Saturday, October 12

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 6 (F/F)

 [Continued from  Part 5]

Rebecca shook her head weakly, her tears starting to flow again. “Please… Stephanie… stop…” she whimpered, the humiliation too much to bear.

"Stop?" Stephanie's eyebrow arched, her lips curling into a cruel smile. “Oh, I don’t think so, Rebecca. I’m just getting started.”

Chapter 7: Reflections

Stephanie put Rebecca back on her feet. The warm breeze of the secluded beach seemed to mock Rebecca as she stood there, trembling, her body completely exposed. The tall grass surrounding the area swayed gently, but the peacefulness of the setting was sharply at odds with the chaos inside her. Her bikini lay discarded on the sand nearby, carelessly thrown down by Stephanie, who now stood before her wearing nothing but her bikini bottoms, her bare chest heaving slightly with the effort of controlling the situation—and the undeniable power shift between them.

Rebecca's skin prickled with the sensation of vulnerability, the cool air brushing against parts of her body she had never intended to show. Her arms instinctively tried to shield herself, but she knew it was pointless. Stephanie's eyes were fixed on her with that same cruel glint, amused at her stepmother's discomfort, relishing in the dominance she had so effortlessly claimed.

Stephanie was standing tall and proud, her full, firm breasts on display, as though the earlier loss of her bikini top was nothing but an afterthought. She didn't care about modesty. In fact, she revelled in it, her bare chest almost taunting Rebecca as she stood there, defiant, her confidence radiating from every inch of her body. In contrast, Rebecca felt utterly diminished, her own small breasts barely visible in comparison

“So, you really thought you could take the role of my mom, tell me what to do?” Stephanie sneered, stepping closer, her bare feet sinking into the sand with each commanding stride. “Look at you now, Rebecca. Stripped bare, pussy soaked, standing here like a little girl.” She let her gaze wander over Rebecca's trembling form, her lips curling into a wicked smile. “Do you even realize how pathetic you look right now?”

Rebecca bit her lip, fighting back the tears that were threatening to spill. Her cheeks burned with humiliation, the weight of Stephanie's words cutting into her like a knife. She wanted to argue, to say something—anything—that would restore some semblance of her dignity, but the words wouldn't come. She was completely trapped, standing helpless in front of her stepdaughter, exposed in every sense of the word.

With that, Stephanie turned her back on Rebecca, striding confidently toward the beach house, her hips swaying with every step. “I'm going to see that boy I was supposed to stay away from,” she called over her shoulder, her voice dripping with defiance. “And I'll come back whenever I damn well please. Don’t bother waiting up.”

The words hung in the air like a cruel reminder of everything Rebecca had lost in those few agonizing moments. She watched as Stephanie disappeared into the distance, her confidant form fading away, leaving Rebecca standing there alone, trembling, and utterly humiliated.

Slowly, Rebecca gather up the pieces of her discarded swimsuit and limped back bare naked toward the house, the sting of her spanked, sore bottom making every step a struggle. Her bare feet sank into the sand as she walked, her body aching with the weight of her shame. She felt utterly defeated.

Once back in the house, her knees wobbled slightly as she limped down the hallway toward her room. The pain in her bottom, still tender from the spanking Stephanie had given her, flared with each step, making it hard to walk. The cool air felt harsh against her bare skin, making her acutely aware of just how exposed she was. But more than the physical pain was the humiliation that gnawed at her, making her want to shrink away, to hide from the world.

Once inside her bedroom, Rebecca closed the door behind her and stood in front of the large mirror hanging on the wall. She forced herself to look, though every part of her wanted to turn away, to avoid the reflection that would only remind her of how small, how powerful she had felt. But there was no escaping it.

Slowly, Rebecca let her eyes travel to her chest, her breath catching as she saw the state of her breasts. They were a mess—worse than she had imagined. Her small, flat chest was mottled with angry red marks, the skin flushed and tender from the rough treatment. Her nipples, the focal point of so much of the pain, were swollen and bruised, standing out painfully from her breasts. They looked raw, abused, each one darker than its usual soft pink, almost purple from the intense pressure they'd endured. The skin around them was stretched, tight and sensitive, as if her body was still trying to recover from the repeated yanking and pulling.

Rebecca reached up hesitantly, her fingers trembling as she lightly brushed them over the swollen peaks. The moment her fingertips made contact, a sharp, stinging pain shot through her chest, and she recoiled instinctively, wincing at how tender and sensitive they were. Even the softest touch felt like a fresh wave of agony, her skin hypersensitive from the abuse.

