Monday, October 14

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 8 (FM/F)

 [Continued from  Part 7]

Stephanie hesitated, a teasing smile playing on her lips as she looked back at Rebecca. “You know, Jake might have a point,” she said, her tone suddenly more contemplative. “Rebecca, are you really going to behave? Or do we need to make sure?”

Chapter 9: Spanked in front of the Boyfriend

Stephanie shifted in Jake’s lap, her fingers idly toying with the collar of his shirt as she spoke again, her voice soft but filled with condescension. “I’m worried that maybe I wasn’t harsh enough earlier. What do you think, Jake?” She leaned into him slightly, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered playfully, “Do you think Rebecca needs more spanking?”

Jake chuckled, his hand sliding casually up Stephanie’s thigh as he glanced over at Rebecca with a mischievous glint in his eye. “I think so,” he said, his voice low and amused. “She didn’t seem to learn much earlier, did she? Playing with herself like a horny slut right in the living room.”

Rebecca’s eyes were wide with desperation as she clutched the robe tighter around herself, her voice breaking as she spoke. “Please… my bottom is already so sore. I can’t take another spanking,” she begged, her tone trembling with genuine fear and shame. She shifted uncomfortably, the mere thought of going over Stephanie’s lap again sending a fresh wave of stinging memories through her body.

“Oh, is that so?” Stephanie replied, her eyebrow arching with mock sympathy. “But you seemed to forget all about that soreness a moment ago, didn’t you? I think you must have enjoyed it far too much.”

Rebecca shook her head fervently, her cheeks flushed. “No, I didn’t… I was just… I was trying to…” she stammered, her words trailing off under Stephanie’s scrutinizing gaze. She knew there was no good explanation for her behavior and felt utterly exposed under their harsh judgment. “It was just… I don’t know what I was thinking,” she finally whispered, hoping that somehow her remorse might save her from what she knew was coming.

Stephanie smirked and exchanged a glance with Jake, who chuckled softly. “You didn’t know what you were thinking?” she repeated, feigning surprise. “Well, maybe another session will help you figure that out.”

“No, please,” Rebecca pleaded, her voice thick with desperation, her sore bottom reminding her just how relentless Stephanie had been. “I learned my lesson. I really did. My bum is so sore already… I can’t bear another spanking.”

Stephanie leaned forward. “I don’t think you get to decide that, do you?” she whispered, a menacing edge to her voice.

Rebecca’s mind raced, her eyes darting towards the doorway as the thought of escape crossed her mind. She glanced down at her flimsy robe, realizing just how exposed she was. Where could she even go? She was painfully aware of her vulnerability, but the idea of facing another spanking made her consider any option, no matter how desperate.

Stephanie seemed to read her mind, a sly grin spreading across her face. “Thinking of running, are you?” she taunted. “Go ahead, Rebecca. Try it. But if you do, I’ll send Jake after you. And trust me, he’ll have no problem carrying you back here—bare-ass naked over his shoulder.”

Rebecca froze, her eyes widening as she imagined the scene Stephanie described. The thought of Jake hauling her back, completely exposed and helpless, only to endure an no-doubt even harsher punishment, made her stomach twist with fear.

Jake chuckled, giving Stephanie a playful nudge. “I’d be more than happy to fetch her,” he said, his voice laced with amusement. “And if she makes me go after her, you should make sure her spanking is twice as long. Maybe even with a paddle, just to drive the lesson home.” He looked at Rebecca with a mischievous glint in his eye, as though daring her to test his resolve.

Rebecca swallowed hard, her heart pounding as she leaned back. She knew she couldn’t outrun Jake, and the prospect of him dragging her back only to endure an even more brutal punishment was enough to make her think twice. “Please, I’m sorry… I won’t go anywhere,” she whispered, her cheeks burning with shame as she felt their gaze on her.

Deep down, a small voice inside Rebecca whispered that maybe she did deserve this. She couldn’t deny the humiliation of being caught—splayed out on the couch, completely lost in her own desires, without a care for who might walk in. How reckless and thoughtless she’d been. She knew better than to indulge herself like that, especially when Stephanie and Jake could come home at any moment.

As she glanced at Jake, who now wore a smug, knowing look, she felt the heat of embarrassment crawl up her neck. She realized, in that moment, that she hadn’t just betrayed herself but had shown a complete lack of self-control. And perhaps that’s why she felt so powerless now, so willing to accept what was coming. There was a certain justice to it—being taken over Stephanie’s knee, with Jake as a witness to her shame. The very thought made her stomach churn, but beneath the dread was a strange acceptance.

