment of solidarity in the often chaotic world of food service.

A Drive Home in Silence

The car ride home was a silent journey marked by the hum of the highly-tuned McClaren engine and the occasional shuffling of Julie in her seat.

Julie could feel David’s stern presence beside her, a tangible reminder of the evening's events. She stared out the window, her mind replaying the scene at the restaurant. Her cheeks still burned with the memory of her outburst and the embarrassing hint David had dropped about her impending punishment.

As they pulled up to their large house, David turned off the engine and sat still for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Julie braced herself, sensing the gravity of what was about to happen. She knew she had crossed a line, but the reality of the consequences she faced was beginning to sink in.

The Scolding

Once inside their home, David turned to Julie, his expression serious. "Julie, we need to talk," he said, his voice calm but firm.

Julie felt a lump form in her throat as she nodded and followed him into the living room. She sat on the edge of the couch, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. David remained standing, his presence towering over her.

"What you did tonight was unacceptable," David began, his tone even but filled with disappointment. "You embarrassed yourself, you embarrassed me, and most importantly, you disrespected that server. I can't let that go without consequences."

Julie looked down, tears welling in her eyes. "I know, David. I'm sorry."

David shook his head. "Sorry isn't enough this time, Julie. You need to understand the impact of your actions, and you need to learn to control your temper. You've earned yourself a good old-fashioned spanking."

Julie's head snapped up, her eyes wide with shock. "David, please! You can't be serious. I'm an adult, not a child!"

"I warned you, Julie. I warned you what would happen if you were rude to a server again."

"But I didn't think you actually meant it!"

David's expression hardened. "Your behavior tonight was childish, and you'll be treated accordingly. You won't be sitting comfortably for a week, Julie."

Preparing for Punishment

Julie felt her heart race as David's words sunk in. She wanted to argue, to plead, but she could see the resolve in his eyes.

"Undress," David commanded, his voice leaving no room for hesitation.

She knew she had to obey. She loved him and had promised to, and she'd be poor again if she didn't, and she certainly didn't want that. Her jet-setting lifestyle was worth a sore bottom. She could suffer through what was coming. She did deserve it, besides. She was at least that self-aware. It was only going to be an embarrassing spanking, like many a little girl had suffered through. She could handle it.

Julie's hands trembled as she stood up, her mind racing. She blushed deeply, the humiliation of the situation washing over her. She fumbled with the zipper of her dress, her fingers shaking. Slowly, she slipped out of the dress, letting it pool at her feet. She was wearing no bra. She glanced at David, hoping for a reprieve, but his stern gaze remained unyielding.

"All the way, young lady."

With a deep breath, she slipped off her panties. She stood before David, completely nude, her arms instinctively crossing over her chest and vagina in a futile attempt to shield herself from the intense embarrassment.

David pointed to a corner of the living room. "Go stand in the corner, hands on your head. You need to think about what you did and what you could have done differently to avoid this."

Julie’s face burned with shame as she obeyed, walking to the corner and placing her hands on her head. The position was uncomfortable, both physically and emotionally. She felt utterly exposed and vulnerable, a stark contrast to the confident, if misguided, person she had been earlier in the evening.

Inner Monologue

As she stood in the corner, Julie's mind churned with a mix of emotions. She felt humiliated, knowing that David was right behind her, watching her bare bottom and probably reflecting on her behavior. She felt regret for her outburst, realizing how unfairly she had treated that server. But most of all, she felt a gnawing sense of anticipation and fear about the spanking she was about to receive.

"This is so embarrassing," she thought, tears of frustration and shame welling up in her eyes. "I behaved like a spoiled child, and now I'm being treated like one. How did I let it get this far?"

She thought back to the restaurant, the anger that had flared up so quickly, and how she had lashed out without thinking. "Why do I let my temper get the best of me?" she wondered. "That girl didn’t deserve that. And now I have to face the consequences."

Standing there, naked and exposed, Julie had nothing to distract her from her thoughts. She was forced to confront her actions and the impact they had on others. She knew that David was trying to teach her a lesson, and as much as she hated to admit it, she knew she needed to learn it.

The Spanking

After what felt like an eternity, David’s voice broke the silence. "Come here, Julie."

She turned slowly, her hands still on her head, and walked over to where David was sitting on the couch. He had placed a straight-backed chair in the center of the room, a clear indication of what was to come. Julie's heart pounded in her chest as she approached.

David took her hand and guided her over his knee, positioning her so that her bare bottom was raised and vulnerable. Julie felt a fresh wave of humiliation wash over her, but she knew better than to resist.

"Julie, this is for your own good," David said, his voice firm but gentle. "I hope you understand that."

With that, he brought his hand down hard on her bare bottom. Julie gasped at the sudden sting, but before she could process the pain, another swat landed, and then another. David's hand was strong, each smack delivering a sharp sting that quickly built into a burning heat.

Julie squirmed and kicked, the pain intensifying with each strike. Tears spilled from her eyes as she sobbed, her pride crumbling under the relentless spanking. "David, please! I'm sorry! I promise I'll be better!"

David didn't stop. "You need to learn, Julie. This behaviour can't continue."

Julie’s sobs grew louder, her body trembling with each impact. She could feel the skin of her bottom growing hotter and more tender with each passing moment. The pain was intense, but it was the emotional aspect that hurt the most – the realization that she had brought this upon herself, that her actions had consequences.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, David stopped. He gently helped Julie up, her legs shaking as she stood. Her face was streaked with tears, and her bottom throbbed with a fiery heat. She felt utterly chastened, her earlier defiance completely gone.

