Wednesday, October 23

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 17 (FM/F, witnesses)

 [Continued from Part 16]

Rebecca’s hands shook violently as she poured the wine, her vision blurred with panic as the boat drifted closer. The sound of their laughter—boisterous, carefree—sent waves of anxiety crashing through her. She couldn’t make out the faces, but she could see the outline of six or seven people on board, their figures becoming clearer as the boat closed in on the shore.

Her mind raced, the fear nearly paralyzing her as she tried to focus on the task at hand. Just get through this, she told herself, willing her trembling hands to steady. But as she leaned forward to fill Stephanie’s glass, her fingers slipped. The bottle wobbled, tipping too far, and before she could correct herself, red wine splashed across the table, soaking the food and spilling onto Stephanie’s lap.

Chapter 24: Public Spanking

Time seemed to freeze for a moment. Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat, her heart sinking as she stared at the mess she had made. The dark red stain spread across the table like a blot of shame, the sharp contrast to the white linen covering the table all too clear.

The sound of Stephanie’s sharp intake of breath snapped Rebecca back to reality.

“You clumsy little idiot,” Stephanie hissed, her voice low and venomous as she shot to her feet. “Look what you’ve done!”

Rebecca recoiled, her heart pounding in her chest as panic surged through her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

But Stephanie didn’t care. Her eyes burned with fury, and she grabbed Rebecca by the arm, yanking her close with a force that made Rebecca stumble.

“Sorry isn’t good enough,” Stephanie spat, her grip tightening on Rebecca’s arm. She glanced toward the approaching boat, the cruel smile creeping back onto her lips as she realized how perfectly timed this humiliation would be.

“Oh, look,” she purred, her eyes gleaming with malicious delight. “It seems we have an audience.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded even harder as she turned toward the boat. The people aboard had clearly noticed what was happening on the shore. They had slowed down, their laughter growing louder as they watched the scene unfold. Her stomach twisted with dread as she realized what was about to happen. She could see them pointing in her direction, some of them standing to get a better look.

“No, Stephanie, please…” Rebecca whispered, her voice trembling as she tried to pull away, but Stephanie’s grip was ironclad.

“Get over here,” Stephanie commanded coldly, pulling Rebecca toward a deck chair. She sat down on the edge, yanking Rebecca over her lap with ease, her strength fueled by the cruel satisfaction she clearly derived from the spectacle she was about to create.

Rebecca’s body tensed as she was bent over Stephanie’s knee, her bare backside exposed to the full view of the boaters. The blood rushed to her cheeks, her face burning with humiliation as she realized just how vulnerable and exposed she was. She could hear the conversation from the boaters growing louder as they realized what was happening.

“Please, not here,” Rebecca whimpered, her body trembling as she tried to squirm out of Stephanie’s grip, but it was no use. Stephanie’s hand came down hard on her already sore backside, the sound of the slap echoing through the air and mixing with the boaters’ laughter.

“Stop squirming,” Stephanie snapped, delivering another firm slap. “You’re getting exactly what you deserve, and they’re going to see all of it.”

Rebecca let out a small cry, her body jerking with each sharp slap of Stephanie’s hand. The sting was unbearable, the fresh pain searing through her already bruised skin. Her legs kicked weakly, but she knew she had no chance of escaping. Each slap was a reminder of how powerless she was, of how completely she had been reduced to nothing more than a spectacle for others’ amusement.

As Rebecca’s cries grew louder with each slap, the boaters’ attention sharpened. They had drifted even closer to shore now, their laughter mixing with low murmurs and comments that sent waves of humiliation crashing over Rebecca.

“Look! She’s getting a spanking!” one of them called out, his voice dripping with mocking amusement. “Bet she loves every second of it, huh?”

Another boater, a woman, chimed in, “Her master and mistress really know how to keep her in line! I bet she’s been begging for this.”

The group burst into laughter again, their comments making it clear they believed Rebecca was willingly submitting to this public punishment, eager for every degrading moment.

“Why don’t you make her say ‘thank you’ after every smack?” one man suggested loudly, earning a round of agreement. “It’s not a real punishment if she doesn’t appreciate it!”

