Saturday, October 19

The Dominant Stepdaughter - Part 13 (FM/F)

 [Continued from Part 12]

“You’re going to get a belting, Rebecca,” Stephanie said calmly, her voice as cold as ever. “From Jake.”

Chapter 16: Belting

Rebecca’s heart sank. Her entire body froze in place as the weight of Stephanie’s words settled over her. A belting—Jake was going to whip her. Whip her bottom. Her bare bottom. She could barely wrap her mind around it, the idea of being bent over and lashed with a belt in front of both of them sending a fresh wave of fear and shame coursing through her.

Jake moved up, the sound of his footsteps soft on the floor as he moved around the room. Rebecca could hear the faint jingle of his belt as he loosened it from his jeans, the sight and sound filling the quiet room like a promise of pain.

Rebecca’s knees buckled slightly, her body trembling. She kept her eyes downcast, her face flushed with shame. She could see Jake’s belt hanging loosely from his hand, the leather gleaming in the dim light of the room, and her breath caught in her throat. Next to him he moved a high padded bar stool.

Rebecca stood trembling, her entire body stiff with dread, as Jake folded the belt in his hands, the leather snapping ominously. Her heart pounded painfully in her chest, her face flushed with humiliation. The idea of what was about to happen, the reality of being draped naked over the stool in front of him, was almost too much to bear.

She stood frozen, her heart pounding in her chest as Jake snapped the belt again in his hands, the sound echoing through the room and making her flinch. She could feel both of their eyes on her, watching her every tremble, every breath. The shame between her legs still burned hot, her arousal having betrayed her in the most humiliating way possible. She could feel the heat on her cheeks, the deep flush of embarrassment, but the threat that lingered in the air was far more terrifying than the shame.

Stephanie stepped closer, her voice low and dangerous as she spoke. “Now, listen carefully, Rebecca. You are going to take this punishment without resisting. No whining, no squirming, no complaints. Because if you even think about resisting…” She paused, letting her words sink in. Rebecca could feel the threat hanging in the air, palpable and heavy.

Stephanie smiled cruelly, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction as she continued, “If you resist in the slightest, the pulleys go up, and you’ll be dancing on your tiptoes late into the night, with those little ropes pulling on your nipples until you beg for mercy.”

Rebecca’s entire body tensed at the threat, her mind immediately flashing to the horrifying image of the pulley system Stephanie had described earlier. The thought of being stretched, suspended by her sore, bruised nipples, balancing on her tiptoes with no reprieve, sent a wave of fear crashing over her. She knew she couldn’t endure something like that. The pain would be unbearable, and the humiliation of it would be even worse.

Jake chuckled softly, his voice filled with amusement as he stepped forward, belt in hand. “Yeah, Steph’s right. You’ll be up on those toes, squirming and whining, and there won’t be a damn thing you can do about it. So I suggest you cooperate.”

Rebecca swallowed hard, her throat dry and her heart racing as she nodded frantically. “I won’t resist,” she whispered, her voice shaking. “I promise… I’ll be good. Please, no pulleys.”

Stephanie’s smirk deepened at Rebecca’s submission. “Good. That’s what I wanted to hear.” She stepped back, folding her arms as she watched her stepmother, the power she held over her unmistakable.

Jake stepped behind her, the belt snapping once more, making Rebecca flinch again. She squeezed her eyes shut, her breath coming in shallow, uneven gasps as she tried to prepare herself for the first strike. Her body was tense, every muscle tight with fear, but she knew she couldn’t move. She couldn’t resist. She had to endure it.

“Remember,” Stephanie’s voice came from behind her, cold and unforgiving, “one wrong move, one bit of resistance, and the pulleys go up. And we won’t be merciful.”

Rebecca nodded frantically, her body shaking as she whispered, “I’ll be good… I swear.”

Jake’s voice was low and mocking as he replied, “Let’s see if you can keep that promise.”

Stephanie’s smile widened as Rebecca trembled, clearly caught in the web of shame and fear that had been spun around her. “Now, on your knees, Rebecca,” she ordered, voice stern. Rebecca hesitated for a brief moment, but the impatient look on Stephanie’s face left no room for defiance. Slowly, she lowered herself to her knees, the hard floor biting into them, her hands instinctively resting on the fronts of her thighs. The position made her feel small, powerless, and her heart raced with the reality of what was to come.

