Thursday, October 24

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 18 (MF/F)

[Continued from Part 17]

“Now, stop wasting time,” Stephanie  said, her voice turning brisk and commanding. “Go get ready for Dad. You have a lot to make up for when he gets home.”

Chapter 26: New Beginnings

The rest of the afternoon had dragged on like a slow march toward a cliff. Every moment had been consumed by Rebecca’s guilt and anxiety, her actions mechanical as she followed through on every command Stephanie had given her. She had cooked a perfect dinner for John, served him with the best of her efforts, and, in private, apologized with as much sincerity as she could muster, despite the weight of humiliation pressing down on her shoulders. The entire time, her mind had been racing toward the final command—the most unbearable of all.

When the moment had come, when John had looked at her with a mix of surprise and confusion after her apology, she had swallowed her pride, her fear, and every ounce of her remaining dignity. She had told him that she wanted him to spank her the next time she misbehaved. The words had tumbled out awkwardly, barely coherent, and she had felt herself shrink inside as she spoke them. The look on John’s face had been unreadable, a mix of shock, curiosity, and something else she couldn’t place.

John hadn’t reacted immediately—he had listened, asked a few gentle questions, but mostly just tried to understand what had been laid in front of him. He didn’t immediately agree, but he didn’t reject it either. He had simply nodded, clearly mulling over everything, his mind processing the strange, unexpected shift in their relationship.

As the evening sun sank lower over the horizon, casting long shadows over the beach, Rebecca found herself alone. Stephanie and her father, John, had walked down to the dock, leaving her to clean up after dinner, and now, the quiet house only seemed to amplify the swirling confusion and tension that clung to her like a second skin. She couldn’t shake the strange, lingering feeling of exposure, not just physically but emotionally. It had been a long, painful day, and she was left with the uneasy knowledge that her life had irrevocably changed.

The sounds of muted voices drifted up from the dock. Rebecca stood by the kitchen window, watching as John and Stephanie stood at the edge of the dock, talking quietly, their silhouettes backlit by the fading light. From where she stood, she couldn’t make out their words, but their conversation seemed deep, deliberate.

Curiosity and unease got the better of her. She made her way down to the dock, the cool evening breeze sending a shiver down her spine. As she approached, their voices became clearer, and she caught fragments of their conversation. She stopped and hid behind a tree, close enough to hear, but far enough to not be seen.

“…what she told me… about everything,” John was saying, his tone unsure, though he didn’t sound upset. “She asked me to spank her, Steph. Can you believe that? I never thought… I mean, don’t you think that’s very strange? I was hoping you, as a woman, might have some insight there.”

Stephanie, leaning casually against the wooden railing of the dock, looked out over the water for a moment before turning back to John. “Honestly, Dad, it’s about time.”

John blinked, clearly caught off guard by her response. “What do you mean, ‘about time’? You think this is… normal?”

Rebecca felt her stomach twist into knots, the weight of their words pulling her down into a pit of humiliation. Her husband was discussing her request with her stepdaughter. How humiliating… Her breath caught in her throat as she waited for Stephanie’s response, her heart pounding in her chest.

Stephanie shrugged, a small smile playing on her lips. “Look, Rebecca’s been acting out for months, and from what I’ve seen, she’s a classic closet submissive. She’s been pushing you away because she doesn’t know how to deal with her own feelings. It’s not about her not caring—it’s about control. She’s testing boundaries, whether she knows it or not.”

John frowned, his brow furrowed. “I don’t get it. Why would she… why would anyone want something like that?”

Stephanie sighed softly, turning to face her father more directly. “It’s not really about wanting to be punished, Dad. It’s about feeling secure, feeling like someone’s in control. Rebecca needs that. She’s too scared to admit it, but she wants someone to take the reins. To set boundaries. And yeah, sometimes that might mean a spanking or something else to remind her of where those boundaries are.”

John looked thoughtful for a moment, his hand absently running through his hair. “I never saw her that way. I’ve just been trying to keep things calm, you know? She seemed like she wanted space, so I gave her space.”

“Yeah, and that’s the problem,” Stephanie said bluntly. “She doesn’t need space, Dad. She needs you to step in and be firm with her. To stop letting her walk all over you. She’s been testing you for years, and you’ve been letting her. That’s why she came to you today and asked for what she did. She knows she can’t keep pushing you away like this—it’s exhausting her. She needs to feel like you’re in charge.”

