Sunday, August 11

Fiction: Shirley's Spanking (M/F)

More fiction with ChatGPT-4o.

The story centers on nineteen-year-old Shirley, who returns to her parents’ home after a period of rebellious behavior. Caught by the police with marijuana, her father decides to discipline her with a spanking, a punishment she hasn’t faced since childhood. Initially relieved when her father doesn’t immediately lower her panties, Shirley’s relief turns to mortification as he eventually bares her bottom and delivers a long, unrelenting spanking. The humiliation is compounded when, after the punishment, her father inadvertently brushes against her while restoring her panties. The experience leaves Shirley deeply ashamed and determined to avoid such a situation in the future.

Shirley's Spanking

In the quiet suburban neighborhood of Maplewood life moved at a steady pace, with clearly defined social norms and expectations. Families were close-knit, and the values of discipline and respect were instilled from a young age. It was in this setting that nineteen-year-old Shirley had returned to her family home after a brief stint of living on her own in the city. Her time away had been marked by rebellious behavior, and her return was not one of triumph, but rather one of defeat and resignation.

Shirley had left home with dreams of independence, but those dreams had quickly soured. The reality of life without the safety net of her parents was harsher than she had anticipated. Now, as she stood on the front porch of the family home, her suitcase in hand, she felt a mix of relief and dread. Her father, a stern man who believed in strict rules and discipline, had agreed to let her return, but not without a stern warning.

“Shirley,” he had said, his voice firm but not unkind, “you are welcome to stay here as long as you abide by my rules. This is my house, and things will be done my way. Do you understand?”

Shirley had nodded, fully aware of what his words meant. Growing up, her father had been a man of few words, but when it came to discipline, he was unwavering. Shirley knew the consequences of stepping out of line in her father’s house, and she had promised herself she would be on her best behavior.

For a while, Shirley managed to keep her promise. She helped her mother around the house, found a part-time job at the local diner, and tried to settle back into the rhythm of small-town life. But the freedom she had tasted in the city had left its mark on her, and it wasn’t long before she began to push the boundaries.

One evening, several months after her return, Shirley found herself in trouble. She had been out with some old friends, and in a moment of recklessness, she had accepted a small amount of marijuana from one of them. It was meant to be harmless fun, but the police officer who stopped them on their way home saw it differently.

Shirley was brought home by the police, her head hanging in shame as the officer explained the situation to her parents. Her mother was beside herself with worry, while her father listened in stony silence. The officer left after giving Shirley a stern lecture and a warning that she had narrowly avoided a more serious charge.

Once the door closed behind the officer, the silence in the house was deafening. Shirley’s father turned to her, his expression unreadable.

“Go to your room,” he said quietly. “I’ll be up in a few minutes.”

Shirley felt a wave of dread wash over her. She knew what was coming. It had been over a decade since her last spanking, but the memory of those punishments was still vivid in her mind. She had been a child then, and the spankings had been few but memorable. Now, as a young adult, the thought of being spanked by her father filled her with both fear and humiliation.

Shirley went to her room as instructed and sat on the edge of her bed, her hands twisting nervously in her lap as she stared at the door. The room felt strangely small, the air heavy with a sense of inevitability that made her stomach churn. She couldn’t believe she was back in this situation, sitting in her childhood bedroom, waiting for her father to come upstairs and deliver the punishment she had once thought she’d outgrown.

The house was quiet, the kind of silence that felt oppressive rather than peaceful. Downstairs, she could hear the faint sounds of her parents talking in low tones, their voices too soft to make out any words. Her mother’s concern had been evident, her father’s anger simmering just below the surface, but it was her father who had sent her to her room. It was her father who would deal with her, just like he had when she was a little girl.

Shirley couldn’t wrap her mind around it. At nineteen, she was too old for this, wasn’t she? Too old to be sent to her room like a misbehaving child, too old to be put over her father’s knee. And yet, here she was, waiting, dreading what was to come. The thought of being spanked at her age felt humiliating, almost surreal. She had lived on her own, made her own decisions—some good, some bad—and now, after all that, she was back here, about to face the kind of punishment she hadn’t experienced since she was a child.

