Tuesday, August 13

Fiction: Jeremy's Public Penance (F/M, witnesses)

Another work of fiction with ChatGPT-4o.

Jeremy, a troublemaker in a small town, is publicly humiliated by Mayor Thompson after disrupting the annual fair. Stripped and spanked in front of the crowd, he’s forced to walk across the square with his dignity in tatters. As the crowd mocks him, his situation worsens, leading to an unthinkable act that leaves him utterly broken. The town jeers, ensuring Jeremy’s shame will be remembered long after the day is done.

Jeremy's Public Penance

In a small, close-knit town where everyone knew each other’s business, the residents prided themselves on their old-fashioned values and community spirit. Jeremy, a 25-year-old troublemaker, had never quite grown out of his rebellious teenage years. His antics were a constant source of frustration for the townsfolk, whether he was vandalizing property, disrupting community events, or just being an all-around nuisance. Despite numerous warnings and fines, Jeremy seemed immune to any form of discipline—until the day he pushed the town too far.

The town was hosting its annual summer fair, an event cherished by everyone. Families flocked to the town square, eager to enjoy the games, contests, and food. Jeremy, seeing an opportunity to stir up trouble, started by knocking over a table full of prizes, moved on to heckling the performers, and finally, set off a series of illegal fireworks that sent the crowd into a panic.

That was the last straw for Mayor Thompson, a no-nonsense woman in her fifties who had long since run out of patience with Jeremy. After his fireworks stunt, she had him swiftly apprehended by the town constables and brought to the stage in the center of the square.

The crowd, already buzzing with anger and curiosity, gathered quickly, eager to see what punishment the mayor had in store for the town’s most notorious troublemaker. Jeremy, as cocky as ever, stood on the stage with a smug grin, thinking he’d get away with just another lecture or fine. But when Mayor Thompson stepped up, his confidence began to waver.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” she began, her voice firm and commanding, “this young man has been a blight on our town for far too long. Today, we will put an end to his antics, once and for all.”

Jeremy’s smirk faltered as the crowd cheered in agreement. He glanced nervously at the mayor, who gave him a stern look before nodding to the constables. They moved swiftly, grabbing him by the arms and dragging him to a sturdy wooden chair that had been placed in the center of the stage.

“What—what are you doing?” Jeremy stammered, his bravado slipping as the crowd’s whispers and murmurs grew louder.

Mayor Thompson met his gaze, her eyes cold and unyielding. “You’ve been warned countless times, Jeremy, but you’ve refused to listen. Now, you’ll face the consequences—right here, in front of everyone you’ve wronged.”

The constables forced Jeremy over the chair, bending him at the waist, his rear end jutting out prominently. One of them reached down and, with a swift yank, pulled Jeremy’s pants down to his knees, revealing a pair of tight, bright red boxer briefs. The crowd gasped in surprise before breaking into laughter and cheers.

Jeremy’s face flushed with embarrassment, and he began to struggle. “No, you can’t do this! Stop!” he protested, but the constables held him firmly in place.

Mayor Thompson let the crowd’s laughter settle before raising her hand for silence. “I think we all agree that Jeremy deserves a punishment that will leave a lasting impression,” she said, her voice carrying a tone of finality. Without another word, she reached for the waistband of Jeremy’s boxer briefs.

Jeremy’s eyes widened in panic as he realized what was about to happen. “No, please! Don’t!” he pleaded, his voice trembling, but Mayor Thompson was unmoved. With deliberate slowness, she pulled his boxer briefs down, exposing his pale, bare bottom to the entire town.

The crowd erupted in a mixture of shocked gasps, loud cheers, and raucous laughter. Some people pointed and jeered, while others snapped pictures with their phones, eager to capture the moment. Jeremy squeezed his eyes shut, wishing he could disappear as he stood there, completely exposed and utterly humiliated.

Mayor Thompson gave the crowd a moment to take in the sight of the town’s troublemaker, stripped of all dignity. She knew that this was more than just a spanking; it was a public shaming, a lesson that Jeremy—and everyone else—would never forget.

Satisfied that the lesson was sinking in, she produced a large wooden paddle, the kind that hadn’t been used since the days of old-fashioned school discipline. It was heavy and solid, with the town’s emblem carved into it—a symbol of justice and order.

“This spanking,” she announced to the crowd, her voice rising above the noise, “is for every prank, every piece of property you’ve damaged, every person you’ve disrespected. And it will be thorough.”

With that, she raised the paddle high and brought it down with a resounding smack on Jeremy’s exposed bottom. He yelped in pain, the sound of the paddle cracking against his bare flesh echoing through the square. The crowd cheered, some even clapping in rhythm with each swat.

Mayor Thompson showed no mercy, delivering each swat with precision and force. Jeremy’s yelps quickly turned to cries, and soon, he was sobbing uncontrollably. His legs kicked out helplessly, but the constables held him in place, ensuring that the punishment continued unabated.

The crowd’s reaction only fueled Jeremy’s humiliation. People were openly laughing at his predicament, some making jokes, others shouting taunts. A few were recording the entire ordeal, knowing that this public spanking would be the talk of the town for years to come.

As the paddle continued to rain down on his bare bottom, Jeremy’s face grew as red as his punished flesh. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and he could barely catch his breath between sobs. The pain was unbearable, but the humiliation was even worse. He knew that he would never live this down, that he would always be remembered as the man who was publicly stripped, spanked, and shamed in front of the entire town.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Mayor Thompson lowered the paddle. Jeremy’s bottom was a deep, fiery red, and he was a blubbering mess. The mayor handed the paddle back to one of the constables and addressed the crowd once more.

“Let this be a lesson to everyone,” she declared, her voice ringing with authority. “In this town, we value respect, responsibility, and good behavior. Anyone who thinks otherwise will face similar consequences.”

The constables released Jeremy, who immediately reached for his pants, desperate to cover himself and escape the public eye. But Mayor Thompson had other plans.

“Oh, no, Jeremy,” she said sharply, stopping him in his tracks. “You’re not done yet.”

Jeremy froze, his hands trembling as he realized what she meant. His pants and underwear were still around his knees, and he felt the cool breeze against his freshly spanked bottom, a stark reminder of his vulnerable state.

“The lesson isn’t over,” the mayor continued, her voice taking on a stern, almost cruel edge. “You will walk the length of the square, just as you are, with your hands on your head, so everyone can see the full consequences of your actions. Only then, when you’ve faced the full measure of your punishment, will you be allowed to pull up your pants.”

Jeremy’s eyes widened in horror. The crowd, sensing his impending humiliation, erupted in cheers and jeers, eager to see him perform this final act of penance. Jeremy looked around desperately, but there was no escape. The constables flanked him on either side, ready to enforce the mayor’s orders.

With his head hanging low, Jeremy slowly lifted his trembling hands to his head. This movement, while simple, made him feel even more exposed and powerless. His hands, now resting on his head, forced him to stand tall, fully revealing his reddened bottom—and, to his utter humiliation, his genitals—to the crowd.

As Jeremy began his walk of shame across the town square, the laughter and jeers of the crowd seemed to press in on him from all sides. His hands, trembling with a mix of fear and shame, were placed firmly on his head as Mayor Thompson had commanded, leaving him completely exposed to the unblinking eyes of the townspeople. His pants and boxer briefs, bunched around his ankles, forced him to take awkward, shuffling steps that only added to his humiliation.