Writing Punishment Lines

David stood up and walked Julie to the bar area, standing her in front of the bar. He left briefly and then returned with a prickly plastic doormat.

He placed the doormat on a high barstool. He then looked at Julie, his expression still serious.

"Sit," he commanded, pointing to the stool.

Julie hesitated, knowing how much it would hurt to sit on the prickly mat with her freshly spanked bottom. But she also knew better than to argue. She carefully lowered herself onto the stool, wincing as the sharp points dug into her tender skin.

David placed a piece of paper and a pen on the high counter in front of her. "You're going to write punishment lines, Julie. I want you to write, 'For being rude to my server I was cornered nude, then spanked on my bare bottom, and now I am sitting bare bum on a prickly mat to write these lines'. One hundred times. And I want you to think about what you did and how you can do better."

Julie nodded, her hands trembling as she picked up the pen. She began to write, the words a constant reminder of her humiliation and the lesson she was being taught. Each shift on the stool sent fresh waves of pain through her, but she kept writing, her tears falling onto the paper.

As she wrote, she reflected on her actions, her earlier arrogance, and the pain she had caused others. She knew she needed to change, to learn to control her temper and treat others with respect. And she knew that David's firm hand, as much as it hurt, was guiding her towards becoming a better person.

A New Understanding

By the time she finished writing the lines, Julie was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Her bottom throbbed, and her hands ached from writing, but she felt a strange sense of relief. She had faced the consequences of her actions and had come through the other side, humbled but determined to do better.

David took the paper from her and looked it over, nodding in approval. "Good. Now, let's get you cleaned up and into bed."

Julie stood up slowly, wincing at the pain but grateful for David's support. He led her to the bathroom, where he gently helped her clean up and then guided her to their bedroom. She slipped into bed, her body still aching but her heart feeling lighter.

David lay down beside her, pulling her into his arms. "I love you, Julie," he said softly. "And I want you to be the best version of yourself."

Julie snuggled into his embrace, feeling safe and loved despite the pain. "I love you too, David. And I promise, I'll try harder."

The Note and the Plan

The next morning, David wrote a note and placed it in a sealed envelope. He handed it to Julie, who looked at it with trepidation.

"Julie," David said, his tone still firm, "later today, you will return to the restaurant before they open. You will apologize to that server, Maggie was her name, and hand her this envelope along with your punishment lines. Understand?"

Julie blushed anew. Her punishment lines detailed all her embarrassing punishments.

"Please, David. I'll be so embarrassed..."


"But, but, in my position... I can't..."

"Oh, you think you're too high and mighty to debase yourself in front of a hardworking waitress, is that it?"


"I think that is it, which is exactly why I'm making you do it. And Julie, after Maggie reads my note, you're to obey her as you do me."

Julie's face paled. What was in the note? What humiliations awaited her? At the hands of a waitress no less. But she nodded, her face flushed with the memory of the spanking and the anticipation of the humiliation that awaited her. She knew she had no choice but to comply.

The Apology

Julie looked up the restaurant's opening hours and took an Uber to arrive there an hour before they opened at 11am. She felt a knot of anxiety in her stomach as she walked to the door, clutching the envelope and the sheaf of punishment lines in her trembling hands. She knocked on the door, and Maggie came to the door.

"Oh, it's you," Maggie said coolly.

"Yes... Maggie, is it? I'm Julie, from last night..."

"I remember very well who you are. Julie, is it? Is that your name?"

"Yes. I... I wanted to apologize for my behaviour last night," Julie began, her voice shaky. "And... I have something for you that my husband says I need to give you..."

Julie handed Maggie the punishment lines. Maggie took the sheaf of papers, her eyebrows raising in curiosity as she read it. Julie stood there, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Maggie read aloud, "For being rude to my server I was cornered nude, then spanked on my bare bottom, and now I am sitting bare bum on a prickly mat to write these lines." She looked up at Julie, a smile spreading across her face. "Is this true?"

Julie nodded, feeling the heat rise to her face. "Yes, it's true."

Maggie laughed, clearly enjoying the moment. "Tell me more, Julie. What exactly happened?" Maggie asked cruelly, milking the situation for all it was worth.

The Interrogation

Julie squirmed under Maggie's gaze. She was still standing at the doorway, not even invited in. She felt humiliated having to recount the details, but she knew she had to comply. She described how David had made her undress.

"All the way? Totally bare naked?"


"Then what?"

"Then I had to stand in the corner."

"In the corner? Like some little kid? Where were your hands?"

"On my head..."

Maggie laughed. In fact, her amusement grew with every word.

"Okay, for how long?"

"Not sure. I think it was a hour or so."

"Oh no! This is tooo good. Then what?"

"Then he... spanked me."


"Over his knee."

"And you were still starkers, right?"


"Did he use anything to spank you with?"

"No. Just his hand."

"You got off easy, eh?"

"I didn't think so."

"Awwww. Did it hurt?"


"Did you cry?"


"And after that?" Maggie pressed.

"After the spanking, he made me sit on a prickly mat and write the punishment lines," Julie said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Maggie laughed again. "Sounds like you got what you deserved. Now, what's in that envelope you're holding? Is that for me? It has my name on it."