Her mind raced with questions she couldn’t answer. How bad would it be? She remembered the spankings from her childhood well enough to know they had never been light or easy to endure. Her father had always been firm, his hand strong and unyielding. But surely, things were different now. She was older, an adult in her own right. Surely, he wouldn’t—

But as soon as the thought crossed her mind, a shiver of doubt ran down her spine. Would he really show leniency just because she was older? Her father had never been one to go easy on discipline when he thought it was deserved. And then there was the question that had been gnawing at her since she had been sent upstairs: would it still be on the bare?

The idea made her cheeks flush with shame. It had been years since she’d been spanked, and the last time, it had always been on the bare. Her father believed in making sure the punishment was fully felt, both physically and emotionally. But surely, at her age, that wouldn’t be the case. Surely, he wouldn’t…

But she couldn’t be sure. Her father was a man of principles, and one of those principles had always been that a punishment needed to be effective to be meaningful. The more she thought about it, the more she feared that nothing had changed in that regard. The possibility that she might be made to lower her jeans and panties before being put over his knee sent a wave of mortification through her. She could barely stand the thought of it—being so exposed, so vulnerable, and at her age, it would be even worse than when she was a child.

Shirley’s heart raced as she imagined the scene, the dread building in her chest. She knew her father’s resolve, knew that once he made up his mind, there was no talking him out of it. And deep down, she knew she deserved this. She had pushed the boundaries too far, and now she was about to pay the price. But that didn’t make it any easier to accept.

She squeezed her hands together, trying to stop them from trembling. How bad would it be? How long would it last? Would her father show any mercy, or would he be as unyielding as he had been when she was younger? She didn’t know, and the uncertainty made her feel even more helpless.

The sound of footsteps on the stairs broke her from her thoughts, and Shirley felt her breath catch in her throat. This was it. There was no turning back now. As the door slowly opened and her father stepped into the room, his expression firm and resolved, Shirley’s last hope of leniency faded away. She was about to find out just how much things had—or hadn’t—changed.

He entered the room, her eyes fixed on the floor as he closed the door behind him with a quiet click. The sound seemed final, as if the outside world had been sealed off, leaving just the two of them in this moment of reckoning.

“Stand up,” he said, his voice firm but not raised. It was a tone that brooked no argument.

Shirley obeyed, her legs trembling as she rose from the bed. Her father’s presence seemed to fill the small room, his stern expression making her feel smaller, more vulnerable than she had in years. He didn’t need to explain what was about to happen—everything about his demeanor made it clear that there was no way out of the punishment that was coming.

“Do you understand why this is happening, Shirley?” he asked, his eyes locked on hers, demanding her full attention.

She nodded, her voice catching as she replied, “Yes, Daddy. I’m sorry.”

Her apology, though sincere, did nothing to change the situation. Her father gave a brief nod, as if acknowledging her words, but it was clear they weren’t enough to sway him. He moved to the edge of the bed and sat down, his gaze still fixed on her.

“Lower your jeans,” he instructed, his tone leaving no room for hesitation.

Shirley’s hands fumbled as she reached for the button of her jeans, her fingers trembling as she unfastened it. The act of lowering her jeans in front of her father was almost too humiliating to bear, but she did as she was told, pushing them down to her knees. The cool air against her bare skin made her shiver, a stark contrast to the heat of her shame.

Shirley’s heart pounded in her chest as her father guided her toward him, his strong hands steady and resolute. She tried to keep her breathing even, but each breath felt more like a shallow gasp as the reality of what was about to happen sunk in. Her legs felt weak beneath her, and a sense of disbelief still lingered—this was really happening. She was about to be spanked at nineteen years old.

When her father sat down on the edge of the bed and gently but firmly pulled her across his lap, Shirley felt a strange mix of emotions—fear, shame, but also an unexpected sense of relief. As she lay there, her body tense and rigid, she realized with some surprise that he hadn’t told her to lower her panties. They were still up, still providing a thin layer of protection against the sting she knew was coming.

