Wednesday, October 9

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 3 (F/F)

 [Continued from Part 2]

With a cruel grin, Stephanie took Rebecca’s chin, forcing her to look up. Rebecca’s eyes were wide and filled with tears, her entire body shaking as she stared into the cold, victorious gaze of her stepdaughter. Stephanie released her and stood towering over the kneeling Rebecca, her hands on her hips as she looked down at the woman she had just humiliated beyond anything Rebecca could have ever imagined.

“So, you wanted to spank me, did you?”

Chapter 4: A Hard Lesson in Power

Stephanie, standing tall and confident before her, seemed to revel in the power shift. The younger woman looked at her stepmother with a predatory gleam in her eye, her hands planted firmly on her hips.

“Come with me,” Stephanie said, her voice low and authoritative.

Rebecca hesitated, her instincts screaming at her to flee, but before she could make a decision, Stephanie reached out and grabbed her by the wrist, yanking her to her feet.

As Stephanie tightened her grip around Rebecca’s wrist, she began dragging her along the sandy beach, Rebecca’s initial confusion quickly turned to alarm. At first, she was too busy stumbling to keep up to truly comprehend where they were heading. Her bare feet slid across the hot sand, heels digging in as she tried to resist.

“Stephanie, what are you doing?” she asked, her voice wavering. But Stephanie remained silent, her eyes set on the path ahead, her grip unyielding. Rebecca’s mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation, but as she caught sight of the lone tree stump in the distance, a terrible realization dawned on her.

“No… no, you wouldn’t,” Rebecca stammered, a chill running through her despite the heat. She tugged back against Stephanie’s grip, but it was no use. “Stephanie, please, stop! Let me go!”

Stephanie ignored her pleas, pressing forward with single-minded determination. Rebecca’s feet dug deeper into the sand, desperate to slow their progress, but the more she resisted, the rougher her stepdaughter’s grip became. She stumbled, nearly falling as Stephanie dragged her forward, and she felt utterly powerless, like a child being led to her punishment.

Her gaze fell on Stephanie’s strong, toned frame, and the undeniable difference between them struck her. Rebecca, smaller and much less endowed, felt a surge of vulnerability in contrast to Stephanie’s confidence. She tugged again, stumbling as her feet skidded through the sand in her efforts to break free.

“Stephanie, please,” she whimpered, her voice trembling with desperation. “I’m sorry, all right? I shouldn’t have said those things. I—I was wrong. I’ll be more flexible, I promise. I didn’t mean it!”

But Stephanie remained relentless, her gaze never wavering from the low stump ahead. Rebecca’s protests fell on deaf ears as she stumbled forward, her feet kicking up sand, her heels slipping and sinking into the ground. She was helpless against Stephanie’s strength, the younger woman dragging her along with ease.

“Please, don’t spank me,” Rebecca pleaded, her voice growing higher, more frantic. “I’m sorry for threatening you. I’ll be good, I promise! I’ll be more understanding… Please, just let me go!”

But as they approached the stump, Rebecca felt a cold sense of inevitability settle in. Her mind raced for excuses, any way to sway Stephanie’s resolve, but she knew it was too late. The stump loomed closer, and Rebecca felt her last shred of dignity slipping away with each dragging step.

“Stephanie, please,” she sobbed, stumbling again as she tried to plant her feet, but Stephanie’s pace was unbroken. Rebecca was pulled forward, her shoulders hunched, feeling small and helpless, like a child caught in the act. Her pleas grew more childish, her words tumbling over each other as she tried to bargain.

“I’ll do anything, anything you want,” she whimpered, nearly tripping as Stephanie tugged her through the last stretch of sand. “Please, just don’t spank me. I’m sorry! I’ll never question you again.”

But with one final pull, they reached the tree stump, and Rebecca’s heart sank, realizing there was no way out. She was at Stephanie’s mercy, and no amount of begging would change what was to come.

