Friday, February 18

Corporal Punishment for Children

By now it is the conventional wisdom that children ought not to be spanked, and in fact many jurisdictions have laws prohibiting it, or effectively prohibiting it. For the most part I agree with those laws, but there is a nuance there that I think is worth discussing.

In looking for kinky stuff for adults, it often happens that one accidentally chances across an anti-child-spanking piece. I recently bumped into the following entitled "Corporal Punishment".

The two Latina women had both experienced corporal punishment as children and teenagers. Their big theme is that the corporal punishment they experienced involved parental anger and rage, complete loss of control, feelings of being unsafe, frustrations, aggression, and violence. They also often did not understand why they were being hit. They both struggle to understand and forgive their parents.

I also experienced and witnessed corporal punishment as a young child. I recounted my experiences in my blog post Childhood Spankings.

My earliest spanking was given calmly by my Dad for not blowing my nose when told to (over and over again). As a kid I did not understand the connection between my misbehavior and the spanking I received, and I was a bit traumatized by the experience. It's obvious now, in retrospect, and for all I know, it was explained to me clearly, but I was too young to understand.

For my Christmas Spanking, when I did not have a nap when told to and insisted on gabbing even after being put to bed, and was repeatedly warned, including by my sister (we shared a room at the time). The third time Daddy had to come into the room he gave me a little spanking across his knee and over the seat of my panties in front of Sue. He was not angry, and he was not abusive. I cried afterwards, but I did not feel traumatized by that one. I thought it unfair that I was being forced to nap, but I did understand that I had misbehaved, been given plenty of warnings, and earned that little spanking. Sue even warned me I would get a spanking if I didn't shut up, and I ignored her. I was definitely testing boundaries. I was around 8-years-old.

My final childhood spanking was when my Mom spanked me when I wouldn't eat my peas around age 10. I had to miss dessert and was told I had to sit there until I ate them after everyone else had left to go play. I was very stubborn and my Mom lost her patience with me and held a spoonful to my mouth and ordered me to eat them. I got angry and slapped the spoon away and the peas went flying all over, including into Mom's face. Mom can have a bit of a temper, and she showed it then. She took me right across her lap and gave me a bare bottom spanking on the spot. Again, I did not understand why I had to eat peas (I ate other veggies, I just hated peas, and still do). But I knew the moment I slapped the spoon away that I had gone too far. It was no longer a "peaceful protest" at that point. I had crossed a line. I had earned that spanking and I knew it. And I felt Mom's anger was 100% justified. I tried very hard not to cross Mom again for years after that! But it was that spanking from Mom that made her stop all spankings. I guess she felt herself losing control and didn't think it was right. I thought then (and now) that she was justified.

Around that same time I witnessed a boy cousin being belt-whipped over his Dad's one raised knee while in his pajamas. He had been specifically annoying me. Sue told on him, and his Dad was enraged and gave him the belt. It was hard and it certainly looked abusive. The Dad was enraged and scary. My cousin was beside himself and cried for, like, an hour afterwards. In the earliest inklings of femdom, though, I was happy to see him get it like that, and happy that he had been reduced to a crying little baby for bugging me. Sue and I even teased him about it, cruel as we were. In retrospect, he was lucky his Dad let him keep his pajamas up. I wonder if my cousin turned into a spanko in later life? We hardly ever see them now. 

So, I would say a mix of abusive and non-abusive.

And this is the reason why I generally support the anti-spanking laws for children. Even my folks sometimes got it a bit wrong. And there are a lot of damaged and unhinged parents out there, and the only practical way to protect children from some pretty traumatizing and major psychological abuse is likely to ban it almost outright.

The Canadian criminal code states

Every schoolteacher, parent or person standing in the place of a parent is justified in using force by way of correction toward a pupil or child, as the case may be, who is under his care, if the force does not exceed what is reasonable under the circumstances.

However, in a 2004 court case that challenged the constitutionality of the above, the court upheld it but severly narrowed it.