John let out a slow breath, his eyes turning toward the water as he processed Stephanie’s words. “So, you think this is the answer? Being… strict with her?”

“Absolutely,” Stephanie replied without hesitation. “Rebecca is practically begging for it, even if she doesn’t realize it. She needs a firm hand. Someone to hold her accountable and make her feel like she’s being looked after. That’s why she asked for the spankings. She’s craving that structure, that control.”

Rebecca felt her face flush hot with shame as she listened to their conversation. Hearing them talk about her like this made her feel small, exposed in a way she hadn’t expected. She had to fight to keep from turning and running back to the house.

“So, how do you know so much about this stuff?” John asked his daughter.

“You remember Zoey, right? My old college roommate?” she asked.

John nodded, still processing everything. “Yeah, I remember her. Why?”

Stephanie grinned, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “Well, let’s just say Rebecca’s not the first one I’ve seen who needed this kind of… structure. Zoey was a handful—always anxious, always trying to control everything in her life. Until one night, she broke down, admitted she was overwhelmed, and asked for an arrangement.”

John raised an eyebrow. “Wow. I never knew… so you…”

“I stepped in and gave her what she was asking for—strict discipline, clear rules, boundaries. She didn’t even know how badly she needed someone to take charge until it was done,” Stephanie explained, her tone nonchalant, as though she were discussing something as ordinary as laundry. “And you know what? After that, she became a different person. More relaxed, focused. Good grades. Plus, she did all the housework without a single complaint. And if she didn’t? I toasted her butt for her. It was a win-win.”

John’s eyes widened slightly as he remembered Zoey—a pretty little girl, how she had always seemed so poised and put together whenever they visited Stephanie. And so eager to please. But now, knowing the truth, it all made sense. He could see the parallel between Zoey and Rebecca, the way his wife had been spiraling lately, lost in her own world, pushing him away.

For Rebecca too, things started coming together. Stephanie was experienced at… spanking girls… making them submit. She felt absolutely mortified that she was put squarely in the category of that kind of girl. But there was no denying it.

“So, what you’re saying is… I need to be that person for Rebecca? Like you were for Zoey?” John asked, his voice hesitant but curious.

Stephanie nodded firmly. “Exactly. Rebecca’s like Zoey. She’s trying to tell you in the only way she knows how. She needs someone to take charge and show her that she can’t keep acting out without consequences. If you don’t step up, she’s going to keep testing you, and it’s only going to get worse. But if you take control—if you give her what she’s asking for, what she really needs—things will change. Trust me.”

John looked out at the water again, mulling over her words. The idea felt foreign, strange, but something in him stirred, the pieces of the puzzle slowly clicking into place. He had always thought giving Rebecca space was the answer, but perhaps Stephanie was right. Maybe what Rebecca truly needed wasn’t more distance, but the opposite—someone to step in and lead her with a firm, guiding hand.

Rebecca, still hidden behind the tree, felt a shiver run down her spine at the thought of John stepping into that role. A part of her wanted to run, to hide from the inevitable, but another part—a deeper, quieter part—ached for it. Stephanie had hit the nail on the head, even if Rebecca couldn’t admit it to herself. She needed this, needed to feel safe, to know that someone was in control when she couldn’t be.

John sighed and turned back to his daughter. “And you’re sure this is what she wants?”

“More than anything,” Stephanie said confidently. “You just have to be firm. Don’t let her push you away or manipulate the situation. Set the rules, stick to them, and make sure there are consequences when she steps out of line.”

Rebecca’s heart raced as she realized what was coming. The conversation was no longer hypothetical. Under duress, she had opened a door she couldn’t close, and now, John was on the verge of stepping through it.

John sighed, clearly wrestling with the idea. “I guess I didn’t realize how bad things had gotten. But if this is what she needs…” He trailed off, unsure of himself.

Stephanie nodded encouragingly. “It is. You don’t have to do anything crazy, Dad. Just start small. Let her know you’re in control. If she’s disrespectful or pushes you, give her consequences. If she’s naughty, like she said, take her over your knee and remind her who’s in charge. You’ll be surprised how quickly things will change.”

