Sunday, August 4

Fiction: The Cage of Consequences (FFFFF/M)

Another ChatGPT-4o assisted story.

In “The Cage of Consequences,” Michael’s infidelity lands him in a living nightmare of humiliation and degradation orchestrated by his scorned wife, Sarah. Opting for punishment over divorce, he finds himself stripped naked and confined to a dog cage in the living room, forced to perform degrading acts and subjected to relentless taunts from Sarah and her friends. Each degrading act reinforces the depth of his remorse and his desperate hope for Sarah’s forgiveness, making every moment a relentless reminder of the price of betrayal.

The Cage of Consequences

Michael had never imagined that his indiscretion would lead him to this moment. The thrill of the affair had been fleeting, and now, faced with the stern gaze of his wife, Sarah, he realized the gravity of his actions. She had found out about his betrayal, and now, standing in their living room, he awaited his fate.

“I can’t believe you did this to me, Michael,” Sarah said, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and disappointment. “You have two choices: we get a divorce, or you submit to a punishment of my choosing.”

Michael’s heart raced. He loved Sarah and couldn’t bear the thought of losing her. “I’ll take the punishment,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

A cold, calculating smile spread across Sarah’s face. “Very well. Your punishment begins now. Go to the pet store and buy the largest dog cage they have. Bring it back and set it up in the living room.”

Michael felt a knot tighten in his stomach, but he obeyed.

The drive to the pet store felt surreal. As he stepped into the pet store, his heart raced as he looked around at the various animal supplies. The thought of what awaited him at home made his stomach churn.

A sales associate approached him, a cheerful young woman with bright eyes and a welcoming smile. “Hi there! Can I help you find something today?” she asked.

“Uh, yes,” Michael stammered, trying to keep his composure. “I’m looking for a, uh, large dog cage.”

Her eyebrows raised slightly in surprise. “A large dog cage? Do you have a big dog at home?”

Michael swallowed hard and blushed strongly. He knew nothing about dog breeds. He decided to be non-committal as the lesser of evils. “No, not exactly. It’s, um, for a special purpose.”

The sales associate couldn’t help but notice his awkward demeanor. His eyes darting nervously around the store, and a faint blush tinging his cheeks. When he mentioned the large dog cage, her curiosity was immediately piqued. His answer had been hesitant and non-committal, and his discomfort had been palpable. A special purpose, she thought, hiding a smile. She’d seen this kind of behavior before. Men who were clearly out of their element, buying something they didn’t want to explain. It wasn’t hard to put the pieces together. The phrase “in the dog house” floated through her mind, and she stifled a giggle. He was likely a cheater, she correctly surmised, and his wife had devised a fitting punishment.

As she led him to the back of the store, she couldn’t resist drawing the moment out, taking a bit of delight in his obvious discomfort.

Michael’s eyes darted over the cages, each one seeming more imposing than the last. “I think something… really spacious,” he muttered, his face flushing as he imagined himself confined within one of these metal contraptions. He had no doubt it was what Sarah had in mind. He couldn’t shake the thought of whether Sarah would keep him naked in there, exposed and vulnerable.

“Let’s make sure we get the right size for you,” she said, measuring tape in hand. “Are you planning on using it indoors or outdoors?”

“Indoors,” he replied quickly, the flush on his face deepening.

Indoors, huh? She wondered if he knew just how humiliating his situation must look. A grown man buying a cage, probably to spend time in as part of his punishment. The idea of him being kept inside, likely fully naked, crossed her mind, and she had to fight to keep her expression neutral.

She showed him a large, sturdy cage. “This one is quite popular for bigger breeds. It has enough space for them to move around comfortably and is easy to maintain.” She watched him nod absently, clearly lost in his own thoughts.

She continued, pointing out features he likely didn’t care about, enjoying the slight tremor in his voice as he agreed to take it. “We also have a few models with extra features like feeding doors and divider panels, but for your purpose, this one should be perfect.”

His response was a mumbled, “Yes, this one will do,” and she couldn’t help but give him a knowing smile. She was almost certain now that the cage was for him. The humiliation he felt was almost tangible, and while she knew it was unprofessional, she found a small measure of satisfaction in his embarrassment.