Julie handed the sealed envelope to Maggie, her hands shaking. Maggie opened it and read the note inside. A slow smile spread across her face as she read David's words. The note gave Maggie full permission to punish Julie any way she saw fit.

"Do you know what this note says?" Maggie asked Julie.

"I can suspect."

"Here, read it yourself."

As Julie read it a dark blush suffused her face.

To Maggie,

I am writing to inform you about the punishment that Julie has received for her behaviour at your restaurant towards you. As her husband, I believe it is important for her to understand the gravity of her actions and to make amends properly.

Julie has written out lines detailing her punishment, which she will present to you in person along with this note. I am granting you full permission to administer any additional punishment you see fit during her visit to your restaurant. This includes but is not limited to corporal punishment and public punishment in front of your colleagues. Feel free to include any form of embarrassing nudity and intimate touching from you or others as you deem necessary. No penetrative sex, however.

It is essential for Julie to grasp the severity of her disrespectful behavior, and an embarrassing public punishment will reinforce this lesson. Please ensure that she thoroughly apologizes to you and any other staff members she offended. Your judgment in this matter is highly trusted and appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



Julie was flabbergasted by the note. She had no idea.

Maggie asked, "Is that true? I can add whatever punishment I deem fit? Anything along the lines hubbie suggests. And you're just 'gonna take it?"

Julie was so conflicted. But she had promised David she would obey, and if this was some sort of a test, she was bound and determined to pass it.

"Yes, miss. If my husband says so. A long as there's no, like, permanent whatever..."

Maggie smiled. In fact, unbeknownst to Julie, David had called the restaurant earlier and he and Maggie had discussed what was in bounds. He suggested going harder on her than she was even thinking of, but loved it. She was going to put this rich bitch in her place!

Maggie's Justice

Maggie looked at Julie, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of satisfaction and mischievousness. "Well, Julie, it looks like your husband has given me full control over your punishment. You were quite the evil, stuck-up, little bitch to me last night. Let's see if we can make you really learn your lesson."

Julie felt her heart sink. Maggie was still upset, and it was clear she intended to take full advantage of the situation.

"Come on in," Maggie said, holding the door open for her. "This way," she said, guiding her into the staff break room.

"Hey, guys, this is the rich bitch who was so rude to me last night." She then waved the note in the air. "Hubby already spanked her, but he's given me carte blanche to add whatever extra I think she needs. And this little bitch is only too happy to go along with it. What's the deal, rich bitch, you got a prenup or something?"

"Something like that," Julie said between gritted teeth.

Everybody but Julie laughed. Maggie had nailed it.

"First," Maggie said, "let's see how good a job hubby did on your spanking. Drop your panties to your ankles and raise your dress."

Julie hesitated, but a sharp look from Maggie compelled her to comply. She reached under her dress and pulled down her panties, allowing them to puddle around her feet. Then she turned her back to everybody and lifted the back of her dress. She felt the cool air against her bare bum.

"Bend over, sweetie, let's see it good," said Karen.

Julie blushed even more strongly and bent at the waist, presenting her ass and God only knew what else to the entire staff. She felt utterly humiliated.

"Not bad," Maggie said, gesturing to Julie's reddened bottom. "Her husband did a good job, didn't he?"

The servers murmured in agreement. Maggie touched her ass which made Julie jump.

"Jumpy little girl," she said as she settled her hand firmly on Julie's ass. "You can still feel the heat," she commented. Other staff, including the 17-year-old bus boy touched her ass as well. The intimate touches made Julie squirm, and she felt her humiliation deepen, whimpering audibly as their hands brushed against her most private areas.

"You know we can see your pussy with you all bent over like that, right?"

"Yes, miss," Julie said between clenched teeth.

"Is that little kitty all nicely shaved? It looks like it." Maggie asked.

Julie blushed a deeper shade of red.

"Yes, miss..." Julie whispered.

"Well, stand up, turn around, show us. Show us how good a job you do on your shaving."

Julie stood back up, turned, and closing her eyes, lifted the front of her dress high, fully exposing her bare pussy. Julie had always been self-conscious about her pussy. Some girls have nice tight slits, but with hers, a bit of her lips always seemed to be poking out.

"That's not just shaved," Maggie said. "You must wax that thing to within an inch of its life. Is that it, slut? Do you wax it weekly?"

"L.. l... laser, miss."

"Laser? I guess rich bitches like you can afford that. Now I can't say I've ever personally seen a lasered twat. Have any of you guys?"

Everybody laughed and shook their heads no while looking at the rich bitch's nude pussy. Maggie reached out, asking, "You mind if I feel it? I've never felt a lasered cooch."

Julie, feeling she had no choice, agreed.

"Wow, guys! You need to feel this! Her cooch is so fucking smooth! Like a baby's fucking bottom!"

Everyone then came up and felt Julie's smooth abdomen, inner thighs, and outer pussy. Julie squirmed in distress as she was petted by women, men, and even a boy, coarse hands and smooth. More than one finger found its way inside.

Maggie noticed Julie jumping as one of the guys slid his finger in a bit.

"You ticklish there?" Maggie asked rhetorically. She put her hand on Julie and started sliding her finger around inside, "Tickle, tickle. Tickle, tickle."

Julie, keeping her eyes closed, blushed and squirmed at the intimate penetration as everybody watched.

"You seem to be really ticklish up here!" Maggie said, pulling up on the skin above her clitty with one hand as she directly fingered Julie's clit with the other. "Tickle, tickle. Tickle, tickle."