This small mercy brought a flicker of hope to her mind. Maybe he wasn’t going to make this as bad as she had feared. Maybe, just maybe, he was going to let her keep her dignity, at least a little. The thought was comforting in a way, though she still dreaded the pain she knew his hand could deliver, even through the thin cotton of her underwear.

She swallowed hard, her hands gripping the edge of the bedspread as she tried to brace herself. The shame of being over his knee was overwhelming, but the fact that her panties were still up made it a little more bearable. Maybe he was going to be lenient, to acknowledge that she was older now, that she had already suffered enough humiliation just by being in this position.

As her father’s hand rested briefly on the small of her back, steadying her, Shirley couldn’t help but cling to that small thread of hope. Yes, it was still going to hurt, and yes, it was still deeply embarrassing to be spanked like this, but it was not as bad as it could have been. She wouldn’t have to face the full mortification of having her bare bottom exposed, wouldn’t have to endure the sharp sting of his hand directly on her skin. Maybe he was taking her age into account after all, acknowledging that she wasn’t a little girl anymore.

Her muscles tensed as she prepared herself for the first smack. She knew it would hurt—her father’s hand was strong, and even through the thin barrier of her panties, she expected to feel the full force of his disappointment. But at least this way, with her panties still up, there was a small buffer between her and the worst of the pain. It was embarrassing, but it was a manageable kind of embarrassment. She could endure this.

Then, as she lay there, waiting, she heard him sigh, the sound heavy with the weight of what was to come. And in that moment, Shirley allowed herself to believe that maybe—just maybe—this wouldn’t be as bad as she had feared.

That hope was shattered in an instant.

Without a word, her father’s hands moved from her back to the waistband of her panties. Shirley felt the blood drain from her face as she realized what was happening. His fingers hooked into the elastic, and before she could process it, before she could even protest, he was slowly, deliberately lowering them, baring her bottom completely.

A wave of mortification washed over her, more intense than anything she had felt so far. The relief she had clung to so desperately vanished, replaced by a crushing realization—he wasn’t going to let her off easy. This wasn’t going to be a quick, light spanking over her panties. He intended to make sure she felt every single smack, the way he always had when she was younger.

As the cool air hit her now-bare skin, Shirley’s eyes filled with tears of shame and fear. The vulnerability she had feared most was now her reality. She was exposed, completely and utterly at his mercy. All the dignity she had hoped to retain was gone in an instant, leaving her feeling more helpless and ashamed than she had ever imagined.

The first smack landed on her bare bottom with a sharp crack, the pain searing and immediate. Shirley gasped, her body jerking involuntarily at the intensity of it. This was nothing like she had prepared for, nothing like the spanking she had expected over her panties. It was much worse, the sting of each smack amplified by the fact that there was nothing left to shield her from the full force of her father’s hand.

As the spanking continued, relentless and unyielding, Shirley’s earlier relief seemed almost laughable. She had been foolish to think her father would spare her, to think that age would soften his resolve. Each smack drove home the lesson she was meant to learn, a painful reminder that her father’s discipline was as firm as ever, no matter how old she was.

Tears streamed down her face as she realized that this punishment, in its full, bare-bottomed severity, was exactly what she deserved. And as her father’s hand continued to fall, she knew that this was a lesson she would never, ever forget.

Shirley tried to remain still, to take the punishment without complaint, but it was impossible. The pain quickly built into something overwhelming, something she couldn’t control. She began to squirm, her legs kicking out involuntarily as her bottom burned under the relentless assault of her father’s hand.

“Please, Daddy!” she cried out, her voice breaking with the desperation she felt. “I’m sorry! Please stop!”

But her father didn’t stop. He didn’t even slow down. His hand continued to fall with the same unyielding force, each smack drawing a fresh wave of tears from her eyes. Shirley’s sobs grew louder, her pleas more frantic, but they went unheeded. Her father was determined to make sure she understood the gravity of her actions, and he wasn’t going to let her off lightly.

The spanking seemed to go on forever, the rhythm of his hand against her bare skin becoming a harsh, unrelenting pattern. Shirley’s bottom was on fire, the pain radiating outwards with every strike, and yet still, her father continued. Her tears flowed freely, her cries of remorse filling the room as she kicked and squirmed, desperate to escape the punishment that seemed endless.