The cool breeze brushed against his bare, reddened bottom, and his exposed privates, a constant reminder of how vulnerable he was. His heart pounded in his chest, his face burning with the heat of shame as he took those first hesitant steps into the square. Every eye was on him, every whisper and snicker amplifying the humiliation he felt.

At first, Jeremy’s mind was consumed with the immediate embarrassment of his situation. His bare skin tingled under the cool air, and the knowledge that everyone was staring at him made his stomach churn. But as he took another step, he felt something else—a faint, unsettling warmth that started low in his abdomen, almost imperceptible at first.

He tried to ignore it, to push it away, but with each slow, agonizing step, the sensation grew. His breath hitched as he felt a slight stirring between his legs, the warmth spreading like a slow, insidious wave. Jeremy’s face flushed even deeper as the horrifying realization set in: his body was responding in a way he couldn’t control.

“No,” he thought desperately, trying to will his body into obedience. But the mixture of fear, shame, and the bizarre thrill of being so completely exposed in front of the entire town began to take its toll on him. The heat in his lower abdomen intensified, radiating outward as a tingling sensation began to spread along his groin.

His steps became slower, more hesitant, as the sensation deepened. Jeremy could feel the blood rushing to his groin, his manhood beginning to swell and harden, a humiliating and utterly uncontrollable response. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to think of anything else, but the pulsing heat only grew stronger, feeding off the very embarrassment he was trying to escape.

With each excruciating step, the growth became more pronounced. His erection, at first just a faint stirring, began to lift and lengthen, pushing against the confines of his skin with increasing insistence. Jeremy could feel it growing, inch by agonizing inch, the slow rise impossible to stop or conceal. The more he tried to suppress it, the more intense the arousal became, as if his own body were mocking his efforts.

His manhood thickened, the head becoming more sensitive, the shaft stiffening against the cool air as he continued to walk. His pace slowed even further as he tried desperately to control the inevitable, but it was no use. The shameful erection became more and more obvious, jutting forward with each step, twitching with the involuntary surges of arousal.

The crowd, initially focused on his exposed bottom and awkward gait, began to notice the change. Murmurs and gasps rippled through the onlookers, quickly followed by louder laughter and cruel taunts as they realized what was happening.

“Look at him!” someone shouted, their voice filled with cruel amusement. “He’s actually getting hard from this!”

Jeremy’s heart pounded even harder, his face now a deep, shameful crimson as he tried to force his body to stop its treacherous response. But the more he tried to resist, the more intense the sensation became. His erection throbbed with every heartbeat, painfully erect and completely exposed to the crowd’s mocking eyes.

As he walked, he could feel his manhood growing heavier, the swollen shaft twitching slightly with every step. The tip, now fully engorged, bobbed slightly with his movement, each step making his situation even more unbearable. His erection stood out stark and undeniable, a testament to his complete loss of control, growing harder and more prominent with every humiliating step.

The crowd’s laughter grew louder, their jeers and comments more merciless as they watched his arousal become fully evident. Jeremy’s breath came in short, ragged gasps, his body trembling with the weight of his shame. His mind was a blur of horror and disbelief, unable to comprehend how his own body could betray him so completely.

As he neared the halfway point, Jeremy’s legs felt weak, his knees threatening to buckle under the strain of his embarrassment. The arousal that had started as a faint warmth had grown into a full, throbbing erection, leaving him utterly exposed in more ways than one. His erection jutted forward, unmistakable and humiliating, a cruel reminder of his helplessness.

As Jeremy turned and continued his torturous walk now back across the town square, his heart pounded in his chest, the shame burning his cheeks as his fully erect manhood swayed slightly with each awkward step. The crowd’s jeers and mocking laughter followed him relentlessly, but all of that seemed to fade into the background as he locked eyes with Mayor Thompson, who stood waiting for him at the end of the square.

Her eyes glinted with satisfaction, her lips curling into a smirk as she watched him approach, fully aware of the depth of his humiliation. Jeremy’s legs trembled with every step, the weight of his exposed condition making the short distance feel like an eternity. His arousal, painfully evident and impossible to hide, twitched with each movement, a constant reminder of his complete and utter helplessness.

The mayor’s smirk only grew wider as Jeremy drew closer, his manhood jutting forward shamelessly as he shuffled toward her with his pants and underwear still bunched around his knees. Every part of him screamed to cover himself, to flee from this nightmare, but he knew there was no escape. His hands remained firmly on his head, just as she had ordered, leaving him completely exposed to her judgmental gaze.

The final steps were the worst. With each step closer to Mayor Thompson, the humiliation became almost unbearable. Her eyes never left him, studying every inch of his shameful arousal with a look of cold amusement. The closer he got, the more he could see the satisfaction in her eyes, the way she reveled in his degradation.

Jeremy’s breathing was ragged, his entire body trembling as he took the last step to stand directly in front of her. His erection, standing at full attention, was almost brushing against her, a humiliating testament to his complete lack of control. He could see her eyes flicker down to it, then back up to meet his, her smirk widening as if to say, Look at what you’ve become.

For a moment, time seemed to stretch on forever. Jeremy stood there, frozen in his humiliating condition, his face burning with the shame of knowing she was witnessing his most humiliating moment. He could feel the eyes of the crowd behind him, but the only thing that mattered in that moment was the smirking face of the mayor in front of him, and the knowledge that he was utterly and completely at her mercy.

Jeremy stood before Mayor Thompson, his heart racing, his breath shallow and ragged. He could hardly bring himself to look at her, but the weight of her gaze was impossible to ignore. His painfully obvious erection twitched slightly in the cool breeze, a constant, humiliating reminder of his loss of control. The crowd behind him continued to murmur and snicker, their laughter a cruel soundtrack to his degradation.

Mayor Thompson’s smirk deepened as she took in the full extent of Jeremy’s humiliation. She let the moment stretch, savoring his discomfort, before finally speaking, her voice dripping with cold authority.

“Jeremy,” she began, her tone sharp and unforgiving, “I hope you’re starting to understand the consequences of your actions. But looking at you now,” she paused, her eyes flicking down to his arousal before returning to his tear-streaked face, “it seems you’re still not quite getting the message.”

Jeremy’s stomach twisted with dread as she spoke, her words cutting through him like a knife. He could barely breathe, the weight of his humiliation pressing down on him, suffocating him.

“You’ve made a spectacle of yourself,” she continued, her voice rising so the entire crowd could hear, “and yet, here you are, showing everyone just how much you seem to be enjoying it. Disgraceful. Absolutely disgraceful.”

The crowd roared with laughter, the mocking sounds filling the square. Jeremy’s knees felt weak, and for a moment, he thought he might collapse right there in front of her. But the constables on either side of him were quick to steady him, making sure he remained standing, fully exposed to the mayor’s scolding.

“But I’m not done with you yet, Jeremy,” Mayor Thompson said, her voice laced with a cruel edge. “It seems the first walk wasn’t enough to teach you your lesson. So, you’ll do it again.”

Jeremy’s heart sank as her words registered, the thought of repeating the degrading walk filling him with dread. His erection, still painfully prominent, throbbed with every beat of his heart, the thought of walking back through the square in this condition almost too much to bear. The crowd’s jeers and mocking laughter filled the square, but it was the piercing gaze of the mayor that cut him the deepest. But just then, Mayor Thompson’s eyes narrowed, honing in on something that made her smirk turn into a look of cold amusement.

