Tuesday, October 15

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 9 (FM/F)

 [Continued from Part 8]

Stephanie’s hand hovered over Rebecca’s bottom for a moment, her fingers lightly tracing the edge of the robe where it had ridden up, exposing the tops of Rebecca’s thighs. “I warned you,” Stephanie said, her voice low and dangerous. “Jake, do you think she deserves to keep the robe on?”

Jake grinned, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he watched the scene unfold. “I don’t think so, Steph,” he said, leaning back in his seat. “She’s been squeaking on practically every slap. I think she’s earned herself a proper spanking—without the robe. And you know what? I think that ass is practically begging for it.”

“Stand up,” Stephanie ordered, her voice soft but commanding, the false sweetness of her tone making the situation even more unbearable.

Chapter 10: Stripped Bare and Spanked

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest as she slowly pushed herself to her feet, her hands still gripping the loose robe, her body trembling. She could feel Jake’s eyes on her, watching with keen interest as the thin layer of fabric threatened to fall away completely. Her mind raced, every instinct screaming at her to cover herself, to escape the growing humiliation, but there was no way out. She was trapped in this moment, at the mercy of Stephanie and Jake. It was what she wanted, and yet didn’t, all at the same time.

Stephanie leaned back slightly, her arms crossed as she looked up at her stepmother with a mocking smile. “Now, Rebecca,” she said softly, “since you couldn’t stay quiet, you lose the robe. And then Jake will see exactly what you’ve been hiding.”

Rebecca swallowed hard, her face flushed with humiliation. She couldn’t meet their eyes, couldn’t bring herself to look at the satisfaction written across Stephanie’s face or the curiosity in Jake’s. Her hands shook as she hesitated, the fabric of the robe slipping further off her shoulders with each passing second.

“Go on,” Stephanie urged, her voice filled with cruel amusement. “Take it off. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”

Rebecca’s heart hammered as she struggled to keep her composure, her fingers clutching the edges of the robe as if it were her last lifeline. He’s going to see everything, she realized, her face flushing with humiliation. She’d never felt so small, so completely exposed, knowing that once she dropped the robe, there would be nothing left to hide.

The thought of revealing her tiny breasts filled her with a sharp pang of embarrassment. She’d always been self-conscious about them, and now, with Jake’s gaze fixed on her, the idea of him seeing her so bare, so vulnerable, made her want to shrink away. And below… she bit her lip, the shame intensifying knowing how meticulously she’d groomed herself, leaving her mound smooth and exposed. He’s going to see everything. The humiliation was almost unbearable, knowing that nothing would be left to the imagination.

She tried to steel herself, but the thought of what would come next made her knees weak. Once the robe was gone, Stephanie would undoubtedly put her back over her knee. Rebecca could already picture the scene, her bare bottom upturned, completely vulnerable, with Jake seated behind her. Her stomach twisted at the thought of him seeing her most intimate places—the soft curve of her bare bottom, her exposed pussy from behind, even the tiny, private spot of her bottom hole. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, trying to will the thoughts away, but they only grew more vivid, making her cheeks burn hotter.

How did I end up here, like this? She could hardly breathe, caught between the overwhelming shame and a strange, undeniable pull. But there was no turning back now. Her throat tightened, her fingers trembling as she slowly pulled the robe open. The knot, now loose, fell away completely, leaving the robe hanging loosely at her sides. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, the overwhelming sense of exposure washing over her as she stood there, her chest bare beneath the soft folds of fabric.

Stephanie’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction, her smirk widening as she watched Rebecca struggle with the final step. “Drop it,” she said firmly, her tone leaving no room for hesitation.

Rebecca’s hands shook violently as she shrugged off the robe, allowing it to fall to the floor in a soft heap at her feet. Her body, naked and vulnerable, was fully exposed to them now—her small breasts, her bare pussy, everything laid bare. Standing there, completely bare, she could feel Jake’s eyes roaming over her, taking in every inch, and the reality of her exposure crashed over her in a wave of raw, agonizing embarrassment.

