Monday, October 21

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 15 (FM/F)

 [Continued from Part 14]

As she lay there in the darkness, her body shivering against the cold, Rebecca felt the weight of her submission settle over her like a heavy blanket. This was her new reality. There was no escaping it. Only obedience. Only humiliation. And it would continue for as long as they wished.

Chapter 20: Breakfast

Morning came too quickly for Rebecca, though her restless night of sleep on the cold, bare mattress had been fitful and broken. The ache in her body from the previous night’s punishments pulsed with every small movement, each bruise a reminder of her degradation. But as the first light of dawn filtered through the thin curtains of the guest bedroom, Rebecca knew she had no choice but to face the day.

She rolled out of bed gingerly, her bare feet touching the floor with a shudder. She was still nude—was to remain nude, until further notice, as Stephanie had made clear the night before. There was no relief from the vulnerability, no clothing to protect her, no escape from the humiliating commands she had been forced to obey.

Slowly, Rebecca padded down the hallway toward the bathroom first, then the kitchen. The house was still quiet; Jake and Stephanie were likely still asleep, their satisfied laughter from the night before lingering in her mind like a cruel echo. But she knew better than to let herself be lulled into any sense of reprieve. Breakfast needed to be ready when they got out of bed, as Stephanie had demanded, and Rebecca didn’t dare delay or resist.

She moved with practiced motions, pulling the ingredients for pancakes and bacon from the refrigerator and cupboards, her bare skin prickling with the chill of the morning. Every movement felt mechanical, her mind clouded with exhaustion and dread as she whisked together the pancake batter, the scent of sizzling bacon soon filling the air. The simple act of cooking felt surreal, as if she were somehow watching herself from a distance, detached from the degrading reality she was trapped in.

As the pancakes browned in the pan, Rebecca’s thoughts wandered, the familiar knot of anxiety tightening in her stomach. The morning spanking still loomed large in her mind, the memory of Stephanie’s offhand remark sending a fresh wave of dread through her. She could still picture it so clearly—bent over Jake’s knee, her bare body exposed, her skin already sore and marked from the night before. The humiliation of it, the way she would have to submit again so soon after everything, made her hands tremble as she flipped the pancakes.

I can’t do this. Not again, she thought, but deep down, she knew that resistance was futile. She had no power here, no control over her own fate. She was theirs to command, to humiliate, and no amount of internal protest would change that.

The smell of bacon and pancakes filled the air, the sizzle of the hot griddle the only noise—until it wasn’t. From the bedroom at the end of the hallway—her bedroom—the unmistakable sounds of Jake and Stephanie filled the air, punctuating the quiet morning with gasps and moans that made Rebecca’s stomach twist.

She swallowed hard, her hands trembling as she flipped a pancake, trying to focus on the task in front of her. But it was impossible to block out the noises, the sounds of the bed creaking, of Stephanie’s breathless moans, of Jake’s low, deep voice murmuring something she couldn’t quite hear. Each sound felt like a fresh jab, a sharp reminder of just how far she had fallen.

She had tried to forbid this—tried to keep them apart. She had thought Stephanie was too young, too inexperienced, and she had believed that she could maintain some kind of control over the situation. But that control had been taken away from her, until now, she was the one standing in the kitchen, naked, preparing breakfast for the couple she had tried to keep apart. The irony of it all was crushing.

But worse still was the way her body reacted, despite everything.

She knew what was happening in that bedroom. She could picture it all too clearly. Jake—handsome, strong, commanding—his body moving over Stephanie’s lithe frame, taking his pleasure from her, making her gasp and moan. Rebecca’s heart pounded faster in her chest as her mind conjured the image of them together, tangled in the sheets of her bed, Jake’s hands gripping Stephanie’s hips as he thrust into her.

She clenched her fists around the spatula, willing herself to focus on the task at hand, to stop thinking about what was happening in the room down the hall. But the more she tried to block it out, the more vivid the images became. She could almost see it—the way Jake’s muscles would flex with each movement, the way his strong hands would guide Stephanie’s body, the way Stephanie would arch her back, her blonde hair spilling over the pillow as she cried out in pleasure.

