Thursday, October 10

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 4 (F/F)

 [Continued from Part 3]

Stephanie’s fingers lingered for a moment longer, her touch light but firm, as if she was making sure to fully imprint this moment of shame into Rebecca’s memory. Then, with a satisfied smirk, she pulled her hand away, leaving Rebecca feeling cold and exposed.

“Now it’s lesson-time, Rebecca.”

Chapter 5: Spanked

And then, with a swift and deliberate motion, Stephanie tightened her grip around Rebecca’s waist again and stood up from the stump, forcing Rebecca off her lap.

Stephanie knelt on one knee on the sandy ground and tugged Rebecca over her raised knee in a humiliating position that left Rebecca’s bare bottom fully exposed, her body bent over and vulnerable. The beach air hit Rebecca’s bare bottom, causing her to shudder as she realized what was about to happen.

“No, please…” Rebecca whispered, her voice barely audible. But it was too late.

As Rebecca lay draped across Stephanie’s lap, her heart pounded in her chest, her breath shallow as she realized just how trapped she was. The sheer physicality of Stephanie’s body beneath her—so strong, so athletic—made Rebecca feel small, powerless. She squirmed, trying to find a way out, but it was no use. Stephanie’s grip around her waist was firm, and Rebecca was completely at her mercy.

The silence between them felt heavy, and just as Rebecca opened her mouth to beg for release, Stephanie’s voice cut through the still air, calm but laced with a hard edge of satisfaction.

“Do you remember, Rebecca?” Stephanie asked, her voice low and measured. “Do you remember that time, years ago, when you spanked me?”

Rebecca’s heart lurched. She did remember. How could she forget? It had been years ago, when Stephanie was just a little girl—vulnerable, angry, and grieving the divorce. Rebecca, newly married to Stephanie’s father, had been trying to discipline her stepdaughter, trying to assert some kind of control over a child who resented her deeply. Rebecca had spanked her, thinking it was the only way to keep Stephanie in line. She had told herself it was for Stephanie’s own good, but the memory now made her stomach turn with regret.

Stephanie continued, her tone darkening. “I was just a little girl then. My mom and dad were just divorced, and you decided the best way to handle my emotions was to spank me?” Her voice was even, but there was a simmering anger beneath the surface, an old wound that had never quite healed.

Rebecca’s throat tightened as she tried to stammer out a response. “Stephanie, I didn’t know—”

“I resented you for it,” Stephanie cut her off, her grip tightening on Rebecca’s waist. “I hated you for coming into my life, for trying to replace her. And now…” Stephanie let out a low, mocking chuckle, “now it’s payback.”

Rebecca’s stomach dropped, the realization hitting her like a punch. She had never thought the tables would turn like this. She had never imagined herself in this position—literally over her stepdaughter’s knee, about to be punished in a way that echoed the very thing she had done all those years ago.

Stephanie leaned down, her voice almost a whisper now, but filled with unmistakable menace. “I can promise you this, Rebecca,” she said, her breath warm against Rebecca’s ear. “You won’t be sitting for a week.”

Rebecca felt a lump form in her throat as she heard that, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and humiliation. She twisted slightly, trying to catch Stephanie’s gaze, her voice trembling as she spoke.

“Stephanie, please… you don’t have to do this,” Rebecca stammered, her voice barely a whisper. “I’m sorry for how things were… for how I treated you back then. I was trying my best, I really was. Can’t we just talk about this?”

But Stephanie merely looked down at her with an amused smile, her hand resting lightly on Rebecca’s lower back, holding her in place with a grip that was gentle yet unyielding. Her calm, collected demeanor only made Rebecca feel more frantic.

“I… I was wrong, okay?” Rebecca continued, her tone becoming more desperate as she struggled to find the right words. “I know I hurt you, and I know I overstepped. But this… this isn’t right, Stephanie. I’m your stepmother, and we can work this out without—” She stopped, feeling tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. Her voice broke, and a wave of panic washed over her as she felt herself starting to unravel.

In that moment, all her resolve crumbled, and she felt herself regressing, the veneer of adulthood slipping away as she pleaded. “Please, Stephanie… I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Just… let me up, and we can forget this ever happened. I’ll do anything, just please don’t spank me.” Her voice cracked, and she felt a hot tear roll down her cheek, the sheer humiliation of her predicament nearly overwhelming her.

Rebecca’s words seemed to amuse Stephanie even more. A small, satisfied smirk played on her lips as she looked down at her stepmother, now reduced to a tearful, pleading state. Stephanie’s eyes sparkled with a sense of control and satisfaction that made Rebecca’s stomach twist.