There was a moment of silence in the room, the weight of Rebecca’s humiliation hanging heavy in the air. She could feel her heart racing, the heat of their stares burning into her skin. Her arms itched to cover herself, but she didn’t dare move, too afraid of what Stephanie might do if she tried to hide.

Jake’s eyes roamed over her body, lingering on her chest for a moment before a slow, amused grin spread across his face. “Wow,” he said, chuckling softly, “I thought Stephanie was exaggerating when she said you were flat, but…” His gaze flicked back to her small, exposed breasts, his grin widening. “She wasn’t kidding, huh? Those really are tiny.”

Rebecca’s breath hitched, her entire body stiffening at Jake’s cruel remark. The words cut deep, stabbing at her already fragile sense of self. Her face burned with shame, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried to keep herself together, but it was no use. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, the weight of their mockery too much to bear.

Stephanie let out a soft, mocking laugh, clearly enjoying the exchange. “I told you,” she said with a grin, her eyes flicking to Jake. “She’s always been so self-conscious about it, and now you can see why.”

Rebecca’s cheeks flushed an even deeper red, her arms twitching with the instinct to cover herself, but she didn’t dare move. She stood there, completely exposed, her body trembling under the weight of their laughter, her small breasts bare for both of them to mock.

“But Jesus, Steph,” Jake said, tilting his head. “What the hell did you do to her tits? They look… beaten.”

Rebecca’s face flushed deeper, the shame radiating off her as she hugged herself tighter, her body shaking under Jake’s scrutinizing gaze. The bruises from earlier pulsed painfully as if his words alone were enough to reignite the burning sting she’d endured.

Stephanie glanced at Rebecca’s chest with a casual, almost dismissive air before turning her attention back to Jake. Her expression didn’t shift, a small, satisfied smile playing on her lips as she responded, “Oh, that? That was just a little obedience training before her spanking.” She shrugged as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “I had to remind her who’s in charge. It worked pretty well, I think.”

Rebecca’s breath hitched, her mind spinning with the memory of Stephanie’s earlier torment—how she had been dragged down to her knees by her tender nipples, pulled up painfully until she was on her tiptoes, utterly helpless under Stephanie’s grasp. The humiliation of it had been overwhelming, but hearing Stephanie describe it so casually, as if it had been nothing more than a simple correction, made it all the worse.

Stephanie’s smirk deepened as she turned her attention fully to Rebecca now, her eyes narrowing with cruel amusement. “What do you think, Rebecca? Do you need any more obedience training?” Her voice was laced with mockery as she slowly crossed her arms. “Would you like to be taken down to your knees again? Maybe back up on your tiptoes by those tiny tits of yours?”

Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat, her chest tightening with dread as her eyes darted between Stephanie and Jake, both of whom were watching her, waiting. She felt the weight of their expectation pressing down on her, the threat of further humiliation hanging in the air.

“No, please,” Rebecca whispered, her voice trembling. “No more…”

But Stephanie raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying Rebecca’s desperation. “Are you sure? You seemed like you needed a reminder earlier, and you’ve been awfully defiant since Jake’s been here.”

Rebecca’s legs trembled beneath her, and she shook her head quickly, her voice almost a whimper. “No… no more. I’ll be good. Please.”

The smirk on Stephanie’s face widened, satisfied by Rebecca’s submission. “Good,” she said softly, her tone dark and commanding. “Then don’t give me any reason to train you again. Understood?”

Rebecca nodded quickly, her heart racing as the fear of what might come next gnawed at her. She could feel her body trembling, every muscle tight with tension and humiliation, knowing that at any moment, she could be reduced to nothing once again.

"Turn around," Stephanie commanded, her voice sharp. "Let’s see how bruised that little bum of yours is from earlier, shall we?" Stephanie said with a mocking lilt to her voice.