Stephanie, picking up on the suggestion, smirked down at Rebecca, whose face was burning with shame, tears beginning to streak down her cheeks. “You heard them,” she said, her voice icy. “Every time I spank you, I want to hear your gratitude. Loud enough so everyone can hear.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted in knots as she realized there would be no escape from this further humiliation. The next slap landed hard on her bare bottom, and through her gasping sobs, she managed a trembling, “Th-thank you, Stephanie.”

Stephanie’s hand came down again, and Rebecca’s broken voice followed, “Thank you, Stephanie,” as the boaters cheered and jeered in response. The degrading cycle continued, each slap, each humiliating “thank you,” stripping away the last shreds of Rebecca’s dignity, leaving her utterly exposed—physically and emotionally—to the gleeful eyes of strangers.

“She’s gonna remember this one,” a woman on the boat taunted. “That poor little bottom won’t sit for days!”

“Oh, I’m sure she’ll be begging for more by tonight,” another teased, their voices becoming crueler by the second.

“Along with something else…” a man teased lewdly, clearly implying “cock”.

Rebecca’s face was wet with tears, her sobs barely audible over the laughter and taunts from the boat. All she could do was endure, powerless as her punishment—and her humiliation—dragged on under the watchful eyes of an audience that seemed to take as much pleasure in her pain as Stephanie did.

With a wicked grin, Stephanie lifted Rebecca by her waist and then repositioned her, forcing her to straddle her thigh, her exposed sex and bottom now pointed directly toward the boat.

Rebecca whimpered in sheer humiliation, her face flushing crimson as the realization hit—her most private parts were now on full display for the boaters. She tried to squirm, to close her legs, but Stephanie’s hard thigh prevented that completely.

“Oh, don’t be shy now,” Stephanie mocked, spreading Rebecca’s cheeks wide with one hand, her other poised to continue the punishment. “They’re just as eager to see this as you are to feel it.”

The boaters erupted into a mix of laughter and cheers, clearly delighted by this new display.

“That’s the spirit!” one called out. “Give her a real good spanking where it counts!”

Another man shouted over the water, “Make sure she feels it right there between her cheeks! That’ll teach her!”

Stephanie’s hand descended, landing a stinging slap directly across the sensitive cleft of Rebecca’s bottom, her palm connecting with the soft flesh and grazing over the exposed bum hole. Rebecca cried out, the shame and pain mingling as Stephanie’s cruel hand found its target over and over, each smack echoing louder than the last.

“Look at her wriggle!” a woman from the boat commented with a laugh. “I bet she’s loving it!”

Rebecca sobbed harder, her legs quivering as her body involuntarily reacted to the humiliation. She could hear the boaters’ voices grow more suggestive, their taunts sharper.

“Why not give that pretty little pussy a few smacks too?” a voice called out, followed by a chorus of agreement. “Bet she’ll thank you for it!”

Stephanie’s eyes gleamed with malicious delight at the suggestion. She adjusted her grip, her hand sliding down between Rebecca’s legs. Rebecca gasped in horror, trying to clamp her thighs shut, but managed only to squeeze Stephanie’s thigh more tightly.

“You heard them,” Stephanie said, her voice a low, mocking whisper in Rebecca’s ear. “It seems they think you deserve a little extra attention.”

Rebecca’s whole body trembled as Stephanie’s hand hovered, teasing, just above her exposed sex. The boaters egged her on, their jeers growing louder. “Go on, give her what she deserves!”

Rebecca squeezed her eyes shut, the humiliation too overwhelming to bear, knowing that there was no escape from this nightmare.

Stephanie’s hand came down hard between Rebecca’s trembling thighs, the smack landing squarely on her exposed pussy. The sharp sting forced a gasp from Rebecca’s lips, her body jerking against Stephanie’s thigh as the pain shot through her most sensitive area. Her legs kicked instinctively as she cried out, but there was no escaping the humiliating punishment.

“Oh, listen to her now!” one of the boaters shouted with a delighted laugh. “She’s really feeling it!”