“Oh, Rebecca,” Stephanie cooed, her tone dripping with mock sympathy. “Look at you. The mighty stepmother, begging like a little girl.” She chuckled softly, shaking her head. “It’s almost cute. But you and I both know that your apologies won’t change a thing. You’re getting exactly what you deserve.”

Rebecca sobbed quietly, her words barely more than a whisper now. “Please, Stephanie, please… I’m begging you. Don’t do this. I can’t… I can’t take it.”

Stephanie’s expression didn’t soften in the slightest. If anything, her amusement only seemed to deepen, and she looked down at Rebecca with a chilling calmness. “Oh, I know you can’t take it. That’s the point,” she replied, her voice firm and unyielding. “I’m going to make sure you remember this, just like I remember that time you spanked me.”

And with that, Stephanie lifted her hand, holding it in the air for a moment, savoring the sight of Rebecca’s tear-streaked face and trembling body. She relished the control she held, the power she wielded over the woman who had once disciplined her. In that final second before the first spank landed, Stephanie said, “It’s time you learned what it feels like to be truly sorry.”

With that, Stephanie’s hand came down hard on Rebecca’s bare bottom, the sound of the slap like an gunshot. Rebecca gasped, the sharp sting of the slap sending a jolt through her body. She tried to squirm away, to push herself up, but Stephanie’s arm remained firmly across her back, holding her in place.

Another slap followed, harder this time, and Rebecca whimpered, the pain blossoming across her skin. More tears welled up in her eyes, and she tried blinking them back, but it was no use.

The slaps came down in a steady rhythm, each one landing with a sharp, humiliating sting. Rebecca’s body jerked with every impact, her bottom growing red and sore beneath Stephanie’s unrelenting hand. The pain was bad enough, but it was the humiliation that truly crushed her—the knowledge that she was being spanked like a naughty child by her own stepdaughter.

“You thought you could replace my mom,” Stephanie hissed between slaps, her voice low and dangerous. “But you never stood a chance. Look at you now, Rebecca. Look at where you are.”

Rebecca squeezed her eyes shut, biting her lip to keep from crying out. The sting of each slap was unbearable, but it was the shame that cut the deepest. She had come into this thinking she could assert her authority, but now, she was nothing more than a humiliated, naked woman draped over her stepdaughter’s knee.

The spanking continued, each slap more painful than the last, and Rebecca’s resolve began to crumble. Her body betrayed her, her legs kicking slightly in response to the pain, her bottom wiggling under Stephanie’s relentless hand. Stephanie, an athlete who clearly didn’t know her own strength, was taking her role as disciplinarian far too seriously. Rebecca could feel the difference between them in every inch of her body, her slim, weaker form completely dominated by the young woman’s power.

Stephanie’s hand was strong and unrelenting. Each time it connected with Rebecca’s tender flesh, the impact sent a wave of heat and pain coursing through her, turning her already pale skin a deep shade of red. Rebecca’s legs kicked out, her bare feet scraping against the sand, but it didn’t matter. There was no escape. Stephanie held her firmly in place, her athletic grip unbreakable.

“Please… Stephanie… stop!” Rebecca’s voice cracked as she tried to beg, but Stephanie wasn’t listening—or didn’t care. More intense smacks sent fresh shocks of pain shooting through her. The sting in her backside intensified, spreading like fire, until her bottom felt raw and exposed. Tears began to pool in her eyes, and she bit her lip, desperate to hold them back, but it was no use.

The spanking continued, each hit more brutal than the last, and Rebecca soon lost count. Stephanie was relentless, her strong arm rising and falling with the steady rhythm of someone who didn’t know when to stop. Rebecca’s small frame shook with every impact, her bottom now a deep, burning red, the pain growing unbearable. She gasped between sobs, her body trembling uncontrollably, her legs kicking uselessly in the air. Every smack sent fresh tears spilling down her cheeks, and soon, she was sobbing openly, the humiliation of being spanked like a disobedient child inescapable.

Her cries seemed to fuel Stephanie’s determination. Rebecca’s sobs grew louder, more desperate, her entire body writhing as she tried to escape the torment. But Stephanie’s strong, athletic arm held her firmly in place, and with each slap, Rebecca was reminded of just how powerless she was. Stephanie’s strength was undeniable, and the force behind each smack was enough to drive Rebecca deeper into her humiliation.

