Friday, October 18

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 12 (FM/F)

 [Continued from Part 11]

Stephanie glanced down at Rebecca, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. With a dismissive wave of her hand, Stephanie sentenced Rebecca to her place of shame. "Go stand in the corner, Rebecca," she commanded, her voice echoing in the room. "You're to stay there until I decide otherwise."

Chapter 14: Cornertime

Rebecca hesitated for a split second, her mind reeling from the pain in her nipples, ass, and asshole, and the weight of her humiliation. But she knew better than to resist again. She turned slowly, her legs shaky beneath her, and walked toward the corner of the room. The walls seemed to close in as she faced them, her bare back exposed to both Stephanie and Jake, the binder clips still biting cruelly into her tender breasts.

“Hands on your head,” Stephanie ordered, her voice sharp and unyielding.

Rebecca’s arms trembled as she lifted them, lacing her fingers together atop her head. The movement only intensified the pain in her chest, the slight pull of her muscles making the binder clips pinch even harder. She let out a soft whimper, biting her lip to keep from crying out.

The silence in the room was deafening. Every breath she took felt like a struggle, her chest rising and falling beneath the cruel bite of the clips. The humiliation of standing there, completely exposed and vulnerable, with Jake watching, felt unbearable. The sharp pain was one thing, but the weight of their eyes on her made her feel even smaller, more powerless. Each second that passed felt like an eternity, the pain building, throbbing in rhythm with her rapid, shallow breaths. She felt utterly trapped—both by the searing pain and the weight of her humiliation.

“Please,” Rebecca whispered, barely able to find her voice. “Stephanie… please take them off. I… I can’t take it anymore. It hurts…”

Stephanie, who had been watching with a sadistic smirk, slowly approached. She looked down at Rebecca with an expression that was more amusement than concern. Her fingers grazed one of the binder clips, testing the tension, her smirk deepening as she felt Rebecca’s body tense beneath her touch.

“Take them off?” Stephanie repeated, her tone dripping with condescension. “If you insist.”

With a swift motion, Stephanie flicked the first binder clip off. The sudden release sent a wave of pain crashing through Rebecca’s chest, and she cried out, her knees nearly buckling from the shock of it. Her eyes welled with tears, and her body shook, but she bit down on her lip, trying to stifle any further sobs.

“Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Stephanie asked, her voice light, almost teasing, as she moved her fingers to the second binder clip.

Rebecca’s breath hitched in her throat, the fear rising even higher now. The pain of the first one being torn off still throbbed deeply, but the thought of going through it again—having the other one flicked off with such casual cruelty—was unbearable. Desperation clawed at her chest, and just as she felt Stephanie’s fingers brush the remaining clip, she screamed.

“No! No, please, don’t!” Rebecca shrieked, her voice frantic, filled with terror.

For a moment, the room was silent except for the echo of her scream. Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest, her eyes wide and pleading as she turned her head slightly, hoping—begging—for some sign of mercy. But Stephanie’s cruel smile only deepened, the satisfaction in her eyes unmistakable.

“Oh, Rebecca,” Stephanie said softly, shaking her head with a mocking tone. “Make up your mind. You really need to learn to stop whining.”

And with that, Stephanie flicked the second binder clip off with just as much force. Rebecca’s scream ripped through the room, the sharp pain far worse than she had anticipated. Her body jerked violently, her arms still locked above her head as the searing sting radiated through her chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and her legs threatened to give out beneath her.

The searing pain shot through her chest as the blood rushed back into her sensitive nipples, and her hands flew instinctively to her breasts, clutching at the tiny mounds in a desperate attempt to soothe the sting.

“Oh my god, it hurts!” she wailed, her voice high and desperate. She clutched her teeny, tender breasts tightly, as if she could somehow smother the burning, aching sensation radiating through her chest.

Her body reacted without control, and she began to stomp her little feet, shifting her weight from side to side, almost hopping in place as she tried to manage the unbearable sting. “Ow, ow, ow!” she whimpered, her voice trembling with both pain and embarrassment as she twisted and wriggled, desperately clutching her sore nipples.

Jake, leaning back and watching with clear amusement, let out a low chuckle. “Look at her,” he said, shaking his head with a grin. “You’d better get those hands back on your head, Rebecca,” he warned. “Stephy’s not going to be happy...”

Rebecca whimpered, her hands hesitating for a moment longer before she forced herself to let go of her aching nipples. Her arms moved slowly, shakily, until they were back on top of her head, leaving her bare chest fully exposed, the fiery sensation in her nipples still radiating through her.

“But It hurts so bad!” she whimpered, her voice shaky as she struggled to compose herself. Each throb, each pulse of pain from her nipples seemed to ripple through her entire body, making her feel smaller and more helpless by the second.

Stephanie took a step back, surveying Rebecca’s quivering form with a look of cool satisfaction. The marks left by the binder clips were vivid against Rebecca’s pale, bruised skin, raw and pulsing with pain.

“There,” Stephanie said, her voice cold but dripping with mock sympathy. “All done. But maybe next time you’ll think twice before you disobey.” She crossed her arms, smirking at the sight of Rebecca’s trembling, tear-streaked face.

Rebecca remained frozen, the tears still falling, her chest heaving with sobs. Every part of her body ached, but the worst pain came from the humiliation—the knowledge that she had screamed, had begged, and that her pleas had been ignored so easily. She was utterly broken, and there was nothing she could do but stand there, hands still perched on her head, waiting for whatever punishment came next.

