Sunday, October 13

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 7 (FM/F)

 [Continued from  Part 6]

She thought of Stephanie’s large firm breasts, of being made to suckle, of Stephanie’s finger up her pussy, coaxing her orgasm unrelentingly. She rubbed herself more intensely, one hand squeezed her tiny breast, the other plunged into her soaking pussy, fucking herself furiously.

Rebecca barely registered the creak of the door opening until it was too late. Her heart lurched in her chest as she snapped her head toward the sound, her entire body freezing in place.

Standing in the doorway, Stephanie smirked, her arms crossed over her chest, looking all too pleased with herself. And just behind her was Jake—tall, broad-shouldered, and impossibly handsome. He was the star of the football team, with the kind of effortless charm that seemed to make everyone's head turn. His dark hair fell casually across his forehead, and his eyes widened slightly in surprise as he took in the scene before him.

Chapter 8: The Boyfriend

Rebecca's blood ran cold. She was still sitting on the sofa, her robe open, her hands caught in the most humiliating act imaginable. The color drained from her face before rushing back in a wave of crimson. She had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable. The embarrassment burned through her like fire, and she quickly jerked her hands away, pulling the robe tightly around herself, but the damage was done. They had seen her.

“Well, well,” Stephanie said, her voice dripping with mockery. She further stepped into the room, her eyes gleaming with amusement. “What do we have here? Is someone being a naughty little girl?”

“Wait…is that your stepmom??” Jake asked, his tone laced with disbelief, followed by a low chuckle. “The one you spanked?”

Rebecca's face burned, the color rushing to her cheeks as her heart pounded in her chest. She could feel the humiliation creeping up her spine, tightening her throat, making it hard to breathe. Her mouth opened, but no words came out. She couldn't speak, couldn't think—she was paralyzed with embarrassment. Her gaze darted to Jake, who was still standing in the doorway, his expression now one of barely concealed amusement. He leaned casually against the doorframe, crossing his arms, his lips curling into a small smile as he watched her squirm.

He had seen her… fingering… finger fucking… her pussy…

“I wasn't…” Rebecca stammered, her voice barely more than a whisper, but she couldn't finish the sentence. How could she possibly explain what they had just walked in on? The shame was unbearable, and her entire body burned with the humiliation of being caught like this.

“Oh, don’t even try to deny it,” Stephanie teased, stepping closer. “You were playing with yourself.” Her tone was light, playful even, but the cruelty in her eyes was unmistakable. “Naughty little Rebecca, right in the middle of the living room of all places.”

Rebecca's eyes filled with tears of humiliation as she hugged the robe tighter around her trembling body. She glanced at Jake again, his presence making the situation infinitely worse. He was the kind of boy she could only dream about when she was younger—handsome, confident, the star athlete who seemed to have it all. And now he was here, standing in her living room, watching her at her most vulnerable, and the shame of it was overwhelming.

“Please, I’ll just go to my room,” Rebecca whispered, her voice shaking as she started to stand, desperate to escape the situation, to run away and hide from the burning humiliation that threatened to consume her. But before she could move, Stephanie stepped forward, placing a firm hand on her shoulder and pushing her back down onto the sofa.

“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere,” Stephanie said, her voice low and commanding. “You’re going to sit right there and think about what a naughty little girl you’ve been. No telling what naughty mischief you’d get up to in your room without us supervising.”

Rebecca’s heart sank as she was forced to sit back down, her eyes darting nervously between Stephanie and Jake. Her pulse raced, and she felt trapped, her humiliation deepening with every passing second. She didn’t know what to do, didn’t know how to get out of this nightmare.

She was being treated as a naughty child, sat down in timeout. She was the stepmother. She was the one supposed to be in charge. But no, she was helpless in the face of Stephanie’s discipline and Jake’s amused grinning. Not even trusted to go to her room.

Jake raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by Stephanie’s dominance over Rebecca. He let out a low whistle, folding his arms as he leaned against the wall, watching the scene unfold. “Wow, Stephanie,” he remarked, amusement mixed with astonishment. “You really have her under your thumb, don’t you?”

Stephanie glanced at him, a smirk on her lips as she gave a slight shrug, almost as if this was the most natural thing in the world. “Of course. Rebecca knows that if she doesn’t obey, she’s in for another spanking. Isn’t that right, Rebecca?” Stephanie’s tone was cool and unrelenting, leaving no room for argument.