Rebecca’s mind raced as she sobbed uncontrollably, her bottom now throbbing with pain. How had she ended up like this? How had she gone from being the wife, the mother figure in their family, to being spanked like a naughty child by her stepdaughter? The power dynamic was completely inverted, and there was nothing she could do to reclaim any dignity in the face of this abject humiliation.

Her skin was on fire, every inch of her bottom ached, the pain spreading down to her thighs. She knew that by now, her skin must have been a bright, angry red, marked by the force of Stephanie’s strong hand.

The relentless rhythm of Stephanie’s hand came down harder and faster, each slap reverberating through Rebecca’s entire body. Her skin, already bright red, felt as though it was burning—every inch of her backside throbbing with pain. The smacks were so fierce now that Rebecca’s cries turned into desperate, high-pitched screams, her legs kicking wildly in the air as her body tried to escape the agony.

“Please, no more! No more!” Rebecca sobbed, her voice raw and hoarse from crying, but the words seemed to vanish into the air as Stephanie’s hand continued its punishing pace. Each blow landed with terrifying force, sending sharp, searing pain radiating through her flesh. Rebecca’s body jerked uncontrollably with every impact, her hips writhing, her hands clawing at the ground in a futile attempt to pull herself free.

Stephanie didn’t stop. The spanking grew more intense with every passing second, her hand unyielding as it cracked down on Rebecca’s bare, swollen skin. The sound of the smacks filled the air, louder now, brutal, as Rebecca’s sobs dissolved into a panicked, desperate wail. Her body trembled, every muscle taut as she kicked her legs frantically, trying to twist away, trying to escape the torment, but it was no use. Stephanie’s strong arm held her in place, her athletic strength far too much for Rebecca to resist

“Stephanie, please! I can’t… I can’t take it!” Rebecca screamed, her voice breaking, but the plea only seemed to fall on deaf ears. The spanking didn’t slow, didn’t relent. It was as if Stephanie couldn’t hear her at all. The pain was unbearable now, overwhelming, and Rebecca’s cries had turned into desperate gasps between ragged breaths. Her entire world had been reduced to the sharp sting of each strike and the humiliation of being utterly helpless across her stepdaughter’s knee.

Her legs kicked uselessly, her body thrashing in an attempt to avoid the next punishing slaps, but they came anyway—hard, fast, and unyielding. Rebecca’s entire body shook with the force of the blows, tears streaming down her face, her voice hoarse as she cried out with each new hit. Her hands, once trying to shield herself, now clung to the grass beneath her, fingers digging into the earth as if it might ground her, might somehow stop the relentless punishment.

But it didn’t.

“I promise! I promise I’ll never… I’ll never try to tell you what to do again!” Rebecca cried out, her voice hoarse and broken, pleading for any semblance of mercy. Her body quaked from the intensity of the pain.

Stephanie didn’t slow down. The smacks continued, each one as hard and swift as before, if not harder. She didn’t miss a beat, her athletic strength showing no signs of letting up. Rebecca’s promise seemed to have no effect, and her heart sank as she realized the punishment wasn’t close to being over.

“Damn right you won’t,” Stephanie replied coldly, her voice full of authority. The satisfaction in her tone stung nearly as much as the smacks raining down on Rebecca’s bare skin. And yet, she didn’t stop. In fact, her hand seemed to come down even harder after the statement, as if to drive the point home, ensuring that Rebecca would never forget her place again.

Rebecca’s cries reached a new level of desperation as she realized the hopelessness of her situation. Her promise hadn’t earned her a reprieve, and her sobs echoed through the quiet surroundings, each broken plea falling on deaf ears. “Please! Please, I can’t take any more!” she wailed, but Stephanie’s grip on her remained firm, unyielding.

“You don’t get to decide that either,” Stephanie said, her hand cracking down again, forcing another anguished yelp from Rebecca. “You’ll take as much as I decide to give you.”

Rebecca’s tears soaked her face as her body continued to shake under the assault, her humiliation complete. She had surrendered everything—her will, her dignity, her control—and it still wasn’t enough. Stephanie was going to finish this punishment on her terms, and there was nothing Rebecca could do but sob, broken and powerless, under the unrelenting onslaught.

Rebecca let out a strangled cry, her desperation reaching new heights. The utter helplessness of her situation sank in like a weight pressing on her chest. She had no control, no say in what happened to her. Stephanie had complete power, and the realization that this would continue for as long as she deemed necessary made Rebecca’s sobs deepen.