Stephanie stepped back, her arms still crossed over her chest, surveying Rebecca with a look of cold satisfaction. The sound of Rebecca’s ragged breathing and quiet sobs filled the room as she stood trembling facing them, her hands still resting shakily on her head. The bruises on her chest throbbed in time with her racing heartbeat, and the sting from the binder clips’ sharp release lingered, pulsing through her sore, tender skin.

The silence stretched between them, and finally, Stephanie spoke, her voice calm, but with an unmistakable edge of authority. “Now, Rebecca,” she began, her tone almost mockingly sweet, “tell me… do you think there will be any cause for further obedience training?”

Rebecca flinched at the question, the mere mention of more “obedience training” sending a fresh wave of terror through her already trembling body. The memory of Stephanie’s cruel hands, the sharp sting of the clips, and the helplessness she had felt when Stephanie pulled her down by her nipples—all of it replayed in her mind with agonizing clarity.

Without a second’s hesitation, she shook her head vigorously, the tears still falling freely down her cheeks. Her voice cracked as she responded, her desperation clear in every word. “N-no, no, I swear,” she gasped, her words tumbling out in a frantic rush. “I’ll be good… I’ll do anything. Please, Stephanie, no more. I swear, I’ll obey you. No more disobedience.”

Stephanie’s smirk widened slightly at the sound of Rebecca’s frantic pleas, her eyes narrowing with satisfaction. She had broken Rebecca completely, reduced her once-proud stepmother to nothing more than a trembling, sobbing mess who would do anything to avoid further nipple punishment.

“Good,” Stephanie said, her voice soft but firm. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.” She stepped closer to Rebecca, leaning in just enough to whisper, “Because if I see even a hint of disobedience from you again, you won’t be getting off this easy. Understood?”

Rebecca nodded frantically, her body still shaking with the effort to hold back further sobs. “Y-yes, I understand,” she whispered, her voice barely above a whimper.

“Good, because do you think those binder clips were bad?” Stephanie murmured, her voice sharp and deliberate. “You’ve barely begun to understand what happens when you disobey me. Next time, I won’t be so kind.” Rebecca stiffened, her heart racing in her chest, barely able to breathe as she anticipated what was coming next.

“If you disobey me again,” Stephanie continued, her tone darker now, “I’ll make sure you’re back in the corner, but not like just now. No, I’ll have Jake rig up a little pulley system.” She paused, enjoying the way Rebecca tensed even more. “One that will pull those sore little nipples of yours up nice and high. And I’ll make sure we get some really firm clips and that the little ropes are nice and tight. You’ll be on your toes, Rebecca, and if you so much as try to put your heels down for even a second, well… you can imagine what that would feel like.”

Rebecca gasped, the horror of the suggestion sinking in like ice in her veins. The thought of being suspended, forced to balance on her toes while small ropes clipped to her nipples pulled her up, was too much to bear. She shook her head frantically, tears already welling up in her eyes, the fear choking her words.

“Stephanie… please,” Rebecca stammered, her voice trembling with panic. “I’ll be good, I swear. Please, don’t do that. I’ll do anything, just—”

Before she could finish, Stephanie turned to Jake, her voice cool and commanding. “Jake, you can handle that, right? A little pulley system?”

Jake, who had been leaning back watching the exchange with a grin, nodded casually. “Oh, I can rig something up,” he said with a chuckle. “Wouldn’t take much.”

Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat as she turned her head slightly, the panic evident in her wide, tear-filled eyes. She knew Jake meant it, and the casualness of his response made the threat all the more terrifying.

Stephanie’s smirk deepened as she looked back at Rebecca, who was now visibly shaking. “See, Rebecca? It’s really not that hard. And once Jake sets everything up, you’ll be dangling there for a good long time. Your toes barely touching the floor, those little clips and ropes tugging on your poor little nipples every time you even think about relaxing.”

Rebecca’s chest tightened, the tears now falling freely down her face as she sobbed softly, the fear and shame overwhelming her. The idea of spending even a minute in such agony, stretched out in the corner with her nipples straining against the pulleys, was too much to comprehend. She knew she wouldn’t be able to endure it, the very thought of it making her stomach twist painfully.

“No, please… Stephanie,” Rebecca begged, her voice barely a whisper, broken and trembling. “I’ll obey. I’ll do whatever you say. Just don’t… don’t do that. Please.”

Stephanie stepped back, satisfied with Rebecca’s desperate plea. “Good,” she said softly, her voice cold. “Then you better make sure you never give me a reason to punish you like that, Rebecca. Because if you do, I promise you’ll be dangling there all day, no mercy. Understand?”

Rebecca nodded frantically, her entire body shaking with fear and submission. “I understand,” she whispered, her voice hoarse with desperation. “I’ll be good, I swear.”

Stephanie smiled, a small, cruel smile, as she turned away from Rebecca, her power over her stepmother absolute. The threat of the pulley system hung over the room like a dark cloud, and Rebecca knew that any slip-up, any hint of disobedience, would lead to unimaginable suffering.

Stephanie straightened up, satisfied with Rebecca’s response. She glanced back at Jake, who had been watching the entire scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. His smirk matched Stephanie’s, but he said nothing, simply observing the utter humiliation of the woman before them.

