Thursday, August 29

Fiction: Mark's Temper Tantrum (FF/M)

There's been a few posts on fellow bloggers' sites about grown men acting like toddlers such as Lion's Maternal in not a Dirty Word and Dan's Grounding and Ideal posts.

So, I enlisted ChatGPT-4o to tell a story along those lines.

Mark, throwing a tantrum like a toddler, finds himself on the receiving end of discipline from his wife, Sarah, and her sister, Emily. After a spanking, a humiliating bath, and an early bedtime, the ladies catch him illicitly pleasuring himself, prompting a reprimand that’s anything but gentle. The women have a good laugh over his deflated state before tucking him in with a playful warning to keep his behavior in check.

Mark's Temper Tantrum

The Tantrum

Mark was a man in his late thirties, a solid figure of authority at work, where he managed a team with precision and a firm hand. However, at home, particularly on weekends, he had a tendency to regress into behaviors that left his wife, Sarah, shaking her head in disbelief.

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, and Sarah was enjoying a cup of tea with her sister, Emily, who was visiting for the weekend. The two women sat comfortably in the living room, catching up on life and sharing laughter, when they heard the unmistakable sound of stomping feet coming from the kitchen.

Mark had been attempting to fix himself a snack, but when he discovered that the last of the cookies he’d been eyeing all day were gone, he lost his composure entirely.

“No cookies?!” he bellowed, his voice rising in pitch. “I wanted those! Why are they always gone when I want them?!”

Sarah and Emily exchanged amused glances. “Is he really…?” Emily whispered, her eyebrows raised in a mixture of surprise and amusement.

“Oh, just wait,” Sarah replied with a knowing smile. “This is just the beginning.”

Mark’s stomping grew louder as he made his way to the living room, his face flushed with frustration, his brow furrowed deeply. He looked every bit the picture of a man on the verge of a full-blown tantrum, which was exactly what happened next.

“I wanted those cookies, Sarah!” he shouted, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. “I’ve been looking forward to them all day!”

Sarah watched him, an amused smirk tugging at her lips. “Mark, they’re just cookies. There are plenty of other snacks.”

But that logic was lost on Mark, who had already crossed the line into toddler territory. “No! I wanted those cookies! It’s not fair!” he whined, stomping one foot petulantly on the floor, his face scrunching up like a child on the verge of tears.

Emily covered her mouth to stifle her laughter, her eyes wide with astonishment at the sight of her brother-in-law behaving like a spoiled child. “Wow, Sarah, I didn’t realize you had a toddler to look after,” she teased, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Mark’s response was to cross his arms over his chest and let out a huff, much like a pouting child would. “You don’t understand,” he grumbled, refusing to make eye contact with either of the women.

Sarah stood up, calmly placing her tea cup down on the coffee table. “Mark,” she said in a tone that was both patient and firm, “you’re acting like a child. You can’t always get what you want, and throwing a tantrum isn’t going to change that.”

“But I—”

“No buts,” Sarah interrupted, her voice sharp now. “This behavior is unacceptable, and if you continue, I’ll take you over my knee for a spanking. Maybe that’s exactly what you need to remind you how to behave.”

Mark’s heart skipped a beat, his face flushing hot with embarrassment as Sarah’s words hung in the air. He quickly glanced at Emily, who was now watching the exchange with keen interest. The last thing he wanted was for her to know the truth about their private life.

He forced out a laugh, trying to mask his rising panic. “Oh, don't be stupid, Sarah!” he said, his voice a bit too loud and forced. “A spanking? That's ridiculous!”

But Sarah wasn’t backing down. Her eyes locked onto his, and the smirk on her lips told Mark she wasn’t "being stupid" at all. “I’m not being stupid, Mark,” she said, her tone firm. “You know I don’t tolerate tantrums, and if you keep this up, I’ll march you over my knee right here and now.”

Mark’s stomach churned with a mix of dread and mortification. The idea of Sarah actually following through with her threat, especially in front of Emily, was unbearable. He needed to keep up the pretense, to convince Emily that this was all some strange, playful banter.

“Ha! Yeah, right,” he said, waving a hand dismissively, though his voice wavered slightly. “You’ve got a funny way of making a point, Sarah. Emily, don’t listen to her—she’s just trying to get a rise out of me.”

Emily, however, wasn’t entirely convinced. She leaned back in her chair, her curiosity piqued as she observed the interaction. “Really?” she asked, a teasing lilt in her voice. “Because it sure doesn’t sound like she’s joking.”

Mark’s pulse quickened, and he could feel the heat creeping up his neck. “Of course she is!” he insisted, trying to keep his tone light. “I mean, can you imagine? Me, a grown man, getting a spanking? That’s ridiculous!”

But Sarah leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and authority. “Is it, though? I seem to recall how just last week a naughty boy couldn’t even sit down for dinner the next day without wincing.”

Mark’s face burned with humiliation as he glanced at Emily, who now seemed even more intrigued. He had to keep up the pretense, had to make it seem like Sarah was just teasing him. “Don't be silly, Sarah, that never happened,” he said, though the quiver in his voice betrayed his confidence. “We both know you’d never actually do that.”

Sarah tilted her head, her smile widening. “Oh, Mark, don’t be so sure. If you keep this up, I might just give Emily a front-row seat to your next reminder.”

Mark swallowed hard, his mind racing for a way out. He forced another nervous laugh, glancing at Emily, who was now openly grinning. “See? Just a little game we play,” he said, trying to downplay the situation. “She loves to mess with me.”

But the truth was, Mark knew that Sarah wasn’t messing around. The threat was real, and the memory of last week’s spanking, and many before that, was a vivid reminder of what she was capable of. As he stood there, cheeks burning with shame, he could only hope that Sarah wouldn’t decide to make good on her word, especially with Emily watching so intently.

Sarah raised an eyebrow, her expression stern. “Try me, Mark. I’ve had just about enough of this behavior. If you don’t straighten up right now, I won’t hesitate to pull you over my knee right here in front of Emily.”