As they walked to the register, she chatted about mundane topics, all the while imagining the scenario at home. His wife must have been furious to come up with such a punishment. He deserved it, she thought, for whatever he had done to end up in this situation. The image of him locked in the cage, stripped of his dignity, made her inwardly chuckle.

Meanwhile, Michael’s mind was elsewhere, imagining the look on Sarah’s face when he brought the cage home. He wondered if she would make him strip naked before locking him in, and how he would handle the basic needs of bathroom use in such a confined space. The thought of her seeing him so vulnerable, reduced to this state, made his cheeks burn with shame.

The sales associate watched Michael’s awkward movements with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. As he fumbled with his words, she decided to have a bit more fun, extending his torment subtly. She glanced at the array of pet accessories nearby and got an idea.

“Now that I think about it,” she said, her voice sweet but with a hint of mischief, “if you’re getting a large cage, you might also want to consider a few other items to make the, uh, experience more comfortable.

Michael looked at her, eyes widening slightly, but he said nothing, his face still flushed.

“For instance,” she continued, walking over to a display of collars, “we have these sturdy collars. This one here is studded, quite durable and, well, stylish.” She picked up a large, intimidating collar and held it up for him to see. “It’s always good to have something like this, don’t you think? For…control.”

Michael swallowed hard, his throat dry. “Um, I don’t think that’s necessary.”

She tilted her head, pretending to consider his response. “Are you sure? It can be very useful. And if you’re worried about walking… I mean, moving around, we also have matching leashes.” She pointed to a thick, leather leash that matched the collar. “See? Perfect for keeping things in line.”

He shook his head, trying to maintain his composure. “No, just the cage.”

“Okay,” she replied, her eyes dancing with amusement. “But you might want to consider some treats. We have a fantastic selection of doggy treats suitable for larger breeds. High in protein and very tasty.” She pointed to a shelf lined with bags of dog treats, each labeled with enticing names like “Beefy Bites” and “Chicken Chews.”

Michael felt his face burn with shame. This young woman, with her knowing smiles and casual suggestions, was completely aware of his humiliating situation. She was playing along, extending his torment with every word. “No, thank you,” he whispered, wishing he could disappear.

“Alright,” she said, feigning a sigh of disappointment. “But what about toys? Even big dogs need something to keep them amused when they’re in their cage. We have some great options here.” She picked up a large, rubber chew toy shaped like a bone. “This one is practically indestructible and will keep them occupied for hours.”

Michael’s embarrassment hit a peak. She knows, he thought. She knows this isn’t for a dog. She’s tormenting me, and there’s nothing I can do about it. His mind conjured images of Sarah standing over him, locking him in the cage, his only company a humiliating toy like the one the sales associate held. “I don’t think that’s needed either,” he managed to say, his voice strained.

The sales associate’s eyes glimmered with amusement. She seemed to savor his discomfort, and Michael’s heart sank as she picked up the large rubber chew toy again.

“You know,” she said, turning the toy in her hands thoughtfully, “a cage like this can be really beneficial for disciplining an unruly dog. It provides a clear boundary and helps them understand their place.” She looked up at him, her smile widening slightly. “It’s amazing how much behavior can improve when they know there’s a consequence waiting for them.”

Michael’s face flushed deeper, his mind racing. She knows. She has to know. Every word felt like a dagger of humiliation, piercing his already fragile pride. He managed a weak nod, unable to find his voice.

The sales associate continued, her tone casual but with an edge of knowing amusement. “And consistency is key, of course. Keeping them in the cage for a set period, making sure they understand why they’re there… It can really help with obedience and respect.” She placed the chew toy back on the shelf and picked up a sturdy, studded collar. “And not to belabour the point, sometimes, a collar like this can reinforce the lesson. They feel it, they know it’s there, and it reminds them to behave.”

Michael swallowed hard, his throat dry. The mental image of himself, naked and confined in the cage, flashed through his mind. The idea of wearing a collar, feeling it around his neck as a constant reminder of his punishment, was almost too much to bear.

“Of course,” she added, placing the collar back, “positive reinforcement is important too. But sometimes, a little tough love goes a long way.” She glanced at him, her smile never wavering. “I’m sure whoever you’re buying this for will benefit greatly from it.”

Michael’s voice was barely a whisper. “Yes, I’m sure they will.”