John let out a low chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. “I never thought I’d be having this kind of conversation with my daughter.”

Stephanie grinned, giving him a playful nudge. “Well, welcome to the 21st century, Dad. Relationships come in all kinds of flavors.”

Stephanie, leaning more casually now, shifted her weight and glanced at her father. “And you know, Dad, I actually know exactly where Rebecca’s little request came from.”

As Rebecca remained hidden, her breath caught in her throat, the conversation between John and Stephanie took had taken an unexpected turn. She strained to hear every word, her heart pounding as they continued, unaware of her presence.

John raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “What do you mean?”

Stephanie chuckled softly, her tone filled with both amusement and a hint of smugness. “Well, just yesterday Rebecca tried to pull a power move on me. She actually tried to force me over her knee, like she did that time when I was still a little kid, soon after she moved in.”

“Unbelievable!” John said. “You know, Steph, I was pretty upset with Rebecca back then. It was so soon after the divorce, and she’d just moved in. You were still adjusting to everything, and then she goes and does something like that without even discussing it with me. I would never had allowed it, and I told her to never, ever, do it again. I didn’t say much to you at the time, but I was definitely not happy with her. You were going through enough, and she had no right to take that kind of action, especially not so soon after everything had changed for us. I can’t believe she had the gall to try it again, after all these years. What did you do?”

“Well,” Stephanie replied with a smirk, “I turned the tables on her.”

John blinked, completely caught off guard. “You turned the tables? What does that mean, exactly?”

Stephanie’s grin widened as she leaned in a little closer to her father. “It means that I took control, Dad. I gave Rebecca a good, hard spanking instead. Right there, on the beach. I pulled her swimsuit clean off and took her over my knee, just like a little girl.”

John let out an incredulous laugh, still processing the absurdity of it all. “On the beach? With her swimsuit off? Just like a little kid?” He chuckled again, clearly amused by the indignity of the situation for Rebecca.

Stephanie nodded, clearly relishing the memory. “Exactly like that. She was so mortified, Dad, but it was what she needed. She was trying to assert control, to test me, but it backfired. I knew exactly what to do because of my experience with Zoey. I gave her a lesson she wouldn’t forget anytime soon. And apparently, it stuck, because now she’s asking for the same thing from you.”

“Well, I can’t say I blame you for it. Sounds like justice was served.”

Stephanie chuckled softly, leaning back as well, her eyes still glinting with amusement. “Yup, it’s karma, isn’t it? She gave me a spanking all those years ago, and now she’s gotten one in return.”

John smiled at the thought. “Yeah, it does feel a bit like that. Full circle, huh?”

Stephanie’s grin widened as she added with a sly tone, “Maybe I spanked her a little longer and a little harder than she did me. You know, just to make sure the lesson really stuck.”

They both burst into laughter, the sound echoing across the quiet evening air. John shook his head, still smiling as he thought about the irony of it all. “I guess she deserved it, after what she put you through, then and since.”

Stephanie nodded, her expression one of satisfaction. “Oh, definitely. She needed that. And honestly, she needed it, badly.”

As their laughter died down, John’s mind lingered on the past, the resentment he had carried for so long about how Rebecca had tried to step into a parental role that wasn’t hers to take. About her ongoing uneasy relationship with his daughter, her stepdaughter. Now, hearing about her getting a taste of her own medicine, it felt like justice had finally been served, even if it had come years later.

John shook his head in disbelief. “I still can’t believe this, but it sounds like you handled it perfectly.”

Stephanie shrugged, still smiling. “Honestly, it wasn’t that hard. She was all bark and no bite once I took charge. After that, she knew exactly where she stood.”

Rebecca, hidden nearby, felt a rush of heat flooding her cheeks as the conversation continued. Hearing Stephanie recount the humiliating spanking on the beach made her stomach churn with fresh embarrassment. She had wanted to forget it, have it never, ever mentioned, but now it was out in the open, laid bare in front of John.

John’s voice broke through her thoughts, still amused but now serious. “So you really think this is what she needs from me, too? To step up and take control like you did?”