Emily’s eyes widened, and she covered her mouth again, this time in a mix of shock and amusement. “Sarah!” she exclaimed, though there was a clear note of delight in her voice.

Mark’s face flushed crimson at the mere thought of being spanked in front of Emily. The tantrum had been bad enough, but this was a whole new level of humiliation.

Realizing he wasn’t going to win this one, Mark’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “Fine,” he muttered under his breath, the last remnants of his tantrum fading away. “I’m sorry.”

Sarah nodded, her expression softening. “Good boy. Now, why don’t you go sit down in the den and relax? I’ll make us some more tea, and we can find something else for you to snack on.”

As Mark shuffled off to the next room, Emily leaned over to Sarah, whispering with a grin, “So, Sarah… you were really serious about what you said to Mark, weren’t you?”

Sarah smiled knowingly. “What do you think, Emily?” she asked, her tone playful yet slightly challenging.

Emily leaned in a bit closer, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. “I think you weren’t joking at all. But I have to know… do you really spank him when he misbehaves?”

Sarah chuckled softly, seeing no point in hiding the truth. “Yes, I do,” she admitted, her voice steady. “If he gets out of control, I make sure he learns his lesson the hard way.”

Emily’s eyes widened with a mix of surprise and delight. “Wow,” she breathed, leaning back against the couch, a grin spreading across her face. “I can’t believe it. I mean, I always thought Mark was a bit spoiled, but I never imagined you’d actually… you know.”

Sarah laughed, enjoying her sister’s reaction. “Oh, he’s definitely spoiled,” she said, rolling her eyes affectionately. “But that’s why I had to start taking things into my own hands. Otherwise, he’d just keep acting like a child, thinking he can get away with anything.”

Emily shook her head in amazement. “And he just… lets you? Doesn’t he try to fight back or anything?”

Sarah smirked. “He used to, at first,” she admitted. “But he learned pretty quickly that resisting only makes things worse. Now he knows better. Besides, deep down, I think he knows he needs it. It keeps him in check, and afterward, he’s always much more well-behaved.”

Emily giggled, clearly amused by the whole situation. “This is incredible. I never would’ve guessed you two had that kind of dynamic. But honestly, I think it’s great. Mark’s lucky to have someone who keeps him in line.”

Sarah smiled, appreciating her sister’s support. “Well, it works for us,” she said simply. “And honestly, it’s made our relationship stronger. Mark might be embarrassed by it, but I think he respects me more because of it.”

Emily nodded, still grinning. “I can see why. Honestly, I’d love to see it in action sometime. I bet it’s quite the sight!”

Sarah laughed, shaking her head. “You’re terrible, Emily!” she teased, though the idea didn’t seem to bother her as much as it might have earlier.

Emily just shrugged, still clearly amused by the revelation. “Hey, I can’t help it! I just find the whole thing fascinating. Who knew my sister was such a disciplinarian?”

Sarah just smiled as she headed toward the kitchen. “It’s all about balance, Em. Sometimes, you have to be firm and remind him who’s in charge around here.”

And as she busied herself in the kitchen, she couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of Mark, the man who could command a room full of people with ease, sulking in the den like a petulant child, narrowly avoiding a spanking from his wife. Yes, life with him was never dull.


As the evening wound down and they prepared for bed, Mark’s unease lingered like a cloud over him. He could barely meet Sarah’s eyes, the embarrassment from earlier still fresh and burning in his mind. He hesitated, fidgeting with the hem of his pajama shirt as Sarah climbed into bed, settling against the pillows with a contented sigh.

Unable to hold it in any longer, Mark finally spoke up, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and wounded pride. “Sarah… why did you have to talk about that stuff in front of Emily? You know how humiliating that was for me.”

Sarah looked over at him, her expression calm and slightly amused. “Oh, Mark,” she said softly, patting the space next to her, “come here.”

Reluctantly, Mark slid into bed beside her, his eyes avoiding hers as he continued. “I just don’t get why you had to bring it up. It’s bad enough you… you know… spank me when I mess up. But letting Emily know? That was too much.”

Sarah turned on her side to face him, her gaze steady and unyielding. “Mark, I didn’t bring it up out of nowhere. You were throwing a tantrum like a child, and I had to remind you of the consequences. You know I’m not going to tolerate that kind of behavior, whether we have guests or not.”

Mark winced, the memory of his outburst still fresh and painful. “But Emily… she knows now, Sarah. How am I supposed to face her again?”

Sarah’s expression softened slightly, but there was still a firmness in her tone. “Mark, I understand that you’re embarrassed, but you brought this on yourself. If you want to keep your dignity intact, then you need to remember to behave yourself, especially when we have company. Otherwise, you know what will happen.”

Mark felt a flush of frustration rising again, but he knew better than to push his luck. “I just… I didn’t think you’d actually tell her,” he mumbled, his voice small.

Sarah smiled and leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “Well, if you just remember to behave, we won’t have to worry about any more awkward conversations, will we?”

Mark shook his head, feeling a small, begrudging smile tug at the corners of his mouth. “No, I guess we won’t.”

“Good,” Sarah said, settling back against her pillows. “Now, get some sleep, and let’s start fresh tomorrow. I don’t want to hear any more whining about this, understood?”

“Yes, Sarah,” Mark murmured, feeling a sense of calm beginning to replace his earlier anxiety. He knew she was right; he just needed to keep himself in check. And if that meant avoiding more embarrassing situations like the one with Emily, then he’d do his best to behave.

The Spanking

The next morning dawned bright and clear, but the atmosphere in the house was a bit tense. Mark had spent the evening sulking after his embarrassing tantrum and the threat of a spanking from his wife. Though the tension had dissipated somewhat by the bedtime conversation, it was still there, lingering in the background like a shadow.

Sunday was supposed to be a relaxing day, but as the morning progressed, Mark found himself growing increasingly irritated. Little things that normally wouldn’t bother him began to grate on his nerves—the newspaper not being folded properly, the coffee being a little too weak, and the fact that his favorite show wasn’t available to stream. Each small inconvenience built up until he was once again on the edge of a tantrum.