Rebecca’s tears flowed freely as Stephanie’s hand continued to land firm, deliberate smacks against her pussy, alternating between spanking her cheeks and her most vulnerable spot. Each slap drew a mixture of painful yelps and helpless whimpers from her, the boaters cheering with every cry.

“That’s a good girl,” Stephanie cooed mockingly, her hand landing another sharp slap against Rebecca’s swollen, stinging sex. “I think our friends are enjoying this almost as much as you are.”

The boaters continued their cruel taunts, their voices growing louder as they made increasingly vulgar suggestions, each one aimed at stripping Rebecca of what little dignity she had left.

“Give her a good spanking right on her little clit!” one of them called out, and the others roared with laughter. “That’ll really make her remember this day!”

With a deliberate and cruel slowness, Stephanie spread Rebecca’s hood, exposing the smooth bud of her swollen clitoris to the leering eyes of the boaters. Rebecca whimpered in horror, her sobs growing louder as she felt the cool air against her bare, exposed flesh. She was beyond humiliated, her whole body trembling with shame, knowing that every single person on that boat could see her most intimate parts laid bare.

Stephanie’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she positioned two fingers, poised just above Rebecca’s clit. With precise, sharp taps, she began spanking it with her fingers, each flick sending a new wave of stinging pain through her. The humiliating rhythm left Rebecca gasping, her hips jerking involuntarily with every humiliating tap.

“Look at that! She’s really taking it now!” one of the boaters shouted, their laughter growing louder with every strike.

Rebecca’s head hung low, her face drenched in tears as she endured the relentless assault. The sound of Stephanie’s fingers snapping against her wet skin echoed across the water, mixing with the jeers and taunts from the boat.

“Smack that little clit harder!” another voice shouted, and Stephanie obliged, her fingers landing directly on Rebecca’s tender clit with a forceful sting that made her body convulse with a mixture of pain and shock. The humiliating sensation was too much, overwhelming Rebecca entirely.

“Please… no more,” Rebecca begged, her voice barely a whisper as the boaters continued to egg Stephanie on.

“Oh, we’re not done yet,” Stephanie replied with a wicked grin, her fingers continuing their relentless torment on Rebecca’s now throbbing pussy. “I think we’ll stop when they’ve had enough of watching you make a fool of yourself.”

Rebecca’s legs quivered, her entire body weak and powerless as the spanking continued, each strike sending fresh tears down her cheeks. The boaters laughed, their crude comments ringing in her ears, as Stephanie expertly played with Rebecca’s most private vulnerabilities, turning her shame into a spectacle for everyone’s enjoyment.

The only thing that echoed louder than the slaps of Stephanie’s fingers was the cruel, mocking laughter from the boat, the crowd cheering as Rebecca was pushed further into her own abyss of humiliation.

With a final, harsh slap to Rebecca’s now thoroughly reddened and throbbing pussy, Stephanie released her grip, pushing Rebecca off her lap and onto the ground. Rebecca crumpled onto the dock, her legs trembling beneath her, her body shaking with sobs of exhaustion and humiliation. She curled in on herself, clutching at her punished pussy while trying to hide her exposed, stinging body from the world, but the boaters’ taunts still echoed in her ears.

Stephanie stood up, brushing her hands off as though she had completed some mundane task. With a casual, triumphant smile, she turned toward the boat, where the group was still hooting and hollering. She raised her hand and gave them a nonchalant wave, her demeanor completely calm and composed, as if she hadn’t just utterly humiliated Rebecca in front of them.

“Enjoy the show?” she called out, her voice dripping with sarcasm, but she couldn’t hide the satisfaction in her tone.

The boaters responded with loud cheers, one of them shouting, “Best show ever! Thanks for the entertainment!”

“Anytime!” Stephanie replied breezily, her hand resting on her hip as she watched the boat begin to accelerate away from the shore, the engine roaring to life as they sped off, still laughing and calling out crude remarks about Rebecca’s humiliation. The distance between them grew, but the damage had already been done.

The boaters let out one last cheer as they began to power away, their voices growing fainter as they boated farther from the shore. But the sting of their laughter lingered, imprinted in Rebecca’s mind as she lay on the dock, trembling and humiliated, her body broken by the pain of the spanking and the weight of the shame.