Rebecca’s cheeks flushed even deeper, the reminder of her previous punishment making her squirm. She glanced down, unable to meet Jake’s eyes, as the humiliation twisted through her like a knife.

Stephanie turned to Jake with a playful grin. “Come on,” she said, her voice sweet and teasing. “Let’s sit for a bit. I think Rebecca could use some company.”

Jake shrugged, the smirk still on his face as he followed Stephanie to the opposite sofa. They sat down together, Stephanie practically draping herself over him as she nestled against his side, her hand resting lightly on his chest.

Rebecca’s eyes widened in disbelief as she watched the scene unfold. Jake was the boy she had forbade Stephanie from seeing. Now Stephanie was just rubbing it in her face. She wanted to get up, to leave, but the weight of Stephanie’s earlier command kept her frozen in place. She couldn’t leave. She was trapped, forced to endure whatever came next. It did not help that Jake was impossibly handsome.

As if sensing her discomfort, Stephanie glanced at her, her smirk widening. “You’re not jealous, are you, Rebecca?” she teased, her voice dripping with condescension. “I mean, it must be hard for someone like you to see me with a guy like Jake. After all, you’ve never been able to attract a boy like him, have you?

Rebecca’s cheeks burned with humiliation as Stephanie’s words hit their mark. She had always been envious of Stephanie’s effortless beauty, her confidence, the way boys like Jake seemed to flock to her without hesitation. In contrast, Rebecca had always felt plain, insignificant, never the type to catch the eye of someone like Jake. And now, here she was, humiliated in front of both of them, exposed for the weak, vulnerable woman she had become.

Stephanie, clearly enjoying the effect her words were having, leaned in closer to Jake, her lips brushing against his neck as she whispered something into his ear. Jake chuckled softly, his eyes flicking over to Rebecca, sending another wave of embarrassment coursing through her. His expression was detached, almost bored, as he looked her up and down, taking his time.

Jake cocked an eyebrow, letting out a low chuckle as he folded his arms across his chest. “Well, she’s kind of cute in her own way,” he admitted, giving Rebecca a once-over that made her skin crawl. He paused, his gaze lingering just long enough to make her squirm under the scrutiny. “But let’s be real here,” he continued with a shrug. “She’s a little past her prime. And, honestly? Not exactly my type—” he gestured casually, as if to emphasize his point, “a bit… lacking… up top.”

Rebecca’s cheeks burned as Jake’s dismissive words echoed in her mind, and suddenly, she was swept back to her teenage years, standing awkwardly in the bustling hallway of her high school. Back then, she’d always felt painfully aware of her body’s shortcomings—her petite frame and small chest had made her a prime target for cruel remarks. She’d spent countless nights staring into the mirror, wishing she could somehow change, willing her body to be anything other than what it was.

As she grew older, those insecurities had faded somewhat, buried beneath layers of confidence she’d built over the years. But now, as Jake’s appraising gaze lingered on her with that same cruel assessment, the old wounds reopened, raw and aching as if no time had passed at all. It was as though she were seventeen again, standing powerless under the critical eyes of boys who never seemed to see her as enough.

She blinked, returning to the present, where Stephanie was still watching her with a satisfied smirk, clearly relishing Rebecca’s discomfort.

Rebecca swallowed hard, the heat of embarrassment creeping up her neck and spreading across her face. She could hardly breathe as she felt herself shrinking under their combined stares, every word chipping away at her. She tried to look away, but Stephanie wouldn’t let her off that easily.

And then, without any regard for Rebecca’s presence, Stephanie pressed her lips against Jake’s, kissing him deeply as her hand slid across his chest. Rebecca’s breath hitched, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched them. She felt like an intruder in her own home, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the scene in front of her. The humiliation of being forced to watch Stephanie, her stepdaughter, kiss someone like Jake—the kind of boy Rebecca could only dream of when she was younger—was unbearable.

Stephanie’s hands roamed freely over Jake’s chest, her fingers tangling in his hair as their kiss deepened. All the while, Rebecca sat frozen on the opposite sofa, her body trembling with shame, her face flushed with embarrassment. She could feel the heat rising in her chest, the tears threatening to spill over, but she couldn’t move. She was trapped, forced to watch as Stephanie and Jake continued to make out right in front of her, as if she weren’t even there.