Rebecca’s heart sank even deeper, her mind racing with panic. The shame of what was to come hit her like a wave, but she knew there was no point in resisting. Slowly, with tears brimming in her eyes, Rebecca turned around, her back now facing them, and she could feel both of their eyes on her bare, bruised backside. She clenched her fists at her sides, every muscle in her body tensing with the humiliation of the moment.

It was a mess, the skin mottled with dark bruises and angry red welts from where Stephanie’s hand had come down with too much force. The soreness had already settled in deep, making every slight movement a painful reminder of her earlier humiliation.

Jake’s eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight, the smug amusement on his face flickering for a moment as he saw just how battered Rebecca’s backside was. “Damn,” he muttered, clearly taken aback. “Maybe you should go easy on her, Steph. That looks pretty rough.”

For a brief moment, Rebecca felt a flicker of hope at Jake’s words. Maybe, just maybe, he’d convince Stephanie to show her some mercy. But her hope was quickly dashed as Stephanie laughed, her voice full of condescension.

“Oh, Jake,” Stephanie said, shaking her head. “You’re missing the point. It’s not my fault she’s getting another spanking. If she hadn’t diddled herself in the living room, and then been disobedient after, we wouldn’t be here again, would we?” Her gaze never left Rebecca’s bruised skin. “Now she has to suffer the consequences of her actions.”

Rebecca bit her lip hard, trying to hold back the sob that threatened to escape. Stephanie’s words hit her like a punch to the gut, reminding her just how little control she had in this situation. She was being punished for her actions.

Jake hesitated for a moment, glancing at Rebecca’s bruised backside again, but the weight of Stephanie’s authority was clear. He sighed, clearly resigned to the situation. “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he said finally, shaking his head. “She brought this on herself.”

Rebecca felt her stomach twist as Jake’s words hung in the air. There would be no reprieve, no mercy. Stephanie’s control over her was absolute, and Rebecca’s suffering was far from over. She stood there, exposed and humiliated, knowing that the pain she’d already endured was nothing compared to what was still to come.

“Turn back around again. Keep those hands by your sides. No covering up,” Stephanie commanded.

Rebecca hesitated, every nerve in her body screaming at her to resist. But Stephanie’s commanding tone left her with little choice. Slowly, she turned back again to face them, forcing her hands to stay rigidly at her sides as she complied. Her arms ached with the effort of resisting the instinct to cover herself, but she knew that any attempt to hide would only lead to further humiliation. She could feel her cheeks burning as she stood there, completely bare, her gaze fixed on a point just beyond them, desperate to avoid their eyes.

Stephanie’s smug smile only deepened as she took in Rebecca’s obedience. “That’s a good girl,” she cooed mockingly. “And look at those teeny tiny titties. So cute!” She gestured dismissively at Rebecca’s chest, the casual cruelty in her tone making Rebecca’s stomach twist with embarrassment. She fought back the urge to cover herself, her skin prickling under the scrutiny, aware of every inch of herself on display.

She risked a glance at Jake, who watched her with an intensity that made her want to shrink away. His eyes roamed over her, lingering on her exposed chest, then drifting down her body, taking in every detail. She could feel his gaze, hot and unrelenting, and she struggled to steady her breathing, feeling more vulnerable than ever.

“So, Rebecca,” Stephanie purred, her voice dripping with condescension, “are you going to be a good little girl for your spanking?”

Rebecca’s cheeks burned at the question. The word “little” echoed in her mind, emphasizing how small and helpless she felt under Stephanie’s control. She swallowed, unable to bring herself to speak, knowing that her humiliation was far from over.

Stephanie raised an eyebrow, clearly waiting for an answer. “If you’re a good little girl, maybe I’ll let you off easy,” she continued. “Just a little baby spanking. That would be much easier for you, wouldn’t it?”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted, but she had no choice but to agree. If there was a chance Stephanie might go easy on her, she’d have to play along. She took a shaky breath and forced herself to look at Stephanie. “Yes,” she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath, “I’ll be good.” If she could get away with something gentler, perhaps she could preserve a shred of her dignity—or at least avoid some of the sting.