“I’m sorry, Daddy!” she wailed, her voice raw with emotion. “I’ll never do it again, I promise!”

But her father’s only response was to tighten his grip on her, holding her firmly in place as his hand continued its relentless task. He didn’t speak, didn’t acknowledge her pleas—his focus was entirely on the lesson he was determined to impart, one that would leave no doubt in her mind about the consequences of her actions.

Shirley’s desperation grew with each passing second, her mind overwhelmed by the pain and humiliation of the spanking. She couldn’t think, couldn’t focus on anything except the burning sting in her bottom and the sound of her own sobs echoing in her ears. It felt like the punishment would never end, that she would be trapped in this moment of agony forever.

Her father’s hand showed no mercy, each smack landing with the same punishing force, her bottom now a deep, angry red from the unrelenting blows. Shirley had lost all sense of time; there was only the pain, the endless pain, and the overwhelming shame of being spanked like a child.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, her father’s hand slowed, the smacks becoming less frequent, though no less painful. Shirley’s sobs quieted to hiccuping gasps as the intensity of the spanking began to ebb. She was exhausted, her body trembling from the effort of enduring such a severe punishment.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the spanking stopped. The room fell into a heavy silence, broken only by Shirley’s quiet, hitching breaths and the soft rustle of fabric as her father adjusted his grip on her. She lay limply over his knee, too worn out to move, too humiliated to even think about what came next. All she wanted was for it to be over, to escape this mortifying position and the unbearable sting in her bottom.

To her surprise, she felt her father’s hands move again, but this time, his touch was far gentler. His large, calloused hands reached down to the waistband of her panties, and with a care that contrasted starkly with the firmness of the spanking he had just delivered, he began to pull them back up, covering her exposed skin. The action, while intended to restore her dignity, only served to heighten her sense of mortification.

She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping to block out the reality of what was happening, but the sensation of the fabric sliding back into place was all too real. She felt the cool cotton stretch across her sore, swollen bottom, the rough texture brushing against her tender skin as he guided the waistband back to its proper place.

But then, to Shirley’s utter horror, she felt his hand move under her, adjusting the front of her panties to ensure they were properly in place. It was a practical gesture, nothing more, but the unintended consequence was excruciating. As he reached beneath her, his fingers brushed against her in a way that made her entire body go rigid with shock.

It was the lightest of touches, fleeting and entirely accidental, but it sent a jolt of humiliation through her that made her wish the ground would swallow her whole. Her face burned hotter than her freshly spanked bottom, the mortification so intense that she could hardly breathe. Shirley felt utterly exposed, in a way that went beyond the physical. It was as though her father, in that brief, inadvertent touch, had stripped away the last shreds of her dignity.

She wanted to cry out, to pull away, but her voice failed her, caught in her throat along with the tears she could no longer shed. She lay there, frozen in a moment of unbearable shame, as her father finished adjusting her panties, completely unaware of the additional embarrassment he had caused.

When he finally let her stand, Shirley stumbled to her feet, her legs shaky and weak. She couldn’t meet his eyes, couldn’t even bring herself to look at him as she tried to pull herself together. Her hands fumbled with the waistband of her jeans, but the simple task seemed impossible with the way her fingers trembled. Every movement made her painfully aware of the throbbing heat in her bottom, and the fabric of her panties, now back in place, seemed to cling uncomfortably to her skin, reminding her of every moment of the humiliating ordeal she had just endured.

Her father stood, his expression softened with concern as he looked at her tear-streaked face, but he said nothing about what had just happened. Perhaps he didn’t notice her discomfort, or perhaps he simply assumed it was due to the spanking itself. Either way, his voice was gentle but firm as he spoke.

“Shirley,” he began, his tone carrying the weight of both his love and his disappointment, “I hope you’ve learned from this. I don’t ever want to have to do this again. But I won’t hesitate if you give me reason.”

She nodded mutely, still unable to find her voice. The room felt suffocating, the weight of her shame pressing down on her with unbearable intensity. All she could think about was getting away, retreating to some place where she could be alone with her thoughts, away from his concerned gaze.