She stepped closer, her eyes fixed on the very tip of Jeremy’s erection. There, glistening in the sunlight, was a small, shameful bead of precum. It trembled precariously, threatening to fall, and the sight of it made her lips curl in a sinister smile.

“Well, well, Jeremy,” she said, her voice dripping with condescension, “it seems your body is even more out of control than I thought.”

Jeremy’s heart plummeted as her words registered. He hadn’t noticed it himself, but the sight of that drop of precum now filled him with a fresh wave of mortification. He tried to will it away, to make it disappear, but it was too late. The mayor had seen it, and there was no going back.

The crowd, noticing the mayor’s focused gaze, began to murmur, and a few gasps of realization rippled through the onlookers. The murmurs quickly turned into snickers and laughter as more people saw the evidence of Jeremy’s humiliating arousal.

Mayor Thompson’s eyes flicked back up to meet Jeremy’s, her gaze hard and unforgiving. “I think we need to make something very clear,” Mayor Thompson continued, her voice rising above the crowd’s laughter. “If there are any 'accidents' from you, Jeremy, you will be the one cleaning it up. Right here, in front of everyone. And I’m sure you can imagine what that would involve.”

The crowd’s laughter and applause grew louder, the noise almost deafening. Jeremy’s legs felt like they would give out at any moment, his humiliation complete as he realized just how precarious his situation had become.

“You’ll be down on your knees,” the Mayor said, “cleaning up your mess with whatever means I deem appropriate. And if you’re too slow, perhaps using your tongue will be the only way to ensure every last bit is taken care of.”

The crowd erupted into howls of laughter, their taunts cutting through Jeremy like a knife. He could feel the weight of their eyes on him, every humiliating detail of his condition laid bare for all to see.

Mayor Thompson stepped back slightly, giving Jeremy a final, disdainful look. “Now,” she said, gesturing toward the square, “turn around and start walking. And remember, Jeremy, any accidents will be dealt with swiftly and thoroughly.”

Jeremy’s hands shook as he turned to face the square once more, the shameful bead of precum still precariously perched at the tip of his erection. His legs felt like jelly, barely able to support him as he took the first, agonizing step forward.

The pressure was unbearable, the shame overwhelming, but he had no choice but to obey. The crowd’s eyes were fixed on him, waiting for any sign of weakness, any sign that he might falter and fulfill the mayor’s grim prediction.

As Jeremy began his agonizing walk back across the square, the weight of his shame was almost unbearable. His hands, trembling with fear and humiliation, remained firmly on his head, leaving him completely exposed to the merciless gaze of the crowd. His pants and boxer briefs, still bunched around his ankles, made every step awkward, each movement a reminder of how completely he had been stripped of his dignity.

The cool breeze brushed against his exposed, reddened skin, sending shivers down his spine, but it was the throbbing in his groin that tormented him the most. His erection, painfully evident, twitched with every step, and the small bead of precum that had formed at its tip now seemed to taunt him, shimmering in the sunlight. He could feel the warmth in his lower abdomen growing, the tension building with each agonizing step.

As he moved forward, the bead of precum began to elongate, stretching and quivering with each slight sway of his erection. Jeremy’s heart pounded in his chest, every beat a reminder of how close he was to utter disaster. The slick trail began to form, a thin, glistening line that marked his humiliating journey across the square.

The crowd, sensing the tension, grew quieter, their jeers and taunts replaced by eager murmurs and hushed anticipation. All eyes were on Jeremy, watching the trail of precum lengthen and stretch with every step, knowing that the moment of his final humiliation could come at any second.

Jeremy’s breath hitched as he took another slow, deliberate step forward. The tension in his groin was unbearable, the warmth radiating through his body, intensifying the throbbing in his manhood. His erection swayed slightly with each movement, the elongated strand of precum hanging.

With each step, the trail grew longer, a humiliating testament to his body’s betrayal. Jeremy’s legs shook, his knees threatening to buckle under the strain. The pressure in his groin was building, the sensation of impending release becoming more pronounced. He could feel the weight of the crowd’s eyes on him, their gazes burning into his exposed flesh, waiting for him to falter.

As he again neared the halfway mark, the silence of the crowd became almost suffocating. Jeremy could hear nothing but the pounding of his own heart, the rasp of his breath, and the awful, constant awareness of the strand of precum, still clinging to the tip of his erection, leaving a thin, wet trail in its wake.

As he turned, the tension inside him was unbearable, every step a struggle to maintain control. The cool air did nothing to ease the heat in his groin, the shameful throbbing of his erection intensifying with every passing moment. Jeremy knew he was reaching his breaking point, the pressure building to an agonizing peak.

And then, just as he was nearing the end of his shameful walk, his eyes met those of Mayor Thompson, who stood waiting for him with that same cold, calculating smirk. In her hand, she still held the wooden paddle, a symbol of the punishment that had driven him to this humiliating state. Her gaze was stern, unyielding, and filled with a cold satisfaction at seeing him brought so low.

In that instant, something inside Jeremy snapped. The fear, the shame, the unbearable tension in his body—all of it culminated in a single, overwhelming moment. His knees buckled slightly, and his breath caught in his throat as the pressure in his groin finally reached its breaking point.

A sudden, violent spasm wracked his body, and before he could even process what was happening, the inevitable occurred. His erection pulsed, and a thick spurt of semen shot out, splattering onto the cobblestones in front of him. Jeremy’s entire body shuddered as the humiliation of the moment overwhelmed him, and another spurt followed, then another, each one more mortifying than the last.

The crowd’s reaction was immediate. Gasps of shock quickly turned into roars of laughter, their mocking voices ringing in Jeremy’s ears as he stood there, frozen in horror. His erection twitched again, sending another humiliating spurt onto the ground, leaving a trail of his shame for all to see.

Mayor Thompson’s voice cut through the cacophony, sharp and filled with cold satisfaction. “Jeremy!” she called out, her tone carrying across the square. “I warned you about what would happen if you had an accident. And now, look at the mess you’ve made!”

The laughter of the crowd grew louder, their jeers and taunts cutting through Jeremy like a knife. His face burned with shame, tears streaming down his cheeks as he realized the full extent of his humiliation. He could feel the sticky warmth of his own release on his thighs, the evidence of his shame dripping down onto the ground beneath him, joining the elongated trail of precum.

“Down on your knees,” Mayor Thompson ordered, her voice leaving no room for argument. “It’s time for you to clean up your mess.”

Jeremy’s legs felt like they might give out completely as he was forced down onto the cobblestones, his knees scraping against the rough surface. The crowd’s laughter and jeers grew louder, their voices a cacophony of cruelty that seemed to pierce him to the core.

Tears blurred his vision as he looked down at the humiliating puddle on the ground, the product of his complete and utter loss of control. He could feel the eyes of everyone in the square on him, their mocking stares burning into his very soul.

“Go on, down on all fours, scoop it up with your fingers,” the mayor said, her tone laced with a cruel edge.

With his hands trembling, Jeremy hesitated for just a moment, his shame overwhelming him. He looked into the mayor's eyes, begging her for a reprieve. But that hesitation was enough for Mayor Thompson to pounce.

“Too slow, Jeremy!” she snapped, her voice cutting through the noise of the crowd like a knife. Jeremy’s heart sank as she delivered her next sentence. “Now you’ll be cleaning it up with your tongue,” the mayor declared, her voice laced with icy finality.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, their voices ringing in Jeremy’s ears as he knelt there, utterly humiliated and completely at the mercy of their cruel enjoyment. The taste of bitter humiliation filled his mouth as he realized there was no way out, no escape from the degrading task that lay before him.