Stephanie raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. “That’s not what I asked, Rebecca. I want to hear you say the words. Are you going to be a good little girl?

Rebecca clenched her fists, feeling the burn of shame creeping up her neck. The thought of saying those words out loud, in front of Jake, was almost too humiliating to bear. “I’ll… I’ll cooperate, I promise” she tried again, desperately hoping this might suffice.

Stephanie sighed, shaking her head with exaggerated disappointment. “That’s not good enough, Rebecca. I think you know exactly what I need to hear.” Her tone was firm, with an edge that told Rebecca there would be no escaping this without complete submission. “I need you to say, ‘I’ll be a good little girl.’ If you don’t, I might have to change my mind about that baby spanking.”

Rebecca bit her lip, the words sticking in her throat. The idea of submitting so completely, of uttering those humiliating words in front of both Stephanie and Jake, felt like an impossible hurdle. But Stephanie’s gaze remained unyielding, and Rebecca could feel the control slipping further away with each passing second. She glanced at Jake, catching the hint of a smirk playing at his lips, and the heat in her cheeks intensified.

Taking a shaky breath, she forced herself to look back at Stephanie. Her voice trembled as she finally surrendered, unable to avoid the inevitable. “I’ll… I’ll be a good little girl,” she whispered, barely able to get the words out.

Stephanie’s smile widened, a glint of satisfaction lighting up her eyes. “There we go. Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” She stood and gestured to the spot in front of her. “Over my knee, little girl. And remember, if you struggle, that ‘baby spanking’ might just turn into something much more serious.”

Rebecca hesitated for a moment, her heart racing with dread. The idea of going over Stephanie’s lap, of being spanked again in front of Jake, this time fully nude, sent a wave of panic through her. But she knew she had no choice. Slowly, reluctantly, she lowered herself across Stephanie’s waiting lap, her body stiff and tense as she positioned herself for the inevitable.

Stephanie’s hand rested on Rebecca’s lower back, pressing her down firmly. “I want you to arch that bottom of yours for me,” she said, her voice dripping with amusement. “Raise it up high. Obscene even. And spread those legs a bit. I want to see you present yourself properly for Jake.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted, her breath catching in her throat as she struggled to obey. It was already humiliating enough to be naked and bent over Stephanie’s lap, but the demand to arch her bottom—obscenely, as Stephanie had put it—and spread her legs, made the shame almost unbearable. And yet…

“Go on,” Stephanie urged, her tone sweet but with a sharp edge. “Arch it for me, Rebecca. Or do I need to take more drastic measures to make sure you listen? Maybe I should fetch the hairbrush and really give it to you?”

Rebecca squeezed her eyes shut, her face burning as she shifted her hips, spread her legs slightly and arched her back in an effort to comply. She could feel the cool air of the room brush against her exposed skin, her bottom raised high, completely vulnerable. The position felt degrading, her body positioned in a way that left her utterly powerless and on display for both Stephanie and Jake.

“That’s better,” Stephanie purred, her hand lightly trailing over Rebecca’s bare bottom, her fingers brushing against the sensitive skin with a teasing touch. “I knew you’d listen if I pushed you hard enough.”

Rebecca bit her lip, trying to suppress the sobs that threatened to escape. Her body trembled with both fear and humiliation, the weight of Stephanie’s dominance pressing down on her as she waited for the punishment to begin.

Jake leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before him with a mixture of amusement and growing arousal. From where he sat, Rebecca’s body was fully on display—her back arched so obscenely that every curve, every inch of her, was exposed. The position Stephanie had forced her into left nothing to the imagination, her bare bottom raised high, trembling. Her pussy and asshole on full display.

And then, with a sharp crack, Stephanie’s hand came down hard on Rebecca’s bare bottom, the sting of the slap reverberating through her entire body. Rebecca gasped, her back arching even further as the pain shot through her.