The sales associate nodded, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. “If you need any tips or advice on using the cage effectively, don’t hesitate to ask. We’ve had many satisfied customers who’ve seen remarkable improvements in behavior with the right approach.”

“Thank you,” Michael mumbled, feeling utterly humiliated.

As she rang up the purchase, the sales associate maintained her cheerful demeanor, but Michael could feel her eyes on him, analyzing every nuance of his discomfort. He knew that she was enjoying this little game, that she understood far more than she let on.

Her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as she continued. “You know,” she said, picking up a "Doggy Times" newspaper from a nearby display and rolling it up, “for certain breeds of naughty dogs, a good smack on the ass with a rolled-up newspaper is still highly recommended. It can be a very effective way to get their attention and remind them who’s in charge.”

Michael’s face flushed even deeper. The humiliation he felt was almost unbearable, and he struggled to maintain his composure.

The sales associate tapped the newspaper lightly against her palm, watching him closely. “It’s an old-school method, but sometimes the old ways are the best. A firm reminder like this can do wonders for obedience. Only recommended for certain breeds, of course.”

He nodded weakly, feeling completely exposed. “I-I see.”

She smiled, clearly enjoying the effect her words were having on him. “Consistency and a firm hand are key. Whether it’s time in the cage or a well-timed smack, it’s all about teaching respect and proper behavior. For certain breeds.”

Michael could barely meet her gaze. He felt like every word she spoke was a direct comment on his situation, and he was sure she knew it. Her knowing smile and the twinkle in her eye confirmed his suspicions. She knew this cage wasn’t for a dog, and she was taking delight in his humiliation.

Handing him the receipt, she gave him one last, knowing smile. “Good luck with your… project. I’m sure it will be quite an experience.”

“Thank you,” he managed, hefting the disassembled cage in its large flat cardboard box and hurrying out of the store, his face burning with shame.

Watching him leave, the sales associate felt a twinge of smug satisfaction. The interaction had been a small but enjoyable detour from her usual routine, and she couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of Michael’s predicament. The image of him confined in the cage, perhaps even adorned with a collar, lingered in her mind, a humorous and fitting consequence for whatever misdeed had led him to this moment.  It wasn’t often she encountered such a scenario, and while she didn’t know the details, she was fairly certain she’d helped deliver a fitting comeuppance. The thought of him assembling the cage at home, under his wife’s stern gaze, brought a slight, mischievous smile to her lips.

Outside, as he loaded the cage into his car, Michael’s thoughts were a chaotic mess. The sales associate’s words about discipline and boundaries echoed in his mind, amplifying his dread of what awaited him at home. The drive back felt like a reprieve, but he knew that his true ordeal was just beginning. Every word she had said would linger, reminding him of his humiliation and the punishment that lay ahead.

When he finally pulled into the driveway, Sarah was waiting at the door, arms crossed and a stern look on her face. “Did you get it?” she asked, her tone leaving no room for excuses.

“Yes, Sarah,” Michael replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Good. Bring it inside and assemble it. In the living room.”

As he lugged the box into the house, Sarah watched him with a mixture of satisfaction and cold determination. Michael’s hands trembled as he began to assemble the cage, the metallic clang of each piece fitting into place echoing ominously in the silent living room. Sarah stood nearby, her arms crossed, watching his every move with an air of cold determination. He could feel her eyes on him, a constant reminder of his impending humiliation.

“Make sure it’s sturdy,” Sarah instructed, her voice firm. “I don’t want it falling apart.”

“Yes, Sarah,” Michael replied, his voice barely above a whisper. He worked diligently, the weight of his actions pressing down on him with each turn of the wrench.

After a few minutes, Sarah glanced at her watch. “I’ll be in the kitchen. Call me when you’re finished.” Without waiting for a response, she turned and left the room, leaving Michael alone with his thoughts and the half-assembled cage.

He swallowed hard, focusing on his task. Each piece of the cage seemed to symbolize a part of his broken trust, a reminder of the choices that had led him here. The words of the sales associate echoed in his mind, her playful torment amplifying his shame.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the cage was complete. Michael stood back, surveying his work with a mixture of dread and resignation. He knew what was coming next, and the thought made his stomach churn.