“Please! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Please stop! Please stop!” Rebecca wailed, her voice broken and raw. But there was no pause, no hesitation in the rhythm of the spanking. Every word Rebecca uttered was punctuated by another sharp slap to her already blazing bottom, the pain too much to bear. Her legs kicked uselessly once more, her body shaking violently in a final attempt to escape the torture, but Stephanie’s strong arm held her firmly in place.

Rebecca heard Stephanie’s voice above the relentless smacks, calm yet firm, cutting through the haze of pain. “I told you already, you don’t get to decide when this is over, Rebecca,” Stephanie said coldly, her tone leaving no room for argument. The blows didn’t stop as she spoke, each one landing with brutal precision. “I decide when your punishment is finished. Not you.” Stephanie’s voice was smooth but firm, as though she were instructing a child who had misbehaved. “You’re going to take every bit of this punishment, Rebecca, until I’m satisfied that you’ve learned your lesson.”

Rebecca’s heart sank deeper into her chest, the humiliation crushing. Her own stepdaughter was delivering this punishment with an almost effortless authority, and Rebecca was powerless to stop her. Her entire body shook with each slap, and she could no longer even muster the strength to beg. The pain was unbearable, but worse still was the shame—the complete loss of control over her own body, her own dignity.

“I’ve had enough!” Rebecca tried one final, desperate plea, but her voice was barely audible through her sobs. Stephanie responded with a harder smack that made Rebecca yelp.

“You don’t get to say when you’ve had enough,” Stephanie reminded her sharply, her hand coming down even harder than before, as if to punctuate the point. “That’s for me to decide. And we’re far from done.”

Rebecca’s tears came faster, her sobs now choking her as she realized there was no way out. She was utterly at Stephanie’s mercy, and there was no telling how long this punishment would last. All she could do was endure, her body limp and broken, trembling across Stephanie’s lap as the relentless spanking continued, each strike a reminder of her complete and utter helplessness.

Rebecca's mind raced, the sharp sting of each smack burning into her skin with relentless intensity. Panic gripped her as she struggled to process the reality of her situation. There was a cold, unbending resolve in Stephanie’s movements, a determination that told Rebecca she was far from finished.

Desperation clawed at Rebecca's insides as she realized she had no control over what was happening to her. No amount of begging or pleading would change a thing. Stephanie had all the power here, and Rebecca was as helpless as a small child, completely at the mercy of her stepdaughter’s will. A sickening sense of vulnerability overwhelmed her, knowing that Stephanie wouldn’t stop until she was satisfied, until she felt Rebecca had learned the lesson she intended to teach. Rebecca’s cheeks burned, both from the shame of the situation and the heat of the relentless spanking.

She was powerless, utterly stripped of her autonomy. She could cry, beg, kick, or plead—all of it would fall on deaf ears. Stephanie had made that much clear. Rebecca’s body shuddered with sobs, and she clenched her fists, trying to brace herself against the stinging blows. She didn’t know how much more she could take. Her skin felt raw, each smack deepening the ache, and the tears streamed down her face, but she knew it wouldn’t end until Stephanie decided it was enough.

A thought twisted in her mind, raw and unsettling: she was at the mercy of a girl so much younger, yet so much stronger, who had complete and total control over her. Just like a child being punished by her mother, Rebecca realized she had no say, no influence over how long this would last. Stephanie would only stop when she felt the lesson had been drilled in, and Rebecca sensed that was still a long way off. The hopelessness of her position sank in fully, and the fear of not knowing how she would endure it clawed at her insides.

But what choice did she have? She had no say in this, no power to resist. She was trapped in Stephanie’s grasp, forced to take whatever was given to her, however long it took. Rebecca let out another choked sob, resigning herself to the torment, knowing there was nothing she could do but endure and wait for Stephanie’s satisfaction, however distant that might be.

The spanking continued with its brutal, unrelenting rhythm. Each smack felt like a brand against her bare skin, the fire spreading, making her entire lower half feel raw and inflamed. Her breathing was ragged, her chest heaving as she gasped for air between sobs. She clawed at the ground, clinging to anything that might give her some anchor, but there was nothing—only the unyielding force of Stephanie’s hand. Rebecca felt herself growing frantic, panic flooding her senses as the pain became almost unbearable.

She squirmed, kicked, pleaded, her words garbled by the tears, but Stephanie’s arm held her firmly in place, each smack a reminder of her complete lack of control. She tried to twist away, to do anything to lessen the sting, but Stephanie was relentless, showing no mercy, no sign of stopping. Rebecca’s mind was a chaotic swirl of desperation and exhaustion, her body unable to keep up with her need to escape.