“Good girl,” Stephanie murmured softly, her hand resting on Rebecca’s reddened skin for a moment before pulling back for another strike. “But you need to arch it more. Higher. Like a good little girl.

Rebecca whimpered, her body trembling as she tried to obey, her bottom lifting even higher into the air. The position felt obscene, exactly as Stephanie had intended, and the knowledge that Jake was watching—seeing everything—only deepened the shame and arousal.

Another sharp smack landed on Rebecca’s raised bottom, the sound echoing through the room. She couldn’t help it—a soft cry escaped her lips, her body jolting from the force of the blow. But she quickly bit her lip, remembering Stephanie’s earlier warning about keeping quiet.

“Keep that bottom up,” Stephanie ordered, her tone stern but filled with amusement. “Show Jake how well you can present yourself for a spanking.”

Rebecca’s breath hitched, her entire body shaking as she forced herself to comply. She could feel the heat rising in her skin, her bottom burning from the relentless spanking, but she knew that any hesitation, any failure to obey, would only make things worse.

The faintest sheen of sweat clung to Rebecca’s skin, her body glistening in the low light of the room, and each time she flinched or squirmed beneath the blows, the movement only accentuated her vulnerability. Her legs, slightly parted, left her completely exposed in a way that made Jake’s gaze linger, his eyes roaming from her reddened bottom to the intimate space between her thighs that she had no hope of hiding in this degrading position.

Stephanie’s hand came down again, harder this time, and Rebecca let out another soft cry, her back arching further as she tried to keep her bottom raised as high as possible. The position was humiliating, degrading, and every sharp smack that followed only deepened her sense of powerlessness.

Jake chuckled softly from where he sat, his gaze fixed on Rebecca’s exposed body, her raised bottom the focus of the scene. “You’ve really got her trained, Steph,” he said with a grin, his voice filled with amusement. “Look at her… arching up like that. It’s pathetic.”

Stephanie laughed softly, her hand resting on Rebecca’s burning skin as she tilted her head slightly, clearly pleased with the display. “Oh, I know,” she said sweetly. “But she needs to learn. This is what happens when she’s naughty and forgets her place.”

Another sharp smack, another soft cry from Rebecca. She could feel the tears welling up again, but she knew she couldn’t stop. She had to keep her bottom raised, had to arch it obscenely as Stephanie had demanded, or the punishment would only get worse.

Jake chuckled softly to himself, watching as her body twitched with every strike. He could see how much she was struggling, her muscles tense beneath the sheen of sweat, her breath coming in shallow gasps. Every time Stephanie’s hand came down, Rebecca would jolt, and the motion caused her raised bottom to shift, offering Jake a clearer view of everything she wished desperately to conceal.

“Damn,” Jake murmured under his breath, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight. “She really is exposed, isn’t she?”

Rebecca’s entire body burned with shame. She knew he could see everything—knew that Jake’s gaze was lingering on the most private parts of her, her body laid bare for his inspection. The knowledge sent a fresh wave of humiliation through her, the realization that no matter how much she wanted to hide, there was no escape from the obscene position Stephanie had forced her into. Every inch of her was on display, her body arching unnaturally high, and she could feel Jake’s eyes crawling over her exposed skin like a physical touch.

Her chest heaved with each breath, her tears now flowing freely as the heat of her shame mingled with the sting of the spanking. She wanted to hide her face, to bury herself in the cushions and disappear, but the position she was in—arched high and spread wide—left her completely vulnerable. Her bottom throbbed from the relentless spanking, but worse than the pain was the knowledge that Jake was watching everything, seeing her most private parts fully exposed.

Rebecca squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the reality of the situation, but she couldn’t escape the sound of his soft chuckles or the weight of his gaze. The feeling of being so utterly on display, so completely at the mercy of both Stephanie’s dominance and Jake’s amused observation, made her feel like she was shrinking inside her own skin. Every part of her body felt like it was on fire—not just from the spanking but from the humiliation of knowing that she was being seen like this, presented like an object for their amusement.