Every now and then, Stephanie would glance over at her, her smirk widening as if to remind Rebecca of her place—of how small and powerless she had become. And Jake… Jake’s amused glances only deepened Rebecca’s shame. He was handsome, confident, everything she had once longed for, and now he was sitting there, watching her with the same casual amusement as Stephanie, fully aware of her embarrassment.

Rebecca’s heart ached with the bitter sting of envy. Stephanie had everything—her youth, her beauty, the power to attract boys like Jake with ease. And now, Rebecca had nothing but the crushing weight of her humiliation, the knowledge that she was powerless in the face of Stephanie’s dominance. She had been reduced to nothing more than a spectator in her own home, forced to sit and watch as her stepdaughter flaunted her control.

Stephanie pulled back slightly, her gaze flickering over to Rebecca, who was clearly struggling to remain composed. She smirked, a wicked glint in her eyes as she noticed Rebecca’s fidgeting. “Ah, ah,” Stephanie warned, her voice firm and laced with amusement. “Hands where I can see them, Rebecca. You’d better not be thinking about playing with yourself while you watch us.”

Rebecca’s face burned with embarrassment, and she quickly folded her hands tightly in her lap. She bit her lip, desperately fighting to keep her gaze averted from the couple, but her eyes kept wandering back, her curiosity getting the better of her. She could feel the tension coiling in her belly, a mixture of shame and something she couldn’t quite name.

Stephanie let out a soft chuckle as she turned back to Jake, resuming their kiss with even more passion, as if taunting Rebecca with what she couldn’t have. Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest as she watched, struggling against the desire building within her.

The shame was suffocating, and Rebecca’s mind raced, desperate for some way out of this nightmare. But there was none. She had no choice but to stay silent, to endure the humiliation as Stephanie and Jake continued to make out on the sofa opposite her, their bodies entwined, their kisses growing more heated with every passing second.

At the end of her tether, she pushed herself up from the couch, the sudden movement making her robe shift dangerously, exposing more of her thighs than she intended. She pulled it tighter around herself, her breath shallow as she tried to steady her voice.

“I’m leaving,” she said, her voice shaking but firm. “I won’t stay here and watch this.”

She didn’t wait for a response, turning toward the hallway, her steps unsteady but determined. She couldn’t endure this any longer—the taunts, the disregard, the sense of powerlessness that clung to her like a shadow.

But she had barely taken two steps when Stephanie’s voice cut through the air, sharp and commanding.

“I told you once. You’re in timeout. Sit down, Rebecca.”

Rebecca froze mid-step, her heart leaping into her throat. The authority in Stephanie’s voice was unmistakable, as if there was no room for argument, no space for defiance. For a moment, she stood there, torn between the need to escape and the terrifying realization that she was no longer in control.

Slowly, painfully, Rebecca turned her head to face them. Stephanie was lounging on the couch, her arm draped casually over Jake’s shoulder as if she hadn’t just issued an order to her stepmother. There was a smirk playing on her lips, her eyes gleaming with amusement as she waited for Rebecca to obey.

Jake, leaning back comfortably, seemed barely interested in the exchange. His gaze was fixed on Stephanie, his hand resting lightly on her thigh, as if Rebecca’s presence in the room was nothing more than an afterthought.

“Stephanie—” Rebecca began, but her voice faltered. She could already feel the fight draining out of her, the weight of Stephanie’s dominance pressing down on her.

Stephanie’s smirk deepened. “I said sit down,” she repeated, her tone sweet but with an unmistakable edge of authority. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Rebecca’s heart raced, her face burning with a mix of shame and frustration. She wanted to stand her ground, to leave this place and escape the suffocating humiliation. But the memory of earlier—the spanking, the taunts, the complete loss of power—hung over her like a dark cloud. She couldn’t risk defying Stephanie again, not after everything that had happened.

Slowly, reluctantly, Rebecca lowered herself back onto the couch. Her hands gripped the fabric of her robe tightly, her body stiff with tension as she sat there, feeling smaller and more powerless than ever. The robe clung to her sweaty skin, offering little protection against the overwhelming vulnerability that washed over her.

Stephanie’s eyes flicked toward her briefly, her smile widening in satisfaction. “Good girl, you’re in timeout until I say you’re not,” she said softly, the mockery in her voice unmistakable.

