Monday, October 28

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 22 (MF/F)

[Continued from Part 21]

“Au contraire, Dad,” Stephanie interjected smoothly, her gaze locked on Rebecca with an air of complete control. “Don’t you think Rebecca would benefit more from us seeing her naughty little bottom in corner time right here in the living room—for the rest of the evening. Let her really reflect on the consequences of her behavior.”

Chapter 34: Bare Cornertime

Rebecca froze, her stomach sinking. She didn’t dare look up, her eyes fixed on the floor, but she could already feel the weight of John’s gaze on her. Cornertime. The mere suggestion of it made her heart race with dread. It was a further reduction, another level of humiliation. It wasn’t enough that she had been spanked—now they wanted to treat her like a child, forcing her to stand in the corner, exposed and ashamed.

John chuckled, his amusement clear as he turned to Stephanie. “You know, that’s not a bad idea,” he said, his voice thick with amusement. “It’s fitting, really. She should stand in the corner and think about what she’s done.”

Rebecca’s heart sank further, the words cutting through her. She felt the heat rise in her face, her cheeks flushing as she stood there, unable to respond. The very thought of being sent to the corner by John like a misbehaving child, forced to face the wall while they watched, filled her with a sense of overwhelming shame. It was degrading beyond words.

Stephanie smirked, clearly enjoying her father’s approval of the suggestion. “Exactly. It would be perfect. Just like a naughty little girl—she needs to think about the lesson she’s just learned.”

John glanced at Rebecca, raising an eyebrow as he waited for her reaction, but before she could muster the courage to protest, Stephanie added, “The real question is… what state of undress should she be in for cornertime?”

John considered the question for a moment, his smile widening as he glanced at his wife. “Well, if she’s going to learn her lesson,” he mused, “maybe she shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind her clothes. She’s already been bared for the spanking… why not nude?”

Rebecca’s eyes widened in horror. No. The word echoed in her mind, but she couldn’t speak. They couldn’t do this. They couldn’t make her strip—make her stand in the corner, completely nude, for them to watch. Her whole body flushed with shame, her hands instinctively moving to cover her chest as if to shield herself from the mere thought of it.

Rebecca finally stammered, her voice shaking with panic. “Please… please don’t make me… not like that.”

Stephanie’s eyes lit up, clearly enjoying the way Rebecca squirmed. “But it’s fitting, isn’t it? You were already spanked, and now you need to really think about what you’ve done. Standing there, naked in the corner… it’s the perfect way to take you down a peg.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest as she shook her head, the words tumbling out in a rush. “Please, no… not nude. It’s—it’s too humiliating. I can’t—” Her voice caught in her throat as her cheeks burned with shame. “My… my breasts,” she continued, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her face turned bright red as she admitted her deep insecurity. The thought of standing there, fully exposed, her tiny breasts on display, while they watched—it was unbearable. She wanted to disappear, to shrink away from the humiliation that was pressing down on her like a crushing weight.

But John didn’t care.

He sighed, shaking his head as if Rebecca’s protests were nothing more than childish excuses. “You’ve been punished for your behavior, Rebecca. The point is for you to feel ashamed of what you’ve done. If you’re worried about your body, then maybe that’s part of the lesson you need to learn.”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted at his words. He didn’t understand—he didn’t care how humiliating this was. To him, it was just another step in teaching her a lesson, another way to reinforce the idea that she was no longer in control. And to Stephanie, it was worse. She reveled in Rebecca’s discomfort, her quiet dominance only growing with every protest Rebecca made.

“Dad’s right,” Stephanie chimed in, her voice almost sweet. “It’s not about what you’re comfortable with, Rebecca. It’s about you accepting your punishment. So, let’s get those clothes off, and we’ll get you into that corner where you belong.”

Rebecca’s heart raced as she stood there, frozen in place. She wanted to resist, to refuse, to run away, but her body wouldn’t move.