“Now, beg Jake to punish you for being such a filthy little girl. Be clear,” Stephanie demanded, her tone icy but laced with amusement at Rebecca’s misery.

Rebecca’s voice caught in her throat, the words too humiliating to speak aloud. But she knew there was no escape. Slowly, she opened her mouth, but the words that came out were barely audible. “Please… um… punish me.”

Stephanie’s sharp laugh filled the room. “That was pathetic,” she said, taking a step closer, towering over Rebecca. “I told you to be clear. Now, let’s try that again. Beg properly.”

Rebecca’s face flushed deeper, the heat crawling up her neck as the word stuck in her throat. But the belt snapping in Jake’s hands made her realize she had no choice. Swallowing her pride, she lifted her gaze slightly, daring to look at Jake through her lashes. Her voice quivered as she spoke again, louder this time.

“Please, Sir… punish me for playing with myself… I deserve it.”

The room fell silent, the weight of Rebecca’s words hanging in the air. Stephanie nodded approvingly, but her smirk didn’t falter. “Better. I like the ‘Sir’, but you can do more than that,” she sneered. “Crawl over to Jake, right to his feet, on your hands and knees. Show us how eager you are for your punishment.”

Tears pricked the corners of Rebecca’s eyes as she dropped to her hands, the utter humiliation of the situation crushing her spirit. Slowly, she crawled toward Jake, feeling every inch of the degrading journey. Her skin crawled with embarrassment, the shame almost unbearable.

“Kneel up again,” Stephanie commanded, her voice sharp. Rebecca obeyed, rising onto her knees, her body trembling. “Spread those knees,” Stephanie continued, nudging Rebecca’s knees apart with the tip of her shoe. Rebecca spread her legs wider, the cool air between her thighs adding to her humiliation.

“Hands on your thighs, palms up,” Stephanie added, her tone filled with authority. Rebecca’s hands shakily moved into position, resting open on her thighs, exposing herself completely. The vulnerability of the position made her entire body flush with shame.

“Now, beg again,” Stephanie demanded. “And make sure to do it properly this time. Show Jake how sorry you are.”

Rebecca’s throat tightened, her voice barely a whisper at first. “Please, Sir… punish me,” she stammered, her voice cracking under the weight of her embarrassment. She felt the heat creeping up her neck, her cheeks burning with humiliation. “I’ve been a naughty girl… I played with myself while in timeout, I deserve to be whipped.”

Stephanie’s fingers tangled in Rebecca’s hair, tugging lightly as she stroked it, a patronizing smile curling her lips. “Good girl,” she cooed, her tone laced with condescension. The weight of her hand, the way she petted Rebecca like she would a dog, only deepened the humiliation. “Now, beg him not to stop whipping your slutty little ass until he thinks you’ve learned your lesson. And I want to hear you mean it.”

Rebecca swallowed hard, her throat dry as her entire body quivered under the weight of their gaze. Her hands trembled slightly on her thighs, palms still up in a position that left her feeling utterly exposed. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to gather the courage to speak.

“Please, Sir,” she began, her voice trembling, barely holding back the tears of shame that threatened to spill. “Please don’t stop whipping my… slutty little ass… until you know I’ve learned my lesson. I need it… I deserve it.” Her voice cracked as she continued, the words burning on her tongue. “I won’t be a good girl until you’ve punished me properly, Sir. Please… whip me until I’ve learned.”

Stephanie’s grip tightened in her hair for just a second, then relaxed as she pulled her hand away with a satisfied hum. “That’s more like it,” she said with a cruel smile, stepping back to admire the scene.

Jake loomed over Rebecca, the belt still coiled loosely in his hand, his gaze fixed on her as she knelt obediently, her body trembling in anticipation. Jake and Stephanie exchanged satisfied glances before Jake finally spoke.

“Get your hot little ass over that stool, Rebecca,” he growled, his voice filled with an authority that belied his age and made Rebecca’s stomach churn with fear.

Rebecca flinched at the words, her mind reeling. How had it come to this? She was supposed to be the authority in the house, not this! But here she was, naked and trembling, about to be punished like a misbehaving child.

And then, as if her situation wasn’t degrading enough, Stephanie, seemingly reading her mind, laid down an additional, cruel stipulation that made Rebecca’s stomach churn with shame.

“I liked how you referred to Jake as ‘Sir’, but I think you’re going to refer to Jake as ‘Daddy’ while you’re getting your punishment,” Stephanie said, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “After all, if you’re going to act like a naughty little girl, you should address him properly.” The command made Rebecca’s blood run cold, then her face flushed crimson, a mix of humiliation and disbelief. She couldn’t believe what Stephanie had just said.