Stephanie stood over her, her expression calm and composed, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just occurred. “You must be hungry after all that,” she said.

Stephanie moved deliberately, her cold eyes fixed on Rebecca as she sat back down and calmly began tearing some of the food into smaller pieces. Each tear of the bread, each careful portion of the meat, was done with an exaggerated slowness, ensuring Rebecca had no choice but to watch the entire process. She put the bite-sized pieces on a plate on the ground near her feet.

“Stay on your knees, pet, and crawl over here for your lunch” Stephanie ordered coolly, giving a slight, mocking smile as Rebecca hesitated for a fraction of a second before obeying. As she crawled, her bare, spanked bottom and the space between her thighs were left fully exposed behind her, still sore from the earlier punishment. She could feel the sting of her bruised skin as she moved, a reminder of her shame and Stephanie’s control.

Once Rebecca was positioned, Stephanie knelt beside her, gripping her chin with a firm hand. “Now listen carefully. I want you to eat every single piece, but you’ll do it without using your hands.” Her thumb stroked Rebecca’s tear-streaked cheek for a moment before she added, “I’ll be watching to make sure you don’t miss a crumb.”

Rebecca’s breath hitched as her stomach twisted in humiliation. She lowered her head toward the food, her tears dripping onto the scattered pieces. As she hesitated, Stephanie’s hand came down sharply on her already sore bottom, sending a jolt of pain through her.

“Get started,” Stephanie demanded, her voice low and dangerous.

Rebecca whimpered, lowering her face to the ground, her lips brushing the first piece of food. She opened her mouth, awkwardly taking the bite-sized morsel between her teeth. The feeling of eating this way, like a trained animal, made her heart ache with shame, but she dared not stop. Each movement was slow and careful as she chewed, trying not to let the tears that streamed down her face cause her to choke.

“That’s it,” Stephanie crooned, her voice dripping with mock affection. “Just like a good little pet. You look so natural on all fours like this.” She placed a hand on the small of Rebecca’s back, pressing her down slightly, making sure her bottom stayed high in the air.

As the rhythmic slap of water against the shore was interrupted by the hum of another boat, Rebecca’s heart sank. She knew what was coming. The group of men aboard had spotted them, and from their growing murmurs and laughter, it was clear they were taking in the humiliating scene.

Rebecca’s heart raced in panic. The reality of her exposed position hit her with full force, her already burning bottom completely bare and raised high for anyone passing by to see. The humiliation was unbearable, and the thought of more strangers witnessing her degradation sent a fresh wave of fear crashing over her.

Instinctively, she shifted her weight, trying to angle her body away from the shore, attempting to hide what little she could of her stinging, exposed backside. But the movement didn’t go unnoticed. Stephanie’s sharp gaze caught the subtle twist of Rebecca’s hips, and without missing a beat, her hand came down on the small of Rebecca’s back, pinning her in place.

“Don’t you dare,” Stephanie hissed, her voice low and cold, dripping with authority. “I didn’t tell you to move, did I?”

Rebecca froze, her breath hitching as the slap of Stephanie’s palm landing on her tender bottom followed immediately. The force of it sent a sharp sting through her, making her wince in pain. She let out a small whimper, her body stiffening under Stephanie’s grip.

“You’ll stay exactly where you are,” Stephanie continued, pressing harder on Rebecca’s back, forcing her bottom back into its fully raised position, high and on display. “I want them to see everything, understand? You’re not hiding from anyone.”

Rebecca’s face flushed with shame as she nodded weakly, tears welling in her eyes. She knew she couldn’t escape this, not with the boat drawing closer. The sound of laughter and conversation from the approaching group echoed across the water, and the closer they got, the more real her impending humiliation became.

“Head down. Bottom up,” Stephanie barked, giving her one final, hard smack that made Rebecca gasp. “I want that pretty, spanked ass facing them directly.”

Helpless, Rebecca obeyed, her face burning with shame as she settled back into position, her bottom now prominently angled toward the boat, completely vulnerable to the eyes that would soon be upon her. Every second felt like an eternity as the engine grew louder, and she could hear the men beginning to call out, their voices full of cruel amusement.