Rebecca’s throat tightened, and she shook her head frantically. “No, please, I’ve learned my lesson, I swear! You don’t need to—”

But John held up a hand, silencing her. “Enough, Rebecca. You’re going to strip then go to the corner, and you’re going to think about everything that’s happened today. You don’t need any distractions. Just you, in the corner, bare and fully aware of what you’ve done.”

Rebecca’s heart stopped, her mouth going dry. Her eyes flicked between John and Stephanie, hoping for some kind of reprieve, but John’s expression remained stern. There was no escaping this. The humiliation was about to deepen in a way she hadn’t imagined possible.

Rebecca’s hands shook as she took a step back, her mind reeling. “Please…” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “Not… not like this…”

But John simply raised an eyebrow, his tone firm. “Do as you’re told, Rebecca.”

Rebecca stood frozen in the middle of the room, her heart pounding in her chest, her face flushed with shame and disbelief. The command to strip had shaken her to her core, and now the weight of what was about to happen hung over her like a dark cloud. She looked at John, her eyes wide with pleading, but his expression remained stern and resolute.

“Go on, Rebecca,” John said, his voice firm and authoritative. “You know what you have to do. Every stitch. Now.”

Her hands trembled as they hovered over the hem of her skirt, her mind racing with the unbearable humiliation of what was being asked of her. She hesitated, her body frozen in place as her instincts screamed at her to resist, to beg them to reconsider. But before she could say anything, John took a step forward, his eyes narrowing.

“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be,” he warned, his voice low and steady. “If you keep stalling, I’ll make sure this is even more painful for you.”

Rebecca swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her throat. Slowly, her trembling hands moved to the waistband of her skirt, but the hesitation lingered. Her fingers fumbled as she tugged the fabric downward, but she was moving too slowly—far too slowly for John’s liking.

Without warning, John stepped forward, raising his hand and delivering a sharp slap to Rebecca’s backside. The smack was loud, deliberate, and the sudden sting caused Rebecca to gasp, her body jerking forward in shock.

“John!” she cried out, her hands instinctively moving to cover her sore bottom.

“No more stalling,” John said sternly. “You were told to undress, Rebecca. Now do it properly, or you’ll be sorry.”

Tears pricked at the corners of Rebecca’s eyes, the humiliation washing over her in waves. The sharp sting of the slap still burned, but it was the shame of being disciplined like this—like a naughty child—that cut deeper. Her hands moved faster now, trembling as she pulled her skirt down over her hips and let it fall to the floor. The cool air hit her bare thighs, sending a shiver down her spine, but she didn’t dare pause again.

Just as she bent down to step out of the discarded skirt, John delivered another firm slap to her bottom, this time harder than before.

“Faster, Rebecca,” he said, his voice firm and unyielding. “Or do you need more encouragement?”

Stephanie couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle, thoroughly amused by the unfolding scene. Rebecca’s embarrassment was palpable, and Stephanie found the whole thing fascinating in a way she hadn’t expected. She settled back in a chair, crossing her legs and watching intently.

Rebecca bit her lip, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she quickly kicked the skirt aside, her hands now moving to the waistband of her panties. She hesitated again, but this time, John didn’t give her the chance to delay. His hand came down again, the sharp smack sending another jolt of pain through her already tender skin.

“Get them off,” John commanded.

Rebecca let out a soft, choked sob, her fingers trembling as she tugged her panties down over her hips, her heart racing as she felt her last line of modesty slip away. The panties slid down her legs and pooled around her ankles, and she quickly stepped out of them, now completely bare from the waist down.

Her hands instinctively moved to cover herself, but John was quick to intervene. He reached out, grabbing her wrists and pulling them away from her body, leaving her fully exposed once again.

“Everything,” John reminded her. “Your shirt and bra too. You’re not done yet.”