“Get on your knees, Jeremy,” Mayor Thompson ordered, her voice sharp and unforgiving. “And don’t make me tell you a third time.”

Jeremy’s legs shook as he lowered himself fully to the ground, his face mere inches from the mess he had created. The laughter of the crowd was deafening, their taunts cruel and merciless. The reality of what he was about to do hit him like a sledgehammer, but there was no escape from it. He was trapped in this nightmare, and the only way out was to obey.

Trembling, he brought his mouth even closer to the ground, the sound of the crowd’s laughter ringing in his ears as he prepared to do the unthinkable.

“Go on, Jeremy,” the mayor urged, her voice cold and commanding. “Clean it up. Every last bit.”

With tears streaming down his face, Jeremy hesitated for just a moment, the taste of shame already bitter in his mouth. But there was no way out, no escape from the ultimate humiliation. Trembling, he lowered his head even further, his tongue hovering just above the mess.

The crowd leaned in, their laughter growing louder, their taunts more intense as they watched him. Jeremy’s entire body trembled with shame and disgust, but he knew there was no other choice.

And then, with a shudder of absolute humiliation, Jeremy obeyed. The taste was unbearable, the act itself more degrading than anything he had ever imagined, but he continued, knowing that to stop would only make things worse. The crowd’s laughter and jeers were relentless, their mockery cutting him to the core as he endured the ultimate degradation.

By the time he finished, Jeremy was utterly broken. His face was streaked with tears, his body trembling with the weight of his shame. The crowd’s laughter and taunts echoed in his ears, a cruel reminder of the depths of his humiliation.

Mayor Thompson’s stern voice cut through the cacophony, cold and commanding. “Jeremy,” she said, her eyes narrowing as she looked down at him, “well done on that patch, but don’t think for a moment that you’re done.”

Jeremy’s stomach twisted with dread as he realized what was coming. He glanced up at the mayor, his eyes pleading, but there was no mercy in her gaze. She still held the wooden paddle in one hand, a symbol of the authority and power she wielded over him. Her smirk had returned, the satisfaction in her expression unmistakable.

“You’ll also clean the entire trail you’ve left behind. Every last drop, every inch of that filthy trail, on your hands and knees.”

The crowd roared with laughter and cheers, the noise almost deafening as they realized the full extent of Jeremy’s humiliation. His heart sank even further as he turned his head to look back at the trail of precum he had left behind during his torturous walk. The thin, glistening line stretched across the square, a humiliating reminder of his body’s betrayal.

His hands trembled as he lowered them to the ground, his fingers brushing against the rough cobblestones. He could feel the cold, sticky mess that he had made, a sickening reminder of his complete and utter loss of control. 

The mayor’s voice cut through his thoughts, sharp and unforgiving. “Start at the beginning, Jeremy. And remember, I want it all cleaned up—every last bit. And you’d better be thorough.”

Jeremy’s entire body trembled as he began to crawl backward, his knees scraping against the hard, uneven ground. He could feel the eyes of the crowd on him, their laughter and jeers growing louder as they watched him degrade himself even further. His hands shook as he reached the start of the trail, where the first bead of precum had fallen and began to spread across the cobblestones.

His breath hitched in his throat as he lowered his head, his mouth hovering just above the ground. The smell of his own release mixed with the scent of dust and stone, making his stomach churn with disgust. But there was no escape from this. He knew that the only way to end this nightmare was to obey.

With a deep, shuddering breath, Jeremy closed his eyes and extended his tongue, the taste of cold stone and bitter salt filling his mouth as he began the degrading task. The texture was rough and unpleasant, the taste sickening, but he forced himself to continue. Each inch of the trail felt like a mile, every moment an eternity as he slowly worked his way across the square.

Suddenly, a sharp smack landed on his already sore bottom. Jeremy yelped, the pain and humiliation mingling into one unbearable sensation. Mayor Thompson had brought the paddle down on him, a reminder of her presence, of her control over him.

“Keep going, Jeremy,” she said, her voice smooth but laced with an undercurrent of cruelty. “You’re doing well, but I expect you to be thorough.”

Jeremy’s face flushed with renewed shame, but he forced himself to continue, his tongue tracing the humiliating trail he had left behind. The crowd’s laughter and taunts were relentless, but the occasional sting of the paddle kept him focused, driving him to continue the degrading task.

As he crawled along the trail, the cold cobblestones pressed painfully against his knees and hands. His body ached from the effort, but the physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional agony he was enduring. Every inch of the trail he cleaned was a reminder of how completely he had been broken, how thoroughly he had been humiliated in front of the entire town.

Another sharp smack landed on his bottom, harder this time, making him wince. Mayor Thompson leaned down slightly, her voice a low, mocking whisper. “You missed a spot back there, Jeremy. Don’t make me tell you again.”

Jeremy’s tears flowed freely now, the shame overwhelming him as he went back to correct his mistake, his tongue dragging along the cobblestones as he cleaned up every last trace. The crowd’s laughter grew louder, their taunts cutting into him like knives, but he had no choice but to obey.

---- extra bit requested by commenter below ----

As Jeremy crawled on all fours across the cobblestones of the town square, every inch of his body screamed with humiliation. His knees scraped against the rough surface, but the physical discomfort was nothing compared to the searing shame of his exposed state. From behind, the crowd had an unimpeded view of his most vulnerable parts, and they were not shy about taking in the sight.

Jeremy’s pants and boxer briefs were still bunched around his knees, offering no protection or modesty as he moved. His bare bottom, a stark contrast to the cool gray of the stone beneath him, was still a deep, angry red from the spanking he had received earlier. The harsh lines of the paddle’s impact were clearly visible, each welt standing out against his skin. The curve of his buttocks lifted high as he leaned forward, creating an unbroken line of exposure that left nothing to the imagination.

His once tight muscles had gone slack with exhaustion, yet there was a tense, involuntary clenching and unclenching of his cheeks with every painful movement, a reaction that did not go unnoticed by those following him. The crowd watched with a mix of fascination and cruel amusement, their eyes glued to the way his bottom wobbled slightly with every shift of his weight, every forward crawl.

As Jeremy leaned down to lick the pavement, his position forced his hips to tilt upward, raising his rear even higher. The angle was humiliatingly submissive, his legs spread just enough to reveal the more intimate parts of his anatomy. The cool air brushed against his most private areas, heightening his awareness of just how exposed he was. His testicles, drawn up tightly from the earlier shame and cold, were fully on display, resting vulnerably between his thighs as he crawled forward.

The act of leaning down to lick the pavement only added to the degradation. His face was so close to the ground that his back arched almost painfully, his bottom sticking up obscenely in the air. The tendons in his thighs and the small of his back stood out as he strained to reach the cobblestones with his tongue, and with each downward motion, his buttocks parted slightly, revealing glimpses of the darker, tender skin between.

The crowd, some of whom had followed Jeremy to this point out of sheer curiosity, found themselves unable to look away. Their murmurs and whispered comments blended into a low hum of mockery, punctuated by occasional bursts of laughter or teasing jabs. Some pointed openly at the display, exchanging amused glances with each other as they took in the entirety of his exposed backside, noting every humiliating detail.

“He’s really putting his all into it,” one voice commented, the tone thick with mockery. “Just look at him, like he’s trying to impress us with how well he can clean the ground.”