And then, just when Rebecca thought she could take no more, just when she was sure she would break entirely, it was over. Stephanie’s hand stilled, and the fierce, unrelenting rhythm ceased. For a moment, Rebecca couldn’t comprehend the sudden silence, the absence of pain still echoing in her throbbing, burning skin. Her sobs continued, her body still trembling, but as the realization sank in, a strange sense of relief flooded through her.

Rebecca lay limp across Stephanie’s lap, her body completely spent, every muscle drained of strength. The pain still burned, searing and raw, but the unending punishment had finally stopped. She let out a shuddering breath, barely able to process what had just happened, her mind reeling from the ordeal. The tears continued to fall, but now there was a strange, hollow emptiness left in their wake. She felt utterly defeated, stripped of all dignity, reduced to a sobbing, broken mess across the lap of her stepdaughter, who had shown her no mercy.

Stephanie looked down at Rebecca’s bare bottom, the skin discolored and swollen from the relentless spanking. The crimson hue covered not just her backside but extended down to her upper thighs, the heat radiating off the reddened flesh. Dark, hand-shaped imprints stood out starkly, especially on the most tender areas where the blows had landed hardest. Stephanie could see Rebecca’s thighs twitching involuntarily, her body still reeling from the pain and humiliation.

The sight didn’t stir the slightest bit of pity in Stephanie. No, this was exactly what Rebecca had deserved. Her comeuppance had been long overdue, and Stephanie had delivered it with a firm, unwavering hand. She felt not a shred of remorse for the woman bent over her knee, her bottom marked and thoroughly punished. Rebecca had earned every single one of those smacks, and Stephanie had made sure she wouldn’t soon forget it.

Keeping Rebecca draped over her elevated knee, Stephanie surveyed her work with a cool, detached satisfaction. The deep red of Rebecca’s skin was proof of just how thoroughly she had been disciplined. Stephanie ran her fingers lightly over the marked flesh, feeling the heat still emanating from it, but not out of concern—more like a craftsman admiring the results of a job well done. She had done what needed to be done, and Rebecca had learned her place.

“You’ve gotten exactly what you deserved,” Stephanie said, her voice cold and firm, making sure Rebecca understood. “This is the consequence for trying to tell me what to do. Don’t ever forget it.”

Rebecca’s voice was barely above a whisper as she finally managed to speak. “I’m sorry… Please… please don’t humiliate me anymore,” she choked out between sobs, her voice broken and desperate.

With a firm but effortless movement, Stephanie lifted Rebecca’s limp form from her knee, her athletic strength making it seem as though she was carrying a child. Rebecca let out a soft, broken whimper, too exhausted from the relentless spanking to resist, her body still trembling. As Stephanie sat back down on the nearby tree stump, she positioned Rebecca face up on her lap again, placing her directly on her bare legs.

The moment Rebecca’s tender, punished flesh made contact with Stephanie’s cool, bare skin, a sharp cry escaped her lips. The contrast of the coolness against her burning, swollen bottom sent a fresh wave of pain surging through her. “No! Please, no!” Rebecca gasped, struggling weakly in Stephanie’s grasp. Her body instinctively tried to pull away, her sore skin unable to bear the pressure of being pressed against anything, let alone the strong, unyielding thighs of the very woman who had delivered her punishment.

But Stephanie held her firmly, her arms wrapping around Rebecca’s waist, keeping her locked in place. “Stop squirming,” Stephanie commanded, her tone calm but brooking no argument. The firmness in her voice made it clear that there would be no escape for Rebecca, not from the pain, not from the humiliation.

Rebecca’s tears, which had briefly subsided, returned in full force as she felt the raw, throbbing heat of her backside pressed against Stephanie’s bare legs. Every movement, every slight shift of weight only intensified the pain. Her body writhed, her muscles instinctively trying to lift herself off Stephanie’s lap, but her strength was gone, and Stephanie’s grip was too strong.

“Please… it hurts,” Rebecca sobbed, her face flushed with both the pain and the shame of being reduced to this state. But her pleas met only cold indifference. Stephanie looked down at her with a calm, almost bored expression, making it clear that Rebecca’s discomfort was of no concern to her.

“This is what happens when you don’t know your place,” Stephanie said matter-of-factly, her voice steady. “You’ll sit here and take it, just like you took your punishment.”