"Please!" Julie begged.

"Please what? Please stop touching your twat? Do you want your husband to know you aren't following through and obeying me?"


"Then ask for me to touch your twat."

"P... p... please, Touch my vagina."

"Oh! Vagina is it? Well la-di-da. On second thoughts, I don't want to touch your disgusting twat. God knows where it's been!"

"Let's have a look at her tits!" The seventeen year old suggested.

"Good idea, Bobby. Lose the dress, sweetheart, Bobby wants to see your tits."

"Oh, please!"

"Do it!"

Julie pulled the dress above her head and off. She was wearing no bra.

Maggie went up to Julie and felt her tits.

"Those are real, right bitch?"


"What are those, DD? And so firm."

"Just D-cup," Julie said.

"I don't know, they look bigger than that. Are you sure you're not squeezing 'em into a D-cup?"

"I don't know... maybe. I don't usually wear bras."

"Have a squeeze guys. Squeeze some world class tit. You are one perfect 10, girl. No wonder you snagged that rich, handsome Daddy for your husband."

They all squeezed her tits and tweaked her nipples, with little Bobby being the most persistent about it.

"Okay, Bobby, don't wear 'em out now, we have to send her back the way we found her."

"She's wet," said Lisa, one of the other servers, watching Julie's pussy.

Julie was wet. Her pussy was always pretty moist, and the handling did nothing to stop that.

"Are you wet, slut?" Maggie asked.

"no..." Julie lied.

"No, eh? Liar. Pull those cunt lips open. Wide open!"

Julie blushed but grabbed her lips and pulled, showing off her pink folds and her engorged clit under its little hood.

"You're soaked! Keep holding it open. Wider! Pull! Let everyone see."

"No... I'm just... naturally moist..."

Maggie responded. "I'll bet your wet 24x7. Are you wet 24x7, slut, always ready for Daddy? Hmmmm?"

"No..." Julie said weakly.

"Come on now, be honest. I mean, face it, he didn't marry you for your personality.  He married you for those perfect 10 looks so he can show you off at parties, and for that always ready pussy so he can fuck you whenever he feels like it, right?"

"no..." Julie said, tears starting to flow as she continued holding her lips open. Maggie was pushing on her biggest insecurities.

"Sweetheart, face it, you're just a whore. A really expensive whore bought up by one John."

"I'm not a whore," said Julie.

"If he left you, would you have any money at all of your own?"

"No... but I could work for it."

"Work as a whore you mean?"


"Okay, so you look like a high class hooker with your lasered twat, you spread your legs for him whenever he wants you to, and he effectively pays you for the privilege, but you're not a whore?"


Karen adds, "I don't know honey. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck."

"Okay, here's one way to know for sure. Do you bleach your asshole for him?"

"What? No!"

"Prove it. Turn back around, bend over, and spread those perfect 10 cheeks."

Julie knew she had no choice, not if she wanted off the hook with David. She compiled, her face burning hotly as she showed off her spread asshole.

"I don't know... looks pretty bleached to me. What do you guys think?"

"Nah, it's still brown," Bobby ventured.

"Not very!" Karen said.

"I'm just light-skinned there!" Julie cried out.

"We'll call that inconclusive," Maggie said. "But here's another whore test. Do you take it up the ass from Daddy?"

"No! Never!" Julie lied. In fact, David particularly liked to take her that way, and often did, despite her discomfort.

"I don't believe you. Let's find out. Big John, get me some Crisco."

Big John, aptly named, was the pastry chef, a giant of a man.

"Sure, Maggie," he said, and brought her some.

Maggie lubed her finger with the Crisco shortening.

"No... please..." Julie begged again, knowing what was coming.

"If that asshole stays tight even after I stick my finger in, it means you don't take it up the ass. But if it opens up..."

"Ohhhh!" Julie gasped as Maggie's finger penetrated her tight asshole.

"It's really tight..." says Maggie, pumping her finger in Julie's asshole.

"Oh, oh, oh. It's loosening up fast now.  Wow, I can get two finger in. Look at that tight little hole spread!"

Julie whimpered.

"You slutty, little ass whore! You take it up the ass, admit it. Admit it!"

"Yes... yes, I do!" Julie cried out.

Maggie pulled her fingers out. "You keep those cheeks spread, slut. Give everyone a nice view of what Daddy gets to fuck."

Julie wriggled as the tears started flowing, but she stayed bent over, naked, spreading her own cheeks. Her asshole was relaxed and positively gaping open!

"That proves it," Maggie said, "you're a slutty little whore. Admit it."

"I'm not!" wailed Julie.

"You know you are, but we'll agree to let you keep denying the truth, whore."

"Now," Maggie added, slipping between Julie's ass cheeks and slapping her hole, "who thinks this whore needs a real spanking?"

The Refresher

"Big John," Maggie called to the burly pastry chef, "would you do the honours?"

"Sure!" he said. Big John approached. He pulled Julie up who had been up to then still bent over showing off her distended bottom hole. He marched her over to a kitchen stool, lifted her up, and placed her face down across his lap. She was still totally nude.

His giant hand began spanking her. His hand was so large, each strike covered both her slim cheeks. Julie kicked squirmed and shrieked as his hand rapidly reddened her backside.

"Let's make sure you really learn your lesson," Maggie said, handing Big John one of his rubber pastry spatulas midway through the spanking.