Taking a deep breath, he called out, “Sarah, it’s done.”

She appeared in the doorway moments later, her expression unreadable. She walked over, inspecting the cage with a critical eye. Satisfied, she nodded. “Move it over there, against the wall.”

Michael obeyed, dragging the heavy cage to the designated spot. The finality of placing it in the corner of the living room made his heart pound. He knew he was about to take the next step in his punishment, and the anticipation was almost unbearable.

Sarah’s voice cut through his thoughts. “Now, strip.”

He froze, his face flushing with embarrassment. “What?”

“You heard me, Michael,” she said, her tone leaving no room for argument. “Strip. Completely. And get inside.”

His hands shook as he began to undress, each piece of clothing falling to the floor with a sense of finality. When he was finally naked, he stood there, feeling utterly exposed and vulnerable under Sarah’s unwavering gaze.

“Get in the cage,” she ordered.

Michael hesitated for a moment, but the stern look in her eyes propelled him forward. He crouched down and crawled into the cage, the cold metal pressing against his skin. The door clanged shut behind him, and Sarah locked it with a decisive click.

“Comfortable?” she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“No,” Michael whispered, his face burning with shame.

“Good,” Sarah said, her expression hardening. “This is where you’ll stay until I decide you’ve learned your lesson. You need to understand the pain and humiliation you’ve caused me. Maybe then you’ll think twice before betraying my trust again.”

Michael nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. He sat  on the uncomfortable floor of the cage, the reality of his situation crashing down on him. This was his life now, confined and humiliated, until Sarah deemed he had atoned for his mistakes. And as he sat there, the weight of his actions pressing down on him, he realized just how far he had fallen.

“From now on, you’ll live in this cage until I decide otherwise,” she said. “You acted like a dog and now I'll treat you like one. When you need to use the toilet, you’ll do it in the backyard like a dog. You’ll eat dog food and drink water from a bowl.”

Michael’s heart sank as he realized the extent of his humiliation.

Over the next few days, Sarah enforced her rules strictly. 

He was fed dog food from a can and drank water from a bowl placed on the floor.

Every morning, she would let him out to use the toilet in the backyard, the neighbors occasionally peeking over the fence, adding to his embarrassment.

On his very first day out, as he knelt naked in the backyard, raising his leg awkwardly to pee like a dog, he felt the eyes of his neighbors on him. The cold air bit at his exposed skin, amplifying his sense of vulnerability.

Sarah stood on the patio adjacent to their neighbors', Janet and Tom. She spoke loudly, ensuring her words reached Michael’s ears as he performed his humiliating task.

“You see, Janet, Michael here thought he could cheat on me and get away with it,” Sarah said, her voice carrying a mix of amusement and disdain. “So, I’m teaching him a lesson he won’t forget.”

Janet nodded approvingly, her arms crossed and a satisfied smile on her face. “Good for you, Sarah. Men need to understand that actions have consequences. It’s good he's learning his place.”

Tom stood beside his wife, shifting uncomfortably. He couldn’t take his eyes off Michael, who was desperately trying to finish without falling over. The sight of Michael, degraded and humiliated, filled him with a mix of sympathy and fear. He imagined himself in Michael’s place and shuddered at the thought.

“Isn’t this a bit extreme, though?” Tom ventured hesitantly, glancing at his wife for approval.

Janet turned to him, her eyes narrowing. “Not at all, Tom. Men need to be held accountable for their actions. If they think they can cheat and lie without repercussions, they’re sadly mistaken.”

Sarah nodded in agreement. “Exactly. Michael needs to be reminded of his betrayal every single day. If that means he has to shit and pee in the yard like a dog, then so be it.”

Michael, still in his humiliating position, could hear every word. The shame burned hotter than the cold wind against his skin. He finished and lowered his leg, trying to cover himself as best he could, but there was no hiding his nakedness or his disgrace.

Sarah walked over to him, her expression a mixture of cold satisfaction and authority. “Good boy, Michael. Now get back in your cage.”

He crawled back into the house on all fours, feeling the eyes of Janet and Tom boring into his back. As he locked himself in the cage, he heard Janet’s voice drift over from the patio.

“You know, Tom,” she said, her tone sweet but firm, “if you ever think about straying, just remember what happened to Michael. I won’t hesitate to do the same to you.”