Sarah, who was in the kitchen preparing breakfast, could hear him grumbling to himself as he paced around the living room. She sighed, already sensing where this was headed. Emily, who was still staying with them for the weekend, was seated at the dining table, watching her sister with a knowing look.

“Is he at it again?” Emily asked softly, her tone laced with amusement.

Sarah nodded, her lips pressed into a thin line. “He’s been grumbling all morning. And I warned him again last night before bed. I swear, sometimes it’s like living with a child.”

Emily chuckled. “Well, maybe today he needs to learn that you mean business.”

Sarah glanced over at her sister, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “You might be right about that, Em.”

Just then, they heard Mark’s voice escalate from the living room. “Why isn’t this stupid show working?! I want to watch it now!” His voice had taken on that same whiny, demanding tone from the day before, and Sarah knew that his temper was about to boil over.

She took a deep breath, wiped her hands on a dish towel, and then set it aside. “Excuse me for a moment, Em,” she said calmly, though there was a determined edge to her voice.

Emily grinned. “I’ll be right here, ready to watch the fireworks.”

Sarah walked into the living room, where she found Mark glaring at the television, the remote gripped tightly in his hand. His jaw was clenched, and there was a petulant frown on his face.

“Mark,” Sarah said firmly, crossing her arms as she approached him. “What’s the problem?”

“This stupid show won’t load! I’ve been waiting all week to watch it, and now it’s not working!” he snapped, his voice rising with frustration.

Sarah raised an eyebrow, her patience wearing thin. “And do you think throwing a tantrum is going to fix it?”

Mark’s eyes flashed with defiance. “I don’t care! It’s not fair, and I’m sick of everything going wrong!”

Sarah took a step closer, her expression stern. “Mark, you need to calm down right now, or so help me, I’ll do exactly what I promised yesterday.”

His eyes widened slightly, but he wasn’t ready to back down just yet. “You wouldn’t,” he muttered, though there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Sarah’s eyes narrowed, and she reached out, taking hold of his wrist. “I wouldn't, would I? I warned you, Mark. You’re about to learn that I’m not making idle threats.”

Before Mark could react, Sarah tugged him over to the couch, sitting down and pulling him toward her. He struggled slightly, but Sarah was determined, and before he knew it, she had him bent over her knee, his face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and indignation.

“Sarah, stop! This is ridiculous!” he protested, but his voice lacked the strength it had earlier.

“No, what’s ridiculous is your behavior,” Sarah replied firmly, her tone brooking no argument. “You’ve been acting like a child, and now you’re going to be treated like one.”

With that, she reached for the waistband of his shorts and tugged them down, revealing his boxers. Mark gasped, his face turning beet red as he realized that Sarah was truly going to carry through with her threat. He glanced over his shoulder, only to see her sister Emily standing in the doorway, her eyes wide with surprise and amusement.

“Sarah, please! Not in front of Emily!” Mark pleaded, his voice trembling with humiliation.

Sarah paused for a moment, considering his plea, but then shook her head. “Maybe a little embarrassment is exactly what you need to learn your lesson,” she said calmly, before pulling down his boxers as well, baring his bottom completely.

Mark’s face burned with shame, but before he could protest further, Sarah’s hand came down with a sharp smack on his bare skin. The sound echoed through the room, and Mark let out a yelp, more from shock than pain. Sarah didn’t hesitate, delivering a series of firm, measured spanks, each one leaving a pink imprint on his skin.

“You will not,” smack, “throw tantrums,” smack, “in this house,” smack, “ever again,” smack.

Mark squirmed under her hand, his embarrassment quickly turning into discomfort as the spanking continued. He couldn’t believe this was happening—his wife was actually spanking him, like a naughty child, right in front of her sister. His protests turned into whimpers as the sting built up, and he kicked his legs slightly, trying to escape the relentless spanking.

“Sarah, please, I’m sorry!” he cried, his pride crumbling along with his resistance. “I won’t do it again, I promise!”

Sarah didn’t stop right away, though. She wanted to make sure the lesson was fully learned. She continued for a few more spanks, each one harder than the last, before finally stopping. Mark’s bottom was red, and he was sniffling slightly, tears of humiliation and pain pricking at the corners of his eyes.

“Stand up,” Sarah ordered, her voice firm but not unkind.

Mark shakily got to his feet, his hands moving to pull up his pants, but Sarah stopped him. “No, you’ll stay like that for a moment. I want you to apologize to Emily for your behavior.”

Mark’s eyes widened in shock. “Sarah… please…”

Sarah raised an eyebrow, waiting. Mark swallowed hard, his face still burning with humiliation, but he knew he didn’t have a choice.

“I’m… I’m sorry, Emily,” he mumbled, barely able to meet her eyes, his hands desperately covering his genitals.

Emily, who had been watching the entire scene with a mix of shock and amusement, nodded, trying to suppress a grin. “Apology accepted, Mark,” she said, her voice laced with bemusement.

Sarah finally allowed Mark to pull up his pants, and he did so quickly, comically trying to use one hand to pull them up as he inadequately covered himself with the other, his face still flushed with embarrassment. He couldn’t bring himself to look either woman in the eye as he stood there, feeling thoroughly chastened.

“Now,” Sarah said, her tone softer, “I hope you’ve learned your lesson, Mark. This behavior won’t be tolerated again. Understood?”

Mark nodded quickly, eager to put this entire humiliating experience behind him. “Yes, Sarah. I’m sorry.”

“Good,” Sarah said, standing up and brushing off her hands as if nothing unusual had just happened. “Now, why don’t you go and make us all some breakfast? And no more tantrums.”

Mark nodded again, shuffling off to the kitchen, still feeling the sting of his wife’s hand on his bottom. As he passed Emily, she couldn’t help but chuckle softly, shaking her head in disbelief.

“Wow, Sarah,” Emily said, once Mark was out of earshot. “I didn’t think you’d actually do it. But… I have to admit, that was impressive.”