  • Parents/caregivers can only use corrective force (or physical punishment) that is minor or "transitory and trifling" in nature. For example, spanking or slapping a child hard enough that it leaves a mark or bruise would not be considered "transitory and trifling" and would not be reasonable.
  • Teachers cannot use force for physical punishment under any circumstances. Teachers may be permitted to use reasonable force toward a child in appropriate circumstances, such as to remove a child from a classroom.
  • Physical punishment cannot be used on children younger than two-years-old or older than twelve-years-old.
  • Physical punishment cannot be used on a child in anger or in retaliation for something a child did.
  • Objects, such as belts or rulers, must never be used on a child.
  • Any use of force on a child cannot be degrading.
  • The seriousness of the child’s misbehaviour is not relevant to deciding whether the force used was reasonable. The force used must be minor, no matter what the child did.

So that pretty much kills it, but it should be noted that my Christmas Spanking (though delivered well before this court case was decided) would likely satisfy all the rules (but is it "degrading" to be spanked over your panties in front of your older sister? Is a red bum considered "a mark".)

Certainly, the limitations are like a recipe book for adult kinky spanking.

As I said before, I do agree for the most part with the Canadian law as it stands now, but I regret that there is a bit of "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" with the court's interpretation of the wording.

What if the spanking is well-earned, and that the child fully understands that the spanking is a consequence of their misbehavior (but not necessarily agreed upon, of course)? And what if the spanking is very proportionate to the misbehavior, is in no way brutal or resulting in sustained injury? And what if the parent is calm when delivering the spanking, and that the child understands that the discipline is delivered with love and for their own good?

If this sort of spanking were accepted by the community, and if the child was subject to this from a young age right up until they leave the nest, then should not this be considered "reasonable". And is exactly that not what the framers of the law had in mind, and not how the activist judiciary interpreted it?

Here is an alternative interpretation of "reasonable":

  • A child may only be struck for disciplinary purposes on the most fleshy parts of its buttocks and thighs. This is defined as a Spanking.
  • A Spanking may not be delivered in externally observable anger.
  • The child must be old enough and capable of understanding what they did was wrong and that the Spanking is a consequence of that.
  • There is no age limitation for Spanking a child, subject to the above.
  • Spanking may be carried out by the parent or legal guardian of the child, or such others that the parent or legal guardian has delegated this authority to.
  • It must be known in advance by the child that a consequence of the misbehavior in question will be a Spanking. Otherwise, only a warning may be given. If the misbehavior is immediately repeated after the clear warning, the Spanking may then be given.
  • It must be clearly explained to the child before its Spanking what they did wrong, that they had been previously warned that the misbehavior would result in a Spanking, and that the Spanking is a consequence of that.
  • The severity of the Spanking must be proportionate to the severity of the misbehavior.
  • Light marking and light bruising of the buttocks is considered reasonable for more serious misbehavior, however heavy bruising or bleeding would always be considered unreasonable as a result of a Spanking.
  • The child may have its bottom bared for a Spanking and for any prior or post Spanking timeout situation, which is also considered reasonable.
  • While the open hand is recognized as sufficient in delivering a Spanking for most purposes, in cases of physical limitations, or when the severity of a misbehavior warrants it, implements of various types and descriptions may be used for Spanking subject to the above considerations. Such implements may include, but are not limited to a hairbrush, paddle, wooden spoon, kitchen spatula, belt, strap, switch, cane, footwear, martinet.
  • After the application of any form of Spanking discipline has been concluded, the child must be held and hugged, and told they are forgiven and much loved.

I know, it's very hard to enforce this, and you give some crazy parents an inch and they'll take a mile. Perhaps licensing parents to spank? They must attend a course where all of this is clearly laid out, and must be tested on it afterwards before obtaining their license. [And, of course, there should be a practicum where the course participants give one another somewhat more severe bare-bottomed sample spankings before receiving their licenses. 😉]

At any rate, I consider the above, embedded in a societal matrix where all the above is considered acceptable, to itself be reasonable. Anybody violating the above, such as beating in anger, or striking non-spanking areas of the child, will receive the full force of the law and societal approbation.