Rebecca’s face burned with humiliation, but she could see the resolve in John’s eyes—there was no escaping this. With trembling fingers, she reached for the buttons on her blouse, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she fumbled with each one. The fabric slipped from her shoulders and she let it fall to the floor, her body trembling with shame.

But just as she reached for the clasp of her bra, she hesitated again, her mind racing with panic. Before she could remove her bra, John’s hand came down once more, the sharp smack landing squarely on her exposed backside.

Rebecca let out a soft cry, her body jerking forward as the pain and humiliation intensified. “John, please…” she whispered, her voice trembling.

“No more stalling, Rebecca,” John said, his voice low and steady. “Finish it, or I’ll make sure your next punishment is even more severe.”

Stephanie leaned in slightly, her grin widening as she caught Rebecca’s flustered expression. “Well, this is more entertaining than I expected,” she teased, her voice light and playful.

Tears welled up in Rebecca’s eyes as she fumbled with the clasp of her bra, her hands shaking so badly that it took her several attempts to undo it. Finally, the clasp gave way, and she slipped the bra off, letting it drop to the floor with the rest of her clothes.

Rebecca’s hands shook as she stood there, completely nude, the soft rustle of her discarded clothes the only sound in the room. The cold air prickled against her skin, but it was the unbearable weight of their stares that truly made her feel exposed. Her arms instinctively moved to cover her chest, desperate to shield her small breasts from their eyes, but she knew it was no use. Her face burned with shame, her body trembling as John and Stephanie looked her over, their amusement palpable.

John’s voice cut through the silence, calm yet commanding. “You really do look the part now, Rebecca. Just like a little girl.”

Rebecca’s heart sank, his words driving the knife of humiliation deeper. She could feel her chest tightening with every breath, her small, barely noticeable breasts seeming to shrink under their scrutiny. She dared to glance over at Stephanie, sitting casually on the couch, her arms crossed in satisfaction, her own full, firm breasts on full display beneath her fitted top. The difference between them was stark, undeniable. Where Stephanie was confident, curvy, and womanly, Rebecca felt like a child—her petite frame and small, barely-there breasts a source of deep, unshakable shame.

Stephanie’s smirk widened as she nodded in agreement with her father. “She really does look like a little girl, Dad. So tiny… not much to show up there, is there?”

The words hit Rebecca like a slap, and her hands instinctively flew to her chest again, trying to shield her breasts from the cruel comparison. She felt her face flush with even deeper humiliation, her tears threatening to spill over as the sting of their words settled into her bones. How could she possibly compare to Stephanie? Her stepdaughter’s voluptuous, womanly figure seemed to mock her very existence, making her feel even smaller, even more insignificant.

But John was having none of it. His eyes narrowed as he stepped forward, his voice suddenly sharp. “What did I say, Rebecca? No hiding. You need to accept your punishment.”

Without hesitation, he raised his hand and brought it down hard on her already burning now bare bottom. The sharp smack echoed in the room, sending a fresh wave of pain through her body. Rebecca let out a yelp, the force of the blow making her flinch, her hands once again dropping from her chest in shock. Her face burned with shame and pain, the sting of the slap radiating through her already sore bottom.

But John wasn’t finished. He slapped her again, harder this time, his voice firm as he reprimanded her. “Don’t cover yourself, Rebecca. You’re not going to hide your little breasts. Besides,” he said with a chuckle, “I enjoy looking at them, tiny as they are.”

“TMI, Dad!” Stephanie said with a big grin as John shrugged.

Rebecca’s heart raced, her sobs choking in her throat as she stood there, her small, vulnerable breasts fully exposed. She felt so small, so childlike, compared to Stephanie’s mature figure, and the comparison cut through her like a knife. Her stepdaughter’s full, round breasts seemed so natural, so effortless, while hers felt like a source of shame, of inadequacy.

“That’s better,” John said, his voice now calm, satisfied. “You’re going to stand there just like that. No more hiding. You have what you have, and I like it, so deal with it.”