A small, unbidden heat began to pool low in Rebecca’s stomach, and her breath hitched. She squeezed her thighs together instinctively, trying to suppress the sudden surge of arousal that crept up on her, but it was no use. Her body betrayed her, reacting to the very thing she hated—the sounds of Jake and Stephanie together, of their intimacy, of the connection she had tried so desperately to prevent.

She bit her lip, her cheeks flushing with shame as her nipples hardened, the cool air of the kitchen brushing against her exposed skin. The sizzling of the bacon and pancakes continued, but it was drowned out by the louder, more primal sounds coming from the bedroom. The creak of the bed, the soft rhythm of their bodies moving together, the moans that spilled from Stephanie’s lips—all of it filled Rebecca’s mind, painting a picture that she couldn’t escape from.

Her hands trembled as she reached for the plate, her breath coming in shallow, uneven gasps. She could feel the heat building inside her, the way her body ached in response to the images in her head. It was wrong—all of it was wrong. She shouldn’t be feeling this. She shouldn’t be reacting like this. She should be angry, humiliated, disgusted by the very idea of Jake and Stephanie together.

And yet, despite the humiliation, despite the bitter sting of irony, Rebecca couldn’t stop the heat that bloomed inside her, the soft ache that pulsed between her legs, the way her breath caught in her throat each time she heard them.

As the sizzling bacon crackled in the pan, Rebecca stood there, torn between the shame of her own arousal and the bitter reality of her powerlessness. She was naked, cooking for them, listening to them have sex in her own bedroom—the very thing she had once tried to forbid—and now her own body was betraying her, responding in ways she couldn’t control.

Rebecca’s heart raced as she heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching from the hallway. The soft, satisfied giggles from Stephanie and the low rumble of Jake’s voice drifted toward the kitchen, making Rebecca’s stomach churn with a mixture of shame and anxiety. Her mind was still reeling from the images that had played out in her head, the heat of her unbidden arousal still simmering beneath the surface as she stood there, naked, preparing breakfast for them.

She quickly shifted her focus back to the sizzling bacon and pancakes, hoping to bury the remnants of her inappropriate thoughts beneath the mundane task at hand. But it was impossible to ignore the sound of their approach, the laughter, the casual ease with which they carried themselves after the intimacy she had been forced to hear.

When Jake and Stephanie entered the kitchen, Rebecca’s stomach dropped. Stephanie’s hair was a mess, her blonde strands wild and tangled, and her skin had a flushed, glowing look to it. Her cheeks were pink, her lips slightly swollen from kissing, and she had that satisfied, languid air about her—the unmistakable look of a woman who had just been thoroughly fucked.

Jake followed closely behind, his hair tousled and a wide grin spread across his face. He moved with the confidence of a man who had just claimed what he wanted, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction. He stretched lazily, his muscles rippling under his shirt as he gave Rebecca a playful wink.

“Well, I’m hungry after all that,” Jake declared with a chuckle, his voice carrying a casual, teasing tone. His eyes flicked over the spread Rebecca had prepared—pancakes, bacon, eggs—but it wasn’t just the food that he was looking at.

Rebecca felt a flush of embarrassment crawl up her neck as she quickly turned away from them, focusing on the stove, trying to hide the pink creeping into her cheeks. The heat from her earlier arousal still lingered, a cruel reminder of her body’s betrayal, and she desperately hoped they wouldn’t notice the tension in her.

But, of course, Stephanie’s sharp eyes caught everything.

“Mmm, looks like someone else has been getting a little excited this morning,” Stephanie mused, her voice dripping with amusement as she strolled over to the counter, her hips swaying with that casual confidence she always carried. She leaned against the edge of the counter, her eyes narrowing as they drifted downward, lingering on Rebecca’s bare body.

Rebecca froze, her heart hammering in her chest as she realized what Stephanie was talking about. She tried to press her legs closer together, her face burning with humiliation as she stood there, fully exposed and unable to hide what had clearly given her away.

“Look at her,” Stephanie continued, her voice playful and taunting. “Face us, Rebecca, hands on your head. Look. Her little pussy lips are all puffed up. Were you thinking about what Jake was doing to me in there, Rebecca? Hmm?” Her voice was laced with condescension, and her eyes gleamed with a cruel sense of satisfaction.