Stephanie let out a soft laugh, her fingers lightly tracing the line of Jake’s jaw before turning her gaze back to Rebecca. Her smirk grew wider as she watched her stepmother squirm under their scrutiny, her body trembling beneath the thin robe that did little to conceal her.

“I guess the only real question left is whether I should let you keep your little robe on for your spanking, or make you drop it first. I mean, after all, Jake is here.” She cast a glance at Jake, who was grinning ear to ear, clearly enjoying the unfolding scene. “Maybe I should protect your modesty this time?”

Rebecca’s heart raced as the weight of Stephanie’s words sank in. The very idea of being stripped completely bare again, especially in front of Jake, sent waves of panic through her. She gripped the edges of her robe tighter, her hands trembling as her mind spun with humiliation and fear.

Stephanie let her words linger for a moment before continuing, her voice now thoughtful, almost mocking. “But then again… your robe was all hanging open when we walked in. So maybe it doesn’t really matter at this point.” She glanced back at Jake, raising an eyebrow. “What do you think? Should she lose the robe?”

Jake didn’t hesitate. His smirk widened as he looked at Rebecca, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “Oh, I think she should definitely lose the robe,” he said, his voice dripping with mockery. “I mean, she was so naughty, I already saw her finger deep, I don’t think she deserves any protection for this.” His laugh was low and taunting, and it sent another wave of humiliation crashing over Rebecca.

Rebecca’s heart leaped into her throat, and she quickly shook her head, desperation rising in her chest. “No! No, please, Stephanie, don’t… don’t do that,” she pleaded, her voice trembling as she tried to keep the panic at bay. “I know… I know I deserve it… I’ll take the punishment, but please, please let me keep my robe on. I’m begging you.” Her words came out in a rush, her tone frantic, her hands gripping the fabric of her robe like a lifeline.

She looked up at Stephanie with wide, tear-filled eyes, trying to appeal to whatever kindness might be left in her. “Please… don’t take it off. Not in front of him,” she whispered, her voice breaking as the fear of being completely exposed again consumed her. “I… I can’t.”

Stephanie stared at her, clearly amused by the sight of Rebecca—before today so poised and dignified—now reduced to begging. There was a long pause as she seemed to weigh her options, tapping her finger against her chin, while Jake watched with a grin plastered on his face.

“I don’t know…” Stephanie mused aloud, her eyes flicking between Rebecca and Jake. “On one hand, it would be pretty humiliating for you, wouldn’t it? Being spanked bare like that again, especially with Jake watching.” She smiled slightly, her words intentional, designed to press Rebecca further into her humiliation.

Rebecca’s hands gripped her robe even tighter, her knuckles white as she nodded rapidly, her voice cracking under the weight of her desperation. “Yes! Yes, it would. Please, Stephanie… please don’t. Just let me keep it on. I… I’ll do anything.”

Jake chuckled at that, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Rebecca. “Anything, huh?” His voice was full of amusement, clearly enjoying watching her squirm. He leaned forward slightly, his eyes narrowing as he added, “That's the second time she’s said that. Sounds like someone’s really desperate to keep a little bit of modesty. But I don’t know, Steph… I still think she deserves to lose it.”

Stephanie remained quiet for a moment longer, letting Rebecca’s desperate pleas hang in the air. She looked down at Rebecca—small, trembling, begging for mercy—and the power she held over her was palpable. Finally, she sighed dramatically, feigning deep thought.

“Well,” Stephanie began, drawing out her words, “I suppose you did promise you’d be a good girl…” Her eyes locked onto Rebecca’s, a slow smile spreading across her face. “So maybe… just maybe… I’ll let you keep the robe on. For now.”

Rebecca let out a shaky breath, relief flooding her body, though the humiliation of the situation still weighed heavily on her. She had been reduced to begging, pleading like a child, and the fact that it was Stephanie—her stepdaughter—making the decision, only made it worse. But at least, for now, her robe would stay on. She clutched it tighter, knowing that any protection, however small, was a fleeting mercy in the face of what was to come.

Jake grinned, his hand sliding higher up Stephanie’s thigh as he glanced at Rebecca with amusement. “I think you should make her earn it,” he suggested. “If she wants to keep the robe on, she’s going to have to take the spanking like a good girl also.”