Stephanie straightened up, locking eyes with her father as her expression grew serious. “Absolutely,” she said, her tone firm. “And when the time comes for that spanking—and trust me, it will come—Rebecca’s going to panic. She’ll try to beg off, claim she wasn’t serious, and act like the whole thing was a mistake. She’ll probably cry, plead, even kick and scream like a little banshee. Just like Zoey always used to do. Every time. And just like Rebecca did with me on the beach. You should have seen her!”

John looked uncomfortable, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “I don’t know, Steph. I’ve never… I mean, what if she really does change her mind?”

Stephanie held up a hand, cutting him off. “No, Dad. You can’t let that fool you. That’s all part of the game. She’s going to push, she’s going to test you, just like she’s been doing all along. You have to follow through, no matter what she says in the heat of the moment. She needs to feel that there are real consequences, that she can’t just wiggle out of it by sweet-talking you or throwing a tantrum.”

John swallowed hard, the gravity of Stephanie’s words sinking in. “So you’re saying… I should go through with it, even if she’s kicking and screaming?”

“Exactly,” Stephanie said with a nod. “And you can’t take it easy on her, Dad. This has to feel real for her. You need to give her a proper spanking—a real one. Not just a few half-hearted smacks. She needs to feel it. It needs to sting, and she should have trouble sitting comfortably for a while afterward. Otherwise, it won’t work.”

John looked uneasy, but he trusted his daughter. He knew that Stephanie understood these things in a way he didn’t, and if Rebecca truly needed this, then he had to be the one to give it to her.

“How… how do I even start something like that?” John asked hesitantly.

Stephanie smiled, a knowing glint in her eyes. “You start by being calm and confident. You sit her down and explain that this is happening, whether she likes it or not. Then, when the time comes, you take her over your knee, bare her bum, and give her a proper spanking. Don’t stop just because she’s kicking or pleading—this has to be a real punishment. She’ll cry, she’ll scream, but afterward, she’ll thank you for it. Maybe not right away, but eventually, she will.”

John felt a tight knot forming in his chest. The thought of putting Rebecca in that position, baring her, and spanking her until she was red and sore, was almost too much to process. But he knew Stephanie was right—if he didn’t take control now, things would only get worse.

“So… bare her bum?” he asked, his voice a little strained.

“Absolutely,” Stephanie said firmly. “That’s how I did it. It’s not a real spanking unless it’s on the bare. She needs to feel exposed, vulnerable, embarrassed. It’s part of the whole process—part of what makes the punishment effective. And besides,” she added with a smirk, “if you’re doing it over her clothes, you’re not going to get the same impact.”

John nodded, though the thought still made him uneasy. “Alright. But how do I know when to stop?”

Stephanie gave him a look of understanding. “You’ll know, Dad. Once her bum is bright red and you can see she’s truly sorry, that’s when you stop. But don’t let her fool you before that point. You need to push past her protests and her little crocodile tears and make sure she learns her lesson. Otherwise, you’ll be back in this same situation again in no time.”

John took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. It felt strange, but a part of him recognized the truth in what Stephanie was saying. Rebecca had been testing him, pushing the boundaries, and this was his chance to finally step in and take control.

John hesitated, his mind racing with doubts. “But, Steph, what if she calls the cops on me? I mean, this is serious… what if she says it’s assault?”

Stephanie laughed softly, shaking her head. “Dad, she won’t. Trust me, I know her type inside and out from Zoey and from the spanking I gave her. She’ll be meek as a kitten afterwards, I guarantee it. She might kick and scream during it, but afterward? She’ll be calm, maybe even grateful in her own way. That’s how this works. You’ve just got to follow through, and everything will fall into place. Zoey didn’t call the cops on me, Dad, and Rebecca didn’t either when I spanked her on the beach yesterday. She just took it. Just like Zoey did. And guess what? She was much better tempered afterward. You noticed how calm she was during dinner, right? That wasn’t a coincidence.”

John thought back to how Rebecca had acted after dinner—quiet, obedient, almost as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. It was a far cry from the tension that had been simmering between them for months. Stephanie’s words started to make sense, though the idea of putting Rebecca through something like that still made him uneasy.

John let out a long breath, trying to steady himself. “Okay. I guess… I’ll trust you on this.”

Stephanie patted him on the arm. “Good. Now just remember: don’t hold back. She needs it to be real, and she needs to know you mean business. Once it’s over, you’ll have a much more cooperative wife on your hands. She’s literally asking you for it.”