Tom gulped, nodding quickly. “I understand, Janet. I won’t give you any reason to doubt me.”

One evening, Sarah invited a few friends over for a casual get-together. Michael’s heart pounded in his chest as he heard them enter, laughing and chatting, blissfully unaware of his presence at first.

“Ladies,” Sarah called out, drawing their attention to the cage in the living room. “I’d like you to meet Michael, my new pet.”

The room fell silent as the guests’ eyes widened in shock. Laughter soon followed, cruel and mocking as Michael cowered naked in his cage.

Sarah continued, her voice cutting through the conversation, “I want to explain why Michael is in this situation. As you all know, he cheated on me. And instead of ending our marriage, I decided to teach him a lesson he’ll never forget.”

The women murmured in agreement, their faces showing a mix of curiosity and disdain for Michael. Janet, one of Sarah’s closest friends, spoke up first. “He deserves every bit of it, Sarah. Infidelity is unforgivable.”

Michael shrank back into the corner of his cage, the shame of his actions washing over him anew. Sarah continued, her tone unwavering. “I want him to remember every single day that he betrayed my trust. So, he’s going to live like this until I decide he’s learned his lesson.”

The women nodded, some clapping in approval. Another friend, Lisa, leaned forward, her eyes narrowing at Michael. “Tell us, Michael, how did it start? Why did you cheat on Sarah?”

Michael’s throat tightened. He looked at Sarah, hoping for some reprieve, but she simply raised an eyebrow, signaling him to answer.

“I… I met her at a work conference,” he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. “We started talking, and one thing led to another.”

“Talking?” Janet scoffed. “What did you talk about, Michael? What made you think betraying Sarah was worth it?”

His face burned with humiliation. “We talked about work, and then… we started flirting. It just happened so fast.”

“Flirting?” Lisa’s voice dripped with contempt. “And then what, Michael? Did you think about Sarah at all when you were with this other woman?”

“I didn’t,” he admitted, his head hanging low. “I wasn’t thinking. I was selfish.”

“Selfish doesn’t even begin to cover it,” another woman interjected. “What did you do with her, Michael? We want details.”

Michael swallowed hard, his mouth dry. “We… we went to her hotel room. We kissed, and then… we had sex.”

The room fell silent for a moment, the women’s eyes boring into him with a mix of anger and disgust. “How many times?” Janet asked, her voice sharp.

“Just once,” Michael said quickly, hoping it would mitigate their wrath. “It was just that one time.”

“Just once?” Lisa repeated, her voice cold. “Once is enough to destroy trust. Once is enough to hurt someone deeply. Once is enough to land you in that cage.”

The women voiced their agreement, their scolding blending into a chorus of condemnation. “You disgust me,” Lisa spat. “You had a wonderful wife, and you threw it away for what? A fleeting moment of pleasure?”

“Do you understand the pain you’ve caused?” Janet added, her voice rising. “Do you even care about what Sarah has gone through because of your selfishness?”

Michael nodded, tears welling in his eyes. “I do. I’m so sorry. I wish I could take it back.”

“Sorry doesn't seem to be enough,” Janet said firmly. “Your actions have consequences, and you’re going to face every single one of them.”

The women continued to berate him, each comment a stinging reminder of his betrayal. He sat in his cage, exposed and humiliated, knowing that this was only the beginning of his penance. Sarah had made sure of that.

Sarah then brought out a package she had previously ordered. Michael watched from his cage as Sarah unwrapped a new package, her friends gathered around in eager anticipation. He couldn’t see what it was, but the glint in Sarah’s eye told him it was something meant to degrade him further.

“Ladies,” Sarah announced with a flourish, “I’d like to introduce you to the latest addition to Michael’s punishment: a butt plug tail.”

Gasps and laughter erupted from the group as Sarah held up the item. It was a sizable plug with a long, fluffy tail attached, designed to make Michael look even more ridiculous. The realization hit Michael like a punch to the gut, and his stomach churned with dread.

“Come on out, Michael,” Sarah commanded, opening the cage door.

With a heavy heart, Michael crawled out, feeling every eye in the room on his naked form. The women watched with a mix of amusement and curiosity, eager to see the latest humiliation unfold.