Big John's took the spatula and began using it to positively blister her bare behind. Big John had a bit of a crush on the diminutive Maggie, and was upset when he had heard a customer was rude to her. He wanted to make sure this customer paid the price!

The spanking seemed to go on forever, each smack echoing through the restaurant. Julie's sobs grew louder, but the punishment continued until her bottom was fiery red and blistered.

The Ginger Root

When Big John finally stopped, a sous-chef, Louise, said, "hold her there for a minute, Big John."

As everyone watched, Julie included from her bare bottomed perch bent across Big John's knees, Louise expertly peeled and then carved a very fresh and juicy ginger root specially imported from Asia.

She carved it into the shape of a nice large butt plug.

"Here, put this in her," Louise said, handing the ginger to Maggie, "that'll keep her attention."

Maggie took it with a grin and approached Julie who started wriggling desperately. But Big John held her down easily with his elbows as he spread her cheeks wide.

"Now, this will help you remember to keep your temper in check," Maggie said, inserting the ginger root into Julie's bottom. The burning sensation was immediate and intense, making Julie squirm and cry out.

Big John stood her up and everybody laughed as she writhed in distress, tits out, pussy out, holding her beaten buns as the ginger burned hotly in her rectum.

"Get dressed, whore, don't keep showing all your little bits like a total slut."

Julie wailed, "But... the ginger..."

"... will stay right where it is until Daddy pulls it out. I'll write you a note saying what a good little whore you were, and saying there better still be a burning ginger root up your bum."

Julie blushed and collected the panties she had kicked off earlier, pulled them up, then collected her dress and pulled that on. Then her kicked off shoes. Every few seconds she paused, and whimpered, and screwed up her face as the ginger root released a fresh dosing up her bum.

Maggie wrote out a note, sealed it, and then pinned it to the front of Julie's dress, as if she was a kindergartener bringing home a note to Mommy.

The Uber Ride Home

The staff sent Julie on her way, laughing. Julie, still feeling the effects of the spanking and the burning from the ginger, fetched an Uber. It was an uncomfortable five minute wait as she desperately monitored the progress of her ride towards her. The sooner she got home, the sooner she could end the burning!

When the ride arrived, the driver noted the odd way an envelope addressed to "Daddy" was pinned to the front of her dress. Julie quickly jumped in and started squirming in her seat, trying to find a comfortable position, but the pain was relentless.

The taxi driver glanced at her in the rearview mirror. "Are you okay, miss?"

Julie forced a smile, despite the discomfort. "I'm fine, thank you."

Home at Last

When Julie finally arrived home, she felt a mixture of relief and dread. She knew she still had to face David and explain everything that had happened. The humiliation and pain had taught her a harsh lesson, and she was determined to change her ways.

As she walked into the house, David was in his office on a business call. Julie knew she wasn't to disturb her in this situation, but the burning ginger was surely an exception.

She opened the study door and started to say something. David held up a finger, shushing her. He then made a business point on the phone and heard the reply.

"David... pleeeeaaase!"

David cupped the receiver. "Hush! I'm on a very important call. Wait for me in the living room. I'll be out as soon as I can."

Julie groaned but did as she was told, waiting patiently in abject distress as the super fresh ginger continued to "work its magic."

David finally emerged from his call.

"What's this, why are you squirming?.

"I have a ginger root up my bum!" Julie wailed.

David laughed out loud.

"Is that note for me?" David asked. It was addressed to "Daddy".

"Yes! They teased me about you being my Daddy!"

"Ha ha! I'm not that old!"

David unpinned the note and opened it.

"Please hurry!" said Julie. "It burns!"

David read the note:

To David,

This note is to confirm that Julie has completed the tasks you instructed. She returned to the restaurant before opening hours, apologized sincerely to me, and delivered the punishment lines as required.

Additionally, she followed through with the further consequences you authorized. Julie was subjected to a very embarrassing stripping and intimate examination by me and others; received a thorough spanking from Big John, our pastry chef, in front of the staff; and had a fresh ginger root inserted into her bottom as part of her punishment.

As of now, she still ought to have the ginger root in place, and she was instructed to keep it there until you decide to remove it.

Please ensure that she understands the importance of her actions and continues to work on her behaviour.

Sincerely, Maggie

"Well, well. So you were a good girl then?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Was it very hard?"

"They called me a whore!" Julie said, bursting out in tears.

"Oh, baby! You're not a whore. Of course not. I mean, you're pretty enough, sure, and you put out like crazy.."

"David!" Julie said, hitting his shoulder.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Let's get that ginger root out."

"Oh God, yes, please!"

The Burning Continues

They went up to the bathroom together. Julie stripped, and David carefully extracted the huge gingered plug. He used some water to help ease it out which only increased the burning!

"Your ass is red! Did you get a good spanking? Was the whole staff watching? Were they watching when they slid this in?" David asked incredulously.

'Yes!" Julie wailed, amidst more sobbing.

After David removed the ginger root, Julie felt a mixture of relief and continued burning. The ginger had done its job well, and the lingering burn inside her rectal passage was a constant reminder of her misdeeds. She shifted uncomfortably, trying to find some relief, but it was no use.

David noticed her discomfort and decided to take action. "Julie, I guess the ginger root still burns. We need to cleanse the ginger juice out. I'm going to give you a soap-suds enema. It'll help wash out the ginger residue."

Julie's eyes widened in horror. "David, please! Isn't there another way?"

David shook his head. "This is the best way to make sure you're thoroughly cleansed. Now, come with me."