Another voice piped up, closer to Jeremy’s left. “I bet he’s wishing he’d never caused any trouble now. Maybe next time, he’ll think twice before acting out, knowing this is what he’ll have to do.”

The jeers and laughter intensified as Jeremy moved from one spot to the next, his bare bottom swaying slightly with each crawl. The view from behind was a constant reminder of his powerlessness, the ultimate display of his submission to the punishment he had been given. Even the smallest twitch or shiver from the cold or from the unbearable shame was captured and magnified by the crowd’s unyielding gaze.

As he continued his humiliating task, the crowd only grew bolder in their observations. The men and women watching didn’t bother to hide their smirks or their pointed stares. They noted the redness of his bottom, the way his thighs trembled with the effort of keeping his balance, and the way his body instinctively reacted to the exposure. Every movement was scrutinized, every small detail cataloged and shared among the onlookers.

Jeremy’s humiliation was complete, and the view from behind—the sight of a grown man reduced to crawling on all fours, his bare, punished bottom lifted high in the air as he licked the pavement clean—was an image that would be seared into the memories of everyone who had gathered to watch.


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jeremy reached the end of the trail. His mouth was dry, his tongue raw from the rough texture of the cobblestones, and the taste of bitter humiliation lingered on his lips. He looked up at Mayor Thompson, his eyes pleading for mercy.

Mayor Thompson looked down at him, her smirk widening as she saw the broken man before her. “Well done, Jeremy,” she said, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “I hope this serves as a lesson to you—and to everyone else—about the consequences of misbehavior in this town.”

The crowd erupted into applause and cheers, their voices a ringing reminder of the depths to which Jeremy had been brought. He remained on his hands and knees, utterly defeated and completely humiliated, knowing that this day would be etched into his memory forever.

As Jeremy knelt on the cold cobblestones, his body trembled with exhaustion and humiliation. The taste of bitter salt and dust lingered in his mouth, a constant reminder of the degrading task he had just completed under the watchful eyes of the entire town. His tongue felt raw, his knees scraped and bruised from crawling over the rough surface.

Mayor Thompson, still holding the wooden paddle, looked down at him with a cold, satisfied smirk. The crowd around them was buzzing with laughter and applause, their cruel enjoyment of his suffering a constant reminder of how completely he had been broken. Jeremy’s heart pounded in his chest, the humiliation of what had just happened swirling in his mind, knowing that everyone could see every inch of his disgrace.

But as the crowd’s noise began to die down, the mayor stepped closer, her voice cutting through the air with authority. “Jeremy,” she said, her tone firm and unyielding, “you’ve made quite a mess here. But don’t think for a moment that your punishment is over.”

Jeremy’s heart sank further. His body ached, his spirit shattered, but he knew better than to hope for any mercy from her. Slowly, he raised his head to meet her gaze, his eyes filled with dread, but he dared not move to cover himself. His pants and underwear remained at his ankles, ensuring that his shameful state was on full display for everyone to see.

The mayor’s smirk deepened, her eyes gleaming with cruel satisfaction. “Stand up,” she commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument.

With great effort, Jeremy pushed himself up from the ground, his legs trembling as he stood before her. His face flushed even deeper as he felt the cool breeze against his bare skin, his exposed genitals twitching slightly as he tried to steady himself. His sore, reddened bottom was on full display, the marks of the paddle clear for all to see, and his now flaccid, spent manhood hung limp between his legs, the ultimate sign of his complete humiliation.

“Hands on your head,” Mayor Thompson ordered, her voice sharp and precise. “And keep them there.”

Jeremy obeyed, raising his hands back to his head. The crowd’s eyes were on him, their stares burning into his skin, taking in every humiliating detail of his exposed body. He could feel their judgment, their mockery, but there was nothing he could do.

The mayor stepped closer, leaning in so that only he could hear her next words. “Stick out your tongue,” she said, her voice low but firm. “And don’t you dare pull it back in until I give you permission. Do you understand?”

Jeremy’s eyes widened in horror at the humiliating order, but he knew he had no choice. Slowly, hesitantly, he extended his tongue, feeling the cool air brush against its raw, sore surface. The action made him feel ridiculous, utterly degraded, but he knew there was no escape from this torment.

Satisfied with his compliance, Mayor Thompson stepped back, raising her voice so that everyone could hear her next command. “Jeremy will remain in this position, standing in the center of the square, for the duration of the fair,” she announced, her tone dripping with authority. “Hands on his head, tongue out, his pants down, as a living reminder of what happens to those who think they can defy the rules of this town.”

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, their approval of the mayor’s decision echoing across the square. Jeremy’s heart sank even further, the reality of his situation crashing down on him like a wave. He would be forced to stand there, exposed and humiliated, while the townspeople went about their festivities, all of them knowing exactly why he was being punished.

Mayor Thompson turned to face the crowd, her smirk widening as she addressed them. “Let this be a lesson to everyone,” she said, her voice carrying over the noise of the fair. “Respect and discipline are the cornerstones of this community. Anyone who thinks otherwise will face the consequences—just like Jeremy here.”

The crowd responded with more applause and laughter, their voices a constant reminder of Jeremy’s humiliation. He could feel their eyes on him, could hear their whispers and taunts as they passed by, but there was nothing he could do but stand there, his tongue extended, his hands on his head, his genitals exposed and vulnerable, and his reddened bottom on full display for all to see.

Time seemed to stretch on forever as Jeremy stood in the center of the square, the fair bustling around him. Some people took pictures, capturing his humiliation for posterity, while others simply watched him with cruel satisfaction. His bare bottom and exposed manhood became the centerpiece of the fair, a living example of public shame.

His legs ached from standing still for so long, his arms growing weary from holding his hands on his head. His tongue, extended for what felt like an eternity, began to dry out, the soreness only growing worse as time dragged on. But he dared not move, dared not disobey the mayor’s command, knowing that any infraction would only lead to further punishment.

The sounds of the fair—a mixture of laughter, music, and conversation—washed over him, but Jeremy felt completely disconnected from the festivities. His world had shrunk to the small, humiliating space he occupied, his only focus on enduring the torment without breaking down completely.

Hours passed, the sun moving slowly across the sky as the fair continued. Jeremy’s legs shook with exhaustion, his mouth dry and aching from holding his tongue out for so long. The crowd ebbed and flowed around him, people coming and going, but his position remained the same—frozen in a state of utter humiliation, his spent genitals and sore, red bottom exposed to all.

Finally, as the sun began to dip toward the horizon, Mayor Thompson approached him once more. Her smirk had faded slightly, replaced with a look of stern satisfaction as she regarded him.

“Enough,” she said, her voice sharp and commanding. “You may lower your hands.”

Jeremy’s arms dropped to his sides, his muscles burning from the strain of holding them up for so long. He could barely summon the energy to look up at the mayor, his entire body trembling with exhaustion and shame, his pants still down, leaving him exposed.

“Put your tongue back in,” she added, her tone dismissive.

With a shuddering breath, Jeremy retracted his tongue, the soreness almost unbearable as he did so. His face flushed with renewed shame, knowing that even this small reprieve did nothing to cover his humiliation.

But the command he longed for—the one to pull up his pants—never came. Instead, Mayor Thompson turned to address the remaining crowd. “Let this be a lasting lesson,” she said, her voice cold and authoritative. “Discipline will always be enforced in this town, and no one is exempt from the consequences of their actions.”