Looking at her full body, she couldn't deny it anymore. Standing here, in front of the mirror, she had to admit that even at her age, she had the body of a little girl next to Stephanie's mature womanhood. Her narrow hips, her flat chest, her soft skin—it all paled in comparison to the curvaceous, confident figure of her stepdaughter.

Rebecca sighed, her gaze moving down her body, her eyes drawn to the tender, swollen flesh between her legs. The mirror seemed to magnify every detail, every fold and crease, every hint of pinkness that betrayed her recent arousal. She couldn't help but feel a sense of shame washing over her, her cheeks flushing as she took in the sight of her own arpusal.

Her pussy lips, normally a delicate, petal-like shape, now seemed puffy and engorged, a testament to the intense orgasm Stephanie had coaxed from her. The memory of that release still lingered, a pleasant ache that resonated deep within her core. Rebecca's fingers twitched, her hand instinctively reaching for her own sex, but she hesitated, her shame and embarrassment holding her back.

Slowly, Rebecca turned, looking over her shoulder to inspect her bare bottom. The skin there was red and raw, the marks from Stephanie's spanking still clearly visible. She winced as she gently touched the sore spots, the pain radiating out from her fingertips. The sight of it—her small, red bottom, marked by Stephanie's hand—only deepened her humiliation. It was as if the younger woman had physically branded her, leaving behind a reminder of who truly held the power.

Rebecca bit her lip as her mind replayed the scene over and over again. The memory of Stephanie's strength was still fresh in her mind—the way her athletic hands had delivered those punishing blows, each one harder than the last. She had been spanked before as a young child, but never like this. Never with such strictness, such unyielding force.

Her stomach twisted with a mix of emotions. The humiliation of being spanked like a disobedient child by her own stepdaughter had cut deep. It had been so strict, so thorough, leaving her red and raw, both physically and emotionally. Every time she had begged for mercy, Stephanie had ignored her, her strong hand continuing its punishing rhythm. There was no reprieve, no softening. Stephanie had taken control and hadn't let go until Rebecca was left sobbing, broken across her knee.

Rebecca reached back tentatively, running her fingers over her sore, reddened skin. The sting was sharp, a reminder of her stepdaughter's overwhelming power. It was as if every mark left behind told a story of her complete surrender. As she looked at herself in the mirror, a wave of fresh shame washed over her. How had she let it get to this point? How had she been reduced to this—standing alone, staring at the evidence of her own humiliation?

With a sign, Rebecca reached for the white silk robe hanging on the back of the door. She slipped it on and tied it, shivering as the cool, smooth fabric slid over her skin. She didn't dare put on anything else—her bottom was still too sore, too raw from the spanking to bear the touch of anything more substantial.

Clutching the robe around herself, Rebecca limped back to the living room, her body aching with every step. Once there, she sank down onto the sofa, wincing as the tender skin of her bottom made contact with the cushions. She shifted uncomfortably, trying to find a position that didn't aggravate the pain, but it was of no use. The soreness made it impossible to sit still. Her bottom felt as though it was on fire, the throbbing ache a relentless reminder of the spanking she had just received. She tried leaning to one side, but that only sent a fresh wave of pain radiating across her tender skin. With a frustrated sigh, she shifted again, attempting to balance on the other hip, but it was no use. Every inch of her backside seemed to burn, each movement like pouring salt on an open wound.

She wriggled restlessly, tugging at the hem of her white silk robe, which barely covered the angry red marks that peeked out beneath the fabric. Her fingers clenched the robe’s delicate material as she shifted forward and then back, but no position seemed to offer any comfort. The couch cushions, usually so inviting, felt unforgiving against her bruised skin. She finally rose onto her knees, resting against the back of the couch, but even that brought no relief; the ache had settled too deep, and the sting felt as if it had seeped into her bones.

As she twisted and turned, trying to escape the relentless discomfort, she couldn’t help but let out a small, pained whimper. She adjusted the robe, hoping the cool silk might ease some of the heat, but it only seemed to make the stinging sensation sharper, more acute. She wriggled again, shifting her weight from one knee to the other, but it was a futile effort. The spanking had left her thoroughly punished, and there was no escaping the lasting bite of her stepdaughter’s firm hand. She tugged the robe tighter around herself, pulling her knees up to her chest as she curled into a ball on the sofa.

As she sat there, staring blankly at the floor, Rebecca felt the weight of her humiliation settle deep inside her. There was no escaping it. No matter what she did, no matter how much time passed, the memory of what had just happened—of being forced onto Stephanie's lap, of her stepdaughter's cruel comments, of her own body's betrayal—would haunt her.