Sarah approached him, holding the butt plug tail. “Turn around. Let's see that doggy butt,” she ordered.

Michael obeyed, his face burning with shame. He knelt on the cold floor, trying to prepare himself for the inevitable. Sarah lubricated the plug generously, ensuring that the insertion would be smooth but still deeply humiliating.

“Now, bend over further and spread your cheeks,” Sarah said, her tone firm.

Trembling, Michael complied. He bent over, exposing himself completely to the room full of women. The laughter and whispers intensified, every sound amplifying his embarrassment.

“Oh, this is going to be priceless,” one woman giggled. “I can’t wait to see him wag that tail.”

“Think he’ll enjoy it?” another chimed in mockingly. “Maybe this is what he wanted all along.”

Sarah positioned the plug and began to insert it slowly, her movements deliberate and unyielding. Michael winced as the plug stretched him, the sensation both uncomfortable and deeply humiliating.

“Look at his face!” one friend exclaimed, barely containing her laughter. “He looks like he’s about to cry.”

“There we go,” Sarah said with satisfaction as the plug settled into place. The fluffy tail now protruded from Michael’s backside, adding a ludicrous element to his degradation. “How cute, our little pet has a tail now.”

The room erupted in laughter, the women pointing and jeering. Michael could feel their eyes on him, every glance a dagger of shame.

“Spin around, show everyone your new look,” Sarah commanded, her voice dripping with mock affection.

Michael spun on his hands and knees, the tail swaying behind him. The room’s laughter grew even louder, the women clapping and cheering as if they were at a circus.

“Give us a wag, Michael,” one of Sarah’s friends called out, barely containing her mirth. “Come on, show us how happy you are.”

With no other choice, Michael gave a small shake of his hips, making the tail wag. The room exploded with laughter, tears streaming down some of the women’s faces as they clutched their sides.

“Isn’t he adorable?” another friend sneered. “I bet his lover would love to see him like this.”

Sarah stepped forward, placing a hand on Michael’s shoulder. “I hope you’re learning your lesson, Michael. This is what happens to cheaters. You’re nothing more than a naughty pet now.”

“Maybe we should collar him and take him for a walk,” someone suggested, sending the room into another fit of laughter.

“Or teach him some new tricks,” another woman added, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Roll over, beg, play dead… the possibilities are endless.”

As the laughter and ridicule continued, Michael remained on his hands and knees, feeling utterly humiliated.

"Beg, Michael. There's a good boy," Lisa said.

Michael looked at Sarah pleadingly.

"Do it!", Sarah said, harshly.

He sat on his haunches, raising his hands in a begging motion.

"Now roll over and play dead," added Lisa.

The laughter grew louder as he rolled over on the floor, feeling utterly degraded.

“Good boy,” Sarah said with a sarcastic sweetness, patting him on the head. “Now back in your cage.”

As Michael crawled back into the cage, his tail wagging, locking himself in, he couldn’t help but reflect on his choices. The punishment was severe, but he endured it, hoping that one day Sarah might forgive him. For now, he would endure the cage of consequences, learning the hard way the price of his infidelity.

Days turned into weeks, and Michael’s life in the cage became a routine of humiliation and obedience. He obeyed Sarah’s commands without question, hoping to atone for his betrayal. But his wife’s creative punishments were far from over.

One evening, Sarah brought home a large package. Michael watched from his cage as she unwrapped it with a mischievous smile. Inside was a blow-up sex doll, a garish caricature of a woman, complete with exaggerated features.

“Since you couldn’t control yourself and had to cheat on me,” Sarah began, her voice dripping with contempt, “I think it’s only fair that you pay for your actions in a fitting manner.”

Michael’s stomach churned as he realized her intentions. His pleas fell on deaf ears as Sarah inflated the doll and placed it in the center of the living room. She called her friends over once more, their arrival accompanied by laughter and curious glances.

“Tonight, ladies,” Sarah announced, “we have a special performance. Michael is going to show us just how sorry he is by making love to this doll in front of all of us.”

"Ho, ho!" said Janet. "Let the punishment fit the crime."

The room erupted in laughter, but Michael felt only dread. Sarah opened the cage and beckoned him forward. With trembling hands and a heavy heart, he crawled out, knowing resistance was futile.