I think all of the studies that say "spanking" is bad do not distinguish what I would call a reasonable spanking from the abusive crap that the speakers in the above video talk about, which we can all agree to decry.

I don't know, is this just the spanko in me talking? Probably. I can't honestly tell anymore. Don't let spankos draw up these laws? Big caveat that I am not a Mom, but I was a kid, and think I could have benefited from a continuation of spanking into my teens under the above regime. Do others of you share my view that the current Canadian definition is overly constrained? And if so, where would you draw the line as far as children are concerned? And if you say "no spanking at all!!!" I get it and I appreciate that point-of-view as well.


  1. Hi Julie,

    Surprisingly thoughtful post (the humor notwithstanding). I'm a Mom with two little girls and am myself "into" being spanked by my husband. I'm also a Christian, and was spanked myself growing up (last spanking with my Dad's belt at age 16 for underage drinking - smartened me right up.)

    I do give my little girls swats on their bottoms when I need them to mind me. Just a couple of pops over their clothes. I'm supposing that as they grow into their teens spanking will be completely outlawed.

    But I agree with you that loving discipline can and should include spanking. I do not feel at all "abused" by the belt licking I got from my Dad (over my jeans). He explained what I did wrong and why it was wrong, which I very much knew already, and the licking just smartened me up and I really didn't do it again. After my licking I was forgiven and Dad said "let's not speak about this again". I knew I'd done wrong and that I deserved every lick.Most of my other spankings were pretty much the same, but like you, it was my Mom who tended to lose her temper with me, not my Dad.

    I get you're not a Mom, but for me, spanking my girls, and my spanking fetish, are like two completely different things with no overlap at all. Oh I get that the act of swatting a butt is similar, but everything else about it is totally different.


    1. Hi Deb, thank you for your comment.
      I can definitely see how the things are so totally different.

  2. Right on. Too much politically correct horseshit out there. Yes child abusers should face consequences, but a reasonable spanking, given with love in the heart, should not be fucking illegal.

    1. If only it could be policed. I'm afraid that if it's legal, it will be abused, 100%

  3. Sorry, do not agree at all. Hitting children doesn't teach them anything good at all. There are other, better ways that do not damage a child that can be used. It's just incompetent parenting otherwise.

    1. I respect that point of view. It just feels a bit authoritarian to foist that view on responsible parents who incorporate reasonable spanking. They disagree. I don't know who's right.

  4. Promoting child abuse now? What a stupid Trump-loving cunt you are.

    1. Thank you for your delightful comment. I bathe in your outrage. It improves my complexion.

    2. What a world! I can’t tell if that is a genuine reaction from someone hallucinating that you said something you didn’t or someone attempting satire. For what it’s worth, In my family, spanking was reserved for young children who are putting themselves in a physically dangerous situation that they don’t understand, such as running into traffic. And I reserve the “c”-word only for Deputy Prime Ministers (Deputy Dictators) who celebrate taking rights and property away from people without due process. - david

    3. I feel like I shouldn't threaten a mouth-soaping given commenter david and I used the exact same word just above, but perhaps three are called for?

  5. I think, in an ideal world, with ideal parents, and a kid with the right temperament, then sure. But in this world? For every 1 kid it helps, there's going to be a 100 it harms. For that reason I say it should be illegal for kids.

    Mind you, for grown women who have provided their husbands consent in advance, and then act like naughty little girls, spanking should definitely be allowed, and even encouraged!

  6. bad idea. child abuse.

    1. Abuse by definition is bad.
      Is it not also abusive to raise a child with inadequate discipline?

  7. My belief is that spanking is an acceptable punishment if done properly. No matter the age when someone is going to be disciplined it should never be done in anger, there should be clear explanation of why and what is going to happen, and the person should always feel loved and cared about.