Rebecca’s throat tightened, her face burning with shame. She could feel her entire body trembling, the weight of the humiliation crashing down on her as she struggled to form a response. But the words wouldn’t come. She felt utterly trapped, powerless under Stephanie’s gaze, with Jake smirking in the background, clearly enjoying the show.

Jake chuckled softly, moving closer to the table and grabbing a strip of bacon, casually popping it into his mouth as he watched the scene unfold. His eyes lingered on Rebecca for a moment, and she could feel the heat of his gaze on her bare skin. “Looks like you’ve been thinking about something, huh, Rebecca?” he teased, his voice low and mocking. “Maybe imagining what it’s like to be in Steph’s place?”

Rebecca’s hands clenched above her head, her fingers digging into her palms as she fought to hold back the wave of humiliation that threatened to overwhelm her. Her heart pounded in her chest, her legs trembling with the effort of standing still under their scrutiny. She wanted to disappear, to melt into the floor and escape the unbearable shame of being so completely exposed—physically and emotionally.

But there was no escape. Not here. Not in this kitchen where she had been reduced to nothing more than a naked servant, preparing breakfast for the couple she had once tried to keep apart.

Stephanie smirked, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction as she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a low, conspiratorial tone. “Oh, don’t be shy, Rebecca,” she cooed, her fingers brushing lightly over Rebecca’s arm, sending a shiver down her spine. “It’s okay if you got a little worked up listening to us. After all, Jake does know how to take care of things… don’t you think?”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted painfully, her cheeks flushing an even deeper shade of red. She could barely breathe under the weight of her shame, her body trembling as the heat between her legs felt like a burning reminder of just how little control she had left.

Jake laughed softly, leaning back against the counter as he took another bite of bacon. “Don’t worry, Rebecca,” he said with a smirk. “Maybe next time we’ll let you watch. Might be a real treat for you, huh?”

Rebecca’s breath hitched in her throat, her entire body going cold at the thought. She didn’t dare respond, didn’t dare look at either of them as she stood there, frozen in place, the full weight of her humiliation crashing down around her like a tidal wave.

And as Stephanie and Jake continued to laugh and joke, their voices filled with casual amusement, Rebecca knew that there was no escaping this. No escaping them. No escaping the way they had reduced her to nothing more than an object of their cruel pleasure.

Stephanie took her seat, releasing Rebecca to continue serving. “Take your hands off your head. Serve us. Then make sure everything’s cleaned up afterward,” she said lightly, as if Rebecca were nothing more than a maid.

Rebecca hopped to it, trying to make herself as small as possible, to disappear from their view. But she knew it wouldn’t last. There was still the matter of her morning spanking, and even as they ate, she could feel the weight of the impending punishment hanging over her like a dark cloud.

Chapter 21: Morning Duties

Jake looked up from his plate, his gaze settling on Rebecca with a glint of amusement in his eyes. “You know,” he said slowly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, “I think we should get started on that other thing soon.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted painfully as the meaning behind his words became clear. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, but she didn’t move, didn’t protest.

“Come here, Rebecca,” Stephanie said, her voice low and commanding. “It’s time for your morning spanking. Be a good girl and get over Jake’s knee.”

Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat, her body stiffening with dread. She had known this was coming, but hearing the words spoken aloud—so calmly, so casually—made the fear rush through her all over again. With shaky steps, she approached Jake, her eyes downcast, her heart pounding in her chest.

Jake pushed his chair back, making room for her as he patted his lap with a smirk. “Come on, Rebecca. Let’s see if you can be just as obedient as you were last night.”

Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she reluctantly bent over his knee, her bare skin brushing against the rough fabric of his jeans. The position was painfully familiar, her body instinctively bracing for the punishment that was about to come. The position was degrading, humiliating, but she had no choice. Every nerve in her body was on high alert, the bruises from the previous night still fresh, her skin hypersensitive to every touch. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to focus on anything other than what was about to happen, but it was impossible to escape the reality of her situation.

Jake adjusted her slightly, his large hand resting momentarily on her lower back, guiding her into place. She could feel the weight of his hand pressing her down, asserting his control over her, and it sent a fresh wave of shame coursing through her. The kitchen felt too bright, too exposed for what was happening, but there was no reprieve. This was where she was expected to submit, once again.

“Good girl,” Jake muttered, his voice low and thick with amusement. “Nice and still, just like that.”