“Alright then,” Stephanie said with a dismissive wave of her hand, her tone shifting back to casual, as if the ordeal had been nothing more than a minor inconvenience. “You can go back into the corner for a while longer. Keep those hands on that head. Maybe this time you’ll really think about what it means to obey.”

Rebecca nodded once more, too terrified to protest, and put herself back facing the corner, her body tense and trembling, her hands still resting atop her head as ordered. Every fiber of her being ached, both from the physical torment she had endured and the deep, burning humiliation of her complete submission.

Stephanie and Jake exchanged amused glances as they watched Rebecca's humiliation play out. That’s when they again noticed Jake’s cum leaking from her well-used asshole.

"Look at that," Stephanie said, a wicked gleam in her eye. "Our little slut can't even hold it in."

Jake chuckled, his gaze fixed on the slow trickle of cum making its way down Rebecca's inner thigh. "She's a mess, alright," he agreed, his voice filled with amusement.

Their laughter stung, but Rebecca knew better than to react. She stood perfectly still, her eyes focused on the wall in front of her, her mind awash with shame and arousal.

After a few moments, Stephanie called out to Jake, her tone laced with mischief. "Jake, darling, would you be so kind as to give our dear Rebecca a wet check?"

Jake's smile widened as he rose from the couch and approached Rebecca. He reached out, his fingers gently probing the area between her legs. Rebecca stiffened at his touch, her body betraying her by responding with a fresh wave of arousal.

"Hmm," Jake mused, his fingers gliding effortlessly over her soaked pussy. "I'd say she's enjoying this corner time a little too much."

The couple erupted into laughter once again, their mockery slicing through the silence. Rebecca's face flushed an even deeper shade of red, the embarrassment of being exposed and teased only adding to her wetness.

"Filthy girl," Stephanie chided, though her voice held a note of satisfaction. "You're dripping wet from being such a good little slut for us."

Jake returned to Stephanie's side, and they continued to tease Rebecca, commenting on the wetness that betrayed her arousal, the cum that still seeped from her asshole, and the way her body trembled with each cruel word they threw at her.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as Rebecca stood in the corner, her mind a whirlwind of humiliation and desire. She knew that she would remain there, a living embodiment of her submission, until Stephanie decided to release her from her punishment.

And as she stood there, the cum drying on her asshole and thighs, the wetness between her legs a testament to her arousal, Rebecca couldn't help but embrace the role she had been given—the submissive, the humiliated, the owned.

Chapter 15: Caught Again

As Rebecca stood in the corner, trembling and humiliated, her hands still resting atop her head as Stephanie had commanded, her mind whirled in a chaotic mix of fear, shame, and an uncomfortable, unwelcome sensation creeping through her body. The pain in her chest from the flicked off binder clips, the cruel marks left behind, and the humiliation of having been subjected to such a degrading punishment all lingered; but beneath it, something else stirred within her—a sensation she had been desperately trying to ignore.

Her breathing was still shaky, her chest rising and falling rapidly, but the longer she stood there, exposed and vulnerable, the more aware she became of the warmth spreading through her core. She shifted slightly on her feet, trying to ease the discomfort that came with the weight of her own body pressing down, but with each movement, the unwelcome arousal pulsed deeper.

No… no, not now, not this, she thought, her heart pounding, a mixture of shame and confusion settling heavily in her chest. This was supposed to be punishment, humiliation, and yet, the longer she stood there, the more her body betrayed her. Her legs trembled, not just from the lingering fear and exhaustion, but from the growing heat between her thighs.

Rebecca squeezed her eyes shut, desperate to push the feelings away, to focus on the pain, the shame of the situation, but it was no use. Her body had taken on a life of its own, and with each passing second, the arousal only seemed to grow stronger, coursing through her like an unwelcome intruder. She could feel herself squirming, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, trying to alleviate the aching need that was now impossible to ignore.

The slickness gathering between her legs sent waves of shame crashing through her, making her stomach twist with disgust. How could this be happening now? she thought, biting her lip hard, trying to suppress any outward signs of her internal struggle. But the more she fought it, the worse it became.

As Rebecca stood there, her mind began drifting back to the very source of her shame—the moment when Jake had filled her, first with his thick, unrelenting cock in her mouth, stretching her jaw to its limits, and later as he took her ass with the same brutal force. The memory of him burying himself deep inside her brought a fresh wave of humiliation. His young, hard body had dominated her, his cock pressing deep into places she had never wanted to experience such intense pain.

But now, as she stood in the corner, helpless and humiliated, her body was betraying her in the worst possible way. The fullness she had felt, the way Jake had taken her so completely, lingered in her thoughts, not just as pain but as something else—a throbbing reminder of what she had endured. Her mind flashed back to the sensation of his cock, hot and rigid, pushing past every boundary, and the heat in her core only grew more insistent. She squirmed, unable to stop herself.

Her cheeks flushed with shame as she recalled how his cock had filled her mouth first, her lips stretched around his hardness, tasting his desire as he thrust into her without care. And later, how he had claimed her ass, his cock buried to the hilt inside her tightest, most vulnerable place, filling her completely. The pain had been unbearable, but now, as the memory replayed itself in her mind, she felt the unwelcome slickness between her legs grow more pronounced.

No, she thought, horrified. How can I feel this way? But no matter how hard she tried to focus on the pain, on the biting humiliation of being forced into submission, her body refused to cooperate. The more she thought of Jake’s cock, of how he had taken her, the more that unwanted heat pooled between her thighs.