  8. My thoughts -- why are we talking about this when we could be hearing more of Tom and Sandy's story? Or are you trying to stretch that out, Julie? Whatever we may think of the law, they are certainly not going to change it on the advice of a bunch of spankos! - Frank

    1. Have another couple of exercises under the belt that I need to blog about. Coming!

  9. I am personally opposed to spanking kids, but I generally agree with you in terms of what should be legal. My sole disagreement is with bare-bottom—or, indeed, on underwear—spankings. I see no legitimate disciplinary reason to partially or fully undress a child for spanking. This only serves to humiliate the child and potentially sexualize the spanking, for the parent and/or the child.

    1. Well, my Mom ripped my panties right down and spanked me bare bum and look at how I turned out, not sexualizing spanking at all 😉

    2. I confess to enjoying reading "true life" accounts of little girls being spanked bare bum. I put myself in their place. Am I a bad person for that?

    3. Of course not! We all do. Having a firm grasp on the distinction between fantasy and reality allows one to fantasize anything at all!

  10. I want to know where you find the time to do LONG posts almost daily? Send me whatever drug you are taking.

    Second, Put me down to spank the single moms in the practicum.


    1. Adderall.
      (Just kidding)
      Lack of sleep helps!

  11. Hi Julie,
    Unlike your mother, my mum was really strict with me and barely a day would go by without her pulling my panties down and spanking me for one thing or another. This happened from the age of about five onwards. It was clear to me even then that my mum enjoyed what she was doing. The spankings were always slow and ritual with her drawing my panties down slowly and scolding me while I cried. When she smacked it was really hard and my bum would feel like it was on fire. She would sit back with a pleased smile on her face watching me nurse my scalded heiny.

    So far, so normal! But it was after I had been spanked that mum deployed her special twist. She would dress me up in a short skirt, halter top and no panties. Then it was off to the mall or other public place.
    I'm now a 30-year-old mother of two girls aged ten and twelve and I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy punishing both my daughters. I have incorporated some of my mother's methods into my own girls' discipline. They always keep their panties outside, however.
    I can tell you now, having to perform the most personal duties on a man your mum has just brought home from the mall might be the most humiliating (and effective) punishment I can imagine.


  12. My grandmother was from the days of home beatings and public spankings. She had retained a certain belief in the positive consequences of humiliation. She liked to tell in the presence of the punished one, with a smirk, that he had received a good slap on the bottom and she added, while we lowered our heads "he is embarrassed". More than the slap itself, it was the fact she says it out loud for everyone to hear that was humiliating. At home, my father would pull up the leg of our shorts and the underpants to spank our bare asses and it was especially humiliating in front of the family. At school corporal punishment was allowed. The teacher once called me to the plateform because I lied and in front of the whole class slapped me in the face and sent me back to my seat (humiliating). I escaped, by changing school, the last class (7th) held by the director of the school (a modern school practicing the Freinet method): he gave bare ass spankings and boys had to stay in the corner, pants down during class (more humiliating)
    The father of a little cousin was not shy to tell that he used to give her the martinet to her and her brother and that, at home, they were completely stripped, whipped and sent to the corner.
    There too it was that he tells it that was embarrassing for her, which did not prevent her from walking around in a little shorty when she was on vacation with us.
    Should children still be spanked? Without a doubt, a good smack on a bare buttcheek or a bare upper thigh can't hurt them. But above all, never hesitate to say out loud "You would deserve a good spanking!" whether in the family or in public. Humiliation is the key factor.

    1. We'll all of that is very exciting to me, which is likely why spankos should not get involved in the law making on this subject!

  13. Given how empathetic most kids are I suggest rather than spanking them directly a surrogate could be used.

    "If you don't eat your peas then I'm going to bring Ms Julie round for a bare bottom spanking."

    If the kid still acts out a phone call is made, Julie comes over.

    "Oh, Billy, why couldn't you have just eaten your peas, you need them to grow up to be big and strong!"

    One kinky spanko could be surrogate for a whole street!

    1. Didn't royalty used to have "whipping boys"?

  14. I feel like this is a troll post.

    Hitting a child is clearly a terrible idea. I am sure you know this.

