Tuesday, October 22

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 16 (FM/F, witnesses)

[Continued from Part 15]

“Alright, Rebecca,” Stephanie’s voice called out, cutting through the thick silence. “Time to get ready for lunch.”

Chapter 23: Lunch Time

Rebecca turned slowly and stepped out of the corner. She kept her eyes down, her heart pounding in her chest as she walked toward them.

Jake and Stephanie were already dressed for the occasion—Stephanie in a light, flowing sundress, and Jake in shorts and a t-shirt. They looked relaxed, at ease, as if this was just another day at the beach. For them, it was. But for Rebecca, the thought of walking outside, exposed to the world, was a fresh wave of humiliation.

“Get the meal ready,” Stephanie instructed, her voice sharp but casual, as if ordering Rebecca around was second nature to her. “Just something light—sandwiches, fruit, maybe some wine. We’ll be down by the dock. And don’t forget to bring down the sunscreen. I’ll supervise. Wouldn’t want you missing a spot and burning under the sun while you’re out there, would we?”

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest, her hands trembling at her sides as she struggled to keep her composure. The thought of being seen, of strangers’ eyes on her while she was so vulnerable and exposed, made her stomach churn.

“And if you keep us waiting, Rebecca,” Stephanie added, pausing to let her words sink in, “you’ll get a spanking right there at the dock. Out in the open, for anyone passing by to see.”

The threat hit Rebecca like a punch to the stomach. A spanking, down there, fully exposed in broad daylight? The very thought made her knees weak. She could barely process the humiliation she already faced—serving them lunch, completely nude, in full view of any passing boats—but the idea of being taken over Jake or Stephanie’s knee right there on the dock, her punishment visible to anyone who happened to pass by, was more than she thought she could bear.

“No…” she whispered, her voice trembling. “Please, not that…”

Stephanie’s eyes gleamed with amusement, her lips curling into a cruel smile. “Oh, yes, Rebecca. That’s exactly what will happen if you make us wait. So I suggest you hurry up. Unless you want all the passing boaters to see you getting spanked like a naughty little girl.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted painfully, her legs shaking beneath her as panic gripped her. Their dock was on a bank near the entrance to a well-travelled narrows. Boats would come by.

Jake smirked, glancing over at her as he began walking toward the dock. “Better hurry, Rebecca,” he called back, his voice thick with amusement. “We wouldn’t want you to be late.”

Rebecca began moving, but rather than the kitchen, she absolutely needed to go to the bathroom first, the pee she’d been holding for the last few hours finally overwhelming her.

“Where do you think you’re going?” asked Stephanie incredulously.

Rebecca’s body trembled, the urgency of her need making it impossible to stand still. She could feel her bladder pressing painfully, but the weight of Stephanie’s authority kept her frozen in place. She tried to speak, but her voice came out in a desperate whimper. “Please, Stephanie… I’ve been standing there since after breakfast, I really need to go,” she begged softly, her thighs pressed tightly together as she shifted from foot to foot.

Stephanie’s eyes narrowed, her tone cold and unrelenting. “That’s not how you ask, Rebecca,” she said, her voice laced with mockery. “If you want to go potty like a little girl, then you’ll beg like one. Now, cross your legs and hold yourself.”

Rebecca’s face flushed with humiliation, but she had no choice. Her body screamed for relief, and the fear of what might happen if she didn’t comply loomed over her. Slowly, she crossed her legs tightly, pressing her hand between her thighs, holding herself like a child who couldn’t hold it any longer. The humiliation burned hotter than ever as she looked up at Stephanie, pleading with her eyes.

“Now,” Stephanie said, stepping even closer, her voice dripping with condescension. “Ask Mommy and Daddy properly. Beg us to let you go potty.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted with shame. She wanted nothing more than to disappear, but the pressure was too much. Tears welled in her eyes as she forced the words out, her voice shaking. “Please, Mommy… Daddy… can I go potty? I really need to go, please, I’m going to burst,” she whimpered, her body squirming as the discomfort mounted.

Stephanie smirked, clearly enjoying Rebecca’s humiliation. “Oh, you think you need to go, do you?” she teased, looking over at Jake, who was watching the scene with a smug grin on his face.

Jake leaned back, arms crossed, chuckling under his breath. “I don’t know, Stephanie. She doesn’t sound desperate enough. What do you think?”