She shifted again, squeezing her legs together in a futile attempt to ease the aching need, but it only made things worse. Her nipples, still tender from the binder clips, brushed against the cool air, sending a fresh shiver down her spine. Rebecca bit her lip hard, forcing herself to remain silent, to keep from giving any outward sign of the arousal that now consumed her.

The worst part was the knowledge that she hadn’t been given a single ounce of relief. Jake had used her, filled her, but never once had she been allowed to find any kind of release. Now, the frustration gnawed at her, adding to her shame. Her body craved something it would never be allowed to have, and that made it all the more unbearable.

Jake, with his athletic build, his sculpted muscles that seemed carved out of marble, and his handsome, youthful face. He was the kind of boy she had admired from a distance when she was younger, someone impossibly out of reach, the type of guy who only paid attention to the girls with curvy bodies, large breasts, and confident smiles. Even back then, when she was his age, she had never stood a chance. With her small frame and tiny breasts, she had never been the kind of girl that boys like Jake noticed.

She swallowed hard, her chest tightening at the thought. How could she, even now, in her older, more vulnerable state, ever hope to attract a boy like that? She couldn’t. And she knew it. That realization stung deep, twisting in her gut alongside the lingering ache of his cock having been inside her. The only way she could ever experience a man like Jake, someone so handsome, so fit, was in this cruel and degrading way. Forced, powerless, her body nothing more than a plaything for his pleasure.

She blinked back tears as the truth settled heavily on her. In another world, in another time, she might have dreamed about being with someone like him. But in this reality, the only time she would ever feel his hands on her, his cock inside her, was like this—under the cold gaze of her stepdaughter, being humiliated and used. The unfairness of it burned within her, adding another layer to her shame.

Her legs pressed together again as that same need continued to throb, her body betraying her with the growing slickness between her thighs. She couldn’t deny it anymore. Part of her craved that attention, even if it came in this cruel form, because it was the only way she’d ever know what it felt like to be taken by someone like Jake. She was nothing but a vessel, a body for him to fill, and yet, a sick part of her clung to that moment when his impossibly handsome face had looked down at her, his hard body moving against hers, using her so completely.

Her breaths grew heavier, the heat between her thighs becoming almost unbearable as she shifted again, trying to find relief. But every movement, every slight adjustment in her stance only made it worse. Her nipples, still aching and sore from the earlier punishment, tingled with a strange mix of pain and arousal, and she let out a quiet, involuntary gasp before clamping her mouth shut, terrified that they might hear her.

She clenched her fingers, pressing her hands harder together and against her head as if that might somehow distract her from the sensation building within her. Her body felt like it was on fire, and she couldn’t stop the way her hips subtly shifted, seeking some kind of release. The humiliation of her own arousal was overwhelming, but no matter how much she wanted to deny it, her body had betrayed her completely.

Rebecca’s face burned with shame, her eyes stinging with fresh tears. Why now? she kept asking herself, the question swirling in her mind as she fought against her own body’s treacherous desires. But despite the deep humiliation, despite the lingering fear of Stephanie’s threats, she couldn’t stop herself from squirming, the desperate need growing more insistent with every passing second.

She squeezed her thighs together tightly, trying to suppress the arousal, trying to regain control, but her body was relentless. The shame only deepened as she realized how far gone she was, how utterly powerless she was not only to Stephanie’s commands but to her own desires. Every part of her ached, but not just from the pain—now, it was something far more confusing, something far more dangerous.

Rebecca’s mind drifted deeper into the forbidden, her thoughts consumed by the memory of Jake’s hard, young body and the cruel, relentless way he had filled her earlier. As she stood there, trembling with shame and unwanted arousal, she couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to have him inside her in a different way—filling her pussy, claiming her where she ached the most.

The thought of it was almost too much to bear. She could picture it vividly, Jake’s strong hands gripping her hips, pulling her back onto him, his thick cock sliding into her wetness, filling her completely. The way his muscles would flex as he thrust into her, his hard body pressing against hers as he took what he wanted. Her body responded instinctively to the fantasy, a fresh wave of slickness gathering between her thighs, the ache growing stronger.

But no. That was a fantasy she would never be allowed to experience. Pussy sex was for Stephanie, not her. Rebecca was nothing more than a plaything to be used however they saw fit, and Jake’s cock would never be for her pleasure. She knew it deep down, the cruel truth that cut through the haze of her arousal. Stephanie would always be the one to enjoy Jake’s hardness in the way she now dreamed of—his cock filling her in the most intimate, desired way. Stephanie, with her confidence and dominance, was the one who would get that, while Rebecca was left to endure the pain and humiliation, never to know that kind of pleasure.

Rebecca bit her lip, trying to push the thoughts away, but the longing wouldn’t go. The fantasy clung to her, even though she knew it was hopeless. Her body trembled with need, but she understood her place. She was for their amusement, to be used and discarded, to take Jake’s cock in her mouth, in her ass—wherever they chose—but never in the way her body craved most. That was reserved for someone like Stephanie, someone who held power over her, and Rebecca was left standing in the corner, imagining what could never be hers.

Rebecca whimpered softly, her breath catching in her throat as she fought to stay still, to hide the growing arousal that pulsed through her veins, her body betraying her in the most humiliating way possible.