Stephanie watched from her seat, casually sipping her coffee, her eyes never leaving Rebecca’s prone form. There was a faint smirk on her lips, a cruel satisfaction in her gaze as she waited for Jake to begin.

“Remember,” Stephanie added, her voice sharp, “if you resist, it’ll be much worse. So I suggest you stay still.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest as she nodded weakly, her fingers curling into fists against the cold floor. She could feel the weight of both of their eyes on her, watching her every movement, every breath, waiting for her to falter. The tension in the room was suffocating, but there was no escape. She had to endure this.

Without warning, Jake’s hand came down hard against her already bruised backside. The sharp crack of the slap echoed through the kitchen, followed immediately by a searing pain that radiated through Rebecca’s entire body. She gasped, her breath catching in her throat as the sting settled in, but she bit her lip hard, forcing herself to stay silent, to be a good girl.

Jake didn’t wait long before delivering the next blow, his hand coming down with the same firm, unyielding force. Each strike was deliberate, calculated, the sting intensifying with every slap. Rebecca’s body jerked with each blow, her skin burning with the sharp, unforgiving pain, but she fought to keep herself still, to remain obedient as she had been commanded.

“You are such a naughty girl, Rebecca,” Jake said, his voice low and mocking as his hand came down again, harder this time. “You need to learn your place, don’t you?”

Rebecca bit down on her lip, trying to suppress the whimper that threatened to escape her throat. The pain was unbearable, each slap of his hand sending shockwaves through her already sore skin, but the humiliation of the situation was even worse. Bent over his knee, her bare body exposed, being punished like a disobedient child—it was degrading beyond words. And worse still, she knew Stephanie was watching, enjoying every second of her submission.

The spanking continued, each slap coming down harder than the last, the sharp sting leaving Rebecca’s skin raw and throbbing. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them away, refusing to let them fall. She couldn’t break—not now, not in front of them. She had to endure it.

“Good,” Jake muttered as his hand came down again, the impact making Rebecca’s body jolt. “Nice and still. You’re learning.”

Stephanie chuckled softly, taking another sip of her coffee. “See? This is what happens when you behave, Rebecca. You take your punishment like a good girl, and maybe—just maybe—you won’t find yourself in this position again tomorrow morning.”

Rebecca’s heart sank at the implication—tomorrow morning. Was this going to become a routine? Would she be bent over Jake’s knee every day, forced to endure this humiliation again and again? The thought was unbearable, but the sting of the spanking kept her grounded in the painful present.

Jake’s hand came down one last time, harder than any of the others, the impact sending a sharp, searing pain through Rebecca’s entire body. She gasped, her fingers digging into the floor as she fought to stay still, her body trembling with the effort.

Then, finally, it stopped. Jake’s hand rested on her bum, a silent signal that the punishment was over, for now.

Rebecca lay there, her body still shaking, her skin burning with the aftermath of the spanking. Her mind was a blur of pain and humiliation, but she forced herself to stay silent, to remain obedient.

“Up,” Jake said, patting her bum lightly. “You’re done.”

Rebecca slowly pushed herself up from his lap, her legs shaky as she stood on trembling feet. Her skin still throbbed with pain, her face flushed with humiliation, but she didn’t dare meet their eyes. Instead, she stood there, waiting for whatever command would come next.

Chapter 22: Cornered

“Now,” Stephanie said, setting her cup down with a smirk. “Be a good girl and clean up the kitchen. And when you’re done, I want you to report to the living room corner, you know the one. You’ll stay there until we’re ready for lunch. We’re thinking a light lunch on the dock.” She paused, her lips curling into a cruel smile. “And of course, you’ll be nude for that, too. There’s no need for you to wear anything until we decide otherwise.”

“On the dock…” she whispered under her breath, her stomach twisting in knots as the words slipped out before she could stop them.

Stephanie glanced at her, eyebrow raised in amusement. “What was that, Rebecca?” she asked, her tone sharp but laced with a cruel amusement.

Rebecca opened her mouth to speak, but the words wouldn’t come. Her throat tightened, and she could feel the panic rising in her chest, making it hard to breathe. Her mind was flooded with images of herself on that table, fully exposed, with boaters gawking at her from the water. She could already hear their laughter, their whispers, and feel their eyes on her bare skin. The thought was unbearable.