“Get on your knees and apologize to us all,” Sarah commanded.

Michael complied, his voice quavering as he apologized for his infidelity, tears of humiliation streaking down his face. The laughter around him felt like knives piercing his soul.

“Now, make love to the doll,” Sarah ordered, her eyes glinting with a cruel satisfaction.

With shaking hands, Michael approached the doll. The room fell silent, the air thick with anticipation and derision. As he began the act, the women jeered and taunted him, their words cutting deeper than any physical pain.

“Look at him,” Lisa jeered. “So pathetic. This is probably the only ‘woman’ he deserves now.”

As he began the humiliating act, the taunts grew louder, each one piercing his already shattered pride. “Do you miss her, Michael?” one friend called out. “Is this as exciting for you as she was?”

“Maybe we should get you a real audience next time, put this on the Internet,” Janet added with a cruel laugh. “Let everyone see what a cheater looks like when he’s put in his place.”

The irony of the situation was not lost on him. He had sought out illicit pleasure, and now he was forced to perform this degrading act in front of the very people who knew and despised him for his betrayal.

“Think about Sarah while you do it,” Lisa taunted. “Think about how you hurt her. This is what you get for being unfaithful.”

Michael’s movements were mechanical, his mind a swirl of humiliation and regret. The laughter and jeers of the women around him made every second feel like an eternity.

“Faster, Michael,” Sarah commanded, her voice icy. “Show us how much you ‘enjoy’ this.”

“Swirl your hips,” one woman taunted. “Make it look like you’re really into it. Like you were with that other woman.”

Michael complied, his hips moving in a humiliating display of false enthusiasm. The laughter around him grew louder, each mocking comment a reminder of his fall from grace.

“Deeper, Michael,” Janet sneered. “Show us how deep you can go. Make us believe you’re really loving this.”

He pushed himself deeper into the doll, the laughter and taunts growing louder. “Faster,” another woman called out. “Make it look real. You wanted this, didn’t you?”

Tears of humiliation pricked at the corners of his eyes as he complied, the room’s cruel laughter never ceasing. “You deserve every bit of this,” one woman spat. “Cheaters like you should be reminded of their actions every single day.”

“Now tell the doll how amazing her pussy is,” Sarah ordered, her voice dripping with mock affection. “Make it believable.”

Michael’s voice trembled as he obeyed. “Your pussy is amazing,” he said, his face burning with shame.

The room exploded with laughter, the women clapping and cheering as if they were at a circus. “Isn’t he pathetic?” Lisa sneered. “I bet he said the same thing to his mistress.”

Finally, he reached his climax, the act completing his degradation. But Sarah wasn’t finished.

Sarah stepped forward, her voice cutting through the noise. “Michael,” she said, her tone sharp and cold, “did you use your tongue on her? Did you go down on the woman you cheated with?”

Michael’s heart sank. He knew there was no point in lying. “Yes,” he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. “I did.”

A satisfied murmur rippled through the group. “Then it’s only fair that you show us your oral skills,” Sarah said with a cruel smile. “Clean out the doll with your tongue. Make sure it’s spotless.”

The room fell silent, the women watching with eager anticipation. Michael hesitated, but the sharp look from Sarah pushed him forward. With a trembling hand, he began the humiliating task, the taste of his own shame making him gag.

“Isn’t this fitting?” Janet remarked, her voice full of derision. “He cheated with his tongue, and now he’s paying the price with it.”

“Make sure you don’t miss a drop,” Lisa added, her voice dripping with mockery. “We want to see you swallow every bit.”

As Michael licked the doll, the women offered taunting advice. “Use more tongue,” one said. “You need to really get in there.”

“Flick your tongue faster,” another instructed. “Like you’re trying to impress her.”

“Deeper,” Sarah commanded. “Don’t you dare stop until it’s completely clean.”

The women laughed and clapped, their amusement at his expense clear. Michael continued, each lick a reminder of his fall from grace. The taste of his own degradation filled his mouth, but he knew he had no choice but to comply.

When he finally finished, Sarah locked him back in his cage. “This is what you get for betraying me,” she said softly, but there was no softness in her eyes. “Remember that.”