“We’re going to grab a snack,” Stephanie said casually, her voice sharp with authority. She glanced at Jake, who smirked in response, clearly enjoying the power dynamic playing out before him. “But you,” Stephanie continued, fixing her gaze on Rebecca, “you’re staying right here. Keep your hands on your head, and be a good little girl while we’re gone.”

Jake chuckled, casting one last glance at Rebecca before they both turned and headed toward the kitchen.

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest as she listened to their footsteps fade, the sound of them moving out of the living room and into the kitchen where she could hear faint clinks and clatters of dishes. She was alone now, but the shame of their words lingered, a heavy reminder of her helpless position. Her body still ached with a combination of humiliation and need, the weight of their commands pressing down on her as she remained frozen in the corner, hands still perched on her head.

And the heat between her legs refused to subside.

She could still feel the warmth pooling in her core, the unbearable throbbing that had begun while she stood there, exposed and vulnerable under their watchful eyes. Now, with them out of sight, the sensation only intensified, the fire inside her growing hotter, more insistent. Her body was betraying her, a mixture of shame and desire surging through her, overwhelming her attempts to suppress it.

Her hand itched to move, to do something—anything—to alleviate the growing ache between her legs. The warning they had left her with hung over her like a dark cloud, but her body was screaming for release, and the more she fought it, the stronger it became.

Rebecca bit her lip hard, her breaths coming in quick, shallow bursts. Her mind raced with conflicting emotions—fear, shame, and desire all tangled together in a chaotic mix. She knew what would happen if Stephanie or Jake caught her, the punishment that would undoubtedly follow, but in that moment, the need for release eclipsed everything else. The thought of being caught only seemed to make her arousal grow more intense.

Her gaze darted to the kitchen, listening for any sign that they were returning. The clinking of dishes continued, muffled voices too faint to hear clearly, but they were still out of sight. Her heart pounded as she wrestled with the decision, her body trembling with the effort of keeping her hands still, but the temptation was too much.

Just for a second, she thought, her mind clouded with desperation.

Slowly, cautiously, Rebecca let one hand drop from her head. She glanced toward the kitchen again, listening carefully, but no one was coming. Her breath hitched as her hand hovered just above her waist, every nerve in her body tingling with the anticipation of what she was about to do.

Finally, with a shaky, desperate motion, Rebecca moved one hand down, her fingers trembling as they brushed against the slickness between her thighs. The contact sent an immediate jolt of pleasure through her, her body responding instantly to the touch. She let out a quiet gasp, biting down hard on her lip to keep herself silent. She could feel the heat, the undeniable wetness, and the shame of it all only made the pleasure more intense. Her heart raced, her mind spinning with the knowledge that she shouldn’t be doing this—but she couldn’t stop.

Rebecca’s body arched against the wall, her fingers moving with a desperation she hadn’t felt in years. The room seemed to spin around her, the fear of being caught only heightening the intensity of her actions. She was completely lost in the moment, her body trembling as she teetered on the edge of release.

Just as Rebecca’s fingers began to satisfy her, as the arousal she’d fought so desperately to ignore surged through her body, she was pulled back to reality by the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching. Her heart stopped, her breath catching in her throat as she heard Jake and Stephanie reenter the room.

Panic coursed through her. In a frenzied, desperate motion, Rebecca snatched her hand away from herself, pressing both hands firmly back on top of her head, as if that could erase what had just happened. She pushed her nose tightly against the wall, her cheeks burning with shame, hoping—praying—that maybe they hadn’t seen, that she could somehow pretend nothing had happened.

The silence that followed was deafening, her heart pounding so loudly she thought it might burst from her chest. Then came the mocking chuckle from Jake, a sound that sent a chill down her spine.

“Well, well,” he drawled, his voice thick with amusement. “Look at what we’ve walked in on again. Caught you twice today, haven’t we, Rebecca?”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted painfully as the reality of her situation set in. She didn’t dare turn around, her forehead still pressed tightly against the wall as if somehow that could shield her from the humiliation. Her legs shook, her face flushed with heat, and she knew there was no escape from the cruel teasing that was sure to come.

Stephanie’s voice was cold, yet laced with cruel amusement. “You know, Rebecca,” she began, taking slow, deliberate steps toward her, “I’m starting to think you like getting caught. First on the couch… and now this? One hand between your legs, the other pretending you’re being a good girl. What were you thinking, you dirty little slut?”

Rebecca’s chest tightened, her entire body trembling with humiliation. She could feel the weight of their eyes on her, their amusement at her expense filling the room. Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes, but she squeezed them shut, pressing her nose harder against the wall, hoping, begging that somehow this would end quickly.

But it didn’t.

“Oh, come on,” Jake continued with a laugh, stepping closer, “don’t act all innocent now. We both know what you were doing, and it wasn’t following orders. Honestly, Steph, I think she wanted us to catch her.”

Rebecca shook her head frantically, her voice catching in her throat. “No… no, I wasn’t, I—”

“Stop,” Stephanie cut her off sharply, her voice low and authoritative. “You’ve been very naughty, Rebecca. Caught with your hand between your legs again after we warned you to behave. You know what that means, don’t you?”

Rebecca’s heart sank, her stomach twisting in knots as the shame washed over her. She didn’t need to be told. She knew exactly what it meant.

“It means you’re going to be punished,” Stephanie continued, her voice dropping into something almost gleeful. “You thought you could touch yourself during timeout like a naughty little girl and we wouldn’t notice? You thought wrong.”