Sarah smiled, a hint of satisfaction in her eyes. “Sometimes, you have to follow through on your threats, or they’ll never learn.”

Emily nodded, still grinning. “Well, he certainly learned something today. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look on his face when you pulled his pants down.”

Sarah laughed softly. “Pants down punishment. That's what it's all,about.”

Bathtime for Baby

As the day wore on, Mark kept a low profile, the sting from his earlier punishment still fresh in his mind—and on his bottom. He did his best to stay out of Sarah and Emily’s way, quietly going about his chores and trying to regain some semblance of dignity. But the embarrassment from the morning’s events weighed heavily on him, and he found it difficult to shake the feeling of humiliation.

Evening approached, and Sarah and Emily sat together in the living room, enjoying a glass of wine and some light conversation. Mark was in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner, his mood somber. Emily couldn’t help but glance in his direction every now and then, a mischievous glint in her eyes. She had been thinking about the events of the day, and an idea had been brewing in her mind.

“Sarah,” Emily said, leaning in closer to her sister, her voice low but filled with amusement. “I’ve been thinking… Mark’s been acting like a toddler, so maybe it’s time we treat him like one.”

Sarah raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “What do you mean?”

Emily smiled slyly. “He’s been spanked for his tantrum, but I think he needs to really understand what it means to be treated like a child. What if we put him to bed early? But not just that—we’ll give him a bath first, like the little boy he’s been acting like.”

Sarah’s eyes widened slightly as she considered the idea. The thought of giving Mark a bath, treating him like a misbehaving toddler, was both amusing and oddly satisfying. After a moment, she nodded, her own smile matching Emily’s.

“You know what, Em? I think that’s exactly what he needs,” Sarah agreed, setting her wine glass down with a determined air. “Let’s do it.”

Emily grinned, and the two sisters stood up, making their way into the kitchen where Mark was finishing up the last of the dishes. He looked up as they entered, his eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

“Mark,” Sarah said, her tone calm but authoritative, “it’s getting late, and I think it’s time for you to go to bed.”

Mark blinked, surprised. “But… it’s only 7:30,” he protested weakly.

“Exactly,” Sarah responded, her voice taking on that teasing edge. “And since you’ve been acting like a toddler today, it’s only fitting that you go to bed at a toddler’s bedtime. But first, Emily and I are going to give you a bath.”

Mark’s face turned a deep shade of crimson. “A b-bath? You can’t be serious,” he stammered, the thought of being bathed by his wife and her sister making his stomach churn with embarrassment.

Sarah stepped closer, her expression firm. “Oh, we’re very serious, Mark. You’ve been acting like a child all day, and now you’re going to be treated like one. No arguments.”

Mark looked between the two women, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find the words to protest. But the look in Sarah’s eyes told him that resistance was futile. He was outnumbered, and they were in charge.

“Fine,” he mumbled, his shoulders slumping in defeat. “I’ll go take a bath.”

Sarah shook her head, her smile widening. “Oh no, Mark. We’re going to give you a bath. Just like a little boy who can’t be trusted to do it himself.”

Emily nodded in agreement. “Go upstairs and start running the water, Mark. We’ll be up in a minute.”

With his face burning in humiliation, Mark turned and headed up the stairs, his mind racing. He couldn’t believe this was happening—first, he’d been spanked in front of Emily, and now he was going to be bathed by the two women like some kind of overgrown toddler. The whole situation felt surreal, but he knew better than to argue.

Once upstairs, Mark went into the bathroom and began filling the tub with warm water. As he stood there, waiting for the tub to fill, he heard Sarah and Emily coming up the stairs, their footsteps light but purposeful. A knot of anxiety formed in his stomach as he realized there was no way out of this.

The door to the bathroom opened, and Sarah and Emily entered, both wearing expressions of determination and amusement. Sarah moved to the tub, checking the temperature of the water, while Emily leaned against the counter, watching Mark with a smirk.

“All right, Mark,” Sarah said, turning to him. “Clothes off. It’s bath time.”

Mark hesitated for a moment, his face flushing with embarrassment. But under the watchful eyes of the two women, he knew he had no choice. Slowly, he began to undress, feeling more and more exposed with each piece of clothing he removed. When he was finally naked, he stood there awkwardly, trying to cover himself with his hands.

Sarah noticed his discomfort and, with a knowing smile, reached for a bottle of bubble bath on the counter. She poured a generous amount into the water, and soon, the tub was filled with frothy bubbles that provided a semblance of modesty.

“Go ahead and get in,” Sarah instructed, her tone a bit softer now.

Relieved at the sight of the bubbles, Mark quickly stepped into the tub and sank down into the water, feeling somewhat grateful for the chance to hide his nakedness beneath the thick layer of bubbles. He let out a small sigh of relief, thinking that maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as he had feared.

Sarah and Emily exchanged amused glances as they knelt beside the tub. “Let’s get you all cleaned up,” Sarah said, her voice taking on a motherly tone that only added to Mark’s embarrassment.

Emily grabbed a washcloth and began to lather it up with soap, handing it to Sarah, who started washing Mark’s arms and chest, her movements slow and deliberate. Mark kept his eyes down, focusing on the bubbles, trying to ignore the fact that he was being bathed like a child.

“You’re doing a good job sitting still,” Emily teased as she began to wash his arms, her touch light but efficient. “Maybe you’re finally learning to behave.”

Mark didn’t respond, his face burning with humiliation. The sensation of being washed by the two women was mortifying, but he was thankful for the bubbles that at least provided some semblance of privacy.

But then, Sarah’s tone changed slightly, becoming more authoritative. “All right, Mark, it’s time to stand up. We need to make sure every part of you is clean.”

Mark’s heart sank at her words. He hesitated, not wanting to expose himself, but Sarah’s firm gaze left him no choice. With extreme reluctance, he stood up, the water and bubbles cascading down his body, revealing more of him than he wanted.