Rebecca’s cheeks burned, her gaze dropping to the floor as Stephanie turned her attention back to Jake, her fingers tracing lazy circles on his chest. The soft sounds of their flirtation filled the room, each giggle, each whispered word like a fresh sting against Rebecca’s already fragile dignity.

And then, as if to drive the point home, Stephanie leaned in closer to Jake, her lips brushing against his neck as her hand slid up his thigh. The movement was slow, deliberate, designed to remind Rebecca of just how powerless she truly was. They were doing this right in front of her, without a care in the world. She wasn’t even a factor in their minds.

Rebecca’s stomach twisted with a mixture of anger and shame. She sat there, her body rigid. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps as she struggled to maintain even a semblance of composure.

But Stephanie and Jake paid her no mind. They were too engrossed in each other now, their lips meeting in a slow, lingering kiss. Stephanie’s fingers tangled in Jake’s hair as she pressed herself against him, her body moving in a way that was impossible for Rebecca to ignore. The sound of their kiss—soft and wet—was unbearably intimate, the sight of it a constant reminder of the power dynamic that had shifted irrevocably in Stephanie’s favor.

Rebecca felt her pulse quicken, her body trembling with the weight of her humiliation. She wanted to scream, to shout, to get up and leave, but she was trapped—trapped by the very authority she had lost, trapped by the cruel game Stephanie was playing.

Every laugh, every soft murmur between them felt like a dagger to Rebecca’s heart. Her earlier humiliation twisted inside her, growing heavier with each passing second. She couldn’t leave—Stephanie had made sure of that. She had made it clear, through her actions earlier that day, that Rebecca’s place was here, in the shadows, watching and listening.

The couple shifted again on the couch, and Rebecca’s eyes flicked involuntarily toward them. Stephanie was draped over Jake, her head resting against his shoulder, her fingers still lazily tracing patterns on his chest. Their closeness felt suffocating, a constant reminder of the control Stephanie had over her life now.

And as they carried on, laughing softly as though Rebecca wasn’t even in the room, Rebecca sat there in silence, her body still trembling from the day’s events, knowing that there was no escape from the humiliation Stephanie had orchestrated.

In her own home, in the space she shared with John, she was no longer the wife, no longer the one in control. She was merely a spectator—reduced to nothing more than a silent witness to Stephanie’s power and Jake’s casual affection. She couldn’t take it anymore. The condescension, the cruelty—Stephanie had dragged her so low, but Rebecca still had a shred of dignity left. She couldn’t just sit there, invisible and voiceless, while they laughed at her expense.

Her heart pounded in her chest, but before she could think better of it, the words slipped out, shaky and unsure but defiant all the same.

“Stephanie… that’s enough.”

The room fell silent.

Stephanie, still lounging comfortably on Jake’s lap, turned her head slowly to look at Rebecca. There was a momentary flash of surprise in her eyes, but it quickly vanished, replaced by that same smirk of cruel amusement. She tilted her head slightly, as if she hadn’t heard properly.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Stephanie’s voice was soft, almost sweet, but there was a dangerous edge to it.

Rebecca swallowed hard, forcing herself to meet Stephanie’s gaze despite the knot of anxiety tightening in her chest. She took a shaky breath. “I said… that’s enough. You’ve made your point.”

Stephanie blinked slowly, her smirk growing wider as if she couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. Jake, sensing the sudden tension in the room, glanced between the two women with an amused, curious expression, clearly interested in what was about to happen.

“Oh, Rebecca…” Stephanie’s voice was dripping with mockery, her eyes narrowing as she shifted slightly in Jake’s lap, her bare legs stretching out in a relaxed manner. “You really think you’re in any position to tell me what’s enough?”

Rebecca’s throat tightened, but she didn’t back down. “You’ve had your fun, Stephanie. This… this isn’t right.”

Stephanie let out a soft, almost pitying laugh. She leaned forward slightly, her fingers trailing lazily along Jake’s chest as she studied Rebecca with a calculating gaze. “And what exactly do you think you’re going to do about it?” she asked, her tone as sharp as ever. “You’re going to stop me?”

Rebecca’s lips parted, but no words came out. She didn’t know what she could do—there was nothing she could do, and they both knew it. The silence that hung between them was thick with unspoken truths, the power dynamic so skewed that it left Rebecca feeling small and powerless all over again.