The embarrassment cut deep, like a knife twisting in her gut, and no matter how hard she tried to push the memories away, they came flooding back in vivid detail. Stephanie's mocking voice, her taunts about Rebecca's small chest, the way she had pinched and twisted her nipples, leaving her helpless, feeling like a little girl next to Stephanie's mature, voluptuous body. The harsh spanking. Her humiliating orgasm. Every part of her was burning with shame, and there was no escape from it.

The humiliation of the day clung to her like a heavy, suffocating blanket, refusing to let her rest. Her face still felt hot, her cheeks burning with the memory of the ultimate degradation she had endured.

She buried her face in her hands, but the shame didn't go away. Every time she closed her eyes, she could still see Stephanie's smug smile, hear her mocking voice, and feel the firm, unyielding pressure of Stephanie's breast against her lips. How had it come to this? How had she—an adult woman, a stepmother—been reduced to such an infantile, humiliating act?

The thought of taking the breast alone was unbearable, but the way her body had reacted—that was the worst part of it. She had felt so helpless, so utterly at Stephanie's mercy, and despite her humiliation, her body had betrayed her in the most shameful way. Rebecca cringed, her stomach twisting as she recalled the desperation with which she had sucked, how her body had responded to Stephanie's touch, how she had been unable to stop herself as the arousal built. She wanted to scream, to cry out in anger and shame, but the reality of what had happened had left her feeling hollow.

“I should have fought harder,” she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible in the quiet room.

But even as she berated herself, a sinking realization settled in. She knew, deep down, that refusing would have only led to something worse. If she had defied Stephanie, if she had refused to take the breast, she would have found herself right back over that knee, enduring a fresh wave of that unbearable spanking. She could almost feel the sting again, her skin raw and throbbing from the relentless blows, her cries falling on deaf ears as Stephanie’s hand came down harder and faster.

Rebecca shuddered, the ghost of the pain still lingering in her body, reminding her of just how powerless she had been. The thought of enduring that torment all over again, only to end up in the same place afterward, made her stomach twist. No matter how much she wished she had resisted, she knew the outcome would have been the same. Stephanie would have simply overpowered her again, taken control just as effortlessly, and she would have found herself right back where she started—only more broken, more humiliated.

In the end, it was a cruel inevitability. Rebecca realized that Stephanie had left her with no choice, no real way out. Resistance would have been met with punishment, and the ultimate submission was already set in stone. She would have still been made to take the breast, only after being pushed further to her limits, her dignity shattered even more thoroughly.

Rebecca pressed her palms into her eyes, trying to push the memory away, but it was seared into her mind. The feeling of Stephanie's fingers on her, the way she had been so gentle yet firm, pushing her toward the edge of that humiliating release—it haunted her. How could she have let that happen? How could her body have wanted that?

The tears came again, slowly at first, and then in waves. She couldn't stop them. The humiliation, the confusion, the shame—it all came crashing down on her at once. She had been stripped of everything—her dignity, her control, her power—and now, she was left with nothing but the memory of what had happened and the way it had made her feel.

She hated herself for it. Hated that, even in the midst of her humiliation, there had been that flicker of desire, that spark of arousal she couldn't explain or control. It was the ultimate betrayal, and she wasn't sure she would ever be able to forgive herself for it.

The idea of ​​telling John—her husband, Stephanie's father—flashed briefly through her mind. Could she go to him? Could she explain what had happened, ask him to step in, to regain some kind of control over the situation? For a moment, she entertained the thought. Maybe he would understand. Maybe he would do something to put Stephanie back in her place. After all, Rebecca had been trying to enforce the rules, trying to protect Stephanie from making bad choices. Surely, he would be on her side.

But the thought quickly faded, giving way to the overwhelming weight of humiliation that crashed over her again, leaving her breathless. How could she tell John? How could she explain the depths of what had just happened? How could she admit to her husband that she had been stripped naked by his daughter, spanked like a disobedient child, forced to endure her mocking taunts while sitting on her lap like a powerless little girl, having to take the breast, and then orgasming from it?

The very idea of ​​speaking those words out loud made Rebecca's stomach turn. The humiliation of confessing that she had lost all control, that she had been dominated by the very girl she was supposed to be guiding and disciplining, was too much to bear. She couldn't. She wouldn't. The shame of it all was too deep, too raw. To tell anyone, even John, would mean confronting the reality of her defeat, and she wasn't sure she could survive that.

No, she couldn't tell him. She couldn't tell anyone. The humiliation was hers to bear alone.