Sarah and Emily didn’t give him much time to dwell on his embarrassment. Sarah quickly began washing his stomach and lower back, her touch methodical. Emily, meanwhile, took care of his legs, her hands moving with an almost clinical efficiency.

“Spread your legs a bit, Mark,” Sarah instructed, her voice calm but firm. “We need to make sure everything’s nice and clean.”

Mark’s face flushed with heat as he complied, feeling utterly exposed. The lingering bubbles provided some cover, but not enough to shield him completely from the humiliating experience. To his horror, as Sarah’s hands moved closer to his most intimate areas, he felt a stirring below. It was the last thing he wanted to happen, but his body seemed to betray him. He tried to will it away, but the sensation only grew stronger.

Sarah noticed the change, her eyes flicking up to meet Mark’s. There was a subtle shift in her expression—amusement mixed with something else.

Emily, standing behind Sarah, noticed too and couldn’t suppress a giggle. “Oh dear, Mark,” she said, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. “Looks like someone’s enjoying his bath a little too much.”

Mark’s face turned an even deeper shade of red, mortification washing over him as he stood there, unable to hide his arousal. He wanted to sink into the floor and disappear, but there was no escape.

Sarah continued washing him, her touch still gentle but now tinged with a deliberate slowness, as if she were teasing him further. “It seems our little boy isn’t as innocent as we thought,” she remarked, her tone light but with an edge of mischief.

Mark squeezed his eyes shut, wishing this nightmare would end. But Sarah and Emily seemed to be in no hurry, taking their time as they made sure he was thoroughly clean.

“Now, turn around, Mark,” Sarah instructed, her voice still calm. “We need to make sure your bottom is clean too.”

Mark’s eyes snapped open, and he looked at her in disbelief. “Sarah, please…” he begged, his voice barely above a whisper, but the look in her eyes told him there was no room for negotiation.

Trembling with shame, Mark did as he was told, turning around and bending over slightly, his hands resting on the edge of the tub. He felt utterly humiliated, his dignity in tatters as he presented himself for what was to come. His bottom was fully exposed, and Sarah’s hands spread his cheeks wide, leaving him completely vulnerable.

Emily approached with a washcloth, her gaze fixed on Mark’s exposed rear. She dipped the cloth into the soapy water and began to clean him with deliberate, thorough strokes. As Emily worked, Mark’s arousal began to rise uncontrollably. The intimate nature of the cleaning and Emily’s touch intensified his response.

With his legs spread wide and his bottom lifted, Mark’s erection was prominently displayed between his legs, the bulging, purple tip was fully visible, straining against the air.

Mark’s face turned a deep shade of red, his humiliation amplified by the intense arousal that he could not control. The exposure of his erection, completely unmasked and prominent between his spread legs, only added to his discomfort.

Emily, while continuing her cleaning, glanced at Mark’s aroused state with a mix of amusement and professionalism. “Just making sure you’re thoroughly clean,” she said, her tone calm but carrying a hint of amusement. “Though I must admit, your reaction is quite… revealing.”

Sarah stepped closer, her smirk widening. “You know, Mark,” she said with a teasing edge, “if you’re getting this worked up just from Emily’s cleaning, maybe there’s something more to it. Do you have a little crush on her? Because that reaction certainly suggests something.”

Mark’s eyes widened with mortification as he tried to manage both his physical reaction and the intense embarrassment of being so openly scrutinized. His erection was entirely visible, making the situation even more humiliating.

Emily finished her cleaning with a final, deliberate stroke and stepped back. “All done,” she said, her voice carrying a subtle note of satisfaction. “I think we’ve made sure you’re completely clean.”

Sarah released her hold on Mark’s cheeks, allowing him to straighten up, his arousal painfully evident. Sarah and Emily exchanged a knowing look, their smirks revealing their enjoyment of his predicament.

“Stand there and face us, Mark,” Sarah said with a hint of authority. “Let's see exactly how naughty you are.”

Emily and Sarah stood silently, their eyes fixed on the sight before them. Neither woman said a word, but their silence was heavy with unspoken judgment and amusement. Emily’s gaze remained steady, while Sarah’s eyes lingered on Mark’s exposed arousal, a smirk playing at her lips.

The silence was oppressive and seemed to magnify Mark’s embarrassment. The throbbing, twitching state of his penis was laid bare in front of them, and the lack of verbal commentary only made the situation feel more intense.

Mark’s face burned with a deep red flush as he tried to maintain his composure. The lack of words from Emily and Sarah left him feeling even more exposed and uncomfortable, the silence amplifying his humiliation.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Emily and Sarah broke their silence with a shared glance, their expressions filled with a mixture of satisfaction and amusement. Mark, still standing there, felt every second of his vulnerability, knowing that their silent observation had made the experience all the more intense and mortifying.

“All right, Mark,” Sarah said, handing him a towel. “Dry yourself off and get into your pajamas. It’s time for bed.”

Mark quickly took the towel, grateful for the chance to cover himself. He dried off as fast as he could, trying to avoid the eyes of both Sarah and Emily, who were still watching him with those bemused expressions. His face was flushed with embarrassment, but he was also painfully aware that he was still aroused, his body betraying him in the most humiliating way possible.

Once he was dry, Mark slipped into the pajamas that Sarah handed him. The fabric felt rough against his sensitive skin, but he was just thankful to be covered up again. He tried to will his arousal away, but it lingered stubbornly, making him feel even more ashamed.

“Come on, Mark,” Sarah said, her tone softer now. “Let’s get you tucked in.”

Tucked In Toddler

Mark followed her to the bedroom, where Emily was already pulling back the covers on the bed. He hesitated for a moment, feeling a wave of humiliation wash over him again. The idea of being tucked into bed like a child, while still aroused, was almost too much to bear. But he knew better than to argue.

Sarah guided him to the bed, and he slid under the covers, pulling them up to his chin in an attempt to hide his lingering arousal. Emily smoothed the blankets over him, her hands lingering just long enough to remind him of his embarrassing state.

“Goodnight, Mark,” Emily said with a grin, her voice teasing. “Sleep tight.”