“And I won’t… hurt her?”

Stephanie smirked, shaking her head at his worry. “Dad, it’s supposed to hurt. If you’re doing it right, it’ll hurt plenty. That’s the point of a spanking. But there’s no chance of you injuring her, not if you’re using your hand and sticking to her butt.”

John shifted uneasily. “But what if I go too hard? I’ve never done this before.”

Stephanie stepped closer, her voice calm but firm. “It’s really difficult to go too hard, Dad. A woman’s butt is perfectly designed for this. It’s soft, padded, and it can take a lot more than you think. Spank her hard enough that it stings like hell and she feels it when she sits down the next day. That’s what a real spanking is supposed to be like. But don’t worry about causing any lasting harm. You’d have to go out of your way to do any real damage, and you’re not going to be anywhere near that level if you’re just using your hand.”

John nodded slowly, trying to let Stephanie’s words sink in. The idea of inflicting pain on Rebecca, even if it wasn’t serious, still felt foreign to him. But Stephanie was confident—more than confident. She was certain this was what Rebecca needed, and deep down, John knew that something had to change.

“So, you’re saying… there’s no risk of really hurting her?” John asked one last time, needing the reassurance.

Stephanie gave a firm nod. “None. You can go as hard and as long as you need to, as long as it’s to her butt and with just your hand. Spank her until her butt’s bright red and she’s crying—that’s when you’ll know you’ve done it right. And she’ll be fine. Sore and super embarrassed, but she’ll be fine.”

John chuckled again, shaking his head. “Alright. I guess maybe it’s time for me to take a firmer hand, like you said.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in shallow, uneven bursts as she huddled behind the tree, listening to every word. The conversation between Stephanie and John felt like a strange, surreal nightmare, one she couldn’t wake from. The weight of what they were discussing—her spanking, her own husband baring her bottom and punishing her telentlessly, regardless of what she said—pressed down on her with a suffocating intensity.

Her mind raced, darting from one thought to another. Would John really go through with it? Would he actually put her over his knee, bare her, and spank her until she was sobbing and kicking, just like Stephanie described? She could almost feel the heat rising in her cheeks as she imagined it. The humiliation of it all—being so vulnerable, so exposed, her body trembling as she begged him to stop, knowing he wouldn’t.

And then she remembered Stephanie’s warning to John. That no matter what Rebecca said, no matter how much she begged, he had to follow through. Even if she cried, even if she pleaded, even if she made a scene—he would have to spank her good and hard, right on her bare bottom, until it was bright red and sore. Rebecca felt her stomach twist into knots. Stephanie was right—there would be a next time. She was sure of it. And when that moment came, when she found herself in the heat of an argument, her temper flaring, she knew she’d test John again, push him the way she always did. And this time, he wouldn’t back down.

She could picture it all too clearly—her standing there, trying to weasel her way out of it, throwing out every excuse in the book, only to be grabbed by the wrist and pulled toward the couch. John’s voice firm, unyielding, as he told her this was for her own good. Her protests would fall on deaf ears, and before she knew it, she’d be over his knee, her skirt lifted, her panties pulled down in one swift motion. Maybe even with Stephanie right there, watching.

Her face flushed with heat at the thought, a mixture of shame and something she couldn’t quite identify. She tried to picture herself wriggling on his lap, feeling that first sharp smack land on her bare skin, the sting radiating through her body. She would thrash, beg him to stop, but he wouldn’t—just as Stephanie had instructed. She’d be completely powerless, reduced to a sobbing mess, her bottom burning with each hard swat until she couldn’t take it anymore.

But then there was something else lurking beneath the surface of her panic—a strange, unfamiliar feeling that both confused and terrified her. Part of her wanted John to go through with it, wanted him to take charge and not let her get away with her usual tricks. That part of her longed for the boundaries, for the consequences, even though she hated to admit it.

What’s wrong with me? she wondered, her heart still racing. Why does the idea of him being that strict… make me feel like this?

The more she thought about it, the more she realized that Stephanie had seen right through her. She had been acting out, testing John, pushing him away because she didn’t know how to deal with her own feelings. And now, hearing that he might actually take control, that he might finally give her what she secretly craved… it left her feeling vulnerable, conflicted, and more exposed than ever.