    (Spanking in adults is a whole different thing.)

    You are a smart person. This is therefore likely a troll post to fuck with your audience. Which suggests that you are probably trolling with a lot of your other outlandish opinions.

    So thanks for clearing that up for me.


    1. Nope, not a troll post. I was mildly spanked growing up, as described, and don't consider myself at all damaged by the experience. If it did lead to my sexualizing spanking much later in life (around age 30, so doubtful?), then that has added greatly to my wellbeing as well.

      My point is that not all "hitting" is created equal, and to lump in angry abusive beating around the head with calm, mild, spanking discipline is absurd on its face.

      How about a study that categorizes the type of discipline given on an "abusiveness" scale. I suspect that those high on the abusive scale would correlate with worse outcomes than a "no CP" control. However, I also suspect that those low on the scale might well outperform the "no CP" group on many measures.

      Of course, many confounding variables, including mental health of parents, socio-economic status, education, IQ, good parenting skills, that also likely correlate with those same outcomes. So hard to isolate the one variable.

      But I'll also bet that non-abusive spanking (in the sense above) also correlates highly with good parenting skills in general, and that's likely not an accident.

      You, J, seem to be a very one-dimensional, told what to believe, right or wrong, type thinker on many issues. Free your mind and enquire with me.

    2. Wow, J, only a notch above "cunt-man" earlier in the comments. There is clearly nuance here. You should take Julie's advice to be more thoughtful.

    3. Your standard line when someone disagrees with you:

      "You seem to be a very one-dimensional, told what to believe, right or wrong, type thinker on many issues."

      classic bullshit non-argument

      hitting kids is so obviously absurd. Free your own mind from your bullshit trolling

    4. an argument for why Julie is a troll is the same as name-calling for you?

      maybe take an intro class in logic sometime, and get back to us


    5. Julie in her post:
      "And if you say "no spanking at all!!!" I get it and I appreciate that point-of-view as well."

      Julie in her replies to comments who say "no spanking at all":
      "You, J, seem to be a very one-dimensional, told what to believe, right or wrong, type thinker on many issues. Free your mind and enquire with me."

      What bullshit. I agree with J.

    6. Well, he DID call me a "troll", so he gets both barrels to his closed off mind, not respect.

      Spanking children mildly for discipline is not "obviously absurd". It was done for 1000's of years and the species seems to have survived.

      I presented a nuanced discussion and came down on the side of banning it, troll-man just bleets.

    7. J - calling somebody a "troll" is, in fact, name calling. I find Julie's argument interesting and multi-faceted. All you did was state a conclusion with no argument whatsoever. Game, set, and match, Julie.

    8. I say no spanking at all for kids

      maybe none of you have kids?

      seems likely.

    9. I don't, but I was a kid, and my parents did spank a bit. And this comment thread is not about anything reasonable. It's about a troll claiming I'm a troll. I gave a nuanced discussion and raised some doubts, but come down on the side of agreeing with our current laws that essentially ban all but the most mild expression of spanking. Not an "extreme" view, I'd say.

  15. When I was between the ages of roughly 5 to 11, I was terrified of getting a spanking and as a result conformed and behaved with the end result that I was only really spanked once (by the mom, over the knee, fully clothed) during that entire period. I'm not counting the one time I was given a single slap on the bottom by my dad while in the tub at age 2 or 3 and a single slap on the hand when I was around 9. So it was definitely the threat of a spanking that kept me well behaved. IN that sense, you can say the spanking was very effective while at the same time being very rare. Totally outlawing or abolishing spanking of children would be a mistake for that reason. But I have to wonder -- if spanking wasn't so rare in my case, and I was spanked more often, would it have been possible that I would have been less terrified of it, and therefore it would have been less effective in keeping me in line? Maybe.