Sarah leaned down, brushing a hand gently over his cheek. “You’ve had a long day, Mark,” she said softly, her tone more comforting now. “But before I leave you to sleep, there’s something I need to make very clear.”

Mark looked up at her, his heart pounding in his chest. There was something about her tone that made him nervous, despite the gentleness in her voice.

“You’re still aroused,” Sarah continued, her eyes flicking down to the telltale bulge under the covers. “And I understand that after everything that happened tonight, you might be tempted to… relieve yourself.”

Mark’s face burned with embarrassment, and he opened his mouth to protest, but Sarah silenced him with a stern look.

“Don’t even think about it,” she warned, her voice firm. “If I catch you touching yourself, or if I even suspect that you’ve been playing with yourself, you’ll be right back over my knee for another spanking. And this time, it will be much worse.”

Mark swallowed hard, his heart racing at the thought. The memory of the spanking he’d received earlier was still fresh in his mind, and the idea of going through that again—especially in his current state—was terrifying.

“Do you understand me, Mark?” Sarah asked, her voice leaving no room for argument.

“Y-yes, Sarah,” Mark stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Good,” she said, her tone softening again. She leaned down and kissed his forehead, a gesture that felt both comforting and condescending at the same time. “Now, get some sleep. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

With that, Sarah stood up, giving him one last stern look before turning off the light and leaving the room. Emily followed her out, pausing at the door to give Mark a playful wave.

“Sweet dreams, Mark,” she said with a mischievous smile before closing the door behind her.

Sweet Temptations

Mark lay there in the darkness, his heart still pounding and his body still frustratingly aroused. The events of the evening played over and over in his mind, each memory more humiliating than the last. His arousal was undeniable, throbbing painfully between his legs despite his exhaustion. Sarah's warning about not touching himself or facing further punishment replayed in his mind, but the desperate need for release was overwhelming.

Carefully, he lowered the covers and pulled his pajamas down just enough to expose himself. The cool air heightened his sensitivity, and he reluctantly acknowledged a growing and uncomfortable attraction to his sister-in-law Emily. The thought both excited and embarrassed him, adding to his overall sense of unease.

He took a deep breath, his hand trembling as he licked his fingers to add moisture. With his hand now slick, he began to stroke himself slowly, each movement causing jolts of pleasure. The idea of catching his release in his hand and swallowing it seemed like the only way to avoid leaving any trace. Despite the embarrassment of having to swallow, which was something he associated only women with having to do, he felt there was no other option.

As he stroked faster, trying to remain as quiet as possible, his thoughts turned to Emily. He couldn’t help but fantasize about her, his arousal intensified by his secret longing and the tension of his predicament. Every touch seemed to feed into his illicit thoughts, and the risk of being caught by Sarah, who would likely punish him severely, made the situation even more charged.

Naughtiness Detected

As Sarah and Emily settled back into the living room, they chatted lightly, their conversation punctuated by the occasional chuckle as they recalled the events of the evening. Emily couldn’t help but feel a lingering sense of amusement, imagining Mark lying there in bed, still grappling with his embarrassing arousal and Sarah’s stern warning.

But as they talked, Sarah’s ears perked up at a faint sound coming from upstairs. She paused mid-sentence, tilting her head slightly as she tried to catch it again. Emily noticed the change in her sister’s demeanor and fell silent, following her gaze toward the ceiling.

There it was again—a soft rustling, the unmistakable sound of movement. Sarah’s expression darkened, and Emily’s eyes widened in realization. The two women exchanged a knowing look.

“He wouldn’t dare…” Emily whispered, a grin spreading across her face.

“Oh, I think he would,” Sarah replied, her voice low but edged with a dangerous calm. “It seems Mark didn’t take my warning seriously.”

Without another word, Sarah stood up, her posture radiating authority, and Emily followed close behind as they made their way quietly up the stairs. The closer they got to the bedroom, the more certain they were of what they were hearing—the telltale sounds of movement under the covers, the faint rustle of fabric, and the occasional soft gasp that Mark was trying so hard to suppress.

When they reached the bedroom door, Sarah paused, her hand on the doorknob. She looked at Emily, who nodded, her grin widening with anticipation. Then, with a swift motion, Sarah flung the door open, the suddenness of it catching Mark completely off guard.

The light from the hallway spilled into the room, illuminating the scene before them. Mark was lying on his back, the covers kicked down to his knees, his pajamas down, his hand frozen in place on his cock. His eyes went wide with shock and horror as he realized he’d been caught red-handed—literally.

Sarah’s eyes narrowed, her expression one of both disappointment and anger. Emily stood behind her, covering her mouth with her hand to stifle a giggle, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

“What do you think you’re doing, Mark?” Sarah’s voice was cold, cutting through the silence like a knife.

Mark’s face turned a deep shade of crimson, his hand quickly retreating  as he scrambled to pull the covers back up. But it was too late—the damage was done. He stammered, his words coming out in a rush of panicked denial.

“S-Sarah, I…I wasn’t… I mean, I just—”

“Enough,” Sarah snapped, cutting him off. “I warned you, didn’t I? I told you exactly what would happen if you disobeyed me, and yet here you are, thinking you could get away with it.”

Mark’s mouth opened and closed as he struggled to find something—anything—to say that might excuse his behavior. But the stern look in Sarah’s eyes, and the mocking amusement in Emily’s, left him completely speechless.

Sarah stepped forward, her voice lowering to a dangerous whisper. “You couldn’t even last ten minutes, could you? And after everything I did to remind you of your place tonight, you still thought you could disobey me.”

Mark’s heart pounded in his chest, fear and shame battling for dominance in his mind. He knew he was in deep trouble, and the worst part was that he had no one to blame but himself.

Sarah glanced back at Emily, who was barely containing her laughter, before turning her gaze back to Mark. “Well, it seems I have no choice now. You’ve forced my hand.”

Mark’s breath hitched as he realized what was coming. He tried to stammer out another apology, but Sarah wasn’t interested in hearing it. She was already moving toward the bed, her steps deliberate and unyielding.