Stephanie’s hand remained on her back, a firm reminder of her control, as she whispered into Rebecca’s ear, her voice a venomous promise. “You’re going to stay just like this, and you’re going to let them see exactly what happens when you misbehave.”

As the latest boat drew nearer, Rebecca’s heart thudded in her chest, dread washing over her. She didn’t dare lift her head, but she knew a group of men aboard had spotted her. Their laughter cut through the air, drawing nearer, growing louder. They were slowing down, clearly enjoying the scene unfolding before them.

“Well, well, boys, what do we have here?” one of the men called out, his voice thick with amusement. “Looks like we caught ourselves a show—bare-assed and eating like a dog! Must’ve been a real bad girl to end up like that!”

Another boater leaned over the edge, laughing. “Look at that spanking job! Her ass is as red as a tomato, but it’s not just the bottom on display, huh? Pussy and asshole waving in the breeze for everyone to see!”

The men erupted in crude laughter, their eyes fixed on Rebecca’s exposed, trembling body. She wanted to crawl into a hole, but all she could do was stay frozen in place, her most intimate parts raised and vulnerable for their entertainment.

One man whistled loudly, “Damn, she’s got it bad! How’s it feel, sweetheart? Bet you’re loving every second of it, huh? Eating off the ground like a little bitch, ass in the air.”

“She’s really got the whole package going on,” another called out, laughter thick in his voice. “Face full of food and that pretty pussy spread wide. Couldn’t have humiliated her better if we tried!”

One of them chuckled darkly, “Bet she’s never been more embarrassed in her life. Just look at her! You can practically see the shame dripping off her.”

Another leaned out, his voice dripping with mock sympathy, “Hope you’re hungry down there, darling. Don’t leave a crumb behind while your pussy’s up there begging for more!”

Rebecca’s face burned hotter than her punished backside, tears of humiliation streaming down her cheeks as she tried to force down another bite. The men continued to laugh and jeer, making lewd comments about her exposed, punished body until, finally, the boat began to pull away, their laughter echoing in her ears long after they had gone.

Stephanie looked down at Rebecca with a satisfied smirk, giving her bottom a firm slap. “You’ll remember that, won’t you?” she murmured coldly, her hand lingering over Rebecca’s trembling, exposed sex as a final reminder of her complete and utter humiliation.

As Rebecca worked her way through the humiliating task, Stephanie continued to speak softly, her voice laced with cruel satisfaction. “You should be grateful, you know. I could’ve left you without food, but here you are, getting exactly what you deserve. Now, remember, no rushing. Savor every bite.”

Rebecca’s body trembled as she obediently ate each piece, her mind overwhelmed with the degrading nature of the command. With each bite, her pride was stripped away further, leaving nothing but raw shame in its place. She could hear Stephanie’s soft chuckle above her as she continued to mock and supervise, ensuring that every painful moment of humiliation was prolonged to its fullest.

When she reached the last piece, Rebecca hesitated, her body aching from the position and her heart heavy with the weight of what she had been reduced to. Stephanie crouched down next to her, leaning close.

“Go on, pet,” she whispered, her breath hot against Rebecca’s ear. “Finish your meal. Show me how obedient you can be.”

Rebecca, broken and exhausted, closed her eyes as she took the final piece into her mouth, swallowing it down as the last shred of her dignity slipped away.

Chapter 25: A Warning

“Well, that was fun, but I think it’s time for me to head home,” Jake announced after finishing off lunch, brushing off his shorts as he turned to leave. He gave Stephanie a knowing smile before casting one last amused glance at Rebecca who was kneeling at their feet, trying to make herself as small as possible as the boats passed. “Enjoy the rest of your day, ladies. And remember, Rebecca, keep being a good girl. I’m sure Stephanie will let me know if you need another lesson.”

With a smirk and a casual wave, Jake left the dock, leaving Rebecca alone with Stephanie.

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest as she watched him go, feeling an odd sense of both relief and dread. Jake’s departure didn’t signal the end of her ordeal—far from it. If anything, it meant her time with Stephanie was about to get more intense, more personal.