    1. Sounds like your parents matched the discipline to what was required, using spanking as a valuable tool.

  16. This is slightly off topic but relates to my earlier post. Right around age 6, the girl next door (same age as me) and I had a discussion about spanking. She described how her 4 year old brother had his pants pulled down and how he was spanked. That conversation was the beginning of my interest in spanking. I simultaneously held two totally contradictory thoughts: that it would be exciting if someone would do that to me, and how awful it would be if someone did that to me. The latter view prevailed until about age 13. How strange the human mind can be!

  17. I don't recall being spanked, but I am told I was once when I ran into the street. As a parent, I gave each of my kids one swat exactly one time to get their attention.

    I saw some other kids get punished pretty brutally by irate (sometimes drunk) fathers. Ugly scenes.

    While some parents might apply spankings appropriately, others would not. As Julie notes it would be hard to police. So I just think spanking kids should be avoided.

    - Rosco

  18. Do you know what the problem is when adults rationalize hitting children? And you can dress it up all you want, it's hitting someone who is maybe 10 to 20% your size. It's that you're always looking at it through the lens of an adult capable of thinking consequentially. Most kids aren't so capable. Especially the younger ones that people seem to think need a smack the most. They don't think in terms of if/then. They are impulsive beings who struggle with the concept of time, let alone something as complex as causal relationships. "If i do xyz action, I'll be spanked." The usual behavior that results in kids getting hit is mostly childish behavior, done by...wait for it...children. it's ludicrous to think that "I'll spank them to teach them" because it admits that whatever you've attempted to teach them before didn't take. So now...spanking.

    And if by chance you do manage to teach your kids that a spanking might come of their misbehavior, it's probably going to come at the cost of them being terrified of you. Kids don't cry from spankings because they're in pain. Of course it hurts. They cry because they're fucking scared. Because the people who are supposed to love them most in this world are hitting them.

    1. In my childhood spankings I felt that I did not understand that first one. But as I got a bit older, I understood. I did not feel "terrified" of my parents for spanking me.

      If you describe a mild spanking as "hitting" and "terrifying", we're not talking about the same thing, and you've missed the whole point.

  19. I tend to agree with Jillian Keenan on these things... Spanking is a sex act (biologically and psychologically) and thus belongs only between consenting adults. I also think studies show fairly consistently that it's not that effective for behavior modification in children.

    I respect those who disagree with me though ☺️

    1. As I mention above, I would like to see a study that distinguishes irrational abusive CP with mild, loving, spanking discipline.

    2. Yes. I agree. I think there are some correlation/causation problems in these studies as well.

    3. You seem like a smart guy, Ryan. Thank you for existing.

    4. Actually No. The study do precisely account the variable "with anger" for. There is a distinction in studies between different motivation for hitting children. The studies are so numerous that there are meta-analysis out there (like a summary) and there are also meta-analysis of meta-analysis because there are way much studies on the subject. So to say it in a polite way, your affirmation is ridiculous and show that you read near to nothing on the subject. The studies are unambiguous on the matter. It is a consensus that spanking a children do provoke negative outcomes regarding the motivation of the adult.

    5. Precision:
      A consensus is not scientists agreeing (Science do not base on reaching a compromise), it is something they are not debating because all the studies show this same result. Gravity is a consensus for example.

      So actually, while you could have use your voice the say something interesting, you only affirmed false truths, giving only the ignorants the illusion you are thinking.
      By the way, if you think that all the hundreds of thousands of studies in a field have a major bias, I suggest you publish because you will make a lot of money destroying a theory in science.

    6. I note that you claim there are "so numerous" yet fail to give a single example (why not provide the best one, in your opinion, to back your claim?). My entire articles was based on a study for which I gave a reference. If there are similar studies that come to opposite conclusions, please supply them.

      And yes, especially in social sciences there is a lot of group think that goes on and certain more "socially acceptable" views that are published in preference to others. It looks to be a major problem to me. Exists in climate science as well. Anything where politics is involved.

  20. I was only spanked once as a child. I was probably 8 or 9. I was being a brat (I was a lot then) and my parents had friends over. My mom pulled down my pajama bottoms and gave me one or two very light swats.