“Stephanie, please,” she finally managed to say, her voice trembling with fear. “The dock… It’s so… It’s right there. The boats… People pass by all the time. They’ll… they’ll see…”

Stephanie’s lips curled into a wicked smile, clearly relishing the panic in Rebecca’s voice. She stepped closer, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “Oh, I see,” she said softly, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. “You’re worried about people seeing you, aren’t you? Worried about being so… exposed.”

Rebecca nodded quickly, her breath coming in short, shaky bursts as she tried to plead her case. “Yes, please, I—people could see everything! I can’t… I can’t be out there like that. It’s too much.”

But Stephanie wasn’t swayed. If anything, Rebecca’s panic only seemed to fuel her cruelty. “Too much?” she echoed, her voice hardening. “After everything we’ve done to you, you think this is too much?” She took a step closer, her eyes narrowing. “Do you really think you’re in any position to decide what’s too much for you?”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted with dread as she realized her mistake. There was no reasoning with Stephanie—not when she was like this. She had no power here, no ability to argue her case. She was completely at their mercy, and her panic only seemed to amuse them.

Jake, who had been watching the exchange with a smirk, stepped in. “I don’t see the problem, Rebecca,” he said, his voice low and mocking. “It’s a beautiful day, and you’re just going to be serving us lunch. It’s not like you’ll be running around in front of a crowd. A few boaters, maybe. But who cares? They’ll probably just think you’re some sort of exotic beach decoration.” He chuckled at his own joke, clearly enjoying Rebecca’s growing discomfort.

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest, her hands trembling at her sides as she struggled to keep her composure. The thought of being seen, of strangers’ eyes on her while she was so vulnerable and exposed, made her stomach churn. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t go out there like this. But she had no choice. She knew that any protest would only lead to further punishment, and she had already endured enough.

“Please,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “Please don’t make me do this.”

Stephanie’s smile widened as she watched Rebecca crumble before her. “Oh, you’re doing it,” she said with finality, her tone leaving no room for argument. “You’re going to march right down to that dock, completely nude, and serve us lunch. And if you’re lucky, maybe the boaters won’t notice you.”

Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat, her body trembling as the panic surged through her. The thought of being out there, fully exposed to anyone passing by, was more than she could bear.

“But, Stephanie, please… I can’t…” Rebecca’s voice trembled as she spoke, her hands trembling at her sides. “I can’t serve you out here. Not like this. Please, it’s too much.” She glanced around nervously at the dock, the distant figures of more people out on boats making her stomach twist with dread.

Stephanie’s eyes narrowed, a dangerous gleam flashing in her gaze. “Oh, you can’t?” she echoed coldly, her voice sharp. “You don’t think you can do as you’re told?”

Rebecca bit her lip, her mind spinning with fear and anxiety. She had endured so much already, and the idea of standing out here, fully exposed, serving them lunch where anyone could see her—it was unbearable. She shook her head, her voice cracking as she tried to reason with Stephanie. “There are people out there. They’ll see me. I can’t do this—please, Stephanie, just let me serve lunch inside. I’ll do anything else, just not this.”

Stephanie’s lips curled into a cruel smile, her patience clearly wearing thin. “Anything else, huh? But you won’t do the one thing we’ve asked of you. You’re arguing with me again, Rebecca.” She turned her head slightly, glancing at Jake, who had been watching the exchange with a smirk.

“Jake,” Stephanie said smoothly, her voice calm but laced with an unmistakable threat, “why don’t you run to the hardware store? I think we’re going to need those pulleys after all. And some light nylon rope. You remember the setup I mentioned, right?”

Rebecca’s blood ran cold, her heart nearly stopping as the full weight of Stephanie’s words hit her. Pulleys. The very threat she had feared since last night, the one that would have her strung up on her tiptoes with ropes pulling taut on her already sore nipples. The image flashed in her mind—a horrifying vision of her hanging helplessly, her body stretched and vulnerable, fully exposed to Jake and Stephanie. Her body reacted with panic, her legs nearly giving out beneath her as she realized that Stephanie was serious.