The Soap-Suds Enema

David prepared the enema kit.

He filled a bag with warm, soapy water, the sight of which made Julie's stomach churn with anxiety.

"Please, David," she begged, "this is so embarrassing."

David remained resolute. "You brought this on yourself, Julie. Now, face the toilet, get down on all fours, head down, ass up."

Julie hesitated but knew better than to argue further. She got down, her face burning with shame as David inserted the enema nozzle. The warm, soapy water began to flow into her, and she felt an immediate, uncomfortable fullness.

After she was full, David made her stand facing the toilet and hold the enema, her stomach cramping painfully as the soap-suds did their work. Julie squirmed, desperate to relieve herself, but David stood firm.

"Five minutes, Julie," he said. "You need to hold it for five minutes."

Julie groaned, shifting her weight from foot to foot as the pressure built inside her. She glanced longingly at the toilet, just inches away, but knew she had to endure the full five minutes.

The five minutes felt like an eternity. Julie's face was flushed with embarrassment and discomfort. Her stomach cramped painfully, and she could feel the soapy water sloshing inside her. She squirmed and wriggled, trying to find some relief, but there was none to be had.

"David, please," she whimpered, "I can't hold it any longer."

David checked his watch. "Just another minute, Julie. You can do it."

Julie groaned again, her legs trembling as she fought to keep the enema inside. She felt utterly humiliated, standing there with her body exposed and her bottom filled with soapy water. The urge to relieve herself was overwhelming, but she knew she had to wait.

Finally, David gave her the signal. "Okay, Julie. You can go now."

Julie dove onto the toilet, grateful for the release. The soapy water poured out of her as David watched, and she sighed with relief, though the burning sensation from the ginger was still present.

The Rinsing Enemas

David wasn't done yet. "Now, we need to rinse you out with two clear water enemas."

Julie looked at him, horrified. "Two more? David, isn't one enough?"

David shook his head. "No, Julie. We need to make sure you're thoroughly cleansed."

Julie groaned but complied. David filled the enema bag with clear, warm water and inserted the nozzle again. The clear water flowed into her, and she felt a new wave of discomfort as her stomach filled.

"Hold it for another five minutes," David instructed.

Julie squirmed, the clear water adding to her already intense discomfort. She shifted from foot to foot, her face red with shame and frustration. The clear water didn't cramp as badly as the soapy water, but the pressure was still intense.

"David, this is so unfair," Julie whined, her voice taking on a childish tone. "Why do I have to go through this?"

David remained calm. "Because we're cleaning the ginger juice out, and, to be honest, you need to learn, Julie. Actions have consequences."

Julie pouted, her face flushed with embarrassment. She couldn't believe she was standing there, a grown woman, being treated like a child. The clear water sloshed inside her, adding to her discomfort.

Finally, David gave her the signal again. "Okay, you can go."

Julie again sat on the toilet, relieved to expel the clear water. She felt slightly better, but the burning from the ginger still lingered.

David prepared the second rinsing enema. Julie groaned, but she knew she had no choice. She bent down again, feeling utterly humiliated as the clear water flowed into her once more.

"Hold it for five minutes," David said.

Julie squirmed, her face red with shame. She couldn't believe she was enduring this, but she knew she had to comply. The second clear water enema felt like torture, but she managed to hold it for the full five minutes.

When the second enema was finally expelled, Julie felt a mixture of relief and lingering discomfort. The burning from the ginger was still mildly present, but the enemas had helped cleanse her thoroughly.

David helped her clean up and then guided her to their bedroom. Julie felt exhausted, both physically and emotionally. She slipped into bed, grateful for the comfort of the sheets against her skin.

David lay down beside her, pulling her into his arms. "I love you, Julie," he said softly. "I want you to be the best version of yourself."

Julie snuggled into his embrace, feeling safe and loved despite the embarrassment and discomfort. "I love you too, David. And I promise, I'll try harder."

Moving Forward

The next few days were a period of reflection and healing for Julie. Her bottom and rectum remained sore, a constant reminder of the lesson she had learned. She found herself thinking more carefully about her actions and their impact on others.

David was supportive, encouraging her to talk about her feelings and helping her work through her emotions. Their relationship grew stronger as they communicated more openly and honestly.

Julie also really wanted to clear the air with Maggie, who had been so angry with her last time. She thought humility would be her best approach.

She went back to the restaurant, feeling a mix of nerves and determination. When she saw Maggie, she took a deep breath and walked over to her.

"Maggie, can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Maggie looked up, her expression curious but not unkind. She had sort of gotten over the ill will she felt towards Julie, and maybe even felt a bit guilty about some of the things she had said to her. "Of course, Julie. Let's go across the street to the park. There's a nice bench there we can sit at."

They cross the street and sit.

"So, what is it?" asked Maggie.

Julie felt a rush of nerves. "I wanted to apologize again for my behavior the other night. I was completely out of line, and I'm truly sorry for the way I treated you. David didn't send me this time. He doesn't know I'm here doing this. I wanted to really sincerely apologize for my behaviour. You had every right to be furious with me."

Maggie studied her for a moment, then nodded. "Thank you, Julie. I appreciate your unforced apology. It means a lot."

Julie felt a weight lift off her shoulders, but before she could turn to leave, Maggie's eyes twinkled with mischief. "So, tell me, how was your Uber home with that ginger root up your bum?"