“D-Daddy?” Rebecca stammered, her voice barely above a whisper, the term catching in her throat. She glanced over at Jake who was smirking at her with his arms crossed, clearly enjoying the moment.

“That’s right,” Stephanie replied, her tone dripping with condescension. “Good girl. Now, get up over that stool. It’s time for both Daddy and Mommy to see just how sorry you really are.”

Rebecca’s cheeks burned crimson as the word left Stephanie’s lips—Mommy. It felt so absurd, so wrong, to hear her stepdaughter take on such a title with smug authority. Her heart pounded in her chest, the shame swirling inside her as she knelt there, unable to meet Stephanie’s eyes. The power dynamic had shifted in the most humiliating way possible, and Rebecca felt it deep in her bones.

Rebecca slowly stood and bent over the high stool, her stomach pressing against the cool surface. The position was unbearably vulnerable, her backside raised, and she couldn’t stop her hands from trembling as she gripped the legs of the stool tightly.

Stephanie stood nearby, watching with a smirk, clearly enjoying Rebecca’s discomfort. “Are you all settled in?” she asked softly, her voice filled with mock authority. “Tell Daddy when you’re ready.”

Rebecca’s throat tightened, her face burning hotter with each passing second. She couldn’t—wouldn’t—say it. Not that. But when she glanced over her shoulder, she saw the look in Stephanie’s eyes—cold, expectant—and Jake’s smug, amused grin, and she knew she had no choice.

Swallowing hard, her voice small and shaky, Rebecca finally forced the words out. “I… I’m ready, Daddy…”

The moment the word left her lips, she wanted to disappear. Her humiliation was complete. She was no longer Rebecca, the poised, responsible stepmother. She was a child again, stripped of her dignity, reduced to this pathetic, vulnerable state by the very people who were supposed to respect her.

Jake’s grin widened, clearly savoring her shame. “That’s Daddy’s good girl,” he mocked, the belt snapping in his hands again. “Now, let’s see how well you take your punishment, little girl.”

The first blow of the belt landed hard, the crack of leather on bare skin cutting through the air like a whip. Rebecca gasped, her body jerking against the stool, the pain searing through her. But it wasn’t just the sting of the belt—it was the humiliation of knowing that Jake, of all people, was the one delivering the punishment. And worse still, she had to call him Daddy while he did it.

The second blow came harder, and Rebecca bit her lip, trying to stifle a sob. Her mind raced, the humiliation mixing with the pain until it was almost unbearable. “Thank your Daddy for the nice whipping,” Stephanie said.

“Th-thank you, Daddy…” Rebecca whimpered after the third strike, barely able to get the words out.

Jake chuckled, clearly enjoying her submission. “You’re welcome, sweetheart. But we’re just getting started.”

Another strike landed, this one sharper, more deliberate, and Rebecca couldn’t help the small cry that escaped her lips. Her backside was on fire, each lash of the belt sending fresh waves of pain coursing through her. But more than the pain, it was the knowledge that she had to keep referring to him that way—Daddy—that made it so much worse. Each time she was forced to say it, it felt like a new layer of her dignity was being stripped away.

“Say it again,” Jake commanded, his voice teasing. “Tell Daddy you’re sorry.”

Rebecca’s face crumpled, her grip on the stool tightening as she tried to hold back the sobs threatening to spill over. “I… I’m s-sorry, Daddy…” she whimpered, her voice shaking with humiliation.

Stephanie watched, arms crossed, her lips curving in satisfaction. “Harder, Jake,” she instructed. “She hasn’t learned her lesson yet.”

The next strike came down brutally, and Rebecca’s body jerked violently against the stool, her breath catching as the pain became too much. She sobbed openly now, her tears mixing with the deep, burning shame of it all. “Please, Daddy… please, stop…” she begged, her voice barely a whisper between her sobs.

Jake brought the belt down again, the force of the strike making Rebecca cry out. “Naughty little girls don’t get to decide when their punishment ends,” he taunted, leaning down slightly to see the tears streaming down Rebecca’s face. “Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

Rebecca could only nod weakly, her voice broken as she whispered, “Y-yes, Daddy…” The words felt foreign on her tongue, each one making her feel smaller, more pathetic.