Rebecca’s heart sank, her legs trembling as she fought against the pressure. “Please, please, I’m begging you,” she whimpered, squeezing her legs tighter, holding herself even harder, and bouncing up and down in a perfect imitation of a desperate toddler. “Mommy, Daddy, I really need to go! Please don’t make me wait any longer. I can’t hold it much longer…”

Stephanie tilted her head, pretending to consider it for a moment, then smiled. “Fine. You can go… if you make sure to remember who’s in charge next time. Is that clear?”

Rebecca nodded quickly, her face burning with shame. “Yes, Mommy. Yes, Daddy. I promise,” she whispered, feeling utterly broken as she finally received permission.

“Then go,” Stephanie said, her voice casual as if nothing humiliating had just happened. “But don’t take too long. You’ve got a lunch to prepare.”

Rebecca hurried to the bathroom, her face flushed with both relief and lingering humiliation as she barely made it in time. The loud stream echoed embarrassingly in the small bathroom, only adding to her shame. She cringed as she realized that both Stephanie and Jake could likely hear everything. When she was finished, she rushed back to the kitchen, too flustered to think clearly.

As she walked back into the kitchen, her head lowered, hoping to avoid any more confrontation. But as soon as she entered, Stephanie’s sharp voice cut through the air. “Rebecca, did you wipe properly? And did you wash your hands?”

Rebecca froze, her heart sinking as she realized her mistake. She hesitated, glancing nervously toward the sink, her silence giving her away.

Stephanie narrowed her eyes. “I didn’t think so,” she said coldly. “Come here.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted with dread as she slowly walked over to her. Stephanie reached out and grabbed her by the arm, turning her and bending her slightly before landing two firm smacks—one on each cheek of her already tender bottom.

The sharp sting made Rebecca gasp, her body jerking slightly from the impact. “You’re a grown woman, Rebecca, and yet you need to be treated like a child,” Stephanie scolded, her voice low and stern. “Next time, maybe you’ll remember basic hygiene.”

Rebecca nodded, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, Stephanie,” she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to hold back the humiliation.

“Go back and wipe properly,” Stephanie ordered, her tone unyielding. “And wash your hands this time. Then, you can come back and start making lunch.”

Rebecca turned and quickly headed back to the bathroom, her heart pounding in her chest, the shame of being treated like a child weighing heavily on her.

Rebecca stood in the bathroom, trembling with a mixture of shame and urgency. She reached for the toilet paper, her hands still shaky from the harsh reprimand and the sting of the smacks that lingered on her bare cheeks. As she pulled off a generous length of paper, she could feel her face burning with humiliation.

She sat down, positioning herself carefully, the cold seat a reminder of how exposed and vulnerable she felt. Slowly, she brought the toilet paper between her legs, her movements deliberate and thorough this time. She wiped carefully, making sure to clean every fold, her embarrassment deepening with each pass.

Once she was certain she had done it properly, she stood up, through the toilet paper in, and flushed, her heart still pounding in her chest. She could still hear Stephanie’s voice echoing in her head, the cold authority in her words making Rebecca feel smaller than ever.

She moved to the sink, turning on the water and scrubbing her hands thoroughly, lathering up the soap until her skin felt raw. She washed with the same careful precision, not wanting to give Stephanie any reason to scold her again.

As she dried her hands, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her face was flushed, her eyes still watery from the earlier humiliation. With a deep breath, she steeled herself and prepared to return to the kitchen, knowing full well that the worst was likely yet to come.

Rebecca’s heart raced as she made her way back to the kitchen, hoping that her return would go unnoticed, but she should’ve known better. The moment she stepped inside, Stephanie’s eyes were already on her, sharp and scrutinizing.

“Come here,” Stephanie ordered, her voice cold and commanding.

Rebecca’s stomach twisted in knots as she approached. She could feel the weight of Jake’s gaze as well, and the humiliation of what was about to happen hit her like a wave.

“Let’s see if you actually did it properly this time,” Stephanie said, crossing her arms. “Show me.”

Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat. “Sh-show you?” she stammered, already knowing what Stephanie was demanding but hoping, somehow, that she was wrong.

Stephanie’s lips curled into a cruel smirk. “Yes, show me. Pull your pussy open. Let me see if you wiped properly.”

Rebecca’s whole body flushed with shame. She hesitated for a brief moment, but the look in Stephanie’s eyes made it clear that she didn’t have a choice. With trembling hands, she reached down, her fingers brushing against her thighs before parting her lips, exposing her most private area to Stephanie’s inspection.

Stephanie leaned in slightly, her expression cold and calculating. “Spread wider,” she ordered sharply. “I want to be sure you didn’t miss a spot.”