As the women continued to laugh and mock him, Michael lay on the cold metal floor, the echoes of their taunts lingering in his mind. He knew that his punishment was far from over, and each new humiliation only served to reinforce his resolve to endure and earn Sarah’s forgiveness. For now, all he could do was accept his role and hope that, in time, she might see his genuine remorse.


  1. I liked that there was no humor. The wife is tough. Punishment, humiliation, period.
    The unfaithful husband could have also taken a severe beating with a martinet on the genitals. You know, those little dog whips still sold in some hardware stores.

    1. Yes! Interestingly I didn't have him struck at all.

  2. If we turn the tables, it reminded me of an episode on your blog where your husband took you to a pet store and gave you a collar and a pretty pink leash. One of your commenters claimed that you were forced to go through the checkout and leave the store fully naked and on all fours. You were forced to walk on your hands and feet, with your butt in the air. With that kind of display, a dog could have come and sniffed you. OMG!

    1. He did. It was so humiliating! But I did get to walk out in my clothes, albeit collared and leashed!

  3. I have a large dog cage, currently in storage. I will never look at it the same way again. Having done many things over the years in violation of my wife’s trust, this one made me feel really guilty and deserving of consequences. Not enough to confess to her, tho! I was also forced to recall having to make love to a blowup doll in front of an audience. I’m now feeling a yearning to have another rendezvous with “Jasmine”! - david

    1. Yes! You should get Jasmine out again, definitely! I'd also love to see you in that cage...

  4. Perhaps the girls should get him a male sex doll? So he learns how difficult it can be for a woman and why they should be respected and not cheated on or used for affairs. In front of the women he should have to;
    shave and bleach himself first for the dolls viewing pleasure;
    flatter the dolls ego about its “big cock”;
    give the doll a hand job;
    gag on the dolls cock;
    take the dolls cock up his arse;
    fake an orgasm;
    swallow the dolls semen;
    lie to the doll about how good it is in bed;
    clean up and cook a meal while the doll takes a post sex nap. MrD

    1. The future is AI sex robots. All you sissies will have to buy the male model. It can double as your wife's stud.

  5. These mean girls should put him in a cock cage and force a painful and pitiful erection by playing with their breasts in front of him. He’s now emasculated. He’ll never get to touch their breasts much less their pussies ever again.

  6. Love the teasing while he bought the cage. The more subtle humiliation. A pet store person would never dream of whacking a dog with a newspaper, but seemed okay with it being done to a human male who acts like a dog, whimpering in his cage as the newspaper hits his butt. Genius!

    1. I'm surprised the pet store salesgirl didn't make another appearance to "help" the wife - with a collar, leash, and rolled up newspaper to keep the certain dog of breed in line...

    2. I thought about it, but thought the pet store section was perfect as is!

  7. Since reading your blogs for years and dutifully tamponing myself way back I have been so turned on by the humiliation, pet play, and forced bi maybe most.

    You inspired me to take a big dildo and fuck a pussy sleeve I abstained from my fiances embrace I wish you could domestic/doggy own me and cuck me with a stud I’m made to service.

    I agree with an earlier responder he should be show how a girl feels with a male doll, I should be made to train servicing him and soon promoted yo real studs, fluffing them for my lady and the household ladies/party goers.

    A recent story with the father coming to school to aid in young males punishment should have gone further in feminizing him to a school girl skirt and taking cock in front of his former victims.

    I’d be a very sorry and repentant cock sucker at the slightest guiding.

    1. Your confidence and brevity are so erotic Ms Julie.

      If only I could be ass spanked while dripping over my first alpha’s and your thighs, made to beg and plead for his seed down my throat Id be an amazing natural cock/pussy servant manlet, *sigh*.

    2. Sounds like it would be fun to torment you for a long weekend!

  8. For me, I got a tag team slipper spanking from my wife, her sister and mother. They used their jelly slippers on my ass for almost an hour (I was crying uncontrollably midway but they continued till I almost passed out).
    Then my wife and sister in law tied my feet to a broomstick and my mother in law used a very thin cane to beat my feet countless number of strokes all medium force but overall very painful as the pain builds up till I cried uncontrollably again but they didn't stop till a drop of blood fell off my foot when my wife took the cane to beat me hard.
    Then I got daily spankings from them for a week and till now I get a bedtime spanking during weekends from my wife.