With that, she walked away, leaving Jeremy standing there, his pants still down, his bare, spent genitals and red bottom fully exposed. The crowd slowly dispersed, the fair winding down as evening approached, but Jeremy remained in place, too exhausted and too humiliated to move, still waiting for the permission he feared might never come.

After Mayor Thompson walked away, leaving Jeremy standing alone in the center of the square, the weight of his situation pressed down on him with a crushing intensity. His hands had fallen to his sides, but his pants and boxer briefs remained bunched around his ankles, his genitals exposed and his sore, red bottom still on full display. The crowd, now satisfied with the spectacle, began to disperse, the sounds of the fair gradually fading as people returned to their homes, their laughter and conversations slowly dying down.

Jeremy stood there, paralyzed by indecision. The mayor had not given him explicit permission to pull up his pants, nor had she told him he could leave. He knew the consequences of disobeying her earlier commands, and the thought of facing further punishment made his heart race with fear. So he remained rooted to the spot, unsure of what to do, his exposed state leaving him vulnerable and deeply humiliated.

Minutes passed, but they felt like hours. The square, once bustling with activity, was now nearly empty, save for a few stragglers who glanced in his direction with smirks or knowing looks. Jeremy’s legs ached from the prolonged standing, his knees weak and wobbly, yet he didn’t dare move. The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cobblestones, and the air had grown cooler, the breeze sending chills down his exposed skin.

His mind raced with conflicting thoughts. He wanted nothing more than to pull up his pants, cover himself, and disappear into the night, but the fear of a sharp rebuke from Mayor Thompson—or worse, another public humiliation—kept him frozen in place. What if she was watching from somewhere nearby? What if she returned and saw him disobeying her unspoken command?

The minutes dragged on, each one an eternity as Jeremy stood there, trembling with cold and shame. The square had nearly emptied now, the last of the townspeople drifting away, leaving him alone in the gathering darkness. His hands twitched at his sides, his fingers itching to pull up his pants, but the fear of making the wrong move kept him paralyzed.

From a distance, two female constables stood quietly near the edge of the square, half-hidden in the shadows cast by the buildings as the last of the townspeople trickled away. They had watched the entire spectacle unfold with a mixture of detachment and curiosity, their expressions neutral but their eyes keenly observant.

One of the constables, a tall woman with sharp features and short-cropped blonde hair, leaned casually against a lamppost, her arms crossed over her chest. Her partner, a shorter woman with dark, wavy hair pulled back into a tight bun, stood beside her, her hands resting on her hips as she surveyed the square.

“Think he’s going to stand there all night?” the blonde constable asked, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. Her tone was light, almost amused, as she watched Jeremy shift nervously from one foot to the other, his hands at his sides, his pants and underpants still bunched around his ankles.

The dark-haired constable shrugged, her eyes narrowing as she observed Jeremy’s tense posture. “Maybe,” she replied thoughtfully. “He looks scared enough to stay there until sunrise if he thinks it’ll keep him out of trouble.”

The blonde constable chuckled softly, shaking her head. “Poor guy doesn’t know what to do. Mayor didn’t exactly tell him he could pull his pants up, did she?”

“Nope,” the other constable agreed, a slight smile playing on her lips. “And I bet he’s too scared to make the first move.”

They watched in silence for a few more moments as Jeremy continued to stand there, frozen in indecision, his hands trembling by his sides. The square had nearly emptied now, the once-bustling fair reduced to a few lingering shadows and the distant sound of a broom sweeping up confetti and debris.

Finally, the blonde constable spoke up again, her smirk widening. “I’ll bet you five bucks he stands there for at least another twenty minutes before he finally works up the nerve to pull his pants up.”

The dark-haired constable raised an eyebrow, glancing at her partner with a hint of amusement. “Only twenty minutes? I think you’re underestimating just how scared he is. I say he doesn’t move for at least half an hour. Poor guy’s probably terrified the mayor’s watching him.”

The blonde constable laughed quietly. “You’re on. But you know, if the mayor really wanted to make him suffer, she’d be back out here already. She’s probably at home by now, having a glass of wine and feeling pretty pleased with herself.”

The other constable nodded in agreement, but her eyes remained fixed on Jeremy, who was still standing there in the middle of the square, his face a picture of uncertainty and fear. “Yeah, but he doesn’t know that. He’s probably imagining her coming back at any moment, paddle in hand.”

They fell into another stretch of silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they watched Jeremy struggle with his indecision. The dark-haired constable finally broke the silence, her voice softer this time. “You know, I almost feel bad for him. He’s been through the wringer today.”

The blonde constable’s smirk faded slightly, and she nodded. “Yeah, it was a rough one. But he brought it on himself. He’ll pull up his pants and walk away eventually. He just needs to figure out that it’s safe to do it.”

They continued to watch as the minutes ticked by, the tension in the air almost palpable as Jeremy remained frozen in place. Occasionally, one of the constables would glance at her watch, tracking the time as they waited to see who would win their bet.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jeremy seemed to reach a decision. He glanced around the empty square, his eyes darting nervously from shadow to shadow as if expecting Mayor Thompson to reappear at any moment. Slowly, hesitantly, he bent down to grasp the waistband of his pants, his movements shaky and uncertain.

The blonde constable grinned, nudging her partner. “Looks like you owe me five bucks. He’s finally going for it.”

The dark-haired constable rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. “Fine, you win this one. But he’s still scared out of his mind, poor guy.”

As Jeremy finally mustered the courage to pull up his pants, his hands shaking as he reached for the waistband, he suddenly caught sight of movement out of the corner of his eye. His heart skipped a beat, and panic surged through him as he turned his head slightly and saw two constables standing at the edge of the square, partially hidden by the shadows of the nearby buildings.

His breath caught in his throat, and in an instant, all the fear and humiliation of the day came crashing back down on him. Without a second thought, he let go of his pants, which dropped back down to his knees, and quickly placed his hands on top of his head. His face flushed with renewed shame as he stuck out his tongue, the instinct to obey and avoid further punishment overpowering any desire for dignity or comfort.

The two constables, who had been watching him with amused curiosity, burst into laughter. The blonde constable leaned against the lamppost, clutching her sides as she chuckled, while her dark-haired partner smirked, shaking her head in disbelief.

“Would you look at that?” the blonde constable said between laughs. “He thinks we’re going to haul him back to the mayor for pulling his pants up!”

The dark-haired constable stepped forward, her smirk widening as she addressed Jeremy, who stood there trembling with fear, his tongue still extended, his hands firmly on his head. “Relax, boy,” she said, her tone more amused than stern. “But you do seem awfully eager to avoid another spanking, don’t you?”

Jeremy’s eyes darted between the two constables, his heart racing, unsure of what to do. The laughter and casual tone of their voices left him confused, but he dared not disobey them.

The blonde constable, still chuckling, looked him up and down, then turned to her partner with a mischievous grin. “What do you think? Maybe he’s worried we’re about to take him over our knees for a proper spanking, just like a naughty little boy?”

Her partner’s smirk widened, and she nodded, playing along. “Oh, absolutely. I mean, look at him—hands on his head, tongue out, pants down around his ankles. He’s practically begging for it, isn’t he? Maybe that’s what he really needs—a good, old-fashioned spanking to remind him of his place.”

Jeremy’s face burned with mortification, the shame of their words washing over him like a wave. The very idea of being treated like a misbehaving child, spanked by the two constables right there in the square after everything he had already endured, made his stomach churn with dread. He shook his head slightly, his tongue still extended, desperately hoping they were only teasing.