Rebecca obeyed, pulling herself open further, her face burning with humiliation as she stood there, fully exposed, her shame on full display for both Stephanie and Jake.

“Hmm,” Stephanie hummed thoughtfully, her eyes scanning over Rebecca’s trembling form. “That’s better,” she said with an air of satisfaction. Then, her tone shifted to one of mockery. “Now, let’s see your hands.”

Rebecca pulled her hands back up, still trembling, and held them out in front of her, palms open. Stephanie inspected them closely, looking for any sign that she hadn’t cleaned herself properly.

“Good girl,” Stephanie said finally, her voice dripping with condescension. “I think you’ve learned your lesson… for now.”

Rebecca nodded, too ashamed to speak, as she lowered her hands and stood there, her entire body feeling as though it had been laid bare in more ways than one.

“Now, get to the kitchen and start making our lunch,” Stephanie said dismissively, turning her back on Rebecca as if the whole ordeal had been nothing more than a simple correction.

The sandwiches came together quickly, her movements automatic despite the growing knot of dread in her stomach. She grabbed the plates, napkins, cutlery, wine glasses, some fruit, and a bottle of chilled wine, setting everything on a tray. Her fingers brushed the sunscreen bottle as she hesitated. She put it on the tray. The reality of what she was about to face sank in deeper.

Naked. Out there.

Her bare skin tingled with the thought of the sun hitting her in such an exposed state. She could already picture the glances, the knowing smiles from passersby. Every second she spent preparing this light lunch felt like it dragged on forever, but the fear of being late—and what that would mean—kept her moving.

Her mind kept playing out the worst scenario. What if she did take too long? What if she ended up over Stephanie’s lap, right there on the dock, where anyone could see?

Rebecca’s breathing quickened as she shook her head to clear the thought. No, she couldn’t let that happen.

When everything was ready, Rebecca took a deep breath, lifted the tray, and forced her legs to move toward the door leading to the dock.

Her breath caught in her throat as she stepped out of the house, the weight of the tray in her hands making her movements slow and awkward. Each step felt heavy, not just from the food she carried, but from the sheer humiliation that coursed through her. Her bum, still a bit tender from the earlier spanking, prickled under the warm sun. But the heat of the sun was nothing compared to the burning awareness of how exposed she truly was.

With every step, the reality of her situation grew more surreal. The rough wood of the dock stretched out before her, seeming impossibly far away, and every inch of her body felt vulnerable, but no part more than the space between her legs. She could hardly process it—her pussy, so fully, so brazenly exposed to the world, every soft breeze reminding her just how bare she was. The tray was cumbersome, making her movements stiff, which only heightened her sense of exposure, forcing her hips and legs to move awkwardly, emphasizing the openness between them.

She tried to focus on the tray, on the task, but her mind couldn’t escape the feeling of the sun on her most intimate areas. It was as if her body was betraying her, drawing attention to itself in the worst possible way. She imagined—no, feared—that anyone who looked at her would see nothing else. Her cheeks flamed at the thought of it, her legs trembling beneath her as she struggled to walk steadily.

The dock felt impossibly long, and the sound of her bare feet on the wooden planks seemed deafening in the silence. She prayed that no one would pass by in the narrows adjacent to the dock, but the threat of it loomed in her mind, making her heart race faster with each step. She could already imagine it—the stunned looks, the laughter, the whispers as they saw her, bare, her body fully on display, unable to cover herself, carrying the tray like a servant offering herself up to their amusement.

The thought made her knees weak, and she nearly stumbled, the tray wobbling in her hands. She caught it just in time, but her balance wavered, forcing her to widen her stance to steady herself. The position made her feel even more vulnerable, her hips shifting awkwardly as she regained her footing. Her breath came in short, shallow bursts, her entire body screaming at her to cover up, to run, but she knew she couldn’t.

Jake and Stephanie were already lounging. They glanced up at her as she approached, and Rebecca could feel their eyes on her—especially Jake’s gaze, lingering just a little too long on her exposed form.

“About time,” Stephanie said lazily, her sunglasses reflecting the bright sunlight. “Set it down here.”

Rebecca bent to put the tray carefully down on the small table between their chairs. As she stood again, she heard a sound in the distance—the unmistakable hum of a motorboat approaching. Her heart skipped a beat, and she dared not look, but she knew the boat was getting closer, and soon, whoever was onboard would have a clear view of the dock and her bare bum.