Stephanie’s hand came down again, the sharp crack filling the room as Rebecca’s body jolted with the force of the blow. Her sobs grew louder, her body trembling as she struggled to maintain the humiliating position.

“Stephanie! Please!” Rebecca whimpered, twisting her head to try to catch her stepdaughter’s eye. “I’m being a good little girl! You said this would be a baby spanking!”

Stephanie let out a low, satisfied chuckle, her hand pausing mid-air before coming down again with a loud smack, right across the tenderest part of Rebecca’s bare bottom. “Oh, I did, didn’t I?” she mused, a smirk playing at her lips. “But good little girls don’t squirm like you, do they? And they don’t have to be reminded to keep their bums up, do they? They stay nice and still and arched way up for my boyfriend for their spanking.”

Rebecca bit her lip, fighting to hold back a yelp as another firm smack landed. The heat was building on her skin, spreading with each spank, and she was starting to realize that Stephanie had no intention of going easy on her. She clung to the edge of the sofa, her knuckles white, feeling both the sting of the spanking and the embarrassment of knowing Jake was behind her, watching every movement, seeing every twitch.

“I—I am being good,” she protested, her voice shaking. “You’re the one who—ah!” She let out a soft cry as Stephanie’s hand came down again, this time with a force that left her bottom tingling and hot.

Stephanie leaned in close, her voice a whisper that sent chills down Rebecca’s spine. “You think that was hard?” she taunted. “If you keep fussing, I’ll remind you what a real spanking feels like. You remember that? Like on the beach? This is nothing.”

Rebecca’s heart raced. She knew she had no choice but to submit, even as the humiliation burned through her. Each smack echoed through the room, her skin stinging as the spanking continued, relentless and far harder than the “baby spanking” she’d been promised. All the while, she couldn’t shake the knowledge that Jake’s eyes were on her, taking in the sight of her vulnerable, exposed, and completely at Stephanie’s mercy. As her body undulated with a mix of embarrassment and involuntary arousal. Jake's position directly behind her provided an intimate and lewd view that was both captivating and deeply taboo.

With each wriggle of her body, Rebecca's ass cheeks parted slightly, offering Jake fleeting glimpses of her most secret crevices. Her skin was smooth and pale, a stark contrast to the reddening blush that Stephanie's disciplinary hand was painting across her buttocks. The smack of flesh on flesh echoed in the room, punctuating the silence and making Rebecca's body jolt each time.

Jake's gaze was drawn to the delicate folds of Rebecca's pussy, spread open by the force of her position. He could see the slickness that coated her inner lips, a glistening sheen that betrayed her body's response to the humiliating spectacle. Despite the shame that burned in her cheeks, her arousal was undeniable, the pink flesh of her sex swelling and darkening with each spank.

Her labia parted, revealing the tight entrance of her vagina, which clenched and relaxed in rhythm with her squirms. Jake imagined the warmth and wetness that lay within, the tightness that would grip his cock if he were to plunge into her from this compromising angle.

Above her pussy, the tight pucker of her anus winked at him with each impact of Stephanie's hand. It was a small, innocent-looking hole, usually hidden from view, now exposed and vulnerable to his gaze. The thought of breaching that virgin territory, of claiming that last vestige of her modesty, sent a thrill of excitement through him.

Rebecca's body was a landscape of forbidden pleasures, each twitch and jerk offering a new perspective on her intimate geography. Her thighs quivered, the soft skin trembling with a mix of fear and excitement. The scent of her arousal wafted through the air, a musky perfume that mingled with the sharp tang of her embarrassment.

As Stephanie continued the spanking, Rebecca's movements became more frantic. Her back arched deeply, her tiny breasts pressing firmly against Stephanie's leg, her nipples hardened into tight buds. Her ass lifted higher, presenting itself for further chastisement, the cheeks quivering in anticipation of each stinging slap.