The blonde constable tilted her head as if considering the idea. “You know, it’s been a while since I’ve given a spanking like that. I bet we could have him over our knees in no time. What do you think? Should we treat him like the naughty little boy he’s been today?”

The dark-haired constable chuckled, nodding as she kept her eyes on Jeremy. “Oh, definitely. Maybe a nice, thorough spanking right here in the square would do the trick. His pants are already down, after all. What do you think, boy? Ready to get treated like the little kid you’ve been acting like?”

Jeremy’s heart pounded in his chest, his humiliation reaching new heights. The very thought of being put over their knees, treated like a child and spanked in front of everyone, was almost too much to bear. He could feel his legs trembling beneath him as the scene played out in his mind, his face burning with shame.

The blonde constable grinned wickedly, clearly enjoying his discomfort. “Just imagine, boy—your bare bottom across our laps, getting the spanking you’ve clearly been asking for all day. We could even make you count out the smacks, just like they do with naughty little boys.”

The dark-haired constable laughed softly, leaning in slightly as she added, “And if you kick and fuss, well, we’ll just hold you tighter. Can’t have you wriggling around too much, can we?”

Jeremy’s knees felt weak as the imagined scene played out in his mind, the horror of it almost too much to bear. The constables’ words cut deep, each one a reminder of how utterly powerless he was in this situation. He could barely stand the thought of being treated like a child, spanked and humiliated even further by these two women.

The dark-haired constable finally relented, her smirk softening into something almost sympathetic. “Relax, kid,” she said, her tone still light but less cruel. “We’re not going to spank you. You’ve had enough for one day.”

But before Jeremy could breathe a sigh of relief, the blonde constable raised an eyebrow, her smirk returning with a mischievous edge. “I don’t know, maybe we shouldn’t let him off so easy,” she teased. “What do you think, boy? Should we give you one last spanking to make sure you’ve really learned your lesson? Or do you have a good reason why we shouldn’t?”

Jeremy’s heart skipped a beat, his breath catching in his throat. The very thought of having to argue his case, to beg them not to spank him, was almost as humiliating as the spanking itself would be. He stammered, his tongue still extended, unsure of what to say, the fear and shame overwhelming him.

The blonde constable crossed her arms, watching him struggle with an amused glint in her eyes. “Come on, boy, let’s hear it. Why shouldn’t we take you over our knees right now? You better make it convincing.”

Jeremy’s mind raced, desperately trying to find the words that might save him from further humiliation. But all he could manage was a weak, pleading look, his face flushed with embarrassment, his legs trembling as he stood there, utterly powerless before them.

The dark-haired constable watched him with a smirk, clearly enjoying his discomfort. “What’s the matter, boy? Cat got your tongue? Or are you just too scared to argue?”

Finally, Jeremy managed to lower his hands from his head, his voice barely above a whisper as he stammered, “P-please… I’ve learned my lesson… I swear, I won’t get into any more trouble… please don’t spank me…”

The blonde constable chuckled, shaking her head. “Well, I suppose we’ll let you off the hook this time. But you better be telling the truth. We wouldn’t want to have to remind you how to behave, would we?”

The dark-haired constable nodded in agreement, though her smile lingered. “Yeah, you can pull your pants up now, boy. We’re not going to stop you. But remember, we’ll be watching, and if you slip up again, we might not be so lenient next time.”

Jeremy hesitated for a moment, his hands trembling slightly as he finally dared to reach down and pull up his pants. The rough fabric scratched against his sore, reddened skin, but the relief of finally covering himself was almost overwhelming. He secured his pants around his waist, his fingers fumbling with the button as his heart continued to race. He couldn’t bring himself to look directly at the constables, the weight of his humiliation still heavy on his shoulders.

Once he was finally dressed, Jeremy stood there awkwardly, his eyes fixed on the ground, waiting for some sort of rebuke or further instruction. But the constables simply exchanged a glance, their smirks softening into something almost resembling pity.

“Go home, boy,” the dark-haired constable said, her tone gentler now. “It’s over. You’ve had a rough day. Just go home and get some rest.”

The blonde constable nodded in agreement. “And try not to get into any more trouble, okay? You don’t want a repeat of today. Though if you do, don’t be surprised if someone decides you need a little reminder about how to behave.”

Jeremy swallowed hard, nodding silently as he finally allowed himself to take a step back. The tension in his shoulders eased slightly, but the shame still clung to him like a heavy weight. He turned and began to walk away, his steps unsteady and filled with a lingering fear that they might call him back at any moment.

But the constables made no move to stop him. Instead, they watched him go, their expressions a mixture of amusement and something close to sympathy. As Jeremy disappeared into the night, the blonde constable shook her head, a small smile still playing on her lips.

“Poor guy,” she said softly. “Let’s hope he learned his lesson today.”

Her partner nodded in agreement, the smirk fading from her face as she watched Jeremy vanish into the darkness. “Yeah,” she murmured. “Let’s hope.”

And with that, they turned and walked away, leaving the square behind as they resumed their patrol. The sounds of the night began to settle around them, and the memory of Jeremy’s humiliation faded into the quiet, replaced by the steady rhythm of their footsteps as they moved on to the next part of their route.

Taking a deep, shaky breath, Jeremy also turned and began to walk away, his steps tentative and uncertain. He kept his head down, his heart still racing, his entire body tense with the fear that someone might call out to him, might force him back to the square to endure further humiliation. But as he moved farther from the square, the tension began to ease, replaced by a deep, lingering exhaustion.

The walk home felt like a dream, each step surreal and detached from reality. The memory of the day’s events haunted him, the whispers and laughter of the crowd echoing in his ears, the taste of dust and salt still on his tongue. He kept his eyes down, avoiding the gaze of anyone he might pass, though the streets were mostly empty by now.

When he finally reached his home, Jeremy felt the weight of his exhaustion crash down on him all at once. His legs threatened to give out as he fumbled with his keys, his hands shaking uncontrollably. He slipped inside and closed the door behind him, leaning against it as he tried to steady his breath.

Safe within the walls of his home, Jeremy allowed himself to collapse onto the floor, his body trembling with the aftershocks of the day’s events. He buried his face in his hands, the reality of his humiliation settling in like a heavy stone in his chest. He had survived the ordeal, but he knew that the scars—both physical and emotional—would remain with him for a long, long time.


The next day, Jeremy found himself back at work, bagging groceries at the local supermarket. Despite the lingering soreness in his muscles and the deep, gnawing shame that still clung to him from the day before, he had no choice but to return to his job. The humiliation he had endured in the town square was fresh in his mind, but he tried to push it to the back of his thoughts, hoping to get through the day without any reminders.

But as soon as he began bagging groceries for his first customer, it became clear that his hope was in vain.

A middle-aged woman with a sharp smile handed over her groceries, her eyes glinting with mischief as she looked him up and down. “Good morning, Jeremy,” she said, her voice dripping with mock sweetness. “How’s that sore little bottom of yours today? Still red, I bet.”

Jeremy’s face flushed with embarrassment, his hands trembling slightly as he placed her groceries into the bag. He kept his eyes down, trying to ignore her, but she continued, undeterred.

“You know,” she added, leaning in closer, “I was at the square yesterday. Saw everything. Quite a show you put on. But I’ve got to ask… how’d it taste?”

Jeremy froze, his face burning with shame. He could feel his stomach turn as he realized where she was going with this, and he desperately wished he could just disappear.