    I have wondered if I had an erection and that put her off. Or, maybe, she just couldn't do it. We never spanked our kids. I don't think it is appropriate for children. Despite the rhetoric, there is no evidence that spanking is useful in child rearing.

    1. Maybe all she intended was a couple of pops to your butt? Were you embarrassed?

      I don't think the loving and controlled form of correction such as I experienced at Christmas has been proven to help or harm either way. There was certainly evident short-term benefit to child and parent in my case.

      CP including abusive crazy shit has proven harm, no doubt.

      But there's a "fence principal" here. Don't take down a fence unless you know why it was there in the first place. I.e. don't remove a disciplinary tool from parents unless you really know all the repercussions. Certainly undisciplined, disrespectful kids glued to their devices is not a good look and does not bode well for the future. And GET OFF MY LAWN you darned rascals.

    2. As I recall,I was disappointed when my mom stopped.

    3. I can well imagine! Naughty boy.

  21. [This will be a very long reply, and I'm sorry. But I have so much to say - as if that, on itself, isn't a bigger reason to be sorry :-) ]

    There's rarely any nuanced opinions in this matter (and I can understand why the 'anti-child-spanking team' doesn't have it, but it's almost scary that the 'pro team' at times lack it even more). For that, I'm very thankful that you highlighted the importance of guarding children from the terror of being brutalized and abused, while taking a pro mild-corporal-punishment stance.

    My opinion though is that against almost all forms of physical punishment for many reasons.

    Historically, it was almost never ONLY children that was subjected to corporal punishment- rather it was anyone that's under anyone's authority (prisoners, soldiers, servants, slaves, children, etc.) The argument that it's a time-honored practice rarely (if ever) comes in favor of reinstalling whipping janitors and sailors for example.

    Then, there's necessity. The bare fact is that no one would opt to spank/slap/etc. their children if a non-physical alternative was as effective in disciplining them. It's somewhat similar to surgery - the only argument for it is that other forms of pharmaceuticals can't substitute for it. If we can have a parallel-universe hypothesis, where a parent would spank his/her children and the same parent in the parallel universe would use non-corporal punishment, and both universes have the same well-behaved (or bad-behaved) kids (i.e. spankings didn't lead to a perceived difference), then, we'll be left with the optics of "inflicting pain in children for no reason", and no one wants to be doing that.
    This could be the reason why pro-spanking parents insist that it's the only viable way to raise respectful children (similarly to a surgeon arguing that his surgery is the only viable way to treat an ailment, because otherwise anything else will be considered as a better alternative).
    Therefore, being a pro-spanking parent almost automatically include viewing parents who exclusively use non-physical punishment as wrong, and consequently as raising less-ideal versions of what their children could be.

    Thirdly, is the argument of us. Cheekily as that may sound.
    When Freud published his theory and within it what some mothers perceived as rationalizing an infant's breast-feeding tendencies as sexual or somewhat sexual, they were livid.
    In the many arguments of pro vs anti child-spanking that I've read and watched, nothing gets the argument un-civilized and heated like the possibility of perceiving the act (on the child part or the parent part or both) as sexual.
    Problem is, of course, that the parent can stop him/her self from an unwanted sexually-charged act with 1. minors, 2. related-to-them minors, 3. related-to-them and non-consenting (if minors can consent) minors. Children can't - they will have to bend over and take it, literally!
    Children -- pro-spanking parents would argue -- will do anything to get out of a spanking, and saying: 'Dad/Mom, this is something I think of sexually, and you doing it to me feels like an unwanted sexual advance', is not beyond their cunning young minds, even if they don't actually feel this way.
    So, pro-spanking parents often argue that we --spankos-- don't exist! Or shouldn't exist, at the very least. That their "healthy" children are nothing like the "perverted" us, and thus don't have that psychological illness that would warrant a spanking-exemption.
    Their argument would amount to: Sex doesn't come in different shapes and sizes one of which is spanking-related. Not at all. It can only be one thing and one thing only. And if I'm not doing THAT one to my children, then there's no possibility of an unwanted sexual act imposed on them by me when I spank them.
    Needless to say, I disagree with that rationale.
    [Too long to be accepted in one reply, sorry. 1/2]

    1. Thank you Max, for your nuanced reply making excellent arguments.

      We both are for banning it, or at least severely limiting it as Canadian law has done, but for different reasons. I because I see no other practical way of removing the ability from the abusive parents while keeping it for the good parents. So we are therefore onto a nuanced and theoretical argument if even the mild spanking I theoretically advocate for (and experienced as a child) is ok or not.