“Get out of bed,” she ordered, her voice leaving no room for argument. “Now.”

Mark hesitated for a fraction of a second, but the look in Sarah’s eyes made it clear that disobedience was not an option. He quickly threw the covers off and swung his legs over the side of the bed, standing up on shaky legs. He tried to pull his pajama pants up higher, but Sarah’s sharp gaze made him stop, his hands trembling as they hovered uncertainly by his sides.

“Now,” Sarah said, her voice dropping to a low, stern tone, “since you clearly didn’t learn your lesson earlier, we’re going to have to make sure you do this time.”

Before Mark could even process what was happening, Sarah yanked his pajama pants all the way down to his ankles. His hands instinctively shot down to cover himself, but Sarah grabbed his wrists and pulled them away.

“Oh no, you don’t,” she said, her tone both mocking and authoritative. “You wanted to play with yourself, didn’t you? Well, now you’re going to have to face the consequences.”

Mark’s heart raced with fear and humiliation as Sarah guided him over her knee, his bare bottom exposed once more. The arousal that had been so strong moments before now felt like a cruel joke, leaving him feeling even more vulnerable and ashamed.

Emily, watching the whole thing with wide eyes and a delighted grin, couldn’t help but marvel at how thoroughly Sarah had taken control. Mark, who had been so defiant earlier, was now reduced to a trembling, embarrassed mess, completely at the mercy of his wife.

“I warned you, Mark,” Sarah said, her voice calm but stern as she raised her hand. “And now you’re going to get the spanking you deserve.”

And with that, Sarah brought her hand down with a sharp smack on Mark’s bare bottom. He yelped in pain and embarrassment, the sound echoing through the room as Sarah delivered a firm, measured spanking. Each slap was a reminder of his disobedience, a punishment for his failure to control himself.

Emily watched with a mix of amusement and satisfaction, feeling that Mark was getting exactly what he deserved. She could see the tears welling up in his eyes, the way his body tensed with each strike, and she knew that this was a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget.

As Sarah delivered the sharp smacks to Mark’s bare bottom, the sound echoed through the room, punctuated by his yelps of pain and embarrassment. Emily watched with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed, thoroughly enjoying the spectacle.

Sarah’s hand came down again and again with sharp cracks, leaving Mark’s bottom red and stinging, but she could tell he still hadn’t fully absorbed the lesson. She paused for a moment, her hand resting on his quivering backside, as she looked over at Emily with a thoughtful expression.

“Emily,” Sarah said, her voice calm but carrying an edge of authority, “could you do me a favor and fetch my hairbrush from the dresser?”

Mark’s eyes widened in horror, and he twisted his head around to look at Sarah, his face a mask of panic and disbelief. “Sarah, no, please!” he begged, his voice trembling. “I’m sorry! I really am! I won’t do it again!”

Sarah’s grip on his wrist tightened, keeping him firmly in place. “You should have thought about that before you disobeyed me, Mark. This is for your own good.”

Emily grinned, more than happy to assist. She walked over to the dresser, her steps deliberate, savoring every moment. She opened the drawer and pulled out the wooden hairbrush, feeling its solid weight in her hand. It was the perfect tool for driving home the lesson Mark so clearly needed to learn.

“Here you go, Sarah,” Emily said cheerfully, handing the hairbrush over with a flourish.

“Thank you, Em,” Sarah replied, taking the hairbrush and examining it for a moment before turning her attention back to Mark.

Mark trembled in fear and humiliation, his heart pounding in his chest as he anticipated the new level of pain that was about to be inflicted on him. He tried to squirm out of Sarah’s grip, but she held him firmly in place, her determination unwavering.

“Now, Mark,” Sarah said, her voice calm but with an unmistakable edge, “since you didn’t learn your lesson the first time, we’re going to make sure it really sinks in this time.”

With that, she raised the hairbrush high and brought it down with a resounding crack on Mark’s already sore bottom. The difference was immediate—Mark let out a cry of pain, his body jerking with the impact. The hairbrush’s hard surface delivered a sharper, deeper sting than Sarah’s hand, and it wasn’t long before Mark was whimpering and pleading for mercy.

Sarah didn’t relent. She delivered firm, measured strokes with the hairbrush, each one leaving a bright red mark on Mark’s exposed skin. The sound of the hairbrush striking his bottom filled the room, mingling with his increasingly desperate cries.

Emily watched with a mix of satisfaction and awe as Sarah methodically punished Mark. She could see the tears welling up in his eyes, the way his body tensed and trembled with each strike, and she knew that this was a punishment he would never forget.

“Maybe next time you’ll think twice before disobeying me,” Sarah said sternly, punctuating her words with another sharp smack of the hairbrush.

Mark could only nod weakly, his voice too choked with sobs to respond properly. He was completely overwhelmed by the pain and the humiliation, his earlier defiance now thoroughly shattered.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Sarah lowered the hairbrush, satisfied that the lesson had been thoroughly learned. She allowed Mark to slide off her knee and onto the floor, where he crumpled in a heap, his hands instinctively moving to rub his sore, burning bottom.

“Get up, Mark,” Sarah ordered, her voice firm yet controlled. “You’re going to go back to bed, but first, there’s something we need to check.”

Mark struggled to his feet, his body trembling from the intensity of the spanking. His hands hung awkwardly at his sides as he avoided looking at either Sarah or Emily, desperate to escape further embarrassment.

“Emily,” Sarah said, her tone calm but authoritative, “let’s make sure there are no… lingering signs of arousal. I want to be certain he’s learned his lesson tonight.”

Emily’s eyes gleamed with amusement as she stepped forward, her gaze dropping to Mark’s groin. She leaned in closer, her smirk widening as she took in the sight before her. The earlier arousal that had so embarrassed Mark was now completely gone, his penis shriveled to a tiny nub, and his testicles pulled tight against his body from the stress of the punishment.