The realization that she could never discipline Stephanie again was sinking in, heavier and darker with each passing moment. Stephanie had made that abundantly clear today. The memory of her stepdaughter's smirk, the way she'd stripped her down, mocked her body, and spanked her like a child—it was seared into Rebecca's mind, and no amount of time or distance could erase it.

Rebecca's fingers tightened around the robe, pulling it closer to her body as if that could somehow shield her from the harsh reality. But nothing could change what had happened. Stephanie had taken control, and Rebecca had no choice but to submit. The thought of trying to discipline her stepdaughter again—of even raising her voice—sent a shiver of fear down her spine. What would happen if she did? What new level of humiliation would Stephanie motto to put her back in her place?

Stephanie could do whatever she wanted, and there was nothing Rebecca could do to stop her. And worse, if she tried, she knew she would be humiliated all over again. The thought of being stripped, spanked, and ridiculed by her stepdaughter a second time was unbearable. But she had no doubt that Stephanie would do it—and likely with even more glee the next time, knowing full well that Rebecca would be terrified of it happening again.

The spanking she had received today—bare-bottomed and shamefully vulnerable—was already unbearable. The sting of Stephanie's hand had left her bottom red and sore, the pain only worsened by the degradation that came with each slap. But what terrified Rebecca more was the knowledge that it could get much, much worse.

She had heard about harsher punishments from childhood friends, stories whispered behind closed doors about the dreaded hairbrush or, even worse, the belt. Rebecca had never experienced such punishments herself—her upbringing had been strict, but never cruel. But the girls she knew who had endured such spankings had spoken of them with wide-eyed fear, their voices trembling as they described the excruciating pain and the utter helplessness they felt while over their parents' knees for the hairbrush or bent over for the belt .

Rebecca could almost hear their words now, echoing in her mind like a distant memory, bringing with them a fresh wave of terror. The hairbrush. They had always talked about the hairbrush—the way its hard, wooden surface seemed to sting with every strike, leaving their bottoms bruised and tender for days afterward. The way it was relentless, with each smack more painful than the last, until they were reduced to tears, sobbing for it to stop. Rebecca shuddered at the thought of it, imagining the humiliation of being bent over Stephanie's lap again, this time with the cold, unforgiving wood of a hairbrush landing on her vulnerable bottom.

But even worse than the hairbrush was the belt. The stories she had heard about belt spankings had always filled her with dread, even as a child. The sharp snap of leather against bare skin, the long, agonizing strokes that would seem to go on forever—it was a punishment designed to break someone both physically and emotionally. The mere thought of it made Rebecca's heart race with fear. She imagined Stephanie standing over her, holding her father's belt, her eyes cold and unyielding as she ordered Rebecca to strip and bend over, her bottom bared for the punishment to come.

The pain would be unbearable, Rebecca knew that. But even worse than the pain would be the humiliation. To be so thoroughly dominated by Stephanie, forced to meekly submit to her authority as she wielded a belt or a hairbrush—Rebecca's pride would shatter completely. There would be no coming back from that. And yet, as much as the thought terrified her, she knew deep down that if Stephanie decided to punish her like that, she wouldn't have a choice.

She would have to submit. Meekly. Obediently. There would be no fight left in her, no defiance, no attempt to stand up for herself. The memory of today's spanking, the way Stephanie had so easily taken control, had already stripped Rebecca of any power she once had. If Stephanie chose to take it further—to punish her even more harshly—Rebecca knew she would be powerless to stop it.

Rebecca's mind raced, her thoughts a jumbled mess of dread and shame. And yet, beneath the fear, beneath the overwhelming humiliation, something else stirred inside her. She tried to push it away, tried to ignore the confusing rush of emotions that came with these thoughts, but her body betrayed her. The more she imagined the scene—being stripped, bent over, and spanked with a belt or hairbrush by Stephanie—the more her body responded in ways she couldn't control.

Her hand, trembling, began to stray downward. It was almost instinctive, as if her body was acting on its own, moving without her conscious thought. Losing all shame, her fingers brushed lightly against the silk robe, tracing down along her stomach as the vivid images of her imagined punishment played out in her mind. She could almost feel the sting of the belt, the sharp crack of leather against her skin, and with it came a rush of heat that she couldn't quite explain.

Rebecca's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding as her hand continued to move downward, slipping beneath the soft folds of the robe. She shouldn't be feeling this way—this mix of fear and something else, something darker. But she couldn't stop herself. Her fingers grazed the tender skin of her thighs, slowly inching closer to the heat building between her legs.

Her mind was still filled with the images of Stephanie's dominance—of being stripped, spanked, and humiliated in ways that left her powerless. The thought of it, the sheer helplessness of being at her stepdaughter's mercy, only intensified the sensations coursing through her body.