Before Rebecca could protest or even catch her breath, Stephanie sat and tugged her down to sit on her lap as if she was a small child. The shift in position was disorienting, and Rebecca’s legs gave way, allowing her body to slump into Stephanie’s. Her smaller body felt dwarfed in Stephanie’s lap, her arm pressing awkwardly against Stephanie’s firm, full breasts. Rebecca gasped in shock, her face flushing deeply with humiliation.

“Let go of me,” Rebecca managed to stammer, struggling to push away, but Stephanie’s grip was like iron.

“Oh, no,” Stephanie said, her voice dripping with condescension as she pulled Rebecca closer. “You don’t get to make the rules anymore.”

Rebecca writhed, her body squirming in a desperate attempt to free herself from Stephanie’s lap, but the younger woman held her tightly, her arm wrapped securely around Rebecca’s waist. Stephanie’s strength was undeniable, her athletic frame easily overpowering the stepmother. Rebecca’s legs kicked feebly, but it was no use—Stephanie wasn’t letting go.

“Stop fighting me,” Stephanie hissed, tightening her grip. “It’s only making this worse for you.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded in her chest as she found herself sitting on Stephanie’s lap, her legs dangling awkwardly off the side. It was an utterly humiliating position, and she couldn’t stop the flush of embarrassment that heated her cheeks.

“Don’t look away now,” Stephanie purred, her voice laced with mockery. She grabbed Rebecca’s chin firmly and turned her face in, drawing her even closer, so that their bodies were nearly pressed together. “You’re going to sit right here and face the reality of who you really are.”

Rebecca swallowed hard, her throat dry as she felt Stephanie’s bare breasts pressing against her. They were warm and firm, a stark contrast to the small, barely noticeable mounds on her own chest. She could feel the weight of them against her, and it only deepened her sense of inadequacy.

“Look at you,” Stephanie whispered, her voice soft but cruel. “Sitting here, bare-chested, completely exposed. And you thought you could ever compare to me?”

Stephanie’s large breasts jostled slightly as she shifted again, the motion making Rebecca hyper-aware of the stark difference between them. She couldn’t help but glance sideways, her eyes flicking to Stephanie’s chest, where the fullness of her stepdaughter’s breasts seemed to mock her very existence.

“Go on,” Stephanie said, her tone dripping with amusement. “Take a good look. You’ve been staring long enough, haven’t you? You’re probably wishing you had something like this, right?”

Rebecca didn’t respond, her cheeks burning with humiliation. She wanted to deny it, to fight back, but the truth of Stephanie’s words weighed heavy on her. She had always envied Stephanie’s body, her effortless beauty, and now that envy was laid bare, exposed for them both to see.

Stephanie’s hand slid down from Rebecca’s chin, trailing lightly across her neck until it rested on one of Rebecca’s small breasts. Rebecca flinched at the touch, but Stephanie’s grip tightened, her fingers closing around the sensitive flesh.

“These tiny little things…” Stephanie murmured, squeezing painfully, her tone filled with condescension.

Stephanie’s other hand moved to her own chest, cupping one of her large breasts with ease, as if to further emphasize the difference between them. She brought it closer, pressing it against Rebecca’s chest, the soft flesh warm and firm against Rebecca’s skin.

“Feel that?” Stephanie said, her voice low and teasing. “That’s what real breasts feel like. And you’ll never have anything like them.”

Rebecca’s body stiffened, a soft whimper escaping her lips as the cruel comparison continued. She felt utterly powerless, completely at the mercy of her stepdaughter’s taunts. The weight of Stephanie’s large breasts against her small, bare chest only deepened the humiliation she felt, a stark reminder of her inadequacy.

“Pathetic,” Stephanie sneered, her fingers still toying with Rebecca’s breast, pinching the sore nipples just to make her squirm. “You’ll never be anything more than this—small, weak, and completely under my control.”