Julie blushed deeply, her mind flashing back to the humiliating experience. "It was... mortifying," she admitted. "I could feel the ginger burning the whole time. Every bump in the road made it worse. The driver even asked if I was okay because I couldn't sit still."

Maggie chuckled, clearly enjoying Julie's discomfort. "And what did you tell him?"

Julie looked down, her face burning with shame. "I just said I was fine. I couldn't tell him the truth, of course. But I was squirming the whole way home."

Julie had to laugh a bit as well, the two ladies giggling together.

Maggie leaned forward, clearly eager for more details. "And what happened when you got home?"

Julie hesitated, but she knew there was no escaping Maggie's curiosity. "David made me wait for, like, a half an hour because he was on the phone. Then he read the note you pinned to my dress and gave me a knowing look. Then he took me to the bathroom and removed the ginger root."

Maggie laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I bet that was a relief!"

"It was," Julie admitted, "but it still burned. Even with the ginger root out, the burning sensation lingered. He, ummmm, helped with that..."

Maggie's smile widened. "What did David do to help?"

Julie swallowed hard, her embarrassment intensifying. "He decided I needed a soap-suds enema to cleanse the ginger juice out."

Maggie's eyebrows shot up, and she leaned back in her chair, clearly delighted. "A soap-suds enema? Tell me all about it."

Julie took a deep breath, feeling her face flush even more. "He made me get down on all fours, head down, ass up, and he inserted the enema nozzle. The warm, soapy water started flowing into me, and it was so uncomfortable. I had to hold it for five minutes while standing in front of the toilet."

Maggie laughed again, shaking her head in amusement. "Standing in front of the toilet? That's cruel."

"It was," Julie agreed, her voice small. "I was squirming and desperate to relieve myself, but David made me wait the full five minutes."

"And after that?" Maggie prompted, clearly enjoying the story.

"After I finally relieved myself, David gave me two more enemas with clear water to rinse out the soap," Julie continued, her voice trembling with embarrassment. "I had to hold those as well."

Maggie chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. "And you had to hold them in for the full five minutes each time?"

Julie nodded, feeling her cheeks burn. "Yes. It was so humiliating. I felt like a child being punished."

Maggie couldn't stop laughing, her amusement clear. "Julie, I have to say, you really got what you deserved. Your husband certainly knows how to discipline you."

Julie felt a mix of shame and relief. Shame for having to recount such an embarrassing experience, and relief for finally getting it off her chest. "I know," she said softly. "And I understand why he did it. I need to control my temper and treat people with respect."

Maggie nodded, her laughter subsiding. "Well, I hope this experience has taught you a lesson. But I have to admit, it's quite entertaining to hear about."

"You were pretty mean to me also," Julie said with a pout.

"Ha ha! I didn't do anything except what your husband and I discussed."

"What? David was in on it???"

"Of course he was. He called before you even got there."

"Why that rat fink..." Julie said, but with a smile.

"Except the part about calling you a whore and a slut. That's on me. I apologize for that."

"Apology excepted. But you're half right, I am a total slut for my husband."

"I figured. He's a good looking guy. Real Daddy vibes, you know?"

"Oh, I know. Are you turned on by my man, Maggie?"

"Mmmm.... does it show?"

"You know, with the right girl, I'm willing to share..."


"Share. Like, a threeway."

"I've never done that!"

"We have..."

"Well. Damn. He's hot as shit. And you're a maddeningly perfect 10. And I do like girls too..."

"Me too," said Julie as she leaned in to kiss Maggie flush on the mouth.

"But I'm not even in your guys' league!"

"Don't sell yourself short, Maggie. You're cute as a button and you've got spunk."

"I don't know..."

"David has a big cock and knows how to use it..."

Maggie licked her lips.

"Okay! Yes!"

"Come by tonight!"

"I'm off early, at 4pm. Is that too early?"

"Perfect. I'll send a car. It'll be waiting right outside for you at 4pm. We'll surprise David, and show him how we've made up..."

Julie planted another lingering kiss on Maggie, and then got up and left with a wink.

"David will enjoy his surprise," Julie thought to herself.


  1. Great story. Pride. The original and worst of the seven deadly sins. Another writer should’ve had Elizabeth give Darcy a right proper pants down over the knee spanking in front of the Bingleys.

    1. Indeed! Pride goeth before the fall. And I think C.S.Lewis wrote that of all the deadly sins, pride was the worst.

    2. I disagree on the worst deadly sin. All the sins come with a price of future regret, but Envy is also impossible to enjoy while doing it. - david

    3. You envy the hot girls, wishing you can be one. You'd be such a giant slut!

    4. You have exposed me again. And it’s very true. - david

  2. Excellent, the full circle, this is going to be hard to top. As always I showed my wife/mommy, she enjoyed it very much, especially the end, she would have liked you to finish and say how he liked what he started. The only thing is my wife/mommy enjoyed was the note attached to her, and bringing out the naughty little girl, the note did just that. Jack

    1. Yes, a nice touch that, if I do say so myself!

    2. Shocking my wife/mommy enjoyed this story, spoiled women need to be reminded that they can go so far. The interaction at the end, did it become a three some and did the waitress get her bottom spanked, or provoke him to spank her also. Naughty women can be so much fun from what I've read in your blog.

  3. Wow! I got sucked into this story. Well, I guess I almost always do.

    First, on the setup: I’ve heard it said that you can learn all you need to know about someone’s character by how they treat people with no ability to do anything (advance career or personal life) for them, eg: wait staff, maids, other service workers. I’m not sure that kind of superior, entitled character flaw can be spanked out of anyone, or changed by any other method.