Rebecca swallowed hard, her hands trembling as she clutched the tree for support. There was no getting out of it now. The next time she slipped up, there’d be no backing down. John would spank her—hard—and she knew it would hurt, not just physically but emotionally, stripping away the layers of her defenses in front of him. The humiliation of having him see her like that, bare and sobbing, would be overwhelming. But even more overwhelming was the realization that deep down, beneath the shame and fear, she wanted him to.

Oh God, she thought, feeling the knot in her stomach tighten. What have I gotten myself into?

John cleared his throat awkwardly, his face betraying his discomfort as he shuffled on his feet. “Stephanie, I have to ask… is there anything, uh, sexual about this? I mean… the whole spanking thing.”

Stephanie burst out laughing, doubling over slightly as she shook her head in amusement. “Dad, you really are naïve sometimes, you know that?” she said, wiping a tear from her eye. “Of course there’s something sexual about it. For a lot of people, anyway. I mean, Zoey? After I gave her a good spanking, she was an absolute slut with me in bed. Practically insatiable.”

John’s face turned bright red, and he shot Stephanie a stern look. “Stephanie! That’s… That’s not something you should be talking about with me.”

Stephanie grinned at her father’s scandalized expression. “Oh, come on, Dad. I’m just being honest with you. You asked, didn’t you?”

John shook his head, clearly flustered. “I didn’t know you were into girls, either. Since when is that… a thing for you?”

Stephanie gave a nonchalant shrug. “I’m into guys too, Dad. I’m not picky. And these days? All girls are a little bi, it’s no big deal. You’d be surprised how common it is. Honestly, you’re just so out of touch.”

John blinked at her, still struggling to process her casual attitude. “I just… I don’t know what to say.”

Stephanie smirked, leaning against the dock railing again. “You don’t need to say anything. But if you’re wondering if a good spanking will spice things up in your love life with Rebecca, the answer is yes.”

John was still reeling from the conversation, his mind flashing through memories of his now-quiet marriage with Rebecca. “Well, things between us have been… a bit, slow that way.”

“I guarantee you that after you give her a proper spanking, she’ll do things in bed you’ve never even dreamed of. Dad, trust me. Women like Rebecca—especially ones like her—respond to this. After you assert yourself, after she feels the authority and the structure, she’s going to look at you differently. She’s going to feel different. And in bed? Yeah, you’ll see a whole new side of her.”

Of course, Stephanie knew all about what a slut Rebecca could become in ways she hadn’t dared tell John about. Yesterday evening, when she had introduced Jake into the dynamic, telling Rebecca to “serve” him, Stephanie had seen the change immediately. The hesitance, the resistance had melted away, replaced by a raw, almost desperate need to please.

Rebecca had been mortified at first, but once she began obeying, her submissive nature had taken over. She’d done everything Stephanie asked of her, and the look in her eyes—equal parts humiliation and arousal—had told Stephanie everything she needed to know. Rebecca wasn’t just craving discipline; she was wired for submission. She needed someone to control her, to make decisions for her, and to push her into places she wouldn’t go on her own. And the more vulnerable and exposed she was, the more she seemed to thrive on it.

But Dad doesn’t need to know everything, she thought to herself, smiling as she glanced over at him. Not yet, anyway.

Meanwhile, Rebecca stood frozen behind the tree, her heart pounding in her chest as she overheard the conversation between John and Stephanie. Every word pierced her, each one hitting deeper than the last. The humiliation of them discussing her sex life so casually, like she was some kind of puzzle to solve, was overwhelming. But there was something else too—something darker, something she couldn’t deny anymore, no matter how much she wanted to.

As Stephanie described what a spanking could do for their marriage, Rebecca felt a sharp pang of desire deep inside her. The idea of John being that firm, that authoritative with her, of him taking control not just in their daily lives but in bed, made her knees weak. She pressed her back against the tree, her breath coming out in shallow, shaky gasps as she realized the truth: she wanted this. Desperately.

It wasn’t just about the discipline or the spanking, although the thought of being taken over his knee, bared and punished, sent a strange thrill through her. It was the idea that afterward, he’d look at her with a new fire in his eyes, that he’d want her, control her, make her do things she hadn’t even let herself imagine before. Her entire body shuddered at the thought, the forbiddenness of it, the rawness of the desire it stirred in her.