Jake chimed in, his voice dripping with condescension. “Yeah, it’s only fair, right? You’ve been a very bad girl today, Rebecca, a naughty little slut. Twice caught with your hand where it doesn’t belong. It’s too much. You’ve got to learn your lesson.”

Rebecca’s body trembled with fear and humiliation as their words sank in. She wanted to protest, to beg for mercy, but her throat was too tight, her mind too overwhelmed by the weight of the situation. The thought of being punished again, especially for this, made her stomach churn with dread.

“I think it’s clear,” Stephanie said, moving closer to Rebecca, “you haven’t learned to behave. And since you’ve been so naughty today… well, your punishment is going to have to reflect that, isn’t it?”

Rebecca’s lips trembled, but she forced herself to remain silent, knowing that any protest would only make things worse. She stood there, naked, her hands obediently clasped atop her head, her nose pressed against the wall, as if turning away could somehow shield her from their piercing gaze. But deep down, she knew it was hopeless.

“Turn around,” Stephanie commanded, her voice sharp and unforgiving.

For a moment, Rebecca froze, paralyzed by the weight of her shame and fear. Her body refused to move, every nerve screaming at her to stay still, to remain hidden. But she knew better than to disobey. Slowly, reluctantly, she turned to face them, her hands still perched on her head, her eyes fixed downward, unable to meet their gazes as the weight of her humiliation bore down on her trembling frame.

As soon as she turned, the source of her humiliation became painfully obvious. Her pussy was swollen, engorged from unsated arousal, her lips plump and flushed a deep pink, slick with a sheen of moisture that reflected her body’s betrayal. The way her thighs pressed together only accentuated the state of her, her labia visibly swollen and tender, standing out against the pale skin of her legs. Her engorged pussy was impossible to ignore, throbbing with unmet desire, the evidence of her shameful need laid bare for them to see.

Rebecca’s heart pounded violently in her chest, her face flushing with the heat of utter mortification. She had tried so hard to suppress it, to hide it, but her body had turned against her. There, in the stark silence of the room, her arousal was on full display—a cruel reminder of the depths of her submission.

Jake’s smirk widened as his gaze lingered on her, eyes tracing the swollen outline of her pussy. Stephanie’s eyes swept over her body, cool and assessing, taking in every trembling inch of her exposed form, lingering on her flushed, engorged folds. The weight of their silent judgment pressed down on Rebecca, and for a long, agonizing moment, the room was filled with nothing but her shallow, shaky breaths.

She could feel their eyes, each second passing like a slow burn against her skin, as she stood there utterly vulnerable, her unsatisfied arousal pulsing painfully, her body betraying her deepest, most shameful need. Jake’s smirk widened, his gaze lingering on her, while Stephanie’s eyes swept over Rebecca’s body, taking in the sight of her stepmother standing there, exposed and trembling. For a long, agonizing moment, the room was silent, the tension thick as Rebecca stood there, utterly vulnerable under their watchful eyes.

Stephanie’s eyes narrowed as she continued to study Rebecca, taking in every detail of her trembling, exposed body—the flushed cheeks, the swollen, slick folds between her legs, her tiny breasts rising and falling with each ragged breath. It didn’t take long for her to make a cruel, cutting assessment.

“Oh, I see it now,” Stephanie said, her voice dripping with disdain. “Look at you, standing there like a needy little slut. You’re not just humiliated, are you? You want it, don’t you? You want Jake’s cock inside that pathetic, swollen pussy of yours.”

Rebecca’s eyes widened in shock, her body stiffening at the harshness of Stephanie’s words. Her heart pounded, and she wanted to deny it, to shake her head, to say anything to defend herself, but the truth lodged in her throat, choking her. The wetness between her legs, the unmistakable flush of arousal—there was no hiding it, no denying what her body so desperately craved.

Stephanie’s smirk deepened as she stepped closer, her gaze unrelenting as it raked over Rebecca’s exposed, quivering form. “You think you deserve that, don’t you? You think after everything, after the way we’ve used you, you get to be rewarded with his cock inside your needy little cunt?”

Rebecca’s legs trembled, the weight of her shame crushing down on her as Stephanie’s words sliced through her. She could feel the heat between her legs intensifying, her body betraying her once again with its uncontrollable need. But even as her arousal burned painfully, she knew the truth—knew what was coming before Stephanie even said it.

“No,” Stephanie continued, her voice sharp and final. “That’s not for you, and it never will be. Pussy sex is for someone worthy, someone like me. You, Rebecca, will never experience that. You don’t get to feel the pleasure of Jake’s cock inside your wet little hole.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted painfully, her heart sinking at the brutal reality of her stepdaughter’s words. Her lips quivered, but no words came out, only silent, agonized acceptance. She could still feel Jake’s eyes on her, the memory of his cock filling her mouth and stretching her ass still fresh, but Stephanie’s cruel declaration made it clear that her deepest desire would remain nothing more than an impossible fantasy.

“You’ll take him where we tell you,” Stephanie continued coldly, “but that pussy? It’s off-limits. That part of you doesn’t matter. It never will.”

Tears pricked at Rebecca’s eyes as she stood there, utterly defeated, her body trembling with unmet arousal, the unbearable ache between her legs a cruel reminder of what she could never have.

“Well, at least you’re being obedient now,” Stephanie said, her tone sharp, almost mocking. “Maybe there’s some hope for you after all. You won’t have to dangle by those sore little nipples of yours… for now.”