Stephanie’s smirk grew wider, sensing her stepmother’s hesitation. “You know what I think?” she said, her voice dripping with mockery as she leaned in closer, her eyes gleaming with cruel amusement. “I think someone’s forgotten her place.”

Rebecca’s pulse quickened. She tried to hold Stephanie’s gaze, tried to muster some semblance of defiance, but the weight of her earlier humiliation came crashing down on her again.

Stephanie’s expression darkened, her smirk shifting into something more menacing. “Do you want me to remind you, Rebecca? Do you want another lesson?” 

“I’m just asking you to stop,” Rebecca tried again, her voice breaking slightly. “This is… humiliating.” 

Stephanie’s eyes glinted with amusement as she leaned forward slightly, one arm draping casually around Jake’s shoulders. “Humiliating?” she echoed with a mocking laugh. “Oh, Rebecca. I can think of something far more humiliating than watching me with Jake.” She tilted her head, her gaze sharpening as her voice lowered to a whisper. “Do you want another spanking?”

Rebecca’s breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in horror as the question hung in the air. The sheer audacity of Stephanie’s threat, spoken so casually in front of Jake, made Rebecca’s stomach lurch. She could feel Jake’s eyes on her, watching intently as the tension in the room grew.

“Wh—what?” Rebecca stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn’t believe Stephanie was even suggesting it, not in front of Jake. Her face burned with fresh humiliation at the thought of being spanked again, especially in front of him.

Stephanie leaned back against the couch, her arm still wrapped around Jake, who chuckled softly at the exchange. “You heard me,” she said coolly. “Maybe you need a reminder of who’s in charge here. I’m sure Jake wouldn’t mind watching.”

Rebecca’s entire body flushed with shame. The very idea of being spanked again, especially in front of Jake, sent a wave of panic crashing over her. Her bum was still throbbing from the earlier spanking, the pain and redness a constant reminder of how helpless she had been under Stephanie’s control.

“Please,” Rebecca begged, her voice shaking as she felt her humiliation deepen. “Please, Stephanie… don’t spank me again. I—I can’t… My bum is still in agony from earlier. I… I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t do this.”

Jake’s chuckle grew a little louder, clearly entertained by the scene unfolding before him. “She’s really desperate, huh?” he said with a smirk, glancing at Stephanie as if Rebecca weren’t even in the room. “You must really have done a number on her before.”

Stephanie grinned at him before turning her gaze back to Rebecca, her eyes cold and calculating. “You’re really pathetic, you know that?” she said, her voice dripping with condescension. “Begging like that… you should’ve thought about that before you tried to complain.”

Rebecca’s stomach churned, tears of frustration and shame welling in her eyes. She couldn’t believe she was sitting here, begging her stepdaughter not to spank her again, not in front of Jake, not after everything that had already happened. The power Stephanie held over her was suffocating, and there was nothing she could do to fight it.

“Please…” Rebecca whispered again, her voice barely audible as she looked down at her lap, unable to meet either of their eyes. “I’ll do anything… just don’t…”

Now it was Jake’s turn. His grin widened as he leaned forward slightly, clearly sensing the growing tension in the room and reveling in it. His gaze locked onto Rebecca, who sat there trembling, her robe clutched tightly around her, her face still burning with embarrassment. The atmosphere was thick with humiliation, and Jake wasn’t about to let it slip away.

“Oh, what’s the matter, Rebecca?” he sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. “You scared of a spanking, just like a naughty little girl would be? Because that’s exactly what you’ve been, right? Trying to tell Stephanie how to behave, acting all high and mighty, and then we walk in and catch you being naughty right there on the couch.” He chuckled, a cruel, taunting sound that only deepened Rebecca’s humiliation. “ If you ask me, you should have gotten a spanking for strummin’ the ol’ banjo right in the living room. Your robe all open, one hand buried in your twat, the other fondlin’ your tiny tit.”

Rebecca’s breath hitched as the words sank in, her eyes darting to Stephanie, who remained silent but watchful, her expression unreadable. The shame was overwhelming, twisting in Rebecca’s chest, making it hard to breathe. Jake’s words cut deep, each one a reminder of just how far she had fallen in their eyes.