Jake’s eyes gleamed with amusement as he nodded, already moving toward the car. “Sure thing, Steph. I’ll be back in a flash. The hardware store’s just up the road.” He grinned at Rebecca as he passed, clearly enjoying the way her face had drained of color. “Looks like someone’s in for a real lesson today.”

“No!” Rebecca’s voice came out in a panicked gasp, her body lurching forward as she reached out, desperate to stop him. “Please, Jake, wait—Stephanie, I’m sorry! I’ll do it, I’ll serve lunch! Please, don’t make him go!” Her words tumbled out in a frantic rush, her mind racing with fear. The image of being tied up, the ropes biting into her skin, the humiliation of it all—it was too much to bear.

Jake paused, glancing back at Stephanie with a raised eyebrow, waiting for her cue.

Stephanie crossed her arms, tilting her head as she watched Rebecca squirm. “Oh? So now you’re willing to serve lunch on the dock, after all?” she asked, her voice dripping with mockery.

Rebecca nodded frantically, her breath coming in short, panicked bursts. “Yes, yes, I’ll do it. I’ll serve lunch. Please, just don’t make him go to the store. I’ll be good, I swear.”

Stephanie’s smile widened, the satisfaction in her eyes unmistakable. “I thought you might change your tune.” She waved Jake off with a dismissive gesture. “No need for the hardware store, Jake. Rebecca has decided to behave.”

Jake chuckled softly, crossing his arms as he leaned back against the picnic table. “Well, that was quick. Smart move, Rebecca.”

Rebecca’s body trembled with a mixture of relief and shame as she stood there, her head bowed, her heart still racing from the panic. She had narrowly escaped the horror of the pulleys, but the price was her complete submission. There was no more arguing, no more resisting. She had to serve them lunch, naked and exposed, out in the open for anyone to see.

Without another word, she turned and moved back toward the sink, her legs shaking as she walked. The soreness from the spanking made every step a painful reminder of her submission, but she forced herself to focus on the task at hand. Cleaning up after breakfast was mundane, a distraction from the overwhelming weight of her shame.

As she scrubbed the plates and wiped down the counters, her mind wandered, replaying the events of the morning over and over again. The way Jake’s hand had come down on her with such force, the way Stephanie had watched with amusement—it all felt so surreal, as if it were happening to someone else. But the lingering sting in her skin reminded her that it was very real, and that this was her new reality. She tried to put out of her mind the further degradations awaiting her.

Once the kitchen was spotless, Rebecca took a deep breath, steeling herself for what came next. She knew better than to linger or delay—Stephanie’s patience was thin, and any sign of hesitation would surely result in more punishment. With heavy steps, she walked to the designated corner, her bare feet silent on the cool floor.

The corner was cold and unforgiving, the sharp angles of the walls pressing in on her as she stood there, hands on her head, head bowed in submission. There was no comfort in this place, no reprieve from the shame that consumed her. She could feel the tension in her body, the soreness in her legs, and the sharp sting still throbbing across her backside. But she didn’t move. She didn’t dare.

The minutes stretched into what felt like hours as she stood there, her mind numb with exhaustion. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the occasional muffled sounds of Jake and Stephanie talking in the other room. Rebecca knew they were enjoying themselves, savoring their morning while she stood alone, waiting for their next command. Every second spent in that corner felt like a slow, agonizing buildup toward what was to come. She knew it was only a matter of time before Stephanie called her to serve them lunch on the dock, and her stomach twisted painfully at the thought.

The dock—so open, so exposed. Anyone passing by would see her, her body bared to the world as she served them like an obedient servant, her humiliation laid out for all to witness. Her heart pounded faster with each passing second as she imagined the curious stares from boaters, the comments, the laughter, and the degrading whispers. There would be no hiding this time, no way to escape the humiliation that was about to unfold.

Rebecca clenched her fists on her head. She was trapped in this nightmare, bound by the strict rules Stephanie had imposed on her. If she resisted—if she hesitated even for a moment—she knew exactly what would happen next.

Obedience training.

The very thought made her knees weak with dread. She could still remember the cold, condescending look in Stephanie’s eyes as she had explained what would happen if Rebecca disobeyed. The pulleys. The nylon rope. The way Stephanie had spoken so casually about rigging a system that would leave her strung up, her sore nipples stretched taut, forcing her onto her tiptoes. It was a punishment she couldn’t fathom enduring, a degrading fate that had hung over her head like a guillotine since that first warning.