Stephanie’s eyes gleamed at the suggestion, her smirk deepening as she looked back at Rebecca. “That’s right,” she said softly, her tone both sweet and menacing. “You’ll take the spanking, and you’ll stay still and keep quiet during it. Otherwise, the robe comes off.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest, her body trembling as she realized just how little control she had left. She was at their mercy, completely and utterly powerless. Slowly, she nodded, her voice weak and broken.

“Yes… I’ll be quiet.”

Stephanie’s smile widened, pleased with Rebecca’s submission. “Good,” she said softly. “Then come here, Rebecca. It’s time for another spanking on that sore, sore bum. You never learn, do you? But don’t worry. I’ll teach you.”

Rebecca’s legs shook as she stood and stepped closer to Stephanie, her body trembling with a mixture of dread and shame. The thin robe clung to her frame, barely shielding her from the humiliation that was about to unfold. Jake stood up and went to sit in a sofa chair next to the couch where he’d have a good view of Rebecca’s wriggling hindquarters as the spanking commenced.

Stephanie’s smirk never faltered as she reached up, taking Rebecca’s wrist in her hand and guiding her down over her lap. Before Rebecca knew it, she was bent over Stephanie’s lap, her bare legs exposed beneath the robe. The thin silky fabric offered little protection, leaving her feeling as vulnerable as if she were completely bare. She could feel Jake’s eyes on her backside—watching, waiting—his mocking grin burned into her mind. The earlier shame still coursed through her, made worse by the knowledge that her stepdaughter was about to deliver yet another humiliating punishment while Jake, amused and entertained, observed every agonizing second.

Stephanie’s fingers deftly smoothed the fabric of the robe over Rebecca’s backside, accentuating the gentle curves beneath. Rebecca squirmed involuntarily, knowing all too well that this thin barrier of silk wouldn’t provide any real protection from what was coming. She could feel Jake’s eyes on her, and the weight of his scrutiny made her cheeks burn with shame.

“Comfortable?” Stephanie asked, her tone laced with a hint of mockery as she gave Rebecca’s bottom a light pat. Rebecca knew the question was rhetorical, meant more to remind her of her helplessness than to offer any kind of reassurance.

Rebecca bit her lip, nodding slightly as she braced herself, her fingers gripping the edge of the couch for support. She knew Jake had a perfect view of her vulnerable position, her petite cheeks barely covered and ready for punishment.

“Are you ready?” Stephanie asked, her hand now poised to deliver the first spank.

Rebecca’s voice was soft, trembling as she spoke, her desperation clear. “Please, Stephanie… take it easier this time,” Rebecca begged, her voice barely more than a whisper, but full of urgency. “My bottom is already bruised… it hurts so much.”

Stephanie paused for a moment, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as she looked down at Rebecca, clearly amused by her pleas. Her fingers drummed lightly on Rebecca’s bum as if considering the request. The tension in the air hung thickly between them, and Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest, a mix of fear and hope that perhaps, just perhaps, Stephanie might show some mercy.

But then Stephanie let out a soft, mocking laugh, her tone light and teasing. “Oh? Is it bruised already?” she asked with faux concern, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Maybe I should inspect it then. You know, just to make sure.” She glanced at Jake, who was watching with a grin, clearly entertained by the whole scene. “Right here in front of Jake.”

Rebecca’s heart raced in her chest, her breath catching in her throat as the horror of the suggestion settled over her. She shook her head quickly, panic rising. “No! No, please don’t… don’t do that,” she begged, her voice trembling with desperation. “Please, Stephanie… don’t look. Don’t show him… I’m begging you.”

The thought of being completely exposed again, of having Stephanie inspect her bruises in front of Jake, was too much to bear. She could already feel her cheeks burning with shame at the mere suggestion. The earlier humiliation had been bad enough, but this—this would break her completely. 

Stephanie’s smirk deepened, clearly enjoying Rebecca’s frantic response. “Well then,” she said, her voice sweet but edged with authority, “I suggest you stop complaining unless you want to lose that little robe of yours right now.”

Rebecca’s breath hitched, and she bit down hard on her lip to keep from saying anything further. She clung to the thin silk of her robe as if it were the last shred of dignity she had left, knowing that even the slightest protest could result in her being stripped bare once again. Her body trembled as she forced herself to remain still, her face burning with humiliation, knowing that any mercy she might hope for was contingent upon her silence.

