Tuesday, August 20

Fiction by AI: Sally's Public Spanking (F/F, witnesses)

 I asked ChatGPT-4o the following:

Write me a fun little story about a very humiliating witnessed spanking.

And then I said,

Illustrate the moment before the spanking started.

That's all I needed to say. This is what I got, verbatim. Oddly, the story had a woman mayor but the image generated was of a man. Silly AI. But I do like her idea of "fun"!

In a small, tight-knit town where everyone knew each other’s business, there was an annual summer picnic that everyone attended. The picnic was a long-standing tradition, held in the town square, complete with games, contests, and a barbecue. But there was one thing that always kept people talking for weeks afterward: the dreaded “Discipline Hour.”

This peculiar tradition started years ago, when the town decided that any acts of mischief or rule-breaking committed by children during the picnic would be punished publicly. Over time, it wasn’t just children who faced the consequences; even adults who had broken minor town ordinances could find themselves on the wrong side of the spanking paddle. And today, everyone’s attention was on Sally Jenkins, a 22-year-old who had been caught speeding through town for the third time that month.

The mayor, a stern but fair woman in her 50s, announced over the loudspeaker that Discipline Hour was about to commence. The crowd buzzed with anticipation, especially since they knew Sally was due for a very public comeuppance.

Sally, with her face already flushed with embarrassment, was led to the center of the square by the mayor herself. A sturdy wooden chair was placed at the heart of the gathering, and around it, townsfolk gathered, eager to see the event unfold. Mothers held their children close, reminding them of the importance of following the rules, while others whispered to one another about Sally’s past antics.

The mayor, not one to waste time, sat down on the chair and motioned for Sally to come closer. Sally, dressed in a light summer dress, hesitated, but she knew there was no escaping this. Her heart pounded in her chest as she approached the mayor, aware of every pair of eyes on her.

“You’ve had more than enough warnings, young lady,” the mayor said loud enough for everyone to hear. “It’s time you learned your lesson in front of all these good people.”

Without further ado, the mayor reached out, took hold of Sally’s wrist, and guided her over her lap. Sally’s legs dangled off the side of the chair, her face already burning with shame. The mayor’s firm hand gripped the hem of Sally’s dress and slowly lifted it, revealing her plain white panties to the snickering crowd. The sound of gasps and giggles filled the air as the mayor tucked the dress up, making sure it was securely out of the way.

Sally squirmed in place, mortified, knowing that the worst was yet to come. The mayor didn’t waste any time. She hooked her fingers into the waistband of Sally’s panties and slowly pulled them down to her thighs, exposing Sally’s bare bottom to the entire town. The crowd’s laughter grew louder, and Sally’s humiliation was complete.

The mayor raised her hand high and brought it down with a loud smack. Sally let out a small yelp, her legs kicking slightly in response. The mayor continued, each spank echoing through the square, as Sally’s bottom quickly turned from pale pink to a bright, angry red. She struggled to maintain her composure, but the pain and the shame were too much. Tears welled up in her eyes as she endured the relentless spanking, her pleas for mercy only adding to the crowd’s amusement.

When the spanking finally ended, the mayor pulled Sally’s panties back up over her well-spanked bottom, smoothed down her dress, and helped her to her feet. Sally’s face was streaked with tears, her cheeks burning as red as her behind. The crowd applauded, some even cheering, as she was led to a corner of the square, where she was made to stand with her nose against the wall, hands on her head, for everyone to see.

For the rest of the afternoon, Sally stood in that corner, her throbbing bottom a constant reminder of her misdeeds, while the townsfolk continued with their festivities. But every so often, someone would walk by, chuckle, and give her a pat on the back—or a teasing pat on the bottom—reminding her that in this town, discipline was a public affair, and her humiliation would be talked about for a long time to come.


  1. It would be so more entertaining if sally was 55yo!

  2. Your stories have used mature women who believe in the old ways, a good sound spanking, doesn't matter male or female getting the spanking. Granted you have said that males give a harder spanking, my wife/mommy, states it is the look in the eyes of the mature woman, the sound of her voice, that brings the male or female to feel like a naughty girl or boy and adds to the spanking. My wife/mommy reminds me that a spanking will happen no matter where, mature women know that a spanking no matter where addresses the problem. Jack

  3. Histoire un peu courte par rapport a d’habitude beaucoup trop longue !!

  4. And so more humiliating if she was a mother in law. Imagine the whole family in the public.

  5. So thoses comments are not worth reading?

    1. I read them all, but it takes some time to answer!