“Yeah, that’s right,” Jake continued, his tone teasing and condescending. “You were trying to tell Stephanie how to behave, and look at you now—caught red-handed being naughty yourself. I mean, what kind of example is that? Seems like someone here deserves another good, old-fashioned spanking for being such a bad little slut.” His grin widened as he watched Rebecca squirm under the weight of his words.

Stephanie, arms still crossed, allowed a small smirk to form, though she said nothing. Rebecca could feel her heart pounding in her chest, the shame and fear mingling into a tight knot in her stomach. Her stepdaughter was watching, silently judging, while Jake’s taunts hung in the air, each one more demeaning than the last.

Stephanie waited a beat, her smirk widening as Rebecca remained silent. Then, she turned to Jake, a playful gleam in her eye. “So, what do you think, Jake? Should I give her the spanking she’s clearly asking for?”

Jake grinned, his eyes flicking to Rebecca with growing interest. “I don’t see why not,” he said, his voice filled with amusement. “She could certainly use it.”

Rebecca’s heart sank, the weight of their laughter crushing her spirit. She felt as though she were shrinking under their gaze, reduced to nothing more than an object of mockery, her once-solid sense of self crumbling in the face of Stephanie’s relentless dominance.

Stephanie shifted in Jake’s lap, leaning forward slightly as she gave Rebecca one last, piercing look. “Well, Rebecca?” she asked softly, her voice dripping with mockery. “Do you need a spanking? Or are you ready to be a good girl and keep quiet?”

Rebecca’s breath hitched, her mind racing. She could feel her body trembling with the weight of the choice before her. She could either stand up and try to fight back—knowing full well it would only lead to more humiliation—or she could submit, silently, and accept her place beneath Stephanie’s control.

Her voice, when it finally came, was barely a whisper.

“No… I don’t want a spanking.”

“And so what are you going to be?”

“A… A good girl.”

Stephanie smiled, her victory clear. “That’s what I thought.”

Jake raised an eyebrow, glancing at Stephanie as if to question her conviction. “Are you sure, Stephanie?” he asked, his voice calm but probing. “Maybe Rebecca needs a little more than just a warning to really get the message.”

Stephanie hesitated, a teasing smile playing on her lips as she looked back at Rebecca. “You know, Jake might have a point,” she said, her tone suddenly more contemplative. “Rebecca, are you really going to behave? Or do we need to make sure?”

[Continued in Part 8]


  1. Oh dear - daddy’s going to come home and one (maybe both) of these sluts is going to get a real spanking then.

  2. The control dynamics in particular are an interesting read. I’m assuming that Stephanie is an incarnation of young Julie and you identify particularly with her?

  3. Assault. Battery. Kidnapping. Very bad things are being done to Rebecca. This has not been consensual, even given Rebecca’s (forced) orgasm. But I’m not complaining. It’s fiction. It’s fantasy. It’s arousing! But I’m wondering, Julie, do you ever feel a little guilty about what you do to your fictional characters? When I write fantasy scenarios, sometimes I go overboard. Sometimes WAY overboard in a way that makes me question myself. What does it say about my character that I make these people do these terrible things to each other? Just a thought experiment, Mistress Julie. Please don’t stop doing what you do! - david

    1. Poor Rebecca!
      Zero guilt about those little spanko sluts - they love it!
      Even more, in r/l, after applying a thin veneer of “consent”, I do as I please - he seems to love it.

  4. Great story , thank you so much. I can no not wait to see what happens .

  5. Predict that Jake will spank her even harder and there may be another orgasm involved - but it may not be just Rebecca this time. Fun times MrD

  6. Game
    Rebecca makes a mistake by playing her
    “Please…I’ll do anything… just don’t…” so early
    But Jake (who doesn’t seem very smart) doesn’t see anything and plays
    “Oh, what’s the matter, Rebecca?” which doesn’t lead to much.
    A few moves later Stephanie suggests
    “Do you need a spanking? Or are you ready to be a good girl and keep quiet?”
    which is a better (pro)position for Rebecca than her initial “I’ll do anything”
    let's see what follows...

  7. Is she really being toyed with or deep down is she enjoying this. The sexual demands of a female exceed that of a male. Males are reminded they release too soon and the females gets no enjoyment. In this case knowing it will not happen again, she is sexually aroused like no other time. Jack