The words sent a chill down Rebecca’s spine, the threat of what could have happened still looming over her. Her legs trembled beneath her, the shame between her legs only deepening at the reminder of how close she had come to something even more humiliating.

Stephanie’s gaze remained locked on her, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips as she added, “But don’t think this means you’re off the hook, Rebecca. You’ve still been a very naughty girl today, and you’re going to be punished for it.”

Rebecca’s heart sank, the dread of what was to come mingling with the lingering embarrassment of her arousal. She wanted to disappear, to melt into the floor and escape the weight of their judgment, but there was no escape. She was trapped in this nightmare, at the mercy of both Stephanie and Jake.

Stephanie’s eyes narrowed as she looked directly at Rebecca’s wet and swollen pussy. “It seems you have no control over yourself, Rebecca,” she said coldly, her tone full of disappointment. “Even now, after being caught, you’re still… like this.”

Rebecca’s chest tightened, and she bit her lip, struggling to keep the tears from falling. The shame was overwhelming, crushing her under its weight, but there was no escape from it.

"I mean, just look at yourself, Rebecca," Stephanie sneered, her gaze lingering on the wetness glistening between Rebecca's legs.

Jake smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "I've never seen someone so shamelessly desperate. Your body is practically screaming for attention, and not in a good way."

Rebecca's cheeks burned as she stood there, her hands still obediently on her head. She knew her arousal was obvious, her body betraying her in the most mortifying way possible.

Stephanie continued, a cruel delight in her voice. "Your pussy is so swollen and wet. It's like you've been running a marathon down there. And from what? A few moments of self-indulgence?"

Jake leaned against the wall, his eyes never leaving Rebecca's exposed sex. "It's almost comical, the way your body responds. You're like a bitch in heat who can’t even help herself. Just look at those puffy pussy lips. But you're not an animal, Rebecca. You're a grown woman who should know better."

The shame was almost too much to bear. Rebecca's eyes welled up with tears, her bottom lip quivering as she fought to maintain some semblance of dignity. Rebecca's humiliation was complete. She was acutely aware of every twitch and throb of her sex, the evidence of her shame on full display for Stephanie and Jake to ridicule.

Stephanie’s eyes gleamed with sadistic amusement as she circled Rebecca, her cruel smirk never leaving her lips. “You’re just like a kitten in heat,” she sneered, her voice laced with mockery. “Desperate, needy, begging for something to rub against, aren’t you?”

Rebecca’s body tensed at the comparison, her cheeks burning with fresh humiliation. The throbbing between her legs was impossible to ignore now, and the cruel truth of Stephanie’s words stung deeply. The aching need inside her was palpable, and though she fought it, her body betrayed her, squirming under their gaze.

Stephanie glanced over at Jake, who was watching with a lazy grin. “What do you think, Jake? Doesn’t she remind you of a little animal in heat, just begging for her scratching post?”

Jake chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, she’s practically panting for it. You can see it in her eyes.”

Rebecca’s face flushed even deeper, and she bit her lip, trying to suppress the overwhelming shame. The slickness between her legs had only worsened, her body crying out for any kind of relief, even as her mind screamed in protest.

Stephanie’s eyes flicked toward the arm of the couch, and she raised an eyebrow. “Well, if you’re so desperate, Rebecca, I’ll give you something to rub against.”

She pointed to the arm of the couch, her tone cold and commanding. “Straddle it, like the naughty little animal you are. And don’t stop until you’ve rubbed yourself raw. If you want to act like a needy slut, then you can at least own it.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted in dread as she glanced at the arm of the couch. Her body, so overwhelmed with arousal and shame, moved automatically, and she hesitated for only a moment before walking over, her legs shaky. With trembling hands, she positioned herself over the arm, straddling it as instructed.

The fabric pressed against her swollen, engorged pussy, and the sensation was immediate—a maddening blend of relief and degradation. The soft material sent a shock of sensation through her as it grazed her most sensitive parts, but it only fueled her shame. She was nothing more than a spectacle to them now, rubbing herself against a piece of furniture like a pathetic, needy creature.

“Now, grind,” Stephanie commanded, her voice sharp. “Show us how desperate you really are.”

Rebecca bit her lip, tears pricking at her eyes as she began to move, rocking her hips slowly, her body pressing against the arm of the couch. Each motion sent a jolt of pleasure through her, but it was laced with the bitter sting of humiliation. She could feel their eyes on her, watching as she debased herself for their amusement.

“Look at her go,” Jake said, laughing. “She really is like a little kitten in heat.”

Rebecca’s body continued to grind against the couch, her legs trembling as the heat between her legs intensified. The shame of her actions only seemed to make her body react more, her pussy slick and aching as she desperately sought some kind of release. But there was no dignity in it, no pleasure in the way she had to humiliate herself just to feel anything.

“Faster,” Stephanie ordered, crossing her arms as she watched with a cruel smile. “Make sure we know exactly how much you want it.”

Rebecca’s hips rocked faster and faster against the arm of the couch, her breath coming in ragged, uneven gasps as her body moved of its own accord. The friction between the rough fabric and her swollen, slick pussy was overwhelming, sending wave after wave of heat through her. She could feel herself getting closer, teetering on the edge of release, her mind clouded with both shame and undeniable need. Her face burned with humiliation as she heard their laughter ringing out around her, mocking her as she ground herself like a desperate animal.