Stephanie rose from her seat, wiping her hands on a napkin and tossing it back onto the table. She looked at Rebecca, her expression cold but determined, as if she’d been waiting for this moment all morning.

“Dad will be here in a few hours,” Stephanie began, her voice low but firm. “And before he gets here, we need to have a little chat.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted with anxiety. John—her husband—Stephanie’s dad—was due home soon. But this wasn’t going to be a pleasant reunion. The tension between them had been mounting for months, and Rebecca knew that her behavior toward him had been less than kind. She had been short with him, cold even, pushing him away for reasons she couldn’t fully articulate. And now, kneeling naked and humiliated in front of Stephanie, she knew there would be consequences for her behavior—just not the kind she had expected.

Stephanie walked toward her, her eyes narrowing as she crossed her arms. “You’ve been a real bitch toward Dad lately,” she said bluntly, her tone sharp. “You think I haven’t noticed? You’re cold, dismissive, and frankly, you’ve been acting like you’re above him. That ends today.”

Rebecca flinched at the harshness of Stephanie’s words, but she knew they weren’t wrong. She had been pulling away from John, treating him with disdain, and part of her hated herself for it. But hearing it laid out so plainly by Stephanie only made the guilt feel heavier.

“You’re going to apologize,” Stephanie continued, her voice steady but laced with authority. “You’re going to apologize for your past behavior, for being such a cold, selfish wife, and you’re going to make it clear that things are going to change.”

Rebecca opened her mouth to respond, but no words came. She knelt there, frozen, her chest tight with a mixture of guilt and fear as Stephanie’s words washed over her.

“You’re going to cook for him, clean for him, and when he comes home at night, you’re going to be eager in bed,” Stephanie added, her eyes locking onto Rebecca’s. “You’re going to be the wife you should have been all along, Rebecca. No more of this icy, distant act. You will show him you care.”

Rebecca swallowed hard, the weight of the commands pressing down on her. She had never been good at being vulnerable, especially not with John. But she knew that she had no choice now. She had pushed him away for too long, and Stephanie wasn’t giving her any room to resist.

“And one more thing,” Stephanie said, stepping closer. “You’re going to tell him that next time you misbehave—next time you’re cold or dismissive or disrespectful—you want him to spank you.”

Rebecca’s eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat at the command. “Wh-what?” she stammered, her voice shaky. The idea of telling John something like that—of asking him to spank her—was unthinkable. She couldn’t imagine how he would react, or how she would even begin to explain it.

“You heard me,” Stephanie said, her voice cold. “You’re going to tell him that the next time you’re naughty, you expect him to take you over his knee and give you the spanking you deserve. On your bare bum. Because that’s the only way you’re going to learn how to be a good wife.”

Rebecca’s mind raced, the words swirling around her head like a storm. She could barely process what Stephanie was saying. Asking John to spank her? The humiliation of the idea was overwhelming, but more than that, she felt the panic rising in her chest. How could she ever say something like that to him?

“Please…” Rebecca whispered, her voice trembling. “I can’t… I can’t say that to him. He’ll never… he’s not like you… he won’t understand.”

Stephanie’s eyes hardened, and she shook her head slowly. “Oh, he’ll understand,” she said firmly. “And if he doesn’t, you’ll make him understand. Because, Rebecca, this isn’t just about your behavior—it’s about his, too. He’s going to learn how to take control of his household, and you’re going to help him do that.”

Rebecca’s legs felt weak beneath her, the enormity of the situation crashing down on her all at once. She didn’t know how she could face John, let alone tell him something so humiliating, but she knew there was no arguing with Stephanie.

“Now,” Stephanie said, her tone softening slightly but still firm, “you have one hour to prepare yourself before John gets home. You’re going to apologize. You’re going to cook him a nice dinner. And when the time is right, you’re going to tell him exactly what you’ve been told to say. Understood?”

Rebecca nodded weakly, her heart heavy with dread. “Yes, Stephanie,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.

“Good,” Stephanie said, turning away. “I’ll be nearby to make sure you don’t forget any of this.”