And now, as she stood in the corner, her legs trembling, she knew she couldn’t risk that. Not after everything. Not after the humiliation she’d already endured.

Her thoughts raced, swirling with images of what would happen if she resisted. She could picture it so vividly: Stephanie’s cool, commanding voice as she ordered Jake to grab the ropes, the feeling of those binder clips or something similar biting into her skin, suspended on thin nylon ropes, the weight of her own body pulling on her most sensitive parts. And the worst part would be the utter helplessness of it all—the way she would be left dangling, straining to keep herself upright, her body fully exposed. Her shame would be complete, her humiliation broadcast.

No, she couldn’t resist. She couldn’t. She had no choice but to obey, no matter how much it burned inside her. There was no escape from this. Stephanie had made sure of that. Every fiber of her being screamed to run, to hide, to do anything other than serve them on the dock, but she knew what was at stake. One misstep, one flicker of hesitation, and she’d be strung up, humiliated in a way she couldn’t even comprehend.

A wave of nausea washed over her as the reality of what was about to happen sank in. She could already feel the burning shame creeping up her spine, her throat tightening as she imagined stepping out onto that dock, her body completely bare, with no protection from the eyes of strangers. Her mind raced with the countless possibilities—what if someone stopped to watch? What if they pointed, whispered, laughed? Her skin prickled at the thought, her stomach turning at the idea of being reduced to nothing more than an object of ridicule.

The humiliation would be unbearable. She could already hear the whispers, the condescending comments: “Look at her… serving them like that… poor thing.” Or worse, the mocking laughter, the jeers as her bare body became the center of attention for anyone passing by.

Rebecca squeezed her eyes shut, trying to steady her breathing, trying to calm the rising panic, but it was no use. The more she thought about it, the more impossible it seemed. And yet, she had to do it. There was no other option. The alternative—obedience training—was so much worse.

Her legs felt weak, her hands trembling slightly as she shifted on her feet, waiting for the inevitable command to come. She knew it was coming. Stephanie and Jake were almost done with their leisurely conversation, their casual amusement at her expense soon to turn into the next humiliating ordeal. And she would have to stand there, naked and obedient, and serve them as though nothing were wrong, as though she weren’t utterly broken inside.

Please, she thought desperately, her heart hammering in her chest. Please let this be over soon.

But she knew better than to hope for mercy. There was no mercy here. Only obedience. Only submission.

And as Rebecca stood there, trembling in the corner, her mind filled with dread, she braced herself for what was to come—the moment when Stephanie would call her name and order her to the dock, the moment when her humiliation would be complete.

And then, finally, the door creaked open.

“Alright, Rebecca,” Stephanie’s voice called out, cutting through the thick silence. “Time to get ready for lunch.”

[To be continued…]


  1. Today I will be thinking about being forced into public exposure. All of my inadequacies exposed for comment and judgement. I’m shivering at the thought. But I can’t help my arousal. Please, Mommy, may I cum? - david

  2. Well, the spanking was hawt, as was the internal struggle inside Rebecca. It's clear that at least at this point it's just fear keeping her here. She's not enjoying this part at all. I thought they'd at least let her eat something or she'd save a little for herself. Speaking of that, when was the last time she ate? All this emotional and physical torture and turmoil, and yes, even the small moments of sexual release and pleasure have taken a toil on her body and she didn't even get good sleep so at this point she running on adrenaline and other hormones for the better part of a day. I have to believe by now , Julie, that some of her movements would be very slow and painful (due to her butt, crap they have hardly even cared for her wounds except that one time) and the rest slow due to tiredness so even Stephanie might see she needs a break. And her stomach must be hurting too, with little or no food.
    I suppose if you want this story to end really dark, have Stephanie deliberately or inadvertently (she seems to lack some discipline and common sense) kill her with overwork, little rest, little food, or at least little digestible food (I've seen Dark Femdom where the guy has to eat scraps out of the kitchen sink drain, or literal dog food - actually more nutritious than the scraps -, *and don't even get me started on the horrible idea that a diet of human waste is possible *that sort of thing), and bury her body deep in the water claiming to her dad that she 'ran off'.

    Clarence Who is Rooting for Rebecca