“Oh my, look at that,” Emily said with a mischievous grin, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. “It seems someone’s little friend has completely disappeared. Barely a nub left now, and those testicles? Pulled in so tight you can hardly see them!”

Mark’s face burned with humiliation as he looked down at himself, mortified by the situation. His earlier arousal had evaporated entirely, leaving him exposed and vulnerable in front of the two women, who were clearly enjoying his discomfort.

Sarah crossed her arms, her expression stern but with a hint of satisfaction. “It seems you’re not so eager to disobey me now, are you, Mark?” she remarked, her voice carrying a tone of mockery that cut right through him.

Mark shook his head quickly, his voice trembling as he choked out, “No, Sarah… I’m sorry… I really am…”

Emily leaned in even closer, her gaze fixed on Mark’s shrunken genitals. “You know, Sarah,” she said, still grinning, “it’s quite the change from a few minutes ago. All that excitement, and now… well, there’s not much left, is there?”

Mark’s humiliation deepened, the weight of their teasing pressing down on him like a heavy blanket. He couldn’t bring himself to look either of them in the eye, the shame of his situation overwhelming him.

“Good,” Sarah said, her tone softening slightly as she reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s important that you understand the consequences of your actions. Maybe now you’ll think twice before disobeying me again.”

Mark nodded weakly, his voice too choked with emotion to respond properly. The intense humiliation he felt was unlike anything he had ever experienced, and he knew that the memory of this night would haunt him for a long time.

Sarah finally stepped back, letting go of his shoulder. “Now, Mark, get back into bed and go to sleep. You’re not to touch yourself again, understand?”

“Yes, Sarah,” Mark mumbled, his voice barely audible as he quickly climbed back into bed, pulling the covers up to his chin in an attempt to hide his shriveled state.

Emily watched him with a satisfied grin, clearly enjoying every moment of his humiliation. “Goodnight, Mark,” she said, her tone still teasing. “Sleep well, and try not to let that little nub get you into any more trouble.”

With that, Sarah and Emily turned and left the room, closing the door behind them. As they walked back down the stairs, Emily couldn’t help but chuckle softly, shaking her head in disbelief.

“You really put him in his place, Sarah,” she said with a grin. “I don’t think he’ll be forgetting this night any time soon.”

Sarah smiled softly, though there was a hint of weariness in her eyes. “I hope not, Em. He needed to learn that this kind of behavior won’t be tolerated.”

Emily nodded in agreement, still grinning. “Well, one thing’s for sure—he definitely won’t be getting any ideas about disobeying you again, not after that. Especially not with his little friend reduced to almost nothing.”

Sarah chuckled lightly, her mood lightening as they settled back into the living room. “Let’s hope so. But if he does, well… we’ll just have to remind him again, won’t we?”

Emily raised her glass in a mock toast. “To a well-behaved Mark,” she said with a wink, and Sarah couldn’t help but laugh as they clinked glasses, knowing that tonight’s lesson had been thoroughly learned and would likely never be forgotten.


  1. Caught in bed, after a spanking, the friend if did not know would see how this is handled. I would be taken from the bedroom to the bathroom, pajamas off, towel on floor and have to finish the job with both watching. I would have to clean myself up, my wife/mommy would then say with a stern voice, to the front room, I would do as told and say Yes Mommy. The friend would be told that when I'm a naughty little boy she is the Mommy. Walking to the frontroom she would take the bathbrush from the hall wall. Oh the spanking would be a very sound spanking, kicking, squirming, pleading, facing the wall afterwards. My wife/mommy said in this story I would have to address the friend as Aunt, and she would tell her friend that being an Aunt meant she could give her nephew a spanking when I'm a naughty little boy. I would be told to put on my pajamas and get back to bed, which I would quickly do. In the morning there would be a pillow for me to sit on for breakfast. Both would inspect my spanked bottom, make comments. Jack

  2. Nice and hawt. Would have been nicer if Emily had joined in, but then wouldn't have been so realistic. Given that the goal was to establish Sarah's authority when she is disciplining Mark (and not something else they haven't agreed on), I think the second spanking pushed that goal over the finish line. Oh, and the teasing and humiliation was both appropriate to the situation and well-done. As for her sister finding out, she already suspected, and was bound to do so anyway. In short, nothing that should negatively impact Mark's marriage or his standing in the local community unlike some of the OTP humiliations in previous stories.

    1. Ah ha! Got it! I'll strive for more realistic in that sense going forward. I like that too.

  3. I’ve been feeling out of sorts and irritable of late, and it just so happens that my sister-in-law and niece are visiting this weekend for probably the last gathering of the summer. I’ll be imagining my powerful wife giving me a hard spanking in front of our guests every day while they’re here. Every time I see them smile, I’ll think of bath time and them witnessing my full arousal. My sister-in-law saying, “Is that it?”, while my niece stifles a giggle and exclaims, “Oh, Aunt _____, I’m so sorry!” There will be one part of this story I’ll be able to recreate, after hopefully being treated with seeing my niece in her bikini all weekend. I hope I don’t get caught! - david

    1. You're going to jerk it to images of your niece? Shame on you, david!

    2. If I’m very lucky, the sweet scent of her panties! - david

  4. Perhaps a ruined orgasm next time for a bad boy who has a stiffy in front of mummy and his sister in law?

  5. Love it, particularly the hairbrush spanking scene. I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing for that exact scenario.

    1. A good hairbrushing can sure get a boy howling!

  6. If men have no self control and keep showing off their erections inappropriately then make them rub and spurt again and again. Both pathetic and painful.

  7. Maybe clinically milk his naughty erection with rubber gloves and male masturbator and make him show and swallow in front of sister?

  8. Niece update. Overheard my wife and niece talking about benefits of role playing in a female led relationship if “right man can be found”. Niece bemoaned, “not many men out there like my uncle.” Flattered. My niece is a sweetheart. Wicked too.

    1. She likes that you're such a wimp ;-)

    2. I think the shortage is actually women like your wife and your niece. - david

    3. Beware, your niece is up to something about your butt hole.