As Stephanie turned to leave, Rebecca felt a desperate panic rise in her chest. She couldn’t let John find out about everything that had happened—not the humiliating scene on the dock, and certainly not what had transpired yesterday inside with Jake. She knew John would be furious, and her shame would only multiply if he knew the full extent of what she’d endured—and, in some ways, allowed.

“Stephanie, wait,” Rebecca called out, her voice shaky, as she scrambled to her feet. She barely managed to steady herself before speaking again, her face burning with both shame and desperation. “Please… please don’t tell John about any of this. Not what happened here, and especially not… not what happened inside yesterday with Jake.”

Stephanie paused, turning back to face her stepmother, her expression unreadable. For a moment, Rebecca thought she might not get an answer, and the silence hung heavy between them. But then Stephanie’s lips curled into a small, knowing smile.

“Oh, Rebecca,” she said with a slight tilt of her head, “you really are terrified, aren’t you?” She let the words linger for a moment before continuing. “You don’t want him to know that you’ve been this weak, this vulnerable. That you let Jake do what he did, right?”

Rebecca’s throat tightened, and she nodded, barely able to meet Stephanie’s gaze. “Please, Stephanie. I’m begging you.”

Stephanie stepped closer, her eyes narrowing slightly as if considering Rebecca’s plea. Then, after what felt like an eternity, she nodded slowly. “Fine,” she said, her voice low but firm. “I won’t tell him about anything that happened while Jake was here. Those part will stay between us.”

Rebecca let out a shaky breath of relief. As humiliating as everything else was, at least that secret was safe for now.

Stephanie leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. “But if you ever cross me again, Rebecca… if you step out of line or try to play the victim in this household, I will tell him everything. And believe me, he’ll find out exactly what kind of woman he’s married to.”

“I won’t, but, Stephanie, wait… one more thing. Please, don’t tell him… about that first spanking you gave me on the beach either. I-I can’t have him know… not that you… spanked me.”

Stephanie stopped mid-step, slowly turning her head back toward Rebecca, her eyes narrowing. The smirk on her face was gone, replaced by something colder, more calculating. She took a few steps back toward Rebecca, tilting her head slightly as if she was considering the request carefully.

“Ha ha!” she laughed. “You don’t want John to know that I spanked you like a naughty little girl? That I took you over my knee and taught you a lesson you clearly needed?”

Rebecca felt her cheeks flush red with shame, the memory of that spanking flashing in her mind. She could still feel the sting, the embarrassment of being treated like a child by her own stepdaughter. “Please, Stephanie,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “I’ll do anything… just don’t tell him. It would… it would destroy me.”

Stephanie’s gaze lingered on Rebecca for a long moment, and then, much to Rebecca’s horror, the corners of her mouth curled up into a slow, sinister smile. “I don’t know, Rebecca,” she said slowly, drawing out the words as if savoring the power she held. “It was such a satisfying moment for me, seeing you broken like that, over my knee. I think Dad might find it interesting, too…”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted painfully, and she felt a cold sweat break out on her skin. “No, please,” she pleaded, her voice hoarse with desperation. “You can’t—he’ll never look at me the same way. I’m begging you.”

Stephanie looked down at her stepmother, clearly reveling in the power dynamic between them. “I’ll think about it,” she said finally, her voice casual but firm. “No promises, though. I’ll decide whether or not I want to share that little detail with him later. Maybe after I see how well you behave tonight.”

Rebecca’s heart sank. The uncertainty, the looming threat, was almost worse than a clear decision. She had no choice but to obey, knowing that at any moment, Stephanie might decide to reveal this to John, leaving her utterly humiliated in his eyes.

“Now, stop wasting time,” Stephanie said, her voice turning brisk and commanding. “Go get ready for Dad. You have a lot to make up for when he gets home.”

Rebecca watched as Stephanie left, her mind reeling from the conversation. She knew she had no choice but to do as Stephanie commanded, but even as she prepared herself to face John, the shame of the entire ordeal clung to her like a weight she couldn’t shake.

[To be continued…]

1 comment:

  1. Seems Stephanie is loyal to her father after all. She just went up one peg in my estimation. Let's see how Rebecca reacts with John tonight...