Rebecca nodded weakly, her tears spilling freely now as the full weight of her shame settled over her. Her hands itched to cover her chest again, to shield her small breasts from their cruel gaze, but she didn’t dare defy John’s order. She stood frozen, her bottom still smarting from the spanking, her face flushed with humiliation as she tried to ignore the suffocating shame that came from being compared to Stephanie’s full, womanly body

“To the corner,” John instructed, his voice firm but calm.

Rebecca swallowed hard, her face burning with shame as she slowly started shuffling toward the corner, but John wasn’t content with her pace. He took her arm in one hand and used the other hand to deliver a series of rapid, firm smacks, urging her forward. “Move it, Rebecca. You know what happens if you dawdle.”

With every swat, Rebecca yelped, her movements growing more frantic as she awkwardly began to high-step across the room. Her legs kicked up almost comically as she tried to avoid more smacks, lifting her knees high with each step, but John’s hand followed her closely, delivering sharp spanks with each stride.

Stephanie couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the sight. Rebecca was practically marched across the room, her legs kicking up in a frantic high-step dance, trying to escape John’s relentless hand. Each time her pace slowed, another hard smack landed on her already reddened bottom, propelling her forward in a desperate attempt to reach the corner.

“Well, this is a sight I wasn’t expecting!” Stephanie said, her amusement clear in her voice. “I didn’t think Rebecca could move that fast.”

Rebecca, too mortified to respond, kept her eyes forward as she frantically high-kneed her way to the corner as John’s smacks kept her moving at a brisk pace. By the time she reached the wall, her bottom was an even brighter shade of red than Stephanie had left it, and she was breathing heavily, her entire body radiating embarrassment.

“Face the wall,” John ordered, delivering one final smack for good measure as she positioned herself in the corner. Rebecca pressed her nose to the wall, her shoulders tense, her posture stiff.

“Hands at your sides, Rebecca,” John reminded her as she reached the corner. “No covering yourself.”

Rebecca nodded tearfully, her hands dropping to her sides as she pressed her face against the wall. The cold surface was a stark contrast to the heat radiating from her body, the embarrassment and shame making her feel small and powerless.

John had spanked her all the way to the corner, as if she were nothing more than a naughty, disobedient child refusing to accept her timeout. Every step she had taken toward the corner had been punctuated by his hand coming down on her bare, exposed bottom—sharp, unforgiving slaps that echoed in the room, making her cringe with each strike. And Stephanie had watched it all, a smug smile playing at the edges of her lips, satisfied at Rebecca’s humiliation. Being spanked all the way to the corner like a misbehaving toddler whose Daddy had enough of her nonsense.

Behind her, she could hear the quiet murmurs of John and Stephanie as they watched her, discussing her behavior in low tones. Each word felt like a fresh blow, a reminder of her position—bare, exposed, and utterly humiliated.

The minutes dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity as Rebecca stood there, completely naked and fully aware of her own vulnerability. The cool air against her skin only heightened the shame, and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as the weight of her punishment settled in.

As Rebecca stood in the corner, each passing second felt like an eternity, the silence around her amplifying every subtle movement she made. She felt utterly exposed, her nakedness a constant reminder of her shame, and she knew John and Stephanie could see every inch of her. Her reddened bottom pulsed, still tingling from John’s relentless hand, and the cool air was a biting contrast to the heat radiating from her skin, only intensifying the sting.

Behind her, she could hear John and Stephanie continuing their conversation, going about their business as though she weren’t even there—or perhaps worse, as though she were part of the furniture, an object of amusement and discipline that needed no more attention than a reprimanded child. Stephanie’s laughter echoed in her mind, and she could picture her stepdaughter’s smug expression, that satisfied smile lingering as she watched Rebecca’s forced, ridiculous march to the corner.

“Isn’t she just something?” Stephanie murmured with a low chuckle, the tone making it clear she was fully enjoying Rebecca’s shame. “You’d think she’d learn by now.”