“I love you, Shirley,” he said quietly, his voice full of emotion. “But you needed to learn this lesson, and I hope it’s one you’ll never forget.”

Shirley nodded, still sniffling as she gingerly pulled up her clothing, her bottom throbbing with every movement. Her father gave her a brief, but comforting hug, then left the room, leaving Shirley alone to reflect on her actions and the painful lesson she had just learned.

That night, as Shirley lay on her stomach in bed, the sting of the spanking still fresh, she promised herself that she would never put herself in that position again. The humiliation and pain had been a stark reminder that, in her father’s house, the rules were to be respected. She had learned her lesson.

Bare Breast Addendum

I added the following for a commenter (see below).

As she stood before him, sniffling and trying to regain her composure, father's gaze sharpened. He noticed with disapproval the way her nipples strained against the thin fabric of her blouse, betraying her arousal despite the punishment.

"Look at you," he chided, his voice laced with disappointment. "A proper young lady always wears a bra, Shirley. What will people think if they see you like this? You're practically flaunting yourself."

Shirley's cheeks burned even hotter as her father berated her. She stammered out an apology, but her words were lost in a sob. She was mortified, her embarrassment compounded by the knowledge that her father had seen her in such a state.

"Since you seem to enjoy displaying yourself, we'll have to make sure you understand the consequences of such brazen behavior," he said, his tone stern and unyielding.

With that, he reached out and gripped one of Shirley's tender nipples between his fingers, pinching and tweaking it until she gasped. The shock of pain made her breasts jiggle, and her blouse did little to hide her predicament. He then did the same to the other nipple as she squirmed in abject embarrassment.

"Oh, Daddy, please!" she begged, her voice trembling with shame.

"Remove your blouse, Shirley. Now," he commanded, his eyes never leaving hers.

Trembling, Shirley fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, her fingers clumsy with fear and embarrassment. She slid the garment off her shoulders, exposing her small, perky breasts to her father's unwavering gaze. Her nipples stood out like sore thumbs, pink and swollen from his rough handling.

Shirley's father took a moment to survey his daughter's naked torso, his expression one of stern disapproval. Then, without warning, he reached out again, his fingers deftly finding her sensitive buds. He twisted and pinched them, his movements deliberate and cruel. Shirley couldn't help but cry out, the pain radiating from her nipples to her core, a stark contrast to the heat that still lingered on her punished backside.

"Please, Daddy, I'm sorry!" she pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

"You will be," he replied coldly. "If I ever catch you without a bra again, I'll take a switch to these pretty breasts of yours. Do you understand?"

Shirley nodded, her voice lost in a sob. She understood now, more than ever, that her father's discipline was not to be taken lightly. She had been foolish to think she could flout his rules without consequence.

As she stood there, naked from the waist up, her nipples throbbing from her father's harsh treatment, Shirley knew she would never forget this lesson. She was her daddy's girl, and she would obey his rules—or suffer the consequences.


  1. There’s no way the touch was “accidental”. As a daddy myself, I don’t mind a little pussy brush after a spanking as it’s interesting to check if there is any arousal there. You won’t be surprised to hear that many naughty girls like yourself become quite moist during their punishment. In fact, some very bad girls have even been known to do a little “accidental” humping on daddy’s thigh! Daddy knows that you are going to diddle your clitoris later thinking about it. There are no secrets from Daddy.

    1. All of that is very true! Though in this case it's hard to get panties pulled back up and modestly placed while over the lap without a brush by.

  2. Superbe histoire avec malheureusement beaucoup de répétitions et une fin que j’espérais plus sexuel !! 🍑

    1. Yes, a lot of repitition. It seems to write a phrase and really hang on to it.

  3. Before the last two paragraphs,
    “I love you, Shirley, he said quietly, his voice full of emotion. But you needed to learn this lesson, and I hope it’s one you’ll never forget.”
    Then he adds “Oh, one last thing, lift up your blouse please."
    She’s not wearing a bra.
    Can you with your application write this scene where her father lectures her (2 or 3 mn) about wearing a bra while squeezing and pinching her nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each hand ?