She had never let herself admit it before, not fully. She’d always hidden behind her irritation, her nagging, her coldness toward John. But now, hearing Stephanie so boldly talk about what could happen after her spanking—how it could change everything—Rebecca’s mind was flooded with fantasies of John she’d never let surface.

She imagined herself in bed, the covers pulled back, and John’s voice low and commanding as he told her exactly what to do. Her skin flushed at the thought of him being firm, unapologetic, demanding things of her she had never dared try before with him. The idea of being told what to do, of being made to perform for him, filled her with a longing so fierce it almost scared her. She wanted him to take charge, to push her beyond her limits, to make her feel things from him like she’d only ever felt from Jake yesterday.

Rebecca’s cheeks burned with the realization: she wanted to be filthy for him, not for Jake. She wanted him to see her as that kind of woman—eager to please, eager to be used. The thought of John telling her what he wanted, making her do things that would make her blush and tremble with both embarrassment and arousal, sent a jolt of electricity through her. She wanted to be that woman for him, the one who was driven wild with desire after he showed her who was in charge.

Her body ached with the need to be spanked, not just for the punishment but for what it promised afterward—the filthy, desperate intimacy that she craved so deeply. The yearning gnawed at her, stronger than any embarrassment or fear. She wanted John to take her in hand, to be firm with her in every way, and then afterward… she wanted him to make her do things in bed she’d never dared dream of with him.

Rebecca bit her lip, trying to suppress the wave of arousal building inside her. She knew now—there was no denying it. This was what she needed. What she had always needed. And after overhearing Stephanie talk so openly about it, Rebecca knew she couldn’t hide from it anymore. She wanted John to spank her, to punish her, and then… to make her his in every filthy way he could imagine.

John hesitated again, running a hand through his hair nervously as he glanced back toward the house. “But, Steph, you’re living with us for now… Should I wait until you’re gone to do anything? I mean, if you’re around, it might be awkward. I don’t want you to… hear or, God forbid, see anything.”

Stephanie rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed by his concern. “Dad, you’re overthinking this. Don’t worry about me in the least. If I hear or see anything, it’s no big deal. You know I’m not squeamish about this kind of thing. Hell, I’ve already spanked Rebecca myself, so it’s not like it’s anything new for me. I’m telling you, this is what she needs. And you? You need to stop worrying about me hearing or seeing anything. If it happens while I’m around, so what? You’re her husband, you’re in charge. You don’t have to hide it from me.”

John swallowed hard, his mind still whirling with the idea of Rebecca being spanked with Stephanie in the house. He knew Rebecca needed something to change, and if what Stephanie was saying was true, he couldn’t keep waiting for the perfect moment. There would never be a perfect moment. He needed to act now.

“I just don’t want to embarrass her…” he murmured, still trying to find some way around the awkwardness.

Stephanie raised an eyebrow at him. “Dad, embarrassment is part of it. She needs to feel that vulnerability, that exposure. If she knows you’re worried about me being around, she’ll use that against you. You have to be firm, show her you’re in control, no matter who’s in the house. And like I said, I’ve already spanked her, so it’s not like she’s going to be more embarrassed in front of me than she already is.”

John rubbed the back of his neck, feeling more flustered than ever. “You really think this is going to work? That she’ll… change after this?”

Stephanie smiled knowingly. “Dad, I don’t just think it. I know it. You’ll see. Once you give her a real spanking, she’ll be different—more responsive, more attentive, and a whole lot more… cooperative, if you catch my drift.” She gave him a wink, making it clear she was talking about more than just discipline.

Rebecca’s face flushed with deep humiliation from behind the tree at the thought of John spanking her while Stephanie was around. The very idea made her stomach churn with embarrassment, but beneath that, to her own horror, there was an undeniable thrill. The mere thought of Stephanie hearing or even witnessing her bare-bottom spanking sent a strange mixture of dread and a sickening excitement swirling inside her. What was wrong with her?