As Stephanie adjusted her grip on Rebecca’s waist, preparing to continue, Rebecca’s heart sank further. She knew Stephanie didn’t realize her own strength, that her athleticism far outpaced Rebecca’s ability to endure. The earlier spanking had left her sore and bruised, and now, the thought of enduring even more pain—especially under Jake’s watchful eye—was unbearable. But she couldn’t say anything. She couldn’t beg again, not after Stephanie’s threat. 

She closed her eyes, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over, her body tense and shaking as she braced for the first blow. She felt utterly powerless, trapped in a humiliating dance of dominance and punishment, with no escape in sight. The shame of being spanked like a naughty child by her stepdaughter, while Jake looked on with amusement, was suffocating. And the knowledge that she had no choice but to endure it in silence—to submit—only made it worse.

Her only comfort was the thin silk robe that still clung to her, though even that felt like a fragile mercy, one that could be snatched away at any moment.

Stephanie’s hand rested on her back, the touch light at first, as if offering a false sense of comfort. Then, with a sharp snap, Stephanie’s hand came down hard on Rebecca’s bottom, the slap reverberating through the room.

Rebecca gasped, her body jolting from the impact, the sting of the first smack sending a shockwave of pain through her. The robe did little to cushion the blow, and she felt the heat rising in her skin almost instantly.

“You better keep quiet,” Stephanie murmured, her voice low and warning. “Unless you want that robe to come off, and then Jake gets a full view of everything.”

Rebecca’s heart raced, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tried to suppress the whimper that threatened to escape her lips. She could feel Jake’s eyes on her, watching intently, waiting for her to fail. The thought of him seeing her fully exposed—of being stripped completely in front of him—sent a wave of panic through her.

Stephanie’s hand came down again, harder this time, the sound of the slap sharp and echoing through the room. Rebecca bit her lip, trying to muffle her reaction, but a soft whimper slipped out before she could stop it.

“Quiet,” Stephanie warned, her hand hovering over Rebecca’s already stinging skin. “One more sound and that robe comes off.”

Rebecca squeezed her eyes shut, her body trembling with effort as she tried to remain silent. The pain was growing with each smack, the sting intensifying as Stephanie’s hand came down again and again, her strikes deliberate and punishing. Rebecca could feel the heat building in her skin, her bottom burning beneath the thin layer of fabric.

Each time Stephanie’s hand came down, the thin silk robe clung even tighter to Rebecca’s petite cheeks, molding to every curve and ripple of her body. The fabric barely offered any cover at all, emphasizing rather than hiding the subtle movements of her bottom with each smack. The outline of her well-formed backside grew more pronounced, the thin material straining against her skin, almost translucent under the pressure of Stephanie’s relentless hand.

Jake’s eyes were glued to the display, and he couldn’t help but notice the way Rebecca’s cheeks bounced under the silk. With each impact, her bottom quivered, a deliciously rhythmic movement that seemed to pull him deeper into the spectacle. The sight was both mesmerizing and arousing, every wriggle and shudder a reminder of her vulnerability, her attempts to resist betrayed by the telltale movements that left little to the imagination.

Stephanie smirked as she glanced over at Jake, clearly aware of the effect Rebecca’s punishment was having on him. She adjusted her grip, pulling Rebecca closer, which caused the robe to ride up slightly, giving Jake an even clearer view of her bare thighs and the way they tensed and relaxed with each smack. The silk caught the light, accentuating every movement, and Jake’s gaze grew more intense, his focus unwavering.

Rebecca, too, could sense Jake’s eyes on her, and the knowledge only heightened her shame. She knew exactly what he was seeing, how every smack revealed more of her and left her more exposed. Yet she had no control over her reactions, no way to hide the subtle arch of her back, the small movements that betrayed her helplessness under Stephanie’s hand. She could only brace herself as the spanking continued, knowing that each spank gave Jake a front-row seat to every flicker, every movement, and every ripple beneath the silk.

And as the spanking proceeded, Rebecca inexplicably found herself beginning to get aroused again. The thought of the handsome Jake, seeing her spanked like this, made her hot. It was the humiliation turning her on, she realized. How much more humiliating would it be with her robe off?

As if to test the waters, Rebecca dared, a small, seemingly involuntary squeak to escape her lips.

Stephanie paused, her hand gently rubbing Rebecca’s bottom as she let out a soft, mocking laugh. “What did I tell you, Rebecca?” she said sweetly, her voice filled with condescension. “If you can’t stay quiet, I’ll have to take that robe off.”