    1. Ooooh! I love a request! I added an Addendum to the story along the lines you suggested. Let me know your feedback.

    2. P.S. ChatGPT won't write such things so I had to move to gptease.

    3. Thank you for this new portion of the story. I had not considered that a first humiliation over her blouse would multiply the humiliation of bare breasts. The whole is very satisfying and the ... consequences are fully so too.

    4. Give me an inch and I take a mile!

  4. Her father's gesture to pull up her panties is without innuendo but involuntarily it provokes an unbearable shame in Shirley. We do not understand well why this fleeting gesture, even if it is that of the father's large calloused hands causes such intense mortification. Could he have accidentally touched a physical or psychological place in his daughter that plunged her into a cataleptic state?
    May be her clitoral hood was not protecting anymore the sensitive tip of her bean?

    1. I think her Daddy's spanking had an unforeseen effect on her...

    2. Nice addendum. To keep in the same mindset, Shirley's father bares her breasts and pinches them, pulling their tips down to make her kneel and offer him an apology. Once on her knees, he pulls sharply the tip of her breasts upwards to embarrass and hurt her. She finds herself, completely involuntarily, with her mouth wide open, her face a few inches from her father's package.

    3. She should suck, as that's what sluts do. Really teach her a lesson.

  5. Loved every bit of this. I have a part 2 in my fantasies as well as a mom/son version and a dad/son version. Thank you!

    1. You're welcome. It's ALL my fantasies!

    2. A dad son version
      " My father had been put in charge of the junior class at Sunday School. He took me out of the Senior Class to help with the seven to ten-year-olds. I was always teased by the children and called all sorts of names like ’nappie-pants’ and ’girlie-long-legs One Sunday, before father arrived, I found this teasing beyond endurance and I smacked the head of one of the most objectionable boys. He just howled, and my six-foot father came rushing in. He was terribly angry, and when he grabbed me by the scruff of the neck I thought that my shorts were going to come down for certain. Perhaps it might have been less humiliating if he had taken my pants down and spanked me, at least it would have seemed a punishment more in keeping for a boy of seventeen.

      My father planted himself on a chair, pushed me across his knees, threw back my jacket and grabbed the waistband of my shorts. As he heaved the waistband of my shorts up my back I felt the seam cut in between my legs, but did not realize, until the first slap, just how far the legs of my shorts were pulled up. Down came his big hand across the lower half of my bottom, and there was no muffled smack of his hand hitting the seat of my trousers. Instead, there was the clear smack of his hand hitting bare skin and the immediate sting of a bare bottom smacking, and I knew that he must have tugged up my shorts past the cheeks of my bottom. Hard slap followed hard slap, all in the same place, and I felt the lower half of my bottom blazing and stinging me and the slaps were now on alternate thighs, and on and on he smacked until he was reaching right over me and delivered sharp slaps to the backs of my broad bare knees. It may not have hurt like the tawse, but the awful humiliation of being smacked at seventeen before all those children, and the endless succession of slaps as he worked hack up my thighs and was smacking me once again on my partly exposed bottom, caused me to break down completely.
      When he stopped suddenly amid my sobbing I thought that he had relented and was going to let me get up from across his knees, but not a bit of it. While saying that the children were going to see me get a smacking to remember, he took hold of each leg of my short trousers and tugged up first one side and then the other, thus laying bare the yet unspanked flesh of my big bottom and proceeded to smack me vigorously once again, first on the fresh bare skin presented to him and then once again down the smarting backs of my quivering naked thighs. It was then that I cried like a little boy, and the only sounds in that room were the regular slap, slap, slap, slap of my father’s hand on the juddering flesh of my seventeen-year-old bottom and legs, and the muffled sobs that came from under the jacket hanging over my drooping head.
      After an eternity of hard, blistering smacks, my father delivered two final slaps to the middle of my scarlet bottom and ordered me to get up from across his knees and to go and stand in the corner, face towards the wall. Before all the children, standing in open-mouthed amazement, I shuffled in silence to the far corner of the room and stood facing the wall, sore and disheveled, my tiny, brown, herring-bone short trousers still right up above the naked, boiling, crimson mounds of my soundly smacked butt cheeks. There I stood, sobbing quietly, and reaching back with my hands to try and push down the legs of my shorts. Even as I put my hands around my bare flanks, I felt the heat from the furrowed skin of my exposed bottom, but before I could pull down the legs of my shorts, and cover up some of my shame, there was a sharp command from my father ’leave your trousers be, and stand to attention with your hands on your head’.
      I had no choice, and stood for the next half-hour, my hands on my head, my bare legs together, while father talked in his crisp voice to the children, who were listening less than ever, and ogling my cherry-ripe bare backside and the jerking length of my well-smacked legs."