“Keep facing us, Rebecca,” Stephanie commanded casually, as though she were merely asking her to hand over a napkin. “And apply your sunscreen.”

Rebecca’s legs felt weak as she obeyed, her body stiff and tense as she faced them, her back to the water. Her bare breasts, the curve of her stomach, and her most intimate parts were fully on display to Jake and Stephanie. Her eyes flicked nervously between them, both seated and watching her with a mixture of amusement and cool expectation.

Stephanie lazily picked up the sunscreen bottle and tossed it to her. “Start with your arms, then move to your legs. Don’t miss a spot.”

Rebecca’s hands were shaky as she squeezed the lotion into her palm and began applying it to her arms. She tried to move quickly, to get it over with, but Stephanie’s sharp voice cut through her rushed movements.

“Slower, Rebecca. Make sure you’re thorough. You wouldn’t want to burn, would you?”

The casual cruelty in Stephanie’s tone made Rebecca’s heart pound harder. She couldn’t afford to disobey. She rubbed the sunscreen in more slowly, her hands moving over her arms, then down to her legs. As she worked the lotion in, she heard it—the low hum of an approaching boat.

Her heart leaped into her throat. She glanced over her shoulder to see a motorboat closing in, a man and a woman aboard. The woman had a floppy sunhat, her large sunglasses reflecting the sun as she surveyed the scene. The man steered the boat lazily, but it was clear they were taking in every detail of what was happening on the dock. They slowed, just as Rebecca had feared.

“Now your bottom, Rebecca,” Stephanie’s voice was like a dagger, cutting through the quiet tension. “And make sure you get all of it. We can’t have you missing a spot, can we?”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted painfully as she hesitated, knowing full well what was being asked of her. She could hear the boat getting closer, the faint sound of voices, but her hands moved on autopilot, gliding down to her backside. She rubbed the lotion onto her bottom cheeks, her fingers trembling with humiliation as she tried to work the lotion in. But it wasn’t enough for Stephanie.

“Thoroughly,” Stephanie emphasized. “Rub it in, Rebecca. Don’t neglect the cleft.”

With a shuddering breath, Rebecca did as she was told, her hands massaging the lotion deeper into her bare bottom, her fingers moving in slow, circular motions. She could feel the couple on the boat watching, their presence a tangible weight. The thought of them seeing her like this, forced to rub sunscreen into her own backside under Stephanie’s orders, made her skin burn with shame.

As the boat drew nearer, she heard the man chuckle, his voice carrying over the water. “That’s right, don’t want to burn, honey!” he called out, amusement thick in his tone. The woman with him laughed softly, adding, “Make sure to get every inch, dear. That sun can be merciless.”

Rebecca’s face flamed red, her hands still working the lotion into her bottom as the couple floated by, their laughter lingering in the air like a cruel taunt. She bit her lip hard, fighting the urge to run, knowing full well she couldn’t escape this.

Stephanie smirked, clearly pleased with the scene playing out before her. “See, Rebecca? You’re making quite the impression. Now turn around,” Stephanie said with a cool command. “Arms out to your sides.”

Rebecca hesitated for a second, the sinking feeling in her gut telling her this was only going to get worse. Slowly, she obeyed, turning her back to Jake and Stephanie, now facing the open water and the boat. She closed her eyes, unable to bear the humiliation. The couple’s eyes were still on her, watching her every movement with keen interest. Her skin prickled as the cool breeze off the water contrasted with the heat rising off her exposed body. She lifted her arms shakily, extending them out to either side, her face flushed with deep, aching shame.

Stephanie stood up, taking the bottle of sunscreen from her hand. “You forgot your back, didn’t you?” Her tone was casual, almost teasing, as she squirted a generous amount of lotion into her hands.

The feel of Stephanie’s hands on her back made her stomach twist, rubbing the cold lotion into her skin. It was methodical, almost clinical, but the sensation of being touched so intimately in front of strangers made Rebecca’s pulse quicken with anxiety. She was fully aware that the boaters were still there, watching as Stephanie moved her hands slowly over Rebecca’s back, covering every inch as she worked the lotion into her skin.

“Looks like someone forgot her swimsuit,” the man on the boat commented with a light chuckle. Rebecca’s face burned hot, the words landing like a slap across her already raw nerves. She dared not open her eyes, hoping against hope that maybe the water would swallow her whole and take her far from this unbearable scene.

The woman on the boat chuckled, her voice cutting through the tense air. “But just look at her… poor thing. Doesn’t even have much to show for herself up top, does she?”