      I was disappointed you left "wives" off your list, I was looking for it, of course, as I do practice what I preach and accept spankings for my own wrongdoings, which sort of blows up your first argument ;-)

      I think your second argument does not take into account that what is "right" can differ depending on temperament of both parent and child.

      I get your third argument, but it can equally apply to foot fetishists, diaper fetishists, and you-name-it fetishists. I also get turned on by being put into timeout, are we to remove that from parents as well? It's not the act that's sexual, it's the mindset. A doctor fingering my vagina is not sexual (for him, anyways, I'm pretty sure, don't ask about me). And yes I have a male doctor and yes I fetishize my visits. Ought we to ban doctors visits? I agree if you feel yourself turned on spanking your own kids (or the thought of it), then don't spank them!


  22. Fourthly, is fairness. A child who's subjected to spankings will retaliate by demanding that his bigger, more responsible parents must NEVER committed an infraction of the gravity of the one he/she was spanked for without facing the same consequences.
    The result of that argument (of the denying of it) is children learning one of two things:
    1- Parents/teachers/guardians/etc. don't make mistakes.
    2- There are different rules based on the size/power of the one breaking them, and children get the short end of the stick because they rank very low in the hierarchy.

    The first conclusion is a lie, the second one --I'd argue-- bear a lot of truth to it. Not only do parents/teachers/etc. not get spanked, they are often don't get punished at all, and a mere apology of them suffices. Which illogical, given that they are more rational, and more disciplined. If anything, the rules that make a senior cane more painful than a junior can should apply, and adults get it worse for the same mistake as a child. This clearly is not the case.
    Fifthly, I'd argue for the weakness of the "I turned out fine" argument. Without belittling the importance of a child's physical and psychological well-being, humans are a very persevering species. We have survivors of almost every atrocity that comes to mind. To expect any mild unfairness, or painful or humiliating event, to break us into nonfunctional adults is irrational.
    Watching parents arguing in shouting matches effect the psyche of children, they "turn out fine" regardless. Having a scolding hot soup poured on them will hurt them more than any spanking, they "turn out fine" regardless. The millions of boys who underwent circumcision "turn out fine" regardless of the pain (strangely enough it's often done while they are very little, because among other reasons they will be crying all the time regardless in that stage so pain fits in perfectly!). And the numerous other examples that comes to mind. You can test the negativity of an agent administered to a very adaptable system (you'd never know if it was overcome, incorporated, or had no difference on that system). Humans are very, very adaptable and hell-bent on surviving by all means. "I turned out fine" therefore, doesn't seems as a compelling argument for me, despite being used a lot by pro-child-spanking advocates.

    And once again, I personally thank you, Julie, for your nuanced take, even if we disagree, partially or totally, on this topic.

    1. Your fourth point ignores the duty of a parent to raise a moral child. That's a unique responsibility and relationship. Are you arguing that no form of discipline whatsoever be applied to children? No coercion at all (such as insisting, often against their wills, that they attend school)?

      We mean more than "I turned out fine", we mean "I turned out better for it than not having it". Comparing a scalding with water to a mild spanking is a manipulative argument. If the practice (mild spanking) has few if any downsides (as reported by those who underwent it), and some anecdotal upsides (for many who experienced it), and no good studies analyzing it properly (which is almost impossible to do, controlling for everything), then a principle of prudence says possible upside, little downside, do it if you feel it fits the parties.

      And thank you, Max!