“Your cum, I mean,” she continued, her smile widening. “You must have gotten a good taste of it when you were cleaning up, right? Or were you more focused on the pre-cum? I’ve always wondered how the taste compares. Which one’s sweeter, Jeremy?”

Jeremy’s hands shook as he finished bagging her groceries, his entire body tense with humiliation. He wanted to run, to hide, but there was nowhere to go. The woman’s laughter echoed in his ears as she took her bags and walked away, her parting words ringing in his head.

“Better make sure you behave from now on, Jeremy. We wouldn’t want to see you getting spanked again, now would we?”

But the torment didn’t end there. Customer after customer seemed to have something to say, each one finding a way to bring up the humiliating events of the previous day.

A group of teenage girls approached his register next, giggling as they exchanged glances. One of them, a blonde with a wicked grin, placed her items on the counter and leaned in with a smirk.

“Hey, Jeremy,” she said, her tone teasing. “My friends and I were talking, and we were just dying to know—what’s it like to clean up your own mess like that?”

Jeremy could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the humiliation washing over him like a wave. He kept his head down, refusing to meet her gaze as he scanned the items and placed them into bags.

The girls burst into laughter, their taunts cutting through Jeremy like a knife. He could feel tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, but he blinked them back, focusing on the task at hand, trying to block out their cruel words.

“I bet he’s still sore,” one of the girls whispered to her friend, loud enough for Jeremy to hear. “Think he’s going to be able to sit down comfortably anytime soon? Good thing he can bag standing up!”

The laughter continued as they took their bags and walked away, leaving Jeremy standing there, his hands trembling, his face burning with shame. But there was no time to recover—another customer had already stepped up to the register, a middle-aged man with a smug grin.

“So, Jeremy,” the man began, his tone mocking, “how does it feel to know the whole town got to see you with your pants down? I heard the constables almost took you over their knees for another spanking. Bet you were terrified, weren’t you?”

Jeremy’s throat tightened, and he struggled to maintain his composure. He could barely breathe, the weight of the humiliation pressing down on him like a physical force.

“And that taste, huh?” the man continued, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. “Come on, you can tell me. Did you gag on it, or did you take it like a champ?”

Jeremy wanted to scream, to run, to hide—but there was nowhere to go. He was trapped in this nightmare, forced to endure the endless taunts and jeers of the customers, each one reminding him of the depths of his humiliation.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of shame and torment. Customer after customer found ways to bring up the events of the previous day, each one more creative and cruel than the last. Jeremy’s only solace was the fact that his shift would eventually end, that he would be able to leave the store and retreat to the safety of his home


  1. Great story. Erection humiliation. Niece update. Niece participated in a spanking. I was caught “ogling” again (pretty unfair as niece is a shocking cocktease) and my wife earmarched me to the spanking chair. Mid spanking over my wife’s knee, my wife offered niece the hairbrush and she took it. Being a tennis player my niece swings hard. No erection during that. Ouch.

    1. Thank you.

      A hard hairbrushing is nothing to sneeze at!

    2. Still look forward to niece updates. It really pushes my buttons! - david

  2. The spanking was hot and deserved. The rest of the Mayors increasingly over-the-top cruelty wasn't, however, still in the end, he actually had a better ending then I feared. I actually worried for his physical safety when an 'unspeakable' act was mentioned. So I liked this story. It was cruel but at least some of the cruelty (the spanking and the INITIAL pants down walk) could be argued to be deserved and yet it didn't end up a horror story. The guy , if he stays in the town will find out who his friends are, but eventually the teasing will die down as people get bored with it. Meanwhile I'm sure he won't be the town cruel prankster anymore. And the Mayor MAY eventually apologize for some of the more over the top stuff, as she went out of control and might be a bit ashamed of herself.

    1. Not at all. The mayor is very pleased with her action-oriented results. He deserved every "lick". 😊

  3. Reminded me of Pablo’s story in for whom the bell tolls of the execution line for the fascists.

  4. Perfect. The crowd is cruel but Madam Mayor is even more so. The way she savors the humiliations she inflicts is a pleasure to read.
    All that's missing is a very detailed description of the back view the crowd has when they follow Jeremy, on all fours, lifting his bottom and leaning over to lick his cum on the pavement.

    1. Your wish is my command! I added it in above in blue.

    2. Thank you. You have captured this "view from behind" with great acuity. This little scoundrel Jeremy deserved that his utter shame be more shameful still by making it public.

  5. Fiction or not, this shows that a woman will only go so far. My wife/mommy said she would have him stand, pants and underpants around his ankle, the mayor scolding him, making him wait for the spanking. The walk after the spanking was good, the erection just added to the punishment. Jack

    1. He deserved all of that, and the licking was appropriate given his "accident".

    2. He did and I could see this happening in a small southern town. Having visited such, a comment was made no one gets away with anything, Mothers are not only watching their own children, but all the children. Jack

  6. The major needs a pair of stocks and a “spank me” sign for this town square.

  7. How does the AI ​​produce images based on your instructions?
    For example, in "Shirley's..." she appears in the image with slightly curly brown hair. Would this allow for an image of her pubis to be produced with a soft, silky brown tuft to illustrate the end of the story?
    For Jeremy, it is said that his bottom is "pale": is it the AI ​​or you who makes this suggestion (it being understood that they will quickly turn from pale to crimson)?
    Thank you

    1. The AI makes most of these decisions itself, unless I override.

  8. This is a little intimate, but I wondered if you chose the red color of Jeremy's briefs with your husband in mind (except for the fact that he usually wears panties instead)?

  9. Nice story. Since I am a spanko, I would have made the first walk a spanking gauntlet. I think the mayor should have started him on the walk with a hard meaty spank to his sore rearend. Then she could have asked the crowd to encourage him by slapping his bottom as hard as they could. A couple who had suffered from his pranks in the past could team up and have the husband stand in his way while the wife went to town on his fanny with a hairbrush she had in her purse. I think it would have been a way for everyone to participate in getting revenge on him. When he had to crawl to clean up his mess, the crowd could have formed a spanking tunnel and really whacked his butt as he went though. Just some ideas. I did really like the story.

    1. Thank you. I would love to read a real life story where you got your naughty little bottom spanked for wasting time writing all of these wonderful spanking stories. Thank you also for such a great blog. I would love to make you a spanking paddle someday!

  10. David (with a big D) needs to perform some maintenance discipline on you to awaken you to IRL stories again! In past summers, you regaled us with tales (and tails) from the cottage. Still waiting on a sequel to the yoga or gym friend you brought home months ago! FJB! Let’s go!


    1. Or so much action around here, unfortunately! ☹️

  11. This one got me thinking…Humiliation excites me. It usually makes me leak from my soft, little penis. Sometimes the humiliation strikes just right and I get hard. But to cum from humiliation? I don’t know if it could happen, at least not without some help. Regardless, all cum and precum is consumed, wherever it lands. That’s the rule, right? - david

    1. Well, Jeremy is a young man. They spurt at the drop of a hat.

  12. Yum

    I need this treatment but in a large private party I cater as sissy slave maid

    I’m longing to be revoked of my sexual preferences, caged, made begging for the cock of my spanker

    Id like to be made to be milked after begging to please orally a strong cock thats then gushing inside my ass

    Id be such a cock needy whore while previously entirely “straight”

    Maybe i can be punished thus for being such a closet case and kept working and spanked and needy for cock and release

    -tamponed sissy julie fan