Rebecca’s breath hitched, her body trembling with fear and humiliation and now frustration. She wanted to stop, to keep quiet as Stephanie had demanded, but she also wanted the opposite. Her lip quivered as she stifled another whimper. As Stephanie’s hand came down again, she allowed another small cry to escape her.

Stephanie sighed, shaking her head as if disappointed. “Oh, Rebecca,” she said softly, her tone dripping with false sympathy. “You just can’t help yourself, can you? You’re making this harder than it has to be.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest, her face flushed with shame as she felt the tension building in the room. She knew what was coming—knew that Stephanie would follow through on her threat. But why wasn’t she? It was almost as if… she knew. Knew how much she wanted it.

Another smack, another cry.

Stephanie’s hand hovered over Rebecca’s bottom for a moment, her fingers lightly tracing the edge of the robe where it had ridden up, exposing the tops of Rebecca’s thighs. “I warned you,” Stephanie said, her voice low and dangerous. “Jake, do you think she deserves to keep the robe on?”

Jake grinned, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he watched the scene unfold. “I don’t think so, Steph,” he said, leaning back in his seat. “She’s been squeaking on practically every slap. I think she’s earned herself a proper spanking—without the robe. And you know what? I think that ass is practically begging for it.”

Rebecca’s cheeks flushed even deeper at Jake’s words, a mix of embarrassment and desire swirling within her. The thought of him watching her, fully exposed, sent a shiver down her spine. She was torn between the urge to protest and the thrill of being so vulnerably on display. Part of her wanted to beg Stephanie to stop, to leave her robe on, to spare her the complete humiliation. But another part—one she barely understood herself—ached to have it stripped away.

As the reality set in, Rebecca’s stomach twisted with dread, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps as she realized that her last shred of dignity was about to be taken from her. She shook her head weakly, her voice barely a whisper. “Please… no…”

But Stephanie wasn’t listening.

“Stand up,” Stephanie ordered, her voice soft but commanding, the false sweetness of her tone making the situation even more unbearable.

[Continued in Part 9]


  1. I’m so aroused by this spanking! Mentally switching roles continuously. I’m Rebecca. I’m. Stephanie. I’m Jake. Watching a woman being spanked is such a sexy vision. To see the firm flesh deform upon impact and bounce back. To watch the color change, providing a visual measure of the pain. To hear her squeals and cries. To see the anguish on her face. But then I want to feel what Rebecca is feeling. The want/don’t want conundrum. I want feel my hand on a woman’s firm bottom, with instant feedback of the severity coming through my palm. I want to see, hear and feel all of it! My brain and little penis are stuck in an arousal loop! Thank you! - david

    1. I like the anticipation of the silk robed spanking…

  2. Oh, come now. We know Jake has to get her over his knee naked and make her world one of initial pleasure and then some more pain... Can't be having these wussy GIRLY spankings, and over a nightgown at that!...I mean that's just gotta happen, right?

    Clarence The Confused

  3. I like that Rebecca is beginning to submit voluntarily, without being forced into position. perhaps this will continue with the disrobing.


    1. Classic subby slut… wants it and doesn’t all at once.

    2. I absolutely have this exposure kink; I'm getting waxed in a bit, which requires me to lie face down and hold my cheeks apart. I really don't have much hair to remove, but the idea of being completely exposed and vulnerable, spread open for the aesthetician to see and touch (probe?) is enticing in it's own right.


  4. I hope Jake insists on teasing her pussy and getting the lube and exploring her bumhole. Stephanie will be happy to assist Jake in opening up Rebecca's virgin hole. Nothing could be more humiliating than being ass-fucked with your step-daughter helping and giving you an orgasm to bring him off.

    1. You think she deserves lube? Residual pussy juice should be fine.

  5. Isn't it one of your fantasies: a man hauling you back, completely exposed and helpless, bare-ass naked over his shoulder?
    It wouldn't have been surprising if you had taken a little break from your writing to go and touch yourself in the marital bedroom, arched on that little voice that whispers to Rebecca that maybe she deserves it.
    Coming at "a strange acceptance".

    1. Indeed it is!
      Many orgasms went into this story!

  6. Game
    Jake is wrong when he says: “That's the second time she’s said that”
    Rebecca could bring her back and try to score a point by contradicting him
    (Indeed, she remembers very well having said it three times while biting her tongue
    "I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t do this.”
    “I’ll do anything… just don’t…”
    Just let me keep it on. I… I’ll do anything.”)
    but, what does she have to gain from it and above all does she really want it?