Rebecca's fingers hesitated, hovering just above the place where the heat was most intense. She was ashamed of herself—ashamed of how her body was responding, ashamed of the way her mind seemed to blur the line between fear and something else entirely. But the shame only seemed to heighten the sensations, and before she could stop herself, her fingers moved lower, brushing against the sensitive skin there.

A soft gasp escaped her lips as her fingers pressed gently against herself, the warmth of her own touch sending a shiver down her spine. Her mind swirled with the images of Stephanie—of being forced to submit, of the belt cracking across her skin, of the power that Stephanie now held over her. And with each imagined stroke, with each imagined command, her body responded more intensely, her fingers moving with a slow, tentative rhythm that mirrored the confusion in her mind.

She knew she shouldn't be feeling this way. She knew it was wrong, twisted even, to be reacting like this to the humiliation she had endured and the fear of what might come next. But the more she tried to resist, the more her body seemed to betray her, the sensations growing stronger, more overwhelming.

Her breath quickened as her fingers moved with more urgency, the heat between her legs building with each passing moment. The robe was by now fully open. Her mind remained locked on the images of Stephanie—the cruel smirk, the belt in her hand, the power she wielded so effortlessly. Rebecca's body trembled, her chest heaving as she continued to touch herself, her thoughts a tangled mess of fear, shame, and something darker that she couldn't quite name.

And as her body tensed, on the edge of release, a sob escaped her lips—half from the shame, half from the confusing pleasure that had overwhelmed her. She didn't know how to make sense of it, didn't know how to reconcile the fear she felt with the way her body was responding.

She thought of Stephanie’s large firm breasts, of being made to suckle, of Stephanie’s finger up her pussy, coaxing her orgasm unrelentingly. She rubbed herself more intensely, one hand squeezed her tiny breast, the other plunged into her soaking pussy, fucking herself furiously.

Rebecca barely registered the creak of the door opening until it was too late. Her heart lurched in her chest as she snapped her head toward the sound, her entire body freezing in place.

Standing in the doorway, Stephanie smirked, her arms crossed over her chest, looking all too pleased with herself. And just behind her was Jake—tall, broad-shouldered, and impossibly handsome. He was the star of the football team, with the kind of effortless charm that seemed to make everyone's head turn. His dark hair fell casually across his forehead, and his eyes widened slightly in surprise as he took in the scene before him.

[To be continued…]


  1. Oh, shit. I bet naughty little Rebecca is getting another spanking, and this time from an even bigger and stronger person. Athletic Stephanie is probably as strong as a non-athletic male of her age. But her boyfriend there is probably around at least 2.5 times as strong as a normal, non-athletic guy, and maybe 3 or 4 times as strong. He could spank Stephanie (and probably does), so Rebecca won't know what hit her. She'll probably feel like she'll never sit again if he spanks her. However, no matter what she should not have sex with him, forced or not. Forced means this is a rape story and yeah, Stephanie is a psycho at that point for allowing that to happen to someone who really did care about her. Non-forced not only might hurt Steph's dad if he ever finds out, but will just put her more under Stephanies control.


    1. Oh, Clarence, are you trying to tell me which way my story should go? Now I’m going to have to take it there. 😉

    2. I know you are teasing. I merely laid out the results of certain choices by Rebecca and/or Stephanie in terms of their character arcs. You could always make it so that (if Rebecca willingly does the deed) she 'comes clean' with her hubby and thus takes away any blackmail that Steph might have. I would hope there is no sex at all rather than a rape, but your story is your story.

    3. She’s going to be “required to”, but she will submit to it and become aroused by it. No blackmail will be required due to her slide into submission. Does that require a trigger warning you think?

  2. I couldn’t resist. I couldn’t stop myself. The heat was too strong. Like Rebecca, i had to touch. And make myself cum. Like Stephanie controls Rebecca, Julie knows how to control me. - david

  3. Surrendering to a vivacious, vicious and vindictive dominatrix can be the ultimate in sexual satisfaction, if coincidentally completely humiliating.

    But Rebecca hasn't licked Stephanie’s pussy yet (with apologies for digressing from Jake’s opportunity).


  4. Often, exhausted after having given the spanking that "she will always remember", the author/narrator no longer has the "juice" necessary to describe the pain and shameful thoughts that will accompany the punished person for a long time afterward.
    Rebecca's persistent and varied pains are described with many delightful details here.
    The appearance of a family member or an acquaintance in the doorway while we are busy often remains a source of anxiety, but here, the nightmare (or the dream?) comes true!
    This serial becomes thrilling. :-)