Rebecca’s eyes burned with unshed tears, her body trembling as she sat there on Stephanie’s lap. She couldn’t fight back anymore. She couldn’t even speak. All she could do was sit there, bare-breasted and humiliated.

Then, with a quick, fluid motion, Stephanie reached for the waistband of Rebecca’s bikini bottoms, her fingers slipping beneath the fabric. Rebecca’s hands flew to Stephanie’s wrist, trying to stop her,

“No, please—” Rebecca begged, her voice trembling as she tried to keep her bikini bottoms up, but Stephanie was relentless.

“You don’t get to say ‘no,’” Stephanie replied coldly, grabbing Rebecca’s flailing hands and pinning them against her side. “You’re going to sit right here until I’m finished.”

With one hand still holding Rebecca’s hands down, Stephanie reached down again and hooked her fingers into the waistband of Rebecca’s bottoms. Rebecca’s eyes widened in panic, and she kicked her legs in a last-ditch effort to stop what was about to happen.

Rebecca squirmed again, but Stephanie’s arm tightened around her waist, pulling her even closer. “You’re not going anywhere,” Stephanie said, her voice soft yet commanding, as if she were speaking to a disobedient child. “You’re going to sit right here, and you’re going to learn your place.”

In one swift, humiliating motion, Stephanie yanked her bikini bottoms down, stripping Rebecca fully. The thin fabric slid down her thighs and pooled at her ankles before Stephanie removed them entirely, leaving Rebecca completely exposed on her stepdaughter’s lap.

The vulnerability of it all hit Rebecca like a tidal wave. She had never been so exposed, so utterly powerless. Her nakedness felt like a physical weight pressing down on her, her skin burning with shame under Stephanie’s steady gaze. She wanted to cover herself, to hide, but Stephanie’s iron grip kept her hands pinned at her sides, leaving her completely at the younger woman’s mercy.

Stephanie’s fingers trailed from Rebecca’s breast down along her side, moving slowly and deliberately, as if savoring every moment of her stepmother’s discomfort. Rebecca’s entire body tensed, her skin prickling under Stephanie’s touch. She felt completely powerless, her body betraying her with every quiver, every involuntary flinch.

“You know,” Stephanie mused, her voice almost casual, as if they were discussing something trivial, “I’ve always wondered what kind of woman you really were underneath all that prim and proper behavior. And now I get to see for myself.”

With one fluid motion, Stephanie’s hand moved lower, slipping down past Rebecca’s hips and toward the place Rebecca had desperately hoped to keep hidden. Rebecca’s eyes widened, her body stiffening in panic as she realized what Stephanie was about to do.

“No, please,” Rebecca whimpered, her voice barely a whisper. “Stop…” She tried to squirm away, but Stephanie’s grip was unrelenting, keeping her firmly in place.

But Stephanie only smirked, clearly enjoying the way Rebecca squirmed under her touch. Her fingers brushed lightly against the soft skin just below Rebecca’s belly button, teasingly close to her most intimate area.

“Stop?” Stephanie’s voice was laced with amusement, as if the very idea was laughable. “Why should I? You’re already sitting here completely naked on my lap, aren’t you? What difference does a little more make?”

Rebecca’s cheeks burned hotter than ever, the weight of her humiliation pressing down on her like a physical force. She felt utterly exposed, as if every inch of her body had been laid bare for Stephanie to judge.

And then, Stephanie’s hand slipped between Rebecca’s legs, her fingers grazing over the soft, groomed skin there. Rebecca gasped, her body jolting at the touch, but she couldn’t move—couldn’t do anything but sit there as Stephanie’s fingers explored her most private area.

“And just look at you—so neatly trimmed and all. I didn’t expect that from you, Rebecca. I thought you’d be a little more… natural.”

Rebecca’s face turned crimson, the shame of Stephanie’s observation cutting deep. She had never imagined anyone, least of all her stepdaughter, would ever comment on something so intimate. Her mind raced, trying to process the sheer humiliation of it all.