Jake could see the fine hairs on her body standing on end, each one a testament to the intensity of her experience. Her breathing was ragged, her moans growing louder with each spank. Her holes—pussy and ass—seemed to beckon him, opening and closing as if inviting him to explore their depths.

The sight of Rebecca's submission, her total surrender to the humiliation of her position, was mesmerizing. Jake felt his cock straining against his pants, eager to participate in her punishment, to add to her shame by using her body for his own pleasure.

Stephanie, completely focused on her task, brought her hand down once more with a sharp crack, her lips curling into a smirk as Rebecca let out another sob.

Rebecca’s body lay spent and quivering over her lap. Rebecca's attempts to stifle her moans had grown feeble, her resistance to the pleasure that now mingled with her pain all but vanished. Stephanie's hand slid down Rebecca's back, feeling the heat radiating from her spanked bottom, and she allowed her fingers to trace the wetness that had seeped from her stepmother's core.

The evidence of Rebecca's arousal was unmistakable. Her pussy lips were swollen and slick, betraying her body's response to the spanking. Stephanie could smell her arousal, could feel the dampness on her thighs, a shameful testament to the pleasure that had coursed through Rebecca's body despite her humiliation.

"Look at you, Rebecca," Stephanie chided, her voice dripping with disdain. "You're absolutely soaked. Is this what gets you off? Being spanked like a naughty little girl, displayed and used for my boyfriend’s entertainment?"

Rebecca whimpered, her face buried in the couch cushions, too embarrassed to speak. Her body, however, answered for her. Every muscle seemed to tremble with the intensity of her need, her hips subtly bucking against Stephanie's hand, seeking friction, seeking release.

Stephanie turned to Jake, her eyes locking onto his. "It seems our little punishment has had an... unexpected effect on Rebecca. She's practically dripping with desire." She paused, letting the words hang in the air, thick with implication.

But then she glanced up briefly, she caught sight of Jake’s expression—his darkened eyes, the subtle shift of his body—and her smirk deepened with realization. Her gaze dropped to the bulge growing in his jeans. Her smirk widened, her fingers pressing more firmly into Rebecca’s tender skin as an idea began to form in her mind.

“Well, well,” she mused aloud, her tone thoughtful but still laced with that cruel edge. “Looks like all this has gotten you a little worked up too, Jake.”

Jake’s grin widened, his hand moving subtly over the front of his jeans. “I can’t help it,” he admitted with a chuckle. “Watching you put her in her place? It’s… well, you know.”

Stephanie then leaned forward slightly, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper as she spoke to Jake, her eyes never leaving the bulge in his jeans. “I wonder,” she began, her lips curling into a mischievous smile, “since she’s already here… maybe she should be the one to take care of your little… problem there…”

[To be continued…]


  1. I can’t deny it any longer. The world says I should be Jake. But. I. AM. REBECCA! She has the body of a little girl. I have the body of a little boy. My lack of endowment is emphasized by shaving. My panties are wet with arousal, imagining her humiliation is mine. I don’t want a spanking. Not a real one anyway. But I also do want a spanking. A real, tear inducing, witnessed spanking. And yes. I want to be fucked. Penetrated. Both ends. My leaking betrays my desire. I sense this is Rebecca’s future. I want it to be mine. I can’t deny it any longer. I. AM. REBECCA! - david

  2. I'm enjoying the infantilizing of Rebecca, very powerful. I'm not sure I could manage it, although perhaps with the right persuasive techniques...

    ...back from my waxing. there was a new girl this time, and she did the procedure somewhat differently. she had me lie on my side with one knee pulled up. As David can attest, this is how the doc usually conducts a prostate exam. then she had me reach back and pull one cheek apart to give her better access.

    I was also getting my nipples/chest hair removed, and when she told me to turn over, she offered a little "napkin" to cover my crotch. I told her that after doing my ass it seemed a little pointless to worry about modestly, and we had a good laugh about that. so, I lay there nude, completely exposed, my cock twitching as she poured warm wax on my nipples and ripped it off.

    of course, she was very professional about it all, but a fella can dream...