    Regardless, I loved the painfully thorough humiliation that Julie was forced to endure. Exposed, put on display, groped, probed, shamed, spanked. I can’t wet my panties the same way a woman can, but I have experienced a unique kind of humiliation arousal, where my cute little penis isn’t erect, but I’m still leaking precum. I’ve been face down, ass up, on display while I watched myself drip drip drip precum onto the floor. I’ve made puddles in my panties when shopping at Victoria’s Secret. Watching Julie get bullied by a group of strangers was amazing. Stripped of clothing and all dignity. Having her body betray her into admitting anal sex. Even by today’s standards, I think it’s a dirty secret that I think most would rather not have revealed, like the Governor of Michigan, who acquired the nickname “Stretchin’ Gretchen” in high school. Then the figging! And the enemas! It’s humiliating enough to have to present and accept an enema, but having a witness to the noisy expelling of the cleansing solution is beyond what I can imagine.

    I was taken by surprise by the ending. Julie, you are so good at putting unexpected twists into the storyline. I did not expect Julie to reveal the details of her enema to her tormentor, much less successfully seduce her into a three way frolic with her husband. I would love to see that bedroom dynamic unfold. Julie submissive to both, or something unexpected again? - david

    1. Stretcin' Gretchen? That's a new one on me!

  4. Niece update. Eating my lunch I was looking at pictures of fitness models when my niece suddenly walked into the kitchen and took my phone.
    “Omg uncle are you watching porn?! In front of me?”
    “No. You just walked in and it’s hardly porn”, I said.
    “Well we’ll just have to find out what my aunt thinks of this”, she said and took a screenshot of a naked fitness model and quickly sent it to my wife.
    I’m really going to get it this time. Nervous.

    1. Be sure to tell us what happens to you.

    2. Yes, please do! Maybe start your own blog? - david

  5. Fantasy story.

    Sometimes there’s nothing hotter than a sincere girl on girl kiss.

    Nice to see Maggie getting in on the action.


  6. I particularly enjoyed the description of the laser smooth pussy. This important detail and its humiliation potential is too often overlooked. Many thanks. MrD

    1. Indeed! I mainly keep mine like that because it's embarrassing!

  7. I liked the whore test and couldn’t help but wonder whether you would pass it Ms Julie? From what you’ve told us previously I believe that;

    Shaved Pussy? Yes of course.
    No bra? Wouldn’t be surprised.
    Bleached asshole? Probably.
    Takes it up the ass? Definitely yes.

    Is that right? Do you pass the test Ms Julie?

    1. Ummm.... well, gee.... we don't need to go there....

  8. Don't mean to hurt your feelings, but I'd suggest spending more time crafting human stories that you write and chuck the AI, which has led to quantity, in both the length and number of stories you are publishing but also a "sameness" to these stories given AI's limitations. There's also quite a bit of redundancy - especially in the learning of lessons, etc. and taking time to ponder on what he/she did wrong. I believe you said once that that part is needed to allow AI to publish, but it is really kind of meh. This whole AI thing was fun for awhile, but you have become a little slothful and, being as it is one of the 7 deadly sins, you should be properly punished, placed in a diaper and be prohibited from touching yourself for the next five days. Being chaste would surely stir the creative juices and lead to some banger human-wrought content as you dig deep into those emotions. Now that is a story I'd like to read!

    1. I'm just experimenting, still. I agree with your assessment, but the LLMs keep getting better.

  9. You dont do spankings with your husband no more? i liked the real stories

    1. There is a flair, a taste when it is personal. You deliver that, it cannot at this point be faked. AI is great, education, medicine, pseudoscience, phycology artry farty fruitcake shit with it.
      Science, Engineering and real creativity... they are not in conflict just opposite ends of the spectrum. These things need the human touch.

    2. Not as much as before. I guess we've gotten older 😞. But as well, when we do play, it's like "the greatest hits" - we repeat ourselves - so I feel I've already written it!

    3. Punish me thennn,

    4. I wish you did mandatory punishment instructions for us who punishes ourselfs, there is not a lot of spanking/anal instructions out there, specially for us who like to roleplay, so the instructions would fit the crime. Sometimes i wish i had someone like you to give me instructions to punish myself

    5. I'm working now with an e-subby who will undergo a gingering. When I report on that, you will recreate the scenario.

    6. Yes ma'am. Feel free to include me as an E-subby if you want, we can email each other

  10. Lucky(?) subby! Can’t wait to see that! - david

  11. This could be a on going series. But then again a lot of your stories could.

  12. Ooh, maybe you could write a story about a rude dinner guest. Like you invite a fan of your blog over for dinner and friendly conversation but this guest keeps making cheeky remarks about your sexy butt and tight, toned figure, right in front of David. Then this naughty, cheeky guest starts going off on you about all your political posts and starts insulting you and your politics, and that's the last straw, rudeness like that must be dealt with swiftly and harshly, a lesson must be taught, an example set that boorish, obnoxious behavior from naughty rude guests will lead to severe consequences.
    And then you...well, I don't want to give it all away 😉
    Thank you, your stories are awesome, and very hot! 🔥 🥵

    1. Good premise! Sounds realistic. I would have to have the notarized "consent to anything" in hand before he shows up!

    2. Ooh, notarized, that's hot. I like where you're going 😈