Rebecca’s heart sank. Her small breasts, always a source of insecurity, felt even more exposed now under the scrutiny of strangers. The man’s rough laugh followed, full of teasing amusement. “Yeah, tiny little titties… Guess she won’t be catching much attention like that.”

Rebecca’s face burned, the humiliation creeping down her neck and across her chest. Every word felt like a slap, each comment stripping away another layer of her dignity. But they weren’t finished.

“But look down below,” the woman’s voice took on a sly tone, and Rebecca could feel their eyes on her most private area. “At least she keeps things nice and tidy down there.”

The words felt like a punch in the gut. Rebecca’s breath hitched as her entire body tensed with shame, her arms shaking as she kept them outstretched, powerless to cover herself. The fact that they could see her so clearly, that they were commenting on the way she groomed herself, made her feel exposed in a way she never could have imagined.

Stephanie smirked, her hands pausing briefly on Rebecca’s lower back as she took in the scene, enjoying the torment unfolding in front of her. 

The man laughed again, the sound grating against Rebecca’s raw nerves. “Well, good for her. Not much going on up top, but at least she knows how to keep herself tidy down below.”

Tears stung Rebecca’s eyes, but she kept them tightly shut, too humiliated to look anywhere but inward. The sensation of Stephanie’s hands, still rubbing the sunscreen into her back, only heightened the feeling of being put on display, reduced to nothing more than a body to be judged and mocked.

Finally, the sound of the boat’s engine grew louder as the couple drifted further away and powered by, their laughter still echoing in her ears. But their comments lingered like a weight on her chest, making it hard to breathe.

“There, see? Was that so bad?” Stephanie asked, stepping back and looking her stepmother up and down with satisfaction. “I think you learned your lesson, didn’t you?”

Rebecca could barely manage a nod, her voice completely lost in her throat. She felt like she would never be able to look anyone in the eye again after this.

Stephanie gave Rebecca’s reddened cheek a soft, patronizing pat. “You’ve done so well,” she cooed, her voice dripping with false sweetness. “Now be a good girl and set the table and pour us that wine. We have a lovely afternoon ahead of us, don’t we?”

Rebecca nodded weakly, her body still trembling, as she turned back toward the table. She could barely move, her legs shaky beneath her, but she knew she had no choice but to continue. There was no escape from the humiliation they had planned for her. And some part of her, deep down, knew that she wouldn’t have escaped even if she could.

The sound of another boat carried over the water, and Rebecca’s heart stopped. Not another! She froze for a moment, her breath catching in her throat as she looked out toward the boat now visible in the distance. It wasn’t close enough for her to make out faces, but it was close enough for them to see her, standing there, completely exposed.

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest as the sound of the approaching boat grew louder, her panic surging with every passing second. She kept her head down, her trembling hands moving faster as she laid out plates, the napkins, the wine glasses, the sandwiches and wine on the picnic table, desperate to finish before the boat came too close. But it was too late. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the boat slow, its engine cutting to a low hum as it drifted closer to the shore.

Not again… she said to herself.

“Finish up, Rebecca,” Jake added, his voice casual as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

But there was no escaping it. She was trapped, naked and exposed, serving them lunch while the boaters passed by. And if she wasn’t fast enough, if she dared to falter, she knew what would come next. She could already imagine it—her stepdaughter’s athletic hand coming down hard on her bare skin, the sound of the spanking carrying over the water, while the boaters watched with amusement.

“Faster, Rebecca,” Stephanie said with a smirk, watching her panic with satisfaction. “You wouldn’t want to disappoint us, would you?”

Rebecca’s breath came in short, desperate gasps as she hurried to serve them, her hands trembling with fear and humiliation. The new boat was getting closer, and her heart pounded in her chest as she prayed they would pass by without stopping. But the laughter carried on the wind, and she knew, deep down, that she was already at their mercy.

Rebecca’s hands shook violently as she poured the wine, her vision blurred with panic as the boat drifted closer. The sound of their laughter—boisterous, carefree—sent waves of anxiety crashing through her. She couldn’t make out the faces, but she could see the outline of six or seven people on board, their figures becoming clearer as the boat closed in on the shore.

Her mind raced, the fear nearly paralyzing her as she tried to focus on the task at hand. Just get through this, she told herself, willing her trembling hands to steady. But as she leaned forward to fill Stephanie’s glass, her fingers slipped. The bottle wobbled, tipping too far, and before she could correct herself, red wine splashed across the table, soaking the food and spilling onto Stephanie’s lap.

[To be continued…]

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