Part of her wanted to die of embarrassment, to run as far from this situation as possible. But the darker, deeper part of her—the part she had been trying to deny—wanted this. She wanted John to take control of her, to put her over his knee, to punish her so thoroughly that she couldn’t sit comfortably for days. And knowing that Stephanie might be nearby, hearing her cries, seeing her bare, exposed in her most vulnerable state, only heightened the strange need building inside her.

The humiliation of it all was unbearable, yet it also made her pulse quicken. Rebecca’s mind flashed to an image of herself lying over John’s lap, her bottom bare and red, while Stephanie watched, her calm, knowing eyes taking in every detail of her shame. Rebecca imagined the look on Stephanie’s face—casual, indifferent, but perhaps with that same smirk she saw already as she watched her being thoroughly disciplined by Jake’s belt.

Her throat tightened at the thought. She could almost hear herself crying out, begging John to stop, and knowing that Stephanie would hear every plea, every sob. Rebecca’s face burned hot with shame, but she couldn’t escape the aching desire that seemed to fuel her fantasies now. The thought of being so utterly exposed, so completely at the mercy of John, while Stephanie looked on, made her feel more vulnerable than she’d ever imagined—and, terrifyingly, more aroused than she cared to admit.

The footsteps on the dock grew louder as John and Stephanie began walking back toward the house, their conversation wrapping up. Rebecca, caught by surprise, quickly darted back to the house and inside, her mind spinning with the weight of what was to come. She knew, without a doubt, that her life had just taken a drastic turn. And when the time came—when she finally pushed too far—there’d be no escape. She’d have to face the consequences, bare-bottomed and vulnerable, and accept that her husband was now in charge.

As John and Stephanie made their way back up from the dock, they caught a glimpse of movement near the house. A shadowy figure, quick and small in the fading light, scurried across the yard and disappeared through the back door.

John raised an eyebrow, pausing for a moment. “Was that…?”

Stephanie smirked, glancing up at him. “Rebecca,” she confirmed, amusement dancing in her eyes. “She must’ve been listening to everything.”

John couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head. “Well, I guess she got a little preview of what’s coming next time she steps out of line.”

Stephanie laughed softly, her expression sly. “You think she’s nervous?”

“I’d bet on it,” John replied, his voice laced with humor. “She probably didn’t think I’d get that whole download from you. Now she knows I’m serious.”

Stephanie crossed her arms, still smiling. “It’s probably better this way. Now, when she acts up, she won’t be surprised when you follow through. She’s got a good head start to stew over what’s coming. Maybe she’ll behave for a bit—though I doubt it,” she added with a mischievous wink.

John sighed, though there was a glimmer of amusement in his eyes as he thought of Rebecca trying to avoid the inevitable. “It’s going to be interesting.”

Stephanie continued, “And you know, given she secretly heard everything we’ve been talking about—about the spankings, about how you need to take control and what that means, about the sex stuff—and you know what? She didn’t say a word. She’s choosing to stay quiet because she’s already made up her mind. If she didn’t want this—if she was really against it—she’d have said something. The fact that she’s stayed hidden? It’s basically her way of accepting it all.”

John saw the logic and they both shared a quiet laugh. Rebecca, while listening from the shadows, had no idea how much her sneaky eavesdropping had worked against her. If anything, it made both John and Stephanie even more resolute in their plans.

As they approached the house, Stephanie added, “Let’s see how she acts now that she knows. I’ll bet she won’t say a word about anything she heard, and you’ll probably see her trying extra hard to be on her best behavior.”

John smiled, though a part of him wondered how Rebecca would react once the first real test came. He could almost hear the pleas and protests now, the inevitable begging when she realized he wasn’t backing down. But in the end, Rebecca would get exactly what she needed. And judging by the way she had scurried off after overhearing their conversation, she already knew it was only a matter of time.

“Well, I guess we’ll see soon enough,” John said, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and amusement. “I’m still a bit teed off that she tried to actually spank you. I’ll go lay down the law for her now on that.”

Stephanie gave him a reassuring pat on the back. “You go, Dad!”

[To be continued…]


  1. I don't know why but I thought it quite cute and funny naughty Rebecca trying to sneak back in the house after listening to all of that, and doing so in the most obvious, and least likely to succeed way. Tsk tsk tsk.


    1. Yes! I suggested it, but AI chose the words, which added to the cuteness.