Rebecca’s humiliation deepened with every passing second, her body involuntarily responding to the stinging lash of the belt. She could feel her bottom lifting, her hips gyrating against her will, offering up more of herself with each strike. The shame of it all weighed heavily on her, but what made it so much worse was having to refer to Jake as Daddy.

Jake watched with a smug grin, re-folding the belt in his hands as Rebecca struggled to keep herself composed. “That’s it, be a good girl for Daddy,” he teased, his voice dripping with mockery. “Lift that bottom nice and high for me.”

The belt cracked against her skin, and Rebecca gasped, her hips arching involuntarily. Her face flushed deeply, knowing how exposed she was—her body on full display for both Jake and Stephanie to see. Her legs kicked out instinctively, spreading wider than she intended, and every humiliating movement seemed to encourage them more.

“Good girl,” Jake continued, his voice low and taunting. “Show Daddy how much you need this. Come on, keep lifting that pretty little bottom for Daddy.”

Rebecca’s heart pounded, and despite the burning pain on her backside, it was the humiliation of his words that cut the deepest. She couldn’t believe she was in this position, being forced to call him Daddy as she was spanked like a child. Her voice shook as she let out a sob, the tears spilling down her face.

“Please, Daddy,” she whimpered, her voice barely a whisper. “I… I’m trying…”

Another sharp crack of the belt made her body jolt, her hips twisting again, lifting higher, exposing more of herself. Her legs kicked out behind her, and with each instinctive movement, she knew she was showing everything. The cool air brushed against her most private parts, leaving nothing hidden, nothing protected from their cruel gaze.

“That’s it, keep moving like that for Daddy,” Jake coaxed, his voice thick with satisfaction. “You’re doing such a good job. Lift that bottom higher for me, sweetheart. Daddy wants to see everything.”

Rebecca’s sobs intensified, her body trembling as she fought against the overwhelming shame. Her hips rotated again, her legs kicking out helplessly, and each time she moved, she felt even more exposed. Every humiliating twist of her body was an offering to Jake—Daddy—and the knowledge that he was watching, encouraging her, made it unbearable.

Stephanie’s voice joined in, soft but taunting. “You’re making Daddy so proud, Rebecca. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Show Daddy how much you need this, how much you want to be a good girl for him.”

The words felt like another strike of the belt, cutting through her with brutal force. Rebecca’s mind swirled with humiliation, knowing that she was giving them exactly what they wanted—her body betraying her in the most humiliating way possible. She tried to still herself, to stop moving, but the belt came down again, and her hips bucked upward once more, lifting her bottom high, her legs spreading wide.

“Please, Daddy…” she sobbed, her voice breaking. “I… I can’t… Please stop…”

But Jake wasn’t finished. He brought the belt down again, harder this time, the crack of leather on bare skin making Rebecca cry out. “I already told you, honey, you don’t get to tell Daddy when to stop,” he teased, his voice laced with mockery. “Keep kicking those legs, show Daddy everything you’ve got. You know you deserve this.”

Rebecca’s body shuddered with each strike, her hips gyrating and twisting in response to the pain. Her bottom lifted higher, her legs kicking further apart, and the shame of knowing how much she was revealing to them was almost too much to bear. Every humiliating movement was on full display, and they were encouraging it, pushing her further, making her show more.

“That’s it, sweet girl,” Stephanie purred, watching with satisfaction. “You’re doing so well. Keep lifting your bottom for Daddy, show him how much of a good girl you can be.”

Rebecca sobbed uncontrollably, her body writhing as the belt struck again and again. “I’m trying, Daddy… I’m trying…” she whimpered, her voice small and broken. But no matter how hard she tried to stay still, the pain forced her body to move, to lift, to expose herself completely to their eyes.

“You’re such a good girl for Daddy,” Jake teased, bringing the belt down once more. “Look at you, lifting that bottom just the way Daddy likes. Don’t stop now.”

Her heart sank deeper with every word, every lash of the belt sending her into a spiral of humiliation and pain. She kicked her legs out in desperation, her body twisting helplessly as the punishment continued. And with every movement, with every humiliating exposure, Rebecca knew she had no control. She was at their mercy—at Daddy’s mercy—and they were enjoying every second of it.

By the time the belting finally stopped, Rebecca was a sobbing, broken mess, draped limply over the stool. Her backside was raw and burning, her legs trembling from the exertion of trying to fight the pain, but it was the emotional toll that left her completely shattered. She had been reduced to nothing—forced to call Jake Daddy as he punished her, forced to expose every part of herself under his cruel, watchful eyes.