    3. Wonderful! Was that AI assisted at all, and if so, which one?

    4. Not in the game anymore. No AI in there. Just memories and desires.
      I discovered there is an increasing realization of the feelings of acute shame and embarrassment undergone by leggy teenage boys when forced to wear little boy’s grey ’knickers’,
      Thus, while I would not advocate the laying aside of the cane, or the tawse at home, I would strongly advise all parents of big teenage boys to consider punishing minor disobedience or childish misbehavior by putting their sons back into brief, grey short trousers.
      During his time in shorts, I would suggest that any sign of rebellion, carelessness or bad manners be immediately rewarded with a thorough smacking on his bare thighs and legs, and they should not hesitate to do this in public if necessary.

    5. I agree 100%! I'll have my AIs write you a story along those lines in a furture blog post!

    6. Oh! I must admit that I am full of curiosity...Perhaps these few elements of my life can be useful to you...

      A few things
      My parents may well have been too strict, and there is no doubt that my bare backside experienced the ’fire’ of the tawse, when I was sixteen and seventeen, for faults that today would pass without comment in the average home. Is there a lad of seventeen today that would have to remove completely his short trousers and underpants, have his shirttail tucked in his collar, and bend tightly across the back of a chair, to get a good old-fashioned tanning for swearing?

      At 16, groups of young boys, and certain big boys, would gang up on me, and stroke my legs and argue whether I had prettier legs than this or that girl, and then they would often feel up the abbreviated leg of my short trousers and get me erected and laugh at the sight of my sex that was barely capable of being contained in my little pants, and finally they would pull my erected penis out from under my shorts and hold it against my thigh, and mark round it with ink on my bare thigh and make me leave the outline on my leg so as they could see how far it would stick out below the hem of my shorts.

      I hated most sitting down in trains or buses as my prominent bare legs were readily available for a good slapping. If I did not stand up quickly enough and offer my seat to a lady on a bus or tram, a resounding slap from my father or mother would have me up in a moment, blushing to the roots of my hair and feeling the hand-mark rise up and form a red mark on the front of my thigh.

      Every Saturday afternoon I had to meet my father for a trip to the Museum I was usually on time, but If I was late to meet him I knew he would take me by the seat of my shorts, tug them well up, and give the hacks of my thighs and knees a good slapping, and a highly amused audience would see me walk away with my father with red hand-marks from the hem of my shorts to the tops of my turn-down stockings. shaming.

      I must admit that I can't wait to read your story.

    7. Done and posted! Tried to work it all in!

  6. So Shirley got a nipple twist for not wearing a bra like a proper young lady. I haven’t heard you discuss these much. What are your thoughts on nipple twisting or perhaps nipple clamps during corner time punishment? Fun, sexy or just ouch?

    1. Ouch and sexy!
      It's embarrassing to be pulled across hubby's knee by your nip!

  7. I believe these girls you write about are getting off too easy. They are verging on becoming sluts if they aren’t already so daddy should impose an additional punishment and put them on “free use” status for a week or so. If they act like a slut they’ll be treated like one. That’s the best way to get them to change course.

    1. Absolutely, but with a nominal charge of $2.

  8. Yeah whole family and visitors need to put money in slut jar first. Money goes to seamstress to bring down hems of the girls skirts.

    1. Craft production in a family setting is often inventive. If a no-nonsense and unyielding personality is at the head of the company, it can also be an opportunity for customers to admire the waltz of indecently bare thighs at work.