John’s response was equally calm, yet firm. “Maybe a few hours in the corner will do the trick.” His voice carried a quiet authority, reminding Rebecca that her position in the corner was no accident. She was here to be seen, not heard, to be disciplined, and to learn her place.

Rebecca felt a tear slip down her cheek as she pressed her forehead harder against the wall, struggling to keep her hands obediently at her sides. Every impulse urged her to cover herself, to shield some semblance of dignity, but she knew better. John’s instructions were clear, and any attempt to hide would only earn her more attention—attention she knew would result in further embarrassment and maybe even another round of spanks if she dared defy him.

The sounds of dishes clinking and casual conversation between John and Stephanie filled the room, somehow making her humiliation feel even sharper. She was on full display, while they moved about casually, treating her bare shame as a mundane addition to their day. The quiet chuckles and occasional teasing remark from Stephanie punctuated the silence, each one another prick to her already wounded pride.

“Hey, Dad,” Stephanie called with an almost wicked amusement, “you think she’s learning her lesson over there?”

John responded without missing a beat. “I think she’s got a while longer before it really sinks in.”

As the minutes ticked by, Rebecca’s discomfort only grew. The ache in her legs and the relentless, prickling sting on her bottom made it impossible to stay still. Despite her best efforts, she began to squirm, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, her body betraying her desperation. Soft mewls escaped her lips, a mix of discomfort and shame, as she tried to find some semblance of relief without risking another punishment.

But it wasn’t long before John noticed.

“Rebecca,” he said sharply, his tone carrying a warning. She froze, hoping he’d leave it at that, but she heard his footsteps approaching. Her stomach twisted as she felt his presence right behind her, his towering figure making her feel even smaller.

Without hesitation, John delivered a series of swift, sharp smacks to her already sore bottom, making her yelp and jolt forward, her face pressed harder against the wall as she tried to bear the fresh wave of sting. “Stand still,” he commanded, his hand resting firmly on her shoulder as a reminder of his control.

Rebecca whimpered, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’m trying, John… please…”

He leaned in, his voice low but stern. “Oh? Are you trying, or are you just testing my patience? Because I can always send you right back over Stephanie’s lap if you need another lesson.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded as the shame washed over her anew. The very thought of being bent over her stepdaughter’s lap, helplessly bare and spanked once more, was too mortifying to consider. She shook her head frantically, her voice breaking as she responded. “N-no, please… I’ll behave. I don’t need another spanking.”

John tilted his head, considering her for a long, tense moment. “You know, if you’re going to stand here and fidget, maybe you do need a reminder of what happens to naughty girls who can’t follow simple instructions.” He let his words sink in, watching as she quivered under his gaze, her cheeks flushed, her eyes wide with dread.

“Or…” He paused, letting his words linger as her breath hitched, “would you prefer to behave yourself and prove that you can stay still, just as you were told?”

Rebecca swallowed hard, nodding fervently, her voice barely a whisper. “I’ll stay still… I promise.”

John raised an eyebrow, giving her a final, firm smack as a reminder. “I’m not going to warn you again, Rebecca. Any more squirming, and you’ll be back over Stephanie’s knee until we’re both satisfied you’ve learned your lesson.” He stepped back, leaving her with the unmistakable sense that he’d be watching, ensuring her compliance.

As she resumed her position, her body tense and still, the shame of her predicament settled over her like a weight. Every instinct screamed for her to cover herself, to hide from their eyes, but she knew the consequences would be swift and severe. And so, she stood there, fully aware that her only choice was complete and utter obedience—until John decided otherwise.

Finally, after what felt like hours, John’s voice broke the silence.

“You can come out now, Rebecca,” he said, his voice calm but authoritative.

Rebecca turned slowly, her hands instinctively moving to cover herself again, but she stopped when she saw the stern expression on John’s face. She dropped her hands to her sides, her entire body trembling as she faced them, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

“Go to our room.”