Rebecca’s body trembled in defeat, the pain and humiliation overwhelming her as she finally stopped struggling, resigning herself to the throbbing agony of her raw skin against Stephanie’s strong thighs. The sobs continued to shake her body as she sat there, utterly humiliated, unable to escape the painful reminder of the punishment she had just endured.

“How’s your little bum feeling?” Stephanie asked, her voice calm, almost mocking. There was a lightness in her tone that sent a fresh wave of humiliation through Rebecca’s already fragile state. The question hung in the air, and Rebecca bit her lip, unable to respond. What could she possibly say? Her body was still aching, her skin burning, and her pride shattered beyond repair.

Rebecca didn’t answer, but Stephanie didn’t seem to mind. She reached down, running a hand over Rebecca’s lower back, her fingers dangerously close to the raw skin of her bottom, almost as if teasing her. “Are you humiliated?” Stephanie’s voice was soft but laced with condescension, the question hitting Rebecca like a knife.

Rebecca swallowed hard, her throat tight with emotion, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak. Of course she was humiliated. That much was obvious. She had been stripped bare, spanked like a disobedient child by her stepdaughter, reduced to tears and forced to endure an ordeal that had left her broken in more ways than one. But there was something so cruel in the way Stephanie asked, as if she was reveling in Rebecca’s humiliation, drawing it out, savoring it.

Still, Rebecca remained silent, her body trembling in Stephanie’s lap, her hands clutching weakly at her stepdaughter’s thighs, trying to steady herself. But it was clear that Stephanie wasn’t done. She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a more intimate, almost sinister whisper. “Not half as humiliated as you will be.”

[Continued in Part 5]


  1. “Please no more! Please no more!” I’m recalling hearing those frantic words come from my mouth 30 years ago when a hand(!) spanking put me over the edge of what I could take. It was only a fraction of what Rebecca was forced to endure here. It was shocking and humiliating and it changed the way I would think of myself forever. With that said, I’m shocked at how aroused I am at Stephanie’s gratuitous violence. Clearly, the point was made very early in the spanking if not before. This was not about teaching a lesson to Rebecca, this was about destroying her mentally and physically. But somehow I envy(?) Rebecca. I want to be in her place, a weak woman overpowered with no escape. There is one woman at my gym who could almost certainly physically overpower me. And all of them could in teams of two or three. I want to go there-crying, pleading, kicking, screaming. Helpless, with no escape and suffering more than I can endure. - david

    1. I’ve been there, done that. Once got a hairbrush spanking in two instalments of 10 minutes each. It was interminable. It felt like endless purgatory. There was nothing but the pain. Nothing before it. Nothing after it. Only my present, which was being hairbrush spanked OTK.

  2. Even though this spanking is over the top for the one she got so long ago (It's not like Rebecca ever even spanked her again) I could sort of see this as justice. Part of Steph's behavior was internalized pain from the divorce and the spanking didn't help that, in fact might have made it less likely she'd confide in her new stepmom and thus she'd internalize the anger even though Rebecca never meant for that to happen nor did she mean to hurt her in that way.

    It's one comes next that will determine if Stephanie is a monster or not.

    *starting to feel bad for Rebecca. She was hardly Stepmommy Dearest*

    1. Yes. That first spanking only started the spiral. This spanking was long in the making.

      And yes… we shall see…

  3. This description is truly outstanding. Thank you so much.

    I’m due for a spanking tomorrow. Irene’s dominance is more force of will and personality than physical strength, but I will try to embrace and savor the submission as Rebecca was forced to do.


    1. Do some nice little kicks and cries and begs for her.

  4. First, I identified with Stephanie because it was more comfortable, I mean, she is so harsch, but finally, I reconsidered my choice and chose to identify with Rebecca after she said, her breath warm against my ear
    "I can promise you this (...) you won’t be sitting for a week."

    1. Oh, so you want a spanking where you can’t sit for a week, do you…?

  5. interesting that you left out Rebecca's involuntary orgasm, post-spanking, which I found one of the most powerful aspects of the original story. it certainly heightened, or exposed, her sense of humiliation.

    I have a feeling for what comes next, however.



  6. Any sort of backtalk must be nipped in the bud after a good and thorough spanking. Faced with her mother-in-law's lack of response to her questions, (“How’s your little bum feeling? “Are you humiliated?”) Stephanie could, thus triggering a hysterical fit in Rebecca, ask her if she wants another spanking.

    1. Stephanie has something… more humiliating… planned for her now..