Stephanie’s fingers traced the edge of Rebecca’s neatly groomed barely there pubic hair, her touch light but deliberate, as if she were inspecting her stepmother’s grooming with casual interest.

“You must take such good care of yourself down here,” Stephanie continued, her voice dripping with condescension. “Or is it that you’re trying to impress someone? Do you groom yourself like this for Dad? Or is it for someone else?”

Rebecca bit her lip, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She wanted to disappear, to vanish into the floor beneath her. The feeling of Stephanie’s fingers so casually brushing against her most intimate area while making such degrading comments was more than she could bear.

“I have to admit,” Stephanie added, giving a soft chuckle, “it’s kind of cute. It’s just so… neat. But honestly, Rebecca, did you think this was going to make you look sexier? With your tiny little breasts and this neatly trimmed little patch of hair? How pathetic.”

Rebecca whimpered, her whole body trembling now. She had never felt so degraded in her entire life. The way Stephanie spoke to her, the cruel amusement in her voice—it all made her feel small, insignificant, and utterly powerless.

Stephanie’s fingers lingered for a moment longer, her touch light but firm, as if she was making sure to fully imprint this moment of shame into Rebecca’s memory. Then, with a satisfied smirk, she pulled her hand away, leaving Rebecca feeling cold and exposed.

“Now it’s lesson-time, Rebecca.”

[Continued in Part 4]


  1. Stephanies been watching lots of Married With Children, I bet. Al's favorite insult to Marcy was always her breasts and how small they were. That being said, I suspect I'd find Rebecca perfectly sexy as I'm more about breast SHAPE than size. However , my opinion doesn't count in this story. It must be extra humiliating to have her stepdaughter be able to literally FORCE her to sit on her lap like that.


  2. Ooh, this story has my naughty little peepee making a big stain in my pink panties. It’s the increasingly sadistic cruelty coming from stunning, powerful beauty that gets me. I’ll be feeling that special slippery desperation for the rest of the day. I don’t want to ruin the story by cumming before the end. I wonder how long I can last. - david

    1. Can you even imagine the spanking she’ll give??!?

  3. I’m waiting to find out when Rebecca’s pussy starts to dampen, and when Stephanie realizes Rebecca’s getting turned on. I expect Rebecca will be surprised, but will this be something The younger but more urbane Stephanie expects?

    Tune in tomorrow(?). Same time, same channel.


  4. Rebecca's resistance to Stephanie's strength, the movements of her arched feet and her heels braking in the sand, are very well described, to the point that it brings back to mind anthologics scenes of comedy seen in the past illustrating the fantaisie "a woman is dragged by a man to the place of her punishment".
    Perhaps the AI ​​goes to look for all the scenes of the same kind in the films, transforms them into words and adapts them to the request.
    In any case the scene is very lively and particularly exciting when Rebecca exclaims frantically « Non ! S'il te plait! Pas la fessée! »" A particularly childish supplication used by children who know what it is about.

    1. Excellent! I really wanted to emphasize the humiliatingly childish drag through the sand to her inevitable spanking.

  5. I do enjoy this dynamic, and the stump is a nice touch.

    a minor writing quibble: there's a fair amount of repetitiveness, in both this chapter and yesterday's. for example, there are at least three references to dragging across the sand, or toes dragging in the sand.

    and in yesterday's chapter I found the pulling up/down by the hair, and later by the nipples, very similar. Lastly, wrt the difference in their size/breasts, the point has been made many times over, and now it should be about the power imbalance, and how Steph is going to use that, or Rebecca is going to yield to it.

    in any case, this is a very minor point, and I must say I'm looking forward to the next chapter.


    1. Yes, when I ask it for excerpts to expand on a thing it often uses phrases very close to what have been used before. I then try to edit them out, but a lot are left over!