Stephanie stepped forward, her hand brushing lightly against Rebecca’s shoulder as she leaned in. “Maybe next time, you’ll remember your place,” she said softly, her tone laced with satisfaction. “And you won’t need Daddy to remind you. Now tell Mommy you’ll be a good girl from now on.”

Rebecca’s lips trembled, her breath catching in her throat. She tried to form the words, but the humiliation was too much. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she squeezed her eyes shut, forcing herself to comply, knowing it was the only way to end her torment.

“I’ll… I’ll be a good girl, Mommy,” she whimpered, her voice breaking as the words left her. The moment hung in the air, thick with her shame, as Rebecca sobbed uncontrollably.

Stephanie stood tall, her gaze sweeping over Rebecca with smug satisfaction as she gently brushed a few stray hairs from her stepmother’s tear-streaked face. “There now,” she cooed, her voice dripping with false sweetness. “You’ve been such a good girl for Mommy and Daddy, haven’t you?”

Rebecca’s sobs softened, her breath hitching in uneven gasps as she tried to gather herself. The praise felt like a twisted reward for her submission, but her body and mind were too exhausted to resist anymore. All she could do was nod weakly, her shame still hanging heavy in the air.

Jake, who had been watching quietly, stepped closer, a slow grin spreading across his face. “That’s right, Rebecca. You took your punishment like a good little girl,” he said, his voice low and smooth, sending shivers down her spine. “And good girls deserve nice rewards, don’t they, Stephanie?”

Stephanie smiled wider, casting a knowing glance at Jake before turning her attention back to Rebecca. “They sure do. It wouldn’t be fair to let you suffer too much, would it? After all, you’ve learned your lesson… haven’t you?”

Rebecca hesitated for a moment, her body trembling as she met their eyes. “Y-yes, Mommy,” she whispered, the words slipping out with a mixture of desperation and compliance.

Stephanie’s hand cupped Rebecca’s cheek gently, tilting her head upward. “Such a good girl,” she purred, leaning in close. “Now, maybe it’s time for Mommy and Daddy to let you have a good girl reward… wouldn’t you like that?”

Rebecca’s stomach twisted at the implications at the same time as her pussy gushed a bit. Would she be allowed cock, in her pussy? “Yes, Mommy,” she said, squirming across the high stool.

Jake chuckled softly, clearly pleased. “You’ve earned it, Rebecca. That was a good whipping you took.”

Stephanie stroked her stepmother’s hair soothingly, her tone dripping with satisfaction. “That’s right, sweetie. We’ll make sure you’re properly rewarded. You’ve been such a good girl for us today.”

And as Rebecca lay there, draped across the seat of the stool, her whipped bum the highest part of her, utterly defeated and powerless, she couldn’t help but feel the weight of their words pressing down on her, knowing that the rewards they had in store were just another way to remind her of her place beneath them.

[To be continued…]


  1. Mid 30s once tamponed by your instruction fan here.

    These are great and have me throbbing and leaking like a naughty girl.

    If only someday you could take me and my hot young fiance and cuck me while using us both in a similar fashion to these.

    Id adore being locked and left begging.

    Id love to have my choice of heterosexuality taken away and slave greedily encouraged by you to suck and ride alpha cock.

    Id be such a sweet house slave.

    Tamponed Wannabe Servant

  2. Damn it, Rebecca is so sexy so submissive and fearful and repentent and most of all BLUSHY like that. I want to hold her and kiss her tears away, I want to spank her, I want to want to make HER a biological mother. That's the dominant part of my switch self talking. Ironically, Stephanie has never 'grown' on me despite her youth and attractiveness (though as I said, I don't care about her bust size): she seems too cold and calculating and the only emotion she shows besides disdain (is that even an emotion?) is anger. I have her pegged as a psychopath. Her boyfriend doesn't seem too evil(He could have fucked Rebecca up quite a bit more with either his Mr. Happy or his belt but he showed some control and a leeeeetle consideration, plus if Steph likes Rebecca at all, you could fool me, but I do think Jake likes her a little besides just her sexy little body), but its obvious she mostly has him wrapped around her finger, and to the extent she doesn't he follows his dick most of the time.
    I admit to having no real clue where else this is going to go, so I'm hanging on Stephanies panties (tugging on them and if I let go - hee hee hee) along for the ride and it might yet get wilder still.