Jake’s deep chuckle filled the room. “Look at her, Steph. She’s really going for it. Just a pathetic little slut, isn’t she?”

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest as she tried to block out their words, focusing only on the sensation, desperate for any kind of relief from the unbearable ache that had been building inside her. Her movements became frantic, her body chasing the release that seemed so close, so painfully near.

But just as she felt herself tipping over the edge, her entire body trembling with the impending orgasm, Stephanie’s cold voice cut through the air.


Rebecca froze, her body going rigid. Her breath hitched as she hovered there, her pussy throbbing and aching, her mind struggling to catch up with what had just happened. The orgasm that had been moments away slipped through her fingers, leaving nothing but an aching emptiness. She was left lying there, trembling, still straddling the couch arm, her slick, wet pussy pressing against the now-damp fabric.

“Stand up,” Stephanie ordered, her tone sharp and unyielding.

Rebecca’s legs wobbled as she pulled herself up, her hands still trembling from the denial of release. She stood there, panting, unable to meet their eyes, her face flushed with humiliation. As she stepped away from the couch, all three of them looked down at the large, wet spot that now stained the arm of the sofa—a physical reminder of her shame.

Jake laughed again, shaking his head. “Well, that’s going to need some professional cleaning.”

Rebecca’s face burned hotter, her stomach twisting with mortification as she stared at the damp stain. She couldn’t believe what she had just done, what they had made her do.

Stephanie’s gaze flicked to Rebecca, her expression cold and mocking. “You’ll see to it tomorrow,” she said, her voice leaving no room for argument. “I expect that stain to be gone, understood?”

Rebecca nodded numbly, her throat tight with shame. “Yes, Stephanie,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.

“Good,” Stephanie said, a cruel smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “And now that we’ve proven exactly what a needy slut you are, I think it’s time you were properly punished,” Stephanie continued, her voice taking on a darker edge. “We’re going to have to make sure you learn your lesson this time.”

Jake nodded, a smirk still playing on his lips as he stepped closer. “Yeah, I think you’re right, Steph. She needs something a bit more… memorable.”

Rebecca’s heart dropped into her stomach, her body trembling as the reality of what was about to happen sank in. She did not know what they were planning—but knew it was going to be far worse than anything she had experienced earlier. She could feel the fear tightening in her chest, making it hard to breathe, but she didn’t dare speak. She didn’t dare plead for mercy.

“You’re going to get a belting, Rebecca,” Stephanie said calmly, her voice as cold as ever. “From Jake.”

[Continued in Part 13]


  1. A belting from Jake? Holy shit, she won't stand after that.
    As far as her marriage, I guess that's over too.
    Rebecca isn't an adult as she has no control over her desires, and Stephanie must hate her dad to do this to him.
    I mean, sure maybe he's secretly been cheating on Rebecca for years, and he'll come back and be totes cool with sharing her, crap if we wanna go for even more taboo perhaps we could partner Steph, dad and Jake together in a threesome with Rebecca as a sub, but we are starting to get far more into La La candyland fantasyland at that point.
    I look forward to the belting and the fallout. And if Steph has some motives beyond hate and evil, I'd love to know them as well. Thanks for the partial nonconsent warning several chapters back. I skipped through most of that.


    1. I was thinking of you when I put up the warning!

      Well, I don’t if Daddy-o needs to find out about everything…

  2. Yea, story has kind of lost me. The breastfeeding had me thinking you were going the diaper route. Maybe she was gonna re-raise her and embarrass her in front of her friends who would babysit and change her diapers. Maybe even have her mom babysit. But I think that path has come and gone. Maybe the next story.

    1. Not this time! I’ll bear it in mind for the future, though.

  3. After Rebecca was completely broken in the last chapter, not even able to whimper or whisper a “please, no” when ordered to clean and lick Stephanie’s sloppy wet pussy to orgasm, I was wondering if Stephanie and Jake would lose interest in torturing and tormenting Rebecca. Prim and proper Rebecca, licking the pussy of her STEPDAUGHTER? Taboo much? Rebecca has become robotically compliant. What fun is it to make a robot do things? But I was wrong. Rebecca’s wet and needy pussy does not belong to a robot. And there may not be any limit to how bad orgasm denial can feel. If pain and humiliation only serve to enhance Rebecca’s hunger to cum, there may not be a happy ending in sight. Only a descent into madness. I’m feeling urgency, maybe not on Rebecca’s level, but high enough. May I cum? - david

    1. No! Your fate is tied to Rebecca. If and when she cums, you may do the same… heh heh.

  4. Love it! So evocative of the don’t want it / want it / need it spectrum of BDSM. I detect somewhat of yourself in Rebecca. Dont you have a bad habit of playing with yourself when doing corner time? The belting, which I’m now looking forward to greatly, will really be the belting you deserve, no?

    1. I do! Good memory. My friend Tracy caught me at it, though I did not get a belting (just then, anyways). But yes, I do deserve it myself and will feel every stroke when it’s given to poor Rebecca.

  5. Very hot. I imagine that with all the thought you put into the pulley system that it’s sure to be going up soon enough.

  6. I believe this is your first time dabbling in nipple torture and I must say I’m all for it. One of my new sissy hobbies is endlessly clamping and torturing my little sissy nipples until they are sore and tender. The feeling I get after as they rub on my shirt all day is electric. My future goal is to achieve a caged orgasm from just playing with them. Keep up the great work Julie!