Rebecca didn’t wait for another word. She turned and hurried out of the room, still completely nude, her legs weak beneath her as she made her way, desperate to escape the oppressive weight of their stares. The memory of being marched to the corner, spanked all the way, and standing there naked for hours would stay with her for a long time—just as Stephanie and John had intended.

Chapter 35: Discussion

As the door closed behind Rebecca, her hurried footsteps echoing down the hallway, the room fell silent for a moment. The oppressive tension that had hung in the air finally seemed to dissipate. John and Stephanie exchanged a glance, the atmosphere between them shifting from stern discipline to something lighter—satisfied, almost victorious.

Stephanie let out a small chuckle, unable to hide the glint of amusement in her eyes. “Well,” she said, her voice laced with smug satisfaction, “I think that went rather well, don’t you?”

John, who had been watching the entire ordeal with a calm but firm demeanor, allowed a smile to break through his otherwise serious expression. “She needed it,” he replied simply, nodding in agreement. “I think she finally understands where she stands.”

The smirk on Stephanie’s face widened as she leaned back in her chair, clearly pleased with how everything had played out. “I have to admit,” she said with a playful glint in her eye, “that was satisfying.”

John chuckled softly, shaking his head, though the look of approval in his eyes remained. “She had it coming. And you handled it perfectly,” he added, his voice low but full of praise.

There was a brief pause, and then, as if on instinct, Stephanie raised her hand toward him with a playful grin. John didn’t hesitate for a second. With a satisfied smile, he lifted his hand and met hers in a crisp, celebratory high-five.

The sound of their hands slapping together in the air was almost cathartic, a release of the tension that had been building for weeks—months, even. They both laughed softly, the shared victory over Rebecca’s behavior clear in the lightness between them.

John glanced at Stephanie, his expression thoughtful. “I think Rebecca’s naturally submissive. She tries to act like she’s in control, like she’s the one calling the shots, but deep down, that’s not what she really wants. She’s only truly pleasant and polite when someone is guiding her, keeping her in line.”

Stephanie nodded, considering his words. “Yeah, It’s what I told you. When we’re firm with her, she becomes much more agreeable. It’s like she needs someone to set boundaries, to remind her of her place.” She smirked, thinking back to the events of the past hour. “She hates the idea of losing control, but once she’s been disciplined, she’s actually… better. Almost like she thrives under it.”

“Yes,” said John, “but before that. Before she gets to that point, I don’t know what to do with her,” John muttered, shaking his head. “She’s so stubborn. Even during discipline there’s always more backtalk, more complaints… it’s exhausting.”

Stephanie nodded thoughtfully, her expression shifting to one of consideration. “You know, Dad,” she began, “maybe the reason she keeps acting up is because she hasn’t faced any real consequences. Sure, we spank her, put her in the corner—but maybe that’s not enough.”

John looked at her, his brow furrowed. “What are you getting at?”

Stephanie leaned in, her tone almost conspiratorial. “I think she needs something that’s not just uncomfortable, but something really unpleasant, something that makes her think twice before mouthing off or trying to squirm her way out of a punishment.”

Intrigued, John folded his arms, his interest piqued. “Go on. What exactly do you have in mind?”

Stephanie’s smirk widened as she leaned even closer, clearly relishing the opportunity to share her idea. “Well, it’s a special kind of timeout,” she explained, her voice low and purposeful. “The kind that makes her wish she’d just accepted her punishment in silence, no matter how long or how hard.”

John raised an eyebrow, an approving glint in his eyes. “Sounds like exactly what she needs. Tell me more…”

And with that, Stephanie began to share the details, her words hanging in the air with a promise of something Rebecca would never forget.

[To be continued…]


  1. One of my favorite scenes always was, when the person is being ridiculed, marched to the corner with swift, sharp smacks
    Please.. The rest.... Quickly....I surrender... The suspense is unbearable...
